West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Feb 1940, p. 8

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l _ r IS w s ' r I _ r,nis r "liiif . . lik, a , r _ o ' = , .r. e _ " . B IK?" . t "r . . . a T2 > il 2- I . V i L E > [l I ' , Rr TNt ( ,' li ' 2 I . is?! tr . _ 1iy) _ i I i f . IE t!lf'P o q ',,arcstsi'.', -,.,,,,'i",'_"",?:i"?" -,,/'i, if T ,3? . ‘3 7, ‘ b, Mr, V r)1/rl:i':'sjy, ; tv l t T C I i l ', A l j . ' ii F " ' _ V rap " ...; _-iss-r-vet'.". " , as The diagram indicates the rnintive placing ot the subject. lights and eNtMtra tor this particular urn-up For a diluent setting you ("m m tt .. the lamps accordingly. The "tter-tter-ttrue-ho" days ot youth are the ones we always re- member and as snapshots at night ore so easy to take why not start in right now and make picture records of the many happy winter evenings at homo. Ali you need are three or [our phototlood lamps for brilliant Illumination and a camera with an f.6.3 lens, or taster. Photottood lamps cost only twenty-live cents each and as thor are good for two hours of picture taking. the cost per picture to negligible. For the best results you should use the modern super sensitive panchromatic ttlm. " " callable in all standard lites. Let’s suppose that Mary and you are entertaining Betty and Jack and anybody in as happy as tho tour- some above seem to he. Letu make a snapshot at night of your party. Nf,'YS1 you may not he one of those lovers or the great out- doors and protr'r the warmth ot the 0H ttreplace. or furnace these cold, “up wintry evenings. there is no lemon why you should not enjoy you cnmera. tor it Is always ready lot aetion In or otttdoortr--ttet un- Weather friend. Time passes quickly and beiore We realize where the days and weeks have gone the air begins to get a little balmy and we are thinking ot the garden. the yard or those pleats. ant chives in the car after dinner. The next three months. however. are Meal for snapshots at night in the house and it you have not " ready experienced the pleasure ot this fascinating pastime you have certainly missed a lot ot tun and “not! to "follow through” on your amateur photographic knowlodge. A few mexpertsitre phtttoftood lamps are a" you need for Indoor pictures at night. Diagram fright) shows proper placing of lamps for picture (left). Diaphragm opening, f 6.3; shutter and 1/26 of a mend. CTZENA‘EEEI, SE 1% After you have located t III- 1.000 tide than the city. in! m It" boon at o- the Te best skiers of Gamma " .1 meet It"! ttttet-.': Lu com- Petition when tho Men's Dominion I“ Championships no contested a Fort William. Out, from Petr- rury " to M. The [anneal city has every- thing in it; favor In It. ettorta to uponoor the moat successful Do- minion eLtartNoatattttm in the he,- tory od the "I In Cum-(ht. r.ot only In the term .rebtgl,'oa ior u moot on such his! mum. but m- tnatttorearttarrmtettodaneqr - a! popularity and -ttttggi-gt tn Fort Willis- il hump. - __ Men's Dominion Ski Championships at Fort William in the tinder and the camera is set, place an ordinary Mor lamp, with the shade tilted upward, " position "A" " close to the subject as pos- sible but out ot the range ot your tinder. Lamp "A" should have sock- ets tor three photoilood lamps. Two will do it you can have the lamp within three or tour Ieet of your sub- Ject. (The light intensity increases as you place the lights closer to the subject and decreases when farther away.) Two photottood lamps should be placed in lamp "B." Where shades on home lamps cannot be tipped tor directing light on the subject, re- move the shade. In such cases. some sort ot retlector back ot the lamps will throw more light forward. A white cardboard. a pillow case. or evo n a bright dishpan held directly behind the lights will help. it you have a box camera you had better use a phototiash lamp (not to be confused with photoflood lamps). llnre’s what you do. Place the tioor lamp slightly hack of and a little to the right or loft ot tho camera. Re. move the shade and screw the photo- naah lamp into one of the Boekettr- and be sure the current is "oth" As- suming you have located the group. or subject, in the tinder, open the shutter as you would tor a time ex- posure and Immediately turn on the photo0ash lamp and M's“ "m flush of the lamp vim t' _ 'x-v' at "tttu'. Bet the diaphragm at 1.6.3. It