West Grey Digital Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 28 Jun 1877, p. 3

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t s O P RReeed acek Armstrong, of McKellar, has started the provements on the Great Northern Road, wth from MeKellar village. Mr. Frank rain will begin the mprovements on the eat Northern Road, between Waubamik d MeceKellar falls. M». Judd is making a endid progress on the Parry Sound Road. omas Canton will build the North Seenin me {r The report o Suez Canal wa tion. ‘The Khe sures to preve; while a sea pol appr ratic ha (» f M t} From the summery of the GlBe morning‘s new from the seat dm than usually interesting, the p“’ mwerations on the Danube hvh com. menced in earnest, and a scrious of Tite portant engngements being reported froty Asia Minor. The attack and cccupationy i Mutchin by the Russians has h q wed up by a general movennn‘.h. ine t«bly between Slatina and Alex. wylria, in the rear of Tllmfl-!m Simnitza down to the river bank. ‘d â€"ngagements continue at Olhnlh‘,a ltahova, Kalsf«t, and Rustchuck. At the ntter place the Russians made w ittempt to force the passage of fl.‘ river, mt were beaten back with great loss, ring was then resumed and the ba nurgevo, opposite Rustchuck, was set on ire by the shot from the Turkis batteries, Phe Russian bombardment of w ilso said to have been w igorous. The Russinn troops now‘jin s at 00 T1 s quickly as possible upon the line of the wilway connecting Tehernavoda on the ‘anube with Kustendje on the Black Sea; ad that point having beem reached the wht wing of the centre army will forcé the assage of the river higher up. In Asia Minor heavy fighting has been ing on in the neighbourhood of the Deliâ€" iba Pass. The Russians, who commenced ldi unmediately rt T n D ed by FA0CH fTom Lrzerouwn say!:<Â¥ ha has won a great vietory 000 Russians prisonets. A fresh Turcoâ€"Russian War. T An k, were on w«lneuh’“" repulsed and then driven * renchments. ‘The losses on both re very great, but they were y so with the Russians. Success crowned the Turkish arms in Armenia, where the siege of has been raised, the besieging forcee en driven from the position comâ€" the town. M rt ver. about forty miles north . Mr. Byme, P. L. S., i# townshin of Mills, on the 1 Mr. Fitrgerald will start the townslhip of Ferrie. Mr. t McKellar, has started the n the Great Northern Road, Kellar village. Mr. Frank » the improvements on the SNusan McClurg, and Miss lnughter of Mrs. .\Iechrg. i have M nts have gone into Maniâ€" season. It is AIM on of that section will be ist 6,000 bofore the season ed Ntates anthorities are possible to facilitate emiâ€" de with the \orlhm: now permit grain ks sowed with wire, withâ€" wf lml\lllnfl. ‘Gllim etc., important saving to dealâ€" r cents a bushel. ce near Logan, Ohio. The im Weldon, his widowed it between $30,000 ‘and i there is an insurance of nte to the effect that the Prince is missing, and is supposed murdered by his infariated equence of the "fl.'“. announcements rosm en a temporary occupation )le by the Russians. On the s reported in London that the lussian troops in Asin 4 Erzeroum an armistice 1 with a view to negotiations o evacuated and the Rusâ€" ied Hirsova. Up to Monâ€" ins had crossed the Danube l1 child belonging to irmberry, while phy: e Toronto, Grey, Saturday, was struck assine train and thrown twenty feet. With the prettv severo bruises : found to be uniart he Union Forwarding ‘wer steamer, Prince destroyed by fire at the Ottawa River, Inst purser had a narrow burned to deith. The rder t_uol place a fow 1ent of Rustchuck conâ€" y. The English consulate, e Union Juck floating, n singled out for a conâ€" nd was