‘12 “all F31 La Helpfulness of Christianity. a mf work f.t in y room}: a Vet! slow mun. Boin the work- of temperanee White we no airing one inebmte scores of others fall into line nnd take their places. The wurce from whence recruits come must be out off. Children mast be taught ttyet-ity of “may. and what pine . donhvonble than the Auiir, hehool. The young should learn that God's Word condemns drinking, that drunkenness is . am in against God, that the mod. ern. drinker is moderately drunk, and me19,u possible, UPI: when “any drunk. Taking the flrist glass is the key which unlocks the gate whiehlesls Iodenth and destruction. Every teacher in the Sabbath school should never close the lawn: without warning the children of the danger of inttsmpemnce.-Weeks jt.endred T feet do . and there is no, want the {an it “at. to u .nther ineretudng." The writer cannot account for the occurrence of this frozen Imam; no far underground, except on the hypothesis that the frost penetrated to that depth during that glacial epoch. and has _ remained there ever since. It could not haw-(M it w thither from th inside while the region was subject to ITC','; Animate a now prevail» there. s' _ ------- - --.-e Filam- tsm.-.NNss repel having to ,ehronicle ono of the most diabolical attempts to destroy both life and property, that has ever occurred in th'n vicinity. 0n Wednes- dey morning. when the masons. working on Mr. Joann Gould's building (Fort Hemlock). neor Smith'e Falls. wont to their work, Mr. John McCain) discovered the end of a piece of fuse protruding from he "ae. autumn chewing‘it out found it to be about twenty inches in length. It. Locke, Earp. the contractor, . immediately ordered I portion of the wall to be pulled down, when about thirty inches from the top we; found buried in the centre of the ,rtlnftitf briniilter. containing ll lbs of diamond edge blasting powder. From the nnnister the fuse we: laid, and the end doubled into the wall ready for future lee. The fuse is reported to be of superior qaalitr, 'md could not have been procured in this plue. Of course the only conclusion that the public can arrive at is, that the "do: we: placed there " the purpose of blowing up the building. and probably its contents. whenever a convenient oppor- tunity prenatal itsW.-i,cktu'lle Record. Flam Mremsc---Th. remarkable frozen mines of Colorado are Reset-mu] by Mr. R. Weiser, of Georgetown in that territory, in I communication to Sillimmn’a Journal. On. 01 them is the Stevens mine, at a height of twelve thousand five hundred teel “o" {“91ka of: tin ion, id mar Creek counti. At a ilrpt'tt of from sixty to two hundred feet, the lode or vein of silver ore, u we! a the sin-rounding rnck, was found to be frozen solid. There are no indications of n thew summer or winter; the whole Emu territory is surrounded by hard, - rock. and the lode itaelt is as hard and solid as the rock. The miners being tumble to axe-rate the frozen material by pick or drill. to get out the mo, fonnd the only way wee to kindle A large wooduire " night against the hack end ofthe tunnel, and than thaw the frozen material. and in the morning take out the disintegrated ore. This has been the mode of mining formore tttran two years. The tunnel, is over two Jr; ,.Tbe.Chuchie use treaSmiii,b wanes-in t6ratttrdtt,wh- “.1me men and women toil and tramp eontinually between set limits, longing to bred loose and dash out, but are unable. The religion of Christ teneheg n men that it is better to h than to cuwl, that virtue in sweeter than vice; that rem-int is noble than license; and Quinlan. we are not bow poor, weak and erring he tiny be, mar, by the gnu of God, yet recover himself and go to