F get more when they LGoodyear. ride. heavy diamond price ever the sturdy ities that years the lar tires. is money- - "63" 5...“: 3? Tt XY --, - 'CMurray IJNNE urham Xx pniness’ Hunks' Melody of 1940' Moon' FOREST Goodyear tubes! 'iris; l?) f l 't 9) (t v63†IS IT TODAY! APRIL 2STH. 1940 m.ACK-tn Durham hospital. on Mondav. Abril 22. to Mr and Mrs Malcolm Black. a son. PFOHL-m Durham Hospital. AM- day April 26th. to Mr and Mrs Bertram Prom of town. a daughter. "ALDER-TO Mr and Mrs Jack Cal- der. Holetein (nee Bale MacCan- noh a son. in Mrs Petty’s Nursin‘! Home. Dundalk. on Friday Apr" MOORY-L-ln Durham. on April 29th. to Mr and Mrs Wm. Moore. a son. KAUFMAN - ln Hanover Memorial Hospital on Wednesday. April 24 to Mr and Mrs Herman Kaufman of Bentinck Tp. a son. ECCLER--rn Durham Hospital. Fri- day. April 26. to Mr and Mrs Alex. Eccles. Holstein R. R. The Evening Guild ot Trinity Ang- “can Church held an afternoon tea in the home of Mrs G. C. Webster. Albert Street. Mrs M. H. H. Farr. president of the Guild. received the guests with Mrs Webster. Miss Al. ma Hughes took the guests to the tea room where Mrs D. B. McFar- lane and Mrs Margaret Knight pour- ed tea. The table bas attractive with its centre ot pink snapdragons and the place mate in green. Music was contributed by Mrs Shippam. . A graas tire behind Mel Cordick's home last Saturday morning spread rapidly and the tire brigade was called. Mrs (‘ordick had lit a bonfire and it spread beyond her control. but neighbors with pails had it welt out when the brigade arrived. Congratulations to Frank Macintyre publisher ot the Dundalk Herald. who mu elected vice-president of the Ontario & Quebec division. Can. Weekly Newspapers Association. at their annual meeting in Windsor last Saturday.. Mr and Mrs Thompson have talk en up residence in the Lawrenets :martmen: on Gararraxa Street. At the homo of the bride's grand, Parents Mr and Mrs T. G. Lauder. a ,buffet luncheon was served to immediate relatives after which the bridal couple left by motor for a short Wedding journey. Tho bride wore a becoming frock of sea-blue with turf-tan accessories and were a ccrsage ot Sunset roses. The parents of both bride and :room were present tor the cere mony. On Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Buptist Parsonage, Rev. J. T. Priest. B. A.. nnitod in marriage. Marion Juan (Bony), only daughter of Mr and Mrs. T. A. Lander, and Myron) Wallace Thompson. son of sri..) and Mrs G. A. Thompson, all of" Durham. We congratulate him on attai such a ripe old age in good In and intrmeet." and hope he may min it for another decade. m, is: Durham's third chlost 7,. :1‘ Mr Edward Foss at npnrly and Ur: Marv Whitmore nt M oar-dim: his lifmnrn. ham, and Chatsworth -_... -vmmunuty. being a grandson of the late Archi- bald Hunter. who in 1842 Was Dur. ham‘s first settler. For ditty years he was a general mew-ham here. first in Mockier’s and J. H. Hunter's stores. but most of the time in partnership with Itiy brother John in their own Business†He still takes much interest in poli- ties, being a staunch Liberal irc) attended the nomination in Walker-l tion March 11: also in world events. and in the welfare of his family! Mrs C. McKinnon or Alberta" Reeve W. s. Hunter. Mrs Dr. mek-l, ering and Mrs Herb Cress of Dar-ll ham: and Mrs G. C. Macdonald o'i Durham's oldest ex-business man Mr J. P. Hunter will this Friday, May 2rd, celebrate his 88th birthday. Living a retired lite since giving up mercantile business a few years Mo. he has enjoyed good healttrand takes a keen interest in his farm on south line. Glenelz . which he oversees. and frequently visits in fine weather. He has all his life been a resident of this community. being a grandson of the late Archi-j bald