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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jan 1940, p. 5

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ttlo " 'r. $99 75. Peak: Innk- tee, in] 75; W. J. IONS-I- 811s u). I adjourned to - " - Sth day 01 rpm. " " Bcntmck .. No '. w. A. Patterson. 11‘I‘V'lit" .610: C. “I, 70 B 1nderson, 80.00: M. u io s. Boyce, as: R'. w R. McDonald. $3.20: tie, an :0; P. hall)”. I) A, Ca when, $1.20: - 'ht, ter, 75; Vat Kant-an. 'x!bnr Andi-non. Joe: ”a?! Me M hm unlit In w M DORNOCH MacDonald in: . u u he," home " M 25110“ with Mr ttnd 'mvh auro- In L. Mr L, A. 311.913, I JANUARY mu. m. H! a third "no ngtd " writ-d. ror,z,rsv,atiooa? “In "tbyreriatt Phonh It" ,\'...:n..,day alarm " nu --- John Chaim. n. n 3:; John. lud- 'tt relief, 310. unm -r'. w. m. tr, :3; J. H. WWI. Hopkins: Tttnt Be-ttor v,'t' That Brtme M rat tnd second "It. ("am I " ', -Cttrrird. .mzntonOf That by- " to authorize tho Mir to mun- . loa- Bank, Elmwood. I. the carton! - wnshw. Br-taw No. ttC. noth in $1.M; John P. u'hool levy, $4.22: ml! etunty It". f Adlam, Ill-p. com, 't: “3. G. I $17.50; - 91150; muc'l Willis. Henry ht. Irruisworttt, Mgr \lo-yvr; pound to». uni-am. Jane: Me. Mc-Dougall, Gmmee . Webber. Jane. M. Sol 'ttttttnrt-r. I Rooster. (Boom m \"ilkinnon. 1vstem of road ne- In ope-ration ind Nth. at cl " morn: of Bench, nu “in. Mr m am" of mm mm. the 5th day 390. the unu- omplotod by the " sth day of J...- "'tte. clerk 'tdrtttn. of whee to my. H. J. lac-Donald, ' Napkins, (1.... rt. w. N. (Ia-p. .IVIDKSIOHQ. the township ttro hour salaries in H, Chimck, 8300 vs; treasurarr,W. auditors. D. G. . Mervyn. 811.50 Per of health. Dr. resident member .n That petition on the about! of tnwnnhip road! 956.20 be pulsed rd and forwttru. ttTi-r.--- Car. tone: That up '. of the township m the lownlnp pm call; wood Willis. $2 per m 3510's.“? to be up sheep valuatora, John McKenzie. Willrml WMI, I): teate now." No! Mcmn. Ed. I'. Torry, John Hopkins I‘ That all nr. m'ha-r No. t. N waxes tor 19-00; Minx, tor; BBttrt ' large. and". per hour. We: 25r; patrol-Ion. horns. per hour. 'ntor work, I'll unit. per - "eeive 'tteeqtt Irvasuror. hr "ll be zlven by opaynrs are m with their In- "in . all accounts address, R. R. boron duo of I; read super atterson, 40¢ " nd laborers ottbeer, mm: Work has commenced on the en/vicinity will be present.. lartrement ot the Ontario Hydroi Mr Dick Carson spent 3 few days commission plant. Just north of Han-‘ in Toronto and was accompanied nwr, whereby another 10,000 horse home hr his brother Donald tor the power wlll be made available for week end. We are glad to report this section of Georgian Bay district Donald ig much improved. by the tie-line from the Niagara, Mr and Mrs Angus Maccannell, System at Kitchener. Some 20 men Swinton Park, spent Saturday with are now employed at this work, with their daughter here. some building: being moved further Mr and Mrs w. J. Hincks attend- back on the lot to make way for the ed the funeral of her cousin, John new building to be erected. which Hodldns at Markdale on Thursday. will double the capacity of the Mr and Mrs Alex Knox and Gar- otant. Men on relief in Hanover net. Toronto spent weekend with were given the preference in get- friend. here. ling work. but there are few on the, Mrs D. G. McLean has gone to roll and only some ot them are able Toronto to spend the winter with to do this clue of work. We under her daughters. stand construction will be carried on Mr Jim Stun-och spent a day in