tho grove with th hope in him that dull cause, the portals of it to glow like the l illuminated phi-y of I pslsce when the‘ king returns hom battle, preceded by news 1 of I glorious vietoer--Golden Rule. l that will Be loyal to the nature you bear; con. - ya: lives to evcry good and noble ,rmh,Sittttiuly khan: for the elevation and ptytierat od our common humanity, and . SD Cu: or Topsoxl'IOa-On Sunday morning the village of Culdspriugs was startled by the news of a man having Mod himself with Paris Green. The victim "tttr one Wm. Lockhart, a blaek. smith, aged About 60 years. and was of in. mpqnu balms. About 4 o clock on the -rshqr hymn, he was found at the he! of Mr. MeBrideU blaeksmith shop, hying on some bomb, vomiting, And in W in Imquaiousnid he had taken kill the roam. To co mf work do" to up pious-J Bo in In; v some Pan's you with the intention of inning 1n end to himself; he had no that]: in the country and did not must to be u burden to others Dr. Burnett VII: " one. summoned, who did all that lay in In power to "have him. but the poison hi “on such a frm hold on him that he not died. Coroner Ewing beiatt notiiUd d ttte an. at one. proceeded to hold an 'bet, when the jury Mar-nod n valid in who. with the than bets.--; CM Stu. Em in I paragraph which is strictly to the point,lndil the advi6e therein con- tained were fully acted upon, we have no doubt that a, b,reesultss would follow _ To "eetwtruiuirr the tree you must kill the roots. To commence at the top Babbath Schools and Tem- My in um. It does not - "tdtMtertlrrnatum.,1tenl-ndlitr. -r-it-, ,hoouttotsthtttt'iri- of new utivitiu mad widen- it with I tC, qul "heron. impulses. A null], an man cannot represent Christianity my not. than I thorn tree can represent' a} ===z=== perance. Lon by an unionism-i. . thsntteman's Plaid S? (View brown. The finder If wudod. Dundall, My St, 1877. We have a number of Good FARMS for Sale on easy terms. Cd! It on! ' RUTHERFORD . HUNTER, i The Hartford corrozpondeut of the t3prirtgfield Republican has this story of a Congregational clergyman of that city who exchanged with another: On his way home from the church he found Luc" behind three ladies engaged in a lively discussion over the music of the service, 'am, condemning the soprano and, another the tenor, while the third stoutly defended both. As the discussion grew warm, the third lady thought to pour oil on the troubled waters. and, in the words of the clergyman, "did so to per- fection by a. single judicious and truthful remark. to which all of them at once as- Toronto, depart ... 8:00 Am. 12:45 Pat. Damn}, " ... 1:05 Pat. 6:55 " Owen Sound, arrive... 3:25 " 9:45 " During navigation the Steamboat Ex- resa will run on Tuesdays Ind Fridays, raving Toronto " 8 p.m., and arriving at Dnndnlk at 7:20. and Owen Sound " 9:80, on which days Owen S mud troeommmUtion train will be cancelled. sented." “And whut was that rivisj,isoiji?. his it.t.tere.s.ttd auditors. at: he told, that?» The success that these medicines have met with since their introduction to the public some years ago, proves plainly to the most t:keptical that they are medicines that per- form what they are advertised to. The vir. tue» of these medicines have been well tested, and have withstood their trial in s most satis- factory manner. For diseases of the Blood, Liver, Lungs, he., they are unsurpassed. We have testimotu'als, of niiriiculuus cures of these diseases, and of many others. It on one is ullhcted, let him try a bottle of the {tamed and a box of Pills. No injurious cll'ects will follow their use to the most delicate person, as they are purely vegetable l there being no mineral matter in them. The cost is small, while