West Grey Digital Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 12 Jul 1877, p. 4

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l a hi 5-13 T, n: " ll H il "ilia. gamut... '", 1- l l "I ___' SrautstrtarE's Comm-ou Saturday lest, Mr. George Gillespie, 2nd Concession. Melanethon, In»: charged before Wm. Airth, Esq., " the instance of Richard suit, Marne. with having on or their: the 10th of Key last [woken into a. “locked-up house" on lot S96, s. W.7oronto and Sydenhnm Road, Melanctlion, and the with trespassing on the said Lot, and thereby doing damnge to the said Smith. dtit claimed the right ,to AltoArul by of. Keene-{rub One m “as Cornell, em] Gillespie also claimed the ”blunder elem hmnW. Roselle Minn of the infant heirs. Henry Pier. We Br., and Henry Freeman. oi., - evidence " to the destruction of the home by Gillespie and oth-, in! Smith “a Cornell " to the tine. At this any. 0“!» cu. Mr. Gillespie‘n counsel demur- " ftteeey, , i.Ni,mratiton' [ .att11tliG',Tailt minnow 8e My: that a question of title had has an M Wendy the New. ”Ninja-Won. MLAmhm , nMi!PhtryatbetyMetp 5k . it“ with can} AF. no. t-urrue, wed " Uilkapu, and Cornell Med new». ad “in 'rupport ofhison' sum to the 1.ss&-ahsgerin Standard. Ttnrruttt of the scrutiny (Khakis case at the Lincoln election shows 106 Votes struck " by the petitioner and " by the reswudeut. Tho robbery of the ballot A "paper. has reduced Capt. Neehmu majm'ity' to fiviinsteairof twenty three, the figure at atractiun of the papers. A strong feeling ia"pte'vtuent in the county in favour of the appointment by the Government of a Comuuissiou to invoétigato hrrobUry and other matters in connection with the election. i aaa ofuorm, interest to Jaimie]: .was tried " Glencoo recently. The manager of who Mayfair choose Beta-y hid complaint against William (Iowan for watering the milk which he supplied to the factory. At the trial it was about that the milk supplied by him " neural times registeml from 85 C) to goo on the lactometre, while the average should line been about 100 o . The dimtors. with the consent of Comm. had Cowan's cows milked, and on testing the product found it to register about 100 ° . Mr. toiai, then signed a document agree- ingtododlet teapot antinu'whathe was to receive for his milk. m attributed the new of water to endgame“ in Pile, ing, by the rinsing: of the milk whining been pat with thtmilk. rcomus.-tintd . The Montreal Orangemen have decided to walk on the Twelfth, and it is probable that requisition for military protection will be mule. Thy also expect 600 Orange'mcn from Irroehville, 100mm Mor. risburg. 300 from the Beaten: Townships, 150 from Hantinmlon, 80 from Vunkleuk Hill, otdotikttom Argentenil. A promi- nent member of the Irish Catholic Union of Montreal disclaims any idea on the patt‘ of the Union of interfering with the pro- which' it would have stood but for cam Woods, '" Ati., "that you. There's Jim Wood/heh, postmaster and keeps the West Indy goods ttore; 'Siah Woods, the blacksmith; ttn' Thomas Benton Wood, he farms it up tn the corners. Be you related to the , “‘Are py any woods about hero t" asked Um seeker for summer bond of the pro. prietor of " country house, delightfully I. 1'lhtt','ot:tt',' walk from thoclepot; at n; horses and carriage can be had on, r,m.qtomsbler terms; plenty of milk, eggs, We 'tihitrttttit him, he was rnVuIT-Nerby number engine coming in the opposite direcgipn, which "rushed him terribly. Dean) was instantaneous. At a late hour last Saturday evening as John Vippsham. engine driveron the G. T. Il., was proceeding to the round-house, Stratford, to take out his engiuemud while 2&3’1? !ftut of tht, W299" 'tWil 'nruttani, '1 WHO (Gi, LiiiFiiiJHi chuges of cutting wood and destroying a fence. Two thousand dollars damages are claimedin each case. The Civil Rights Alliance have prepared amemorial praying tu,crown to take action in the mum. tttte? V1 Mme con Ie-, divorce ensuing between i'lCl"d"u'riG',1v,C,'u"ii11l'i"rdt'gt'; ' Why, my dear fellow,' whispered a friend 'rag mit- "ow' pm my. to hilly mit, treated in that ttmuy.' 