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Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1940, p. 3

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DEN‘S! *¢» NC . NE RV It is, of course, from the popuâ€" lous suburbs that the largest numâ€" ber of removals have taken place. Examples are Purley, 12,000; Wandsworth, 15,000, and Tford. as manv as 18.000, The principal gas company r«â€" ports the loss, since the outbreak of war, of 1,500,000 customers. That means almost as many famâ€" ilie«. 818, New York next, with 6,930, 446; Tokyo third, with 6,000,000, and Berlin, fourth, with 4,250,000, But 3,000,000 of her people, in« cluding nearly haif a million chilâ€" dren, have gone to live elsewhers, partly for safety, partly because of the decentralization of governâ€" ment and commercial offices. Lonaon has lost p among the big citios writes the Toronto Te don correspondent. She used to be the est, with a populatic London No Longer Is. World‘s Largest | ty rise before th plosion, as their find their mark. A shown here, divin with the resultan out t craft. name bomi va ‘uation of 3.000,000 Peopie Has ut It In Third Place Among Biggest Cities t« semboled under the monwealth air tr man air schools ac inion and probably flying instruciors, Already hundreds Canada To Get : U. S. Aviators ANadia a M Thes Dive Bombers Protect Our Wesiern Coas: Ca ecause they a before A MJ CNOOl 3 'xammg Plan pected to H aff of cities of the d 1 «VC _ DOmoets gro they release their ive and then quick= the resulting exâ€" ir deadly missiles M een enli and con 4 riam _ Schools E I to Have 10,000 Instructors f 40,000 ;s ; aviators and it w dive to n of 8,202,â€" with 6,930,â€" wor! "C"u0 of compete enlisted from f} commercial cor the regular Roy rce instructors _ Canadians _ y plane but it h th training |p across the ly 10,000 XM aAM s D ht be AN SET omber he att: and i ny nay a British t C ETC AIf rld 261 ng th it h A me rC in n to Domâ€" TO BE HEARD Feb. 16, §:00 p.m., CBL. C House of Variety from Toronto 9:30 p.m., CBL Along the Bo vard with Lncienne ~ CBC, on Friday, February 23, when & cut and adapted version of "Carâ€" men" will be presented from the Montreal studios from 8 to 9:00 pm., with Auna Malenfant in the title role,. Don Jose will be sung by Jacques Gerard, Escamillo by Lionel Daunais and Michela by Therese Drouin Jobin. The cast will be supported by a mixed choir of 30 voices and an orchestra of 50 musicians. The whole will be under the direction of Jean Marie Beau det, noted Freach Canadian conâ€" ductor and pianist and Quebec Reâ€" gional Program Dirsctor of the CBC. om be the An experiment in opera EXPERIMENT IN OPERA Printed Text, Matt, 2 Golden Text: "Thou s neighbour as thyself THE LESSON IN IT By MADGE ARCHER OnNTARIO WEEki€S on air +o 4080 n ©peration to the I photographic work These planes are f miles per hour. Ir plant. These huge Canada. LCSSOH â€" ‘% JSunday School RADIO NOTES | LESSON viI GOOD CITIZENS anp NEIGHBOURS Matt. 22:15â€"23: 39 d Text, Matt 22 15.90 tomple THRE} 4 200 #1 8 istoma in operatic broadâ€" conducted by the rusal temp ire iast, allâ€"met; r. In addition t uge boats carry Onr m juestions of i W 23 :39 22:15â€"22, 34.40 shalt love thy f." Matt. 22:39 TS SETTING [ A.D. 80 the TLOGN OssI ni. EST p Re L. 6 ce etreies c 1. 11 : ORA NDE ts Eneeieeneeees tm 0 > CA SCICED him L6 net Work ew type Sitnday Canadian Firms Are Busy Building Planes For R.C.A.F ba bl v H N CBL, Fibber McGee and Molly . . . 10:00 p.m., CBL, CBY, Toronto "ymphony Orchestra under Sir Ernest MacMillan .. . Feb. 21, §:30 p.m., CBL, Serenade for Strings . . . 8:30 p.m., CBL, Percy Faith‘s Music . . . 10:00 pm,. CBL, All One Man‘s Fami 12:30 p.m. CBI Broadcast ... 7:4 opean â€" Reminisc Prederick Bircha CBI., Symphony C treal in aid of the Feb. 20, $:30 p.r tion Please . . . Reginald Stewart CBL, Fibber McG 10;00 p.m., CBL, CFRB, So Music . . . Phil. Orche One Man‘s Symplhony under Bruno Walter ... Feb. 18, 2:00 p.m. CBL, Hart House String Quartet . . . 