the “vantages delived from their use will doubly repay you for your expense and trouble. The medicines are widely known throughout the Dominion, and are for sale by the principal medicine dealers. Try them, and be convinced that these medicines are no hnmbug. No one who has tried the Shosho- nees Pills has ever pronounced an unfavorable opinion of them, no family whore they have been use! will be without them. Full infar- mation may be had on all particulars touch- mg the use, And the experience of those who have used them, by securing the Treaties: or the Circular from any druggist in the Dom in. ton, Free. Prrce of the Remedy in pint bot, tles 81 ; Pills 25 cents a box. The Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School House, commencing at 9:30 Am. Preaching at 11 Ant. and 6."30 Lu Mr. J ulmston, minister. CANADA umnomsr. Sabbath School every Sabbath afternoon in the Orvnge Hall, commencing at g P. M. Preaching evcrv second Sabbath in the same place, commencing at 6.80 P. I. Cot- tage prayer meeting every Thursday even- ing. Rev. C. Shaw. minister.. Owen Sound,tlepurt Dvxmu, " Toronto, arrive "oh," said he, “she simpig; Jadi,"sifui"ii was a miserable sermon, anyhow." DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTOR; Preaching every second Sabbath in the Orange Hall, cunnnencing at 8 o'clock all. Rev. Mr. Kacey. of Murkdnle, minister. Young Man (to old gentleman bitten by the vicious Spitz) ; "Aw, my dear Saw, don't feel the least uneasy-the dog in not mad-I assure he is not mad." Old Man: "Mad! mad! t what has the dog got to be An American traveller removed an Irish eat, driver for belnboring his horse so con- stantly with the lash. Pat was very good natured about the matter. "Why,"said the gentleman, “we do not employwhips at all nowr Jays in Arueriett." "So I've heard," rejoined the driver, quietly; "ye use revolv- "Mary, I do not approve of your enter- taining your sweethcast in the kitchen," said a. lady to her servant. "Well, ma'tun it’s very kind of you to mention it ; buthe‘s from the eountryeyou sec, ma’nm,nnd I'm druid he's too shy and orkard in his man- ners, ma'am, for you to like him to come up into the parlor," replied Mary. A ladv mid to tsmsighbor,whose husband was a book-keeper: "Your husband‘s oc- cupation in l very sedentary one. m must suffer for want of exercise." "Ohl I don't know about that. He's always talking abyut running up the columns!†Wu the reply. . Chicago merchant, who evidently knows more about grain and pork than foreign affairs, was naked in Troy, N.Y., recently, what he thoughtof the "Eastern question." He hesitated a moment and then said, with a mac air, "Well, I am a Western man." m evidently means to stand by his notion. mad about? I'm the one to be las, and 'iiqwr.--Fitteen yen- sgo be In punching near Kingston and became angled to a. young lady who Wu Matted hr hi. dis. course. He took brain fever end wu prol- tnted several months, and it being' found that Rimming} had become permanently " footed, the young Iniy's hther broke 06th. match. This so prayed upon her that in six months afterwards she died of grief, and he has since lived a. life of melancholy in consequence, ending with the tragedy of last week. Tun Inn: Bxacmz.-TU reetyyplt life of Rev. Mr. Monica, who shot him-tf) I‘urnls for Sale. Dundalk, April M. "ri.' Til T. G. & B. Railway. LOST. SAVED-IRS GUIDE, ENGLISH CHURCH. PRESBYTERIAN. GOING GOING NORTH .qe - The tind" will be m. A. G. HUNTER. " 7:15 Ax. 1:00 mi .10200 " 4:00 " . 2:40 ma. 9:30 " SOFT". l'rtt, "___-- -__.q.. _'-Y M “i - Iowa-t puniblo ' Bo mound. for unident- will happen. -Porfiuth.rrnrtiet_ all " max-om Wanna-ll time- prepared to tuna-oliv- Stock-(um: 1te'fttiet gamut!