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Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1940, p. 1

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Aer to many the married Always at may tther coming . . W h during 1mm; e mv Destinv' ANKLE in Excursions " FOREST OXY the lives of bell: and Essex" Home”. ONAK CANADA Ind I CIRL' inch: he JANUARY 2SYM, I.” Adults Me “ring tame poriod no i m." p it the My Mom mil? it uh. but their power plays back. fired, and Moses scored 2 more for Durham. one trom Dean's pass and the Omar on a Irroakaway. Durham "pew k penalties to 4 tor the home- sit-rs. but the Cubs couldn't take ad. vantago cf the odd man. IJI'RHAM: Goal _.. Watt: defence o, McDonald, Casuidy; Centre-- G. Vii-Gin; wines -Lawrotrd, G. Menon- um; Alternates-R. Mom". Dean, Mosen. lekor, Kross. Dinner. 0.8. CUBS: Goat, Neath; detenee Crawfprd. Fromanzer: centre. Fuh- wan; wings, Williams. Bishop; an. TtioomfVld, Mecttfrrey, Tennant. Me- Meekin, Cairns. Rerettrs--woodst " Stan". SI'MMARY First Period l -Dttrttttat, G. McDonald (B. Lawrence ...r.. ...... 2 _--r'ttrhttm, G. McGirr ..... .",-turham. G.. McDonald .. Second Period , 4"th, Williams (Schwan) :r-A'ntrs. Schwan (Bishop) .. 'r-Durham. Lawn-nee . . . . . . In tho new, Watt played sensation- ally, smothering and fallingon drive from ttll angles. He c'enhadowed Nottth. the Ctttts, evperlenced goalie. Durham’s hid line of G. McDonald. G. McGlrr and Lawrence were much in evidence at the start. They set nut at a mrious pare, ran in three coals in less than 10 minute". and had the Cubs on the run. In tho semml frame Owen Sound vrred their rmty goals. and Law. rence made it ll? for Durham in tho lam minute. Owen Scuml pressed recklessly in the final stanza to tie Third Period 7 Arburham. Moms (Dean) w, â€" Durham, Muses .. . . . . Fr [Trivinz home twc counters in the last five minute ol' the game in Waleprtott on Friday nirtht, Durham Intermediates turned bark the Walks-non Capitol: by a 4---2 score in o well played and evenly match- .,I antral. The game had been nip and tuck all the way, and the lead see-sawed hack and forth throughout the whole "frtir. until “Red" Dean out the game in the bag for the visitors when he fired a blazing drive past Caruso at the 15 minute mark of the final munch-d into shape, Winzham ls " ~n or'rtinq ntrone, and both will make ,, hot mr tho Cuba henceforth. rho Ram" did tot produce a stellar brand ot balmy, nevertheless Dur ham well earned their victory, with " char margin on the night's play. Playing in Owen Sound Monday nivrht, Durham lntnrmodiates handed Una-r. 9mm! Trapper Cubs their first 'Is-ft-ut of tho season by ' to 2, after a.“ yum r had a "own-yams,» winnin" utrrak, Owen Smut! had gatherM in ttn unhrokon string of winnJargov 'y humus" thee w're in condltionA with training on thoir artifV'ie1 lee mum. long baton! the other clubs Durham has tho past week or two, mundml into shape, Wingham is " Innis S~hnurr opened the scoring tor the home club after 19 minutes t" play in tho tirst period. In the oscotul (mum. Durham came back to :t'nrc- two goals while the bat Hm Walkman Capitals could do mu: tally one by Penthml. In the fun! frame. Dean and o. McDonald woke up the game. try their two Durham Won Frxrke luv the game. by their two lotto- tallies. . An unfortunate accident was suffer- "d by Louis Schnurr. Walkerton. \lm was thrown to the lee In a tumu- trouyeheek, falling on his shtulder. An X-ray revealed a bad tum-tor» and torn muscles. He is out for the season. Waiherton has three others out through illness and injury. which has about quashed playoff dances. Knox ll. Y. P. HELD T SUCCESSFUL SKATING PARTY! Knox United Young Peoples' Son-1 my held a successful skating party cm Monday evening. After skating. chem 100 yount people met an the Queen street church and enjoyed a hot lunch served try the Young Peoplu' Soetetr. 1m VOL. LXII, NO. 5 Victim for “Wham on Wa‘kmon ke ii-? from Cubs A... W lg 19 18 2.00 9.00 9.30 40 25 30 52 not]: Mr. and Mrs. Firth were born in (Henri: township. Her maiden Nam:- waq Isabel McArthur, dunuhtnr 01' the Into Mr and Mrs Artrhie Mr» Arthur. Ircnessan. On Jan. 29th 1580, thoy were married by Rev. Donald McLeod, them pastor of Price» ville, Pnesbyterian Church ,and after the ceremony and wedding supper, Judgment Resemd on Reckless lbiag Charge Beth now in thair eighties, and yet in fairly good health, Mr and Mrs.’ Joseph Firth, upper town. quietly telebrated the sixtieth anni- versary or their marriage last Mon. day, January 29th. During the day many friends called to extend con- gratulations upon such a lrnr't'y and happy married life, and to wish them many more years of health "'1: happiness togethér. No gathering to observe the event was held, houevpr. owing to the recent demise of Mrs Hugh Firth. a [zui'oro Magistrate Cpe?reman in [olive court cn Friday, George Me Lean ct Artemesia pleaded not guilty to a eharge of reckless driv. ing. The charge arose from a car collision at the overhead bridge on Dec. 22nd last, when Arnold Noble's car, westbound, was struck on left front hubcap and fender by Mr- Lean's car, going east. No one was hurt. It was around 4.15 or 4.30 p. Respected Durham Couple Celebrate Diamond Anniversary m. in doyl'!rht, and Ncble swore he was well over on his own side of rrad when the other car ran against his. Constable Scott who was sought. rmched the scene about 5.00 and picked up broken glass and a hubcap on road tit. under bridge, about when Noble claimed collision creurred while McLean claimed accident was 100 feet east of there, and Noble had failed to give him sttftieient room to pass. The bench reserved judgment. His companion. Neil Mtbean ot Pricevillv. was up on a charge of intoxication on a public highway, and pleaded not guilty. McLean swore he drank only a pint of beer Micro leaving name at noon that day and had one drink in Hanover in afternoon, and was no. intoxica- ted. Constable Scott, who laid the charge', and Arnold Noble. witness. howevor. both swore McLean was intoxicated. and the chief had lock- td him up tor a couple hours. The mazistratp found him guilty. and tmpesed n sentence of $10 and costs or 10 days in jail. He took the 10 day term. MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH FIRTH Durham, who quietly observed their sixti» th wedding anniversary, Mon day, January 29th. Crown Attorney Birnie was the Preset-trier and barrister Harris ot Markdale defended the accused. Miss Jean Traynor, dauzhter of 303". _ Mrs Traymr and the late Harry GOWDY- In Paris. on January 22nd. Traynor of Durham. was united in to Rev. and Mrs David Gowdy a marriaze to Norman Taylor, Toronto. son, George Whitley. at Bathurst l'niled Sweet Church. IatoWN--qn Durham Hospital, on Toronto. ty Rev. GoNon Dcmm. January 22nd. to Mr and Mrs Wm. The bride was attended try her trite Brown, Orchard. . daughter. ter. Mrs Carl Richmond and the '..rAUNDERS-- In Durham Honpltal groom's brother. Gordon Taylor. on Sunday, Jmuary 28th, to Rev. Mr and Mrs Norman 111k; will and u" Saunders of Unlock . tahe up residence in Toronto. daughter. . (Em Eilititiltiiiiiit 132mm. TAYuott--TttAYNOR they left in their democrat behind old Dirbbin, for the groom's home at Edge Hill. On this date 60 years a- go there was no snow whatever. and while raid. the dust was blowing. In 1912. they retired tr Durham. where they have since been idealclt- izons. May they have continued hoolth ond loyal friendships during 'Fpir ovenirre of life. "in“! the r‘nny pond whines re- rvhwl was a letter from Rev. Robt. Bell of Appleton, Wisconrin. .whom they brought up when a lad, until he was thirteen years of age. Burns bupper m Presbyterian Church The basement of Durham Presby- terian Church radiated a Scotch at- mospherg Thursday last, when a hot supper was served to commem- orate an anniversary ct 9-0tland's Peet, Robert Burns. Previous to sit- ting dcwn to the repast, the national dish, the haggls, was brought in be. fore the guests, my Chas. Mottat. following the skirl ct bagpipes by Piper Gillespie ot Mount Forest. 