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Dundalk Guide (1877), 12 Jul 1877, p. 2

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Iii Q. W1 A} & It Pe"" In Gm may have annex-Q hmhyvodhu. but theyudaiine “I on My evening. Buying ia MM ghsat now- HM. mu Hopeville, the "up.“ Icahn qiemtid. We noticed tut the - h his: Ann-mu: and Luther". Id hating Io well. In West Wellington .5 my. genial]! unferygoodinup- nod V“ in looking well, .nd potato -mronrintrusragsut. Theron. ”hump-owed. mugged“), Tho may. in this neighborhood. taken n . whole, are looking fumble. lily will botight. Almond: not no dry " in other 'trealities. '0 could do with some run. in... ed the baby when were thinned Id “doubly by a. button. Pm ing. Those Townships that have gone ex- knsively into raising csttle. such ss Guelph, magma, Nichol. Bremen. Gmfrnxs, And other: in Wellington. are 'rmong the wealthiest townships in Ontario. and the HI of Guelph. Fergus sud Elam are known All over the Dominion. We have, no link if our farmer friends would make A I“ no" in this direction but the re. In. we‘d be beyond their expectations. We an quid. willing to lid " {use ween h the new. I pod Fair could be tstalblishod here monthly. Ind they would find it a great beatedittothemmdvam Cattle are selling wall just now and in great demand The neighborhood is well united for stock mis. ' tirig- GUIDE. We notice that in some of our exchanges Dundalk is in the list of Monthly Cattle Fin. but nince we came tere, nearly six months Iago, we have heard nothing of any his We have no doubt, if the farmers of CHI action would organize for the purpose not. Our local "Treteutatives are certainly entitled to 3 fair indemnity as well as them. occupying the higher spheres of "eAtation. The policy of members voting themselves more than ordinary remuneration after probably profuse promi. n- of “hmlnnding the peoples, interests"; ohm. us only too ready to seize it for their own “vintage. True, amongst an“ fumble to the increase there N" pem to lave been an utterdisregtsrd of potities, prominent ndmen of both parties being mingled tether, while the name of the Boon of Holland. reputed to be a very mums Comservntive, is ineluded) amongst the tlistsentienU-tirit and Tory vi. with each other in their admiration: ol'tln "Baabeets"-. no-purty platform, surely. Well, is " per din-m. and mileage an inndoquate compensation! We now and eeonombinq in every respect in how. our questionable. Councillors from " to " per day, but cannot help feeling that there is an incon- tinnncy in reference to some of the parties who no doubt have been loud in denoune. ing the Provincial and Dominion Adminis- tration " my increase in this direction, but who newniwlesa, when an opportunity By reference to the minute» of the late Ion-km of the County Couueil it will be non that the County Fathers at Owen Sound have been trying their hands at " the Inlay grab" buninens on a small sclle, but unlike our Ontario Legislators they failed to make it a “Round Robin." there being 10 nayn and 20 you. A paragraph was given on our fourth page Inst week Ihowing the rapidity and use with which [ I like manure was carried by tho County Council of Durham. We do not {celnlto- gather like finding [an]! With the measure for inereasiug the pay of the County Wilt our Conunutive friends send us answers to those questions? If it is "angina Mr. McKenzie's Govern- ment to make 804 nppoin'mentu in three and "alf you". What was it for Sir John A. Lindon-M's Government to nuke 621 appointmeul'n in ten months, and one week? Now in it not terrible, to think that the present Administration, with a “faunished knowing," Ind utter being in Opposition newly twenty yous, with the exception of shout two yem. have made 804 appoint. menu, or us Mr. Langevin says fifteen hundred in three years and a half since the can. into power , I What kind of 3 following hm] " John A. Msedonahtu Government, who after being in pow" non-1y eighteen years nude 02] Appointments from Jan. 1st, 1873, to November 7th, 1873 , The new Government hnd a furnished knowing. end they had to be provided for. According to the record of the Ogh'eiat Gazette they had made during the three yen" And on mouths of their administra- tion no In: than 802 'Tpointtueuts. But the“ were only . portion, because a large number of their appointments had never been gazetted. Including the 804 appoint- mentu guetted the prosent Government had given laces to over tifteen hundred of [ their friend; since they came into power. But the. nppointmetiu required money. and, therefore, they increue the taxes of the country. To'ndn‘pu the other lily by the Hoii.Gii. Iangevin, " reported by the Montreal Wit-.-.