†CUSTOM WORK, BOOTS AND SHOES, REPAIRING done with NEATNESS and DESPATCH. AND BY A FIRST-CLASS ARTIST. None but the best 1aucrial, used. and only good workmen employed The Subscriber. thankful for ast favors, would :infurm his Customers,’ and the in habitanta of 'l,Sl'l'dr' and surrounding eoumry generally, that he is prepared to make to order, and of the best material to be had, WAGGONh', BUGGIES. SINGLE. AND DOUBLE. CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, IIAIIROWS, ROLLERS, HORSE mums. . 'Ee"ltlCME.1WEIt THE I'IN'E--Prottm Street, near the Railway Station, Dundalk. T. B. GRADY. STOVES AND TINWARE! Little * Robertson in returning thanks to tho public for the liberal patronage they have received, now beg to inform them that they are prepared to furnish everything in their line at prices never before heard of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices I L'AVETROUGHING AND ROOFING A SI’ECIALITY. FIRST-CLALSS PLOUGHb' Foil SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post Office. Wasrsac-Any quantity ot WOOL, Woovvrcacrsas, Sumpsxms, Hume. ke., de., LITTLE k ROBERTSON. At. the Stove and "I?ntsvaavc, Ennporiums DUNDALK. Is the Cheapest, Lightest, Simplest, and without doubt, the but wtr.rk.in.r, machine .on the American continent. The exclusive right to manufacture and sell P the Counties of Grey and Bruce is held by us. and we are determined that no infringement of our right shall be permitted. We also continue to make the well known and new thorough- ly tested As a Single Reaper, Single Mower and as a Combined Machine. Testimonials regarding the machine are being printed and will be fuminhed on spplieUiom Give your orders early to W. L. Marshall, Dundalk, Agent For Proton and Melancthon, or to MR. JAMES NICKLE, Travelling Agent. CANADA LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. f.h.sr Aim is to turn out the very Beat and Finest Machines which can be made, end in this we have succeeded beyond our highest expectations with our “Boyce Rowen" We fill orders with prompmoss, sell at low prices, and on liberal terms to good men. REAPERS AND MOWEBS DURHAM FOUNDRY! All adieu indebted, either by Nota or Book Account. are requested to ma. up medial} Dnndnlk. February I, 1877. Suitable for Men, Women and Children, kept constantly on hand. and Harness, Trunks, Curry Combs, “DURHAM MEADOW LABK,"s, Dundalk Carriage Works. Painting Done on Short Notice, Dundalk, Jan. 29, 1877. ::ndalk, Feb. 20, 1877. Durham, May 8rd, 1877. T. HANBURY d C, ULTIVATORS. . WHEELBARIIOWS, and anything else in the wood line required by the community at large. DEALERS IN, AND MANUFACTURERS OF, ALL KINDS OF In» omen, Y0ttottTtt, RUTHERFORD t mm tkrterst Axum. r, April 5th, 1877, 1 1,000 ‘1)1unteors TVraatt cut , oither for harness or in Boots and Shoes, made of the vary beat Material and by The " Royce Reaper," Bold Cheap for Cash. Prices lower than ever. SAND emu» For: anâ€! on TRADE. Brushes, Whips, Etc. AN A PP1W,NTICE WANTED. CHE AI’ER THAN EVER! IN' ENDLESS VARIETY, A LARGE STOCK OI? 1877! FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. S _ - ---- iiiTii, v. .wwu gnu nomad treats, o . . Graham'. tom, when he ml)†hand tnkind-of Fresh Meat, Cured Meat. . ' _ lad Fish tbr 8.10. Liberd h" ptutushayinsrianrauari'] “m age!“ duh. Anrit q -dw' Tum-cub. ROBERT GORDON, Be to notify the inhnbitmh of Danni-1k. IT,' vicinity, that he haa opened a Butcher's Shop on the corner of Proton Ind Hound Stunt- "r-..'.-" n_LA,,. on - mum, Aprsi Butcher Shop TORONTO c. 42. 1877. A. k A. COCHRANE. NEW h...’ .4‘...v Most REASONABLE Terms, All Parties wishing to patch.