" A Last week the Northern and thesTorottto "W. bt, ‘13:er [r',':,',','"?, on Sabbath Ni pinch Railw- u were blocked b ""1le I 0 mm of Mr. L. w, $.30: {orle IT' Mr. E. "C'i'2', Golden. Lot No. 18, in the 7th Con., tl. w, Oil-II “IBIS" of the T. G. a B. Rail. T. O b. P" Melnucthnn. to an Audience my. on lamina the lute otMrixim on thi. of owtr “W persons, tUthongh the weather will“ of taking things "', in hi. m unfu'onble. There will bcprenching on on", at mace coma up the line, 5nd - abbath evening " 6 o'eloek, at Mr, by " praaence and mperintontlence of the Golda": tttrd it is “meted a Subbath m no éoubt m instrumental in getting mrltool will be commenced about the first an and opened much quicker than it of May next. omis- would have been. It was not 31mm AccrDv.rz.-tht Wednesday till My dram that the road m" hatwecinvhon the snow plough wnaplung. or-d munch to Dnndulk. and Suturdny inn thmmgh the Inst accumulating snow on “1“ butâ€. the thin reached Owen the tmek, alrmstsiamiis, loathofDundnlk, “a. But considering the severity of the now wan cant " " the lilo with the u, and the Inge Amount of cutting Inch force that it knocked the door' off the t-.trotione,wo cannot cpeuktoo hingâ€. “dbl“. the thominut the m adthq may displayed by the Gen- undone. at Mr Ashdown. Mm. Ashdown, d W of this fund. And of throlwhtftietim-sittiaconsouiriiti' â€Hugh -ttirtg the“ orr-laeaiuiauraruss, Wu knocked down by qaiatr, “is“ um] expectodtlnt it Union-m our ouUr, but my“ “on." than men-l '1tVs Migu- to my scion. injury. The Amine was p... “but!†In Win. MuditamltsaFiwithsnow. construetion were'-‘ 0! opiniou, that the nerrow trni-stiinuuu,iuu1 experience provee that such is the, cue. The arguments edvnnced in [ever of the nerrow gauge were; that it could be built . more choeply end run with less cost, but it is found that; there in no saving effected to be competed to ite auaitmri'.acei. The road mcheeply graded, but then it is full of sharp curves end steep Monte. which ere greet drew- bechin tie “thing of the med. The ex- peneetoo.iejultthe name in working e nerrowuewidegeuge. BO that there is nothing (lined by it after the reed ie built. It ie quite evident that the T. G. tannin bemedeolthenniform - if it in to continue in operation. The curves man be straightened, Wen reduced. end the road made equnlto othern in which it is brought into competition. If thin were done it would be e greet edventnge to the notion of country through which it runs. Gain. Lumber. ae., could then be shipped for my point, end eent to its destination withoute change of are. this would be e greet eeving to the shipper, end would in. meee the value of produce. We trust that the Company my tako this mutter into consideration, and adopt means to carry out the project. No doubt funds could be rn'ied " the purpoee if n proper scheme were matured. We feel "taiu that the reed would pey well, if the page were widened and improved, end unless some- ting is done in this direction before long, the Me will be stunted to other lines. _ an that we ere being surrounded mth Railways built upon a uniform gauge of 4 feet ttl inehee, it is becoming apparent that the narrow gauge of tho T. G. & B. R. Inn-t be widened, otherwise tho road will be its tratfio, and fell to pay the expense aim-ulna, The Milton ONotthveetern, the Credit Vellq, and the Wellington Grey * Bruce Are nil onthewidegnuge principle, mallhippeerillptdertbeumed: tothe rcrow 9'9; on emunt of the trouble end "roiudinarttmsd in braking bulk at Toronto. At the time the narrow Ire,) we: projected, it we: thought that it would be very nibble for thin eountry. but owl penance bu shown that it is a complete Mute. A great many st the time of its Rim of the Dominion TIIE 10301330, GREY a BRUCE RAILWAY. it In tho year when the proserut Govern. ment cum into power. huvylogney mm mm; In; andâ€. m hm that it will take some time hgdlid of the excessive charges upon BL, _-------, .. _ tho "Venn. which was imposed by' the late Sacrament. The work of nrtreneh. ment uni been amend upon, And we feel ruminant that next you the public expen- mount of increase for which the present. Gm-ernment is responsible ia the differemm haveâ€: the expenditure in 1878-4 and 1875-6. Inning I total of about can mil. lion doll-n. M Sir John len. such a deceive the public, but when the Q‘hék is “pond, it only serves to show the unprin- ciplod menu which is Ltopted to injure _ ,,_ ..... - - lune Mt. Meekenzie'e Gov ent cane into power. but it in dc',',,?,'"',',':':'..":,',' to my that the new Government we. not respon- dble " tie increase (duet yep, The estimate. were voted under Sir John'. " minixtretlon end it we. impoeeible to re- duce them the! the expenditure had been entered upon. m "ur.. therefore show that hom the ttest you of confederetion to 1874, the 'rtnditam inure-led from "8.x 436.072 to â€3.816.816, en increase of about) tau million. of dollere in seven years. Sir John A. Maulouuld was responsible lot this incl-em, end for any one to charge the preeent Government with. it is simply eating whet u nohorit.rmsly {Ill-16. It in any to see that the object of those who Eli-represent the matter in this way is to 48trgm, whilst in 1372.3 n had iaiia', to 019,174,647. In 1878-4 the expenditure Wu 028,810,816. This In- the you that it- " e . _ - an... n u mum 11mm Mt harem it the public expendihn. In 1867Ar-the ttmt you of otrrtfuoration--th. total ex- pandiinro of the Comment In: 013,- 1... m . " . . _ The modtipn Pres-phage- the meant Government with inning instead the public expenditure to I large Amount einoe they cum into power. To prove this n sutonUt in given of the expenditure under Sir John'. ndmiuiatmtion a com- pared with that of lent you. For instance. in 1871-2 the tot-l expenditure we. 