completely deâ€" mea lor the suppresston and despatching am exâ€" ibar in the direction of " Te of Commons on Secretary of State for d to raise five million he credit of the Indian meet the deficit caused Mi issinn troops now in the been ordered to advance Manitoba" estimates M nspiracy to blow up the l on authentic informa« s taking effective menâ€" h an attempt on land, f Wilson, on the ELLION the rebellion is still ite suecess of the â€" The official returns Sutsuma rebellion m the Imperial side, als, 824 ; wounded, s, 5,584. an extraordinary ect that the Prince y afternoon, about e Chuase, a young irs of age, *'. hell, Guelph, was , were arrested. cen the motive rituin are to the Cubinet has disâ€" rtschakoff‘s declaâ€" . and has resolved , will proceed th rganized under River Speed, ds of Mr. D. ina and Alex. Magureli bank. ml.': tenitza, Beket, huck. At the made aunothep : of the: river, reat loss. The uim is exâ€" capitulated ews from ns o o East, Toronto. The following Lots in the ‘To‘nship of Proton Lot 28, in the 10th Concession, Hay, per ton.................. l&nmy._m!ls:; per lb......... Fall Wheat, per bush ...... $1 45 to $1 60 Spring Wheat * ...... 1 44 to 1 46 Hay Flour per barrel...............$7 00 to 7 50 Oatmeal per barrel............ 6 00 to 6 50 Fall Wheat....................... 1 40 to 0 00 Treadwell Wheat............... 1 40 to 0 00 Spring Whents.:«.s..2./........ I E to 1 30 BATIGV .s.c2czecteececc2.2...........0 30 ‘to 0 60 Potatoes per bag............... Sheepskins each............. Butter per lb.................. Eggs per doz......... ........ Wood, dry, per cord....... Pork per 100................. Hiny per ton. Spring Wheat ll-’ P' EU essaes sns e se ss0 0+ Fall Whent per bush........ DuspaLk, June 28, Flour, per 100, lbs, at mill $4 25 to NEW ADVERTISMENTS. SrarsostE®Exâ€"Hann®s.â€"At Orangeville, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. A. Carrick, Mr. Jolhn Springsteen, to Miss E. Haines, both of Melancthon. Crmntoxâ€"ON#It.â€"At the M. E. Parâ€" sonage, Mount Forest, on the 20th inst., by Rev. J, C. Bell, Mr. Alexander Chilton, of Normanby, to Miss J. O‘Neil, of Mount Forest. Assorttâ€"In Holland, on the 19th inst:. Mr. William Abbott; aged 46 years. Â¥nax.â€"In Gienelg, on the 10th inst., Sarah Jane, 8rd daughter of Mr. Samuel Edge, aged 18 years. Con1Gaxâ€"In Markdale, on the 15th inst., Mary Jane Robinson, wife of Mr. Robert Coligan; aged 34 years. Brows.â€"In Keppel, on the 17th inst., Marion MeDougall, wife of Mr. Malâ€" ecolm Brown, (and mother of Arch. Brown, Esq., Reeve of Keppel,) aged 17 yeass. Axpersox.â€"At Arthur Village, on the 14th of June, the wife of John Anderson, Esq., Registrar of North Wellington, of a daughter. P lxcexpiary Firks is Beverty.â€"The township of Beverly seems to be infested just now by incendiaries, and "numerous fires, clearly traceable to this eause, have occurred. The Galt Reporter says :â€"The first of these was the burning of Mr. Burt Smith‘s large barn, next the burning of school house in section 9, B%\-'erly.~ and, during last week, just before six o‘clock, two buildings belonging to a Mrs. Carter, and standing at least fortyâ€"five feet apart broke almost simultaneously into flame and were totally consumed. Suspicion as to the guilty party is strong in the latter case. The premises of Mr. \Wm. Strain, a few nights after, were attempted to be burned, but fortunately, the fire was disâ€" covered in time to prevent serious damage. The lad‘s desire and fondness for :.lme;o can now readily be accounted for as also his serpentine . eontortions during his stomach either one night he drauk from a spring or one day he fell asleep in the awamp after fatigueing labor.