West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1940, p. 6

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an etat, fiir the' "MEETS; don. Wide-manna“ ofneet in , t.tr'iteri'l rra.gt'tttettt. , a". r f . World's longest fenco, ml the nun-m boundary of Queensland. utonds {or 600 miles. The number of bag: on Vanad- um farms at June l, 1939. was estimated at 4,294,000 compared with 3,436,900 at June r, 1938, an i 3,963,000 at June 1, 1937. MASS HUNT-ri, cU'tECE Wolves that roam Long Point, at 2l-mile-long game paradise that juts out into Lake Eric at Port Rowan, where "tillionaUes hunt and fish and where J. P. Morgan uhot ducks but fall, are going to be subject to a barrage of shot- gun fire just as soon as Hanson Ferris, Port Rowan, organizer of a drive against the animals, can get his forces together and the weather is favorable. Ferris said plans were going attend for the mass hunt, the first time pioneer days in Norfolk County, as far IS anyone in the .liszrict ran recall. A "grand wolf hunt" at Aprley, " miles north of Peterborough. was planned by the executive of Peterborough Fish and Game As- ooeiation, but netted no ammuk. The": ts $1.5 bounty payable to '.'oe collector of every wolf. MASS HUNT-ri, AFN-ICE Wolves that count Lung Point. Wulvrs have become a momma m the older sections of Onm'io. So serious have become their in- roads on game we! farm animals that 'portsmen in Peterborough and Norfolk counties have hunts to reduce the numbers of the mar- Iuders. . In Old Ontario - Peterborough :.nd Norfolk Counties Suffer Wolves Become Menace Again L. - cow-0.935 -' - "r, ‘r V. . O ttte letter he had written in an en- s"lopt, and gnu: it to a boy who rm " with it. Later there runs a tap on the sthaNkin tupek and the my returned and handed another letter to the man in trout ot the typewriter. i thought tttdosst civil- ization had come to the Arctic until the factor untamed matters." WITH ELECTRIC LIGHA, TOO it seems Hut m " em)" to up. tho white men and impress the oth. " Huskies. two tillers had bought typrum-tters and spent many hour: (with straight laces) exchanging notes that were meaningless Jumb- les of iettt rs. figures and punctuw tinn marks. Mr. Godseii utso tell: u! another Eskimo who purchased att electric lighting system to iiiuln- inarc his “Hoot driftwood igiou. how he can cause the "moon to Hi- Mr and have his home at will." "What really caused my eyes to open wide," saw Mr. God-ell. "Iyas the Mght of this Eskimo squatted on an upturned mull»: poundlnx tho ken ot a portable typewritez. Witit an appreciable sense or what Hollywood calls atruosphtrrw he drum-d a navy lune suit and a pair nf smoked gnaw-s perched at it rs- his?! angle on Ms nose. an I watOcrd, the Eskimo pm. as River, using 1 portable tnre writer and asked him to order one " him Tue story ot an Eskimo gone mo- dem " laid by Philip H. Godlell. Arctic explorer. writing in the ctr". rent ism.) of Natural History. ut. tieial organ of tho American limo Oum of Natural History. He relates how "Mike" saw the factor at Au. iavik. at the mouth at the McKen- At Housewarming For Canadians Argue Euphrer Declare. " Give: Him That Certain Fine.» Uses Typewriter mo pm. been lost." "We are convinced by the clin- ical evidence," the three scien- tists assert in the annals of surg- ery, "that sultanilamide therapy subsequent to operation has nine- liorated the severity of the no ution in spreading peritonitis in my can. and has and ”In. CUTS PERtToNtTts TOLL Three University of Penney!