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Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1940, p. 1

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, Work' ANUAIV "TH, "oo t Cangster’ ox CHURCH ' sun“ MEETING g Heights’ XY M ayinz FOREST Dae d Niven 22. " 2 b Bea " " rumors about the last robbery and that I rouldn't 'blulf’ him." declared M'lir r. "ttttt when l refund to op. n the safe he tied me no. mo". Acrtrdine to provinc‘al police. l hilo the robber was tnmslnz no Miller. his wife succeeded in loosen- iurr, bar bonds totMr'iertttv to an! to 'tte tv'rrttiow and motion to Harry RI-humm. malmastzr. whom she saw " drn't know how I did it." Mrs. Vlillor said. "but I managed to sim- nl to Mr Schl'mm that there was otmothirttT wrnnz point: tn in the tank. 1 then went out into the kit. chen. as t was afraid to move very ml ttetrnnk manager. " threw rvw hands into the air. but mv wife on win? tho gunman with tt whito r:trr urnnnmi armmd his face and m-urin'z Mark mm angles. started to laugh and exprnssevl the bel'e' that it was 'all a tttttfr."' Mrs Miller said she could not he- nww "at the time" that it could not Iblv bo- another hank rcbbery and that she laughed "became it stnwk vm- so funny to sea a man wearing >ltungzlo-s in the Winter." The robber man took a roll of "brand new stow-pipe wire from his yorker," Mi'lvr continued. and tore. ul him to tie up his wife. "Tho rubber hlme-lf ordered her to lie on her fare. while I tied her up with the wire, and he smiled a Kate in her mouth," stated Miller. "After telling her to lie quiet ftr half an hour. tty ordered me to putMtrt mv mat and. at tho mint of a run. marched me down into the bank and torrod me to open the vault.” The manager said he "comnlied w'th 'ttp reouent" to open the vault. but tom tho robber he rould not upon the safe as there mu tt time lock on it. ”main: in [rent of his omee direct w norm: tho street. "When I told him that. he m. lnnnod me that he had read the -mlv tr. rive an alarm to the post master acrcas the street. Mrs Mil- ‘er is " former Durham Klrl. Flliaa, heth Harding. and is having plenty tr excitement. The robber was frightened try a fire siren as he attempted to persu- :-de Mr Miller to open the sole in the vault. He Bed out of the build. ing, throne): a troop of tour or tive residents of the village who had rushed to the bank and escaped in a car. The robber tired two shots at n villa'rer who come near him and at Howard Koehler. 12-year-old tad “ho took down the license number or his ear. "hosed by four ears commandeered by Baden vrlunteer Bremen and other residents, the robber eluded nth rum in a " mile a hour Chase :3 well as provinmat police from kitrhonor. No tut-e has blen found of either the robber or the ear. Awarding to Miller and his tthtr, ky wife. the gun-nan entered their apartment above tho bank at about 03.50 p. m. Monday. Neither of the doors to the apartment Were looked. "We were washing the di<he~ when tho robber entered nnd vetted. ‘l-ut 'om no, this a stirhmp,'" relat- There is only ONE may to make sure they will emblem»: to do your work "etrnttr: that is to have then CAREFULLY unnamed " REGULAR inter- vals. Have your eye: received attention recently , Colman Wednesday. Jan. Mat Appointments '-S.80 9.3:. How much will Your Eyes Earn I} PATTERSOI. 3.0. Specialist in Eye Examination at C. Sancy’s Store 003.514, Mrs. L Miller Stops Bank Robbery VOL. LXII, NO. 1 For YOU in 19407 't "We" "Vin "v"raRe. Saturday night and Sunday morn- ing saw a gale and snowstorm which was unequalled in recent years. when almost a couple feet of snow fell. blocking all highways to motor tramp. No. 4 highway from Walker- ton here was opened by the plow Sunday forenoon, but it was nearly six p.m. that day before the big plow on No. 6 hiehway could get through to allow tramc to move north and south. Attendance at the town churches was very li'tht on ."tnday, and many rural churches held no serviee. No. 4 Highway was! from Durham In Flnhortnn WM mmnlmvly parkv'l in in Sundav morning's Masts ond this Thursday morning. lam miles of it are yet unopened. Flows arn working from both ends. and it will likely be oprned today after a tnur day tie-up. From Durham the plow had reached Rob Roy Wed want. and the Mow workinz was: reamed a (ouple miles west of Priceville. All over the Province the storm raged and traffle was disrupted. " is amusing to read stories in the daily papers ot threatened bread and zrocery famine: in such districts as Evphmla and Melancthon town. ships utter a day or two norm. These districts He