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Dundalk Guide (1877), 12 Jul 1877, p. 1

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Ionuux AND :DUNDALK GUIDE,’ s COLUMN nun rossesses Great Facilities I’luululk (i Ilia” n EW PP. biMitys )unqlull.’ Cal “id " ob Department. Promptitude "I "(NU-D1 _ "mum; ulna, rim! arge Circulation a APPROVED KINDS. “005:. in READING MAT'rng T STYLE OF THE ART edium for Advertisers. FAMILY NEWSPAPER an Inn nu he STATION, Loch L N EWS tted 're DIR Ii. PM”. ".00 "I Luv: ”VIII N! q Dppnsite MARK ET REPORTS, Prrs'TAGtt FREE Ml IN A Itos'r E, l’l'SliALK a van! my“ " AND harm.“ THE WORK banish“: m J. T: M'XSEND t An “an... THE ' I‘ll I” kinds of THE G “FATE“ \YIST o vary but style. " vibe " the atiMied by In“ TYPE. .9. EDITORlAu hits, very hm. All rock vamnud. And satisfaction guar- a n t e e d. nus men! can. REMEMBER THE STAND: Ul'l’USn'E THE POST OFFICE, and call and secure good nib» W VIOLINS. Watches, Clocks, MUSICAL The undersigned. while thanking his luminous cuntnmem and the public gonor- nlly for the very liberal patronage bestowed “pun him since cortuneneing business in Dundalk, wishes to intimate to the inhum- tants of Dundalk and surmnndiug rnllntry that he has removed from his old stand to his new building on Main Street, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, when he has a earvfaliy selected stock of MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER Correct Time! Builder's and Contractor's N'l )1‘1011. pm mm th Hm "on.tantty an hand at the POST OFFICE, DUNDAIJ‘. Price only 8200. (hammer and Framer. l his shop. Sub and panel 'ler. Bn.ihtruemhcr the heiow the Post Other, Ptosineial Und Surveyor. Civil Engineer, 2rttttt land Again. L‘unveymcer, ete., Mada“. IYnimsity Miver Ell-tlalist. Trinity f'nnege, Tatum", and M, mint of the College of Yhyniclml ml Surgeons ct Dunno. (Mice -lmwhuk, 0m. Pint-elm "reornmooation for tho pullic Thu but visual: “I haul. Pmlesaional and hon-m and; pr year" 4 Quarter column, ear.............. 15 "allcnlumn. "if, r............." "need-n», " .............50 be. Iilmomlr... ............e8 Du. themunthl..............l.') (fun! advertisement. chargml 8 eta. we Line for the tint inseninn. and 2 eta. per use. in out inhuman: i-tims-teiir Inn- in. 'STRAY AXIHAL‘I. de., advertised three Want- for SI, the advertisement not. a ex- ucud 8 linen. Advertisements, except when accompanied by written inatruntium to the contrary, are ill-aw! until forlmlden, and oharged " rog- Ilu no». J. TOWNtiEND. Ordinary union of births, 'ereiage 1. deaths. and all kind: of local nun, inserted freeMehargm Attdmer-nt-hor, Minna? in Naury “use, 1Jonveytutiser, lo. rrmimrnee--0umlalk. At the (mica. Proton “not. _ Mu the, Railway Punch“! Hum Tatum :--N per year in Advance in, ".501! not paid within two months. . t RATES OF ADYLBTlSXXG. Dundalk Dundalk, - - Ont Srscr.u.Arrt:sTtos Psm To Banana. THE', VULCAN WORKS, Marriage Certificates and Llcenses, m of which willbe sold cheap for cash. Also, dealer in BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dun-lam OWEN SOUND MM! 913:". Fehrunry It, IS" meme" taken for carpvntering and build {Hi all kilo. ltr facilities if": bail-tin Dnndulk. M Miss Gokey, Mam Smart. February I. 18' All kinds of timlre ttstantly on hand N tl, 'rm0P.r.--tt per year in my manner. Unh r.ptiy attended to. le to order. which will be got when ordered, ANGLO AMERICAN HOTEL DUNOALK. "y8 m0toeit if' al ROBERT K. MARSHALL, . Owl! Scum Sun-r. Builder, Chmtractor, Ie., he. ctxNcEllT'iNAti, " Opposite the Post "mice. AND JEWELRY, It ICHAI'.D CLAMP JAMES - JOHN menu: Jan. 20 1877. . ISAAC TRA Y.NOR, Fchrn tut. MCWILLIAM. JAMES LANDS. NoRTU name in informmg his friends ' grnerany, that he in Evaluated mf General Blaekstmt ing. at mm at his mural low rates. a sym‘ialitv. Late of Guelph, Hulkrpru r. Urdu VINSTRUMENTS, n keepers than". Md such an cutoimEONb', he. , do. ' le. ' " GUIDE " nun!!!» 