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Dundalk Guide (1877), 28 Jun 1877, p. 4

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b) t 3# 4 his order fer $12%, pay for this da; â€"earried, Council n%umed. m 7 J. W. NDERSON Mr. Wright, that Mr. Webster be requesced to remove ondeviation i 1:’0 x ‘con. 14, with as little a:fl_, as onded by Mr. Webster, that the Reeve issue sameâ€"carried. _ Mr. Webster moved, sesâ€" conded by Mr. Wright, that the Reeve issue his order for $17.50 to Win. Henderson for work done: on sideroad No. 10 N. D. R. and charge the same to Ward No. Iâ€"carried. Mr. Webster moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that the Reeve issue his order for $18 for indigent listâ€"earried. Mr. Webster moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that the account of J. W. Henderson for conveyanâ€" cing, &e., be paid and that the Reeve issue his order for the ~sameâ€"carried. â€" Mr. Wright moved, seconded by M~. Webster, that the Reeve issue his order in favor of Samuel Little to the amount of $8 for work on sideroad 170, 1st west, and charge the same to Ward No. 3â€"earried. Mr. Pedlar moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that this Council grang $25 forâ€"the purpose of openâ€" ing sideroad No. 30 from the 12th to the 18th con., and the Commissioner to expend $25 out of appropriation for Ward No. 4â€" earriel. Mr. Webster moved, seconded by TS be paid| (’mlar f‘?tlfi; of $2.00 for postage and : and that the Reéave mu1 sameâ€"carried. "Mr. We se ons n C mX HTG be flir{éfld that ‘the ;Reeve issue his order for the sameâ€"carried. â€" Mr. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Webster, that the report of the Committee on 30 sideroad and also streets of Eugenia be adoptedâ€"carried. Mr. Elliot moved, seconded by Mr. Webâ€" ster, that the account presented by Assessor of $2.00 for postage and stationery be paid to p3Â¥ m statito‘I@bor ort sg.’?;na 120, 3 westâ€"catried. Mr. Elliot moved,; seconded by Mr. Wright, that Creasor & Morrison‘s account of $5 be paid and that the Reeve issue his order for the sameâ€"carried. â€" Mr. Elliot moved, seconded by Mr. Webster, that the ulug of Assessor amounting to aimest s roowt n w es Pal uin tw uC $11.30; JdhnWhitby, salary as assessor, $75; for postage, $2â€"§77; Creasor & Morrison fo;i\'i e SQ;iu igents for June, $18; Waur K dg‘m, .e,fif f:b ward No. 1, $17.50 ; S. Little, road job Ward No. 3, $8. Littlejohn, McKee and Hughes personally waited upon Council regarding road work. Mr. Elliot moved, seconded by Mr. Webster, that the Clerk instruct pathâ€"master for road division No. 23 to alâ€" low Mr. Littlejohn, John McKee and sons w 02 eP en t John Waitby brésentedund read. Aecounts were presented as follows ; J. W. Henderson eonveyancing and registration 4 deeds. Council met in the Town Hall, Flesherâ€" ton, on Tuesday, June 5th; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communication from Adam Hislop presented and read. Commmniâ€" eation from Creasor & Morrison presented and read wj'th account. Application of yngin‘ and no hope is enutertained of exâ€" tinguishing it until it has exhausted itself for want of material to keep it alive. The wind has died down but the fire still burns fiercely. The gas. works ard dgstroyed and the remainder of the city is in darkness. The area burned is near 200 acres. The loss is estimated at from ten to fifâ€" teen million dollars, and the insurance will not, it is thought, exceed