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Durham Review (1897), 11 Jan 1940, p. 8

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1m ,H THE DURHAM REVIEW, Durham A MILLION DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS muons commnngg wgmwwa These Offers Are' Positively Guaranteed tl Liberty Magazine. t " il Colliers Magazine, t yr. I) True Story Magazine. 1 yr. " Red Book Magazine. 1 yr. t 1 Woman“: Home Companion, t n. te Parents' Magazine. 1 yr, ll Silver Brreen. t yr. tt Christian Herald. 1 yr. I , tkreenland Magazine, 1 yr. te Open Road (for Boys). 1 yt. I l McCall's Magazine. 1 yr. - I) Magazine Digest. I nos. " Mean Equine. 1 yr. BANK " MONTREAL A bank for savings, for business, farming and personal loans, for travel funds, for credit and transfer operations, for import and export trans- actions, for financing trade throughout the whole range of domestic and foreign business. "AAru_asulaanssatsoa-da-" Unquestioned security-helpful banking coun- sel-unezeelled facilities in every department of domestic and foreign banking service: these have been " the command of the customers of the Bank of Montreal during 122 years of successful This NmesmreF, fraii, iGidsnikiiaiiriiiara,-rGGiiGatm. Group B GROUP a-Beteet t (no!!! 'b-tbet-t a Mount Forest Branch: A. M. DOTY, Manager Holstein (Sub-Agency): Open Monday and Friday. They are at your command today. YOUR BANK on“ or, my. “Final-W" 2A}; ESTABLISHED 181 T his Newspaper, 1 Year, end Any Three Magnum. My. BIG FAMILY OFFER I) Homo Arts (Needlecraft). 1 n. tl American Fruit Grower, 1 yr. I] Christian Harald, 0 man. VALUE OFFER " Rod a Gun. 1 Fr. tl Amoriqan Boy, I not. ll Madean's Magazine, ik issues, 1 it. tl National Home Monthly, 1 yr. tl Chatelaine Magazine, 1 yr. t l Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. I 1 Canadian Horticulture & Hon. I) Home Arts memento. t I 1 America fruit Grower, 1 yr. u - ~v-:-vv--.-- CTT," -- tl Parents’ Magazine, ' Incl. 'h-ttterror-dir-aria-are-ja-i-. Idnl. Illa-3mm. 1rtgttetttwtuttfgi. with-Wimb- "rirttioetttretrtr-. (lawn-nun . . . ..i......---.-.... THE WEEK OF PRAYER JANUARY 7TH To 13TH Thursday, January 11th, at the An- glican Church. Rev. S: W. Hlnle will speak on "muth in the mum-e". Frlday, January 12th, " Knox 1r nited Church, Rev. H. B. Herring- ton of Toronto, will speak on the work of the Bible Soclety. Miss Barbara Marshall returned to town last week after spending a few days at the home of her brother Mr Albert Marshall. Mr and Mrs Alex. Aberdein and family Flesherton were vlsitors on Sunday with Mr and Mrs David Marshall. Mr and Mrs David Marshall spent a few days last week with Mr and Mrs Irwin Ferguson of Egremont. Mr and Mrs Palmer Patterson vis- ited on Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs Harold Watson. Our pastor took for his subject on? Sunday "The Brevity of Lite." A; sultshle one for the beginning of the' New Year. Our lives need not be long in years to be successful. Some who have only lived a. few short years have accomplished much for God while others who have lived many years longer have accomplish- ed nothing worth while. The years of the life of Jesus were few in number, yet how full His life l was of blessings to others and obedi- ence to God. Our lives " the best 1 are like a shadow that appesreth ' only tor a short time. May we not have lived in vain. A silent fool wisdom. Common honesty ia uncommon In poll. tics. Bette] to lose your shlrt than you! Go against nature and it will get you. Think straight and you'll go straight. Truth needs no alibi. Success cannot be measured In money. Watch the man who talks of " hott. esty. "ibreapeet. "We FIRESIDE pritLOSOpHEtt" KNOX cams ! By ALFRED IlGGS KIWI”! ALL FOUR often g'ata credit for THE DURHAM REVIEW oiiifjifii1"J' "j'i"ii"iiiiivEs ' TORONTO j The following accounts were passed and ordered paid: Members ot Coun- (eil. meeting to date 812.50: Mrs M. 'Chrieiie. use of room tr, J. M. Nie. holson. clerk, 1 old ale pension ID- ‘plicetlon 82: B. M. Patterson, trip to Durtuun meeting Glenelg Council. " Wm. J. Pike. relief tr, R. Irvin. ireiief 83.10: Wm. Aberdein. relief. _ 312.21- R. W. Harris. duties as " Ati'en Milo-er ”.10: G. Penton ABon relief 89.35: ' "Bert Dickson. relief. ,320.38: Miss A; Dice. mm to Bol- ‘siein Public Librarv 810: Time Ynke, I refund dost in re lot E M, W27.con :15. 