not in the wilder. ncsa or livinz with only a couple of davs' trod supply available. kept open for wheeled trattie, un- der the ”Item whereby the town. ship deposits with the County trea- surer an amount equal to any per cent of the cost a! the work and the government pays the other titty. Honour to Neustadt. and Morton to t9intrtsampton are other County roads being plowed om under this The 1% mile stretch from Holstein villus to No. 6 highway is helm old Kin: Winter is reigning supreme this January, with continu~ od cold and abundance of snow the past two or three weeks. Last week saw below zero readings almost every morning; this week sees a little higher average. though most days this month so tar have been 'r'n'hw amid 1.01an the robber's car bore a license plate stolen from tt new car in Hamilton on the rear and a different plate in the from ot of the vehicle, the number of which was not obtained. Wter's WiMPst Blow Iiarly Sunday ',hrr, Tho robber sped away in the direction of Kitchener on highway 7. while Miller, Steinman and others took after him in cars at a 75 mile an hour clip, Provinn'at pciiee stop. ped every car between Kitchener and the point at which they met the linden posse. but the gunman eluded them. Highway No. 7 was the only road open to motor trails). but neither Kitchener nor Stratford police have yet found any trace of the car. Herbert Miller. who came within 20 feet ot him, narrowly escaped as the gunman stopped beside his can to are into the crow! which ran at, tor him. He then directed his {ire toward young Koehler, whom he raw writing down thp license mum Nearly 30 men of the village, a. roused by the tire siren, a pre-ar- ranged signal in event or an emer- Aettey, raced after the gunman, who Ian more than 400 yards to the car parked in tront of the fire hall. N. M. Steinman, who, on the in structions or tho postmaster had til' lt ,4 sh). ' t i... Kitchener and the village tire bri. Rade. said that when Mrs Miller ran mm tho building, she fell in a snow bank. "Almost on her heels, the robber raced out of the building, apparently irizhtened by the ftre siren, which by this time was screeching," Stein, man stated. "When Mrs Miller saw the robber getting away, she ran after him for two 0r three blocks, but by this time members of the fire brigade and other citizens had pas- sed her in the chase. . far until the rcbber had gone" @1519 itil tttttaim Review. in: scarcely enough players to pro. vide relief changes. Had either been on hand, Owen Sound would doubt. less have mated their int defeat. Tucker o. McDonald and Dean marked the Durham nttack, with all pllyers In better Ihnpe. Both teem: were weak defensively] and brth goalies were auhjected to who a beating. Neath was wear- ing all the hone-hoe- .and " work, between the poata did more than any other “we factor In keeping, Owen Sound from taking their itrat drubblnrv. Olensively. Tim William- led the Cuba with his three stale and McMeektn, ham and Schvan S. at end of 2nd. The scoring Bee. sawed in 3rd, but Durham while making it close, did not have trurtiei. tnt punch to tie it up and their battling tinitsh went unrewarded tor it was Trapper: IO, Durham 9, at close. Durham was weakened by the " sence ct Cauldy and Lorrence, hav. 0mm Sound’s Early bad Beat turban), 10--9 Owen Sound Trapper Cubs had to po the iimlt at home last Thursday night to stall oft a final determined Durham attack. but Durham fell one goal short of tying, a 3 to 1 first frame lead by Owen Sound proving too much to overcome. The Trappers in fact led 6--1 with twelve minutes gone in second. when Durham boys Inn in 3 goals in 5 minutes to make it 6--t tor o. WALKERTON: Goa1--Carutetr, de- frortrrs-T,ett Sohnurr. Vanslvke: cen- trt--Dotrrhtr; witttrrt--Ltttits Schnurr McCarter. Alternates - Pentium]. Rum. Krampn. Schmidt. Tiahart. DITRWAM: new] - Watt- detenttss -o. McDonald. Cassidv: eentre- G Mam": winRtr-tawrence. G. Menon. ald: Alternates-R. McGirr. Dean. Mom“. Tun-km», Kress. Dimer. Walkerton opened the score sheet when Louis Schnurr converted L'ouehty's pass. but Durham got the equalizer when Caseidy beat Caruso, after a neat pass from Dean. The fitst frame closed l-I, and the second, qtill a tie 2-2. Durham went Into the lead early in second. when the battling Gordons counted Cordon MWGirr from Gordon McDon- ald. Pentland secured No. 2 for \ankerton. from a scramble at nets. The third tramp saw most of the action. With a visiting player in penalty box to Mart, Tucker made a nice rush to score in M, min. A nl'nnte or so later in a hot attack on