'It. ‘WAGB. mud in 1875-6 it wanted to 024,â€.312 showing u harem of ghoul .7.M.W. Now to get it correct idea of “ii: Matter we must take the npehditure‘ fur seven] year: end Harbin when the immune took plan. Of ooumsitmuatbe borne in mind ttiat the Dominion it grow- ing mpidly And new vaincee ere being edded to it whieh neeeuitetee m increase THE diiii5'iii] bum. April ’5, 1377. AFTER THE STORM. DOMINION FIhANCES. Uovonxnpnt. The {and will be less tu,, ’ but week. when the snow plough was plum:- l ing through the htst Accumulating snow on I the truck. that six miles noun: of Dundslk, the now VII out " n the side with such force that it knocked the door" off the hing... and broke the window, in " the We. of Mr Ashdown. Mm. Albania 500 men were vented to work on this med. md workmen have been collecting " various points. In Georgetown and the vicinity there are nearly 100 men waiting till work e in be commenced. Many of them ere destitute end have been kept for some time by the Council end bounty of the people. Work will be commenced u soon " the weether permite. Museum- Cnulcl hhasatmraom-TU l Rev. Mr. Dirkey preached on Sabbath ‘evening Int " the house of Mr. L. W. Golden. Lot No. 18, in the 7th Com, 8. W. T, t S. Road, Mehncthon. to en endienee of over sixty persona, elthongh the weather was unhvonble. There will be preeching every Sebbeth evening at 6 o'clock. It Mr, Golden‘e. end it is expected a Sebbath school will be commenced about the timt of May next. promi roll. If the easement hue tslrotuV been made, they may yet apply to have their names entered by the court of revision or l the County judge for the eotstt of revision of the voter’s list. A Value: Pmaausm--htr. John Agnew Gnvel Road, has purchued " Young Champion," from Mr. Wm. Kirby, of near Guelph, for the mm of .800. " Young Chmpion" is a bony draft home, 3 been- I tiful duppled bay, and is eight years old. No doubt Mr. Agnew's enterprise will be duly appreciated by the farmers of Proton, Mehsnethon and Osprey. Vow Ion FAIIIRS' Soss--Nzmm, Io'" wishing to avail themselves of the right to vote at eloctions should we to it that their times are put on the auossmont Hons: Srosas.-th, Wednesday night, Shrt inch. . valuable young horse was stolen from the stable of Mr Duncan Keith, 4th concession of Egremont. A bridlo, blanket and unminglo wero taken " the same time. No clue has been found to the perpetrator. A reward of 020 is otrerssd for thes memory of the animal. DttowszD thm.-99n Monday last. when Mr. Wm Pollard, Shelburne, got up to on- tor his bakery, he found it fiooded to the depth of about tllreo feet with water. Seven bags of ttour. wlu'eh were in the building were partially soaked. Mr Pollard went to work at once and had the water pumped out before night. C. V. R. Nsms.-TU voting on the bs. law in Toronto, on Tuesday, resulted in its being carried by a majority of 821. Several places along the line held domon. strations in honor of the event, and there was 5 good Jeni of rejoicing over it in To- ronto. Roux. Saun- thsarrmm.-Ths R. 8. Chapters of the District of Proton will be opened in the Dundnlk Orange Hall, on Saturday. the 14th inst., at the hour of Your o'clock P. M. All Brethorn interested are requested to attend. Brethern tram Sisters Lodges are cordially invited. Duxuu Usrox AGRICULTURAL Soon". --A meeting of the Directors of the above 1ioeitstywill be held in the Gauge Hail. Dundalk, on Tuesday next, the 10th inst., at one o'eloek P. M. A meeting was to have been held on the 28th ult., but owing to the stormy weather the members were Imnhle to ntteml. Revival meetings have been held in Mount Forest, Methodist Church, for the past nix weeks And have been attend- ed with method succeu Over my have joined the church and the meetings are well “tended. " Lmnr,--The many friends and ac- qudntancol of John P. Rogers, familiarly known as John A. Macdonald, will be glad to learn that he has fallen Lei: to a. fortune of about 'l0,000.--thven Sound Advertu. Mr. Freeland, of Meunethon, has lost two children, by dotstlv-amh Caroline on the 39th And Wm. 3mm on the 80th alt. Mr. Freeland ban the 'riitriathy bf his neighbors in his and berearmeiits. Tux Dams Bua..-i, final majority for the bill in the county of Kori was Mli. The by-law for the "ritial of of thd Dmikin het in the Township of Pelham wt! de, feated by a majority of 169. '""arr"ntttatt.