â€"Thornbury Standard. agonizing fits. He is now perfcctl; sane and thinks he must have taken it into his lowed the quid; on awakening he felt relieved and continued chewing tobacco until on the Wednesday named he vomited the snake during a sickness of the stomach. The snake is nearly eighteen inches long and is of the species usually called garter. CE C oaghey during which times he would say it was no use of him taking Dr‘s medicine. What was considered strange in his insanity was that he feared everybody was going to murder him, and the only way to gain his confidence was to give him a piece of tobacco â€"he looked upon the donor of a piece of tobacco as a pure friend although the young man never used tobacco before his illness. But about four days previous to the vomitâ€" ing of the suake a neighbor had given the lad a plug of tobaceo of wnich .he touk a large quid, lay down, fell asleep, and swalâ€" Â¥ o e m 44 'w’q the énnke oh‘Wednesday the 80th"of May Minlormn-thyonn'mn is sixteen years of age, and was attended by Drs. Ayisworth and Stephens of Collingwood for Mr. John L. 6. Conklin who is uncle of the young man Robert Dobson of the 4th concession of this township who vomited nearly a year without rmivini A6GARTâ€"In Dundalk, on the 27th inst., the wife of Mr. Clarke Taggart of a qpouod wou c s & Ixcexptary Firks Fecvnverouetitericassaceat cce O tey HF OU FOR SALE. MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Exzaminer Office, June 25, 1877. DUNDALK â€" MARKETS. eal * TORONTO MARKETS. wees tan aee c ans ner en BIRTHS 2 00 to 1 60 to 1 385 to 0 85 to 0 00 to 0 70 to 8 00 to 0 90 to 0 00 to 4 00 to 4 00 to 0 40 to 0 15 to 0 15 to 0 50 to 0 60 0 45 to 0 50 0 60 to 0 00 1 25 to 0 00 0 14 to 0 16 0 10 to 0 10 0 . 20,.to 0 26 1 50 to 1 50 0 50 to 0 55 4 00 to 5 00 ‘was all right Wanted! 10 00 1 10 0 15 0 15 June 21, 1877. Farm and Village Lots For Sale. 4 Businers done strictly private. Residence and address * â€"_â€"â€"â€" HOPEVILLE, Co. of Grey. ‘The best Companies in the Provinee repreâ€" Tuz Oupest Fies Issuraxcs and Moxer Loax Acsxcy in the Towxautr. JOS. McARDLE, Conveyancer, &c. w».Special attention paid to the Dispensing AND FAMILY RECIPES. Dundalk, June 20, 1877. Physicians‘ Priscriptions Drugs, Chemiculs, Paints, Dyes, Patent Medicines, and Proprietory Articles #@" Orders left at the store promptly atâ€" tended to. Goods delivered in any part of the village and vicinity DAVIDSON & KRESS. Dundall; June 27, 1877. dhaâ€"22* Medical Hall‘ EXTRA QUALITY Family FLOUR Eggs taken in exchange for Bread & Cakes. at their place of business, next McCulloch‘s Woedding Cakes ! The subscriters would inform the inhabitants of Dundalk and vicinity that . il;;y;;;“;; pared to supply firstâ€"class Bread, Cakes, DUNDALK The Victoria Mutual. We‘ copy the following in reference to the Victoria Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hamilton, taken from the Journal of Comâ€" merce, whose financial editor is Sir Francis Hincks.â€"*"People who have nothing to say in favor of the mutual system of Fire Insurance should read,the annual report of the Victoria Mutual for 1876, published in our last issue. It will be remembered that ‘the total number of policies in force on the 81st December was 13,079, msuring the sum of $12,696,588, and that the total amount of assets over liabilities reaches about a quarter million dcllars; claims to the extent of $388,500 were adjusted during the year, to which may be added losses to the extent of $4,000 notified, the greater part of which has since been paid. In view of the increased hazard, owing to continued business depression, the Comâ€" pany has wisely determined