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Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1940, p. 4

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E; .' PONTIAC Move; ttt the v. Head of the may {b UST TAKE one look at a 19fo Pontiac . . . and J you‘ll know why Motoring Canada acclaim it the style sensation of the year'. From that sparkling front-end with its distinctive Silver Streak to the gracefully moulded trunk, it's got what it takes to be the Nation's Number One Beauty . . . just " it's Number One for Value. 5 New series for MMO.' 20 thrifty new sixes . . . 7 brilliant new eights . . . and trires start with the lowest. There’s a Pontiac to meet your needs and purse exactly-and you can depend that the Pontiac you choose will step you right up into the head of the Niass". For into these 1940 cars, Give your Home Newspaper Your Printing The Durham Review Durham Motor Sales WM. KELLER 2t.:Q.?p2?.?ii.t2'.f,l Bring your Printing to We offer you the same or better quality at as low or lower prices and guarantee better and quicker service than you can get from out-of- town printing houses. You expect your newrraur to boost for good roads, good schools, and support commun- ity celebrations and associations. . .. You expect your newspaper to help bring people to Durham. . .. to interest them in this town . Your newspaper does there thirgs and helps you, Next time an outrideprintirg tales- msn calls on you, tell him you're going to buy your printing at the local newspa pn- "ite. You expect your newspapea community drives for charity, etc. . You expect your home newspaper to give you all the news. . . . You expect your newspapet totako the load in advocating ttttttttttunit , ban 1 m m. . . ' . . ..,,-,., Pp/G:;:'.:'.'.'.'??.:???, 3:3"? 5'51?P5:-542:5:1:1zifi$§:;:;:;.g:::;;:§:;§9_ Hating of all Kinda Phone " Pontiac designers and engineers have put the extra style, extra comfort, extra features, extra perfor- mance and extra distinction to make your motor car a proud possession. Why not cross the line from utility to luxury now that luxury com " little! Better go see the new Pontiacs today. i?jir.fi??.f.f;i VIC. BLYTHE - -- --""""""'"----" to support THEDURHAM 1tmrmw- _ - : 7-: Plus money or'lu'vo deutive memorial. rmrtned and It in almost huh-am. -erat ttther 'te' ”on: den-uh "tertoee .. ...... .96.60 The Munch! of me. " Otta. to hear tty' Governor-Geneni will” . W85 Adi. W. "m. ........ tr CI “W mm them m m: $300,000 the disunce um um ma mum. Piper all-oh at Ion-c M tnd m tum-um plan tn "I “a. boaght “I 1.11 tring X.PI. m not athtqred Wtthitt the ‘3. a Aattd and Mtod h the w. m WI "RIM. Pte.. con. "rxtmsdinrit-_tpeerui'ttt?tfrftt. m.flwImbaunm.n,MAm.-MIn-lidur. .tterttterst-tte-ieiteantsoe e'?frte't?tttb"tetwtyttt--oGrVi"td ""otqtutmirr,rmma-t muommmuc’ngu'u‘m '”‘”“°W“-'mmthi'-m.m rundown-.04 ”and” ”3.0:.” with the lenders to mum a. ma It 3m w. ‘4 . ' around in his.“ hobo the. non on" they should Ion boon whoa. Oftho founded dob: ,ttfynriits- innu- 82.000300 thit" the lenders hove torgottitibmt. - . The sudden summons to prom Parliamept utter a non t'itt1ntre. leu than n dar.-w" hlfd on more than the chef in the parliamentary restaurant. who but! Nd tn " Iowa's supply of addition. Think of the members themllej' reeean l mere "f each. when exudation: were high for my!!!“ the session- at 84.000. The cold weather dip In Southern sum luv. week. night. the. sun- bnt'hen unprepared and nanny n northern tourist that would aave given a good bit to bani!” winter tm4erwear at home in their trunk. "In Burk-n Ithinn ! P. 1tAMA0tl1 um: um mod-m "Meanwhile our luiminitstrators - some brilliant young civil servants, bureaucrats and doiiar-vyear men-- are watching Its. The Wartime Pri. ces and Trade Board,' with Hector MeKinnon " the controls, does a good job. More a shepherd than a. policeman. it hushed prices in on- ly two cues (actually the Board he no power to " prloes, merely