West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1940, p. 5

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K in connee ttere Will be “moon, Feb. a ttood Inc-no 'rhmn spent a rm: her ttutoe 'illhnsfml. It is visiting I J. ”may. Marne. Aber. I '19in with Durban. on. 'm bod!" Town " RD M, P. was " his sister: ”out. 'No ' new with lunch Scour ti! "I DRUM ot visitors with BEEN RGAINS IV 187. i.“ I hour sun no checkers 'aeific in homo of Ir Yancy wore In \‘my's live. loner! " manor: an Tttt h " as points $2.75 “.15 The no“ A ' Hon-m M and Mr Murm' mn opening " noon Chg-ale, M r Noam n wa It ttt his that is “In the " by it '-rrtont h mm n lad "inter '09]. ander Walk Park moro- M mu with dun Mrs Th had had lh ht tht t n ith 1b 'nr th to " TAKE" NOTICE that all persons havinz claims against the that» of MaryGrttstry, late of the Townshipot "munch, deceased. are required to file the same with the undersigned. Solicitor for the estate. on or before the, Ptrtrt any of l'ebmry. 1940. Coe, Dated at Durham this 17th day of January. 1940. HORSE 1e'tPPrlt1t buy gm 3mm: horse ,e,l,i,','ivt':',.i,i/t,iiti,1, typo. Mare preferred. Write on Bender rm, lt. R. 2. Holstein. thi rio. :[S'I'RIBI'TOR WANTED - We as muting for a man to all and du. "mun:- our n r and canal pro. 'ut'ts' in Counting; Grey, Bruce. tttm- mm SALFr-- Purohred Shorthorn Hulls for sale. may tor service. ICJ. Porter, R. R.,3, Durham. BENTINCK FARM FOR SALE Containing I , acres, 1% miles 2am)! of Durham. Good solid brick hon H. tare" 1);"an good cond tion, Clone to No. 4 walkway on 2nd con “enunck. Apply to l Hnnvsl, aggrenslve man wanted to “am trained representative of " lurity house in 'mtroduetintt sound Age/o Investment to prospective tllvnts. Investment has paid divid. vnnls for yours. "as his”, liquid mums, and is particularly immune tron: war hazards. FOR SALE- 2,rttttp pigs. \pply to Mr John H r. It. R. 1. Hm SALE OR RENT--io loomed hmm- with hardwood tloom, hard NOTICE TO CREDITORS and son water inside. Prioevnle. 1pply Fl. Watson, 50 Gloucester St. Toronto. army. Lot 4, Con. 19. THE) DURHAM ‘wr’. _ Small Advts. Wellington, Rob W. D. HENRY, ICC. Durham. Ontario. Solicitor tor the Exocumcea Are' Positively Guaranteed Hum Ina-zinc. I n. t1CditieeaM-in%tyr. um Story “the. t n. ii-tOtt-Fine.). iiqro-tottrrutrogruraniettx,trv. [Jhmu’lhmlim ”me10". t3cttretioeeatCtrv. iTBer-ndMaeigts.trr. [JOponnocdmrlon).ln. I) Mecanyt Wm. t n. ”mutt-0.0M. ()WMIII- -_ " Indoctr- Mint. t n. " 111qu Rome Hominy. t n. tl Chatelaine lac-zinc. 1 " t 1 Canadian Home Journal. 1 yr. " Cumm- Horticulture & Home AGENT WANTED Mrs Waite! Thomson, R. A. 2, Durham nu Now-pp; i'"Yar,GiriunfkiuatG mm, m land- Gm I MINA-WI _ -MrPtF-6he" T "ee? an. “a.“ Mills Ltd tt ' -- Manly. yr. ”Miami”. $31"); ”with.“ In”; . ljmnwmnim LCM. "Mt-arts moniker-20.1”. “In. _t3gur-usrtWttitGgmee,t_pt. can claim manor-rum “WinlYunudAnynmm BIG FAMILY OFFER In A. Suite:- and Mr Donald Gillies were the (winners in the "Old time waltz" " the Tenth An. nual dance or Prieevitt e Old Boys' and Girls' Association in Toronto on January Mth. 1940. The annual meeting of St. Colum ha Church, was held on Monday night. with a good representation oi the members present.. The Mana- gers having done their duty faith- Iully the past year, were all re-elect ed. The reports of the many branch- es were fnvcrably commented upon and thanks given. A clear sheet ls had with a nice balance on hand. The only atumblng block, was the failure to elect a treasurer” Mr McBride resigned determinedly and no one caring to handle so mach mcney, all refused. Realizing too. probably, that they had a hard man to follow in Mr McBride. The main highway is splendid, but the back roads heavy still.. Mrs A. Stunner and Miss Minnie Livingstone went to Toronto to at tond the Priceville Old Boys' and Girl's Association