82.00. . A gloom was cast over the com- munity on Wednesday when it was learned that Cecil Kirby, eldest son at Mr and Mrs Robt. Kirby, passed away in Mt. Forest Hospital. Cecil was of a bright and cheerful dis- position and will be sadly missed in the home and by his companions. The funeral was held from his home cn Saturday last. Many ttoral tri- butes covered the casket. Interment was made in the Mt. Forest ceme- tery. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones Born-To Mr and Mrs Finlay Lewis on Dee. But. a bouncing baby boy. Congratulations. Letters were read from the Ont. Assoclatlcn of Rural Municipalities, The Ont. Good Roads Association. the Ont. Municipal Association, also from the Dept. of Highways re new system of Accounting. Met in Holstein January 8th. After devotional exercises by Rev. R. F. Mercer of Holstein, members elect subscribed to the statutory declara- tion ct omce and took their seats as members of Council tor 1940. Reeve, B. M. Patterson; Deputy reeve. Wm. Aldcorn; Councillors. Finlay Clark. Thus. Hattie, Henry Cowan. Brlaws were given their several readings and passed appointing the following' Auditors, H. Mchugall and Ewart Allen. salary tM: Member ot Local Board of Health tor 1940, Andrew Stewart: Relief Officer. Rabi Sympathy is extended to the Edit- or in the death of a kmd and lcving mother. . Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelson enjoyed New Years Eve. with Mr and Mrs John Queen.. Mr Bob. Gray of Toronto is visit. 2ng with his wife and Mr and Mrs Westervelt . Miss Beatrice Carmount of Mt For- est spent the weekend with her par ents Mr and Mrs Rnbert Camoum. A. Nicholson. salary $15; School At, tendance 01mm: Victor Adams, Jno Stevenson. Herman Rania; Weed Inspects": Rom Keith, John Wilkin. :il HOLSTEIN LEADER Son . The Road Supt. preheated Pay wed No. I, amounting to $32.95 with Supt. usury of " which was passed and ordered paid. The Clerk was instructed to order seven copies of the Munlclpnl World. The Women's Association met last Wednesday " the home of Mrs Harm, with a iood attendance. Mrs Harry Caldwell, president, presided over the business meeting. Miss Marion Calder, I.O.D.E, regent, Dur- ham was present, and introduced some war work, to be done in con- junction with I.0.D.E.. Durham. Lunch was served, and a special treat ot baked beans was given by Mrs. Robinson. Next meeting will be held " the home of Mrs A. -C. Wolfe. Mr and Mrs James Leeann and daughters Mr and Mrs Stanley Moun- tain and daughters were dinner guests with Mr and Mrs Harry Caldwell Saturday evening. Mrs Victor Longo and Caroline of Waterloo are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs Wm. Dickson. Miss Dorothy Boyle is recovering at her home from a severe attack of the tlu. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harry Sam: on the arrival of a daughter on Saturday morning. The many friends ot Miss Janet Kerr will be to know he is recover- ing from her recent illness in Guelph Hospital. At her home in Holstein. at mid- night, Monday, Jun. 8th. In Rachel Fenton passed “my in her TUt year. Deceued we: Rachel Snub Crawford, widow of the late Geo. Fenton. The funeral is being held Thursday, Jan 11th " 1.00 p. m. from her late residence, and inter- ment will he made in Tara. cemetery. An obituary will appear next week. Death of " Gr. Fell-I EGREMONT COUNCIL Council ndjoumed to not on "tr. ORCHARD VARNRV The registration fee is $4.00 for the course. It is open to alt desirtttr, to enter. Students bringing tood. stuffs will have their value deducted from amount of fee. The registrar is Art Haas, Holstein. its objcctivca are: (l) A County Chamber of Agriculture. (2)A teder. ated wholesale tor local coopera- tives. (3) Regional program. (4) A national policy tor agriculture. (5) A credit, union. (6) A regional lib- rary. (7) Finc Arts Clubs. (8) Neighbor Nights. (9) Recreation pro- gram and drama festival. The basic principles of the Sau. geen Folk School are: (1.) Econom- ie Security. (2) Industry for profit versus for service. (3) Religion. idealism, and personality. (4) Build. ing democracy from the Tround up. G) Educating the adult. (6) The in. dustrial revolution and our world to- day. (7) Trends in rural society. (R) Cultural