Hunter. who in 1842 was DUI-1 J. P. hater Reaches. Children’s Excursion ’ 88th Birthday’ to Niagara falls THoMPsoN--LAuoEtt VOLLXII, Nth' " m; owes! ettrusiness man The following letter sent to'South 3. Hunter will this Friday, ther teachers by LIA. Magee ot I. celebrate his 88th birthday. Hanover, secretary, ts trett-exp1artat. , retired lite since giving up cry. It will be a memorable trip for le business a few years some 500 older P. S. children. at has enjoyed good health-ttnrt. blossom time--Saturdar, May 18th: keen interest in his fartr (, The response that has come to the line. Glenelz . which he, Committee in charge ot the excur- and frequently visits in,'sion to Niagara has been very mu. ther. He has all his life! tying. thus far over 500 children 'esident of this: 00mmnni0u I _.---. _ _ BORN s Petty’s Nursin‘r? An Oddxenow quanette. Bert on Friday Aprn Saunders. Thos. Boll, lam-euce in good health d chlpst cm. at nearly 9" on attainin Whitmore and P. - Ramage sang "Threads of God" and a mate chomp rendered "The Heavens are deciar Grey Lodge l.0.0.F. and Lyiy Grey Rebekah Lodge. With visitjn: sisters and brethren from Handve: and Mount Forest, attended divine service in a body in Knox . Church fuming evening. the parade being led by .Durham Band. About 20 Rebekahs and 60 Oddfellows were present. and enjoyed a splendid die. cctzrse by Rev. W. H. Smith on "Making Friends" basing his mes- sage on the parable ot the unjust I. 0. 0.1". Ladges DEATH OCCURS Ot WEST OF FORMER CITIZEN Edwin heavens. a harness maker by trade and a former resident of Durham died at Walden Road. Sur; my, B. C. He left Durham tor Wes tern Canada some forty years 2.10. Charles Leavens. his brother who was also a former resident here. is the last member ot the family. Children must not forget their lunches. one for dinner and one for supper. The members of the Committee will have red bands on their hats, hence will easily be found at the Victoria Park at the Fatis. _ 'SO that all will be in the front seat sometime during the day. The Commitee urgently request that all drivers be in Hamilton not later than 10.30: and that all leave promptly at 11.00 A.M. It is hoped that all cars will go in a group trom Hamilton to Niagara. The route will be announced in next circular. There is room for a few extras in certain cars, and teachers who have one or two for whom no aCComoda. tion is provided are requested to phone neighboring teachers to see if their children might be able to co with those of the neighboring school. Do not. however. depend; upon this. as there are only a "I vacant seats. It is qugzested that each hour children change seats in the car. I The date set for the trip is Sat. ‘urday. May 1Sth, when we hope the blossoms in Niagara district will be at their best. From Durham. which is centrally located in South Grey. the distance to Niagara is 124 miles. Children are advised that their ordinary school clothes are good enough for the trip. but no children must come bare-rooted. The undertaking was crigir meant to include no grade In than Grade 7. This seems now perative. considering dimtruities transportation . _ t . . d th t can McQuan-ie (Eliza)' or Bentinek I t5ome c0tnmen "s ma e a the and Mrs. Neil Sinclair (Kate) ot sum ot money offered, 50 cents Sault Ste Marie Ont I per child, is not enough. The Com- He was; an 2u"iiiiLt ot Burns' L'?,'?,"?', thln'ks that an ordinary cari Preshyterian Church. Rocky Sangeen. will hold Stat children and the driv-,and the funeral was conducted on [elm four in the back seat and two; Honda); by his pastor Rev S W ’thh the any?» m the fren.t, and as; Hirtle. from his sister's home to le, driver wilrpartieipate m the ell-'Rccky Sautreen cemetery i ‘jOyment of the trip it makes seven! The pall bearers were Neil sind, to go. .'l.1"1y.yts cents 1?" Mfr! "Pair, Lachlan McLean, Donald Mc-l son, makes b;..30 and this WINK Cormiek Don McLean J S Da-J ensply pay'the ms hharge both ways Hey. J. Willets. The floral bearers) However. if tho children are forcetlg were Hugh McCormick Howard’ to increase the price they are at per-3 Smith And two Tiiciii; Ale? and; font liberty to do so. Please Write} ;r‘hn< McCormick who ear-rial. mvwi , _ , . .I t . " , V e. r'.)',',,, is 5:?