your camera is (equipped with a sell-timer. so! the shutter speed at 1/25th of a sm-ond. turn on your photoftood lamps, take your position In the group and-click-it has made a snapshot at night for you. The mountain. which is within our touch ot the city. has many nursery lid prune. slopes in “do: to not. an " nuc- ox forested northern slopes where there are good conditions through- out the winter and improvements in trails and competitive facilities make them of championship cali- hrs. the continent's ski stars will com- The MOO-foot downhill run from the top of Mount McKay is a descent of more than 1,000 feet in less than a mile and provides unm- nplenty tor contestants " well u spectatou. There is a 50-min 7-1.8. standard jump and . 500-1001 Iluom conm when I Tho picture mo allow: the greatly improved Jump when champions of many competitions will try to better the present Canadian record. The young My in the lower right corner at tho picture: than is was mam Peterson. ot Fort William. who will be one of the hostesse- dttr. lng the countable. Other Mr skiers an an W the III N tom mountain bush trails. Canada's only electrically operated nkl tow will be in operation from the clubhouse to a MY0-foot level. Rupo Edwards, Banff skier who has held many championships, in the club's coach. Edwards in men executing a perfect sound.- sprung in the obovo ltyout. The pail bearers were Archie Clark, Finlay Clark, R. Taylor, G. Johnston. V. Adams and J.-Fergw son. There were many ttoral tokens of respect. The late Mr McDoucall is surviv- ed by his widow, Elizabeth Sterne. one son Llovd, ot London. and flvp daughters. Anna Brazusr, Wilton (:rrvn: Lillian. Toronto: Marie. Montreal: Maraeet Mtttlttw Toronto: lem-la Brandon, _ ot Windsor, and Monty-M): MarsrarotMer,aw. Toronto; Swift Current,. Sask. The dissolution of Parliament has left the Ontario Legislature some- what up in the air. Premier Hepburn was aiming to complete his budget after the Federal Government had "Inr‘mr‘mi Ms new tavntirn. Some of the nrodicted new tnw‘s may not he imposed at present but people should not worry on that account 20th. He was born in Grey County' 67 years ago and farmed for many years in Egremcnt township. He; moved to London 24 years atro,: where he had been employed' at the; C. Cr. Hyman Company prior to his long "itrass. Interment was made in Amos cemetery, Dromore, on Mon- day, January 22nd. Rev. Horace Kaye otYiclated. LAUCHLAN McDOUGALL Mr Lauchlan McDougall passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, on Saturday morning, January Mow-'0 the law will he made in duo ttme. In the meantime the gov- pmmmt will devote its attention to collecting Succession duties from old estates. was Agnes Implant]; u.r.o.-- le';; member for the riding of _ctlrer--Bruee In the last Dominion Puliunent. dissolved on Thursday last, returned to her home " Ceylon on loudly and imediatel y held a meeting with her executive com. mittee. with the result that a con. vention will he held at Hanover on Saturday afternoon. February 10th. for the nomination of a candidate. There in not much doubt that Miss Macphail will again be the choice or her party on this cocasion. " is understood that she will be the thief speaker at the convention when she will give ' an or't'ount a? liar stewardship while rrnrevomin the mini: at Ottawa. Another meet. ing of the eantiw- crrnni'tm‘ will be prior to the t'onvontion when many details in connection with the campaign will be discussed and worked out. ll. F. 0. Camellia Saturday, F A lil THE R0”, (an THE DURHAM REVIEW The Community Club held an en- joyable meeting at the home of Mr Mr and Mrs Jae Nicholson on Fri- Hlay evening. The prize winners in the progressive Euchre were Mrs an Wm. Reid were Mr and Mrs Wm. Scott. Probn 3nd Mr and Mrs Alex Nicholson ind jury. We are Kind to know “he Joule Merchant and her brother Mr Merchant ere imtrro.yintr titer its" recent illness. On Monday evening, there was an executive meeting of the Red Cross Society at the home of the president "Mr. Haberttteht, to discuss packing articles for the soldiers. A motion [was made to have all mitts, sweater, ‘socks. scarfs, and wristiets, brought Ior sent in to Mrs. Heberthehi on or 1before Monday. Feb. 5th. Mrs. Mc- Guire. convener of Packing Commit- tee, will be in charge of meeting. Mrs Mercer and Mrs Ta. Reid are