Walkerton citadel. Dean took R. McGirr’s pass to blaze the puck past Caruso. The speedy play con- tinued, Durham making it 5--2 when Gordon McGirr bulged the twine on Moses’ pass. The locals alter 15 minutes play relaxed, and tho Capitals make it hot, pepperin" Wan at close range. He blocked all but two . shots. Louis Frehnttrr scoring on Doughty": assist and Pendant] getting his second goal. With Durham now only 1 up, 5---4, it looked danzercus. hut Orval Ms Donald rified one of his bullet drives for No. 6. to make it safe for Dur.. ham, a few seconds before the final gong. Both vounz goalies. Watt and Car- uso. had plentv to do. and emerged with Mini! colors. Tucker brckn a- head Mono tive, minutes before close but Caruso nabbed his drive. Referrts---A. McIntyre, Owen Sound ti WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLSTEIN LEADER MM, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY M, 1940 Durham Atrrieultural S'cciety an- nual meeting last Saturday in the Hahn House was not largely attend- ed, but the directors were pleased tn hear reports of a favorable year. W. G. Bailey, aec'y-treas.. reported that ttll prize money and current expenses had been paid in full (8200 more being paid out in prizes). repairs paid for, and a balance of 359.33 In treasury. Durham Board of Works have had trucks and men busily engage-'1 this week removing the snow p'lrd at side of street from the business part ot the town. The trucks dump it into the hyiok' Jet north ot riv- er at Garatraxa St. bridge. and there ig now a packed snow moun- tain there which should last until June. Agricult’l Society to Spnnsor Four Projects Cattery) ............ Durham, o. MacDonald (Tucker) ........... Durham. Cr. MacDonald (Schwan) ....r....., Owen Sound, Bishr-p ... Durham, Tucker (Dean) OWN! Round. Tnnant (I Snow Removed MeC,irrt .......i... Owrn Sound, Williams Third Period Owen Sound. Williams (Bishop Dean (Tucker) .....'r........ Durham. o. MacDonald (G. Durham, Moses .............. 15.1% Durham, o. MacDonald ...... 17.30 Penalties --Sthwtut 2, F'romantter, Dean. ger B""'.................. 12.15 Owen Bound, Schwm ..'..... 14.34 Pemutiea--Bisrhmi. Second Period Owen Smnd. Lamson (Meekin) 3.35 Owen Sound, William ........ 9.10 Owen Sound, Bishop (McCar- fery "'.."....'...'........ 12.20 Durham, Tucker (Dean) Owen Sound, McMeekin Owen Bound, Lamson (F you. Telford, 'Tennant, McCam‘ev F'rrmansrer, Sargeant. S. Neath, sub goallle. l OWEN SOUND: ~.Goal. Neath; dr ienee, A. Bloomfield. Crawford; "e.n tre, Schwan: wings Bishop. Willi ums: alternates, MoMeokin. Law Durham: Goal-Watt; defenee-- o, McDonald, Megan} eentre-R. Mc. Girr; wings - Tucker. Dean: Alter. tttttes-AT. McGirr, Dinger, G. Mo, McDonald, Kross. T were always Iiangiout, . SUMMARY First Period (My (Froma rr iety an- Congratulatiblg’ are extended to IR 19 10 18 12.20 13.35 15.36 17.30 8.04 P.) 40 50 M 20 17 30 4 " Miss Ina Milne. a Durham girl in Toronto, who has passed examina- tions In a "rnrat Aid to the Injured" (rogue. given by St. John's Ambur ance Annotation. She is now tak- lnz a further course in motor Am. bulance work. no trat'rs ot the stolen goods. The lms or Armstrong & Son will be a heavy one. as much of tho stock .13 new and it is undorsnood there is no insurance. It is understood that the provincial mliée did succeed in finding the. war. or truck. used in the Hill rob Lory at Dundalk. near Manchester. in the vicinity of Whitby. when- it had been abandoned. but there was no trat'rs ot the stolen mode. This is the third robbery in Dun- dalk in recent weeks. During the New Year's weekend the Dundulk store 'ot F. T. Hill & Co., was burglarized and a lame atmntity of "owls stolen, while McAllister's garv age was also broken into and more wads taken, and then a little later the Hill Fvore in Markdale was brok- en into and a big haul made there. It is the opinion of many that tbme robberies are being committed by an orzanized "ring" who have some way or disposing of their loot. 7 . -,.A l" - .' Wm ii-c..- V . - A check-up revealed that among the goods stolen were 5st suits of men's clothes. 60 pair cf men's odd pants. 