'l‘lun-sdn} ' for building put-pas" at the lowest prices. T . GRADY. D. C. W. 15th 1877. y-7 At " or ST. , DUNDAL K HANNA ouptly an " from Sashes l R77 M mourn tN, lunar. {eliciting done " doors made to ur- stand -two doors DUNDALK H.011]. Prop I in a satin- a distance and door: Phat-cow, Ottice and , DA " Pay up is u unstrum got up by Biople to delude tlieirersditort, and to injure ndnlk. The words "Pay Up," have spread overthe cnuntry like th. Pom Bug. If udistance frmu home and the pee le know you are from Dundalk, the J'2CL will be crying after you "pay up, in} up!” I am a citizen of Dnndalkn Mun“ uni have no mau- with my customers. It so up. puns that when they become customers of mine they' soon get wtto-do. The ex. periment is worth trying: Cure for 'Pay Up.’ at greatly redaeert prices to suit the times, and as non» but h'rstirass workmen are ent. ployed, and with his own “genome in the hush-vs: for the past I5 years. e feels eonti0. ent in saying that entire satisfaction will be given. Special attention given to making ladies and genes "wedbootr. Toms .trictly cash or good mercantile produce taken in exchange for boots and shoes. Barnum Pawn“ ATTESDED To. b'. It Ail account: unpaid by the 15th of March will be placed in Court for colléction without reserve. All those indebted, either by Note or Book Aeeount, are roqnented to settle up immediately. The undersigned, In returning thanks to the inhabitants of Dundalk and surrounding country for the very liberal patronage given "I the put, would also call their attention to thu fact. that he is determine to "ll liners u "a $1100»- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS d; SHOES, CROCKERY, Etc. Goods for Cash as Cheap as can be had West of Orangcville. DUNDALK. Save Your Health Gash Store! Most Fashionable STYLES. Prepared to Receive Orders Family Flour A. G. HUNTER, TAILORING. Dunddk. March Ed JOHN NOBVAL, Dundnlk, March, 9thc 1877. a.6 CLOTHING, Dundalk, J M 'usmrsstaoatrat n: J animrv, 20, Wishes to inform all those who requires his services, that he in Make up the sumo on short notice KEEPING YOUR FEET DRY! temember the stand. Main Street, DUNDALK. h F' _ ‘ ‘ :3? . V 4 ,, V”’Q-.,’ , L V, .. - ' --- _ _ iv: Is-,' ' F, “A” CC-CS W111 "." -%&-g, ,.,eie, a; J. W. MORROW. Corner of Main ' Queen St. Vol. I. No. M. ESTABLISHMENT. A CALL SOLIICITED I . CHITTICK, ALWAYS ON HANK! MAIN STREET, A STWLY OF GOOD M. IIanuy. '.. I'.'.), m7. AND IN n: was Quum's BENCH, DUNDALK. AND TO FOR {HE The Council went into Cimmittee of the Whole on the report of Finance Committee. I On the clause reeommendhu: " grant of l 81.50 per man to the volunteers, some l discussion took place as to the mode of payment, but it was finally passed as in.. t1 odncml. The clause rrednuueMing im in- crease of $2,5 in the salaries of the Audi. tors was after some discussion struck out. The committee then rose. Mr. H. Reid moved in amendment, sec- onded by. Mr. N. Read, to strike oat the grants inserted by resolution of Wednesday evening. . _ Mera lengthy discussion tho'amend- meat was lost by 17 to 18, and the report Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr. Gardiner, that '100 be granted for build- ing a bridge on town lint have“ Holland and Sydenham, on condition that up}; of the townships expands a similar amount, this ,--lost. F "e On motion of Mr. McGirr, seconded by Mr. Thompson. the County Treasurer was instrwhéd to who out, ,a statement 'of bal- mm the by town-hips to the county. BrLaw SM, respecting County Ruth, was read a third time. On motion oCDr. Christoe, seconded by Mr. Jelly, the Treasurer was directed to honor the checks from time to time of