- only party capable of governing the Conn- try, and '0 myposc of making airpmun, grtmtto--thittk different. We take the fol- lowing u . sample fmm a speech deliver. ed. Co-tir. PieMie in the Eastern Bury pol-on of reusable disposition and viii: any degree of impartiality, no matter lo who: political party u may be. longvill admit the necessity of making Menu-y appointments when Henna-ion oeNNtr. And no matter which party in in poi". than “tuition will occur. But it one." that the leaders, of the Opposition ~ueordingto their own "Memento the Drum, July Mt, 187i CATTLE FAI RS THE CROPS. SALARY G' RA It APPOINTMENTS. - oQO>¢ lupin. or moving. Cull Ind -ine prim-aim bated Noxon Reaper-a on no“ you'- terms, or extending tho time of payment to suit pmhaaera. Any one intending to pumhaaa a machine nan year can nah it pay in own puma“ by tmmhaaing hmn Mr. Mar-hall. Such bargains have - been othred to thefamenin thin Rum) " 1aor"stmr.--Durittg the [storm on Sunday evening last Mr. Alex. [ Davidson. of Egremont, had . very tine young hone killed by lightning. Mr. D. wu attending divine service. in this plum, and upon his "rival home via astonished to we the animal lying on the ground dead. A: the hone Inc the most vnlunblo of Mr. In stock he will loose "omiumtru.-pm. _ uoon Km 10 Pa-.-atr. W. hGrshall,of Dun-hiki- nlling the a 1 Mn. Joan Nlcnn desires, to inform the public generally that he In: resigned the agency for Dr. Clark Johnnon‘s Indian Blood Syrup in favor of Mr. N. P. Carter, of the Medical Hall, Dundalk, who will for the future, keep on hand a constant supply of that valuable propmtiou. l Waikerton on the nine Justice. FALL Asurtzsm.--The Fall Assize County will beheld before Mr, Plasma in Owen Sound. on i BLOWN Domc--we are informed that during the storm on Sunday evening a new large frame R. C. church at Mildmay, which was Nady for shingling. was blown down.--amyederate. [if I suw It. E. Hall & Bra, of Price- ville, selling Oxford Shirtings at IN. per yard. Where can they have got it , Others charge 200 for it. Goon Tm: road-work on Mr. Gray's beat, Dun. tlalk. was done this week, and some of the streets have a much better appearance in eonsenuenee. 1 Janna Tumors home in Thornbury was struck by lightning on Tuesday the 8rd inst., about 11 mm. I? Nepenthe Bitters, a real cure for Liver complaint, Indigestion, and Dyspep. sia at the Medical Hall, Dundulk. kit' Jr. Graham is selling the cele- _ bruted brand of tea, called the "Fire Queen," for 40 cents per lb. It aatottisitea every person. L? Another lot of those fine, large 60e Parasol: to hand, at D. Davidson’s, Dundalk. We nntico that in an editorial note " the foot of Mr. J. J. Middleton's letter in the Mnrkdnle Erpocilor of last week, that it first sets up Mr Middleton an Editor of the 0mm. and then abuses him in his re- puted position. That is certainly a novel way of dealing with one who has been as- sailed in its columns. As regards Mr. 1 Middleton being editor of this paper, we. shall only any that he has no more to do' with editing the paper than any other man. and we think it th piece of cool impertinenee on the part of any editor especially to nom- inate an editor for the Gum: without some foundation for so doing. As regards the editor‘s 'disinterestedness'we lenve the pub- lie to judge. (irangehLain..................... 8000.00 It. Clarke a J. Grant............ 8856.00 Chas. Bodley .".................. 8187.00 The contract was Awarded to Mr. Bodley at amount of his tender. this being nearly 96,000 less than whet the North Grey Registry thhety cost. Great credit is due to the Committee for their persistent and suc- l cessful 'sfrorta to get the building put up on an economical plan. To save expense an Executive Commi‘tee of three was appoint- ed to superintend the erection, to graph orders to the smouut of " per cent in monthly eertifietitets, ete., composed of the chairman, J . J. Middleton, Esq.; ll. Me, (iliee, Esq., Warden, and Gilbert Mekeeh, nie, Esq., Reeve of Durham. David Me. Nichol, Emq., Reeve of Bentinek, was ap- pointed to inspect the material and work. manship mid to make monthly reports. On Monday last the Building Committee of the South Grey Registry Dulce met " Durham and opened the Tender: for the new building. The following tenders were received _ "mes Bennet.....................S4710.00 Alex. Itotstc......................,. 4129.00 John Grier........................ EMS.” ever menu. and many Bags were displayed. Among thone preeent were Hon. Alex. MecKenzie. Hon. J. K. Cartwright, Ben. L. 8. Huntington. Ron. D. Milli, D. Guth- rie, SLR. Dr. Underkin, "Pier South Ores, June! Young. WP., a Irving, Md'., l. E. Bowman, M.P.. Col. Clarke, M.P.P., J. Hunter, M.P.P. for South Grey. D. D. Hay, M.P.P., Thou. Bellantyne, WP.P., to. cu. Clarke occupied the chnir. Col. Clarke mule e short eddreu, end then in. _ truduced Mr. Cartwright, the Finance [ Minister, who spoke for over two hours on the tiseal policy of the present Government. m was followed by Hon. Mr. MOU, who discuseed the question of Agriculture! pro- tection; end he by Mr, Mackenzie, who devoted his time to u further vimliention of himself and the Government. Hon. Mr. Huntington. owing to a slight accident with which he met at Guelph. did not feel well enough to speak. The speeches were listened to with great attention and fre. quently interrupted wlth cheen. The greatest enthusiasm prevniled. enthuiutieully received at aiic, Elan and at the Pie-Hie when ultimo. wan presented to him. Fergus wu dressed in SOUTH GREY REGISTRY OFFICE, 'heruirsmta-imtitmasrrinnetu. nettr Pemtm,ttntktxmurust was”: success, and wa- attended by he"... THE PIC-NH: AT 10RNErrLEs. to gin in Owen Sound, on Monday, 3nd in the County of Bruce " and Other Items. VER Y COOL. 22nd October before the The Fall Assizen for this 'umtlinttthoe.u. ...M710.00 ... 