to pursue meantime a conservative course; that the management has been judicious during the past year is shown in the trivial advance in assessments in two of the Branches, and in no increase whatever in the Hamiltunl Branch from the low rate of 1875. The necessary steps have been taken to secure a license from the Government in accordâ€" ance with the Ontario Act. The remarks made by the President of the Company, in moving the adoption of the report, are worthy of careful perusal, and should be a vade mecum for every insurance agent in the country, embodying, as they do, the policy which has brought the Company to | its present status, and a rule of action : which must promote its future success." | Whuch must promote its future success." Messrs. RutKerford & Hunter, of this Village, are agents of the above Co., for this District. Claims are promptly settled by them at their office in Dundalk. The subscriber offers for sale Lot No. 30, 3rd Con., N.E., New Survey, Melancthon, 100 acres, about 2 miles from Dundalk,. About 14 acres cléared and, fenced; the balance hard wood and cedar. Titleâ€"patent from the Crown.‘ Application to be made to W. NermERCUT, on Lot No. 32, on the 3rd Con., Mc Gasacccl. New Survé)". hi tm / Melancthon, June 28, 1877 Ten per cent discount for Cash. TRIMMED HATS in furnished on short notice and artistically . got up. Fancy Ties, Frillngs, of the choicest quality, at lowest prices. CONFECTIONERY, &c., Farm for Sale We are offering Overalls and Ready ur SPRING STOCK of General Goods kept on hand for sale. A constant supply ot ioner in the Queen‘s Bench, DUNDALK 5,000 lbs. good clean Wool, for Now is the interesting time When Summer in its youthful prim p Sheds hope on all around.""""* receive BAKERY ! L NMLIG)D KHRATTS in endless vi a large assortment of Ribbons, Feathers, Artificial Flowers and Trimmings on hand. Black Lustre, almost daily Fresh Sufiplies of New and"Fresh Tea.;, Sugars rents, Raisins, Rice and General Groceries. iy. , WILLIAM HERON. 7â€".21! Mazwell, April 13, 1877. *fmll We COMMENCE!TOâ€"DA y to OQOFFEFER the , Meal, Salt and Bacon sold for cash only. _ Cash paid for Wheat, Barley, WOOL. The highest Market Price in cash paid for ote.,lnylu:nfityolWooanhillmh' s Also that he has in Stock a Large quantity ofâ€" Cloths, Satinets, Flannels, B‘Lnkeu. Stocking Yarn, etc., which will be sold very Low for Cash, or given in exchange for mb&bm'bofr wishes to indmate io d:.:; i itants of O'K?’ and surroundi Townships, that is prepared to manuâ€" facture into all kinds of class style, and is now ready for Roll Cardâ€" ing and Cloth Dressing, and hopes by strict attention to business and good work, to merit a share of public patronage. Havâ€" ing had an experience of over twentyâ€"five years he ‘has no hesitation in saying that all work shall be warranted according to quality. The followipg gentlemen can testify to his ability as a workman in the past: Mr. H. Graham, Merchant, Dunâ€" dalk; Mr. J. Agnew, Councillor, New Surâ€" vey; Mr. W. Hoskinson, New Sumg; Mr. J. Nixon, New Snrvoy. Those from a distance calling early in the morning will get their rolls home with them the same day. t JAMES McM. REID. Dundalk, May 23, 1877. 