six million dollars, ‘Thousands of people wander the streets homeless and in despair. The destruction of provisions all kinds to peint â€"to Aikenent dioapecte® ts brintte or many must perish from want. Few saved even their clothes. The fire is still Bros., Stewart & White, James Manson, J. & J. Hegan & Co., Watts & Turner, Eastern Express office, H., Chubb & Co., Thomas Furlong, Hanington Bros., George 8. Deforest, George Stewart, Ir., Logan & Lindsay, Thomas H. Hall, Landry & Co., Wi. Thomson & Co., R. E. Cushing & Co., Guy, Stewart, & Co., Scammell Bros., E. D. Jewett & Co. In‘fret every wholesale and nearly all the retail houses were deâ€" stroyed. ‘Tne only bank sayed . was_the Hoak 6f AeddchNocth Ambrien. The Westâ€" Union Telegraph office only saved the instruments and books. Several schooners and other Targe vessels were burnt to the water. â€" Rafts laden with goods and houseâ€" hold wares readily caught the flames and were consumed. . The fierce wind drove the flames to the south and east and deâ€" stroyed everything they met till they reached the water‘s edge. Five men and two infants are now known to have lost their lives and many are missing. ;'/"(’*“'f' h‘i?câ€"-â€" m ~** Krtemésia Council. Ritchie‘s building, law offices, and the police office. Among the leading business houses destroyed are those of Danicl & Boyde, Rienard Thompson, John W. Nicholson, James Domwville & Co.,. W. H. Thorne® & Co., Thomas R. Jones & Co., George Smith, Everett & Butler, J. & W. F. Harrison, Hall & Fairweather, Turnbull & Co., Magee Bros., Stewart & White, James Manson, J. & J. Hegan & Co., Watts & Turner, Eastern Express office, H. Chubb & Co.. Hall, Water Commissioners‘ offic¢? the bankâ€" ing houses of Simeon, Jones & Co., Geo. Philps, and Maclennan & Co., Western Union Telegraph office, Daily Telegraph newspaper, offices of the Daily News, Globe, Freeman, and Watchman newspapersy the Among the public buildings destroyed are the new Postâ€"office, valued at $200,000; the Custom House, Vietoria Hotel, Academy cf Music, Dramatie Lyceum, Royal Hotel, Bank of Néw Brunswick, Maritime Bank, agencies of Banks of Montreal and Nova Seotia, Saving‘s gm‘ Vietoria Schoolâ€" house, Grammar School, Trinity Church, St. Andrew‘s Church, _ Centenary Church, burst out, carrying with them hundreds of houses, stores, and lumberâ€"yards. The fire ‘wpread rapidly towards the business portion of St. John, clearing in its career entire streets of buildings, Dockâ€"street, Marketâ€" square, the whole of Prince Williamâ€"street, Waterâ€"street, south side, and part of the north side, Kingâ€"street, King‘s Square, Germain, Canterbury, Princess, Duke, Leinster, Charlotte," Erorige. street, the whole of the Lower Cove District, Sydney and Carmarthen streets, portions of Wentâ€" worth and Pitt strects, in fact the portion of the city south of Kingâ€"street, including wharves and shipping! " obtfis i) [ RIiHCT + St. Jonx, N.B., June 20. This afternoon at halfâ€"past two a fire broke out in McLaughlin‘s boiler shops, Portland. A strong northâ€"westerly wind was blowing at the time, and in an inâ€" TwWo HUNDRED ACRES OÂ¥ THE CITY SWEPT St. John, N.B., in Flames. «»E» IHIXTY Lyps LOST 'ama‘hic otder . We ster mo for this day‘s council 1 a 3118 ETi LE the insurance . offices salary as assessor, 2â€"$77; Creasor & & }nfie ts for June, 0 fib ward No. X, Clerk. goebivsd .GU .deasD ai bisq ad liiw for the y O ds dn TALIY T 4 press willâ€"run on Tuesdays and‘;;'diyl. leaving Toronto at 3 pa3., and atriving at Dundalk at 7:&m$&n Sound at 9:30, on which days Owen SÂ¥und accommodation train will be cancelled. e & Toronto, _ depart ..