'Nor I either,' mused the'victim, 'till I new my lawyer a telling this jury all about it? -_ wV .;...?_.‘:..- "'rTi"rft't-eN. te HY","' II In“ ai%difua, $161119th men Joli“, ' F seven feet. (rrAr, m . mtg; tnlahtkt Ms,,,.,,, It Thun. der Bay in oonuqnence of recent dinner is: in location " A," in clone proximity to the eelebrated "8 A" mine. was“, a oee "gbtt"iubatrigb.tit' tniaideL.' - , - "".T"r--'e Jon. Crosby raiding . short distance from Harrit%kta, 'n' Bud of wheat which, Aminisurnthohid 1%. mm tho 'ee frgut-t divorce eryyiryt between ytu) ‘9 “W . repairing depart-£3 LEf, . __ _ -_ .....- ._v “-5 v. """"""'0 miter paying the indemnity exacted by the Pitiat Warez? dtt.ttaeisreg, 99 make a . ... CTT ""7751": , Law 1mm jg, Indian of pulley? pyth- Sdpon In: inlay“ 1' ”(amiss quit. Dun. An in!» dint, Toronto will commence on Monday, the! 6th of August. Nine 1t'i,fd'A'if-tt,',','?tit)tf,,'t,g, the Air Lind "igdihomlit ini" " mg: 'ttie';,',',;,,',,:,-'; W2: TL: "TIE?! 't,',l'rert' l?' betitiy haven] height oondaetom set back ii firm. in height 'arul “1m been pulled measuring om m1 the ab. feeli Hg 5-3.9 A pro- d imPMtetet-'tfiul,r schema “WE-5!" 1!. , momewgs only $1.00 leofm PRICES 't‘oTsnit the "nuns. H"hliyeuinthe2sdatn " “l 11an of yum, he, 't)jetd'lifstgri,' can gt" satisfaction to all. Tfeprutg done at reasonnblo BATES-- 1,octifi' To LIFE SIZE. _ . . I I , t The 'gArirrit,p $831316 tdtormiti, tum, that he has purchased the Photo- . graph Business at DUNDALK. And is now prepared to take P obgrnph; ', u all kimle ml} . V ' Daring navigation the f press will run on Tuesday leaving Toronto at 8 Fm., l Dundalk at 7:20. and Owen on which days Owen S mud a unitary] Whom .1'.. _ m» W- Irons. bum.1m.m,lm. Toronto, .. flops“.- Dtmnsrurr T ' Owen Sound. arrive Owen s'iomul,ilepart ... 7:15 A.3r. 1:00 P.a ,DunAuf. TV " -.,.t0:0o "I 4590 " mobile"! 1. atetse..ca:40 at. 9:80 4‘ Preaching every second Sabbath in the Orange Hall, commencing at lt o'eloey mu. Rev. Mr. Kacey, of Markdale, minister. _ r“ F .....,......u u|u'l um!“ in the huge”, commencing at 2 P' M. Preaehius,r every second Sabbath in the same place, eotnracneiug at 6.30 P. M. ot- tage prayer mac-mm we”: Thumhy even- ing. than ortltu"f'w", numster.’ Sabbath 501100] every School Home, cmmuencil Prom-hing nt 11 A.3r. cvt-I m'eryalwrmte Suhbafh at Johnston, minister. D U N DALK cud URCH D1 RECTORY 1?htjidiirdij'i'"i":"i'r"( it; . w...“ my 5mm“ part of which-has Since 'bein paid. In view of the increased hazard, .owiug to trtmtimtetrbnsiness depression, the Com- pany has wisely detumxiued to puma zmumtinm n eorewrvMivu course; that the "manual-1mm has been [hafnium during the past year is shown in he trivial advance in assessments in two of the anches, and in no increase whatever in the Hamilton Branch frinu tho low rate of 1875. The necessary stops have been taken to secure a license frmu the Government in ace-only anco with the thtttttrd Art. F The "remarks -..n t ,, Al I. . I A _ - V 'e _ "iM.-"'."