- vania surgeons attribute to sul. fanilamide-the "wonder drt1tr"--. a reduced death rate in peritonit,s cases resulting from mute appendi- citis. His procedure is based on deter,. mination of the amount of food a plant aetuany consumes, rather than on the amount present in the soil.' _ , iv-...-, ~- uuuunu, Ll“. versity of Hawaii physicist, has “nested a possible new technique for the growing of bigger and bet- ter vegetables. TO IMPROVE VEGETABLES By measuring appetites of to- mato plants in various types of soil, Prof. Stanley S. Ballard, Uni. to chemists are preparing for an experiment which will tell if they have succeeded in breaking down royal Jelly - the mysterious sub.. stance on which queen bees are nurtured into the lariii state to make them rulers of the hive. Success of the experiment may forecast synthetic production of the precious fluid which some scientists believe can be used bene- ficially on retarded children and for other human diseases. l'EST "ROYAL JELLY" After a your and a half of chem- ical analysis. University of Toron- Rrimlccr milk, with 22 per can; butterfat is the richest of 11 da'. ferent kinds of milk listed in the U. S. 1989 Yearbook of Agricul- tun. grunge from the top of soup? A. Take square sheets ot clean. “hitc tlssue panel. Lay one sheet at a time caretully on the surface ot the soup; then gently lift it on, and all the grease. or Pat, will ad- here to the paper. u How can I put out an oil tire? A. Never try to put out an oil tire with water, as this only spreads the (humus. Sand. earth, gravel, flour, meal, any of these. fa etleo- the to throw on hurnlng oil. Q. How can I treat chapped lips.' A. An excrlleut remedy tar chap- ped lips is onwhalt tuaapoouful of bonus to oit,y _atriespooutul ot hon. " Am the burn and honey mop angry bctove applying. u. How can t impavt I rich. brown Lolol. to my sponge cake? A, Sprinkle a little granulated sugar over the top ot the sponge cake helm-o placlug it In tho oven. A. Iron them Ht'st without starch and then place them carefully on the board Lay over them 1 mm. smooth Moth (”ppm in raw starch. and iron dry. Q. How can I iron mats 0:71sz- thing that requires careful tsltap. lug? What Science is Doing Charles, P. Vannlcl, lj, adian forces in France; fore going back to the 0.0.94 9.. Q. How can I skim excessive otherwise would iGi How Can I ? .)v ANN, nan- V., 7V...--..-». a. nAu-uc', urn. nnuu‘w .ucnaug‘mon. comm ; Ind Cot. o. R. Turner. chef of staff. They are shown at a P L' trout after holding private conversations with Vannier, who thmdianMiiitrruq&hthmterhgFranee . "I'm a little nude}: iGTus," be interrupted. "Would you mind re- peating that?” . The lighter reached up and pity-bed the referee', wrist. ea---" t “One," roared the referee. "two --three--tour - tire - six - sev- Tho boxer who knew every trick in the sat met.his match..la my tl he toutid himself tlat on listening to the referee over bun Ah wants to iti"aa'tra"ii,' from circulation.” wage --"ott you wiah to marry again if you receive a dl. vol-cc?" “I‘ve buried the gasoline," he said. "What do you want done