'l‘lu- murals was eventually placed on a small table before H. J. Mc. For thirty three years there, they tork an active part in the life ol' the (-cmmunily. and proved true noir'h- Mrs :md friends. On the death of the late James Edge, Mr. Firth be. came postmaster at Hive Hill, hold. ine the offiee eight years. Huh“. who mm the Burnq' has. gis ode. Such Scott}: tooth-bites as shortbread, scenes and oat cakes graced the tables. Tho address cn Burns was given by Miss J. M. Weir and she read a number of poeau. Rev. R. Honey- man also gave h short address. The music for the H'ening was sup- plied by Meant Forest talent: vocal solos by Mrs Gillesole and Mrs Chal- mers. bagpine and piano selections Ly Finer Gillespie and Mr Lyons. Rev. s. W. Hirtle was chairman. Claire Llt:chey.is seriously ill at present with pneumonia. Ruvnor Hulme is a patient at ptusent in the local hcspital. At Aldershot Camp. "Bcbs" McKinnon. former We"; known Price-ville boy, has enlisted in the postal service and is now with the first Canadian Division in Ent land. Williamsford Miller Dies Thos. J. Elliott. for many years miller at Willamsford. died on Stat. urday last in his Plth year. as a re. suits of two strokes, one last Novem- Pr, and a second one last Wednes day. He is survived by his wife, Mr: sons and one daughter. Inter. ment took place Tuesday afternoon. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE HOLBTEIN LEADER 'e- ' A. 0NT.,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 . 1940 A good reprrstentatlott of the con- ;zregntion was present. the pastor Rev. W. H. Smith. presiding. Com. ment was made on the heavy loss by death the past scan. 13 members and 6 adherents passing cn. ' Not. withstanding the loss by death and removals, the membership remain, stationary, as a number of new members Joined. Receipts .in the General Fund totalled $3184.30 and after meeting all current expenses. tt balance of $239.47 is carried over. Total contributions for all purposes were 37.145.01. In 1938 Knox ecngregation contri- buted $1508 to Missions. and at an nual meetin': a year ago. it wan voted to raise ttllc-ation to $1700 for 1939. " is a matter of pride to both pastcr and people that this in- rrcased sum was raised and paid over to the Mission treagttrer,---the only congregation in Grey Presbv- truy to rake its allocation. A mis, sirnary church is a living chart-h. A unnmlnoxn vote decided um" tho the $1700 objective again for 1940. United Congregation Reviewed Years ka A successful year. both spiritual- ly and f1narteittlly, was enjoyed by Knox United congregation dttrin 1939, reports of the various erratum- ticns being adopted at the unnur-Z meeting held Wednesday night, Jan Mst. The: Sunday school contributed tho collection first Sunday each month to Missions-a total If $52.76. Un. der Sum. Dr. Grant and Ass't. Sum. l. n. Sharpe, the School is doin" vxCenent work. Average attendance for the war was 116. All missionary Societies went owr their al‘n'ntion. but me which was a few dollars short. The pastor woke highlv of the work of Mr Ar. chie Douglas. ‘Ml Bank account- "nt, m his earnest training of tho hum of Knox and some from other chtttthys. in Tux'is and Trail Ranger work. 41 hove are enrolled. G. Rem, PaMeld, retiring choir leader. was given a clap of appreci- ation by the gatherinz, and the new leader and organist. R. Newton. in. troduced by the pastor. Mr. New- trn made a neat reply. thanking all inr kindness shown a newcomer and prcmisinz his best efforts. Trustees T. Henderson and A. Sharpe . were reelected for a two year term and J. W. Ewen, Geo. Yiirs for one year. P. Ramnrle and J . B. Dumeld were re.eleeted audi. tors. Tho Women's Association had a good year, raising almost $400, an" svnnlvinw ttew carneta for the church. tor which Thos. Whitmorn unreasod the thanks ct Board of Stewards to the ladies. Retiring Stexards were Doyle Draithwaite, T. F. House, Murray Kin-hit: and Seth Trafford, deceased. The new Stewards elected after a dose contest were Gecrge Glass. James Crutehley, ttr. J. Ritchie (Durham), George Bell, and Harold McKechnie. A vote of appreciation to Rev Mr Smith for his labors. and to Mrs, Smith, was heartily tendered by the meeting. The matter of repairing the sheds is in charge cf Board of Stewards. and the Quarterly Beard is to take rteps to have tho auditorium of Queen St. Church transformed to a trecreation centre tor the young people. Refreshments were served by the ladies to ccnciude a harmoniqus evening of business and sociabiiity. The Voluntary Aid Organization of the Red Cross Society were sponsors or a box social and dance in ttw ttwn hall and a great crowd was in attendance. The music for dancing was provided by the C.K.N.X cr. cheatra from Wingham. - At eleven thirty. boxes were sold by auction and brought in over twenty dollars. The prize to the highest