“ a Lot either for I BUSINESS STAND, f Buildin Hardware. Paints. Oils. ete., em, etttuuntly on hand. Nail- for All sorts o g buildings at 83.50 per hundred. This line will be found COMPLETE. Having imported my Ten from New York I that in a position to offer them at current wholesale prices. A Large Stock of Ladies Hats Boots and Shoes. Splendid Raisins $1.25 per Box. TAKE NOTICE. SPECIAL LINES " CANADIAN TWEED SUITS DRESS GOODS FROM 100 OP. The following " sample quotations will give some ides of the great inducements his recent jud'cious purchases will wnn‘nut him in ofreriuq to than: who will consult their interest by giving him an early cull: and has succeeded in selecting his SPRING STOCK which for Quality, Variety and Chenpucss have never been equalled in this Reality. The un lersigued takes more then usual pleasure in npprisinr; his many esteemed patrons and the public generally, that being solicitous uf his own and their intorei, he deemed it necessary to locate in Toroub, for the past several weeks in enable him to Purchase at the IMMENSE TRADE SALES, which have just uninspired. when: Millions of Dollars' worth of FiriClass Goods lime been WAR. 4,000 ‘RUSSIANS SLAIN ! ACTUALLY SLAU GHTERED ! Ihindaik, Jim, ' 1877 Be sure and examine my stock before purchssing elsewhere. Dundalk, May 16th. 1877. NEIL 93941}va ._Anmmmym. their "mun tmio-tere""'"'"'""" [La-Who highest market price paid for all kinds of them produce in Melange for ry?dj) Building Lots for Bale Dry " Goods ! Should Apply M Once to Hardware ! Groceries ! THE BEST IN DUNDALK, READY-MADE SHIRTS for 60 cents. Splendid usartment at lowest prices. on hand and constantly arriving. got up in first.elam, style. oxm‘ ‘. GRAHAM. Dwelling Homo or . .t't.llt'.i'sit i 'ifhtitii' a " iii(j/ifi, g LI ii,lja 'eW5, _ tun' in now mud up inthe very best style. mi Can dog-0nd wanking “and by lawn: I.“ oedsm. Job Department. nos: APPROVED KINDS. BEST STYLE " THE ART T H a Large Circulation " eon-nun up“ Potmussm Glut Facilities all contain I not mount of in OFBEIGN AND I’lllldlllk Cal Hi (I u “DUNDALK GUIDE,‘ The STATION, “Dundnlk Cal Hide " Medium for Advertisers. NEW P338828. TYPE, de. JOB WORK READING MATTER Promptitude “no... it tumidsod with FWY NEWSPAPER [EPOSTAGE FREE. um nun: ttttEahisr LOCAL NEWS. should mlmcn'bo for the W01? ri. Opponil " I've: 01.00 In Ayn. the doing all kinds of nuke: it In excellom All who Nun! I good MARKET REPORTS DUNDALE, Putin wishing IN ADVANCE. THE THE L Btwb" SEN n EDITOR! l. IIAIl-Y I ‘oltnrh “New in. d all hunk adult not ' alu “My alumn- -r.ptly gum awh- to win. K.. much plr IIII the. pulm. todo MI Inn-l the .Imrr I» 'bteoeahot.urcr d all And â€run K Correct 'tter"u, guy for " up!" Inm Du"dalk, tants of I that be In In: new l, Builder's and N q bu' I Att kind â€Manly “LINER AND ly OPPOSITE TH! where I Watches, Ti0Li?its' gnu-o MUSICAL (kn-ml" hf. "rrp. dar. ik Rome Now ttse Post In»: Brtsura C mutual y riM-chu aw. It: hurt "tttt ir "RAY AKIN“: “I foe .I. the ad and I ' l'Iimity Kilt Tam-to. uni Hymn and w [bu-duh, nu 2et'tl land um, I. Velma": I. " _ 1h way": andâ€. Mwm-law, " ttses. Fokii, Coe" We: hunch“. “Mb, neg It: with: inn-tram...- ti-tsd until GMsudeo, dunno. â€A -. nil Iona“ l 00- “Am m (“I drum-lum- I'. In! “new " Old alumna-m iu tttttt Md Inn-u: .- a 'Mem, a “all column. I .. 0-2 eUturw, " TEENS " â€. Cl.†If nut I. Dundalk, At the Mon. Proton M [in ttaiurss. BUSINESS D THE VULCA liver-w $Earriagts Certi Licens OWEN â€Ind-Ii I“ of 8mm. Anunms I'm Mk. Jun. " Itt7 Dulndulk BBNI'IMIH " Tl MONTE Tlâ€: I'1 Tl ARC-LO A Mr 1h" 8min '3" which will I “nil DENIMâ€; CONCERT! f " IA“); or Ami II " llil "It RIF" - men JAM} lt'shhC TIM M JAMi "a Irt INST M . Ptal M M lll K ACCO " " "