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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jan 1940, p. 4

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94 5( Ortawi, January 12, 1940 â€" FIRST WAR LOAN Will be open only a day or two longer. $1000, $500, $100 and 50 bonds. Decide Now what amount you can subscribe for. All pirticulars possible cheerfully furnished. See, write, or phone to arve the New â€" Dominion +« Canada War Loan The Minister of Finance reserves the right to allot cash subscriptions in full or in part. : Subscription lists will open at 9 a.m., E.S.T., on January 15, 1940, and will remain open thereafter for not longer than two weeks, but may be closed at any time at the discretion of the Minister of Finance, with or without notice. The Minister of Finance may, at his discretion, authorize the Bank of Canada to accept applications to convert Dominion of Canada 3% Bonds maturing March 1, 1940, into an equal par value of additional bonds of the above issue. The 3% Bonds accepted for conversion will be valued at 100.17% and accrued interest to date of delivery. Cash subscriptions and conversion applications may be made to the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, through any branch in Canada of any chartered bank or through any approved investment dealer or stock broker from whom copies of the official prospectus conâ€" taining complete details of the issue may be obtained. Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of Canada. Interest will be payable without charge semiâ€"annually at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. The Bonds will be dated February 1, 1940. f Payment is to be made in full against delivery of interim certificates on or after February 1, 1940. C The proceeds will be used by the Government to finance expenditures for war purposes. The Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions for a loan to be issued for cash in the following terms: P. RAMAGE, l.oQal Dealer Phone 6, Durham To be Denomination of Bearer Bonds: $50, $100, $500, $1,000 DOMINION OF CANADA Issue Price: 100% and accrued interest. as follows: 20%7, of the Loan on Februfiry 1, 20¢, s t€ February 1, 209 6€ hig February 1, 20% ** * February 1, 20% * i February 1, 3/ Per Cent Bonds leemed by Annual Drawings by Lot $200,000.000 1948 at 100.00 1949 at 100.00 197 at 100.00 1951 at 100.50 1952 at 101.00 THE DURHAM REVIBW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 19.4%, being aireduction by $1,502. 280. During the reign of the late f"Om Azain, whers ministers of reâ€" mm‘t&ul,mn“ lose of 136. Csar many of their rights were takâ€" ligion disappear and are never heard 470.000. This is just a few bundred ©" WAY from them; and the chilg. from, and your best friends may be dflhfllfiflor’tfi.]’n&flofl"' l".m'.‘umgumm how : robbed . and assassinated because surance es "1§ Oauflb'lb'.“ y dreadful . was the tyranny under they belong to a different religion. which ‘was pald in 1997, M’,n‘ which the.country suffered. He said l An . Italian millâ€"worker in Kalaâ€" to Agures eatimated‘‘ by the Ontario 8t that time Russians wore their ; masno." NMich., â€" was recently left a Department "of Instrance, the 1989 "hirts. with a deep belt, outside of, FMAll fortwne by his father on the loss ratio "will bé about 32.4 cents their trousersâ€"you all know what‘condition that he would Jlive in Italy. written, as M”fits‘lé,:’l!