tenth Annual Dance and Euchre on Friday. Jan. Mth, 1940 and remained in the city visiting Mrs J. Koeritz and cther friends. PT"PeTTre"eee GPii-agLus...u m. ‘L, We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs P. G. Knatedt here, 9n the death of her father last week, Mr. Fleming of Toronto. a, one courte- ous old gentlemen, whom we used to like to meet. when on hits visits here. Mrs Karatedt has not yet re turned from the stricken home. St. Columba Y. P. S. met Thurs- dnv evening. the programme cen- sisting of lantern pictures of New. foundland. showing the country people. ceeuttatiomr. and tn zonarra the missionary activitv of tho Ttnit. ed Church in that cmmtrv. " war decided to accept the invitation or W Ami'm-"u Y P R tn be their [mm-ts no" 'rhttrqrtrtv ovpninw on Pridnv new. A. Tt Muir. con. 'lttrtrd tho "luau-n! qurvnnl " tho late Wm. John Manda who Med rr, TvMsdav at his bump on n". Om Durham ”and In hte ft1ttr VMH'. Bttrf. at took Maor- in EvowrN-n Fomn'm'v South Lino. Anemonla. with Mason- ie rites at bcth home and nave. this new: -Iucwn rm mu "Wr- nnrhvwmd nv-mm‘ MPaNng or Q0 Fn'nm‘v‘ ro-xr-ttro, V-‘nn he"" Monday evoninz. with PM A " PRIGEVILLE t33tod&dtun.trr. " American Domino; t3Pamntd' Magazine. ' not. I) Home Arte IReedieeraftt, 1 y ll Annie“ Fruit Grown. I w. ttChristian HunkLOmon ttafATeue_aiisrte,Mr-,tm ttRational Home Monthly. 1 n. tlmmml‘n. t3CastadiairtemtntAktyr. [1M madam & Ion. VALUE Cor-LL/CJ" PRICEVILLE IP11"! MEANS! , 'r, 'lh%73ta2 T-Tia/ii'"."'-"-- iiiaiifitb."" ' can” tar-....'........-- " m In on m I]. I w. - M m o.-..-..-..-"--. iiibtioa to your an. I , urn-um- . o o a ....r-oo-"""""."""""" “*7 W, t urban Tho milder wottthor during the wank and watt mnMnlv a weleottte relief from tho woven rxm'rt and Messrs. D. Campbell, E. Patterson H. IL McLean. D. McKinnon, Wan. Beaton, Angus Clark, and Henry TuNrer, who had the Hydro installed in their homes. had the lights turned on the middle of the week They all think it's great. Messrs Stuart Carson and P. Mc- Kinnon returned home from South River. Mr Don "alarm Torontn visited Mn home the first of tho worrtt Glad to report he ls back to work again. mm in the chair. " were mount. Miss Anna manned was elected secretary. The minister reported 10 burials during 1939, and present membership 123. Sunday School re- ceipts. $25.22. Jean Mather was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Sunday School. The w. A. report presented by Mrs Gary Whyte show- ed receipts 8173.75, and a balance ot $12.88. Edith James for the W. M, B, reported $37.59 sent to Presby- terial Treasurer and bale valued at $24.9“; sent for supply. 12 paid-up W. M. S. members were indicated. w. G. McBride. church treasurer. in his statement showed total re- ceipts of $1153.05, disbursements $1121.66, a balance ot $31.57. Wm. R. Meade was elected to the Trus- tee Board to replace the late Mal- colm Mclnnis. Mr and Mrs J. A. Nichol and boys visited Sunday at the home M Mr. Dan L. MacArthur. Miss Bernie» Carson ttttont the week end with Miss D. Watson in town. Mrs Cecil Faweett spent a couple days with her sister at Kimberley. Jane, who had been visiting there, returned home with her. A number from here attended the funeral on Friday of the late W. Meads at the home of his son Wm., 0.D.R. Sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs F. G. Karatedt and Jam. in the Inns of Mrs Kamtedt's fathom Mr. Flaming of Torcmo. Miss Mary Mather is atutbttitttt in the, home of Mr and Mrs Allie Muir. Mr and Mrs Dan Campbell spent tho week end with his slatera at Montreal. o.................... t.fN-"Arr, ' - ”noun! All) VICIII‘IY THE DURHAM REVIEW There's my a rent on the road or IW, If we could only atop to take it; And many n tone from the _ better land. Kttthtmor, MoMmttn of Swinton Park) DISBURSEMENTS a daughter. Provincial Otiicers' Fees ....