-/rhe attendance It the School Hon-e, Dana-1k. on Sabbath last, to but Mr. Match, wu vety large, and a deep intittst wan shown in the service of tho day. mnmng may. _ Mahdi-to “Ad, on In. in Ast. ttr. Chris Anderson odAmnmath, and “no. of his ehihlren.hue had the scarlet {new but no recovering. Dianna McLean of Burl-ion was killed nou- thulphoo on Tuesdny by falling from Flpad Muy "tlhihing his neck. Tn roof of the tables of the Royal Hotel. Shelbum, fell in one day but weak, owing to the large mount of wow on it. Ott 8110\nd., week . home belonging to Mr.Mi1imrrott, was killed " Chauworth. by Ming fright st I railwuy train and r--.It was said that The quarterly enminltion of the Mn- well Public School was held on the 27th alt., and, u on .11 other einu’hr condom. the parent: and friend. of the children tnrnedouttowitneu the exercise-of the any. The new programme wee strictly adhered to in the "amination of the never- a1o1n-therTrustms. "qmgettaasssia. tent during the winter months in order to emble Mr. B. Little the Touche: to can, out the new prugnunme more othtisntir. The nemhntion being brought to e clone or at least tsufficient to divest him of his "eloak" and rob him of hiatitU. Alto. gether the athir Iran . grand lawns. and will contribute somewhat to the "eottem" of the Division. (J. Campbell. "Grand Display of Wax Figures," by Prof. Jarley. The latter ex. lubition was s decided novelty, and nested great amusement, in-u-mnoh " from be, hind the "wax," familiar faces glesmed, Although under the assumed nuns. ofhigh snd foreign dignitaries. And the "profess. sor " in describing the merits of his "tiggem" as uneqttalled, sounded too true to nature Song, “The Myrtle 'u-Miss A. Btuskervis'1e. rChmdo, "Definite," Act, four BCotMnr--- Misses L. Richards, C. Davis, M. Hooper, A. Flasher and E. Damude, and Messrs. A. G. Campbell, G. Hind and J, L. Payne. Glee, "8musons"-aiisu, Law, Messrs. Boi. ster and Sproul. Recitation, “Curfew must not ring tomiglst 'u-Mus C. Davis. Bong, “(Bushing Bill 'u-Ma, and Dr. Christos. Violin 8olo--Mr. Geo. Wilson. Song, "Do to others as you wish to be done by'u-hrr, ‘to preside, and introduced a literary and musical programme, which for quality and selection has been seldom. if over, excelled in Flosherton. The following is the order of the programme '.--Glee, "0rtsoting," Miss Law,Messrs.Bolster and Sproul. Recitation, "Ptsrrusius,'u-Mr. George Hind. Bong, "Old Log Cabin in the lane 'u-Misses Bel. lnmy and Christoe. and Mr. Bolster.' Bead- ing, "2800 th Year"--),. J. T. Sproul. ingly unique.) affording much hilarity to the participants; as also being a source of revenue to the vendors of tho refreshment tables. When all had apparently been sststitshed with this portion of the entertain, ment, Mr. M. Richardson was called upon 1 (From our own CorreeomUnt.) ' A grand neck-tie social in celebration of tho fourth anniversary of the Division Sons of Temperance, of thirr place, was given in the Town Hall, on Monday evening last and proved one of the most successful and pleasant entertainments of the season. The attendance was very large, quite a number of persons from Markdnle, Pricoville, Sing- hampton, Meek-rd Bond, and other places, being present and manifestly enjoyed themselves very much. The former part of the evening was spent in the “matching" of neck-ties (many of which were exceed- ingly unique.) affording much hilarity to AL‘ H "A? , . . _ - t Botrrmt--On Sunday night last, a mean robbery was committed at the house of Mr. Samuel Robb, in the township of Egremont. The particulars are as follows : ---h young man named Sprawl. nephew of Mr. Robb, had been working for a. Mr. [ Lamont. end on Saturday night was settled up with and received his wages. He re. tired to rest on Sunday night leaving his hard earned wages, amounting to the sum of $68, in his pants pockets. Sprawl and a son of Mr. Robb slept in one bed and in another bed in the emu room a young man named Robert Perkins slept. Perkins knew that Sprawl had this money about him and he therefore appears to have risen during the night, dressed him- self in Sprowl's clothes, nndrnode off. Not content with this, he took from the pockets of J amen Robb, who was sleeping with 8prowl,about $2.80. Sprowl's loan is about po, the clothes Perkins Iefrnsrt worth ‘much. There is no [clue ,as to the road taken by Perkins.---hfount Fomt Con, federate. "Far Away" by Miss Whitley, was well inmdeted. The solo "Tyrell's Lovely Doll," l was well sung by Mrs. Allen. Mr. Parsons igave two or three solos in his usualexcellent manner, and a character song by Mr. Censor and a. comic song by Mr. Scott were both loudly applauded by tho audience. A mute reading by Fag, was quite a. novel part of the entertainment. The audienc appeared to appreciate the efforts that had been made. Thoyoneert closed at late hour, after which supper was partakcn of at Jelly's hotel. The ride back to Orange. Villc was made in n quicker time. ' i Cosaar.