Y nnee Mini-tee delivered hi- Budget speech. It we. ofeonddenble length. end was mounted in e very deer and comprehen- I've leaner and contained much that was “and been; to the people. lb. CtrherQbt began by nying that the auburn point in the expenditure of the Dominion bed in his, opinion been reached in 1875-6. In that your the expenditure we: $N,488,000 while the revenue only mounted to some 022,587,000, leeving a Adeit of Nt,000,000. If this condition of nthim could be regarded as chronic it 1 might be I serious matter, but many of the items were exceptional such as the amounts " B mndnry Survey, Centennial, Men. nonite loan and a number of other items which would reduce the ectual Jertieit " ordinary ceme- to $400,000. On the other hand there had been a reduction of "oo,- one in the expenditure for the six months . ending I†1617 against the corres- ponding xix months of the previous your. The current receipts fur the funnel period had nearly equalled those of 1876. If the same results accrued during the current half-year it would do much to remove the chance: of a. "heit on the son. of June next. It was also amino ently satisfactory to observe that the ex- penditure of 1876-7 of t'2i,488,000 was 1 Idlwitlnn the recepita of 1874-5, which , mmmted to $21,648,710. The decrease _ in revenue in 1876 had been almost ex- 1 vatrtimtufb-iiertto-qttsoen mir b-6adum.tardattttmtghtthi-on orr.rt'r--1u61st6r,0tn,tu in. ct-trr-l-md-oi-id an, tuogtitrlsdwii1utomrhedupottat I {mud-y. Helaidthomonnnho pn- nu. thrv-nthadbomrwod,was about lacy-on. million donut m mod tho “tau-â€mm upon which ti-rtsettutofL'aisuduen expended. mottsaidt'uatta-tromaisto-r, auiiti-riuumtstill applicable to dim whauamuu.twomitti-ttirotteubt Pygmy. chm.howom. to give in tur er Adana of his political opponents in "can! to the loan of last November. It \vu n vigorous 3nd mainly defence, of ooataiNmbu lamb. and via i refutation ot the change: which ha" been brought 'reiuathim'mthismatter. his of too millions, or much more than the entire deiUit. It was only the enormous retro- gns-iun of imports that had interfered with the cuoulationa ts to revenue that had boon mule u a basis of calculation as bo Can Man. The necessity of adding to the public debt had entailed a clurge of nwly lull . million, but it In: . subject of oonemtalation that the expenditure for public un'ices classed La the Public he. counts " ordinary expenditure would not ( “and Ill and a half millions. or two mil. lion loan than in 18734 or 187b6,tutdthis included charges for Indians. Mounted Police. and utimr items which, he the out. lay eunuqunt on the "quiaition and ot- pniution of new ten'itorygnight hilly b0 Winthnatnn of expenditure on capital account although chased to "Venue. Mr. Cartwright then proceeded to "ru. to other hand, had increased, and other oounon of routine had fairly held their own. but it would he been that the loss bou Custom amounted to two tsm1 I half clusivoly in Customs, who reduction in which was from $15,851,000 in 1875 to â€8,th 1876. The excise on the had In "hunted Ind yet it in now dis. covered that there In: ttpw-l. of 080.000 " it in hin hnml " that time. Sir John's up]: gives him credit for paying beck 035.4300! Mummy. Doeun thief deserve otsdit " giving up property which does Int belong to him when he is found out? Why did Sir John retain the money after In and to hold othee, he was not respon- sible for the government of the ‘country. Mr. â€We but never Asked for one “In to II. " socret service and eettainly he have]! woethy of 'ttrude-, as his produces-or. This matter looks still worse thet no" it is looked into. won a Mon: 1867, a 100.0()o§f§68 “0.000; new, 075.000;und in 1871, S75,M;in all, 0800,000. This wna the audited. In May 1872 u stadrti,u' -..“ nun. gummy ma. It ny- that if the matter in tedt in the hand. ‘of the who Boards on Directors union will be indedtsitel, distant. Directors are My inclined to. consider first how {II-ion will that their own personal inter. --A trod-l Canon-m to the Globe hon Won "r thu-one efforts are WNW to Myâ€: the Grand M Ind Grant Walton Railway- of (hubby-nu:- of caution. TU Lon don The: my: tutturrorrutomoftua. “mmmptnios mud rulixe the tme, Poittimtedtuirattiim, Indinsiat ottai eemtititse being quickly M. It nyll approve of it and no doubt the arrange. ment will he “tried out. Although the when baonktoitisrsnt denominations, yet them can be no objection manne- kmbdmutof the supreme Being in a Chum “01:1ny such}: the Parliament 7mm“: Immune!!!