with the tank?" . "Bury it, my dear fellow," was the reply. Accordingly. he gave hlsjarden- or Instructions next day to dig a. hob tor it in l .secluded spot. After a time the gardener re- Lurneu‘. An English motorist, wno had a. titty-gallon tank ot gasoline in re. serve when rationing was Intro- duced, consulted a friend as to what to do about it. When asked why she had not eaten all of her pie, she replied: "Because I tttttrt Him the running board" At dinner, Betty Jane the filling ot her pie, In tho crust. “The axe of the Apostles," replied the child, after a tong pause. "With what weapon aid Sam son May the thousand Philis- tines. Tommy?" aeked the tum. day School teacher. Judge t"Do you wiah Tomi-is: traftie in Canada next season should be much heavier because the war has shut oft Eur- ope as a tourist playground and because foreign exchange rates are to the advantage of United Mates visitors, according to super. intendents of 19 national parks meetings in Ottawa in January. National parks are growing more popular with both Canadian and United States tourists. Camp- sites have been provided, but there is a need for more bunga- low camps and boarding houses operated under private enterprise. Fulani: "No/ but BUrtdlrtg on my corn." Dentist - "Then: no need for you to about. " haven't touched totTtooth, yet." Have You Heard Expect More U. S. Tourists 2. "Ah ghould Sify not. Next Year to Visit Canaman Parks - Superintendents All Point to Exchange Rates mo knew practicaxiy n the game Iln'my {nirlh‘e airy round mi on his 'bier. referee counting (f .1 t'zxmrm.:_m ".1“:£4.'y ir,issian in England; Col. Andrew McKaughton. commander-in-chief of Can,. staff. They are shown a: a Paris railway station be. r-....,..'.-. ...£LL Rr___r, _ I I n I _ . - re had eaten but had left. you are in 'spiie’ot this much mail matter is being posted which give: the name of certain barracks and also camps in England, instead or the name of the regiment or unit, which is entirely omitted. Bus Post (mine nulhog'iiles emphasize Misleading addresses on soldiers' mail, now that the First Division ot the Canadian Active Service Foree is overseas, are causing such letters delay and are entailing con- siderable extra work to members ot the Canadian Base Post Quite in 1tedeatitytng the addressee. Recent." ly postal authorities announced the correct way to address mail tome: troops overseas, and to troops still in Canada. _ Address Soldiers' Mail Carefully rotaung 28 per cent of Canada's total population, have 45 per cent of tu'l the doctors, 48 per cent of the nurses and 49 per cent of the dentists, he said, Canada's health workers now to. tal 55,513, including more than 10,000 physicians and surgeons, 4,000 dentists, 20,500 graduate nurses, ll,500 nurses in training, 6,700 practical nurses, 870 optic- ians, 550 osteopatha and ehiroprae. tors, and 1,500 other men and wo- men in health professions. But, the 20 cities in Canada of more than 30,000 population and totaling 28 per cent of Canada's RURAL SERVICES INADE- QUATE George Hoadlcy of Toronto, dir- ector of public' health and medical services for the Canadian Council of Mental Hygiene, last week de- clared that health services, partir... ularly in rural areas, are inade- quate. The writer points out that "of all the serious diseases