4129.00 ... 8978.80 ... 3950.00 J ustice of A few shipbuildan luvs prevented us iron sruping. It is not often that the evil. ofonnhipping lam-pp." in no vivid atsdrtarttingr alight-ninth] cue,mdiq on: war when have . put-tick of tho "ntseofshaaseufttheeirmunat.mse ought to tresin ttte wads ofthe countryman“, n "huekuNrry too much." lf American enterprise and American intelligence no not ndeqttate to the showman of Inch I dilgrweuourprounthwlm. with» Referring to the present highly protective tariff of the country. the New York Even. ing Poe! says ;--Another proof of the gravity of the disease with which our tariff and shipping laws have amicted our com- mercial interest: has come to our know, ledge. We have been informed that the Baring Brothers the English bankers, ( have decided to eeteblieh a steamship line from New Orleana to South America. to be run in connection with another line which is to be established between St. Louis and New Orleans. Thatie to aay,while Ameri- can capital in begging in our market. for employment " low rate- of interest, a foreign firm penetrate: to the very centre of our territory and captures the indie which shameful trade lawn in the interest The coming twelfth, promises to be: gala day in this village, as it has been chosen to be the centre. where this district shall meet, and celebrate the immortal Battle of the Boyne. As yet nothing further than the ordinary procession Ind festivities are announced, but the Orange. men in general anticipate a good time. _ Your correspondent disdain: to make any reply whatever to "Pedetitriau's" article in the Markdule Ezpoailor of last week,eomtUeringit beneath himto reply to any article so scurrilous in its nature. July 8, 1877. quarter '--w. P., Sis. J. F. Bproul; w. A., M. E. Merriam; R. 8., Sin. M. Cowper; A. R. s., Bro. ll. Davis; F. 8., Bro. J. W. Henderson; T., W. Bradley; cup,, W. M. Clarke; Com, G, Sproul; A. Com, Sis. C. Davis; I. 8., Bro. J. C. G'riitith; o. b'., J. L. Payne; P. W. P., W. J, Bellamy. The tenth anniversary of our Dominion in Fleshcrton was celebnted very quietly, the village heingnearly deserted. Between thirty and forty persons attended the pie. nie at the Irish Luke. while numbers visit. ed the various pic-mes at Menford Road _ and Salem, all appearing to enjoy them. selves immensely. In the evening the strawberry and ice-cream festival at Mark- dale proved quite an attraction, and was patronized by a large number of the young ladies and gentlemen of our village, who all manifestly spent an agreeable and social time., (From our own Concopondent.) On Wednesday evening last, the follow. ing officers Were elected in Fleslnerwn Division No. 412, S. o. T. for the current quarter '--W. P., Sin. J. F. apron]; W. A., M. E. Meniam; R. 8., Sin. M. Cowper: our. UP 1leowtt.--A citizen of A certain mullet in this immediate neighbourhood. went the other morning, gun in hand, to see if he could hunt up some game, Ind after pernrubuhitiug the bush for a. short time came across his quthy,---ib hare for certain! of course the gun was brought up to his shoulder in double quiek,afUsh, and then-well, said citizen got round to the stern of the animal, uni pouncing down upon it was just about to bag his game when, whewl whoop ll and before he could scarcely tell what had happened he was several yards away from the hare, l and making rapidly for his domicile. But here further trouble awaited him, for it is said his better half advised him to retreat and bury his clothes. or hang himself up to " a little, or do something of that kind before he could be allowed to enter. It is needless to add that our friend did nut violate the game law. MR. War. McELosv, of the 4th line of Enphrmsia, oust half of lot 27, having about six weeks ago observed his gobbler mani. feat a strong desire to set, satisfied his curiosity by placing sixteen turkey eggs 'under him. And a few days ago the process of incubation was fully accom- plished. And now his gobblenhip protects and manifests all the enthusiasm " the infant. tmkeys a mother usually dost.-. This is u freak rarely ever heard ot.-- Thom. burg Standard. "N. Fun. RUNAWAY Accnmtrw-On Thurs. day hast, Mr. James MeGowan, Ind wife of East Gurufrun, were at Douglas, when from some cause or other his ham nu away, throwing Mrs. McGowan out of the buggy. The unfortunate lady received such injuries that she died on Friday memo ing. The funeral took place last Saturday and was largely attended. 