~8:00 a.xrt. 12:45 p.u. Dusvark, * se» 1205 Py. â€" 6:55e Owen Sound, arrive... 8:25 * Q:45 ++ Torontog <â€"Vreaching every seeond Ww the Jrangé llm commencing at 8 o‘c PM Rev. Mr. Racey, of Markdale, minister. Sabbath School every Sabbath afternoon in the Orange Hall, commencing at 2 p. y. Preaching every second Sabbath in the same place, comz.encing at 6.30 P. . otâ€" tage prayer meeting every Thursday evenâ€" ing. ~ Rev. C. Shaw, minister. Sabbath School every Sabbatlh in the School «Honge, commencing at 9:830) a.yr. Preaching at 11 ... cvery Sabbath, ind every alternate Sabbath at 6:30 p.ar Mr. Johnston, minister. The suceess that these medicines have met with since their intro.luction to the public some years ago, proves plainly to the most skeptical that they are medicines that perâ€" form what they are advertised to. The virâ€" tues of these medicines have beert well tested, and have withstood their trial in a most satis. factory mianuer,.. For diseases of the Blood, Liver, Lungs, &c., they are unsurpassed. We have testimonials of miraculous cures of these disdases, and of many others, â€" If anf' onle is aftheted, let him try a bottle of the temedy and a box of Pills." No injurious effects wili follow their use to the most delicate person, s the:;ar’ purely ‘veg@table ; there benig no tineral matter in themh. â€" The ‘cost is sinall, while the advantages derived from their use will doubly repay you tor your expense and trouble. ‘The medicines are widely known throughout the Dominion, and are for sale by the principal medicing dealers. Try: them, and be convinced that these medicines are no humbug. _ No one who has tried the Shoshoâ€" nees Pills has ever pronounced an unfavorable opinion of them, no family where they have been used will be without them. _ Full inforâ€" mation may be had on all particulars touchâ€" img the use, and the experience of those who have used them, by securing the Treatise or the Circular from any druggist in the.Dominâ€" on, Free. ©Prtce of the Remedy in pint botâ€" tles 81 ; Pilis 25 cents a box. DUNDALK CHURCH '1)11{1'1("1‘01{ Y A Scotsman who had goné back to his country after a long absence declared, after going to‘the kirk, that the whole kingdom was on the road to perdition. *The people," he said, "used to be reserved and solemn. on the Sabbath, but now they look as happy on that day as oapany other." _ ... uct?*.* im Not many women are blacksmiths, we learn from the Worcester Press, "but most of them ean shoo ahen." When is a dog most like a human being 2 When he is between a man and a boy. Reduced fare is an excellent thing im railway â€" travelling, but a poor thing in boarding. it has no poisonous properties, the ery is a good one, and the people know it. lime with water to the consistency of 1 and sprinkle it on the vines with a bi or brush, and the bugs will retire in gust. As the lime costs nothingâ€"for gas works are: glad to get rid of itâ€"nt . It hins been: discovered in GieTph that the stinking lime which has been used by the gas works for purifying gas, will keep potato bugs from potato vines. Mix the lime with water to the annalepmn, â€"¢..an Preparations are being made for a Dunkin campaign in the united counties of Norâ€" thumberland and Durham. An organiâ€" zation meeting was held at Bowmanville last Tuesday night, when