the Chairman of Building Committee for South Grey Registry Office. Mr. Stephens presented the Report of Education Committee. which was adopted. Mr. Cameron presented report No. 1 of Road and Bridge Committee as amended. Mr. McGin', seconded by Mr. McIntyre, named the adoption of the report. On motion of Mr. Rorke, seconded by Dr. Jo'arnliurt,tlMr report of the special committee on the remuneration of License Inspectors was adopted. Council went into Committee of the Whole on By-Lhw No, 255 for levying County rate, and By-Law 256, to iricrense allowance tn members. On motion of Mr. Doyle, wounded by Mr. Melina. the latter 'reuuisr mm amended by 'substituting 32 per day for " by Mr. Flarity, the Council of authorized to make a (IL-Hui across Lot '20, 21 and 22 in the sion, from the 8th concession 22ml side rum]. three rods wide Moved by Mr. Brown, swmded by Mr. Flarity, that the Council grant the sum'uf 9100 for the purpose of erecting n bridge on the county line between the townships of Koppel and Amabd, said amount to meet n. grant by the Com/ty of Bruce. The accounts of Joseph McAnUe. M. Cameron, and James Gardiner were passed. Council" went into Committee of the “Manon By-Law 252, to eonf.rm Iiy-an l chmmShip' of Artcnwsin. Ilylmw 2.53, I b, appoint Esatuincts of Candidates fvrl Tea.hegivtifusatu, and 3%st 254. to 'r provide cqnixnlent to Legislature grant far, school purposes. The By-ans having _ Men passul thrnngh (-nzmuittw were read n third time and pugsod. On motion of Mr. Middleton, sommdod' by Mr. Flarie, the Crruneil of Proton was I Mr. Itorke introdmred 135%an No. 255, to levy county rate, which was read first and second times. Council adjourned till T p.m. ‘ mum! mumm- Dr. Bnmhurt introduced By-Law res- pecting indemnity to momhrru of the Council, which was read first and second times Dr. Barnhart gave notice that he would introduce a By-an for rm increase ofper diem allowaneo to members bf Council. Moved by Dr. Tlarnhart, seconded by Mr. Strphons. that the County Treastwer be instructed to place to the credit of the town of Owen Snuml the mm of $100 on uccmmt of County Rate for tho current year levied on property not liable to assess- ment inrhldcd in vahmtors' report. (Ctmtrttttlei1trrsm the Times.) mm“ nonxmn. The rrports (If the School Inspectors of North and East Grey were presented. The Warden rem] u. eouuruinieation from the Clerk of the Peace respecting blank forms, which was referred to aspecinl enm- mitteo cunsisting of the Reeves of Holland, Egrmmmt and h'yonhatu. Mr. Berke presented Report No.1 of Finance Committee. Hunt‘s are golden links, God's token, Reaching Heaven ; one by one Take them, lost the chain be broken Ere the pilgrimage bt) done. one ly one thy'dutias wait thee; Lot thy whole strength go to each; last no future dreams slate thee, Learn than firrt what these can teach, One by one (bright joys from Heaven), J uys are sent thee here below", Take them nadily when given, Ready, Cod, to let them go. One by one thy gifts shall mcét thee; Do not fear an armed band ; One will fade as others greet thee, Shadows passing through the land. Do not look at life's long sorrow. Bee how mull one}: moment's pain; God will Ill-1p thee for to-morrow, So one]: day begins again. Every hour that fleets so slowly Hus its task to l, or hear ;' Luminous the~cmwn and holy If thou set each gem with cue. _ Do not linger with regretting, th. for musing hum despoml. Nur thy daily toil forgetting, Look so eagerly beyond. BY ADELAIDE E. 'ritocrom County Council. ONE BY ONE. POETRY. Council of Proton was is n devtUiou of road Id 22 in the 9thconces~ concession line to the ----- DUNDALK, JULY 12,1877. 