-ii‘“‘m boys said: "Never, never will mazorn home, and will do ‘ without 1938. |I be a Russian, and never as long as the fortune. The preliminary figures for 1939 for Ontario, show a greatly reduced fire loss during the year just passed. ‘While the number of fires is practicâ€" ally the same ‘as for the previous x [ Aik *T * twb €108 8 0 *t e year, being a decrease‘ of only 69 fires, to a total of 14,665 fires, the loss is down in both the total los», and in the loss paid by the fire inâ€" tralia of a farmer whose home wu| Py the same token, it will be a| Miss Alma Andersc threatened by bush fire which was/surprise to the wellâ€"informed politiciâ€" this week with her sweeping across the country. TMN; ans, if the general elections this Mr and Mrs Alex. was no water at hand, and finally he|year are not affected by the state of Scone. had his men‘ round up a flock Of‘ mind the country has entered. Three: The C. Y. P. U. } sheep and drive them around the of these , when interviewed last meeting of the year i house in an everâ€"widening: circle. week, agreed that there would be on Jan. lith with the They ~destroyed every bit of greéen comparatively little bitterness durâ€" on McDougall in the « grass, and ‘when the fire came there inz the campaign. ‘The present govâ€" scripture lesscn was was nothing to burn. ‘The house and ernment would appeal for support Campbell. Florence : buildings were saved. _ | for the work it had done so far, and charge of the topic s 'iu members would stay at work Truth" and New Year â€"xXzâ€" while making the appeal. _ The opâ€" £iven by Cameron Mc sls 'mmon would not likely sponser Year a Book" and by ‘The preliminary figures for 1939 Conscription, against which the govâ€" bell "The New Year". and only released twentyfve years ago. During the reign of the late Csar many of their rights were takâ€" en away from them; and the childâ€" ren were taught in the schools how the United, States returned to his old Ontario home last week for a visit. After moving about among old friends for a day or two, he began to wear a worried expression and Canadian fliers get into unlform.iand Mrs The daily increase in the amount ot goods this country proquces will alâ€" so be reflected in a more brisk at titude of citizens toward their work.| Born ¢ But if the present wellâ€"knit plans are and Mrs carried out, the gigantic task being Fortune) tackled will still be partially maskâ€"| yp y ed by the very orderliness of the| spent th undertaking. Mrs D. . fnally burst out with this remark: "Why you‘d bardly know Canada was at war!" It turned out that this man expectâ€" ed to see the province teeming with soldiers in uniform; bands playing, flags fiying, and everybedy in a state of high excitement. As a matter of fact, while this country is up to its neck in war efâ€" fort, on a scale far greater than the 1914â€"1918 affair, there was plenty of justification â€" for his cbservation. For the point is that Canada is doâ€" ing an efficiont job, and where you have the most efficiency, you have the least noise. The ten year old motor car roars along the highway at forty miles an hbour, but the new 1940 model only hums at sixtyâ€"five. What the visitor from the United States couldn‘t see in three days was that in a period of only four and a half months, more than fifteen thousand Canadian boys have been fitted with clothing and equipment.; trained, moved acrose the danger inâ€": fested Atlantic without the loss of one life; that these lads have alâ€" ready had a month of further trainâ€" Ing in England. He didn‘t have al chance to watch the ever incressing j production in factories throughout the country, or see the never, endâ€". ing stream of railway traffic rushing, dav and night with fresh loads of: war materials to ocean ports. Nor | could he know about the already u-. mazing production of â€" aircraft inI Canadian plants, the scores of flying ; fields heing rushed to completion and , the thousands of young men who have annlied for admission into the R.C.A.F., ready to don a uniform| just as fast as training facilities are readv for them. He couldn‘t realize that the coffers of the Red Crcnsl have been filled by eager hands, hosâ€"| pital staffs nreanized:; that the imâ€"| mediate success _ of the _ current $2000000 War Loan was assured; that the asrienltwral workers had alâ€" readv geared their plans for . a stuâ€" pendous _ nraduction _ of _ food stuffs