arrangements were made for a through canvass, and the sum of three thousand dollars subscribed for the prosecution of the work. to potato vines and g,hhagy] sembles the sand bug, but‘is larger and of a darker colour. bemg suicides. ‘The bite of a fox, of a rat, of aleech, the scratel of a cat, and the sting of a hornet each killed one person, and two were stung to death hy waene and two were stung to death by wxu;ps. A o T yssm * j A new kind of beetle has appeared in the vicinity of London, and is very destructive g may be classed as uln:a}x;;ected. B;nilw;;;"; killed 1,249, horse conveyances 1,313, and it is noted that those modes of conveyance which are mostly peculiar to cities were ber ever registered. There were 18 exontions hnd 14592 guigides, so that 16, 310 Tue Causes or Viouest Dzata.â€"The violent deaths in Great Britain in 1874 were no less than 17,920, the highest ffumâ€" ber ever registered. There were 18 me, and noless to every man of the minority will the ultimate consequence extend.". . ; franchibe, it is ab @reatiArrorg #s 5t if to seated. I disclaim any personal 'w‘r(;ng involv@d in this transacti Not by Otu i * be dwa ‘ 3 .vl“.'. * *..@ nncewfi is in truth the greatest wrong that has stained our national annals. To every man of the four and a quartermillions who wm‘ defrauded of the fruits of their elective Ticpex ox tus Prestoextiat Coxtest. â€"Gov. Tilden, in his speech, said, "Everyâ€" body knows that after the recent elecgivf the men who were elected by the people} President and Viceâ€"President of the United States were ‘counted out,‘ and the men who were not elected were ‘counted in,' and cnakedt â€" N atostaricin i is s e > K TRAVELERS‘ GUIDE CANADA METHODIST. ENGLISH CHUR artive... 2:40, rart? _o;u}:v; GOING NORTH. PRESBYTERIAN: s4 & +4 Pills. RCH. ge plants ; t reâ€" it\is considerably ies, the discovâ€" people ought to tency of milk, with a broom considerably itâ€"â€"nnd ns e in disâ€" â€"for the ‘ 20 C Bs PCCECCC TRVes, Be prepared, for accidents will happen. 42 For further particulars call at our office. RUTHERFORD & HUNTER; oh. General Agents, Dundalk, April 5th, 1877. i We are immediately. 97 Dundalk, February 1, *n ifi â€"ommmens CUSTOM WORK, : eithcr for Barness or in Boots and Shoes,| ) made of the very best Materzial and by BOOTS AND S HOE S LIVE STOCK \ l HANBURY!& BRO;; All partics indebted, @ither‘ by Note or imediately. I=°REMEMEBER Dundalk. None â€"but the REPAIRING,â€"done . with NEATNESSâ€"and DESPATCH. Painting Done on Short Notice, Sllipflr]g for The Subscriber, thankful for past favors, wouldinfor habitants of Dundalk and surrounding coun prepared to make to order, and of the be WAGGOxXs$3, BUGGIES, «~BINGLE AND DOUBLE,. * CUTTERS, SLEIGHS. TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices ! EAVETROUGHING AXND ROOFING A SsPECIAL TYXY. FIRSTâ€"CLASS PLOUGHS FOR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post Office. WaxTED:â€"Any quantity or Woor, Woorâ€"Prrexrncs, Snuxepsuins, Hipzs, &ec., &c., LUTTLE & ROBERTSOXN. Dundalk. Feb. 20 1877 Little & Robértson in returning thanks to the public for the liberal patronage they have received, now beg to inform them that they are prepared to furnish everything in their line at micas never hutrun LnaewD l ! .o (ionntubtsmelly n it line at prices never before heard of. STOVES AND TINWARE! Harness, Trunks Give your orders early to W. L. Marshall, Dundalk, Agent »GSP NV ALYKLZ LdY LJPLMLIKZ jiiloD DALJ L As a Single Reaper, Single