'e.eeeete.y.1.qeeee- The License Inspector of Dufferin is dotcnnincd to sun that tho License Act is carried cut, and has berm making: it rather warm for those who sell liqunr contrary to it. Infornmtion waq recently laid against twelve persons in Dufferin, and the "tol. lowing eunvictions were made. Robt. Dunn, of Mono, for selling witlmutnliccnso, tried before justices Wilson and Evison, at ltellessy, June the 9th, and fined twenty dollars. J ohn Wilson, Mulmur, selling without a. license. and exhibiting Sign. tried before justices Wilson and Galbraith, at Camilla, J am, 27th, fined twenty dollars and costs. Alex. Rooney, East Garatraxa, selling liquor without license, tried before justices Spence and Large, at Whittington, June Mth, fined twenty dollars and costs. J. Morrison. Amaranth. selling without license, tried before Spence and Large, at Whittiiigtou, June 30th. lined twenty dol. lam and costs. Geo. Iloddiek, Molnuotliun, selling without license, tried before justices Graham and Middleton, at Dundalk, J uno 26th, and tined twenty dollars and costs. Thos. Jennings, Melanethcn, selling with. out license. tried before justices Graham and Middleton. (it Dundalk, June 21st, and fined twenty dollarsand costs. John Allen, IIornings Mills, selling without license. tried before justices Graham and McDowell Dundalk, J um: 25th, fitted twenty dolhm andcosts. The case of Robin Perfect, " selling during the hours prohibited by luv, was whom-nod and three other use: wore iiiamiaou,--0ran-ills Adeerlieer. We cannot say that we are greatly taken with the idea of County Model Sclxuols, as probably all the town schools in the country are so near upon a par that 1 it would be inv'ulious to single any punk cular one out as a"Uodel." And we imagine ifany great changes are to be made there will be grave diftiettlty in the way of securing a suitable staff of teachers to conduct a. "Model" in every county. We question if anything would be gained by forcing young tenchers who have studied l for years in graded public schools, or it may be in high schools. to attend the Cannty Model School for two months be.. fore they could obtain a tsettifieate. If they are not blind they can acquire the method of teaching during their ’own studies; andiftluy m “nigh“ week's attendance It the Model “boll would not be likely to opon M ayes-m” ,tiiu.--nrgu' Now-Record. Moved in amendment by Mr. Melina; secomludby Mr, McNichol. that By-Law No. 256 be read A third time this day six months. lune, Cmncwu, Brawn, I’lurity, Jelly, Me. ridwitrds,liwnig, MeGirr, McIntyre. Lu"):- hurt, Mom-hind, J'entwr, Follis, Burnett, H. Reid, Crordiuur--'20. Nayor-iitllaw, MeNiehol, 1iekeehnitr, Murdoch, Moszic, Melina, McDonald, Howey, Middleton, Doyle, N. Ilead-11. The fly-Law was then read a third time and passed. The report of the County Property Com. mittee was rocnivod and adopted. The Council adjourned to meet on Iron. day, 2nd December, at 7 p.111. Moved LyMr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. Mekeuzie,tGt By-Law No. 256 be now read tt third time, as amended in com. mittce of the whole. Moved in mneudmcnt to the amendment by Dr. Baruhurt. seconded by Mr. McGirr. thut By-Luw No. 256 be amended by the martian of the word “three" in plnce of the word "two," and that the words “mile- age according to statute" be added-ears ried. T Infringements of the Liquor Law. H Mr. Doyle moved in amendment, secon- ded by Mr. N. Road, that the money be not paid till the plans are approved of by the Inspector of Registry Offices, The amendment was lost by 10 to 21. The Reeve of Keppel was appointed/o expend the grant bptween Keppcl and Amnbel, in conjunction with the Reeve of Amnbol. _ Mr.Lnidlaw was empowered to its the embankment at bridge on gravel road in Hanover. "trf/ sid, and naysr beinchnllcd for a tlw mnmulmcut to the amendment s/ere as follows I