and war materials. | All this in a little cver _ four months. And behind it, the one ¢xâ€" planationâ€"efficienoy . While there is much satisfaction for nbarticinants in an efficient organâ€" ization, there is little of the spectacâ€" ular that prompts rousing cheers, bubbling enthusiasm. Certainly there will be more out ward evidence of our big job during this year as hundreds of new air planes roar overhead in daily trainâ€" ing flights and the big corps of | Letters of thanks and appreciation‘ \!! Aaffect patrolmen and , were read from Mrs Jno Vessie, Mrs PACh laborer will receive | Kelsey and Mrs Nelson Hunt for re. PY Cheaue from the treasur« ‘membrances sent them *‘ during the !bher information will be : Christmas season. The remainder cf Mrâ€" Patterson. Ratepayers work secured from the Red Cross in 4Uested to comply with Durham was completed and sent in Structions and to have all The secretaryâ€" treas. was appointed O" time sheets at his addre to write to Head Office regarding 3 Hanover, three days befor ’more material for Red Cross Work. meeting. Scale of wages | A paper entitied "Distribution of Man and team gravelling, 4 Medical Care and Public Health 2n4 team, per hour, large, Services in Canada," was read by 50¢.; team graders per ho Mrs L. McNally. A humorous reac. Operator of grader, 25¢; p ing was given by Mrs Weir. An ex. Per hour, 20¢; laborers, ‘cellent paper cn "Coâ€"operation" was 20¢; man & team, winter w given by Mrs Jos. Crutchley. Mrs 49¢; man, winter work, ; | Malcolm McKechnie put on a conâ€" 15¢. * in to certain wircieas stations u_;' Voucher No. 1â€"W. A. Patterson, ishable, where teachers must teach | $2: C. McDongall, $6.10; C. Camp what the state prescribes, wherebell, $5.20; E. Anderson, $6.40; \ vour relatives may be dragged from Krauter, $4.80; E. Boyce, $8; " bome at midnight and never heare Ashton, 80¢; _ R. McDonald, $3.2"; from again, whers ministers of reâ€" D. Hastle, $3.20; F. Twamley. ligion disappear and are never heard $3â€"20; D. A. Campbell, $1.20; Williâ€" from,. and your best friends may be, 2m Wright, $25.75; . Val Kaufman. The C. Y. P. U. held their first required to meet the current expen meeting of the year in the church ditures of the township. ByJaw No on Jan. lith with the Pres. Camerâ€" 217.â€"Carried. on McDougall in the chair. The â€" Hopkinsâ€"Brown: That ByJaw No scripture lessca was read by Ralph 217 be read a first and second time Campbell. Florence MacDonald had timeâ€"Carried. charge of the topic "Our Quest for Cammbell â€" Hankina: That BRvJia» firm stand his country has taken, as indeed all other civilized nations are, and said in conclusion: "We are not related to Russia, we are Protestant, and cannot be assimilatâ€" ed with Russians. singing of the National Anthem. Mrs Ritchie and assistants servec reâ€" freshments. ‘The next meeting wili be held at the home of Mrs Weir and Mrs Turnbull. Born on Monday, Jan. 8th to Mr: Campbellâ€"Livingstone: and Mrs Otto Kaufman, (nee Alma plications for the office of Mr Harry McDougall of Toronto of February, salary $90, the a spent the weekend with his sister, ment roll to be completed by Mrs D. A. MacDonald. 30th day of April. â€"Carried ROCKY SAUGEEN We have been having very cold stormy weather and are hoping fora milder spell. Mr and Mrs L. .McLean were visiâ€" tors on Friday evening with Mr and Mrs Arnold Noble, Durham. 8 Mr and Mrs Addie Symon and family Belgrave were visitors the first of the week with Mr and Mrs Clarence Thompson. Mr and Mrs Lante Rumble, Miss Dolly Hopkins and Miss Isabel Lawson all of Toronto were weekâ€" end guests with Mr and Mrs Robt Lawson Mr and Mrs Wm. Kellos Durnam were visitors this week with Mr and Mrs Fred Keller. Mrs Roberts and son with Mr Jno. Mitchell, _ Hamilton, were guests with Mr and Mrs Neil McLean reâ€" cently . The regular monthly meeting c* the Rocky U.F.W.O. Club met at the home of Mrs Murray Ritchie. 