thirln: the winter. Toronto last week. onumo GOVERNMENT FARMS Stork and Grain farm: tn Grey (uunty. Twenty you tonne " 4%. No (arm sold without a reuonable rash payment. Please state your re. wurvmonts fully. Apply W. H. HUNTER. Inspector Vurnoy, Ont. To]. Holstein , r.tt START WORK ON ENLARGING HYDRO PLANT AT HANOVER TAKE' NOTI that all persons lvru'inz claims inst the Rate of Mary Grnshy. late of the Town-hum! ilvntinck, deceit: are required to file the same with the undersigned. solicitor for the en e, on or before the Firtgt day of Feb ry. 1940. January, 1940. Honest, who In: waned to :Hsisl trained "prenatal" o! n- t-urity house in inn-Mutiny mud 5'ts% investment to prospective wants. Investment has paid divid. vnds tor years. Ra. highly liquid ”fat-ts, and in panicuhrly immune (rem wttr "'"""Nam' row nu Containing 'e mm, 1% my“ west ot Durham. M Botid brick house. large iiiiAi pod condition. Close to No. I High“, on and can. Bentinek. Apply to R NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dated at Durham thi\17th any of Small Adm. Durham, tntarto, Solicitor for the 'Exeetttrseem imaginary tat. that reads “Return to .' i in Good Condition" Pot - 113:! sixty you", this , . _ 1 has been receiving the sick and '.' childnn at Ontario. treating them . . them, and gelding them home to _ . and Home hunky. USEFUL chin A: Every little child that's admitted ID The Hospital tor Sick Children ' . ther were more M A000 but yea: t . . a " inn-hunt In that tend. “Return to .' her AGENT WANTED Mvucummdical alone: have G V _ used my the my. and services .. his a gram chance to be sent '. .r in JANUARY ”TH. Please _',.-. 'J" yourself a We!" of sick and on _ n. shiMren . . . and I (mica! gift to the . ,.~,"'m TODAY. You {I'll-dd bsiseaaee " .. t "ttty needed Mr Dick Carson spent a few days in Toronto and was accompanied home hr his brother Donald tor the week end. We are glad to report Donald is much improved. not: one: ttoteaitrit " The Priceville Boys' and Girls' Association invite you and your friends to their annual dance at the Veterans' Hall. corner of College and Crawford streets on January 26th and are hoping many friends friends from Toronto, Priceviile and vicinity will be present.. Column. The annual meeting of s: Colum- " Church will be held on Monday evening. Jan. 22nd. Stormy weather and blocked roads prevents pupils of H, School from attending morning session: Tuesday. Next Sunday evening. lantern View: will be given, illustrative ot the subject matter in hand. in St. The tine Christmas, tree has been dismantled. after displaying a rem pleasure to the eyes during the tetr tive season. "Sie transit Moria mun- Mr and Mrs Baker of Elbow, Sask. visited recently with their relatives, Mrs E. Ritchie and son John. Mr C. A. McLean, glad to know. is so far recovered as totake a. trip to his dauxhter (Anna Mary) and husband John McFarlane of Toron- to for a few days visit, and com- plete recovery. q We were pleased to welcome Mr Allie Melanie, a. who] training school tanner in 'Toronto, " church on Sunday. Hits mother was up with htm, but owing to the very rough weather. 