Yeas-Elliot, Roxie, Stark. Myles. Ers. kine, Cmncwu, Brawn, Flurity, Jelly, Ile. ridw;mls,liwnig, MeGirr, McIntyre, Lu"):- Moved by Mr. Burke, seconded by Mr, Middleton, that the sum oi $40. and $21, for expenses and disbursements, be paid Mr. Isaac Traynor for preparing plans and specifications for Ilegistry Olticu at Dar. ham. The Reeve of Proton and Deputy Reeve of Mcluncthon were appointed to expend the grants made for the county lino oppo- site Melanoma]: and Proton; the Deputy Reeve of Osprey to expend the grant for county line opposite Osprey, and the Ileeves,uh'nllivau and Derby to expend the grant between Sullivan and Arran. Several other motion for grants were made, bat ruled out of order, no notice having been given. The report of the Finance Committee was: adopted. The Council adjourned till Saturday mowing. snvnmx'. On motion of Mr. Burke, seconded by Mr. McIntyre, Report No. 2 of the Road and Bridge Committee war2 adopted. Moved by Mr. N. Read, seconded by Mr. Myles, that 3100 be granted for a show fence on the 4th line M. Vincent, being a loading road through St. Vincent to Meta, ford-lost, Mr. Cameron presented Report No. 2 of Bond and bridge Committee. . 5“»- - ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Hon. Mr. Mackenzie was next called ' upon,_nnd on rising to address the meeting ‘met with a hearty reception. He 'said:- 1 Mr, Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I _ feel somewhat as Paul felt when he was permitted to speak for himself, because I believe (as he believed) that I am at least befurenn wright judge ; and I run quite sure that the words 't address to you, and which are addressed generally to the people of Canada, will iind a. hearty re- sponce mnong the vast majority of the people of the country. I know full well how diflieult a. task tho Premier of this country has to perform. We have a. coun- try vast in extent. vast in its territorial magnitude, trust in respect to its sectional views, and in its diversity of crced and race; und it is a task which any statesman may feel meat ditlicnlty in accomplishing. to harmonize all those interests and bring a genuine feeling of anion to boar upon the prosperity of the country which he Us to govern. Under the most favorable eireum. stances any one would fccl neeessitated to ask occasionally not merely the indulgence but the forloraneo of friend and foo alike in a country like this. Bat since the day thntmy colleagues and I asmuncd the reins of offiee we have-heen met with one con- tinuous strain of coarse and systematic abuse, Which appears to have reached its culminating point at the mos-tings held by Conservative hadn's throughout the coun- try at the 1m sent momont. (llcor, hour.) lit, Sir. l mu Hot wry much 'surprised at that, for I tztreslhtt wry well the event-a which “pro developed in the earlier days that, for I rvorlitt very wuil the events which “in: developed in the curl'uw days of the history ofthis country. I was nston- ished, however, to fuul that Mr. Topper a few evenings ago, in pronouncing; the high- est elogiutns upon his lender, Sir John Me. dotmld, called that hon. gentlemen the well-known cluvupionof civil and religious liberty. (Hear, hear.) Why, Sir, in the presence of 1uanvgreyhaiteduwu the hon. gentlemen must hm e appeared on the per- soniiieution of the tyrant--us the sum und aggregate of civil nnd teeelusiustiwal bigotry and sectional denomination. (licenlwmz) Who docs not remember when the hon. gentlemen was one of those who battlcd-- not for the religious equality that was spoken of, butwfor religious inequality ' Wlao does not remember ourcarlysttv.gghss forty years ago, when we strove to wrest the public domain from the hands of one denomination. Who does not 1veolleet when Presbyterian and Methodist olcrgyrucu were sent to gaol because they dared to perform the cerinony