1 WI notice that several of our citizen: are going in for the unusual “mug-nee in this village of having brick chimneys erect- ed in place of the stove-pipe: recently stick- ing through the roofs. Thin tdl come: about of having I brick-yud um Dundalk. We expect the next thing some of the Til. lagers will be building brick housemto some of the chimneys! A 9!“!!! he: then plug in an prop- mwi-smp of the Guelph Herald, Mr. Mush having retired, who in succeeded by Mr. Burrows, its late editor. The style of the new fran in c. Acton Burrows * Co. We understand that Mr. Wright, lute ofthel Stntford Herald, has named the editori- [ I] mungement of the Guelph daily. 1 Aunt: took plus in the Dam Division, Sons of Tempennce. on Tueuuhy evening Int. J. Townsend end 0. Ruther- ford, lenders. W. E. Noble, uni-ted by Mis. T. Knnlmry. Ind Mm. A. a. Hunter were appointed th Committee to decide which side did best, And give their decision in tiwor of J. Towneend'a side. Bum: to: Tron)“ mr.-ro show the extent to which the trade of Dundnlk in ex- tending, we any mention that Mr. Geo. R. Middleton has received en order to ship seven! when of better every week to Prince Arthur's butting. Thunder Bey. Hey Ibundnm mecca attend this enter; Flasherton. The temperance movement in Brendon! in receiving . fresh impetus. Prohibition meetings have been organized, Ind MLBine ‘hueommeneed his labours in theteity. With the usintsnee of the clergy end the lending local temperance men. who luvs promised their batty 'ro-operation, Levin doubtless meet with managing success. A temperance movement hes the] been haunted in London. Myriad. the imtubordintrU deck-bend of the Ottawa river steamer Quart Victoria, he: been sentenced to two weeks' imprison- ment for disobeying order- on the occasion of the disturbsnce Impeding the twining of the Union J eck by the Papal Zomvee' i Bag. Canine“, the other prisoner, we: I A deepetch from Pemnrukee, Wis., says I terrible whirl-wind struck the town on Sunday night, leaving but three houses standing. The Gardner House, e large hotel, Wu demolished. Residences. sew- milla, trees, foam. he., were swept “my. Eight penan- wero killed Ind twenty wounded. Five persona ere mining. in. eluding some guests It the hotel. Thes, loam no bony. On Sunday last severe storms occurred in many parts of the United Mates. On Monday morning about ilve o'clock asevere thunder storm passed over the country from Gait to Hamilton, which caused considerable damage. A despatch from Gait on Monday says :--A disastrous thunder storm, accompanied by violent wind, rain, and hail, passed over this town about five o'clock this morning, doinga great deal of damage to buildings and fruit trees. Several private dwellings and St. Andrew's Church were nnroofed. Thomson & Co.'e woollen factory had the roof knoek. ed in by the blowing over of a large one. hnndred-foot brick chimney. entailinga loss of about Moo. The smoke-stack on Barber's cabinet factory and HogghFord's saw- mill were also razed to the ground. Wars nock'a hardware store had part of the roof taken off. A private dwelling was entered by lightning, which did considerable damage to the furniture and meshing things generally. The inmate: encaped unharmed. Trees were literally torn out of the ground by the roots. The skim lasted only about ten or fifteen minutes. and we: mmingly oontined to an area of abouta square mile in the body of the I: The great diifieu1tr, for instance. felt by the Russians just now on the Danube is ' their distance from their bese of supplies. Were they subject to no delays on this sc- )f count they would soon, in ell probability. ll reach the Balkans, end even cross them. i. But Bulgaria has been laid weste in front I! of them, and a river controlled, in so for tr so men-of-war ere concerned, by the Tarkai 6 lies between those who have crossed and , the district from which their supplies must 3 be obtained. It is all very well for Prince 9 (hwuehakotr to any that Russian is pre - pared for a more powerful resistance than . she hsd met with. The facts appear to be against him, and if they are not the l uestion is inevitable: Why does Russis. I if he is prepared to encounter s more ' dangerous resistance, take so long to over. I come the one she hes had to deal with ? L The Prince is of opinion that if the. Bus- . sinus succeed in s decisive bottle in Bul- I gnrin their task will be completed in e L short time. This is very much like saying I that if they succeed they will be success- ful. The question is not how long the war will last after a decisive battle in Bulgaria, I hut whether there will be a decisive battle l there at all, and whether the Russians will l gain it if there is. It may be that the re- I duction of the fortresses which make up ( the Turkish Quadrilateral and are found at f other points on the northern slope of the , Balkans will occupy the Russian troops . till the malarie of the lower and the snow of the upper districts interpose between t them and Constantinople a more insuper- 1 able obstacle than a line of Turkish troops l or even one of the Turkish redoubts. This seems to be admitted even by Gortseukoit l when he says y-"if Turkey retires into I I " the Balkans we shall have enuoying de. "lays, because of their excellent positions I " for defence. Then will commence our d "diftieulty in provisioning our army." If 3 the teal d.aeultiss of the campaign Arc o only to begin when the Balkan line of T defence is reached, the Russians have u . singular habit of pausing ouer preiimiuar. Vi 'um.