'twas lndlecroet to come out. Staying with her sister-ln-law, Mrs C. A. McLean. Itll ty Mr Joe C. Hudson is now care. inter of st Column United with nan-factory "will no far, con-Ber- lng the weather, Int two Sandal. Mr John ileum with may years experience " ttremaus, in ttatetaUr Mr PRIGEVILLE inn up But Man": has yet been developed that will I“. the new generic», me- :hing to the OPERA" G It VINUI. "can. of cameo. the seam “were of kindly Ontario either yin m_h_ any the-Ecra_hwebu¢m snide-n! bani-add to the much. cam of the Hospit- Hospital. New treatments have been dis- covered to improve o..even coronal" crippled children once doomed to a life of misery. Great "ride. have been taken to reduco the horrible effects of Poliomyelltie. New cum have been discovered for Pan. mom and many other diocese- All more wonderful developments, pl! ??;;;;ic'.i':6{ skrchiuret. in 09mm “may Dear Jean: Your many friends of your home community have come here this evening. saddened by the knowledge of your approaching de- parture from your homeland. We are very proud that you, one of our girls have responded so nobly to the call of our country, in your readineu to face any danger for the sake of ad- ministering to the needs ot the sick and wounded. You have always been a kind, thoughtful girl, Jean, torour, parents, and to anyone who needed assistance ot any kind when you an- swered the call to enter the nursing profession. We missed your bright smile and cheerful, obliging wuys. to greet Jean in her home section. The evening was spent in soclslchat and dancing In"! nearly midnight. Lunch was served. after which Jean was called to the front. The tomyw. ing address was read by Mrs Walter Knox and presentation made by Mrs Gordon McLeod: The one outstanding event in the Park was the great gathering ot people in the hall last Friday night January 12th, to formally say 'Gocd. bye' to Jean McCormack, who some months ago enlisted for overseas nur- sing service. Jean was home onher last leave ot four days; the word had been circulated. and the entire neighborhood turned out once more The late Mrs Duncan had resided with her 'son William, her daughter Mrs Lane and one grandson George Lute, who survive her. Ag the form. er Miss MacLeod, she will be best remembered by the older people, lo. cally, tor her highly developed mus- ical talent and pleasant manner. The Annual meeting ot st. An- drew's Church will be held on Mom day Jan. 22nd, when a. good turn out is expected. Mn, Alex Muir of Terohto Informs the Review ot the death ot a former Prleevllle citizen. Mrs George Dun. can. formerly Mism Magnet Mam Leod, a nlece of the late Rev. D. MacLeod. She died in Little She- me. New Brunswick on January 2nd. in her 79th year. after a lengthy illness. at the home of her daughter Mrs E. R. Lane, who wrote to Mrs SWiNT ON PARK All) VICIII'IY THEDUREAM REVIEW A subunit! were.“ in the mm" ber of births wu recorded in Han. over during the put your. redun- tiontt it the ttthee of Town Clerk Brigham showing that Mr . Stork made " cull , than last you. as compared, with. 06 in ttie previous rear, for I gain of 17, which in an incl-cue of over to per cent. At the tune time. there were' fewer deaths, recordod. the number dropping hom " to 41. and. Ignace to say. there were alto tower man-1,13“, being " Iaat nu u ennui-ed with 311:: the previous you. tn. birth and mud-zen. Hanover to running min- at the mm In Canada, for the Do- minion would be - "rr that In more...