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Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1940, p. 8

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M p. 5“ Ll! W at Columbia Vivtrola and no rorxnn': (Manley G tube Rleetrte radio for “'0! cheap. Apply at Review OtBeo. J On the way to and from California you can readily arrange to visit the majestic Canadian Rockies-Vancouver and Victoria in Canada's Evergreen Playground. Enioy glorious sunshine-- (gamma offers the Winter visitor anything in Summer attractions. "I " INFORMATION AS to ROUND mp 0- “»an to guy A.“ o srmom rm 0 mums? FARE o cone“ FAME Vancouver Island’s reputation as Canada's Evergreen Playground is upheld by this idyllic scene photographed January 6th at Victoria. EC. The lamb is a real one, only six days old. It was born January 1 on the farm ot E. J. T. Woodward, near Victoria. The pretty little lady is Sally, two-and- a-halt-year-old daughter and only child ot Commander R. A. (“Tony") Wright, R.C.N.. and Mrs. Wright, Esquimait. The tlowers were picked in the gardens of the Empress Hotel. Canadians and Americans are visiting Victoria in large numbers this winter, the ideal weather permitting them to enjoy winter golf, tennia, fishing, riding and hiking under splendid conditions. ISTAILISHtD 1817 "a It!!! .1523! DIAL]. ACCOUNTS All "BLOCKS" THOSE Pllt08llrgllt00g Mount Fons: Bunch: A., M. DOTY, Manger "this (SW): 0pc. My Id Hilly. A VICTORIA JANUARY IDYLL One or the leading United States newspapers calls attention to two British characteristics which have appeared in the European situation: the first, the psychological response which blatant exercise of force a- gainst a helpless people usually creates amonrzst the British as a whole; and second. the sensing at what point the aggrandlzement of at ccntinental power becomes a threat] to Britain herself. IORN CeARDiNER--In Durham, on Janu. ary 23rd, to Mr and Mrs Wm. Gardiner (nee Gladys Ritchie), a daughter. mNCKs--In Petrolia Hospita) on January 16th, to Mr and Mrs Clif. ford Hineks. a son. Clittord Keith. IlAINSBERGE'R- To Mr and Mrs. Theron Rainsberger (nee Ailene Brown) of Dundee, Mich., Jan 16, 1940, a son, David Brandt. ' THE DURHAM REVIEW I Miss Short was next on the Dro- "rtun, her tonic being "Nutrition and Health." Scale of health: Tgt--- ,Beauty' complexion. teeth. hair hands and nails; 2nd--Prmture.. 3m '---vitalitv; 4ttr-Atglity to m. alarm [with folks. Cheese Is not hard to lamest if eaten with crackers. Pork land pastry should not be served at 'ithe same meal. Fat peonle sham! Wat nmrlnzly of fats: eat moreleafv Ivermmhles. Tot much fat after 40 Iyears of age lessens the years or PM.” life. Tea and come are not .fooda but stimulants. Cream and gunm- in them are only foods. A 'tlred Duly need: rent and food. not lstlmulunu. Feature. erect: to bend {bend the body with heed and should. sen from bins up. Charts were civ- Ien out. shown: 2orreet ace. helzht. |and weltht. Everyone present was Miss Dree was neat. She "we ttonto ot we. Ad: Tucker. Genes current events. She spoke on Prime and contests we indulged in and Min'ster ChaatNrrtttin'. recent mum smrnsttred by the Pres. Mr R. w. 11:09an Hora Balm“. whq In nJovr Christie. The hasten Mm Tucker, u wen Dem-m“. Britain's onlv Jew. “net! a lunch of brcwn bread, pork m: prime minister. Mr. Chemher- Ind bun- and cone. A vote ot Iain nixed for his mimuuon " wnr shanks by the Pres. wu tendered minister of Great min. " he who lo Mr and In Tucker for their not getting “one well with the m- “nullity. pull. Pr" Hustle then tttMt the Mr Arthur he, I. rather indis. chair. She thought the teachers. nosed et' tine of writing. nope-to meeting we: worth roman; some if“? of e speedy recovery. I They visited the home