affecting the welfare of the nation those known as 'rheurnatism' and 'arth. ritis' are among the most import- ant, most neglected and most mis. understood. No other disease caus- es such widespread suffering and crippling among all ages and class.. es. Much of the misery and in- validism is unnecessary and is dir- ectly due to many strange ideas abroad concerning 'rheumatism' and 'arthritis' h is high time that some of these popular misconcep- tions be seriously reviewed." RHEUMATISM MISUNDER- STOOD The much-misunderstocd "ihru.. matism" or "arthritis," is a die v.50 which should have more zinc “jaw. than it is receiving in the world today, according to an amide in the monthly "Health Journal" written by Douglas Taylor. When sénding Letters Abroad Make Certain The Address In Absolutely Correct HEALTH TOPICS remained "behind. J Iuibiiiir.tiiriirt TORONTO Siena-'; 79.90: _ 4 Jam Q14] CPQUOI 'T., TORONTO A. No; the spoon would be plao ed on the plate that holds the sher- Q. Is It correct to leave the spoon in the sherbet glass, when one has tinistted eating the dessert? bet glass Ficj.ciic-i-- ""‘ 'iiiriiriiii'- I ‘ (lltl,,ll..l,til!,f1'. ', 1 i/il-ill-ii- 'k'ii'llls f i A. These cards should be enclos- ed with the wedding invitations. Q. How are the wedding recep- tion cards and the cards ot admis- sion to the church sent to those invited? N running . . .oye "NEH-he: '.iilii.iii,'i'iiiiii'iritgii' mania ouch when! my an: you rm! for il,ei'dt,s, once! 120mm 1: . mat. and In nun- 'lh'l vi.'ii,1,iiidtili'ii'ii';v'li?i1t'iittf; a? mum [at ' , " t NOW-with Manhunt“: - ”and to bring relief or my back. At an MW a tub- a; A. A commaint should be regis- tered against s person who Is this inconsiderate and ill-bred. It can be stopped Q. isn't it poor manner: to take more than one kind of food on the fork at one time? A. Yes. One would never do this. Q. What is your opinion ot a neighbor who plays " radio so loudly that it can be heard distinct- ly several door. any? A. No, while we see Ibis done every day, it cannot be called "good manners." It is much better It a girl will do such things private. ly, V A. When a mere acquaintance. she should say, "This in my bust)- and." It it is an ultimate friend, she may say, "This is Walter." Q. is it considered good manners tor a girl to powder her nose and use lipstick in public? 'Q. When a woman is iuicodacing her husband to " acquaintance. should she say. “This is my bush- and," or, "This is Walter"? Mos: dairy rations will be im. proved by the addition of a suc- culent or green feed. Either corn or hay silage makes an ideal 50:- culent for winter feeding. Sidney Northcote, 52, was al. most certain he had an infallible way of taking his own life. He tied tt mph around his neck and fastened it to a bridge girder, in Winnipeg last week, tt the rope broke there was a river 25 feet below. He was in hospital nursing bruises and slowly realizing ts overlooked a detail. The may was frozen. Seo' that postage is properly pro. paid. and that return addresses are given on all mail matter sent to soldiers abroad or in this country. RETURN ADDRESSES Do NOT send auch a letter care of Base Post Ottiee, Canada. Postal address ot Training Camp in Canada. la sending mail to soldiers al- ready overseas see that the address contain: only: Regimental