“ ”meant. hm birth rate, us Work“ gloat. On the other nrgd. Inn. yuan when An epidemic of severe colds end in some cases. pleurlsy and threatened pneumonia hue "ereted e goodly number of our mideml. Sudden changes in weather conditions is supposed to be the cane but oh to tind a. speedy cure. The United W.)l.8. held they Jan meeting last Thursday " home ot Mra Eur-l Walton. ton Dramatie Club were “cubic to present their our “Here come- Chu-He" in Stewart. Hall [at Prt. Mr John Armatgontt In recovering from an attaett of pneumonln. ateit:ooe.iti,r.ttrrtbe. . The storm Sunday morning wu the tirtst red worry to the maternal on this highway. STORK MADE MORE Messrs. John Mchchnle, Elwln Hood and Waller Benhun have been working In the Aldcorn Hump. Swlnton Park 1nd hauling the tim- ber to Hopevllle mill. Ml" Beanie Wale bu been on nursing duty in the home of Mrs Nathan Haw. The two local churches held their annual meeting: last week with m departments ot the work In gocd standing. Messrs William J. MoEachnle and Fred Barnum attended the short course on Livestock at the o. A. C. Guelph. The Inapgurnl meeting of Proton Council was held in the village on Jan. 8th with all members present. Quite a number are suffering with bad colds, among them being Mrs. McLeod. Mrs. Clark, Clarence Harri. son with sclatlca, Jim Hardy a at"! neck, Ed Heard pleurlay: but all of them we think are getting better. Mrs. Neil McMillan also la in very poor health " preaent. Her address: Nursing Slater Jenn McCormack. 15th General Hospital. R.C.A.M.C.. C.A.B.P., elo Base Post OtBee, Canada. In the Park we had the looked for atom on Sunday 1nd Mondty, so all are tsatisfied that this Old Lady of the Snows is properly functioning. but hug shun gonna mm when you lave been home on mm m. your parents. During the your; or training hymn Jean made a. very cheerful reply, and promised to return Ito greet. us all once again some day, if our Fuh- er in heaven will: it so. Jean is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeCormaek, 19th con. ot Proton. She attended school in the Park. also church here: a young woman we are all proud of, and our thoughts will often be of Jun. On ”mm! of mud condmonl. Ary- m - .m "OPEVILLE CALL! IN HANOVER ‘--:A Under new armament: with the lapel-III pun! “thermal. psi-coll. mun, Minn mammal Room In the United Kingdom or but" nuke enrgtedat mm»: " mantra-d, “shutouts. De 'rartmett-eedme-ttr. The 'tmrmteqbee.gttqelmtstt" Ju.1. orttrrrueWtt.trtt-dsnrittbr mrrMdntthtImtq. the week. wcrklne among the Mohawk lndltnn near Kinnton seat I. translation of the New Tenement and it came back printed in books. One of the new tramthtt'ttttt, thin One of the new trttmttttt'trntr this you VII for Condo for the Eskimo (Wooten Arctic) when on Autumn min-Iona" In " work. The work of the emanation In only ue done the Bible trunnion: number over 1,000 done by British and "retert and other ornnlutlm and there hum- needed to meet the need of the world. The war work of the Bible Society in Immense, 3 copy I: rivet: to wary -ttttfer, “not. Mr. mn. refugee, mum. Mullen of war: one). In their own Mm. Quito- a number of mate tuned melanoma of an: opportunity of speck! service. for - during 'hrttmt'outrlart0hhem','rtttbetuerreed. . M‘MOWubhnh- Wht*itn-tQoq-tdtgetget. chumAnlyuMwo-n The mother told one very interest- ing piece of history: that it was for Ontario the tirttt tnmlltion I’m: nude when it was omniud 136 you: no. An Audion minister i Ott Thunder, Jen. Itth, Zion Br. lot the Women's Institute met at the Porn. of In J. C. Cook with twenty ladies present. m the absence ofthe ‘president. In Ruth leArthur pre-' sided, and letters of than JU! mad for trests received by the sick land shut-ins. The Branch also re- 'ceived than from the trustees ct 8.8. No. I and " No. 5. for the "wings erected in the school tstar. 7grounds by the Institute. A number *0! pure of acclu knit for the eelJ lain: were brought in end peeled Tom- to the Red Cms in mm to :be lent may. " wu “so decided (to purchase more yen: ttfe socks and {ecu-is end to meet this expense, It, Hus decided that each funny would: 'sive 1 dollar. A peper on the motto .