Mower and as a Combined Machine, Testimonials regarding the machine nre being printed and will be furnished on application. Is the Cheapest, Lightest, Simplest, and without doubt," the best working machine on the American continent. â€" The exclusive right to piapufacture and sell in the,,Counties of Grey and Bruce is held by us, and we are dzlr-iued ‘g::t no infringement of our right shall be permitted. We also continue to make the well known and now thoroughâ€" * ly tested Dundalk,.Feb. 20, 1877, gf4fgER3 «F34 wom, Our aim is to turn out the very Best and Finest Machines which ein be made, and in this we have succeeded beyond our highest expectations with our "Royce Reaper." We fill orders with promptuess, sell at low prices, and on liberal terms to good men. Dundalk, Jan. 29, 1877 INSURANCE COMPAXY. ~Durhaum,« May 8rd, 1677. "DURHAM MEAPOW LARK," Dundalk Carriage Works. HEAD OFFICE, TOROXNTo. For Proton and Melancthon, or to MR. JAMES NICKLE, Travelling Agent. smy on o. w * * aupe EAbpeat tAE cp.uflrgn‘_ kept constantly.. on . Sold Cheap for Cash. and anything DEALERS IX, axp MAXN e l 00 h o SE e D OaF _ ‘«ood _â€" workem Prices lower than ever the Stove and LTinware 1,000 V olunteers NVW anted ! bapot at The "Royce Reaper," IN ~ENDLESS VARIETY, ) K€*Ax» cHrar rom casun or TRADE. Men, Women_and best material _ used , ~Parlor, And Box Stoves else in the wood 1 AN APPRENTICE WaAXNTED. THE PLACEâ€"Proton Street, nei AND BY A FIRSTâ€"CLASS ARTIST Brushes, Whips to insure live y cause, at the AM "FOU NDR Y ! CHEAPER PHAX EvER:! A LARGE SToCK or J «ts _ Cuhe of esn zP <OFG,, DeBs ie _â€" Hailway Station; T.~B. GRADY. & C + NCATAUTO, HARROWS, ROLLERS, HORSE RAKES DUNDALK. NUFACTURERS OF, ALI u0 4 en enc entt ine required by the community at large FIRSTâ€"CLASS WORKMEN 187 7 ! Fresh ‘Meat, Cured Meat, â€"", _ " iying large quantities. Terms cash, Dundalk, ApHil 12, 1877, sraft ; Curry Combs, Book Account, are requested to settle up and _ only _ good workmen ! Butcher Shop '1,,, hâ€"];v.â€"un:dm 1/ Cndalk, vicinity, that he has 0; a Butcher‘s p on tlis corner of Prgteon and Holland ets, opposite H. Graham‘s Store, where he Wi.lrk):‘op on hand all kinds of ROBERT GORDOXN, to notify the inhabitants of . 'kinifi.f{lmt Jin Iraw mmes 4 _ Pun‘."‘lk E+s in [A t el 4y ~+ | YXKT ; I 129 Ln"tx: 1J {1LOIfi W [QO1 ,1C0Q \f/ 11 d> J A~4 ~ ho o on ann d ... _ Oc cnnannnanoammarmearome kept inform his Customers, and the in , Etc. ~IUI€ D TORONTO try generally, that he is t material to be liad, CULTIVYATO neas the Railwa NEW A €°KA. COofHRAXNrE.! ISmporium, , KINDS OF ‘ATORS. WHEELBARROWS, hand, . and : (‘uqflnym] nl4 €I Most REASONABLE Terms, All ‘Parties wishing [to (parchase "a Lot either for BUSINESS STi%»N t ___ NEIL MeAU LA YX, . B.â€"All parties in arrears with their p;ymcnu on lots must pay up at onee, or costs TAKE NOTICE 2 A D.D Suab » "_ 9l 1 T CC\ All sorts of Building Hardware, Paints, Oils, étc.,.ete.,do buildings at $3.50 per hundred. o fri -_'Hardwa,re I 4 ] Splendid Raisins $1.25 This line will be found COMPLETE. Having imported my Te:s from New Yo k I aim in a position to offer them at current whoesale pricer, # ‘ Boots and Shoes. A Large Stock of Ladies Hats DRESS GOODS FROM Dandalk, Jan., SPECIAL LINES OF CANADIAN TWEED SUITS The following few sample quotations will give some idea of the great indueements his recent judicious purchases will warrant him in offering to those who will consult their interest by giving him an early eall: and has suceeeded in selecting his SPRING STOCK which for Quality, Variety and Cheapness have never been equalled in this Locality, The undersigned takes more than usual pleasure in apprisin> his many este med patrons and the public generally, that being solicitous of his own a 1d their interest , he deemed it necessary to locate in Toronto for the past several weeks to enable him to Purchase at the IMMENSE TRADE SALES, which have jast trauspired, where Millions of Dollars‘ worth of Firstâ€"Class Goods have been 4,000 RUSSIANS SLAIN! W A R. Be sure and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere Dundalk, May 16th, 1877. ACTUALLY SLAUGHTERED! q owng Prmizoyr Ej‘;fli bigkic; id UOT " % \ 66 9‘“ gfjg P $ .grogfig -':g n-Zl‘ ) # C # 1+ (};‘!;' 4 8 %;ZE & 5 5 6 T I" id é"i fls . H P i TS I: cce tm _ # 3y 9| f x & § 5Es teal? ue o & Eum fi 2 4 49 ° C ’g'&" ga 6 sik= igst1 fi.goc! "g A t *‘ * inss rial tfi.cs f 8 Â¥="The highost market price paid for Building Lots for Sale sims>««>~5 4 I s LXDPCP EL Should Apply at Once to * msmu araing WiAizoy Gâ€"roceries ! /s, RIEADYâ€"MADEâ€"SHIRTS for 60 cents. Splendid assortment at lowest prices. on hand and constantly arriving, â€" i4 & . will be incurred. got up in firstâ€"class style. ‘BINESS_ STAND, â€" Goods ! IN DUNDALK, all kinds of farm produce in exchange for booy adi 000,¢ !batasy . GRAHAM. i-l Dl‘emw House or a y on Hand.â€" ~Nails for Box. MOST APPROVED KIN®S. Can depend upon being satisfied by leaving us their orders, BEST STYLEOF THE ART is now fitted up in the very bort style or tax "Guibk " rartima orrice Job Department. Possesses Great Facilities The STATION, NXEW PRESSES. TYPF, a. T HE Large Circulation "DUNDALK GUIDE JOB WORK Dundallkk G uids and contains a vast amount POREIGN AXND *"Dundallk CGuiq,, » Promptitude Axp wimtra® GREATEST FAMILY NEWSsSPAPTER F=*PO8TAGE FREE, READING M ATTrp NV OR IC . for doing all kinds of 10CAL NE WS, ODpposite OF THE Latest should subscribe for Prick $1.00 Prer Axsow COLU M N Parties wishing PUXDALEK, maukes it an excellent All who waut a good X*X*7 MARKET rFroRTS IX ADÂ¥aAxcr. J. TOWXSEXD THE AND CA THE EDITORIaALy I‘r qwiet Sr. the PAPER , NEARLY mitere Contracts takon ing of all kinda enable me t ) do factory â€" mannc promptly atten made to order Constantly on ha pUNDALR Carpenter and hus shop, Sas) sdher. #a. Rem below the Post Buildor‘s and C *CPDPIC Provincial Draughtsn eto., 7)und‘ All kinds of constautly on ) and the public to do all kinds the ahove wo Marseshocing MILLINER AND DJ Firstâ€"class | acc« The best vian\s Has much Correct OPPoOSITE THE 1 Watches, STRAY ANI weeks for .l, weed 8 lines, Advert:semen by written inst inserted until { wlar rates. Afiurm-iufl law Notary Public, residenceâ€"Dun whoere ) Phywi Dur Protessional and busir Quarter column, per Malf column, & Une column, «s Do, wix mant "fllinlry notic deaths, and all k free of charge, MUSICAL VIOLIN®S, ©0O N( TERMS :41 ®%, $1.50 if not 3 Carual ady Line for the t At the Office posite the Dundalk, â€" All work w ICyvery Pla and eall and =« BUSINESS DIR THE VULCAN Marriage Ceortific Licenses, mive Dundalk OWEX sol February 1 Dundalk. M Srecrar ATT Dundalk, I» a, 29 187 REMEMBER T HI GPPOSITE THE Pos ANGLO Do #® y8 AIK NTREET Mary Srm» RATES OF abyj Build lalk RORI AY ANIMAL® for $1, the ad JAMI RH Osvign A ND ISAAC TRAYN TERMS Ont wX mo three i Railway INSTR I8 PPDRLISHN®: M Il 44 W t L.A M n ral BJ pt n [ A AUT

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