$ 7.03 __ _._.-_- Prov. per Capita Tax 26:20 5.20 mpTg, all”? National Fees. 26 x 50 ...... 13.00 .1 , t a T Echoes Subscriptions ........ .60 - - Endowment Fund ........... 10.03 _ Entertainment expenses ..... 114.03 THE GOLDEN SIDE Convention funds ............ 13.48 There's many a rent on the mud ot Total Spec. Contrib. an above 106.82 llto. Mincellnneous Expenditures: " we could only atop to take it; Thom-e tickets for girl tam”. And many 1 tone from the u better "Blind Tug Day" .......... 3.53 land. Advertising .....i...... .... 7.00 " the anomalous heart would wake Sundries .... ...... ........ 10.1: it. b Paid rut M Savings Acct. for To the sunny soul that in Nil ttt. War Work, before asked to hope open a. "War 'ttttd Account" 74.99 And whose beautiful trust ne'er . - F “new. . Total Disbursement! ... $365.83 The grass}: green And have” Ire Excess of Disbursements over _ bright. F Receipts .. .... .... .... 44.82 Tho' the wintry norm premium. Bal. on hand, Jan. 15, 1939.. 111.68 Better to hope, tho' the cloud; hang Bal. on hand. Jun PS, 1940 .. 66.76 low, . Special Md. tif my): Monu. And to keep the eye: sun .lifted ment Fund uccunt ...... $129.98 For the Iwget blue Iky ,vtll Boon, mp through ", _ . T l, “MD SFM’ICE FUND tWN " we pus In idteVNeaaurrr a Thu 'itt richer mr ttthit' I. Joveued “'an Mr oha 9min: seeding. Brrn --on Sunday. Jamer 98. in Tttr-rt tet Mr nnd Mrs. Chant tnee Karma» “(Minna of Swinton Park) a daughter. There wu never a night without a And the dukes: F hour, the proverb I: the hour before the dawning.. Thu-9': my [gain in the pub of Or a. mlser's lauded man. It any be the 1070911 little child. Or n mother's payer to.Hetwen, Better to itrre in the in“)! mi --A bright and gold“ "ttting, And do God'a wilt with . may ' The United WJLS. purpose meeting " the bane of In W. A. Dickie. Feb. 9th to fete part in the World Day of Prayer. We are glad to know that Mrs Nathan Haw ls making a good re- covery from her recent severe ill. ness. The little infant daughter is Mao doing tine. atoms macaw“. -A't"' ”pro-chin: ”on; election should um up the “with"! I. limo. wnnm Know rt Mrs, "n'w “may fr‘rwd" "m Vain”: At school. tear-her and pupils with shovels, nails and sprinklers. have worked manv extra hours pronaring a skating rink which now nmmtses to he (mite good if frost continues. We are sorrv to learn that Mr and Mrs John McMillan. con. 14. under Dr. Lindsay's advice. took their little son to Children's Hospital, Toronto tn "owl-W for treatment. We hope Mr and Mrs Archie Clarke and lime son have been spending a while with her parents Mr and Mrs Fred Greer, Highway No, 10. Mrs Bert Scott entertained sever- al ladies of the United congregation at a quilting Saturday afternoon. Mrs John McEachnIe was a cal- ler Friday afternoon with Mrs Geo. Christie. Yen, it is cold, but fairly clear and the roads are quite passable at prea- r-nt. January has been a real month of frost and snow, yet not extremely severe. Now the sun will begin to warm up the air, and Spring and the election are both on the way. That onion farmer from St. Thomas and his co-partner, the Colonel ot Guelph got the shock of their lives when the Lyon of Ottawa took up their chat. lenge. Now we will watch and see what will be the outcome. m Tots onto they seem to think that Ontario men and resources should all be on the Btrhtinrr line, with the Dominion Government leading, while in Ottawa they are trying to comply with. the wishes of the Allies overseas. Sunday was a. nice day and a good- ly number got out to church and en. joyed nzcod sermon. Rev. Mr Hagen of Orillia was minister of the day. Mr and Mrs George Sturrock visi- ted Sunday, with their dadbtster Mrs George H. Gilkes. "r'""""P"".P'r""r, " -', . ", may at my:- over And In mimopmm I. nononll .... ........ as.