growth. (9) The inter. dependence of economic, social and pclitical action. Home BetttttMeatiott --r. L. Coop. er, District Representaive of Grey County. The Changing Village -Domild R. McLean, Educational Bee'y of Coop. erative Packers, Barrie. . . Art Exhibit -- From Art Gallery. Music Appreciation - Elizabeth Aitken. The Church's Place in Boeietr--- --Rev. Mr McEwen. Minister of United Church, Mount Forest. Coordinating Co-Operatives - R. J. Scott. President of the United Farmers' Cooperative Co. Ltd. Credit Unions -.. Harvey MacDon- qall. Educational Beer, of the Unit. ed Farmers of Ontario.. The New Curriculum - Mr Pent- land, Inspector of Public Schools tor Grey. Duties of CoOperative Store Boards - Hugh Bailey. President of First Ctropertttive Packers Ltd. snd Joe Crutchley. President of the Durham Cooperative Store. 2i':):fiiii:ii'iiit) ‘5 I;.\ W381 you London .......S6.20 Vancouvcr.... 75.20 Winnipeg .... 38.55 Calder". Drug Store, Phone: t sooo' ' all?" N 1 t,Sth ' Q “O gN , ",,.r"', thott “at _e, ot Lst, I -. ".. “'"w'w' """r, lchnnell, end read by In. Baht. ----_-- lTnylcr, on "Cheese." The roll all. . I"Producte nude in Camdn" we: well Sauce“ hh Schol responded to with a good variety. 1Mrtr Russell Taylor and Miss Dorothy . Tnylor lung . duet, and an interest- at Iklsteir, Jan 19-28 ing content “names of people" closed . the meeting. Lunch was served. Any Thei1rtrt ot bit schools tohe held one wishing to knit tor the Red in Holstein bu been arrange d tor Crone will be able to get yarn for this month, from Jun. 19th to 28th, same at Robt. Taylor‘s store. when . wide variety ot topics will The Dromore Young People's meet. be dealt with br Provincial and loc- in: was held on January 8th at the al speakers. home of Mr and Mrs Wen. Leith with It should be a highly educational an average attendance. Harvey training, end one in trend with the Iatith read scripture. Dorothy Ta)" changln: conditions in the world of lor led in prayer, Sandy Taylor trave today. The trpeakers and subjects reading from study book No. l, and are: Maxwell Kaye from study book No. Adult Education: Hobbies - A E. 2. Special music was given by Har. Corbett, Secretary of the Can. As. vey and Ken Leith and social hart mention for Adult Edueition. was taken by Dorothy Taylor. Next The Pttrm.Ubetr Relationships - meeting will be m Jan. 22 at the Agnes Maepttait M. P for Grey- home of Mr and Mrs John Eccles. Bruce. ' . I"The social part will be a skating The New Curriculum - Mr rem-1mm on the Dromore rink. Lunch ".-... .____Ai-_ _. ...__._.. - . _ - was served. It should be a highly educational training, and one in trend with the changing conditions In the world of today. The speakers and subjects Adult Education: Hobbies - A E. Corbett, Secretary of the Can. As. sociation for Adult Edueition. The Farm-Labor Relationships - Agnes Macphail, M. P. for Grey- Bruce. " V ue',1,',tte eronotttf bth " 1 o’clock p.m. to receive the uudlton report 3nd ttenentFtrutsinetus. WHEN You TRAVEL if MUtvs and: low ROUND TRIP FIRES i In. M. Niishoitsort, Clerk NEW In 1816. at muck luck. near But. taio, a diary records two and a half feet of snow on March 9th. tcur inches of snow on April 12th, heavy front on May 20th. three or foul incurs rt anew on June 6th .11 little frost on June btth, another frost cm August 24th. which ruined vines and corn In some places: and eight inches of snow an October 17th. The whisruing swans still seem to choose Niagara Falls waters {or u stopover on their northern migration each spring. Last 'yenr, however. only about 20 were swept over the Falls, and nine of these lived, Bur. vivinr': the awful plunge. Ettotts to frighten these fine birds may from the danger zene have been largely fruitless. Walkerton broke out In the last Irrame, however. to wipe out Dur. ham's slender lead, and establish 1thettusetvets detirtitely in the driv. er's seat. Two minutes had elapsed (when Craig slipped in the equalizer Ton a page from Stedman; Kramp (put them in the lead shortly after the half may mark when he banged Organization for Canada's air " fort is well under way and Ontario is to share in the sites and buildings for the 67 air schools to be estab- lshed. " is announced close to 50.