†as Foil make final ar f tributes from Mrs D. McQuarrie tur') r; !C,"et'nert ti. . . . family: Mrs Alex McCormick and: The undertaking was cngm’lllv Ishbel Durham: Burns' Ladies' Aid: meant to include no grade loxverg";‘m 1'dc'iCii'"i,sti't'l"d . c"-) i - . . , . . .: _ _ s . than (mule I. Plus seems non in; Friends from a distance attendinrzl Dorative. considering dimeulties of Ihe funeral were: Mr and Mr» transportation. iNeil Sinclair ot “Saint sttiGisii,iry The date set for the trip is Sat-, M A ch M C . k " e d 29‘ mlay. May ISth, when we hope the! 2f,, 1215,16: :miw All 'lol'.'.') blossoms in Niagara district will be '__ ex. '"h! ... I a ' - .'. be made to overcome" the Please try. stating their wish to go. It is, haw-i ever, with the greatest regret that! a few teachers have thus far been! unable to tind transportation for the children in their charge, and it is; hoped that a last minute effort may ouowing letter sent to" South achers by J. _A. Magee ot '. secretary, is tre1t-exp1anat. will be a memorable trip tor, iiiltt {mm at Knox (hmh mam district will be From Durham. which dimeulty. Miss Elenor Murray and Miss Mamurette Cochrane of North Bay are spending two weeks with Miss Violet Siothart and her mother' who are settled in their summer heme, near Durham. Mr SincIair assumes the position new held bv S. A. Morrison, B. A., of Meatord. who is retiring on super: ttttttttation. L. L. SINCLAIR NAMED TO EAST GREY INSPECT0RATE Lewis L. Sinclair, B. A., princi- pal of Strathcona School, Oren Sound has been advised by the De. partment ct Education. that the in. spectorate to which ‘he will be as- signed in East Grey. The announce. ment ot Mr Sinclair’s appointment to; the_permanent sum of PuNiersehoor) Inspectors was made this week“ He assumes his new duties on ‘Sep-‘ tember l, 1940.. and his appointment) nemssitates his taking up residencel in Meaford. “Miss Macphail is indeed popular among Western Canadian Progres sive groups and she has shown her. self an able parliamentarian. Her integrity is unquestioned and she has many friends in Saskatoon." "We will be pleased to have Miss Macphail‘s name go before the Unit, ed reform movement nomination convention," Renwick said. "How. ever. it wilt be up to the supporters of our movement to select any eam didate they wish to contest this con- stittderut Walter Renwick, chairman of the United Reform movement in Saska- tcon said Agnes Macphail has not been otrieia11y invited to place her name before the United Reform do. minion nominating convention in Saskatoon constituency. She "Cer, tainly is welcome to the opportun-‘ ity," he added. Miss Macphail indicat-‘ ed in Toronto on Tuesday she will! stand tor nomination in Saskatoonl for the Beat made vacant by the! death of Rev. W. G. Brown. I Agnes to Contest Saskatoon Seat Don. McKinnon and son Bruce, Mr and Mrs A. H. Read and son Roy. Mr Lovegrove, all ot Termite; Mr. and Mrs C. H. Young, Owen Sound: Mr and Mrs Dan, Sinclair, Mrs GiV Christ son and daughter of Chats-i worth; Mrs H. MeEaehern, Mrs R.:' Mrth'l. or Pricevine: Miss E. Meni Ccrmiek, Mrs Stephan and daughterI Mary or Walkerton. I Monday by his pastor Rev. S. Hirtle. from his sister's home Rocky Saugeen cemetery. The pall bearers were Neil "Pair, Lachlan McLean, Donald Cormiek, Don. McLean, J. S. - .. -- "'"""a"woiN, { during which time he made his ihome with his sister, l, I Deceased was born in Bentinck in (August 1860, being ohe ot a. family I lot eight of the late Alexander and. Ilsabelle McCormick. After reaching: ‘young manhood. he became a con-i struction employee on a railroad,' in United States, and w contractor.’ returning to Bentinck in 1914. I Two brothers and two sisters Mus vive: Archie ot Milwaukee, Wiscon-I sin: Charles of Markdale, Mrs Dun-f can McQuarrie (Eliza). of Bentinekl, l, ANGUS Mccd'RMl-zx The death of Angus McCormick took place rather suddenly last Friday morning at the home of his 'sister, Mrs Duncan Mettuarrie of Bentinck. He was in his 80th year, and for the last twenty years he has been stricken with blindness, wrm WHICH Is INCORPORATED THE THEROLLCALI. DURHAM, tiNT.,THURsDit MAY 2 1940 Grey Lodge. welcomed [District Deputy Grand Master Arth- IV George of'Hanover at their meet- ing Mayday. Refreshments were served at the dose. FORMER BENTINcR‘eIRL "W _ BM?" PII". .. _ i -’."ORDAINEDT4MI T -, T-re. é Mrs" Susan 't,,2'lldt, of â€1:05: 1e.iss, _Prttr .Hende'rson ty,. hes-' to. daughter of Mr: and Mi? (tiii/if' less]; to son-1e twenty'yogmg Iadits _ Adlam of Durham. formerly ist? Jtiiir ttlTc1l',ei','At:ttefjis,,3ttfon: tinck, was erdkined to the, "ssiiiituyc.. “no; t be tttif . “Sp Th . iris; ist ministry at the First Spiritualist % . er -o, .a. ul gl . t m l Shrine at Fredonia, 'N. Y. She dm were placed on the dintnt-rooen' table: tends doing missionary work wrltielt was covered. with . ay lace:, throughout the United States and cloth and above the table a '"ttt'?t and Canada. _ ._ can was banana 3 thread from each parcel was attached to it. Miss, Grey Logge' 1410.13 livelcomed MacDonald followed the threeds to} District Deputy Grand Master Arth- the gift and Miss Mary Pickering: IV George of'Hanover at thefi. meet- read. tmod wishes to the tirideitre.i, ing Mayday, Refreshments we): Contests. music, and luncheon round-n served at the close. 7 ed out a most pleasant event. . I The Association, Mr O'Brien pointed out, is a voluntary. non- protit association ot companies writing insurance other than _ life ocean marine and inland transpor- ation. united among other things. "for the purpose ot combining their experience for study and analysis. of establishing equitable premium rates and preserving economy in" . the promulgation of premium rates} and torms.....,..ot avoiding tiafgrrl. dis- crimination between risks of egsim. lially the same hazard or in service rendered." t _ . ' J. J. O'Brien, Toronto manager of the Canadian Underwriters Again- tion, was the chief speaker. .537He told the insurance men ttttr'dis. crimination in setting iiiisutNt,ec premiums has been replaced by: _ rat. ing schedules. intstittlted by thef‘As» sociation. which guarantee that each risk assumes its Just share of insur- ance costs. At a dinner held at the seldon House at 6 pam. that evening, M. A district meeting of tiris and casualty insurance agents was held in Owen Sound last Friday when matters pertaining to their mutual welfare were discussed at .length. and it was decided to organize what will k.nown as "The Grey & Bruce Casualty Insurance "Aggt'iiii. ation." . ernment and ttte" new PaHiamen'tl it Be reducing normal-expenditures which 1 run around $500,()00,000 a year in em peacetime. The treasury board and an estimates committee have been I striving to slash their costs to en- 2, able more money to be directed to lc, the war which probably will Cos' "iiii' Canada a minimum of $500,000,000 hel for the present fiseal year. . I "The only project of Dominion ;Government tinaneirig which is con- ]tempiated in the near future is the fissue of a form of war savings cer- itirutates which has been announced ‘some time ago." the Finance Minis. 