“ by um. sum rpm». on. law” an» 16, "q.. 35.43 When the For [any of water given. SWINTON PARK ominous, clouds are ot Ezremont ihiiliilig Stale-ml, l Call. Greys Chap. I. 0.0.5. . RECEPTB Contribution. Rotary Cltttt.... 825.00 Proceeds from entertainment: “that deductions of my kind) ...... .... I........ 38.15 Transfer (my Chapter funds. q 14.99 Cuh refund. on material- given FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Cash Baum and biotin-“mont- for Financial Year ending “Indiana Cut: refund, on htseertng yam given out................. 2.00 5 Chris. cards, donated & sold .80 momma purchued for nae-mu Membership tees ............,$24.00 Pm \Vun “out Entertainments 198.80 Interest ".. .........tr..... 2.40 INL-luull': .r...... ......... 23.00 Poppy Fund ................ 43.70 19-h Members’ fees, pd. in adv. 7.00 Sumlzms ......... .. ....... 4.11 Cashrec'd, on ac. money loaned 18.00 Of this amount the ladies ot the Sunnyview institute have made 20 pairs ot seeks, 14 hospital gowns. and several pairs ot mitts. Since the New Year ,the Vsrney Church Guild and the Bentinck U.F.W.A. have organized war work meetings to help and we are very Hateful. May we also thank the ladies of the town and the surrounding country, who are wcrlrine with us and may we assure them we appreciate their splendid eiforts. ter has sent to Provincial Hudquuj- ters. Hamilton. " pain ot soc-Ira. ft item’s, 4 sweaters. " In!" ot mm 28 pairs of wrlntlets. and " hospital gowns. handed to the local Branch of the Red Cross Society. Total (to be carried forward under “menial rttntritrtttionB" m state- ment following) .......... ”06.82 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 5;; of Cash Receipts and Dloburoemenn Con for Financial Year ending Jan. 15,'40 Smith To private James McMurray, on his dortorttrre to Eneland. we sent two pair of sock: and a sweater and to private William Whitman. who is also In Aldershot, a parcel of socks, sweater, scarf and wristlets have been tbrwarded. / etc.: Wreath and Pottpiea.. 8.78 Child and Family Welfare: (Clarin- mas Cheer.etc.) including char- ges mid on box packed. and sent by the Chapter to the School at Tun-ii! ........ .... ...... 25.18 Mlsoellanpous Donatirns. not shown above: Durham Tennis Club 25.03 I might explain the l.0.D.E. is working in conjunction with the Canadian Women's Club. London England, of which Mrs. Vincent Mas. sey is head, and the t1eld comforts are sent to the Canadian boys from this diatributimt centre. tTreaRurer's Report) Spec. Contribution- (Disbursements) Educational Work: Secondary Education .... .... 338.22 Libraries, Becks, Pictures, etc. purchased from Head once 9.63 Memorials: (Cenotaph. wreaths, Since the bat of November. when Totat Receipts ......... no.” DISEBURSEMENTS Tomi Receipts of Mm our RECEIPTS Marion Calder, Regent . 3321.01 74 Writ. Today No out or “and“. DOMINION HEALTH ONOTITU‘I'E l ' 828 Human Street. coma on. :Doily Feb. m- to March Nd, t TICKET. coon To TRAVEL . m ”ACNE. , Enema ucluh good In Tool-lot. Pars lo:- und Gland-M unplug can I!“ callable alum d allQMIy M...- or my hm. plus we. of - If you want to be well and strong learn which foods poison your aya- teln-whlch not to medicines: learn which food- you should at to re Hove ARTHRITIB. ANEMIA. INN. OEGTION or whatever your panic!» In problem is .... now, you too, an learn then VITAL CEMET‘ in the primer of home. lave-Unto this new, modern way to vlbnnt henlth and an!" “to. Free Biol-notary 20 page MotrrEB-meue MM VI. Pt. tmthnrMtttb-. with. “In at tuhet, both some ad mttmttrrg- " M If you suffer from RHEUMATISM. CONtbTtPATtoN, STOMACH OR KIDNEY TROUBLE, NERVOUS- NESS. or from one of a. host of oth. er common ttumenta-- Special Bargain EXCURSIONS I certify that the above statement In In agreement with the moon!