- 000 volunteers will be asked tor when the recruiting campaign be. gins in the early spring. In the meantime, recruiting is to be new . ed for men to act as reserves in the Canadian battallions already our was. Referee - K. Summers of Wing ham. Walkenon - Goal, Caruso; de fence. Trushlnski. Blue; contra, Sted. man; wings, L. Schnurr, Craig: " termites, Pent1and, Krampp,. Mo Carter. Leo Schnurr Vansslykf Tis, chardt. DURHAM - Goal, Watt; defence, o. McDonald, Dinger; Centre, Me Girr; wings Lawrence, Bauer; alter termites. H. MeGirr. N. Tucker. Dean, G. McDonald. Kress and Gas aldy. Anger kills justice. A quick temper rulnu tttdgtnettt. Incineration has ruined my n repuu Mental “In." wilt destroy “you'- Dean drew a misconduct penalty in the last period for lighting and his loss was a serious one to the Durham unit. Walkerton'n welt or. ganized attack was responsible for their victory. Durham getting most of their goals through dogged effects about the nets. . . ... Diploma, often ulna trom bet ot You nod ml count. to so but“ who: yol'n aftatd. in Pentland'a pass. Craig got an- other with both Stedman and Louis Schnurr tiguring in the play, and Pentium! slapped home the lust goal of the game. last Return Game Dromoro Women's [Inmate held their January meeting on the 3rd " the home of In Jen. Manny, with a good attendance. An interesting was able tc score. nothing to lose. "a,, FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER‘ (Continued from Page " " ALFRED IIOO. "lP".oH, .._!Col Frau-[Idem who In" i, 's49d'h, t) ah-T We have been privileged to serum: thid [blown in conjunction with its release In Tcronto! An honor for us - I. pleasure mr you'. Pr stilt; Lane, Rocem-ry Lane, Lola Lane, Gall Page, Mm Gareieut Claude RIM. The most excitinz events in m.- Iives or the FOUR DAI'GHTERSH _ and the most enjoyable experienvn In yours'. l, i Candiu Fumes 'Unexpected Father' S ante Fe Stamoade He'd steal the heart of Hitler cr if Hitter had one.' The uclw-n's llt"A est and Inca! lovuble Mala... BABY CANDY Shirley Ron 2Miccha Aur AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM THE 3 MEWUITEERS MON., TUES, wen, JAN. 15, 16. 17 No reason nu given for th, change, but In thderinqynmcit In. sod a few days ago mowing tor at tendon of the license period and the pennants of worms who do. lay purehausing new plates. Although Ontario 1040 auto Horns.- plates need not be pumhased mml Much am they mu expire Dec. 'dl of the patent your. an the Govern- ment in reverting hack to the calm dar your for the [swing of plates, Munch am Is the end of the (hump ment haul your. The new ruling means that motorists waiting unnl end of March before pumhusm: plates Will have the use of them for only nine months. Now Pinyin; THUR, FRID., at, JAN. 11, 12. li Chief sucker " the ttttttttal Red Hume dinner at the Tomato Black Watch sued-non on Saturday eve. ning Col. Prue!- Hunter. M. P. P.‘., whose war experiences date back to the Boxer nebelltou in China, an nounced that he had rejoined up army. The Red Hackle dinner imludul not only the members of the Toron. lo branch. but ulna a truage rnprr mrtttatiott from the Mater veteran as soclatlon, the Royal Highlnndvrs or Canada and the aenlor otBeem um N.C.0.'s from the Isl Bnlluliw the Black “itch Regiment (R.H.Rb of Canada and some nonlor OWN-M»: from Montreal. "t was accepted on Saturday." ho said, “If they land NM to who me or it any hitch comm {mm mm on, I intend to take a division In Finland 3nd then We can do away with the red tape and all yul uh! soldiers an come with me." He refused to disclose what mm he had joined. AUTO LICENSE! OF 1940 TO EXPIRE DEC 315T ----Ro1rY 'Four Wives' - with-- MOUNT FOREST IMPORTANT l autumn! um. mo o-with--- Rising Company n-onM and n IWM by ed by I numl his deep-mer my View Pos c. R. Armatmnc, um um "I: and Wm'kmr (undid Cnlfomnm Actix'iuw. Ptr., at." " F. Ares. “ha 4 Mm Hamlin" m c, um and Thrift Front-I mu: School and Uttt'verut hrund " inrludo- F". G. Mi? view-Perritt it Reinuonu. with , "erqitte to him, ll tor [In :hom I lt, It all with " won- th id " y . "at h "ld 3-3 Tie hem Wingham and tte tormer Wt and»! Am rim bl h Tl mum; Ra, ll T'l " Al the "HAM lelon LOST IN WINGHAM " VOL. Lhul White Ilurl u- luthd Ill horny all” null M Ilc-Iy " lml tit in the Bell in II nt It M u. ll, Hildvt ISTR bl " h m our 01 In her nur "

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