-Ah, Friday afternoon the excunion train {nun Orangeville to Shel- bttrno,atarted at hilf put six o'clock and ebony half past eight arrived at Shelbume. Anumber of soul-stirring site from the (Und woke up the 8lteiburniUs, and in a lubed time a large audience had gathered in the Hall. The musical part of the en- tertainment was th success in every way, although the programme had to be made up as they went clung. The Orangeville Brass Band, under the leadership of Mr. Whaley. the Orchestra Band and the C. M. cheir under the leadership of Mn. Persona furnished most of the music. The duatta of the Misses Huldeu, and of Mrs Allen and Tucker were excellent, and the solo "Far Away" by Miss Whaley, was well rendered. The solo “Tyrell's Lovely Dell," Manama. Ind Peon & Hopkins, tinsmitha. The tire in anppowd to have started from I defect in Mr. Hutton', bake oven, which adjoinod the building occluded by Nuthan Linea. All insured in tho Waterloo Com. pany. _ _ _ Fin n meeov-onday morning Inat between three end four o'clock three building. were tel-11y consumed hr tbm, and one bully dunngod. Two were owned by William Small, and occupied ‘by B. D. Ayers and Nathan Lines', the other two belonging to B. a, Peers, and were occu- pied by the Inspector of Weight. and Cunt: topaz-b in . miliii JiiGpiia GT, communication induce him to withdraw his recommendation. '. Mr. Willmott mama; Maxwell. Flesherton. I Dun 8ut,--tusne days lgo while convers- ing with I and]: merchant not a hundred mile: from Danish, I van strongly urged) not to got my grUting done " the mill of tUt plates, which had the astfsrtt of tempor- I 1'1]me t.t,tiiiiiiii.iif,i) the followmgtdny. halting, that Mr. Thus. To the luttof the Dundalk Guido. Sra,--During the late municipal context in Proton much was said of the incapacity of " the old Council" which had the effect of inth1eneing myself and others against placing further eoufidonas in some of them, believing it to be in the interests of all to place capable men in charge of our muni. cipal affairs. For this intonnation-ai, I took little notice of municipal matters in the past-t was dependent on rumour, I must think, from individuals of doubtful credibility, as I am now impressed many were improperly iMueneed in the ptust---tl thing that cannot be so easily repeated this , year. as the Gum: reaches: us weekly, re- plete with interesting matter, amongst which is occasionally very full reports of the proceedings of our Council, and we no. ties that the bulk of the motions passed have the names of Messrs. Fleming and Agnew. two of the old Council. Attached. Thin is puticulnrly noticeable in the minutes of last meeting when it eppenrs ‘Mr. Fleming moved .no less than nine re- solutions, and seconded six ; and Mr. Agnew moved ten end seconded five, which is e hirreeord for one meeting. True, some motions appear to hove been moved end some seconded by Mr. Boyd, " - meeting, which my be taken " some proof that with more experience he will be a useful nsprtmuttative. __ ,'. But the worst is to oome-tlto vitunlers 5 Association having decided to apply to the a Courts to test the legality of the passing I of the Dunkin By-law which if quashed i would entail heavy expenses on the county, g as unquestionably tho costs of the court 3 would follow the verdict, therefore the t warden voryproperly took advice from the , County Council, at its late session, whether F he should institute a defeneein this respect l or not, should the action proceed. All ' the members present, save nine, including 1 many who voted against the submission l of the by-law. tooli the view that the by- I law was the people“: and they were the people), veprosontativeir--not the exponents of their own wishes and appetites-and that their obvious duty was to protect the action which was even more necessary than refusing of the public, calmly to sub- mit to have the people burdened with ad. _ ditiomd expenses. Amongst the nine who voted to offer no defence and to allow the ttlaw quietly to be quashed after the large amount it has cost to carry it, and before the ratepayers can from any prturt. ical opinions of its effects on the Commun. ity for good or evil is the name of ourrespeet- ed Deputy-Reeve. I have known Mr. Modelsnd favorably and hope he will be l able to'give on explanation of his vote sat. isfactory to his many pest warm temper- 1 amsefriends. I do not mean to convey f tho impression that most of those, if not all voting with Mr. Medeland, were not re- spectable men, but what I do assert is to I obtain support by professed sympathy I with our views, and when elected to turn against us and vote contrary to these very f some views, was an not having the nppesr- E ance of deception. To the Educ; ofthe Guide, Mr Modeland was elected, but since we have hetsrd_nothing of his imiistion to the Temperanod Society which suggests the querry that his having himself proposed immediately prior to the election might after all have been a vote catcher. This course was deemed by the Temper- ance people 'sruif1oissrtt to silence the above objections, and secured for our Deput-Reeve a large vote from a quarter where all had at first decided to mark their ballots frr Mr. Robert Black, a gentleman of truth, honor and known moral