1 Osprey WOOLLEN MILLS, Leads, the onward movement forward in his motto, and he now flings his banner to the breeze, notifying the infibihnts of Proton, and surrounding Townships, that he has purchased the Carding and Fulling Maâ€" chinery _ formerly owned by Mr. J. J. Middleton, and has fitted them up in firstâ€" class style, and is now ready for Roll Cardâ€" Woor Tarrx x Excmaxse ror Goops or in payment for work, ¢ #».To parties coming a distance to get Roll Carding done, we vifl do our best to give them tgolr work home with them. J. & N. CAMPBELL, Flesherton, June 20, 1877. fmâ€"21 Wool Carding Cloth Dressing. JAMES McM. REID Stocking Yarn, Filling Yarn, déc., which will be sold at moderate prices, Fullâ€" Clotl_u. Tweerh:. Flannels, Blankets, NONE BUT EXPERIENCED WORKMEN EMPLOYED. Cloth Dressing! Cloth, Satinets, Flannels Blankets, Stocking Yarm, The subscribers beg to inform the inbabitants of South Grey that they are prepared to exeâ€" cute all orders in Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Woolen Factory J. CanErox, J. TOWN: §i§ND. Dated at Orangeville, May 23, 1877. The "Advertiser" will be carried on by F. Monro, and‘ the "Dundalk Guide" by J. Towrsend. in sums to suit borrowers. Apply to THEnndersigned have dissolved partuership as printers and publishers of the ‘"‘Orangeâ€" ville Advertise:," by mutual consent. Witness : F. MONRO, J. CanErox, J. TOWNSEND. REAL ESTATE SECURITY ings on the premises, a Money to Loan! Mesars. Lander & Proctor, Torontoâ€"st.. Dundalk, June 6, 1877. cm Toronto. Dissolution _of _ Pfiership. Apply to _ ALEX. STEWART, Se., Tune 19, 1877. dâ€"21* Inistioge P.O. SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLâ€" LARS TO LOAN PROCLAMATION! FARM FOR SALE. e have on hand a large stock of JOHN McDOWELL, Dundalk, in firstâ€"class style. FLESHERTON MAXWELL. AT VERY LOW PRICES, AND WOULD ESPECIALLY CALL ATTENTION TO THE SAME. 17â€". The subscriber is prepared to offer his serâ€" vices as Stone Mason to any one iri the same. â€"All Work done in a nm F=4"Bring along your Cash, Butter and Eggs. An inspection of our goods respectâ€" fully solicited. £ ol Te s Piainh on na ind e ad G. R. MIDDETON. New Goods, New PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS Trimming Ladies‘ Hats and Bonnets Cupboards, -&e., <c., at the shortest notice. Furniture repaired with neatness and dispatch, Estimates given and Contracts taken for all classes of Buildings. STAIRCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Orders Solicited, #®"Undertaking attended to promptly. Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Hand. Remember the Stand, the Shop nearly opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Dundalk. CROSS & HICKS. Dundalk, April 12, 1877, yli Dundalk, June 27, 187 The undersigned ‘beg to inform the inhabitants of Dundalk and su they arenow manufacturing all kinds of Farms for Sale. Gnid TO PURCHASE THE BFST Reapers, Mowers, Sulky Rakes, LIBERAL TERMS OFPFERED Encourage Home Manufacture Boots and Shoes 1,000 FARMERS WANTED Dundalk, May 3, 1877. Dundalk, May 31, 1877. which the highest price will be paid in Cash. D. CROCHK ER Y and extremely low prices asked. Satisfaction guaranteed. Kteapers and Mowers Started in the #2" Repairs of all kinds kept on hand. «s Notice to the Public. Dundalk, June 6, 1877. WALL PAPER " PUFF OR BLOW !" HENRY SCHENK, Corner of Qneen and Victoria Streets. Cheaper than the Cheapest. Z# of the latest designs on hand are eomplotg in every line. , Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, and Readyâ€"Made Clothing, TORONTO HOUSKE. A full assortment of A Large Stock of q# done on the premises to suit every taste. K=4" Old Hats and ng Bonnets made to look as good as new. OUR TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. which we offer at very close prices." We do not and all kinds of Implements used on the farm. We have now on hand a Large Stock of in the latest New York Styles, at the A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF W. L. MARSHALL, Agent, Dundalk. , Peas, Oats and Wool. _ Highest price paid in trade for Butter and Eggs. CALL AND SEE THEM. Thrashing