bidder went to J. H. MoQuarrie JUNIOR AID GIRLS The ycung Indies will have about $25 to the good for the purchue of wool tcr knitting tor soldiers, lull- crs and airmen. SPONSOR BOX SOCIAL Appointment of Rev. Carman J. Qucen, B.A., L. Th., son of Mr. and Mrs John C. Queen of Egremont and present Rettor of St. Paul's Church, Princeton: St. Peter's Church,.Drumbc; and Christ Church. Ayr, as Rector of the Church of the Advent at Ridgetown and the Church of the Redeemer, Highgate is an- nounced by Rt. Rev. C. A. Seager M. A. D. D. Bishop of Huron. Rev. Mr. Queen succeeds Rev. J. H. Geoghegan who was appoint- ed rector of St. John's Church. F-irnthroy. Cat-man Is a graduate o the University of Western Ontario and Huron College. London. with " A. and L.Th. degrees in June 1937 and was ordained Deacon by Bishop Seager the year previously. He served as Curate to Canon A. A. Dice. B.A., L. Th., a former rec- tor ot' Durham and at present Rector of All Saints Church, London and was elevated to the priesthood in March 1939. Rev. C J. Queen Goes to Ridgelown Since June 1937, he has been in. cumbent ot St. Paul's Church Princeton. St, Peter's Church. Drum bo and Christ Church. Ayr. Rev. C. J. and Mrs Queen, formerly Audrey D. Bell ot Durham, Will fake up re- sidence in Ridgetown on February 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Erben Schulz. and Mr and Mrs Jack Schutz. are spend. ing a tow days In Ttronto this week 0. Hahn Buys tit. Forest Hotel The sale of the Royal Hcte1,Mount Frrest, to Mr. Oscar Hahn. propriet- m-Iof the Helm House bore. was 'cmpleted this "eek. and Mr. Hahn hf! on Wednesday to lake poww- Finn. Omar has continued the hur- ham new tho past 25 years. his la- ther, Mr. Val. Hahn. buying it lm years helcre that time. His daugh- ter, Mrs Harry King and Mr. King. will continue in charge of the Hahn chse, with her srandfalher. Mr. Val. Hahn, now in his eighties, as general manager and "glad hand" man. mother. Mrs. Schaeler. in her Mith year, at her home in Hanover Mom day. The funeral was on Wednesday titteruoon, " Years Service Mrs John P. Whelan of Hamilton, a. former Durham resident. who has been the faithful and etticieut some» tary of the Board of the Infants' Home and Home of the F'riendt.ess in Hmilton. the past fourteen wars, has Just presented the annual report of the institution. In paying tribute to Mrs. Whelan's service, the, Hattt. illon Spectator says: "Noteworthy throughout Mrs. Whelan's vetttarksis the note ct progressiveness, tender so1ieitude for the helpless and tho afflicted. and thankt'uiness for the nmazing results attained by tho board's policy." Mrs Aaron Rios of town and Miss Elizabeth Schaefer, tcrmer P. S. tea- cher here. mourn the death of their The U.F.0.-labour Political Association of GREY-BRUCE will hold a Jos F. CRUTCHI‘EY. Pres. W.E. BIFRWOIITH. Sec'y SATURDAY, FEB. lil 22.33.? ri,,1,at,.h,a,, HANOVER in the Town Hall HANOVER Addresses will be delivered by Miss A. C Macphail M .1). ard others. 11m} F welcome Nominating Convention 4.. ‘2“ Published Weekly at 82.00 I year In advance. To [JIM Sum. 82.50 I you to names. Peter Rmago, Publish: ONTARIO ARCHIVES The man ty nun-ting of Canadian Greys Chaph- l.0.l).}2.. witl be held at the ho ' or Mrs. Myles, on Tuesday evening. "bruary 6tit. Pvrtttat t Wa thur of ,ii:'.ilt.it)'i, Beauty Parlor. Make ammimnn-x Knoy Chum-II Evening Auxilinry will hold I skulillu party. Tueuhy. Rebuary 6 . Rum summits served in Uueett s ~00! Cltutrit. Admission 25¢ and 150. A crwdial iuvithtion in t-hie min-11m tho ies of Durham) and surround- in: con to hear Dr. Hurry'l‘hnmn son. Field wry Ctsnau'iattDetttgt1 Hygiene Ceuneit, the Town "all, Durham, w"d"""e'c' bruary Cth, at 3.30 p.m. . I so! Sloop Sleigh. nem I net Sloop Shula. mount 1 set med Knee Sleuths I Grain Grinder, 10 in., m-arly new "oou used Natale Separators I used Flieetrie Wtttriter New Thor Washing Mttrltittmx tlratty Ems. Stable Equipmmn Cockehutt Farm Marhinery FTeury-Birtsett Faun Itchinery The Preston Ptuutntor---ttt much to your Gram Drill. Cram Separators Repaired. Skates Sharpened DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Pm, Iona 140 DURHAM, ONT COMING EVENTS mu SALE 's qt mg at Tt an by Mr. M:Ar Mrs. Voile"'." vsduy. Feb. 61h mun

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