“Cheer up, there are plemnt days PARCEL RATE. FOR He informed hi: hearers that the Bible Societv in I. function of the church and Chrutettdttttt T could not thturfsrh without it. " in not n "por- ate organization but . port of the whole work uni asked how many missionary societiel or other ornn- utiona made anecinl mention of this branch of work In their payers. of the British ma Foreign Bible society given try its representative. Rev. H. S. Herrinxmn of Toronto. The services for the week of pray- er were mud in the Attrdiean, Knox United, Presbyterian and Baptist church“ nnd conducted by the lava! minister: and ending on Friday evenlng with an address on the work At the artst meeting ot Sullivsn an Honda Council for 1940 a motion was csr- Peoples' tt ried which let the all.” ot the Chuck on township rond superintendent " s TVar" whit straight sslsry of $500 tor the rear, ieat contin with no extras being “loved. The here. He move strikes us n being . pnrticulnr- tin] i'eelim ly wise one and one which is to be when Au. much preferred to the old system of Itartner of otreMntt so much In hour. In Rrrtv, msrk and in: " the yearly salary it Wu ttguts tttis war ed, that 8500 was a fairly represenh- with Anna we "ttre which had been formerly Rndowsk, l paid on In hourly basis. However. Holstein n it has these ndvsntsxes. The Coun- We, Pram oil can now budget tor t deftttite w- coaxing tr mount in nrepnrins the yurlv elm!- In the 90's ates and One person holding down building ot the position knows emetir what he dpvelonmpl will receive tor his services and on. end I whether or not the job is worth- Mary ot while .--EnterTrrise . Lieutens welcome . ahead", prepared by In Jno. Baker was read by Mn I. C. Cook, end I paper "A dream that nuke- for wine content" we: prepared by. In E. R. Penn and read by Mn Percy Green- wood. Mrs Carmen Beker give I. talk on “quality and mmntityin bread products." Mr: Jamel Penn puton a contest which wu much enjoyed. Mrs Cook and assistants rented lunch " the close. The Feb. meeting mu be held " the home ot MID! Kate MacDonald. All ladle: will be made SULLIVAN ttUPEMNTENDENT ON STRAIGHT SALARY OF 8600 Wed: of PM"! 1lerriees OVEICEAO YIOOPI $Bq=2F2=2r"rr.cu' T...“ . -. - -- - A C.C27dTa..7.a=T a-.. =:araiet--- M to" I...“ my. mums-mm tsur. (tmln Review Me. Jun. 2m. 1015) ttgmttqr Ir w. G. Merriam, Cttatawoeth, he W has mulled a Gannon. In m. rink W tor the benefit ot the amen. u it A pm“. policy for 1040, do “and to Incl. (he - my! Ib- ult to causing var-u.- “that. In: been announced by the may “on"! and Walt” Bur. chum: tgtnrttqta....hqqr to an Me “magnet-ow was. thumtlkdyuMWN unremhottbew. wool. “a to can meat. but. no likely to to mm “.mm- m“hu.~npnlhu¢ nt- Ito. Autumn-rm -de'et$eatmnrbeatart.A,t-d arsdadteedtqamretttmdttdoet..W. Hoe 01".. W. W. mum: 2nd vice ttresident. P. Hutch: Seth-Tm... L. B. NIcholm. Diroeterm up: l. A. Smith, J. A, rem-on, Henry Bold. A. Hunter. I Althea. A Btar Holstein m: At I Inmely " tended meeting of Batman! Aarr cultunl Society on Sunni“, Jan. 16th. the known: one". wear, FARM PAPER To PLAY "#PORTAt" WAR TIME ROLE Hector Munomld of Hobaon. Mon. una. an he let: the duly Globe and Review, eonmuenuy he It kept pointed In nil Ontario's new: nod old home news " well. _ Pricevllle oorr: John Stunt-t ship- . ettrtttad of stock mostly every week. Councillor lclnnen in to ship a CII'IOId