†Home twain“ to am for Prayers to be Mind " the opening cloud: days‘ session of “mandamus. Somemembers Pmdam, February 23, 1877. THE GUIDE On My last Mr. Cum-right the Fin. .'ru Amounts of detection and secret THE BUDGET SPEECH. as? since Confederation l. but the majority member for ship himself dict the Government to which he belonged had lost the txmihUnee ofthe tkmnUT. lion. June: made his male I Legishtin Wm r r. l i D. ty-Minister a the same salary. I Hon. Th':' Tupper put his son-iu-hw in one ‘if the deiutttUrttd, and made his lumber Collector at Amherst, just when the Pacitie Scandal VII raging. Hon. PM Mitchell pvt his brother-ink" Haves Magnum, ind steel miissrorttmetiW per ton); 1mm... ill-kw Carve“ got _tlMs st1ptr.inteuUney of the 1istemuloniil, nap-Ion lout/rt, tut Intacolonial oontmet. Hon. . Tiller put his aon-in-law in one of the ottues “I on". and took . 1autemnt.GovsrneL The Conservative press has been making on outcry against tho present government for giving one†to their friends and sup- porters " if such o thing were unknown under former Administrations. The Halifax fChmicla in reply to such a charge showis, ‘how Sir John Ind his colleagues provided {on poor relations when the; had a chance. I The Chronicle lays :--8ir ohn Mnodonnld installed his brother-in-law to Deputy Minister of Justice, at u salary of 88,200 a yen! Hon._ My. Longevin madehis brother I as the new government came into power? . This shows that the neformers who insisted upon an investigation into the fund were quite right in doing so. What evidence is i there to show that there was not a much larger balance in Sir John's hands at the time his governmeut was defeated. Here we see a Minister of the Crown who had forfeited the eotuidertee of Parliament and the country by his disgraceful sale of a public charter, keeping a. large sum of the public money in his own hands for two years after he had ceased to be it responsible minister. This is a matter which requires to be investigated and we trust that Parlia- ment will sift it to tho bottom. Sir John should be compelled to give a statement of the expenditure of all the money voted for secret service, not necessarily for publiea. tion, but to satisfy a committee of the House that it was devoted to a. Legitimate purpose. After the experience which the country has had of the corrupt acts com- mitted under Sir John's Administration, it would not lo 'rarpriaing to tind that some of the Secret Service money was used for bribery " elections, as well on for aiding seonndrcls, such so Riel, to oscspe punish- ment for their offences. It was proven in evidence before the House that Sir John sent 91,000 to the Roman Catholic Bishop 10f Manitoba tosiil Riel to escape tram the country, after he had raised the standard of rebellion against the Queen's Iuthority, and taking the life of poor Scott, a. loyal subject of Her Majesty. It seems that We hove not reached the depths of the corrup- tion in which Sir John's Administration use steeped, and the public have a rightto demsnd a full enquiry into this htest reve- lation concerning the Secret Service fund. _ A good deal of (linenssiun took place in the House of Commons previous to the de. feat of Sir John's government. respecting the secret service money. Sir John got Parliament to vote a. large sum to be used by the governmct at the time of the Fenian excitement for the purpose of procuring information respecting the movements of these conspiratorx'. Tho then opposition objected to placing so much money in the hands of the Premier to spend as he thought fit without any record being kept, or the least information given as to how it was disposed of,. s.tir John refused to allow e. committee of the House to examine into the matter or give any information as to the Mate of the fund. The public accounts _ just published Show, that during the past) year Sir John paid $25,579 into tho Treasury which he had held in Isis our] hands belonging to this secret service fund ever since he retired from the Premiership. The question naturally arises, why this sum has been retained by Sir John for more than two years after he retired from office. Why wns the balance not returned as soon (any. m expected the revenue from cus- tom: would be 018,600,000, Excise. M,. 800,00, and from other sources traifieient to make up the sum total of 523,400,000. m concluded his speech by referring to the experience of the United States, and ‘5howed nct only that the depression had been far more severe in that country than in Canada bat that both in exports and im. ports the prr capilia proportion was in favor of the Dominion. He claimed that the timutees of the country had been eco- nomically administered, that the credit of Caneda had been more then maintained, and that Canadian Securities were inereas. ing in the estimation of the capitalists; end that while compelled to impose ad- ditional taxes, the burdens of the people would be materially lightened. He took his seat amid loud cheers. “00.000 nnd $500,000. This he believed, would be 1sufiuiout to