inspection Com. and will be present at this meeting. The packing will be done at home of Mrs. Habermehl. Miss Mary Nichol-en spent Mon. day evening with her school chum. Miss Audrey like" Visitors on Sand-y at the home of Mr Wm. Reid were Mr and In J. Whyte and Jas Nicholson. The Biltcn Orchestra and John Allen and Mrs. J. Whyte provided music tcr dancing. hand: was served by the hostess and nuistants.' Mrs Peter Muteh. Roy also visited his father, Mr Allan MacGlllivray, who, we are why to report is un. der the Doctor's care. We hope to hear of improvement in his health and also of cthers who are ill. Mrs Milford Bilton. Raymond, Lola and Delmu spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Charles Lewis, Noma- by. , Mr Roy Machivray an ter Kathleen and Mr. Mottat spent Sunday with Mrs Peter Muteh. Roy al his father, Mr Allan Mm who, we are wiry to retro his fathom Mr who, we are 30h der the Doctor's Mr an spent th her par Drimmie On Pr lnstitvma the Agri the form this date EHOLSTEIN LEADEReettet,l'1dt S.S. No. 3. Holstein ...... ' 83.80 Woodland District ........... 164.15 Dromore District '.......'... 96.10 s.s. No. 9 ..'......e....... 56.10 Orchardville U.S.S. ......... 23.25 S.S.No.4 ....._........... 17.50 S.S.N02 .................. 20.50 Dcnation from HAV, Institute 3.00 Donation from Girly' Camp .. 1.20 To keep the public in touch with executive meetings, we were reques- ted to publish the following state- ment: There was a euchre party in the Oranze Hall under the auspices of the Oranzemcn on Tuesday night. A full house. and a pleasant time was spent. Mrs Geo. Long won the ladies’ first prize, Mrs. Snively 2nd. James Lewis and N. Treleaven won ist and 2nd men's prizes. On Friday Feb. 16th the Women's Total....,....... ...... $465.60 EXPENDITURE ........ $198.42 Any person wishing to knit ccm forts tor the soldiers call cn Mrs Habermehl for wool and inatruty tions. Anyone wishing to do new ing, call on Mrs R. Treleaven. con- vener ct Cutting Committee. Our soldiers are in need of all articles to make them comfortable, and it is up to us to do our part, as thev are doing their part for our protection, that we might have security such as the British mut can give. On Wedneldoy evening Junury M, " the home of In. Katie. over 20 lndlel withered to hen and see the dtatttntrtratien which In. Wellzce Adams sponsored, "Fruits for "vor and color." She woke from chum. showing the dttmrent fruits and can- blnatlons for the different vitamins. The dishes manned were colorful and unwilling, also pleasing to the eye. Recipes were given to each lady present and Mrs. Adams dig. umapd the. d4Nerent dishes of food made. The old saving is "The proor of tho nlltldlnz is in the eating ot it. Innnh '"nq eorvor‘ rafetpria stvle so that each one had a taste ot the grad mines made. Evervcne enjoyed the demonstration very much. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs Adams for the fine display ct food dishes, also to Mu. Hustle for the use of her home. Mrs. M. Belay of Hamilton matc- red to Holstein to see her mother, Mrs, Drumm. and is spending a few days. Miss Mary mend-en ltnlo will hold their 'At Ho Agricultural Hall. It will form cf tt Military niche. date in mind. Particulars LOCAL AND PERSONAL weekend thnvn RECEIPTS Mr the Allen been I een busy township Roth. Mt, at and the Women's At Home' in It will take Mom-e. Keep lculara later. and _ daugh- Freeman Mr and o visited the pasl books. . Forest home at Hubert TORONTO of Seme Strange Coincidence: When Rev. G. Moore declaimed from Walkerton United Church pulpit tuo years in succession, "Let thr Bells Ring Out," and no sooner said than on each occasion the tire bell rang, a member of the Ses- sion is reported to have urged the ‘sky pilot to refrain from again oer. ,forming the teat ot Elijah by calling (own a tire on the people. But the ccngregation were hardly prepared in the t'oineidence on Sunday of last week when in emphasizing what ”materialism was doing to the world, {the local divine climaxed the situa- ;ticn by shouting "Now are we in (darkness," when suddenly the lights iwent out and the congregation were :shocked by a "blnckout". which la,",""?,',',::, terminated the service. An investigation revealed that e 'um had broken from a tree mam- Iii, mm. the Hydro wires. thus owning a “than" that blew out neer~ 1y til the street light: In the town land neceuiuted a complete shut. Diplomas were given those man- ttng from Cradle Roll to Beginner-r Dept.: Shirley Wilton, Jean Malach- Inn. Norman Bell, Jun Sharpe, lla- bet Atkinson. Joyce Goodchlld. down ot the hydro service in the United Church trector.