18 ladies were present. Mrs Neil Mcâ€" Lean presided. After the singing oft a patriotic song and repeating of the creed the minutes of the last meetâ€" ing were read by the sec‘y treas. Old friends extend sincere symâ€" pathy to Mr Hugh Firth and family in their recent sad bereavement. CRAWFORD rncw fence, $51.15; W. J. McNauchâ€" ton,. tile, $115.80. Council adjourned to mest on Mon: dav, the 5th day of February, at !0 The annual congregational meeting of Latona Presbyterian Church w be held on Wednesday afternoon j next week, Jan. 24th, at 2.30 p. m Livingstoneâ€" Brown: That petition for statutory grant on the amount of the expenditure on tewnship roads for year 1989 of $12,956.20 be passed and forms completed and forwars ed to the district engineer.â€" Car Campbellâ€"Livingstone: _ That ap plications for the office of assessor be received until noon, the 5th 0n The council elect of the township of Bentinck met in the townsinp hall on Mcnday, the 8th day of Jany The officials of the township we as follows with their salaries ns stated: Clerk, J. H. Chittick, $360 and registration fees; treasurer, W J. Adlam, $150; axditors, D. G Voelzing and Mark Mervyn, #17 5o each; medical officer of health, |» H. E. Peart, $125; resident membe, of m, Alex. Wilson; road supe; meeting. Scale of wages for 1940; man and team gravelling, 40°; man and team, per hour, large, grader 50c.; team graders per hour, i0c; operator of grader, 25¢; patrolmen per hour, 20¢; laborers, per hour 20¢c; man & team, winter work, hour 40¢; man, winter work, per hour Campbellâ€"Hopkins: That all « counts, including Voucher No, 1, be passed and paid.â€"Carried . memberâ€" Reeve D. J. MacDhonaig Deputyâ€"Reeve Alex, Hopkins, Coun cillors Irwin Brown, W. N. Camp bell and Herbert Livingstone . Fletcher _ Riddell, John MeKenzic John Purvis and Wilfred ‘Wright $1.50 each valuation; fence viewers John Corlett, Donald MeLean, Ed gzar Boyce, Geo. C. Torry, John Grierson, _ Robt. MHopkins, _ Frank Echmitt, W. 8. Willis, Henry Pat terson, Thos H. Dodsworth, Peter Krauter, Adoiph Meyer; pound keep. ers, Percy Ledingham, James M« Dougall, George McDougall, Georse Chapman, George â€" Webber, James Hopkins, Fred Haas, Sol Hillgartner, Dan Kobe, Fred Koester, Goorg» Air. Patierson. RKatepayers are reâ€" quested to comply with their inâ€" structions and to have all accounts or time sheets at his address, R. R 3 Hanover, three days before date ci ary, at 11 o‘clock. ‘The clerk admin istered the oath of office to e~ counting is now in operation and will affect patrolmen and laborers. Each laborer will receive payment by cheque from the treasurer. . Fw ther information will be gziven by intendent, â€" Henry _ Patterson 40c hour; School attendance officer, A C. MacDonald, 'l, per call; weed inspector, W. 8. Willis, $2 per day and 5e per mile; assessor to be ap pointed, salary $90; sheep valuators, Hastie and Charles ‘Wilkinson of road ac eoune 1 ASROSE ach the BENTINCK Farm ; Containing _ 100 a« west of Durham Gog house, large bain in w Close to No. 4 Hishnay Bentinck. Apply to Stock and . County . Twer No farm sold «ash payment quirements ful AGENT Wan Monest, aggressive m asaist trained | repres; curity house in intro 5%% â€" investment to cBMents. Investmen:t ha ends for years Nas assets, and is | partioul from war hazards ONTARIO GoOve Work has largement | o Commission 1 over, whereb power will | this section « by the tied Eystem at Ki TAKE NoTICHE baving claims asa Mary Grasby, late « Mu“(‘k, decensed file the same wit} Bolicitor for the «« the First day of 1 NOTICE To CR Dated at Du January, 1940 are now ef some | build back on the new buildin will _ donb! plant . 9 were ¢given ting work. 1 START WORK On rni HYDRO PLANT A roll and on!ly to do this cl @tand constr @uring the w arney, Ont Small A Soli great‘y Has then have H+ and be Mre Walt »1 M AK W [3 H J A NU A h an R H At

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