protect the revenue ngainst my defieieney from such causes an it was possible for any Government to thee percent. Mr. Cartwright then re- capitulated the We: of the (3er ment " in h the pm Go-tttii" took otha., and, which he diluted it hmn80to00miitioettrofdohrtond then‘ gov. theprineiralitemtt of the liability. He would heartily congratulate the Home onate enormous reduction that had taken plue in these liabilities, the result being I that with perhaps one more loan of B, moderate mount, and the postponement) for a. renewable time of works not demand- ing immediate accomplishment, the future might be {need without difficulty. He thought the maximum of expenditure hm] been ruched in the Northwest, and that cansidenhle swing would be effected in 1 the reduction of interest. On the current I Fear, as the result of the harvest, there _ would have been B small defieit, and it was,' in the Pounce Minister’s opinion, Je. sirable to provide for that contingency as well as to prevent it recurrence of a deficit in 1877-8. The means by which this would be tteeomplUhed was in e reodiust- ment of the customs and excise duties, and A change in the taritt. He entered into a detailed explanation of those proposed changes which unnot be given here, but he said the result of these heal chnnges would be an Mouse in revenue of between HELPING THEIR FRIENDS. SECRET SERVICE MONEY. _ your ;--Bro. W. Anderson, Durham, County Master; Samuel Blaming, Proton, D. Cl. M., "mes Broddy. Anemasia. c. Chaplain; T. Jones, Durham, C. Sea; J. Edge, Durham, c. Treasurer; b'. Flem- ing, Proton, C. Lecturer; I'. Ferguson, Mehncthon, C. D. of c. A maxi-annual meeting ,rilibe held in Orchardvillc on no 'tls.'.rear, “Jung; at the, lame of' sedation to be in good working order thmughout the County. The following axe the Ofheem elected for the ensuing your ;--Iro: E Aryi1spson, Durham, D. c. M., oeeup.red the Deputy Chair. A [large number of Brethern were present ‘nllthe District being rtrpieseuted. After the Brethern were tested, the Lodge was openegl on the Royal het Degree and re- duced iothe Orange again, after the min, utes of former meeting were read, in order to admit . large number of visitors. The dii8tP.etta?itrtr.Ut newts. show! the m COUNTY Mnmma L. o. L.-<he Orange County Meeting of South Grey met in the village of Prieesillo, on the 6th inst, at the hom of2 p. In. W. C. M. Bro. W. A. Anderson of Durham, occupied the chair, and Bro. J. W. Armstrong, of Flosherton, Cannon OPENING m OWEN SormD.--th1 I Sabbotli last, the handsome new Methodist Church recently erected in Owen Sound, 1 was opened for divine worship. The build. is 86 feet long and 60 wide, built of white brick, and in front are beautiful, stained glass windows. The church will scat over 1,000 persons, and will cost between 915,- 000 and $16,000. The Rev. Dr. Jeffers, President of the Toronto Conference, preached morning and evening, and the Rev. D. Morison, M. A., in the afternoon. On Monday evening a. Tess-meeting WM held, when Dr. Jeffers gave his lecture on “The Dominion of Canada." About Moo was realized at the Opening services Ind‘ Tea-meeting. l Rev. B. J. Ives, D. D., presided, and collected between $8,000 and $10,000, more than covering the whole debt. An immense tea meeting was held in the evening. when addresses were made by Rev. G. B. Sanderson, President of the London Conftmmee, Rev. J. I London, and Rev. Dr. Ives, Cannon thovsasa.---Tu Methodist church at Kineardims has just been completed and is said to be tho most hand. some edifice of the kind in the vicinity. They held opening services on Thursday last. Moso Roam-A little son of Mr. George McDonald near Mono road station was kicked by a horse last week. The skull was broken; and a portion of the brain and several pieces of bone were taken out. No hopes are entertained of his recovery. Mr. Jackson of the same place, had his barn and house totally destroyed by fire on the 12th. Some of the stck nmlasmnll portion of thelumsehoht furniture were saved. I Accromir.-Last Monday ufternnon while Mr. William Marshall, of Melaucthon, was hauling fence rails, by some means the load on which he was standing upset, and he in et1deavoring to save himself, tttitottunately jumped to the side towards which tho wood was toppling. receiving the whole weight across his right leg. Both bones just above the ankle were brokeu.---Free Preo. Licrirar..--On Monday (waning last the Rev. Mr, Coburn, who is blind, delivered a lecture on "Protestantism, its Rise and Progress," Mr. H. Slack occupied the chair. The uttendnuc was good, and the Lcczure wan listened to with great attention, the subject being treated in nmm;tcrly manner. A collection amounting to $11.50 was taken up in aid of the Lecturer. Os Tuesday evening, last week, a very successful Ton-meeting was held by the congregation of Woodland Presbyterian Church, Egremont. Addresses were do- liveredby Revs. Messrs. Orme, of Holstein, Morrison, of Cedarn‘lle, and Mr. Scott of Mount Forest. Mr. Thos Swan, of Mount Fore ‘., in the chair. Proceed M'd. Ban 1uuos.