Number, Rank and Name, Fr]! Name ot Regiment or Unit, C-O Base Post Ottiee, Canada. In addressing mall to soldiers serving in Canada give: Regimental Number. NECESSARY INFORMATION It is again emphasized that In the addresses, abbreviations of the names, units or service: would be avoided. and the names at such spelled out In full. Abbreviation: such " A-T. A.Ae, or A.D. (Antl- Tank, AnWAtreratt, or Army Co- operation Squadron) would NOT be used, but the full names should be given. that to send mail to .soldiern ad. dressed to barracks or eamtW" in the United Kingdom in most llkely to cam delay. and that such prac- tice in a hindrance rather than a help. The soldier may have been moved from that camp to another in the interim. Name ot barrack- or camps in England should not be given. The name ot the regiment or unit should always form part at the address. Rank and Name. Full Name ot Regimen; or Unit 'rT4Pth',"W,t 2ju't'"i'gt 'll; y n- uou-a'. Win-bu. Gaunt-n. Im- can. - "at“... loll-u- mjgftgnourm Gh- - CAR AttfiTiiiiiiit PARTS V I . ROYAL VISIT. ULNDLNG COVERS. Me.. Mirty Mixed tfyttsosan3iiiiiG,' Coronation. Jubugel. 50c. C. Bod- der. Gander Bay, hawloundland. A mm APPLts "m ARE .YUU THE HANK-f YOUH,‘AS have a solid t/fl',t/',.i:,teritjSiy,iii'i. within' thrceimoitiitrd 'tt O' tt are tired of Worklng.to .chru t?tyWitu for someone else, own yuur busl- no”. and emu: annulm- prollxg every hour. selling MN xugrunleed necessaries used in every home. No otrlitovtiott. Get delulls and cat- ulogue FREE,' Familex Products. 570 m. Clem";I Montreal. 7 ' W Fly-.9; mm: ELECTRIC MOTOR, 2 un'.. 41.50 several olhu- pins. Jones (a Mum-e 12luctric, 2'.tti Adelaide St. W.. Toronto. - -- ----"_ -ieNrr. .nvcly. glrwn-Lho-hko. Ontario. nary In!“ STUDENT! NUW BNIIUIJANU FUR courses m Matriculuuuu. shun Story. Journalism. shorthand um Spec-ch Culture. Make an ot your spare time. Wmo luduy. Cauld- 1un Correspondence College. lets. tublhhed 1mm :21: mango street. _Turuut.o. UHHN'i'otytts'utm - " WEI‘JKIJ. We pay the l'rclgln. all you Way in a rock-hollow pl me for clmslel. Ylelds from Toronto's largest dll- greu pieces - 'clnstertlualit. 2 chulrs and modern moo] to match. rebulll and upltolsteted in brand new rcpp and tapes. “penny cov- erings. wring tluett buck. cunt. ions, ultracuvo deals". only "9. Another Danni", originally ex- pensive unites. thoroughly recon. alltioued. $29.50. Helm sumo now. balance 81.00 weekly. We pay the freight to your sullen. Bulls“:- tion or your money back. Royal Rtyt,t,1e.pf. Mfgrs.. titi Richmond - ,‘_ ’AUL‘ PUti'i'.tu'Lig DRAG EAWS reasonably prices}. any to oycmle, n muney-muker. wherever tttere are lacks to be cut. Write tot (he: descriptive bulletin, Tut A. R. William; Muchmcry co., Ltd. IN From, St... West. Tummn "htitofrsif/i-i' onto. HM: LP.NLAP.GEMENT IN STUDIO Foldel with each order. Film: de- 'ulupcd und minted by experts, 25c; veptlttts iO fur 25c. Nu.\\'uy Photo Souk-r. hitureou_"A".Toé. I-'\"n yhltiliGGTttC' GOVT. AI'Pl'.uvr,'i, L'lllL‘Ka' FHUM blood-[Laud brcudrxu at mun-J .y."u'tycytco, toy' Acl/try'. up to "PROUD oe THEM, Gunny: mure next spring." "ritrs Mrs. c, Zicburlh. Omar-in, ot her uruy ”new. Thouuunda like hm- an aver Canada. Join than this gear. Order now. 2 hulclws “xckly to; :11ny oldyry pullgls, y'ochcwrltr. ARE tot I'I.A.