nukes recommendations to the Cnhlnet). But it looks after suppl'y’ snd distrl- hutlon, acts as a. deterrent against hoarding and prtrt1teerintt. it has 1. Sugar Controller who sets us sun from the British Sugar Controller, a Wool Controller who gets us wool from the Brltish Wool Controller; s Coal Administrator tho tnkes are ot our fuel supply; a Leather Con. troller who looks after our leather. All dollar-ayes? then, these contre.. lers are ehle. resemble fellows who know their out. They veren't per- tr appointments." , Ottawa. the capital city, is a busy spot these war days with the many war boards in action. "uttekktrtatre at Ottawa" in Maclean's Magazine tor February 1, deals with the matter at length. This war has an economicas well as a military front, and our war bill for this year will be 81000000 daily. "Baclatage" gives in his arti- cle the (allowing kindly reterenceto Priceville's famous son: Extensive write-ups ot the attempt- ed bank robbery at Baden last week. when former Durhtunitess, tarry Miller, manager, and Mrs Miller were the principals. and thwarted the robbery, appeared in the Toronto and other dailies last Tuesday. By the personal conversations quoted in reports, one would imagine that the newshounds had secured intervews but such we are assured. was not the case. Neither Mr or Mrs Miller gave interviews to any reporter at the time, in fact Mr Miller' ordered them out or the bank when robber fied. as he thought they had told too much at robbery two weeks pre- vious. The reportisrsf information was simply what they had picked up on the street. garnished up to suit their taste. with many of the facts incorrect. It was a tair sample of unreliable daily roikrrtimr. The urgency for the early election was found in Prime Minister Kititr, with an election necessary by fall at least, desiring to have a clear mandate from the people before the expected spring oftensives are under way in Eurcpe's battlefields. and also to quell much unnecessary criticism of the government's war conduct. Premier Hepburn's vote of censure. and an apparent session of iaulbdittding, also were factors in bringing on a vote at once. Better an election now, than when the war is perhaps at a much more crucial Matte, and Premier King is to be, commended on getting the nation's verdict at this time. He trusts the people and the people will doubtless trust him, and return him with a good majority to guide the ship of State. ELECTION CAMPAIGN ON: MARCH 26TH, DATE CHOSEN A dramatic ending came to last 'Thursday's session of Dominion Parliament, when Premier King dia. sclved it after only four hours sit- ting and announced a general elec- ticn. Tuesday, March 26th is the date since chosen-the tlrtst winter election since Sir John A. Macdon- ald's time. This leaves lime ever seven weeks for campaigning. and it will be difficult going, especially in the rural ridings. PRICEVILLE BOY UNRELIABLE REPORTING people no unless about peat to the “DOING A GOOD JOB" TORONTO What on earth wan I betrun fort" Life ll a fuclnntlnx adventure where ensue. chance, shock and co. portunlty lie in wait to teat the ttttre or the adventurer. When we met In the Commons Chamher to "an the muons to the Senate " the Gentleman Usher of the Black M. the nnmmttnv members greeted each 'ttthet. With " Iahlllty, all unconauoue of the Im- minent dluolntlon. Even when we "tttarrrst at the her ortho Senate .90 hear the Throne Speech. nunv din That the letter of the promise be kept. thoueh the spirit broken, If): and Senators .were called from ell over this great country. The sten- omphlc. messenger, reeteurnnt end cleaning stuffs ambled. in shut the pari1ttrnentarr mchinery we; oiled for e reunion of " lent . few months; . grave, reeponeihle melon when through the medium of Parlia- ment the people of Cumin wouldhe informed of their government's war- time effort end preparation far the future. both " home and abroad. instead, we not I four