--'rho fine weather that we have been favored with lately has made the roads very bad coming into tho village, and causing heavily loaded sleigh: to stick. A farmer drawing in a. heavy load of wood, hitched another span of horses in front of his own, and succeeded in drawing out the l front part of his bolrsleigh from under) the land. _ mttantsrxrrotr.--Mr. R. Crawford who B about leaving Shelbumo, was on Wed- nesday evening last, made the recipient of a very nice address, writing desk, and pocket Bible how the " Wreath of Promise" Temperance Lodge. The Spring Angina for the County of Grey will be held at Owen Sound on the 20th of next month. before Chief Juntice Cult, and for the County of Wellington at Guelph on the 9th of April, before Chief Justice wagon. ON Wednesday morning the engine of the train south, got " the track. at the bridge over the Grand River, about two miles from Dundalk. A slight shaking and a delay of about an hour was the re. sult. l Ara tea-meeting held in Knox Church, M cunt Forest on F riday week,over $100 was netted. The Itesr.J.G.itobb,D. D.,ofCooke's Church, Toronto, delivered an interesting lecture on "Britiah Liberty." Tax MEMBER'S tickets for the Dundalk Union Agricultural Society, are at the oihee of Rutherford & Hunter. Directors can have the same by applying to the Fee. retary. A. G. Hunter, 'rrre Bev. Mr. Coburn preached in Zion Church, Mnybourne, every evening during the latter part of last week, and on Sabbath mowing. The meetings were well attend- '. J. E. Lancely. of ‘been caused by the imprudent am of hot “has in r. wooden vane] within the dyed. Rowena“ through tho _ stan- nous tstrcrt.:, of WF2rmstropg, ambled by bias with; neighbxa. the tirc “My The frame work of Ineshor's new mill was mined last week, under the supervis. ion of the contrmtors Messrs. Clarke & Bollnmy. The building when completed, will consist of four flats, end contains the ) latest improvements in memory. " This usually busy village Inn thrown in. to an unusual commotion lest Tuesday morning by the startling alum of “Fire." The cause cf alarm was found to proceed‘ tromtrlu'aaiag media the rear of Mr. " W. Armstrong's resilencc, the fire Liu'/ Owing to the late thaw, which has caused the sleighing to be somewhat meagre, the amount of timber has been considerably less; however quite a large quantity during the season has been stored at the station for spring shipment. The inaugural social of the Ladies Aid Society. of tho Methodist Chm eh, was held on Tuesday evening last week, and Inovcd to u nmost enjoyable affair. After the refreshments had been disposed of, MLA. Campbell was called upon to preside. A very select programme was provided and I carried out successfully. The musical por- l tion of which was supplied by the follow- ing ladimc--Mist, M. Trimble, Miss M. Cowper, and Liss Bella Christos ;Re.1din;;s by Mrs. J. I?, Sproule and Miss E. C. Hold, Mr. Geo. Huid. and Mi. J. Lamb- ert Payne. After the customary vote of thanks, the enjoyable proceedings were brought to a close. The proceeds go) towards the parsonage fund, according to announcement. Tho next social takes place the first week in March. Up to tho 12th inst. , faftoen tenders had been received by the building Com- mittee for the new brick Methodist Church to be erected here, this summer. After each had been carefully considered they de. cided to accept the following tendcrs:-- Church with steeple, Mr. Barns, of Mark. ale for 84,800, and sheds to Messrs. Clarke & Bellamy, of this place for 8215.00. The site of the building lies immediately in ', the rear of Dr. Cluistoe's property, and " l rectly opposite the residence of Mr. J. Bolster. All the, st me tau'livient for the foundation, and about one third of the brick has been deposited upon the site. The church is to be built ofrcd brick, withl the exception of P. few white bricks in the corners strfBeient to relieve the monotony of color; and when completed promises to be a good, substantial edifice, and an omn- ment to the village and township. Build. ing operations will commence as soon " the weather will permit, and the contract- ors anticipate a completion about the middle of October. The old church luts been sold to Mr. M. E. Merriam of this place. who intends to convert it into a thr. niture show room. After leaving the Hall the members of Ihtireein Lodge with their brethern from Owen Sound and a. number of invted guests pnrtook of supper got up in first, clees style, at the Flesherton Hotel by Mr. Munshuw. After the supper