\Z\I\u A NEW‘ KITCHEN "tt uu'lmmmr ll\eulmln- "ttAktCLat TILE" THE IATL‘FT C0h"rltlI,'l"1VrN to lump; Humanizing; (mil)- and (windy :Ipplird: uttt',uctive. vulur cont0inutiotre ti. latch“). huh. 11m”). Ham-Lu) Hind Lumlnr Co, Ltd, 2571' Inmfurlh Ann. Toronto. Hr 'srtlt' lmnlAltumb. r ln-lh-r. "OOM BIINGAUNVS nt'll.T of your lot top $2.300 on Gun. Lout Terms of 325'} down - 'l4.7t pr month. )uru Hriv,hts hmuupmrn Cu., 330 may sun-t. anumo. Slums - WORKING GARMENTS. t5cil Drum-x and Work Show. t4ports' rind Service Bouts. also Mvtt'tt Working u'attttetstr. Free selling aquipmcnx. humans slop-Ens) Shoes. Henri, new Notvc Dunn: Weat, Mollyjcgul. tmicios. VCul'uerng'ui'V.‘ Bun iidiiiii/i 130 Lo_rtrL_ttt._h" Hmnilmn. Ont. 131:: YOUR OWN Boss. THESE plans can be wurknd nowhere. Particulars fret Guardian Ex. change. 971 College 81.. Toronto. Suns“, Jerric.v “lack (”an "luck Austrotorps, no.4", :‘th $20.90. CoekeseU, tr, 90. Ask ab nur three-“(ck um canons. I" catalogue. Twaddle Pluck Hut cries, Lilnih-d. 1-H urns. Otttarlo. Ca0P.,_i'1'L'ttr'uP.taty FOR DALI: $2ud'0; Barn-c r'uirets, “Mode hrids, scvucttl Iers, $16.90, (In Hacks, Wttite "AMut Al’l'hl‘. nu. 127 HOMEWORK PLAN'; . . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . . saving pricus t Muvch lam. Gru horns, Brown Him-was, “Mme 3-". "Air, 'go In NAeuttht:.rtt mu The Gota Canal is the longest in the world-Ill' miles-with the Suez, 100 miles long, linking sec- ond. ELEC‘I‘IHI) 'to't'ott S tit.. {Vila-15714: 0H3. rims - "ruszi, M125 -\"A.\'N:D c0tAua "IN " III II." A "0!“: AGh'h"t'tt " A .\‘l‘l?" HUM I “H as ll. Crudt: "A" " mwn Loghorm While Milwrca 90 mm cunt. ttud Huvks. Nc' ode bland “1 mm] crosses. " , CockrtvU, $0.0 tite \3'5unduttc "any “luck t', "A" " mm Log- nghorns. “lack Milton-as. Ammu- ' cum. l'ullctrr. Win. New Hump- and Rods. Hy- msus. $9.90: 1m- .T. " li't'ts SALE "" £0.00. Whit ttcr, high WC Glam Pull“ : quI UN h may with mama-ace. Ito-umber. all goods sold with . DOIMIVO money. back manna. or lulntncllon. .. .. I'm ----, Couches, mg]? vase» ewe». .. """"trreG In creel: allk rem). wiil; ttuterd buck. tlaurea r. var-dbl. Mar-hull rteiPyfiiritt.iorr'i' Perfect condition. (can new, 8350.). Lure unorunont of Kitchen Cab. Inca. Bro-Mu! Button. (h- Stoves. smug: Machine; 011mm”; Imam Com. .. -... -- __.“. \LUBL n matcly 3800.). upholsle mohair. [lured revert wring ell-Mom. pulse 49 00 Beautiful Che: . rllPi'lt,ug,ed, In ream Fltlt, ”and huh - Che tlcrfirxld Suite. , pin-es f7dio tllt'ltl'il,'lttt, “(and vet. our, rueumue Mir-hull guru's cush- iunr, thoroughly clean. ' 2.4.0o 3-9100. 'itT""g,t/t Quite. ‘ . upholnerod In Eu m. tip- enry. reveuiblc- Manhunt spring cushions. , . . '. 29 00 lie-Hum! 8-1:!on .CheBttsr., . field 15qu In novelty C . . materlu. “cured rcverublc lungs“ sprint cushion}. - condition. tone, 14mm x-.......- .._ - 39.60 , ""'"'.N. neuruom bane, I. *LUU rich walnut “Mash. menu “m: large mute mirror. unknown, minty drama and lull lilo bed. 59 00 Brand new modern Uem'unm ' . suite. in waterfall It'lkn. "(Mullah alum-n. In Meat-heel wal- nut uni-h. Dreamer. cmnonwr. lull use had, 'uu'leu "arm: and new mammal. . . -u. 49.00 .!. _ "-e-ie ‘1. .uuuucuon. .. LYING nlRNntate IP,. 478 Yonge St., Toronto, out ”man to match. 35 00 smart. s'e . ts'uitc, in h wnmut mum. Ute mu rule um and .u. ,_-.