'ter stated. . i Finunre ttf,'ryahs, do not (â€mom in- itsrmt will ho mid annually on the?» Cet'tifin:t.tes, it was learned. becnuso of the cumbersome machinery mec- evsarv to handle such a scheme. “u; norders will have a choice 0' dates to turn in certidieates. fir-w will enable savings bsr persona." cf modest means and are aimed. at stimulating “artime thrift which will assist finaneinst the War efRnt. _ A major problem facing the Gov? bout the middle of May and said "There is absolutely no foundation whatever" tor such reports. Cel. Ralston denied reports 'that preparations were being made for a new dominion loan to be offered a.. tieate being issued. now United Kingdom, he said. T would resemble those is Canada during the lilirst Gre and be somewhat 'similar United States baby bonds. l Finance Minister Jta1snon said in a press statement Jast night that these Certit1eates "will very probably be in denominations“ $5 and mul. tiples thereof and are for the sys- tematic putting away of savings." They would be_somewhat along the lines of the mir savimgs .certi- tieate being issuéa nnuv _ '.. AL, 5 Plans for issuing war saving _ cer. titieates to bolster Canada's Wat chest are being pushed forwars‘ rapidly. Details of the scheme bro bably will be laid before Parliament when it meets Mar 16th and certire cates likely will go on sale shortly after that. lnsurancemen (kgirizif' Gov’t. Will Issuseff WhrSaving (krtifiiriiis Rams-rah (uraoiii'C.,. 7 Jest. now inqthe a said. They-also those issued in lilirst Great i War to' the ‘On Wednesday, night of last week, Miss Dorothy Macdonald was pre- sented with a bedroom. lamp by Miss Shirley :Mdntyre 'on behalf of their Bridge Club. I Mrs Chas. Moore entertained at a dinner on Tuesday evening in honour of Miss Dorothy Macdonald, bride-elect of next week. The guests sat down to a prettily decorated table centred with spring flowers and yellow tapers. The ices were out by Mrs W. A, Macdonald, mother of the bride. Miss Marion Moore pro- posed a toast to the guest of hon. our', why responded very .flttinglr The bride-te-be was presented with a gift by Bernice Whitmore. Social Funcfions Miss Myrtle Watson who under. went an operation for appendicitis in Owen Sound hospital is home at present recuperating} The enmqement is announced of Helen Florence, daughter of the laté Mr and Mrs Wm. Robertson, to Clifford Campbell, son of Mr and Mrs. B. MeCraeken, all of Dornoch. The marriage to take place quietly early in May. K Mrs D. A. McCallum Wis a To. i-onto visitor last week. Rev. W. H. and Mrs Smith, Dr. J. P. Grant, Messrs. W. A, Glass, Robert Whitmore, Thos. Bell and P. Rammge attended a conference of United Church elders of South Grey, held in Pieshertois, last Thursday evening. The speakers were Rev. Mr Parks of High Park United Church, Toronto, and Rev. Mr; Mercer ot Maxwell. .‘ Miss Marion Morton, Mount For- est, was a visitor at her home in Béntinck. _ - --- Miss Norma Gagnon was a week end visitor in Toronto. Mr and Mrs John Kerr fume Pe- turned to Varney alter spending .thn winter with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs F. C. Hop- kins. Dromore. and Mn. A. W. Ries. Mr. and Mrs. Dowkes and son Don ald, Owen Sound. visited with Mrs. Dowkest sister, Mrs J. McKechnie. Mr Benson Dewar, a nephew of; William Ritchie and daughters the Dewars of town, is the new:Bartrara and Anna. Misses Bernice janitor at the Durham hospital. (Whitmore and Freda Ritchie were Mrs Jackson of Thessalon. arrived Toronto visitors on Monday. Tupsday to visit her mother. Mrs! T. Henderson attended the Bak. E. Limin. Ecrs' Convention in Torondo on Mr W. A. McGowan of Lucan Tuesday. He was accompanied to way} a visitor in town on Wednesday 91110 city by his daughters, Isobel Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths, Neustadt:iand Betty, the former remaining in Mr and Mrs E. Ries and Mrs. Sci: ithe city. _ Miss Agneé Mair of Cheslev. siste» of Miss Mair of the hasnital staff. had her tonsils removed in Durham hospital Wednesday. - 7,- ___..