a shortand pleasant time was spent together, when the followingtoasts were proposed and replied to, I all of them being drunk in eleareold water; _ vim, “The Queen;" "The Grand Lodge I. O. o. T.." and “The Officers and Mem. bers of Owen Sound Lodge." replied to by Messrs. Hugo, Creighton, Young, MeDon. ald, McKinnon, and Campbell of Owen Sound. "The Press," replied to by l Messrs. Townsend, of tho Damian: GUIDE; I Galbraith, of the Orillia Tinto; Hugo, of ‘the Owen Sound Tivuw, and lllyth, of the MarkGle Expositor. "The Medical Pro. fession." replied to by Dr. Spronle. of Marlidale. P. N. G., of Owen Solmd Ludge, prepared "Dtt'.7rein Lodge," which was replied to by N. G., Bro. Hooper. "The Mercantile Profession." replied to by Messrs. Trimble, Sproule, Galbraith, and Hogg. “The Ilost and Hostess" replied to by Mr. Hugo. “The Ladies," replied to by Messrs. Hooper, Trimble, and Dr. Sproule. A number of songs were given, and the company separated after singing "Auld Lang Sync" and the National Anthem. Altogether we never spentu more pleasant evening. and we Hllllll long remember with pleasure and kindly feelings, having been present on the above occasion. Town. The Hall, which is a well fuu'ah. edsnd comedians room, cecupies vim "tteroo,m,thtrtuirdstory of thebuihling 'eeuf.iiaiFrh'yarr.-Wns. Wu. The' room underneath is occupied by the Ma. sonic Lodge of Flesherton. and mu dedi- cated a few months ago. In the first Bat are two store room. The building when finished will cost about ".800. The Odd- fellow's Hell is neatly fitted up and being well filhsirwith s respectable audience, in. eluding a number of ladies and the mem- bers of the Order in regalia, presented a. fine nppenrsnce. After the ceremonies were over, P. N. G. Hugo, gave an in- teresting address on the progress snd' principles of Wider.- Several pieces of; Instrumental music and songs we re given by Misses Btsskerville, Trimble, Hooper, Christoe, Richardson, and Mr. J. Campbell, which were well received by the audience. The song given by Miss Edith Richardson is especially worthy of note, as the little singer possesses a very fine voice, and will no doubt become a general favorite as _ she advances in ego. Mi. thdbrath, in character, recited "Lord Mnrmion" and “Mary Queen of Scotts." The entertain- ment in the Hall was brought to a close about ten o'clock, those who had the pleasure of being present being pleased with the Dcdieaiory Services and enter- teinment furnished on the oeeassion. (From our own Correspondent.) FLE SHE RT ON TORONTO ----'.ot------. - _ [3:221 kinds updating done in very but c.t."sc of the 'it%st thi.. cltiar, ,,,,_, _v_ a.“ - wu ‘01 cat clock a. m.-CarF1. ' Feb. 17tlt 1877. J on "an. tp., Clerk. receive their Movod by .“w. v, AMI. new. seconded by Mr. Boyde, that the Bonn and Comm/an sawed to My mm the Rania}: r Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Boyde, that the application of the Trustees Ci School Section No. l, to invest the sinking Fund from Debentures, collect- uble from said section, be complied with, and that the money be mated to James J Mk, his securities being satiatutars.- Carried. Moved by Mr. Modehnd. seconded by Mr. Fleming, that the Collector be re- quested to continue the collection of, the Taxes to the 20th day of March next eith- "oututradih'tionsuaaeywunu" will be Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Boyde, that Donald Menzies receive the sum of 01.65, being the amount for mend. ing scrapers, and that the Reeve inane an order for the 'same.--Cturied. Moved by Mr. Fleming, wounded by Mr. Agnew, that the account of J. Rutherford " printing Tax Receipts, amounting to M.60, be paid, also to John McLaren, Mount Forest, for printing Election Pts. pers, &c., 815.88, and that the Reeve issue an order for the iusme.-Ahuried. Moved by Mr. Modoland, seennded by Mr. Agnew, that the sum of 670.00 be granted to impwve tho 10th con. cast of the 17th side road as an equivalent to a similar amount subscribed by John Steven- son. Esq, and other Ratepayers of the locality, and that the same be exponded under the irttpervition of the Commissioner of the Division-Carried. Moved by Mr. Boyde, seconded by Mr. Agnew, that the Reeve issue In order in favor of Alexander McPherson for the amount of ten dollars for repairing bridge on 7th side road, in the 6th concession. Division No. I, the same being done by urdermf Couneil.-Carried. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Boyde, that J amen Menzies be appointed Assessor for the your 1877, and that he be paid the sum of 360.00 for his service: on condition that he attend 1Uviaion Courts. and that his securities be "eeptod.--Cur. tied. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Boyde, that Andrew Stewart receive the stun of $40.00, being part salary as Collector for the your 1876.