of marriage ' (Hear, hour.) The hon, gentleman who is now introduced to the public of Canada for the fust time a; the champion of civil and re. ligious liberty was clue of the defenders of that system; one of those who strove to perpetuate in our country the dominaucy of a. creed if not of a race. (Hour. hear.) I spent my earliest days in the political agitation incident to these struggles; my first political meetings were held in behalf of that came which has been ridiculed by one of its principal opponents being char. acterized as its champion. (Hear, hear.) Well do I remember the struggle we had in those days for our rights, end how at last in December, 1847, we succeeded in electing that noble mun Robert Baldwin, with a band of Reformat. strong enough to place him in a. position to become First Minister of the day. and settle once for all the question of religious equality, in spite of the opposition of Sir John and his putty. (Loud cheers.) I know that in I young country like this, passing affairs rapidly shape themselves ' into history. T public event: no ”code mm view, an the “at ninjm-lt‘y ofthoso whom I now Indian Ind DOM in the struggle to which I In" pre- ferred. But I refer to it now merely to any and V that the Batman: a! this coun- try' will' 'trmerrtur-4ho" who were not LBW“ tuning hiya-ding. ml those' whim a1ivwtrruvfng'bmtrs in'tho man isfthidd "mgtrauqrfttt Md. 4httt it in the grtri)UM'ietfttte 1tatisettr- who mum‘s W can and We“ as“ to tti'ytu"iitu'ieNthdtc V “alum. mir ih kia' ') . , . _ .' ' i lean mass, The smooth surface of tho shoulder-blade seemed to be about ibar feet The fossil tannins of a huge mastodon were Mutednfow days ago pt Tran- berry, Hood county, Texas. The animal measured (ifteerrfeet from its skull to . the knee joints, which was as long a measure- ment as could be taken. since below the he” the banal WWW into amps. Tho Befonn Demonstrations held It Kingston, Mount Forest, hafnium, Clinton. and other places luvs been thoroughly successful. uni were attended by large numbers of people from the town. ships adjoining these places. And at dif, ferent towns along the route the Premier has been presented with numerous address- es. The Demonstration held at Clinton, was 'nttended by' from flfUen to twenty thousand people, this being the largest Politichl Demonstration held in this coun- try. Hen. Mr. Mackenzie delivered ad. dresses at all the Demonstrations, and we propose to olipfrom them and give ex- tracts showing the failure of the Oppoutiou to substantiate their charges against the 1'retuier,,tuu1 emsetuidly dimming of the boasted claims of the Conservative loaders to the grutitdde of the country as the ori- ginators of every popular reform measure. The following is the introduction to his speech delivered at Kingston c- SYNOPSIS or THE PREMIER} ADDRESSES. Reform Demonstration. GUIDE. - $1 ptir year in Advance. ----__ - - -.-___-- A tngedy occurred the other day on the I Seine. Two gentlemen and a lady, of!” ordering dinner, got into a boat and uppean to have allowed it to drift down the stream. On nearing the bridge of Neuilly it suddenly i whirled round, struck one of the buttresses, broke in two, apd went to the bottom. (me of the gentleman, who could not swim. managed to sow himself by catching hold of an odr'; the lady sank, and the other gentleman (rho wu' about tobe married to her) dived ind htoaght her, n he thought at iirtrt, utetbshoré. Unfortunately he had brou'ghm ti. body of math! wanna. which '2rt,,1,'.t':ttttg:,,it the wait. ’eorpu of his W m _ not ”mud in some ham M. as the futher was calling to the mm to kneel; my brains out. As soon as the row was over I went and alarmed the neighbours and got them to go and look after them. I told them I was very near killed, and (1111 not think they