-- Walkerton Herald-Tina. of Mrs 1 Marshall house Tuesda neople of the spent the eve were very we come again. Mr. Wm. For manager, We had a, , house Tuesday There were quite a number at the service at Knox on Sunday. there being no service a week ago. Mr Kaye took tor his subject. "The parable of the Prodigal Son". This familiar Bible story is well known to many. The )oung man left his father's house to taste of the plea. sures of the world. When he came to the end of his nesourres he do- cided to return to his home where he rec-awed a warm welcome from his father. Is this not a picture cf us as individuals ? Have we not wandered away from God , And when we returned to Him did He not rerelve us gladly ? And if we have not come back he is still anxi- ously waltinz. The chain: hvmn was “Jesus is calling thee home." Cam" whn is m with nnmImnnia. BACON FOR Pleased to have Miss Vinnie visit T with m: a Week Mm Snndav and Here is w anoreciate her calling on us now cable from L and tuttutt. " ------ a - The annual congregational meet- ine was held in the church on Mon. day evening. The different reports were very eneouraeirur, showing a balance on hand after a mod deal had been went on redecoratlng. etc. The contributions {mm or... ". " Miss Dorothy Eastman of town spent over the weekend with Miss Gladvs Caldwell. Mm Marshall has Mum at tho home ct her brother. Mr Calder or Etnmont for a week nursing Mrs Cnhtrr xvhrt in m win: nnmlmnnln Mr and Mrs Finlay Lewis and young son are visiting with her par- ents, Mr and Mrs Allen of River. atcn and will also attend the Me. Robb-Allen wedding. Miss Susie Marshall is visitlm: with hor sister Mrs Alex. Aber. dein and familv In PTmoerton. Mm Marshall has bean at tho Mr and Mrs Norman Dickson entertained the teacher and pupil< after the steitttrridintr party lam Thursday to a pork and bean svmwr and the rest ct the evening was spent in games. Mr and Mrs Miltred Bilton visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Chas. Lewis. Born in Durham Hospital, on Jan. 22nd to Mr and Mrs Wm. Brown a daughter. Congratulations. Mr and Mrs John Dickson and Mrs Wm. Nelson visited on Sunday with friends in Durham. In Robert Cannonnt is assisting. in the nursing of her mother, Mrs Wm. Nelson ot Nenagh who has been critically ill. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr Finlay new“ had his tonsils removed in the Durham Hospital, recently. Owing to the weather conditions new: his been ruher scarce. and In W. 3. Pulp. Before oom- lng But they had visited tea. n couple ot week! with In mur- relatives In the Wee. Mr I been went on , contributions were over one F Wm. Porter , hope to hear of the re ' Nell Calder, Ehtremont all is attending her. Walkerton mo years , ills Ring th KNOX CORNERS evening , welcome ORCHARD eneouraeirur, showln hand after a mod ent on redeeotatinr, buttons trom the V r one hundred do! 'orter was re-elected surprise par r evening. l neighborhood Coinciderteer. G. Moore decl ton United C rs In succession Out," and no I yantt occasion th with dred dollars reelected a: party at The 3 us Hope they “V at our Che YC1lne came and They recov e rv Mrs Mr DAMAGE checked. Stopover- a Pt Arthur, Amati-mg. Chicago & We t “mun:- incursion "on Women u Baum cnm- during an. period‘ Tteva, Blowing Car nmrvwons . nd all information from any Atom. ASK 103 Human. T23 at British breakfast tables." :" Only a few years ago Canadian bacon in the United Kingdcm was; ftotaNe for it: absonm from any: thing liko a fair pmportlon or mir’ itth breakfast tables. Denmark was} the great provider. Sweden and other Baltic countries, Ireland. mr) land, Poland. etc. sent enrrmom' suppllen of this eomtnodity, and; Canada WM nowhere in the race. r TICKETS 0000 IN COACHES at fares upproxlmtel y 1% as. per mile TOURIST SLEEPING CARS u fares approximately STANDARD SLEEPING use " [area .pproxtmm; Cost of Wha- " nun-h- 0-» A“ Western Canada Special Batgain Excursions FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA Going Dnttr--- Feb " -- Mach P, Inclusive Here is what a Canadian Press cable