--Carried: _ Moved by Mr. Boyde seconded by Mr. Fleming. that the Clerk be instructed to 1 place on the Pathmaster's Schedule against J tunes Kelley three days were of Statute Labor for lot 16,eon. 2, for 1876.-4huaied. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Modelnnd, that the Reeve be instructed to take advice in the matter of the claim of John Gctt, for damages sustained by pur- chasing lot 216, can. 4, which is repre- sented as not having been liable for taxes. -CUrried. Moved by Mr, Moved by Mr. Itoyde, seconded by Mr. Agnew. that the Clerk be requested to notify the Trustees of School sections 9,10, and 11, that this Council proposes at its next meeting passing I. Ply-Law altering the boundaries of said sections Moordingta resolution publitrud.-Ahuaied. Moved by Mr. Modelaml. seconded by Mr. Agnew, that the Clerk is hereby authorized to notify the Trustees of School section No. 7 ands that application has been made to this Council to form a new School section at the next meeting of Council, and of portions of the above 'rtretiona.--Carried. Mr. Modelnnd entered ttttd took bis seal nuke Council Baud at this stage of pro? coedure of business. The Councilndjourncd for one hour. Moved by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Mr. Agnew, that whereas the third Divis- ion of this Municipality received no por- tion of the specill grant of $200.00 hom the County Council, it be allowed the sum of M0.00 tut a special grant from the Township Treasury in lieu thereot-Car. ried. Moved by Mr. Boyde. seconded by Mr'. Fleming, tlmt the arrears of taxes against lot 80, in can. 8, " 1876, be erased, as said lot was purchued from the Govern. ment in 1876.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Boyde, that Alex. McPherson be allowed to perform twp days Statute labor in ur- ms " lot 7, con. ti, in the current year. --Camed. Moved by Mr. Agnew. seconded by Mr. Buyde, that widow Sweeney's taxes be re. duced 92.00, she having lost since last as- sessed a mare and two eolu.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Finalizing, seconded by Mr. Boyde, that the Minutes of last meeting be amended by striking out the notice for H" pointing Township 0ttieiala,therts appearing to be no authority in the . Statute for the samc.-Ahwried. Members of Council all present with excep- tion of DoputyBe‘eve. The Reeve presiding. Minutes of the first Council meeting on January 18th, 1877, read ovormd adopted. Proton Council met u pet woununwt at the police village of Dundalk, in one of tho room of the Queen's Hotel, kept by Mr. John Colgan, on Wednesday, the 14th day of February, at 10 of the clock a. m. on the 21th Hugh. wall we; if ici' Proton Council. .._._ we :4va have won {oi-them- wlved and Chit lambda. {um I very um portion ol btti.ieiu.--iciii'.r, and otiur fu... t..ros the week has [My mpwcd c..- poetatiaetifdt but I Very “again; tcw, and ' it; [aim iu Landau-L25“; marked “at ia tip. rdi:;iou. £4.11? of :;_., t. . ., - V -"'""'""v"" â€a 'uPu'ctywitlt which t'ue prayer-mactings hum outgrown ti" 1uirauvsdation, pruvided for tuaut, and ban oh,'igsl ts nrtura to cu Tuber. â€I. In"! th- L-a-_, _ ‘ and a half millions of dollars, and wanted to take the Mini-ter of Justice down to the Governor-Gene‘d, to have the claim settled. The man in still a large and ap- pom-s to be me on all other point: except the delusions u to his chin: was. Government. Mr. Bhko tofu“ to pro. ‘ucutc {at the Inuit. Mr. Mood II com [etc as in - . the “wagon of NE. mom! Romain Liked on "or band. 016."- alhd mo “rack, Fa','.'it,uo,'d,t'at in! an: --"2h, crowds. which nttsndod the "trglir M m" “Id the . w of habit 'i'Clh%'rt.' "r'aliltitre.ili) which ftepPPrenaiiiui lure Firi'iici) tU ttg-mr-LG.'"...- _----, . . . - Ihxn'ou Sum Wmar.-g. A. Hunted. of Listowcl, has imported a quantity of new] wheat direct from M-mitobn. The grain is of excellent quality, and is being rapidly bought up " spring sowing. The Manitm be what is recommended as being excel}- ent to make a change of seed. Raw†Acetmmr.-hbout one p. m. '1 uesdeyJBth inst., I man in: e 1Crockett, aged about 88, while engaged switching can in the yard of the Canada Southern Railway. St. Thomas, caught his foot in e hog and [all to the ground, the pony on- gine passing over hie legs, eutting them no badly that Amputation will be necessary. He he“ wife and family who reside in BuGio. Asswur on ma Minn-In or J tmrtctt.