- ‘\v Help "ooo m Me nurse, mun-l, cue (winner. am: ti " cttottts. 89.00 -'-P.sWV ot Ut walnut and "rvrtutuoncd, 10.50 I 9. 50 1):: " ia" dik 22.00 J,',',',','.'. '.'f. TT 00 mum on; "Muna Mootu "a.. bane, mun-l. "teneuott table and It seuttter tttttrt can”. 39 00 50nd out: Httece 0mm: . Mn..." 5....“ I'Ll-lAuAaLr.‘ puma VB“ Lin unuuua'l'aol‘lill with“! It; livery amine touuue‘my recondi- nuxuu. .umunleeu mowugnu new tmu mm ttttrt a poulne Inuucy~uuuk uuurumm: m Managua-4. an “out”! ”than”; put-Kan no" Hana pawnm'nL on rum-um on money-emu. mum-ml 1'H',tPt,tr1t.en to luau cruel}. AA A" .,,... -- . A3It ISSUE No. B-.'4tt ' LL Woot. tilV sTops itut'runtst GUARANTEED tlar, self-adjusting wring". No undurstrups. “.50. Free Trial. I‘h-mjpx. 1009 Granville. Vulcan- Mom (an: {UNUM NULL "" {Elt'l'lk'lkll'l'E ot Pvl'\l~t. hruuthuu) unsigned «nun pmvlm-e and unit nun-c- runtul. Size. " h " an d cumulus. sunning Inr ll‘ummg, I-puce tut lihutugrulm and new“! lor verm- um-m tccord. Ever} suldlur- Home ”Leas one. Mailed to any man: in "unruly. ".00. E. hacuintamh. phunluxruvuer ago copywriter. In: ARI: you ttUPTUUteitt RELIEF. cotatort poalllvo sum-art wllh our advanced melhod. No that“. ..r 1',""iph'iyg or noel. Write tttttsth Mauutucturintt co.. Dom. 'cly, Preston ontario. T " I III 2IUT' Touacuu SNUI’F EMILY. ryusperteiveU. Home rowdy. 'l‘csximunuln. Guuratrttrc6. Adekm free Hurllen'n no! t. WIMIIM‘. mcna gutting mum-nu. minimum n2: b"' " 00' and danger. “an“: Sum-v1. “(Jury-hack o'uartrt.ttts. "onort 8103.. 1art.Co't4a Demon- NDt,II-I.u _ laUJUn- pubic AA" A stream of bats pouring out of an underground opening led to the discovery of New Mexico's. remarkable Carlsbad Caverns. IN ”FEE” i'tt “WEI” INVEN'I'UR his: ur invention. and full unfor- m Mun sent free The mum-y Cu Henlr'ovod Plum-l Attorneys. "r-o NAM: ROI-9M "Hawk "IIVIVIII _ '.'ru, m “mm". “mm. unl- puug, new ”mun-ml. new pair a and 3 drawn Luau-r, um: mirror and I urawcrg m wat- man to match. _ "t ' _ , (Smart Jopiccc Bedroom sum. in beautiful van-u- "-'"P'* 7‘.an common. Yuma l-pieoe Cttoteriiid mule, (cont new Inproxl. 8300.). 1"rttourtei%ari brow- It1',tt reVemblo lurch“ et" Ion. f'gleiy, Buuum Shesrtieta Bum what-tum: a- _..-, mm.» man u n turn " Had untuwnuwy hr Demet- ulc¢ and delucuw work. cum. u (running L'Ulll‘nu by cones- uuncu. Flt-e ttttormatfou. Wm. J. al.1Jqucn. no: mb, summon T, ”run cure Highest gtiiii/t" mple to Harry Fuller run Street. Turomu. I u s I t a.» um um n15 I) DEA LENS upluumlrrw emu“. rum-24:1; bum: walnut ummx “00m bune ($031. new upwuum- an: n '.. ...... .. _ and up _ w.-..--... uuulul cm and “(was ”Wing area bedruum mule, E ... _.. s-,, - tis Sliéc ‘|.\ " __., ... nu‘roru. m bleached 'ii2i': , Dresser. cmnunusr. tun Eagles. uprmu and new "fl-1:“ I" a n o I-'\'t “up Ulumclo smug Ja.st, gtiiiiGit, up, Largo m ‘flmu Chum“: . lurch. an m In walnut uul . ctrreriaii.' " pent-cl. cone-mung a. cuenuun usoe, Cullll tr' leather Ulvuululuro'd _ - _ "e ~-“--IVI- in, beautiful 2-1000 h-_....u >-- "EMNANTS - FINES LYUNS “HHS ART! - Cl” t'hi'Oh " ~IZI'IDS “er. cumin} .17 lid can} Torn!" um ul'uomlcrui A?" mun assortment W. m an“, col. . u W. RU "' Erttg "I "to! prion. 3088 Swolle Scutt! 'rtlteiiin.t Captures Sh ummy Cover:

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