were much better. As 50011 as l got home I sent outta Manitouwanirrg alter the doctor and got him to go end nee them. I wanted to go and give myself up, but the ductur would not allow me to come out.' The doctor held a post mortem er. uninetiun, and the result was he said that and: death was caused by . bullet, and the other he thought was caused by some large blunt instrument. This is positively a true statement, let the consequence be what it may. Since writing the above Laban has come in and given himself up to the au- thorities. We did not try to evade the law in the least. I consider I was justified in protecting my own life, and if my sun shot at all, it was to save his father‘s life. TUK same parties have been in the habit all Spring of throwing down our fence and turning their cattle in my Full wheat. Just the day of this unhappy occurrence they threw the fence down twice and turn. ed their cattle in our wheat. Alex. McNab saw how they flreil our meadow by heaps that they lodged right on the line, and muted till the wind blew right moss our mendow. I have been persecuted by these peoplo. You can if you like put thinin the pupers. ' I will write ytu when Igetto the Salk" ' A. Amer 1m] [Alum Amer. As stated than they hmlneen committed tutu-in]. "-dhenlrow.d Adana)". 30th. It is as follows: Dun tim.--') is a painful thing for ma to 1'yt, to an. old (mud. hunt must be done. Ve stand committed for danger- ously wounding those two men. The we lived one day and the other three. But it was in our own defence. They attache us with stakes and put four cuts in m head, so bad that I luul to pvt them sum ed. To give you the whole thing just as _ happened. They tied up our horses, an Laban (his sou) want after than. , he swore they would take his life,-so Lalm Since the thaw WM in type, vs have bean! pet stunner W. Seymour, that at the Coroner's Inquest the Jury brought in a verdict of “Wilful Murder"againnt George separated from each other by a fence. This fence was either blown down by the wind or thro"wn down by the Bryants, who then comphined of Mr. Amer'l horses trespms- ing on their land and doing damage to their crops. It is 'said, on the one hand. that they 'eotnrilained to Mr. Amer of the damage done, Ind tlupatamsd to impound his horses if he did not ply br the damage done by them. This notice Mr. Amer paid no attention to, and accordingly they (the Bryant's) curriul out their threats. and tied them up. Upon Amer going " them, he was returned. when both he and his son fired, killing the father and murtallywound- iug the son. _ Another vcrsion says. that the Bryants ilinoeked down the fences pur- posely and then refused to repair them; but when Amer's horses strayed through the gap, they seized them and tied them up. On Amer going to demand the homes he was refused by the Bryan“. and a struggle ”use, during which the pistol was fired by his son and the two lirynnts were mortally wounded. We suppose there is some truth in both Marius. but not all the truth. This min-h is unfortunuU4y too true, that the two Bryan“ who were wound- ed are dead and buried. that uninqnest has been held (in them. and that Mr. Amer and his sun are committed fur trial. end are waiting the arrival of the steuuierm lu- sent up to the Sault Ste Mario tn awuit the Assizes. There seems to have been a Asuay. There seems to have been a gtunding quarrel between the parties, re- sulting in a fk,4tt and the dcath of the Bryants. The following is A copy ofa lottvr received by a gentlcmhn in town from Mr. Amer, giving his venion of the case. As he wishes it to be published we give it, only suppress- inn some private matters. It is dated June 30th. It iias follows: , On Thursday last our tuwnsmcn were shocked to hear that Mr. George Amer and his son were in custody on the