- ot the Gunter. which I hue waited in deal! for the your ending January 15, 1940, 1nd that the Milne" on verified . or the number who volunteered tor service from here in the 3rd contingent, only three were accept- od by Dr Oldham, Medical emcer, last F'rida.v,--Pted Keuy. Percy my. an, and John Weir. These left Mon. day morning hr Owen Sound. and over a hundred clztlzens assembled IN DAYS OF YORE Green Grove or": On Friday " ternoon tho new: ftaMtod far and wide that John Weir bu! entitled at the station to bid them God- speed on their departure. They Pom. menced training Tues. in Riverside rink with aha". 80 ot the 100 m emits asked from Grey in line. and won by the superior team- play of the student septette, who uncovered a faster brand ol hcckey than anticipated. The lineups were: High School Clerk: [on Campbell 5011 H. Etvidge V. Harvey point H. Vollet Fred Cotton cover Earl McDonald W. McGlrr rover Jdmston Allen Prank Morlock centre Jno. Mellmth Prank McIlnlth right [Ante MeGirr Vie. Catton left Geo. Kretttg An active committee had collected a sum of about $90. buyine out: a first-class wrist watch and dividing the remainder between them. Cemttratttitrtitttu, to Mr Albert Smith and Miss Lizzie Weir. who on Wednmday morning unitrd heart and hand in matrimony. (Unpaid u. for Wool, on Mad, “8) (Signed) MAW0tt Cum. - Word came last week and um the accepted recruits had to leave an Monday morning for Owen Bound so with short notice. a hurried et. fort was made and a meetlnz called in Calder't Hall for , p.m. to say good-bye and God bless you to Fred Kellv and Perry Brvnn who am all that are going " um time. The Clerk: and High School teams made the fur tty in the open- Ing game of the Tom, hockey league last Thursday night. and when the tray was over the High Schocl, contrary to general expecta- tions. was on top T-a. It was a de- cidedly interesting game to witness as VEARI no! (from Review tyte, Feb. 4th 1915) no. m, or "ttlt Bu lurk. mural-c VII an. mute and tine uly. Ocu- om ”and mum. vat; also a m. I". m Me. lurk. luck. and we! mm with tall. ol mum has “In. Gonna!» "qtittqt human-mm Learn to Fat To ALL ITATIONI m " shown shove have been Health Book C. W. ZILUAX, Auditor Luv-l“ “a.“ ONTARIO ARCHIVES m. Vow. In”. m. I. cum.“ "-totqt-. u. Cm me “VI-um“ ' “an Old It. a... b t-.Moto1tq6.... mumtomm-nuw BMW." mumm;.n.c.o. ago-MUMVWM Bavaria-1W- could nu let lain on With “I“ him God cued and about am- ftve meats gnu-red at hia lane a Saturday eve-nun. and 'te-h" him with a puree containing that! dollars in gold. the address Iain: read br Mr Ems! “(Gin and u.- eentation hy Jimmie Atkinacn. 'thet very teelingly thanked all for their kindness. Mr N. lit-Cannon ably " led the chair. On Friday night last about 20 memben ot Scots Greys Camp. Priceville. drove over to spend a social evening with their bretan of Ben Nevis Camp. Sons ot Scot- land. Due- lrrmgod at not.“ 0.0. a. dalk, a». through Durha- w. attdbeettaeemrtod uni-dub h the third contingent. “an- Holstein Corr: Rev and In Marsh left Prldny morning for It“. to Bermuda. They will "tend Sull- day in New York and will all from there on Monday. They expect to to absent about six week. Dr Iona has been in poor ham: and to. been advised by his physician: to fto South. J. L. SNITII. W.B, M.C.. chkut c DUlunu Licenced mum be My “In. Honor Guam“ Tm an“. Graduate, Royal Coll. Dam Bu“ one. and Incident: Occur - (on and [mm m. [- Omoo noun: ' to " 5.... I. .0 p.m..1 to I 9.. not." - Prompt. courtesan & unclean m DURHAM A “GLUTEN Rooms: Over Ron] Bulk Duh. B. M. cannon. A. A. s. I ' once um um mum“ all; a-G-ai.." CHIROPRACTIC lbw" the” a“... W. Pitutue t:Ltys Vent-Inn may", “W - mm: can ”any“ ”an. “a It.“ - 1ltia'ii'iijg, 000mm" . " m .rnv-lu , ottAtt J tf MCOUARRIF. ILA. T tt. SNEATH. M B. F. . EAGLES“ “an“: ,u Noun: t.89to6a..aa. "tttq"it.aes tletist tMiitcc, . "At "N," 'r' " ' Nu AMI“

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