hour session. with no questions nixed. no infome- tlon given. Only three npeechel: Mr King's carefully prepared, political speech end Dr. Mnnlon'l and Mr. Woodeworth'e "tmnttoranemu. indie. nlnt repliel. The epitaph of the emlon might well be: "If so soon I would he done for. But would Parliament meet again before a general election? To make euro of it, Dr. Munich asked the Prime Minister, Mr. William Lyon Mackenzie King, if he would give an undertaking tan over-worked Par. liamentary term) that Purliament would be called min before a. gen- oral election. He did. "He" mem- ing the Prime Minister nod "did" meaning that Permanent would be called. f We are to have a bederal election. in the winter time. The first mid- winter election since the days or Dir John A. Macdtvnald. Mr. Kin: has been informed that the roads will not be broken up by the 26th 0. March. Someone has blundered. They forgot tointorm him thuuntll then, they will only be blocked up. And all because Mr. Mitchell Hep- burn, Premier of Ontario, railroaded a resoluticn through the legislature censuring the Federal government. Many of his i0ilowers didn't supper-t it, but they also didn't oppose it, and the incident became world news. Bat, let us begin at the beginning. We are at war. We had a war-time session of sir-t days in Bepternher. The government at. that time asked that no statements or enquiries be made which might strengthen the enemy. We were to be good and leave everything to the administra- tion. Vote the money and no home. We did and went. in reward for such docile l’t‘lmvim‘. we, the mem- bers ot the House of Ccmmonc,were to be allowed to ask questiana and voice criticism when Parliamentmet again. Miss Macpnail l'mnks Election Unnecessary Who has dissolved Parliament and called general election tor March 26 PREMIER W. L. MACKENZIE KING of new "Minuteman“ hr! the memory chug. when be ttmt . “W " My M " melted “Tu O' an...» .-.. our" may mu: m watt. Tttttart" uocg 1. lketted the m o Aneh of button. The little ladle only In his (aunt yen. died sudden- ly " thejone ct MI mu " 714 Chew-Ida at. and his main brought out m up lonelines- to his mats and two _ DONALD DAVID "NON ' Word ttatt been received In of the death of Donna nun A - WITH WM HOFFAT AND ROBERT BURN: ovonu in [brand Mn an: In re: training from voting on _ttts resolu- that Bhtatn and France mad Li, he dulled. tlcn of tlcn of censure name! by the "on" Jan. 18th. He declared his willing- neu to run u . Victory mum. in my Merl! constituency nun-n cu m Imp! nun. and defined In that event he would at MI enum- enta to perm". him to resign " Provincial lent. enemies" . Colonel Hunter chased Prime Minister King with betraying the principles "in defame of which We believe our-elven to be " war." His amen m ordering d‘llolutinn " the Liberal back.treneher. "l sug- gest they have had the result, nct only of confusing the mitrtie mind hit of hampering the interests of the Allies and perhaps may have "But, cu the other hand, what ever might be the motives ot the Leaders responsible, they have no J tidings in this Home dur. ing the session have not yet accom- plished that purpose. ".rr. , ".1 ormnhud as to have pre- risely the oppoaue etteet," continued "I would, humbly nuggeet that this House as a. forum was nct designed exclusively for the presentation of the views of the Leaders of the two parties which compose it”, said Colonel Hunter. “In the Speech from the Throne we were ulted to believe the particular purpose OI I.th session was to further emclem prosecution ot the war. In my (pini- Col. Hunter Wishes 0ltawa Seat Criticism of his own Leader in the Legislature and the Lender of the Opposition. as well " Prime Minister Mackenzie King, In: voic- ed in the Legislature Monday try Colcnel Fraser Hunter. Ubetal mem- ber for Dt. Patrick, immediately following the attack made upon Prime Minister King by Premier Hepburn and Colonel George Drew. Chum: and - elected Agnes C. Mncphul Ottawa, Saturday, Jan. 27th,. 