Mum'- toulin Island, on a charge of. shooting a neighbor named Bryant and his son. and thereby causing their death. Thcre wem various rumours ahoiatjegarditsg the "air, and n. good deal of exaggeration mingled with the facts of the (use. From what We can learn the cause of the sad occurrence was a quarrel between the parties of lung standing., Their properties adjoin. nnd are --r-q--o-q-8P-"m"eE!eae- Sad Occurrence. I remtin. ha. Gm. h, Alan ammonia or born. The alkaline rc-u‘llon of boras is scarcely yet suftieicutlr appre- cintcd. llowowr. n time Will come when its' good qualities will be known. and we universally valued than ammonia, or, as it is commonly tanned. “mammal TU' solution of borax fur imam. bitm is maple thus: Dim-Ive one ounce of horn in one pintMwuortutitsurbemn boilml tstpdql. loved to cool. but! of plain water, aatiilmlrmse m. owe, or why;- uni-man plan“. The Wacky): dubbed with the Iolucion no long an an” in my irritation. For.beea' or “emf sting- the barn solid“: may be made of twin the above strength In - fun-hol- this gttltr4ioet Ito-H he by. In a W mmMr.-8. Pi... . ' a w a Menu TO Burn-While a 3“ man named James Kuhn. non of Ir. Cs- MuMd Trunk-r. m lulu-dinghy with I home Ind by {when Tuiyl-Hle 'ighttmeeuxA_itt-tuwhi_ “Minor the has Mod H. our mansion tftut-rt Ind kind hi! in- -tlr. v Fre . "arimhai"i"i'aWE_%r"atb'a. M ttt,t,ttt;dtt!lltgr, m in. an an... III mate a: Trauma. The Elpllinstone m “in; titooettou.asttueimr,raa “Win! when the about! in W In! - ”math“ onto! he our... lot-1" lying to whett the at th. “I“ 00mm alto continual (In 88“ ah. riverunpillyu in could #11". The laminate. which can uch 110* u'itlndnfull (owed the“ tiadittg it imymue to avoid new“. “a! might for the Elplllum to Meth. 'h amidships. Both veueln wen bulk il- jured by the collision. the maiden: proving to be (me of the was! that has omtutmd. AI soon If. tlu. vamla could be new“ In Mtetupt mm [mule to an: the Elm into the Montreal bullion. but beta" mull- ing it she filled and sank. Sevenl hols belonging: to the Tow . Bum (bunny were sent for to mist the dimmed van-lg. nnd divors were nlso h-lcgnuplncd for from Quebec. The Rodewatcr. w'uieluabw tank. lips ut present wlwtvtlse collision 0mm The llmlewnier had (an board a - " mm. and the Elphiustotw otte of rails-ml iron. Every citort is being made to unload the two vessels, The eargoot the Balm water, consisting " 64.000 lmxlnoln of mm. in fully inenrul in thr Mercantile Mutual. cf New York. Br don, and Boston was shipped by man, Phillips. i underwriters um and cargo. Tlu ha The Dunkin Bill by-hw in Mammal-u- Ind 3nd Durham is to he mud I‘V'HI'QI the Mth inst. The temperanc- men wry-Ir who mum-11y well mixed. manna 'mtTs" bu already began. 30 M i. 31'” much in of on tug-minim!” is estimah attached t Lartrn.--Tho Harbour Conuuinsinners krel very sore about the eraisim, um] lingo mspended both the pilots in cling:- until zuch time as the investigation to be made 1118 ended. The E1phiustone is I idmimerl- izgcd mm ship of I,t00 tons "tukcec, with t burden of over 2,500 tons, and waqlmilt n WN by winner‘s Shipbuilding mid Iron Tompmiy (limited), Newesrsthwn0'stus Whr Remedy for Insect Bites. Ill nam "noruytito, tua, aunt. or other met. punctures the Immm skin, 11 irritation. I semi , or of pain. Th omptuatively indi produced by I do pr British and Portico; of LU. ton Marine Uttdermitees.., It by Boddnl * Co. to Bow- tr, k Car., of London. cu unw have rlutrgc of the ship The lilphinshmo and cage in England. The total Iosa :1 $175,000. Great Munch ..-.. - disturbs curmrouit)‘ 'I'lu 'tt at Bedewnter Wident, otf grain with u, hinting cr is owned [emu-Tyne. on, Iggy: ippo '. lot viard'a) " holds in " flint Shh-y poison either antic.- ti Tl ll ,

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