36 matrkinaws, ll men's over- coata, and quite a large. number of women's dresses and children's sweaters. The store was completely cleaned out of women's silk hesi- ery. but one pair being left, and lluy were found Just outside of the door where they had been dropped by the intruders in their hurry t1 get away. The firm had only recent- lv replenished their Mock of silk ho- siery and their shelves were full. Goods at an estimated value ol w bout $2,000 were taken from the gen- eral store o f Armstrong k. Son, of Dundalk. sometime during Tuisday night or in the early hours of Wed. nesday morning by unknown per- scns leaving no trace whatever. Tho More was entered by way of the front door. a Jimmy hem: used with whit-h to pry open the door ' and when at 8 o'clock on Wednesday morning the owners came to open up the store they found both the side and rear doors of the place open. They were immediately aroused and an investigation started, and it was apparent that there had been a wholesale raid on the store. $2000 Burglary at Dundalk Store last fall. and snake in very worn» plimonmry terms ot Mr Padfiehi's drvotion to their and church work, both ct Queen St. and latterly in Knox Church. Messrs. Thomas Webb and Peter Rrattage presented him with a watnu! beside Ruble. an a tribute from the choir, to which Mr. Pttdtietd uppmprinely manned. Abounmus lunch was served nth» close. Presmtatitm lo Ott the occasion of the first choir practice under their new leader and organist. Mr Roland Newton, Knox United Choir ailerwar‘s had a soci- al iime last Friday evening. On be half of the choir, Mr Wm. Giane .read an address to Mr G. R. rm- field, Ibo resigned the leadership Coming in six tn o'rtht weeks, it is much sooner than anticipated, Tho general feeling “as an election in May or June, but the premier wants the election over it possible. before the expected gigantic war otrettBieme next Spring. Prime Minister Mackenzie King. mi Knox Cl tvtt Evening Auxiliun' the opening of the Dominion Pat/wilt hold tt Mint! WHY. Tuesday. ment In Ottawa on Thursday. tut. Fehulry om. u-fmshnwnts served nounced that he would appeal to the in Queen Street ‘hurt'h. Admission Canadian people in a few “mks for 250 and IK. a clear mandate. as a wartime ROV-) -----. eminent. The election he "id,woutd, HWNIOII? Cetobrtm' Robbin be over by the and of Marrh. lr1urtttt m n m' ntomnriw, mums; Dominion Election to be " in March Kate ttttrttie. "the tl union's Asuccitttiott m Knox Mr and Mrs Larry Miller prim-i Church wilt hold a Valentine Tea in pals in tho second hold-up at the Queen St. Church, Wednesday, Heb Bank ot Comtuette branch at Baden “I”! 14th. Monday, as reported elsewhere. are; ___. - new in Durham, visiting Mm Hiller’s' A box ial and dance will be parents: Mr and Mrs J. H. Hauling. held in Town all. Durham. Friday We understand Mr Miner. nunuzer waning. "n. h, under auspices there, bu been given a few days of the Junior Aid.' nomads for war holidays and the bank in closed work. Admission 2 Lidia with temporally after his nerve-wrecking tttttteq I'm. experiences. 1 \ - -- Mrs and Mrs James Baker m Elbow. seek. are spending the ' Mr with his parnnls. on the In con. tihne'g. Last “90K end they visit od her aunts, Mrs Wm. Weir and Mrs Turnbuu, also cousins. Mr W. fl. Ritchie and Misses Lily and Kate Ritchie. Mrs. J. A. Adred is spending a month with her daughter In Shvl» bume. [specter Pentland cl Hanover is visiting Durham Public salon; this week. oNtamo Retiring Choir leader Publllhed Weekly at 82.00 1 reu- In advance. To Unit“ States. $2.50 I year in ldvmce. Pet Ar Ranmge, Publisher ARcmvss I set Sloop Slvlzhs, new I at Sloop Slilighh', rebuilt, I set used Knee Slrlllhs IGmin Grinder. 10 m., nvarty nuw inland mm] Melolw 'u'.vpatators I ulwd Elvdllv Washer New Thor Washing Mttrltittom "may Bros. Stable Equipment Cock-butt Mann \luclninory Maury-Blew" Farm Mat-Inner)! The Preston Ptsrtntttor--to 01¢"le to your Gram Drill. Oran 'e-ters Gounod. m W We in. to lender mu aim-9w thanks many friends and "nigh born for tr kindly arm, aympatln Fxpmsled d tiorttt mlwns Hun in our recent ud beswavetttent. Hugh rth and ttttttRitter." Burns 1 n m' atomavlw. Mums scones, a mud. Come ttte II..- Presbyterian lrk, Thursday. Jan. Mth at 6.30. music and inn-r Smlch etttettaittttt It. Adminnton 25. The tr Young People will hold a Sham any on Monday even inn. Jul 29th. N to to p.m. Lunch will be wed It Queen tht. Church. Admin! Mr. All Mud cuts ttrc. A box ial and dance will be held in Town all. Durham. Friday evening, Jun. h, under auspices ot the Junior Aid." Win; tor war work. Admission 2 ladies with The n: liar monthly meeting ot the Durhal Women; III-mun» will be held at e home. of Mrs J. I'. N hot an T rturrt.v Feb. m. Mr and Mrs 10mph Hm: will be at home to tbsirtriendr, Monday January 29th. on the occasion of their maxim: (mm) “Hiding Am ulterury. PM"). 140 DURHAI. ONT DURHAM MACHINE SHO' COMING EVENTS CARD OF THANKS row Mu:

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