-Glohe, msy be partly explnined on the suppoei‘ tion of bad genenlship, but even that will not 'ttthee. The conviction is evidently spreading that the Russia: Empire is not so strong " it seems. end that when the time for s concentrated Mfort comes the nervous energy dissipated throughout its remote extremities is incapable of making one until the opportunity is lost. A coun- try as Inge as Russia, and possessed of the qualities necessary to sustain s uniformly dense population, would find its size s serious obstacle toeonmrntratod nnd prompt lotion. But Rossini: far from being thick- ly peopled. and her climate is en shnost intsttperable obstacle in the wey of her ever becoming s great military nation. She can with diifieulty pmduce the necessary supplies for her forms, snd when they are obtained they can only be trsnsported with great diitieulty to the scene of action. An invsding my coming under such condi- tions can slways be annoyed end he. quently bellied. Severe Thunder Storms The Ilow PNgN" of the “I! Ind $he esp-cm of mum my“! by the Turk-i: cutting. good“ ‘olllrpl'iu. And leading mny who thtmgttt Bun-in ‘lnduuuytuk Marches tom-cli- only whether the Balk-III will be M this your. It new utterly incomprehen- sible how . nation so timeout-nod u Turkey haa been, and which bu been up- pmntly declining year by you during the quarter of s century which bu alspud since the lust invasion. can resist for my length of time I. nation so powerful u The War and the Belligerent' TORONTO upon or Irma. column on cum noun. 2hs Special Committee ted to slum-intend and e mi Jr'rtt1 of 01400.00 on t2i'tl are": tho m a 8rd canon-ion. ther, Nadia. I 111003701 madto No. 10 “in; Ill Manama.“ math. 10“.... Mill‘s who: all lint-Mill. beg no." to -- _ 7â€"--- ., .... Oshnder, that this Council do now Mljoun to meet on Monday. the 6th day of AW, at the Town mli.--amua. Robert McGhoe. " day; Willinm Jelly, lil dun. Thoma Doyle, 8 days..., John Mills, 6 dur........., pad the sum set opposite “wimp”; tive nunu for union in ttonneetion with Moved by Mr. Ooh-under, wounded by Mi. Doyle, that the "new Committoofor expending the grant tbr (riding Lad gruelling the 2nd line um! 10 lid. road be Moved by Mr. August, Ioeondod by Mi. thtmnder, that the undomontionod Commissioners be muted the mm! in their several divisions " the cumnt yen: Division I, Mr. Jelly.................., 96.00. Division 2, Mr. Amt....-...........104.00. Division 8, Mr.Doru.................. 400.00. Division 4, Mr. Ihtmnder............ 190.00. Moved by Mr. August, neonded by Mr. Ostnnder, that the sum of 010.0) be granted to the widow Melony. the being in destitute circumstance» the money to be expended by Mr. Joseph Stone, to the best sdvsntair.--Carrioa Moved by Mr. Jelly, seconded by Mr. Doyle, that Ezra Merely receive motor half day's work replebing logs that were removed by tho spring ilood at Huncs' bridge, on the 8rd line, o. 8., end that the Treasurer be unmarked to pay the lune. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Ostmnder, seconded by Mr. J elly. that the, clerk be imtructed to notify the President and Minuet of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway that if the crossing on the 4th concession, Mel. ancthon. be not passable " on early dato lentil proceedings will be instituted " once. Moved by Mr. Doyle, seconded by Mr. (httrander, that the Collector be allowed to retain his roll until the first any of August ttext.--Carried, Moved by Mr. August, Moved by Mr. Doyle, seconded by Mr. August, that the communication received from Robert W. Ron be not srntertained by this Couneil.--Carrud. l Moved by Mr. Jelly, seconded by Mr. Doyle, that the Clerk be imstruetedto draft e memorial on behalf of the Council end forward to the County Judge, in Be. cordence with the petition presented by Thomas J. Coyne and can", preyiug for edivision courtto be established in the villages of shelburner.-Aurrud. l Moved by Mr. Jelly, neonded by Mr. Oswald“, that the petition of Alexander Hunilwn Ind other- be ttranud.--Carrud. Moved by Mr. Jar, seconded hyMr. Ostrauder. that the petition of Edward Bemick and omen he on the table.-- Tress. postage ending Much 81...... John Corby, for mad work............. -Ctsrried. Moved by Mr August, mended by Mr. Ostrander, that the undersigned person: be paid the Amounts opposite their respec- tive name: us per mounts undead: George Rodrick for bridge............050.00 George Runes. for printing............ l Moved by Mr. Jelly, seconded by Mr. Osmnder, that John B. Dodds receive the sum of 02.00 for 1mm of mum labor chimed uguinst part of the out hllf of lot No. 6, Con. g, o. b'., for the you 1878, and that the Reeve issue tut order for the lame. --Cnrriml, Moved by Mr. Doyle, seconded by Mr. August, that the apart of the spook] com- mittee for the grading and gnvollling the No. 10 side load, and of the and line, os., be adopted and engroued on the minutes. --Ctsrried. Moved by Mr. Jelly, seconded by Mr. Oatnnder, that Mrs. Nelson be muted the sum of 010.00, she being in destitute eir. eumstanmr.-aaving Bil her effecte destroy- ed by fire ; tho that William Reid be granted 010.00 for keeping the aid In. Nelson and her two children br iwo monthl' bqud tad furnishing the ume‘ with clothes. end that the Reeve issue In i order tbr the elm" .mouuu.-Ahrri.d. Oak-mien that the Clark be imrtmeted to report " next Council meeting the amount of Ttmrs we lot M, in the 9th Con,, N. E.-Carried. An mount from George Muss w preesnted and reed; slso I meniestion from the Police Trustees of the villsgo of Shellmrne rehtive to the nu to be levied onthe village at Shelburne {or theyser 1877 was presented sud reed. _ Moved by Mr. Doyle, seconded by Mr. August. thnt the Treasurer be Authorized to receive the sum ofOIOBO elm of tens chergsd egeinst the out hull of lot 29, in the seeond Concession, o. tk, to: the year 1875, snd hue the lune -d.-. Carried. A communiention from B. W. Bose sue presented sud rend. A petition horn A. Hamilton and others III also presented and red. Moved by Mr. Doyle, seconded by Mr. Ostraudsr, tllst the petitionofOIven Wsters and others praying for the gruelling of the 290 side mad be not entertained by this Coeneil.-Carrud. A petition from E. Betwiok and others was presented end reed. Moved by Mr. August, seconded by Mr. Tho Been in the chit. Minutes ot but muting rend sud eon- "--......... "....r......... I u-.........; W“ by Mr. "19.00. "4.00. 120.00. Tho Ptesident of the Purim Republic In. "r-ed his intention of demanding from the British Grverumont “Mun Mmtionfottho Mon “satchel iron-elm! ”new" by the British in vocal- SM and Away-t. his {and that-mt dingo!!!» Unit“ Suh- Indium in the Par West will Inhpluo Inle- the cummi- “and by “a! 'rh-aeatt. All the “nil-NJ I'hhmw Laiiiiirci' Shin mutton-tum th-inthe Wm to hold a demonstration And pic-me " Simone during tho Amt week in August. Tho Dominion and Ontario Premier: md oth-tb-ttttatm, camwuu invited to be page”. The PurPnobytn-hn Council cloned in union on Tuesday. after adopting In ad. dnu to do. Omen signed by 888 uptown- tatirm, main-lone] by Lit/ici' Preo- bytoriu: Church“ in Mreuty-itv. “puma I The answer of the United States Govern. I ment agent to the British fithesry claims wan filed on Saturday with the Secretary of the Commission at Halifax. In Flor, township hears have become so numerous as to be frequently met with on the roads, and they have also evinceda de. cided relish for live pork. It ia only twenty-four yearn thin summer stinee the Amt tree was chopped down when Liatowel now etude. and now it in a town with over Moo inhabitants. 1 'Mr. Watson. a farmer near Hagenville, I wa- killed or. Tuesday by falling through the Boor of a hay mow. He waa an old resident, and much new. The formal opening of the Whitby and Port Perry Emu-ion Railway will take place on the "at inst, andtheregnlar ipeuenget and height ”who will con- menee on the following day. An elopement he! taken place at Belle- ville,tbe patina beingatouneterof that town And a woman living at Hayden's Cor. nen. 'l'hll'lew. Both partie- are man-ied. and each one leavea three children behind. Repert- bom the Bombay thmine districts Ibowabaeueof‘lo.m inthenumber of pom. in receipt, of whet, due to the gen- eral "Intuition of agricultural operations. Thepmpecuinlludraaau alao iuttrtov. Capt. Borg-M's PM" expedition will nil from New London on the ill: in the Florence under Capt. Tyson, who In Invio gator of the Polaris. The Grand Encampment of Oddfellows will meet u Bollaville on the 815: imam. and the Grand Lodge of Ontario on the Gl. lowing dny. The Rom-mm of Norfolk Inn decided Gen. Hound's troops hive been defeated by Chief Inceph'n band in Idaho, U. S. with . loan of twelve men md um- oftieser. The investigation into the burning of the Roma Catholic Church at Oh will be opened " that place an Monday next. 0mm notice bu been given by the French Government that the Paris Exposi- tion will open on the first of May next. A Believille boy of fourteen, muned Wil. liun Bubcock, has been sent to jail for two months for beating his mother. The “nanometer ruched 102 (log. in the thud. on Suturdny " Omuln, aml four {and can of unnatruke occurred. The Imperial Parliament will be asked to vote 05mm insid of the local revenue- of the Trunvul. President Hiya: will recommend to Con. you legislative action for the nuppmuion of Mormonism. The Round: Thanh " Liverpool bu hen destroyed by tim. Woodcock nhootinx 'mme in for the anon on the In July. The plug» beaming great mm at Baht. in Peru's. Work on th. new gm] at Milton