of Nellie McCinnz. showed nit-turn: of her in the garden with friends: there werp cherry trees loaded with fruit. " tntrntrosr puzzle tre somethinz like a cacti. She, like a Ford hostess treated them right royally. ' l The Women's Institute met at the Thome ot Mrs. Hustle on Thursday levening. Jan. 18th. After business ‘the president, Mrs. Hastie, asked _l'.ll'ss Dyce, Ponvener of the lady tea- (thers “ho wore sponsoring the pro- Hiram. to preside Miss Dyce culled ion Miss Ramsay, who gave an ac- count of their motor' trip through Canada to Victoria, B.C., and then on to Seattle and Spokane, Washing. (ton, U.S.A. She showed snapshots land explained the scenery on the trip. We said "their" for Miss Short armmphniod her. She spoke of the Grand Coulee Dam on Columbia Ri- ’\'er near S-woknne at border line be. tween Canada and U.S.; Mason City (most modern. no chimneys on hous- es. all electrically heated and air. conditioned homes; Coulee Dam, pop- ulation 3000. sidewalks. modern bulld- inzs of permanent ctyntttrttetton. Ma. son City will be all torn sdown when ‘dam is finished. Tho Columbia Riv- er in the onhr river havinz its flood waters in the summer time. on ac- count of snow melting on Rockv Mountains. The buildinz of Call» Dam began in 1933. With columns 50 feet square. the dam will have 40 times the Dover of Marmara Falls when completed. Dav Falls in 50 miles south of Coulee Dam and it in 400 feet high. Tho dam will he used to irritate the country needing it. so mum to so miles. In Okamutan Valley. farmers pay so much a ttat few the water to inhale their lands which are mostly in fruit. A demonstration on "How to serve fruits tor color and flavor" will be held at the home of Mrs Hastie this Wednesday night. Further particu- lars later. The Red Cross met as a. group com- mittee " the home of the president, Mr. Habenuehl. Mr. Mercer open- ed the meeting with prayer. The Charter has arrived and emotion was passed to have it framed and hung up in the post omee. The ladies, of the village and surrounding commun- ity are busy knitting. Those who want wool. please ask Mrs. Haber. mehl, as she has a supply on hand, with instructions how to makemitts smarts. caps and sweaters and socks. The different units of the township have collected over 3478. Those wish- ing to sew. please go to Mrs R. Tre- leaven Mr instructions and material. The funeral of the late Mr Laugh- lin McDougall of London, formerlyc' Dromore, was on Monday. The re- mains came to Holstein by train and was met by friends. Interment was made in Amos cemetery. Our Sym. pathy goes to the bereaved ones. Mr R. Scarlett spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. Louis Woodyard is now in uniform. He went to Londonafeek ago but at present is in Toronto. H9 is the first from cur village to respond to the-ttttll of our country. We wish you good health-and good luck. Louis, and hone you may re- turn to your own native land. No one can say “Old man Winter is just around the corner." He is here with a bang. It is a common thing to see :1 mm with a. shovel or a woman with a broom making xi way out. But then all Ontario was treated alike. r-' a o o c o o 0... other time as it was interesting and l LOCAL AND pERSONAL I ittstrttetive. Lunch wu served by =. . o o . . o .