worth. tlm,--Tho opponents of our deputy- Renve " the last election endeevored to impress on the Temperance people that to carry the Dunkin lay-law by a. majority of IN and elect Mr. Modeland soon after were acts very incongruous. But Mr. Modelnnd in tsmanhVmatuurr, met these objections in n way that commanded warm ( commendation, by requesting Mr. A. G. 11auter-a loading temperance advocate 1tetxr--immodiately proceeding the election. to have him proposed for membership in the Temperance Society at Dundalk, and declaring at a. public mectingin the Orange Hall. " Dundnlk the Saturday night pre- coudmg pulling day that he would defend to the uttemmst the By-law lately passed for enforcing the Dunkin Act in the County of Grey. gr, led by Miss M. M. Gugey, the Bow. Mr. Willniott closing nth pnyer. To the Editor of the Dadaâ€: Guide. Clair. Then the most lively and inure-t- ing port of the doy'a prooeedingl 00m- meneed the children taking part in tonal dialogues, regain, ad Mn. 7m Illenjoyed with N â€no. Mr. littl- Ihen you oehortneeonntol thwarting ‘ol the school. showing tint the. of h pu- 'ri1shndmttared the High School during “niacin-rend one a! Mull-351'- ling, (â€ruined the highest number of rank! at the December nomination of the Col. lingwood High School. He also showed that 95 pupils have been registered in the daily and genera register since the 8th J 'btttmry--88 under the one of Mine Mur- garet M. Guney. the uni-taut, and " under his own charge. The Rev. Mr Will. mott, Ind others, in making their remarks attributed great credit to Mr. Little tor the able and tdlieient manner in which the school is conducted and taught. The children and iisitok then song the Doxolo- Proton Council. COMMUNICATIONS Broken TORONTO Yours truly, Tlxnmc: MAN. Yours truly, WW. "-'"' m...“ “In“... uucc minted witutimu lahor, have luihsat ChnwuorlhinVMohhuamdmm‘ no,†53d “nibble emplovmem during we excitement. 'eyotetditbmuoeatwG.a- ' “um. "agott. ii may 1'ttooasut,rcusttast him and Gm. Von Bittaeh i. boli.rod to l was given to fan: lawman the 1mm of 2,2tg'g,te, tt. Th. Prtit.eeor III. ds. the country would be better supplied, M Olin to mung; h" "ml. but haa law burden on the country would be Inn. grauted Bi .rrar'. In." “than“. I {aerial}, Mil-Elba]. Than: ruUuars to be excitement. The recent Mel-sauce Intwoeu him and Genenl Yon Slow): in believed to have revoked it. The Emperor bu de. ii.'iliit?',',il1'i;'i' the â€mum, but In: Mnln|.ul 'r..-, -c . . V Alutaintpootuu.r Diana-k hsa um Pt' his mdgnation of an. mm.“ A Collingwood firm has purchased and fitted up a steamer which they intend run. ning between Co1liagwood and the Sault Ste. Marie calling " intermediate ports including Owen Sound. The Propellor, Seymour.nnd the Steamer Silver Spray will run on the same route. A joint pastoral has been issued by the Roman Cnthohe Einuopatoutth. Province i of Quebce respecting the rexnt judgement of the Supreme Court in the Chulevoixl election case. The Bishops deprecete the! uverity of the tsonatruetion placed upon thelnw. and ask " legislation in the. A very pleasant and tmeeeroftd to: meet. ing wee held in Bowling Green. Amerenth. on Good Friday evening. under the auspices of the Primitive Methodist congregation, for the purpose of raising funds tor the erection of I new church. The engineers appointed to examine and report upon the stability of the Suspension Bridge, have reported, in effect, that the foundation, cables, ete., are in good condi- tion, Ind the bridge entirely trate for the carriage of regular tnins. Extensive floods have occured in the south-western portion of Chicago. the water in some instances reaching the Be. cond stories of the houses. So in- as known no lives have been lost. The diatress occasioned by the famine in India. is on the increase. 28,000 additional recipients of Government relief are report- ed in the Ptesidoncy of Madras. Hon. Mr. Hardy was on Friday elected by tteelamuion as the representative of South Brant in the Local Legislature. The oiBee and contents of the Arnprior Review were entirely consumed by tim on Tuesday. Insurance small. Mr. D. Crawford has been transferred from. the Port Perry to the Strathroy High School " assistant mater. The steamer City of Owen Sound is being fitted up for the Lake Superior trade by Mr, Thomas Maitland. The Lincoln election scrutiny was recom- menced on Monday at St. Cathorincs be- fore Registrar Brough. Prince Antoine Bonaparte, nephew of the firat Emperor, is dead. A thunder storm pdsséd over this section on Sunday evening, but did not continue many minutes. The merchants of Guelph sell coal oil at 14 cents a gallon. In the evening, Rescue Temple. I. o. G. T., held a very successful open meet- ing in the same place. when the build- ing was crowded to excess. Mr. John Dick, Teacher, occupied the chair. A nam. ber of addresses, recitetions, and musical pieces were given by the members of the Temple and others. The Temple, which has only been started A few weeks, has B: membership of over thirty, and a. number proposed for membership. l On Thursday the 29th ult., the Sch, oi