thin week. TM-rn mused "my on Friday m old and rennet-9d resident of thin but. In Elm Eda! u the homo of her dauzhur. In R. T Edwunln. " the use of " yearn. Tart-n can: Mr Will Hunter " driver to Dr. Sheath and ttttttttod another horse from Mr Wilton. Kelly. Geo. Lloyd. Robe. Robb. Perov Ewan Johnston Allan and M. Pinkerton. Henchman can: We wish to can Immun- Mr J. A. McMillan of Gnu-1M: who was married to man Hunt of Ptthgtergttettt. here. He traced the growth of mar- tial feeling in Prussia in the day: when Auntria wan the predominant partner of Germany, the rise of Bits mark and his tttttttenee of which this war in a remit. the struggle with Ali-trio and her humiliation: at Sadowak. the stealing of Bieawirk- Holatein hon Denmark, the victory over France in mo at Sedan. the coaxing from Britain of Hellmlend in the MN oi the last century, the building of the Kiel Canal. the mat development ot her navy with the one end in view, equality with or Ina-ten of Britain. Lieutenant Ann": Bull and Harold Young of Hanover Were in town In! Saturdnv to serum tttrptimttiot= for the Third Cnnndlnn Cotttittmrttt. Six Durham how have mum-d, - Md lunch. Baler: "In? Mehddeet who lam for Ma home In Durham, oat., wu given t mural party In lien of the town." scholars end “we then I tow mile- drive around the second con. of Bentinck end Glenelx. which they enjoyed very much. A gunner in the school-room awaited them on their return. Henri W. R. Edge. Joe. Atkinson and A. Meander elm treated the Trinity Chunch Sunday School Icholarn to . similar sleigh- ride party on Ndny lost. after a supper Wu served in the church. Inspector Campbell save A lecture (It Monday evening to the Young Peoplee' Society at the Prenhyterinn Clinch on "The Cannes lending to the War" which tor march 1nd histor- ical continuity in: not been equaled prev“ aunt-curl” it "Ill become. 0...... " um, a... m move- utlluctory. It witt been? Wlnghn- u 0m and, In. an. n "tttre. 'Wnlhetm " Wm In. so . Doing wlthouu. Chin-sun“ tree and 'tt'e9tam " M a“ a... n presents, the children ot the Baptist Wlnghn- " WM M, '" . Sunday u'llllngly contributed the m M m " W, F... H reed: of their concert to the Belgian Mom at UM... Pd. Ht Relief Md. and u a unexpected wanna. " On. and, no. no reward. they were (rented to a Win” at 'tttAt-t '06 Q. sleigh-ride recently. learn Duncan Owen Sound u When-ton. M. I. IN DAYS OF YORE Iota“, Aberdeen. Thou. McNieee. Nomi”. Win. none, Vurney and Wm. Collin-Ion. of town, brought their neigh- and Med them with " VEAII Atto-t096 ONTARIO a - A“ In m cttt-gnmtt'_qtV - cmmuvmmm mcummu-mb m.uounllo..... MCWMO.LQO. wannabe-mun” 303mm“ memwm Mama-m... Mumuulunllmh Mk. alumni-unlit“. altru- Weakly“! no“: I'd "rvteetott"e banana-duh. 'hqerethemuhttatte-ettre. metatrtF “who.“ alum-nylon” boeemdtaetoddt'reenraettt-. 1tiiemdiatelkeu$euale PM“. court.“- a an“ “I. can”: a “can": “m a was“, In. mt mammm‘. wmuo'ummuu thfaNt-at8hre0tm't.dea..gB" Owe-muwmm - . quManm Wlngh- u 0m Scull, In. an. wumm at WW Mn. It . ammonium... wmm " Walton-I. M. N . MM“W.F¢.H ommlmucm.muuuu§ "o-. M: MIDI-lunch. mum: "0t.QaB.as ilbtlgu W. C. PICKEMIB. Mr x RAY CM Em om: mu tttmet, Dunn, “is coco-um“: an“ mug-ammo.- otBrtohm'm'.etotta,m..ga+ Dm-.7w0p.n.mm L F. WIT. 0.0.8.. c.odk G. u. Atliit W. PIERCE ELLIS VMM MM m u lltia'iii"rut, H Md“- u.“ not IO.“ " GEORGE E. DUI“. tte-trt-ttnee-. J H. WARRIELR. I. summon, A. A. s. a ' T. II. SNEATII. M. B. F. . EM LESOI 'tr-sa"- HESSIE 'Mtittauegt" 8M.“ .4 li

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