-, the hostess and her assistants. HOLSTEIN LEADER TORONTO junk- by the Pres. wu tendered “cum lo Mr and In Tucker for their hospitality. I Mr Arthur Lee, in rather indis. posed at'tigBe of writing. nope-w‘ e! be" of e speedy recovery. I - sleigh riding party on .Wedneedny evening of Int week uter which they spent en enjoyable time at the home ot like Ada Tucker. Genes and contest: were Induced in end spousal-ed by the Ptes. Mr R. w. Chunk. The hostes- Mm Tucker, served a lunch of hrcwn bread, pork Ind been: and mice. A vote ot Mr and Mrs Ray Adams and Mar- jorie Tucker of Durham were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Thou. Tucker. Mr Wm. Atcheson received a menace on Sunday Ian from Lyn. don. of the death of his uncle, Mr. L. McDowell and Arranged for the Mere] which was held in Amos Church on louder Int. Rev. Mr Kaye oncmed. Sympathy is extend. ed the bereaved ones. The meeting was closed try sing ing of the King followed by singing of grace. after which Miss Helen Lindsay and umclates served a dainty lunch. Mrs W J. Allan pre- sided over the ten cups. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs D. Davis cn Feb. 15th. All ladies are welcome. read a paper on “Various ways of Home Betu1tifleation" and stressed the Idea. Mrs J. C. Queen received 15 lbs. of yarn from the Holstein Red Cross Branch and had it dis- tributed " the meeting and hoped to have the knitted articles return- ed bv the Feb. meeting. A very dellghtful afternoon was the out- come A namr was renal hv Mrs w. J. Allan on "Women as thool Trus- tnaa." whirh ntrnssod the tslertion of at least one ,vttmatrtruutsse in each serum. also that remain-1 might he more Nonnmioal in tho extremes of the srhml. and would also he In favor rf the "Marv he. ine ft mmmnnltv affair rather than Min: 'ottol.v restricted to the use ot the mmils. Anothor mner on Cur. rent wants was than Irv Mrs Tur. Iror anh was wett mnntrIMtM and ettmtittted of the latest events.. Mrs Stanley Mead save a very good paper on “Food Value" of which. put to use would be a great health benefit. The Ser-Treats.. Mrs Pee, The Royaltide Institute met on Friday afternoon, January 19th at the home of Mrs Ed. Lindsav with w mnmkarq and 7 visitors present.. The nicotine: was opened bar the Ode and followed by the Lord's Praver in unison. The 1st vice president Mrs Youne presided. Mrs Pearl Cor don road arrinturp taken from 23rd Psalm. Exoression of thanks wee "tandem to the Branch for the Christmas boxes to the elderlies and shut-ins. The roll call was an- swered by the exhibits of quilt blocks which were (mite attractive. The exhibit from the Art Gallery, which is on dismay has been much appreciated. The school welcomes visitors at all times to any of its sessions. Leonard Harmon, of Pickering College. Extension Department. and Vincent Black. President or the U. F.Y.P.0. motored up from Toronto Sunday and have contributed to the success ot the program. Owing to the inelemeney of the weather and uncertain travelling con- ditions, scheduled speakers were un- able to attend for the tlrtrt two days. but the success of the pioneer undertaking was assured by the oomrndeiy spirit aroused through discussion. songs and literature. Members ct the group attended Sunday School in a body at the Presbyterian Church and took the service at the United Church pro- viding special music. . Saugeen Folk Schocl. being held this week at Holstein opened Friday Int. with the registration of twelve members from Blythe. Britton, Dun. dalk, F'leshertcn. Mcunt Forest and Holstein. The hostess of the school is Dr. Anne Ross, lormerly on the stat! ct the MacDonald Institute and Matron of the O.A.C.. Guelph. Her wide experience and variul mount pliP‘WmnM have added much to the cultural aspect ot the school. Saugeen Folk School Now in Session ALLAN'S POPNL‘PS WAGE checked. Mom at Pt Arthur. Armstrong. Chime & Went unila- Wong in. him a tum-n eunu- dtrrtem an. mm.' “do“. Mn: Cur 'tmermti- 3 nd all “I'm from any Agent. ASK NR mum. I? . T'." TICKET. 0000 m The Annunl Meipur of the Egre- mont Agricultural Society will be held in the Acme!!! , Hall. Holstein. FRIDAY, ie?, 26, 1.40 A good attendance i't requestnd. A. AI'I‘KEN, 'ii,gt','lfl,',1; President. 