1940. Bury hospital on Gaul-lo u no: ordering d‘uolutlon of W" . nmmtton of n!‘ meagre comfort to the": of Donald David 'n In a. little new 'utdHmrtotttmt ot Duetm, I; a. "mlttq Candida Pne'ttte his elect! MM- “Numehome of Mr Antler-on on M. M. all - Much. new with - m g u H such Boom I... u M Moetstt live, Robert .m. will - die. {at We hope [or I good mm News If and In Win. ii,Ltif and brother. Mr and In C. W. Bumm- m OHM were "can: visitors with Knew - the hymn that 14 mane-cud with It. Agelecticn "inthe -tee of the King" was sum: try 1 “I." of tho choir members and " Samoa in singing the CIOFinL'hnnn KIM- Annie t. Ion-tum spent a tbw din Int week with her sister In W. J. mm, Williwnford, In LYN" of Detrot t in visHInu “an in ma, In J. Sweeney aeegt III a weekend visitor with Mr and In W. H. Smith. The Crawford Young rum.» Union met at the home of Hon w F' MacDonald last Friday evc'ninp mm. a large number presmt. In th, " unee ot the President, Fnrrt, nu- Kuhn-1d presided over the openmu put of the meeting. Erie And, w: rend Roman at chapter. and /xi'. ' Andaman real the explanation. Tlv. toll all .m answered by 9am 'F mun: the Y. P. benediction. m D. J. “(Mild offered pray: The hymn. "Whnt A Friend w, line In Jesus" was sung. Mr< Ir, demon give a reading about thr. hvmn and the author. The mm {m the manual: ‘1' "noukhohortr' I" Cumin and (MI ‘18 llny dealt “uh by “In. W. lejorie Mu, Donna on n Ive-ding entitled "Th WM 30". Prayer." and Ploronu In Neit McLean Want a yum an. week with Mrs Al‘tlliv Wutrr, Welbeck. Wendi 1nd neighbors of M. Archie MacDougall will be glad In lean that the In recovering from _, seriou- oporntlon which she mum went recently In Mt. Sinai limp. al, Toronto. In Munougall 'A,ts culturing from gangrene and u up. Mr Steve Balm-on ot Chomp} went the week end with his mm Mrs C'iittord Adlum, Allan PM... and duo vistwd Mu pumnts. found neceuary to unputau- hr! right foot. We hope she may mm enjoy good health. The snow storm» mo ow; 't' while and the weather moms mm. settled. The snow show-Hen Inv. quite n harvest u we have nu PM so much now tor quite a [A Mr and Mrs James Cruu-hlu) a... Mr and Mrs Dome McNally "te', supper guests with Mr and Mi,c I: Plume”, Durham on Wednesday Illa Edna chonald. lmmlruh, has returned to her sol-ml ttt 1.. tom. after being very ill bl'[l dummy tor some time. Mr and In. Ross, Miller ol Lu. lull visited with the Campbvll .m: Twlmley (milieu [nut Sutumay. Mr Edward McDouguH cf Jump Twp. spent the weekend with h, puma here. Recent visitors with Mr and My Fred Kelsey are Mr and Mrs Mun Ritchie, Mr Ira Ynke, Earn-ww- Mr and In Harold McKprhniv 'r Mr 1nd In Joe Crutchley. Mm M. c Mr C. R. The annual meeting in comm- an with the church here will h, ROCKY SAUGEEN " __ _ My t : human our Wat» checker.- The mm . was out": Peo ' lttenu TAKE NO having rlulu Mm Grub): lwminvk. de " tho nun Solicitor for the Ptrst da FOR SALE (ll lull-e with L and non “uh Apply I? Wat: Toronto. (If!!! house " 55% lnveutmc-r clients. Inn-stun and. [or you”. nut-ta, and m I t‘ro- war hazard m0: WANTED y young horn» (hum yr Mare trtvterred u. son, It. It 'd. Hm . INSTIHBI'TOR IN AN his!“ tor a man I trttrute our thtr _ dtrete in Counties t2: roe. wettingam, and Rob Roy hm. Rom-at ' ”in" “am trained Coma-1mm: Inn was! ot Durham. house. lana- barn 1: “In to No. 4 "nth Butt-Ck. Apply In In Walt NOTICE TO (RED Dull-d In Durhm January. 1940. m SALE-- hum: Ir, Apply to Mr John Hoots, Yum-y. Lot 1, Co:, 'y. mu SALE Bulls for MI W.3. Portru. IENTINCK ' AR Small Ad THE D Soliritor AGENT WANTS " .Ilclun'l I " lotion.) tr tl Cttatelame l (I Cunt-n H " Canadian I tt Liberty N tt Collie: ' h n m 3*" u no fl-ty r tt Vietnam i tt Parana-f N tl Silver ST tt Quinn t l Semi-.- tl Own R " " Iron;- a tt “um. " Athena: Thqs Are F thiity r" tl th tat “unmi- 6.0!? A -"'""'""_ " FEIlU mud " H

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