2:30 pm. CFRB, So You Think You Know Music . . . $.00 p.m., CFRB, N. v. Phil. Orchestra . . $:30 pm, CBL, One Man‘s Family . . . Feb. 19. at 10 :3 Pap bhore is political R th Ot Ma tl Cyp, Cak0 Cl sU Ineek nc war emergency and alth Air Training scheme, which is now getting Deltas are being built at the Vickers plant in wing monoplanes which can carry a crew of six e planes, huger Stranraer flying boats are also men and have a range of 2,000 miles and are said, Wh hypocrite Cip)es, with the Herodian Teacher, we know that true, and teachest the w; in truth, and carest not fo for thou regardest not t] of men. (The Herodians a religious sect, but a cou itical party, supporters of asty of Herod. They early ed that Christ‘s pure teaching of the kingdom was irreconcilable with th ical aims, and that Chr fluence with the people w onistic to theirinterests), adians‘ purpose here was Lt :60 And ciple uenc nistic is cha pocrisy fulnass rimu VICIODIL . . §S:00 pH, CBL, Man‘s Family . . . Feb,. 19, at D.m. CBL, Ontario Farm least ... 7:45 p.m., CBL, "Rurâ€" 1 Reminiscences" a talk by rick Birchall . . . 9:00 p.m., Symphony Concort from Monâ€" in aid of the Red Cross . . . . 20, $:30 p.m., NBC, Informaâ€" Please . . . 9:00 p.m., CBL, ald Stewart . . . 9:30 p.m., 10 ( U Boys‘ Cho ba p. ut . not to gain information. Toll us therefore, What think hou?, Is it lawlul to give tri uato Caesar, or not? "Tri _ means pollâ€"tax; But Jesus ived their wickedness, and Why make ye trial of me, ye rites? 19. Show me the triâ€" money, And they brought unto i denarius, 20, And he saith them, Whose is this image uperscription? (On one side > coin were stamped the feaâ€" of the Emperor Tiberius; on byerse his title of Pontifex lus),. 21. They say unto hiim, ‘s. Then saith he unto them, POPâ€"Not So Dopey . CBL, Power, Pulp an tk by R. A. McHack +. ):00 p.m., CBL, Hockey . pm., CBY, CHL, NB( . Then saith he i therefore unto C aat are Caesar‘s; thinss that are ( is for devoti theory o the purp 1 r from “'lnnipag e unto Caesar the Caesar‘s; and unto that are God‘s. The C1 U inte th izenship implied to God, and no party allegiance a substitute for h ingdom of (ioc with their polit it â€" Christ‘s â€" in ople was antag rests), The Hor re was to trap Jesus as ny it of untruath ind life). 16 Sir William Beveridge, author of "Blockade and the Civilian Population" (Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs), has been Master of University College, Oxford since 1937; held important econâ€" omic posts under the government in the last war (including that of Permanent Secretary to the Minâ€" istry of Food), and was Director of the London School of Economâ€" ics from 1919 to 1937. He is the author of many standard works on eronomic subjects, 86. Teacher, which is the gro commandment in the law? 37. A; be said unto him, Thou shalt lo\ the Lord thy God with alt thy hoar and with all thy soul, and with a thy mind. 38. This is the great an first commandment. 39. And a s cond like unto it is this, Thou <ha love thy neighbor as thyself. 4@ On théess two commandments th whole law hangeth, and the pr: phets. The teaching of Jesus he: rests upon two wellâ€"known nas sages in theâ€"Pestateuch, Dout. 6: i and Lev,. 19;:18. If wo really lov. the Lord with all our heart, we wil do yvoluntarily and gladly all th« things which are divinely com manded, and will naturally refrair from doing those things which th« Lord prohibits, Love is the "rovya la w." selves together, 85. them, q lawyer, aske tion, trying him, (Th of the activities of th tho law as it was co Scripture or handod tionally; they gave the law, and trained i interpreted and dovel 34. But the Pharisees, w heard that he had put th cees to silence, gathore Writes About Blockade loyalty to him heard it, they him. and wont THE GREAT t in Montreal for the R.C.A.F. six and attain a speed of 205 also being built at the Vickers are the biggest planes built in , which is nt in the Taw! ) him, Thou s God with alt t thy soul, and . This is the s maryel awiay. COMMANDMEN‘T d d Elliot & Fry law? 87. And hou shalt love 1 all thy hoart, , and with ali the great and 39. And a seâ€" is, Thou shalt s thyself, 40. andments the and the proâ€" And w la 1 him <great > la wy down nstritci iC the d d addu them ( =~ )Ca‘S sINce 1J18 to regain th« confidence of the British consum er for Canadian bacon. Disregard of soil fertility and the growiny of grain on subâ€"marginal lands ave some of the other mistakes that should be guarded against. New scientific knowledge of matters pertaining to the growing of fieli crops and the feeding of livestor‘ are potent assets in the present programme, Higher yielding. vacâ€" iecties of rust resistant wheat, such as Renown, and