Machines, Gang Ploughs, but we sell goods ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO NOTICE. country that he bas fitted up his shop in S neburme miih Stonn power abd. Intert ow full mounted, for ten dollars uj lars, The cost of the Hearse { chinery, and that a general stock of Furniâ€" 06; 'rflk be k?lnu stock and at low rates. ertaki ill receive special attention, ud at Tow tates. . A niooly inibumed Cofée Grass Seythes, Grain Cradles, Manure& Barley Fks, Squares, Grain Beythes, _ Hand Rakes, Bpinning Wheels, Red and White Lead, Seythe Snaths, ‘Two prong Forks, Mirrors, Raw and Boiled Oils, Beythe Stones, Thiee prong Forks, Hand Saws, Turpentine, &c., &c. Special Inducements in the FXLARID W A ERRE Line, American Rubber Pai the best paint in the world. BALANCE of surrounding country, that E. BROWNE Cut Nails in all sizes. WE OFFER | And is now prepared to take Photographs | of all kinds from Having been in the Business a number of years, he teels confidant he can give satisfaction to all. Frames of all kinds kept in stock, and â€"Copying done at reasonable RATESâ€" PRICES to suit the TIMES. ‘An inspection Respectfully solicited. Note the Price PHOTOGRAPHS only $1.00 LOCKET TO LIFE SIZE. The Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has purchased the Photoâ€" on his premises Owen Sound Street, near the STATION, â€" â€" â€" Dundalk. Good Family Flour for sale, Dundlak, Feb. 23, 1877. Begs to inform the inhabitants of Dundalk and vicinity that he has on hand and for sale a fine stock of Also Bran, Chop, and all kinds of Mill Feed. THOS. McCAULEY, 8r. Firstâ€"Class klour constantly for Sale at the DUNDALK GRIST MILL Warranted as good as any offered in Dundalk, TERMS LIBERAL. â€" App! A few choice Farms for Sale. Residence antl .(l)moeâ€".Nex_t the Photograph First class Sand delivered to any part of the The only reliable potato bug preventitive in the world, no poison to Ilndr:no money thrown away on drugs, subscriber now defies the world to producg a more simple or perfect potatoâ€"bug pnv-!ti- tive than he now offers to potato growers, and kindly places it within the reach of all. The secret and Preventive will be sent to all who uire it by sending name and address in Efi, ,vith one dollar and postrge stamp enâ€" After a careful and thorough investigation on the nature of the bug and a prwtlca’.deuon- stration of its effect as a preventitive, the nher@b.r'm defies the world to producg a Conveyancer, etc. MONEY TO LOAN W. TITrons. Dundalk, Jan. 29, 1877. Defiance ~to Potato Bugs ! A BOON TO POTATO GROWERS. Mr. P. WHITTLE! Dundalk, April 5, 1877. Photography. Dundalk, April 18, 1877. May 10, 1877. D. DAVIDSON. W.â€" NELSONY, , Tobaccos, Curâ€" Flour! Flour! FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, SUMMER DRINKS,‘ SYRUPS, ORANGES, GINGER BEER, CIDER, Canned Fruit, &c. Also that he has opened new Refreshment Rooms, LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. KEN. McAULAY, Jr. DUNDALK, T. B. L GRADY, at Eight per cent! *y10 tâ€"15 Can depend satisfied by leaving MOST APPROVED KINDS. BEST STYLEOF THE ART is now fiitted up in the very best style, and T HE Large Circulation Job Department. and contains a vast amount of interesting 28 COLUMN PAPER FOREIGN AND Dundalk Guide "DUNDALK GUIDE,* Possesses Great Facilities Medium for The STATION, JOB WORK READING MATT B R, Promptitude FAMILY The office is turnished with F==*"PO8TAGE FREE. AXp wiru tee GREATEST should subscribe for the Prick $1.00 rer Amnunm W OR K. Opposite for doing all kinds of makes it an excellent All who waut a good done in the very IN ADVANCE. DUNDALEK, THE EDITORIA bs.

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