'y-Treuurer Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions The Dromore Women's Institute will hold their next meeting on Wed. Jan. $Ut, " the home of Mrs Alex Milne. The topic will be given by Mrs Alex Milne. "A misunderstood Child" and a discussion led by Mrs John Hill, Roll call: “Methods of Child Diireiptitte." Music by Mrs F Hopkins. All ladies welcome. ANNUA MEETING EGREMONT " ICULT'L SOCIETV She is survived by eight ot a ..w"'N"B. - ‘-"u‘ family of ton, Mrs Annie Harlnvoll, THUR., PM. CAT., JAN. 25, as. 27 Mrs Margaret Knapp, Mrs Minnie ft . . . Gibson and Murray Small, all in To, _ '" CID. hdtttigsloet this Program mm, Mrs Ellen McKenzie and Wil- Only ---- Adults Me. liam Small at Dromore. Charles " . . Pricevllle and John in Western P,',', If,,'",'" bigurt ot drama errr Canada. There are also one brother on on m'. and three sisters surviving. Joseph Out" be me the .tiny' Stephenson. Dromore. Mrs Minnie . (lienister, Toronto; Mrs Edith Gor- J h tt riled alumna: diner. Medicine Hat, nnd Mrs. Annie It " I d "Mm Lane MeEaehern, Egremont. AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM . w 6 . Mrs Swan's maiden name was Isabelle Stephenson and she was a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. John Stephenson. She was born in Egremont " years ago and has always been a resident of that township. She married Robert Smail ever any years ago and he prede- ceased her seven years ago. Since his death she has resided with her daughter, Mrs Alex McKenzie of Dromore and the past two months has been visitinz her sister, Mrs Annie McEachern. She was ill only two weeks. The funeral service ot the late Mrs Robert Small of Egremont was held in the home of her toter, Mrs Alex. McEachcrn and conducted by Rev. A. R. Muir and interment made in Ebenezer cometexy. c-ANAoIAu union“; OOACHES " are. tool-ultimately " as. TOURIST SLEEPING CABS at are. my: STANDARD emu-mm cm " tuc- up] cut a moo-ma- " Mud-- “In; Batty--. hi " - Much P, MRS. ROBERT SMAIL THE ROLL au, nonunog WW/Ae calalw, LONG DISIAME "We didn’t know whether or not he was coming . . q 'il , . . . just to show he hadn't forgotten us." And so it goes. Long Distance is the / ' single man's answer to many l . a Problem-and the married man’s shortest road home. Always " your service wherever you my be. ,Fr It. In ”on!" Can Mum. TOWN new. “The Private lives of Elizlhlll and Essex" The screen's greatest slur ttings hemett .... body and soul Into tho tinost trertormtutre of her career. Here in dmmn....l deep and much- ing stony of a Queen‘s undying low-3 BETTE DAVIS A "we! Betttrationttl amuse of Sin skill no bones! Ski [an should miss You'll Ski the better tor it'. MOM, TUBE. WED, JAN --ttxr-- In. Playing THUR., FRL, SAT., JAN. 25, 26. 27 Spccial Admin-Inn this Progrsm Only ---- Adults Me. a wealth of Illustrated articles. Movie star pictures. articles on home economics. and many other. attractionn are found in this tun-m5 ul lecuon. "Michigan's Own Hotw. Humine". Be cum to Ret the 1h., mm Bunde Times. A new ndded section. the Metro potitan Ilmzlne. appears mm week with " editions of the Do not! Sunny Times, prmrentittcr Packed With Interest! The Metro, pelican Mag-line With The Detroit Sunday Times -----ROXY MOUNT FOREST Filmed in Tee9tnicot um- EIROL FLYNH JANUARY m. "ot, use per mile J. he M 31 out C mwto wan; Will‘s mootrtfteld. 1 Kim-kin, Cair Durham Won (i-ll fn ft m] I'm-hum the all “all MM Mo mm all H urban . Met U Refers KNOX u y P HE SUCCESSHJL s: INeett hot [With Ho PM I m Durh lint the bu Du Knox I ‘u " treld t a Honda" " VOL. Lyill M M ttt ll Victim far on W: "I lunch AM “in \K Mir! M " tho (‘uh Wr “mu Second Pe Thw- M M mun Wsll m Perl . hum ml vhuw " "

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