-- On Friday afternoon In the Hon. Mr. 1 Blake was entering the Parliament Build- 1 ing, he was approached by e 'tmutter, who I idelivered some unintelligible verbal cum- muuicution, and demanded prompt atten- tion. The Minister, tilting no heed to him, was immediately mixed by the stranger and unduly end ï¬rmly held. but taking the unexpected attack cooly he “ministered eome sharp blows with his one to the man's knuckles. It was perhaps fortunate that two of the Domin- ion police (Dee and eaten! gentlemen were neu- " bud, who immediately ren- _unsd-iostaue,aaisturwid them. who is pan-end at out bodily masthead determination, might trave proceeded to - violenee. “mimetic is under the maefegmt on bismu- to be all right. 1 Among the militia orders I: lost Game l I the following: t--" 8tst any Battalion of Infantry, No. bcumpnny, Owen Bound--. To be Lieutenant, provisionally, Jowph Cozens. gentleman; vice George Spencer. whose resignation is hereby neceytcd." I &ncuur.-A clerk in the Consolidated Bank at Belleville, by the name of Charles J. Jones, examined suicide by shooting himself in the head Tue-day moraine, he was only 25 yam old and no cam is as» signed for the deed. In: attttotmtanrs, “in (Elflvou have {arms " we. houses to rent, or anything you wish made known to the public. advertise in the Guam. It now enjoys a large cimulntion in the surrounding country. Scam Warttrturo.--str, limiters the Mm Ctutdiiiate for tho Local House has been clan-d in South Waterloo by n majority of twelve over Mr. Memer the Independgnt candidate. Elfyou want good violin bows or strings, go to Nickle'a jewelry store. Li’Nowin the time to subscn'be for the "Gramt"-oniy 61.00 a you in ad. vunce or $1.50 if not paid within two months. These terms will always be nd, hated to. Lrroamr.--eh. Guelph PM nu- nouucc the sudden departure of W. A, Jones on insaupmus Agent who ha been doing business than for the put four years. ie leaves a large number of unpaid bills amongst the merchants and business men of the town, and 0. number of policy holder: will lose the premiums they have paid him upon their policies. m enjoyed the entire conMenee of the community. The cause of his flight in said to be tmrtain speculu- tions in barley upon which he had lost heu- ily. He had been married only about three months. Since he left it has been discovered that his real name is Silkworm tttad a good many stories are Mout as to his former character and doings, which give him a pretty bad "putatiun. CAI-u: Fatrttr.-9t the Elan thir on the 6th inst. , the mlingiutumn were from 08.50 to 04.60 pawn. At Guelph on the ful. lowing day, the monthly thir was "all lb tended. The prices paid were from 63.50 to $4.25 per cwt, but in some exceptional cm_“.50 Ind “.875 were paid. Tmrrr.--Thrns. Munford was wasted at Guelph Wednesdny. charged with stealing nix hundred dollars word: olboohmdona hundred dollars Worth of hudwm from his employer. The stealing: were going on for about five “an. The Guelph Poultry Society will hold its annual show in the Drill Shed. Guelph. on the 27th ttttd 28th of February, and the In ind 'ttd of Much. Prizes to the amount of ",000 an oftered. At 'mrmmtrttsetiattritt Elan. 'sesoemrtitt" was ilotniud to upon the but methodasof advertising an Mvenou of that place as I sun-at mt Accumn on E-s-on the tth inst., n little girl, daughter of M. John not. Mus [ den of the County of Wellington, fell down a flieltt of stops and dishseatod her right} arm " the elbow. _ His accentuate said untity of seed The grain is being “pithy The Mano. Imbagm "rcatttautt., - "_".. “as, of the Court of Amman. the Bill an amended Home. In “or to Mr. M Md that the Gave; [and to bring down ' “Mien nation an.“ 95:30:13 be an. a: u- â€a to In Mamdith, the Puma t' “ed that the Government wcn- nut guru tmersd h bring down A manure on the m- qttetioet Man this Ionian. but he hum-d iii,rl'ul"d “to do.) next you. It. Mun. man] the mound healing of it Bill PeHipte (or the introduction». Ind- emu We... of the principle 1ff'etyttiaii,ciiiitirii; {gum um†amnion. nun-m II was»; ia mumcw hm‘rd'ia 1't.raeiiiaiiii by a... Frontier and the “I of 2.t 01M. bud: of “2mm m".m-- -.-_---, . ‘ -‘ no. was continued for some time, and aturtucomaiiii was the Home tank up dawn-dug. BpriagmG As, m ',t!tVoarhiAiiTiriifiire',7,1'ietr, m undo 'h;'Tettt Au Any-nil moat [Imposed y r. hune, Iron-Am; for In upped in certain 'CCCl'"22,'l,fih1"t {mm the County Ltle to one oflhoJmlpm ottuc-,r"i.U.2' ~4'" ' ‘ non-wan mehc Mr. Crooks moved tho H "no int nc- unmit- tee on the Irillatueudirv,vae Am rn~pvvtmg the sale uffcrmented and spirituou, lunar.“ Mr. Has-kin moved in amendment “That the bill be remmmitmd to n Commuter on the Whale Hourv, to lune mundane» mark as will enable the ('uum'ils of Mauiei. palities to appoint thvir uwu Iuspt-(‘t ts, and to dispense with the servicv, of th" Wane" 3nd Luipcetors now. ammun- d V. bit Hunor in Couucil, under ti: nu- _therit.e of Vie, cap. M." Me." Heston found fault with the Hun" mount Minimization that had been gin-:1 u to tho-nrkiugofdm Art. Mr. [Indy Wed it had worked mtifetur.v. Mr. tUott Wu it In. a mistake to the tar, my Gun I . ities. Mr. MI, (Shoo-L the t the Mn. aide: a Mr an new“. the m of was a... my. 1tih.tu.e.ysttimerirriii'rLi'i.' The deh.to on the Ball m matmumt warm attd In.