is mpid. ly plowing. “in Committee deeply regret that “Meat funds were not eveileble to com- pletetbeuid vol-bend mrryitoettothe north bound line. it being the eentnl line in the 'dlr Survey, and the line on which in situated the nilwny cation ; slam the only line that momma-tee seven tenthe of ntepnym of the Old Survey. I Your committee hope tint the Council will u noon u practicable. provide the trey end mum to any on the mid work to I successful issue. The Council will see by the annexed paycheck the Amount er. pended on the line between the 2nd em” 8rd amass-ion: he: been ".847. yet the mount expended on the side line "a over the emuunt appropriated being 0346.75. linking n total expenditure of 01,698.84. All of which in respectfully submitted. Bonn Meant, Your Committee also beg to any that they found the bridge on: the crud " Cnmming': col-um. . mm of rotten ttlp Ind unduly too low, 30;:ng u to and a new ri . The contract wlioh wan In by tender w" awarded to Jacob Silk, his heimtthe lowest, .-at the mm of Mo, which amount your Committee mm the Council will nckuow. ledge, an! dedaet mid "noun! out of the genenl grant for that division " the pre- my} pete-ttrw., - new trnil mad. caning n heavy outlay on grabbing and grading. You Commute, however, Would highly "command that u!) similiu gmuta gutule " the repair of 1'0an oxpoudodina nulls Imam. us they no et the opinion that in no. can! wa'y could “IO-me moutolwork Random [Manama mggoy. _ _ _ _ _ _ been Jseru bet -n.tl.v, tly stumps__nr¢ ". "up in: In". l Yum-lithe deqtr “I" (In! the man ”and was not ancient to com. pkk magnum; on!» 8nd lino as ex- pected. mun for the Money will sppou phin to you when you cont-id" the mam an. of the line between 6 and 10 1ide "an. IndIIu_ consequent in- MM ttref, vi“: the work "trot on I», u put node: duly given. 'ooGt1oo1f+deir1ntsofotrtai't- h. cork and no! unpl- time to noun the all.- War Con-limo have much plenum in “In. that I Mamba of the Iva-damn of mi. anlhip {and annulm- of the Miscellaneous. 3:}in w m... Mr. Duncan Mec'ray 'old his farm, Itt" -, " tae an Mull” to n gentleman ll) trom BmrmauviiU. This farm in lot ltr, up. I, Bug-hush. Mr. "mes Huron NM In- hm. " It, can. 4, tit. Vincent. W “In. uni-um: John-an. " the mm at “.150. In “I. village of Monster. on Tuondnv u. rrl1t,ttittigtivr, of the day '" . beast I In. In young men mum! Ca.“ and Hills gm into what In. rv~ add-tint Ind-ply nuetuieamsrr.ftie, which Win a Mst, during: wl.ieh c-un a M I. inch of Minn”; mi mm.“ was "input " by . number 'dtt.ottte. Milur'. iite th doqu'wd 'E . of l With log-rd to the mind. mammal Ivy the Eumpem Pow." on the Eawtrrn Il"- non nun: in still " wads. Led m. “panel! in mid to hue d.alnred to Prmro 31M " Berlin that En‘hnd tun nu ll ' mat gnu-n I Mn oeeupntrtrt of all“? to NM the Chum-Hut In nude to V M in hin View such rm occupation was the - mm of .mmng the obj.“- with which the war nu dot-sun " An Emma-ion alno -vaut. in Lon do. in! win nonunion. as will: ott We” Annui- And Engl-ud to ”ml-huh I Inui- brt'nintaeim, “have to the ML and it him-the: sum-tad that Inge muw~ gun: at not]: an being and." m Aus Operniouu may shortly be enacted in I huh guitar on the Danube, in View ofthe, bet that I oonvontion Lehman sum nu! Btsetmnniauauerrdoeiad on and in! lboth the PtineipalitU. In totaho “meme [In in the Ila. Nov-l oromtior" hue again been resum- u. A Turkiah Beet bu oommcun-d tho Mom of Eupunnn. Ind “WWII! Turkish _ In at the mouth of the Dumbo with the object of mung cum- munimtioul between [mail the Uni-- Mach. The Rumba: in Bulgari- in Mid to lave imprinted sud uptumd the Turkiah 'egt at Til-non mad to haw adv-mm! 8,tSz1t,', Dornovn t"if,tg",tg.'g,i The " 'ere',',',', in neigl Illum- hood of Rana}; ' and the Manhun- an [Inn] an active Maw-n in 't,,li.?iiiifi,o? t'.2et A neon army can): in mt to (and, Marthe (‘Iilll~ mud of the and Ink. Vladimir, Ind Till-ste in the dimetim, at tbdU. To the out!“ the Bun-inn Adv-nee guard titheDuhmdsaut.a mttthe%heroixod. “I Kmundji Railway. Ind is “Hun-ml; on the Utter town. No openu’om “but ”of In low on the line of the l'nnulm "tet-sat Tehreuavodn And ltuntchuk. I The Min Baht-m have now ad. 'aomd I. hr II Momma about hie-my- tive Ilium-Wen of Bunch“, when I M. is looked upon u "ttttttttent. m, "pot. of Rum." rcwrm in Asia Minor In fully coMirtuvd, c-u-n Rum-n We: Mung than the WIN“ his been a failure. It is mm Mated that in mung-Imam information received by the Brilinh um . eminent the Bud-nu but! occupying Cunstlntilloph " I]! “It Imhcmi Jerm- In unnamed. In the -ttime. tho 'ierwa ettteruined by “in when "f at. canqu the Windmill.