l examination in section No. 6, W. Gmfmxn, took place, and was very largely “tended by the paronta of the children and others. After the 'sxamination, which was highly creditable to Mr, J. Dick, the teacher, A. D. Fordyce, Esq., the mpected Superin- tendent of North Wellington, was called to the chair, and number of Teachers, Revs. Messrs. Mullah, of Fergus, and GrifBth ot thsraham, gave atheism. The school house was tastefully decorated with ever- greens for the occasion. To the Daniel): Guide. Mn. Eomnt,--Would you inform me through your reliable sheet if tte Govern. _ ment in it! with»: has appointed I. Li. cense Inspector foe Eat Grey " the cur- rent yea. I noticed that Hon. B. C. Wood steted in the house lately thlt the services of Mr. Inspector Campbell had been dis- penned with, which I regretted to beer, " the offiee is merely on ornamental one, and Mr. Campbell might " well enjoy it, as a gentleman of worse presence. The l Crook's Art is good in limiting the nuebt of taverns licensed, but he: had the effect of increasing the number of unlicensed houses to such an extent that they now outnumber those baring licenses, and such places may accommodate Sunday drinkens, but do not oommed themselves to people of better morals. As the patronage of the in- spectomte wee extended to North Simcoe last yea it might be well did the Govern- ment look to Algoma. for a. successor this year, in order to not {all into the error of giving us a practical man who might be seen in the Riding oftener than once in two months. Yours truly, " may - and hub trelmb1. to none bought from the march-at in ques- tion. 1 few any: previous, which possessed the "esaenatemiation I we: told of lining ( been brought than the County of Simone. Grunge" receive no compliments hom the merchants ofDnndnlk fur-ending their cub to foreign market- while A majority of these very M0 gentlemen constantly engage in Won: similn. but much more unnecessary by lending to distant communities large mount: of funiU--one dollar of which never return: to their own oothmr-for the purchase of In Article no better than could be chained in their own village and when the dealing would be mutually bonetieinl. -- . . mommy. sr.,whom0uowtobe unskilled miller. sud muptight mu. had ohm-goof “D Dundalkmill, I dmtia.dto maul“ convenience and “in! who: kid. I brought-grist ottantmaheU armada-no - good spring Vinny“ received oi ,k1doffortroms pomsdstis' mum-Mot! Lurooatiottioaitrr-ainmyhotutol, Inspector for East Grey. Garafraxa. Items. Yours truly. A Guyana. Yrssvs. uocmgng an onerous bxuulm to the country. Doubtlesa this evil harm“), caused by the and d-ion fade, but on- no- tittsuru {astute they have remuhd in that the grater portion of that due; spponr to MWAmm from the mun-Aer country. many of when: .t.5,1' Ptaee, who, lacing ILL-n Iln:n.nn -" " -__-_ , ' . - - yueaeintrl The Grand Jun desire to draw attention to tho huge number of 'agmnt. "ouiiaed ind-a god " tmsseub--aa evil whiski- 'eeoyyiig an oneruuz burdvu to the cmmtrv. Then we thirty inmates ooMned in the goal " present. 'symsiMinr d twenty-seven mules wd three frsmitlcs-L4our for assault. four {waiting trill. tive for latency, two for insanity. two for druukoum. and thirteen for "grimy. tern, skunk net: tho and; atiUd'i,""i..ii',i] ed by the premature tit? of the timber surrounding the name. In beg to cull the attention of the pro per authorities to the amenity " Jinnah.» not-in. The Grand Jury at the Spring Amines for the County of Grey beg leave to pre- wnt _ That they Ire placed to tiad tht the mjnrity of the cases which have been brought" bcfore them are of I trivial ehar. meter; yet they cmnot- by any man: my “my 1m few in number] They have nu- ‘tieed with regret the extreme desire on the put of indiviuual. to bring actions of this, diameter, evidently more to gmtify per- sonal feelings than to serve the ends of justice. They have visited the Goal yards. and found everything in a state of good order and cleanliness. mple provision bei ' made for the we!“ of foul. food 1'lt' water. Their attention has been drawn to the dangerous condition of the goal cir. !Arn nit-u..- ---_ ac, ___, ' Barbara Rules. for “cult. wu lantern cod to fun: months imprisonment. max-m2“ or Trm GRAND may. May it plea-e Your Lordahip f D. McMullen. having failed to make arrangement. with Armstrong. was sen- tenced to three months in Central Prinon for obtaining: horse underfnhe pretest. I‘Lows to. Human rt al.--Thc Sharia" having seized and sold I. quantity of buy under an execution in a suit of W. Knugh against Wm. l’lown. Mrs. l’luwn claimml the [lay In her property, and mm sued the Sher-RT for damages. The cum “a tried without I jury, and was very tedious. oc. cupyiug the whole of Monday "ternoon and a large portion of Tuesday. J udgo- ment reserved. D. A. (Tremor " plaintiff; F. Osler and C. McFadyen for defendants. J Emu: co. b'rotrmc-Action {n.rtrerpass. After hearing evidence for protseeuation, the Judge directed anon-suit to beentemd. McFMyou I Marts for puiutilf; P. Oder for defondant. MILK! et at u. Bnro.