of oats â€" Erban or Vanguard; better type bacon hogs, with a greater supply of good breeding stock available, are foundation factors for the neces sary expansion. the best we can send them. Don‘t Sacrifice Quality The objective is not entirely un selfish, however, but has a found ation in the mistakes of the firs world war when quantity produc tion was pushed at the expense o quality. Dr. E. 8. Archibald, Dir ector of the Dominion Experiment. al Farms, illustrated this point very foreibly at the Ontario Ex perimental Union Mecting, when he drew attention to the fact that it had taken Canada the whole ni 20 years since 1918 to regain the UooG tion ularl front popu the b to Qu THE FARM FRONT PLANS CAMPAIGN nie, however, has not forgotten. She looks each day for her fosterâ€" child, and each day her spiri+s droop lower, Minnie has the sympathy of laiâ€" oratory attendants who vow that Sammy the rat will "do right by our Minnic" or else. The "else" means a complete and final experâ€" ment for Sammy. C Minnie unfortunately "took up" with a rat about a month ago when the latter entered hoer cage in search of food. She expended all her pentâ€"up maternal love on her newâ€"found friend and with great tenderness held the rat in her arms while she regaled it with the finâ€" est morsels of her food. RAT WILL BE PUXNISHED The rat, a white experimental specimen, grew fat, With his hungâ€" R.C.A.F. Personnel Chief Unrequited affection brings un. happiness to monkeys as well as to human beings, it seems. Minnie the Monk, as she is popularly known in the McGilt Medical Buildings, Montreal, is languishâ€" ing these days in her cage quite unlike her usual self. 1 f()ud un Minnic‘s cage. emental virtueâ€" McGill University Monk Adopted Rat Who Proved to be Ungrateful Rodent Breaks Monkey‘s Heart ality farm product export indicate th the 1940 new ero ts initial prenarat in a war of line fighters an iny wal n F A R M NOTES in the war Snyder s first ratio prepat and m« tisfied, cage. He oi ner and the n e fore ititude he c ; languishâ€" cage quite Mi t with the hand 43 Conccited. 37 Entrancement 41 To strike excitemer 34 Ethical. 36 Sleeper‘s musgic box 17 To tic. 18 Lawn, 20 Court, 21 Circle part 22 To seatter h 24 Musical not 25 Three, 26 Grief 27 Vocal composition 29 Pig sty. 30 To cje 32 Public 1 Pictured the map Of «_ 7 This kingdom ruler. 13 Large constella 14 Farewe}} 16 Wireless HORIZONTA1 eouch In presenting his report to the members of the Experimental Unâ€" ion, Dr. G. P. McBRostic stated that varieties should be chosen NEXT: How ma todsy* dom pant J // ‘J : / | N9 Tp 55 | PSn '\ E1 : Â¥ NP NOA P t o fi‘! h "uX 7 oi ce 9 f * th it 3 1 e cce P ‘fi faette ~wo) 4 ph j * * H\‘ * , hnd 4‘, C A | en 4 I in‘ . L â€"~ * c .' ',‘:;‘ > * ns stt a & Â¥casO4.ry.3 ~> c c&Rd ‘,)‘ \,‘ ;_‘\3'. ‘s.\ > & 3} hk A a 15 | This Curious Worip CE m UE 1 9 â€" > ~~TSHIP sEasonm/ aABove 1sS o 0MN THER "PEvern~ DaAMze + C ~"CAT CRESTED GREBESs OURTSHIP dis at crested greb ) seen penguin « Adapt To Environment /' ] LWTTLE OF Ts PeEsEny ‘ PoOPuLaARy~ & NT SR .s3"â€"â€". v».“v. 4 i AQ~ y a : sÂ¥\ T Fom ts M Â¥ viOLN. ==~ s bGl e mnab ies hoar L. UÂ¥ \e~ ) 4 > 6 * By.9, k nRBigitfra.ogme» s \I n . ss * 4o M en / 9 60 44 Spar 46 Peac 49 Befo 18 Lion., 9 Its largest city, 0 The father its present king. Christ. 50 Venerabi 53 Storms., 4 Bitter he 36 Unit. YERTICAL 1 Woman‘s neae s oV _* SEVERAL DECApES AGO, wes GIVEN SPACE in NEWSPaAPERSs OVER. THE EANTRE counTey,/ EVERy insecr BITE WasS CREDTE;r To THis BuG/ Aas a MaTTEeR oâ€" FACT, iT sELDNOM arres ied CJJM A Ns ONTARIO aArcHives OUTLINE MAP Answer to Previous Puzrsle _ CBiSSING Guses, By J. MILLAR WATT h forms of mammals COPR 1937 #y mea 8 Either, 9 Fathor, 10 Alleged foree 11 Measure, 12 To accomplish 15 Go on (m(l:;ic) 18 Woe. 19 Dr. mor DuRNG THE 3 C t Neares with a view to their ad. the specific environme ation regarding the m« \'Il'i(‘t':t‘b for anx navt marxer are known + WwaAS the ili¢ environment, Informâ€" garding the most suitable s for any particular disâ€" n be obtained from the experimental station. LWTTLE or Ts Preesent POPuLAByâ€"~v nj PlADyo / iT GAINED ANTOMNiN~ S WR Fo®R 2 TY 54 Ve 38 3.141+ 39 Half 40 This | 21 Aptitude 23 To put on 24 Part of its to their adaptation to Shelt 1 By William THE nimi drinl nd i Or

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