“ and“: nude. In: an tho Wt: won [on thate/ttlc-i' Tthte, ugh-t than and the was mad I M an. altar routine the Home went into ( mince on tha, School Bill. tad dineu w number of its chum. most of which pa wick vary slight Mats or um All. After "e" up an order oil The 11mm ana- routine. wok WWIâ€: of tho Hill C mfem' huddle upon W's Bon:," under limitation. An amendment was by w. Cal-emu objecting to the Mqaetgtt ottta being n piece of cl us ttion. The debate which ensued la, til put midmgl' at. when the mm.- W“ "Md down by n mnjarily ofa -eeat members of the Uppusiti m against it. The third readme of t was then vaunted to, and the Hm found. after I promise from the I that his Railway Bill would be tutr tee the Mr, the the may on Monday Amman]! new“ rml _ti'rl'rl,1'f, the wh I114 WI." A comparison Int“. l ol Wilt under a Lila-ml l Ontario and nude; t' C In» W. thawed that Dr i'n it new in the luttt.y and a hunter cent. of 1% Min “to former ott!y I lunar. for cent. After “dark was augments, maul a while under irl7ll.1a1i"f,',e2c.gitt: mud by Mr. Flu-nor. the curred in on a. diviuou, tlee " to 80. Bevan] Consen- the majority. Mr. lindgim thou between the ow tline dune public Ivusim inc and the pro all); as the gram was: years prior Weeding the ' The average per e tUtd Macadam“ n E‘in w Cvu,t Mr. Hucdongnll mu item to 0S0.0:IIU, uni ion to 'tpeak inpnm; exhibit at the Centcu defended the charm general. and of the l ticulur. and showed Canadian exhibitors _ a hymn-able change market 60.000. The 'l'reuun cmmitlemlde portion (1 under this held In.“ I nttomlant upon the t the Centennial Exhibiti forum). 11-h. H. Tho Bite-fur dancing " numlwr “O â€. concurred in rv, ttet -yHirtg h annual L'ruuh I and. coalition. to the Ontario mm. t.. M H ttiib4hower,," Aswl'mixu 'h?9ermamdareBiti,wr,', wham- tsN22lrgttee,eili.ijr,/,rrii'//r, an “3.11m“ to [unkind] 1 4-12.. In, ah I short diminution rum] 1: mm “on. AM the introducmu uer.( li.,; Ob Ink-clout tae Fl'nmtvluw t' “I“ 'umrattofthi?/.r/,,dt on My. 't,I my of the itrnn tits, jogging. m clued. but in ovum-Mm: v. .1 «inn than was I good an] of ‘lm-x. .‘ mucus, Mr. Wood,in twp}; I A: Mi"! annual muuuk almm tlu Il.: 'x _ in the mount of the grunts tn 5111.) Fr Mu, maintained that tlotv.cin 1-! A, 2 unwell managed. On the N-MJVIL _ ttmattM6t,000for unforeseen and ‘HIJ'I- l . L “penal than was n pruluuy:-.l mm L unwed discussion. Mr. Melluugall ti up; “may of the items Cnn‘clul iv. t apropriuhon ought to be provild m 1 mm“. Mr. "whim ImHIIMI' under the tiundticht Maul rl.,. "Time it was a c umnun thing c, l I, " tyeasppropriuious,adj sham-d th. mm than spent in not» ot Ith- plum! l tamuttitttritt the, agg'unu- to m a: t 1. 50,000. The 1'txasmvr “MI“... i ." Tl]. lion-a wont $15.11;“: a It. Cbxtha' Education 1:11] M It â€the ninth chumo. Aft.. com further hum...†limo dimmed at a Illuu‘h-r down. mqrV I." received" and In“ d "timates cam-u 7 w “I. itadrrstaudid 1..“ 'rft,,I"d, wonld be allow“I 1 M HI "talcum when it cm“ '9..." with» A i. u'. now oi y. Ir 'r, 144.41.21th lip-L In: lost, LiLriiit.i.', would vu "ported t, we Tm. Feb. 80 th. Bill. cud auiiddi", t, 1effrhie'u [mun-J 1 instituted a a In an witurly 2atrial. dairy features had Inn- r, tho item w... in, the mN'oeity 'ou-tia,, u I that - the w like“! Db. sided for Irv ' "an?†pointed "it t%adKgd "It‘dmmM In“ tleine to exceed ad “towed the snub " d thom, granted :1- MW mare than in! "Named that u t of the exlxautluurv t you-mom expmmw r Cunndinn an“... ... Td I“ war, e "l. I. he "1leit.r ham: “and“: rated M: PM hi. lath. Him. not up the Bill ensign-nu; the 'es Ions under certain I‘M was moved m to the Bill on piece ofolus Iogiulu- eh ensued lasted nu Ian the amendment mnjarity of lit to 27, q Opposition w mi "L: madiutt of the Bill and the House ud- In in: the Prunin- My ot the a in. Mum“ rof the esl manta Fob. 1 l" uglooumitu lured , c Cut-mm a no such chm ouncils ofllaniei- own Fnspec} ma, III! or none In I older of mm. tpnctime, and ll] thi expel ".90": ex Mum dml produc- concurred in. into Commit l m mum of the Bill Home 'ul, he Premier intmduced If! “has. RUN 10th lulu Ur ed coal The Ii “is. in an to: military of the ll Russian duct tht is mun-l " Bonn War, Mu I‘lu'. the MI en. the and Ill 11 hull. in It)" " him I',',',',",.'") lull" Their c make :1 " a tum-cu WI] Very [than ii The mm a inn-u l Ugh! maul-m tight an lam. P". (I! Dumb- tril. th, the “r ll It in ru tuattmu, I'm“: l Gum] " all! ar Au 1mm his“ “In ltd Null-in (MM Ila-la R-sal rt "" lhy Hind Him-cpl mod? Bum} Alb punch: " D. " (kl sud P Ot' 11 mull " In“! ",N Mb] " , l " 21 'ld In “v