--'rhis was an ac- tion arising out of I magistrate's ‘ouso. in which defendant had been presiding justice and made I. conviction. two other justices dissenting. The conviction was subso- qnently quashed on upped, and Mr. Sing was now sued for malicious prosecution. Verdict for defendant. F. Osler and J. ti. Wilson for plaintiffs; Jno. Creusor and C. Manydcn for defendant. MONDAY, McKu m. Mecrartre ef ah--Phatitr, had leased land from dafondunt's father. and now brought an action to recover damages for defendant entering the land and taking “my cordwuod. Defendant contended that the wood was taken " a portion of the land over which plaintiff had no control. Verdict for 'lainie, 2Oe. dam. ages on first count. for defendant on other counts. MeFuydon & Robnrts for mm; J. Hanson for tlei/aut. autumn l Jon: M. Ronny)! tt al.-A shingle machine belonging to Mr. Jones of Win- ton having been seized by the Sharia" tut. der executions for dehte. owing to H. Robinmn & Co. and Wus. Fleming, it was contended that the machine could not be seized on account of being bolted to the, floor, and Robinson nnd Fleming were now sued for joint trespass. After hearing the evidence for prosecution. the Judge direct- ed a non-suit on tho ground that there no no evidence of I. . int trespass. C. Me. Faydcn for plointifi.u F. Osler and D. A. _ Creusvr for defendant Robinson; Jun. Creusor and A, Frost for defendant Fleur , mg. l MchLm'zuv w. Mahu.mur.-Auion 1on I pmmissory note. Defendant cow 'tended he had paid it. Tried without I jury. The Court held that he could not allow the wife to corroborate the evidonoe 01 her husband as to paying the note, and there being no other teorroboratiou, gave judgment for plaintiff. 0180.60. W. D. Pollard for plaintiff; McFuydcn a kahuna for defendant. I QUEEI m. Ammo Lasrost--Defertdant was amused of having committed perjury ‘in a. case in the County Court between S. Parke and herself. The Judge ruled tlut the prosecution had no right to being the moon! of the County Court into this court to prove that the former trial had taken place. which fart must be proved by In oxemplifimstion of the .reeord, under the seal of the Court, and that document not ( being forthcoming, he diamiuod the can. 1 A. Fruit for the prosecution; F. Order "l defence. [amounting hi: horse to be free from chimn. but it was Anew-rd- taken from Armstrong on 0. ohm! mow which was Against it. Tho defence contended that the chattel mortgage was nnt‘f. yerdiet--0ui1tr. The Court allow e defendant to make an umngcment with Armstrong. A. Frost for prosecution; Mel’nydeu * Balm-ts for dotenco. Qua: a. Domurar McMtrtaattt.-De fendaut was charged with obtaining pro- perty on false Enhances. It append that he had tryied_ .unges with Jolgn Armstrong. mm? Qua: a. Dunn Eaata.--Nso- In: ind-ed Gr shooting . boy med Francis Hinds. on the Union Hill. Owen Bound, on the evening of the 6th December last, with intent to do grievous bodily harm. In consequence of neglect wall-dell evidence. we Judge dun-[ed tin-“hen we: no evidence of wounding. and that I verdict for assault only could be rendered. A. Frost " prosecution ; J. Manon for defence. ThaGnnd Jury found no bill against 1011::an Thou. McMahon " wim- Lamont for my; and no bill against Samuel mm fut larceny. Quill n. W. B. Juet-tt.-a'he do. fondnnt Wu indicted for ill.treuing lai- child. 2e,taflt,; with recommend- ation to mercy. . Loedthip took defend- snt's ow rooogniuncc to appear for non- tcuce when called upon. A. Frost for prosecution; S. J. Lune for defence. The Candi-:7 found no but was! John Hinton " paint; can. ills .gaiusst Duanid McMulleu foro mining goods b false pretemes. Barbara Eula for Vanni: inc with intent to bodily hum, Agnes Lamont for perjury;_and no bill against (cowl-ME». rm.) Wan. He if wall sauna-sod in the 'sity. The mum of In Halon-nun II 00'be 'tmutt, in"). Gallium so. “! w that “a hunk Till has nothing. - " --.-i.. u '""'W""' 'otd dmwfne Ian-ind 'iC7Ui"l'iG this in given “ rum-Minn. Mr. San-ll in . middle and man and to the than of " 1tttttrtue.eF if}. on unblemished an}. Hnwevor he seem. to have thought 1,t, We played mud gqmmd mum . mount In. a t m to 1"2y.teyestu9aGiuii"iiioi""'iiii'iii,' bo mm. a. Mr in aid to have operated by manufacturing bogus an“... M drivin- mind A.....:.. 1.4 .I- t cm " inthe who! Joseph Bmntl, who no“: stalk? in the mull-Id Bank, To. mum. and n the meeting of the Hard of Dim Ind wool In In. ueatedto tyeuieet the gusting!» hem Thun- Alarm Damn-ta Bun.- Cusp-n Want: 'mtkeo, than wuudw an done. Tho [nuance Bill Wu - in Com, mittee, Mr. Young giving notiete that he would at a. future time move tut unend- l'ale tUs "tsct that the nerve. 