“ have undergone oomidenhlo modifimtion, the Ind! lining that Chadd I mom 3mm policy be puma they will may“ Unit mm. a of coma nu ttttauthors. trtieemuumernt, but it receives colour from thtfr.rtirt,tir.uqearyuikiseuiiiL.s' n to In blindingly “infused. On the. ' as. two Turn-I. tinie- have bombarded the “with WIN " cwm. , forum! of Gr (In-and Len, and hat. uition Ind been dwindled {mm Delilah to Uni-(mu I“. _ - On Friday” Mill] in. in the neigh. bourhood of Buyuid was driven over the frontier. and the cindel of the 1m Inm- moned to KW. Ptrrther nonh. u Arduuntscli. a Russian snacking My Wu repuluod. and thrown back on Will]. Where I gm! etoneetttratiott of Russia: pumps in going on. On Whine-day last the line between Mukhtar Paula's head. quuters and Km was completely open. Ind the Russian- wen vial-during than bulk of their "my. including unit heresy Artillery. in the dint-tints of Alenmlmpol. Hun-pli- Palm. the newum'erncw of Kam, man the way» that city with . min. both null. ' M. Th. Wu In the Prstttom ' a! thr "naive forms as nearly m a" h, r -eseetiu:---The Russian left wine. tttter {advancing to Delilah. has now tumH I but on its hum of dune:- and is maruh.‘ - liquid. Mela in dill invented by he. Illa hm Va. It will pain-My Inn“. to m then. an Bay-ail. and mm. lid: commune-(ion with Brian. A detached ooh-u of the eetotre, tinder Gena-l Heymnn. the: the defeat at a... in with tel-ion: luau. bu [Allen luck to u. neighborhood of Ears, but the urge d Kuhn notboon nined,nnd the ' Mill] bulletin: do 'tot give the hnpm. ion that "Mt-r Mu “NF himself mung enmigh to undertake its wlicf. tu Ingest “View remnant tlntt lu~lm ad. mood to within Show miles of the Rm. in investing linen. There hu I... hauling definite from Bataan: since the capture by the Turks of the Rum-n mi. tim" on the Sum-Inch Ind Kuunuri heights. Both Russian: Ind Turkish mn- fnl'oelnenu an “id to be bundling forward. The question of provisioning th. unioni- aid to be growing-anon. for ”when rich-lemma. .awbymmm, ma a... iCiiC'. Cd m intaet, humming I W. eMe h-tur to the junction " the “M "I! dun With. with the ' M the Globe """mnry.--, - M W, {unlit-r mm mm and“! “hum-r u Woo-mun ii.“ Met can . ' -)___- - NM In " Sink-rm latter '52.. 'r"" a; "ttttle I hut-u (Du-nun. sot) in glacial mu: “yup," -, IV [up bum-lulu“ tut but. t wan unluch I In Ila-My." After a M t (all I'd: better, _ “pl-1U. a" health “up! madly. and when I Iml , ma- nunn. t We. qua-1 and “an. and I." ( Ital“ than for (an, yua- Iunl-t u.- Maul a a I: Mung GUI!!!“ [rum iam, and w nun-Mr m but - tahtrttt u (at Win "In Nu m It tuft-Pu. Then-un- d null-anal Much hm Iettl judgment of tl" " time. Hm u! It. Thu-u Itch-1m tl but hul on auto! tb. nth-ll." AH. Earl, Ha Maul. PN., I'm“, "I with In"; maul-Inn! fur l in. to.l dr4rmeesrt and!“ Inuit. until [and ttr. "it, wUr% an" un- mum in.“ my that I hate. um H M. Sn :1qu nhoul he Indium In} hum monk. arte., and thunk I Out Inn: alum-1.." A1 “all tad your may» A. WK“. Trim, very he! wtthyaosr/1 "SI-uh“ Randy I wdl - Im Ind enter new In Inn-nu Ind tint d-, by Mataggte A. Worm, 'I'n hid the “RB-n [have l. mu. M T "tihoUy my - 9. good no." val m: ' Prior I! the new 25 can . bor. '8'a+rorth, Writer. "I II M " hi” " Filewtti M by the pubhr. 'o a“. M lave ru-r lurd “I I. “I” All-I n - an, and in wot COM." Jmnpln Run '05... "I wu- p-ded ' Oil in: . My Imo- " It": at [any yuan. All “Hit it for mums N puma: Leoetit. Winn-I. It.“ the ei-d.. a'bo.. "ohm,," P.q.. Union. "I have In 'r-tim. " the In! hen 1 any marine. “mum "notion. Sumo day. Mn of tltr an a abound by the inland. " “we - hid u u M Flu-o. dun d“ hamlets. For a (- unt-ad. in the gun-mun opium. peoduew In... 10nd Murry. The I & nun-in Add on Gut ‘Mouu mun-lul- d “I". Uni plan men] ' mu." will the -oue " lull-h L qemd in min: " fumbling hair-e ol, u] u is lulu-pm”! u A (use d ugh! nub. I" Nahum. have I qriti, their liven. but the “*3 tite- "ore he." 'm. an!!!“ by Mr. Mu yuc- Mo, and from BM cl WIN.- land m.- - Med cull and c to axial. in the mum-u u M on the hm M " the 1nrgetee "tat W. Fine (lulu-m- . In “no loo-Jay. The Initially. but It bw, I: who " an" hula" m _ [in o"r"rtry. but the I “In“. of that "mine was uul out than "tr. In“ out In mutual-q». a I“ due no“ wrung. u- “a-m. m 600ml. in tittia abe “lulu ttwet l a! tttrow- up": a but. Null-um lt" I!“ Aa Mr. loan Dundulk. 1 - pay up bet can: will hr I has at Inna-w “cult" F.uetrsr Oil. I m " x. T‘lhmna " and the mur- of .\'unlu “a in the bottle, In - , dime-1mm d so mm C LYN. "tetetnoutr, Fan. or A Harman: of. Ilium-in II 8mm I ”I! tiavUr. lun- Ji ". “My: ""11qu M forms pan uf tl" [hill Inner. in the 1 an a'h . u tt -t--"rh. “ I u- “in h I. I! new“ -.. It In urn-d OH “a! an " . the Mn. But 'kuiehitie, of II: t 'h-.dty owned. IX “who: thr Untted _ and In my [usually be Ilnlk which mm e _ We any MP (on will In don-guy ko an Hamid he Mr- M beyond that to - to Inn-mum our to lichen- the Cottutuss if they judged mun-(L all! they muy flu-mt In- mulch- and mun- tl" an Ulf I‘uy and “a hula-en wlot we Gtitrd My: nth-r. In dam“ wh mun: ' " ell-(Wm- um honor t mph of the 'cy m “I: ml In: nun maul-l Le, m ofthe pumtitr. fun” ml! " u mum-r M uni mum in anything: at oehee with. the IN tqern the rum-d Nulr 'eemuta' than fiom hm n a perpetual Milly-1'1 over." Non fun. but new: an Kev "V n " the m Bold CW it! (mu-w dune WI " h (Emu Pt"b' "

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