- wag-Mu} cveuuxg. and on the same occasion a former Durham girl, Mrs Larry Miller (nee Elizabeth Harding) of Baden, pleyed the pipe organ. _ Mr J. H. Harding spent last week with his daughter, ers Larry Mille: and Mr Miller in Baden. His daurrh- ter Jean, who was home for ten weeks an invalid from inflammatory. rheumatism. has returned to her; teaching duties in Toronto. I Mr and Mrs Neil Sinclair of Saultg Ste Marie. arrived here Sunday to attend the funeral of her brother.I the late Alex McCormick of Ber; tinck. j 9‘) . . - _..-.......vu. 'TdtéPtril visit her mother. Mrs! . McGowan of LueanI in town on Wednesday ': rs. Griffiths, Neustadt:! for Wade-Be hiiirii/iiiii"iiii; Specials GRAY COACH LINES" ONTARIO 2iRCHKrtttt . . TORONTO T. Henderson attended ue Bak. crs' Convention in Toronto on Tuesday. He was accompanied to the city by his daughters, Isobel and Betty, the former remaining in the city. A meeting will be held at Lam- lash School on Wednesday evening. May 8th at 8.15 pan. for purpose of organizing the Township for war service. Col. MacDonald of Owen Sound and others: will speak. Gic " ies and Meats The ladies of higt,tat. Agri- cultural Society are ti ding a home made baking sale aura 10e tea in ' N Calder's vacant store\ on Satur- day, May 4th at 2.00 p.13. _ Sunkist Oranges, good size, 25c doz. 2 cabs Heinz Pork & Beans, , , . I bottle Catsup, alt for Kc Kellogg’s All Wheat, Jf2. 2 pkgs, 23c ChoictnniIk Black Tea, 49c lb. Choiee Fresh bulk Dates, 3le. Nc Toilet Tissue """""t""-. 6 rolls 25c The pring bazaar of T Church G ild will be held We day. May 'hui in the parish Sale of hoxhgmade baking, work, and aftemon tea served Copies of the new time tables are agencies. To TORONTO d 3.41 a. m. First meeting of Business Men's A in TOW!) Hall, Friday. Nay std at 8 p attendance requested. D Jrham Business Men's Associat’n A, H. ADLAM, Sec'y-Treas. r--Daily except Sun. & Hot. d-Daily except Sun.; beginning May 2nd and continuing till the end of October. . Wednesday Nights Open, May to Augtist%t%sive. will be held The Local Weeiqy Haif Heziday b 5.56 p. m. Changes ot Time 'rabid/s : C; B. LAWRENCE All Coach Travel Information M. G. CALDER DRUG STORE F LAWRENCE’S . J. MacDonald, Reeve in: bazaar of Trinity d will be held Wednes. l'Pd in the parish Hall. NOTICE Effective Sunday, April 28th LEAVE DURHAM 'Puhlished Weekly " $2.00 a ye States. $2.50 a year in advance. every Thursday Aiteinoon NOTICE I Standard Time b-- Sun. & Holiday only e-Daily creep: Hot. fancy years old. Used Disc Harrow. Tsection Drag Harrow. 3 Spring tooth Cultivators. 3Gang Flows. 1 Quebec Riding Plov Cream Separators. One Black Mare and one Gray Mare, six years. weight about 1450 lbs. I Percheron Horse Colt. 3 Fears. 1 Belgian Mare Con, two years. 2 General Purpose Horses, 4 and I One Phone 121, Durham Organist Knox Church. Durham EXPERT PIANO TUNER 20 years Faetory and Shop experience Representative Mason a Risch Panos available to all omees and Harry Scales. Durham DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Cockshun Dealer Phone 140 DURHAM. ONT PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING Good Work at Reasonable Prices Signs and Trucks Lettered After May ist ROLAND NEWTON PHONE 3, DURHAM PHONE 6, DURHAM FOR SALE Fear tn advance. To United Iris' a 7.15 p. b 11.00 p. Associatirn p. m. Full W M {,1 tli'.";' i "