'at y (align unpai- in Cumin n be tt an Mtd Canadian policy hold. A it important private Bill- having been edvsnoed 1 stage, a number aim-tin». of motion for returns, Ae., wen cloned " the paper with little diseumiom Irihth,g,t'et. “debt-on his motion were to" relative to diam-d pretence elm" by the Government to the My unearth-men out the Col. y,1t.soddiieitttemiiidriiiLi"G,i of CM Paeitie Railway employee to their the otwmk on the survey. Mr. Ilen- enzie aid that the Government never mowed my preference " one line over mother. The motion was carded. The remaining clause- of the Clinton. Bill were {and in Committee. u were martin minions MM]. the culling and measuring of timber. and certain other: respecting the MM od M and Ash oil in Newfoundland. Mr. Blake's Bill to provide (or due em- plnyment without the wall. of common game: priwneu Iguana-db imprison» mom therein planed in Iooond Ruling. The noon. The 'umondmanta to the Bill for the ll pmetieos in out.“ were mammal in. Ottawa. Much M. Mi. Munich Bill to multi- (In transfer of the Tuna uni Pietou branch of the IntereolouaUU Railway to the pol-mu m company constructing a line of WWI)! ‘fmm New Glasgow to the Hum of Cum and providing . pm r fury m: an Strait. was mad the J34 time. n III-end- ment by Mr. Mitchell to give “so Gom- ment control over the bunch in tho m- portation of end having been dodir-d hr I vote ue to M. Hr. leukemic was quite ennui-ed to he" comma of the of the Wciland ', it Ind IW"e"au'u on with most temukuble Visor. Then we. very little yet to be put under 'tontmet, but it would heart on contact an coon ll gamble. e Wellnnd Cennl. when G. mhed, would he I complete work oftwelve feet, and with I“ the locks for fourteen feet. Thocspmditurs of ",000,0eto at pro- unt " die purpose of obtaining the two edditionel feet had to be considered very cerefully under present circumstances. While there wee no one more desirous of deepening it to thlt depth. it did not new convenient for carrying on the work. In order to obuin fourteen feet of water on the lower reaches it would cost tuore than three times as much u " twelve feet. The cost for twelve feet would he ulnmt 01,500,000; for fourteen feet gunman. The new noqueduct on the Weilvui Canal I was the most act-ions tatt of the u. rlu not yet commenced. Al',' old eequcduct wastoosumllin defthnnd methionine. and yet it we: foun neon-cry to cmntruct a new one which would he fourteen feet in depth. It would have been pencil“: to have done e little more, but not pey6tab1y but everything [nudble had been done on hath it and the Llehine Canal. Ho hoped the members of the House would take e reasonable view of the nutter. The How. “an Wound. A number of bills ranged through mittce and were re I third tim St. planed. Mr. B ace said no and: [termination Ind been giveunr.l and the motion was wiundnwu. wu permitted to halal tho can; Ji"i'id.Li while there was a rule q the department otiposod to it. On I motion Gr We». Mr. McCarthy I’M understood to oomph") that the etlue.ere' Syeme.."colliniwood l Ottmm, luck Mt. l Mr. Mackenzie. in ma» Mr Derhlmlr, ,aidt1t-xsuhiiity Wu umphn would be adopted by which Candi would he Represented It the [abundant] Exhibm'un to be held in France in WN. Mr. Hunhnm' n. in y to Mr. Mr. Clllum. Mated that “aim Pmt- mntet of Erin. had been "pond mm. cient to the Inspector. and w Accordmgly ealied upon to resign. The motion wan agreed ta ' Weâ€. eonnsuu' ' 7.: :3. a; has". thus. Mt van [tuned in Caan, mine. with alight madman“. that wind: the Home “jam-nod. The Bill Impeding an bound-lion "f [mumps-ed. The that thermal into Camunitto, on Mr. Blunt-€- Bill to amend and con- â€1:44.919 Custom. Arta. The Bill in n were nude, u n wind “no in some discussion. K, Bill was than mun-tad. The Act: mend the Aatnluina tothr mapocu‘ 'on dunk-nun- throng) Committee. and. for other We" 'dll unwed . stage More six o'clock. After routine Ind other import»: burr neu the Home went into Cammitto. on Mr. Blake'- Bill roam hadn- oteou. M. , few ytiet11"et amend-em: DOMINION PARLIAMENT id A pus-om. - My mum. Josu- Bonu. Fm. Gnu! Jury Boon. Owen Sound. luck. It "w. . Int ate-kr-t Int Ch .51..de . in only "lilo“. khan-Ida E "mqtmnmN dun god in the mm ducal "the goal. Ihr Jury con-In it “viable for the County Cam-1w oegtee into an. stimulant with tho Tom, Cmmcil. mm w, M a! dining the prison labor. If and: we.“ m undo. may of than “gunk would void our and“. All] use non energy iy looking and owning House livjmu'nod an Ito-iii; Alton it?! “a? Jt1oiiiiijsiiriiiG7ir, the vention-ot MM 9914;: punk convoy-noes mush.“ Ottawa, April and. nflm can. l Smallta- in. comma" tor fint are M that on]. nod We have . numb: Sale on on. y {an GILL-mm Doom Kant H ALL" or Kuhn. Ann-12w NEW ADV; It NFL! . In (hum M bfrdir “I. w ed by a t Beam"! low tha mum to I {rim "mm-up in oturt Dual-1k. April a [mum to Ian Illa! p, dun] q alum“ will» , PM "mm! N ibo ‘ll .l" . Win thrt from tr and In on he have met made a I) It an“: of hue-- d uri de tw of Mac [but ti, two the in "urn". Mail dud-u I†Art “m A can: of i on! in an". (“mall of . MI who fur “in; bot under flaw. whet-cult "'l edthett help“! law [A Son Mr hr:- letter Squaw fr]! by tlw I'm the (win-lieu [ruminant 1678. l. w, Haul-mph (in dr " The Oil-{m thm lad (“g fthe gum-m “In aid var 'ia of dam:- budget "tim A "iid d ( ""tiots, died MI. ( Salon}: ltd of M2 unc- "t Mr than: Mel Un- his! the [In H mu. 'Hl' v-f (Mr k L'TIUZL ral MI In it Um ll Itat luau An th. d a M ht " M M " 1lt “I “GM m It'lkq m . Mel M "le m "61 ‘IK