from Liverpool, England. said a couple ot mcnth- ago: "The appetlzing smell of frying bac. on from 1,500 Northern England households next Thursday will mark a novel campaign by the Canadian Government to inrrease the sale or this most popular breakfast menu item in Great Britain. "Canada has sent tree patinarv, of Canadian and foreign imam t householders and asked the recipi- ents to say which they liked best and why. T1 (9) If your school is in need on a good dictionary may I recommend Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Any of the supply houses could get one for you. t don't know the price. (8) Bo sure to check ott the topics in your Course of Study, so that, at my next visit I may knew what subjects to test your classes on. (7) In most of the rural rooms there are about twice as many desks as are needed. Would it not be a wise idea to ask ycur trustees fox permission to have those removed. so that the children could play such games as London Bridge, The Farmer in the Dell, etc. inside dur. ing the ccld weather. They are sure to give permission. (4) In case ot the death of any of your pupils please send me name of parents. and address, and name (5) Those tilting Agriculture are again aimed that the grant for agricultune depends upon your tak. ing four outside projects. that is, outside ot the regular course, prefer- ably outside ot m (6) When Spring comes please ask your pupils again this year not to pick the white lily, Ontario's floral emblem. (2) On the evening at February 28th. a half hour after sunset. in the southwestern eky. there will be a string of six planets visible. Uranus, Mara Saturn. Venus. Jupiter and Mercury. in that order from the upper end of the string. Uranus may not be visible to the naked eye, but the others will be. Some may be seen any evening now. but not quite in a string. The conjur- tion of the six mentioned takes place once. I calculate, in 425.320. 6'21,606 years, hence the chances that any or us will see the phenom- enon again are not bright. l have been requested from the Dem-talent to advise you that, be. ginning next Fruity night, Jun. 26th and weekly Kannada, from 7 to 7.30 in the evening, then will be a series of New Woxld Blinds lung over the net-work _ot CBC. You are requested to listen in. . (3) Notwithstanding the present weather Spring will begin an March 20th at 1.24 in the afternoon. Inspector Geo. E. Pentium. ot Hanover his tout the following let- ter to South Grey teacher-z All this has changed within the c‘ANADIAN NATIONAI: A FALL! A WEEK M U. yAN.- , South Grey Teach; THE UNITED KINGDOM . Return Limit Men in sleeping Can Addltionat l IT'S mmmEN'r .... .NKW .rr [IT'S FN'NNY'. 13!: ll Win: with inothmx on than minds but nu-n. ,and nct 3 man in night: gluon-ma WONT Joan Crawford TOWN an“, -- " any. Royal Banners over Otlawa’ .---with-- Virginia Iruce Paulette Goddard Virginia Weidter Mary Boland The mum Kingdom'l largest Fil ply of Imported hum I: purchased from the United sum. with Cam. d: In second plum. The Araentinr Repuhuc in third, but the Cumdlmn contribution itt tel “no: that ot Argentine. STARS OF THE STAGE AND SCREEN! THE BIG SHOW? Hun. and: of internment in the Inter lalnment thrill of the year'. JUDY GARLAND her other rival- uld has climbed about three time- grater than mm ct Cumin. last few you-l. While Denmark Hill holds the chief place in the British into second place. Denmark‘s mu» ply It the Mt time In running market. Clam In.- fomod ahead or her other rival and Ms climbed ‘Everybody Sing' - with-- Alinn Jone. Lynne Carver I -w P aying THUR., Fain... an, FEB. I, 2, Fanny Brice AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM Rouhm'i Rune” ‘TH E wo M EN , ---ROXY ”DRUM! 1355.0 per mile atrrtrozi- the per mm. But“ 7.95 “ammo“ . 4.do Calder-’3 Drug more. Phone ' ROUND TRIP \-0mn.| _ MOUNT FOREST FARES ARE low vacuum "T, tooo Sm “5 7.96 Durham Won on Win In Contrary Durham II we club. Wingttam m tttree c ttOtt Honda y Winghatt in thi Trapper Cu last Ho Pr. ll hum rum» SI ill ml all: utt. In" "" Ill! It (I VOL. IGII. " il I N I N ty hurl“! winetr Walk." the nut-nu: "uve. In Ir “I! and, on Snurdu Knox Pvt-owned bridle. At hon“? Knox Pam IW- At 111.. gluon and In J. 1mm ich h h II M "ts H (ll "t' I| ll n " to 1lathe held A. 0.81" Pl ll Mr tl hem M w,

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