-. - nun-“.30 my in favor of tho mutual system of Fire Insurance should read the annual report of the Victoria Mutual for 1876, publishul in our last issue. It will be remembered that the total number of policies in foreo on the Blst December was 18,079, Insuring tlur, sum of $12,696,588, and that the total amount uf asset‘s over liabilities reuchgs; we!!! a quarter million dollm: claims m‘ the extent of 988.500 were adjusted during the your, to which may he added losses to the extent of M,ooo notified, the greater part of which-has since been paid. In wimp " u... hm» ' ' . We may the following in reference. to the Victuria Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hamilton, taken from the Journal "Lt':',',.':, ,Jncrtqduh)‘ futiiueiN tiditurii't,'a "awtuus, (i,iiii.'iiil?i.hti'; who {are hathipg Ao Titre _grutitng of Prince Arthur’s killing ttnil 1Gmlnstiiula Railway has been completed. ' llmWshrliug was aoais on 'moI’Lou- dun money market on Thursdzy. f Great eRortmaier upbq'ng nice,“ in ther. arriuis,rarat/ofthe Canada Paeifio engi- neering stuff. ' P 26658:}, V .- _ -'T'"'"'.r "W “‘ tlurNtarmp9n, .withhi Wamkm. we rim of [is th) Luigi a), d an crown k'noirked 'iri,0 kilo; Tie" ms Cl liek-lor the worst of all luck is to be a alumni, I have, or a tippler." CANADA METHODIST‘ 3hhhnth School every Sabin; 1htyu_ CRIBmW six per cent - TRAVELERS’ GUIDE This Victoria iliiaii, (some; sonny. depart“. 8:00 ENGLISH CHURCH. coma soc-m. f t ' C 7T"T" r vmmrznmm & B. Railway cmmuencing at P:80 AM. In the Steamboat Es. Tuesdays and Fridays. a n.“ ‘ “A . . . . J ‘"-'" i p.m., and nmnng at d Owen Sound at 9:30, SJund aeeomtuudation n) _ will aw. J3'Atigt.at. 1:05 Pot. 6:55 " 3:25 " 92-15 " 8:00 Am. 12:45 "Try, Iabbath, and Sabbath nftemoon Sabbath in the 6:80 an '31}: loan of - Iowa“ pot-ibis ATG.-" ... - Bo pleural. for maiden“ will happen. arror hsrthw Win all " an aloe. Woém'hinll Ida? prepaid u ma live Stock against Dun! tet my cause. " chm LIVE STOCK immediately. o'," .. _ I ' Dundalk, February 1, 1877. CUSTOM WORK, :7 f ,','_,l - JG “as; aaa' ii,): Bout, and Shoes " v.7. u ttt .. 1lfit'fiiiliitli,1 B the iery best iiiiii'nui and by BOOTS AND ssititrats, R on» a W, April lSth, 1877, 1 Duudulk. “Suitable for Men, wgmen Gil Chink-en, kept constantly on. hand, and AND BY A FIRST-CLASS ARTIST. None but the best material used, and only [good REPAIRING done with EEATNESS and DESPATCH‘ The Subscriber, thankful for past favors. would inform his Customers. a hahitants of Dumbka and surrounding country generally, that he preparsl to make to order, and of the bust material to be had, WAGG0NS', BUUGIES, , C 51501.19 AND DOUBLE. ' CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, HARROWS, ROLLERS. _ HORSE RAKES, TINWARE of eiery description at Bottom Prices! EAVETlt0t'tl MING AND R60FING A SPECIAL ITI FIRST-CLASS PLO UUHS FOR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Pos , Watmac--Asty quantity ot WOOL, WOOL-momma, Sumzmxxxs, HIDEB. he. , Little a Robertson in returning thanks to the public for the liberal patronage they have remit-0d, nuw lug: to imam than: that they are prepared to furnish everything in their line at prices mn'vr befurc hum] of. . " . "' Cook,- Parlor,. And Boat Stoves Harness, Trunks taleMEmsEn TUE At the S10v0 a “(I "In' Invaro Ennporium, STOVES AND TINWARE! INSURANCE COMPANY. Dundalk, Fubd20, 1877. Dnndnlk. an. 29, 1877. Painting Done on Short Notice b' C. LCAN‘AM‘ Dundalk Carriage Works man 0MB; “no. DEALERS IN, - cuLrrvArons, . . _ . WHEEL and anything else in the wood line required by thevcommunity at i HANBURY d Sold Cheap for Cash. . 1,000 "oluntnOI-~ ‘Vuntcd! indebted, either by Note or Prices _ lower than ever IN ENDLESS VARIETY. ' "',-. "WARD can: row. “an on nun. _ .. CHEAITER THAN EVEN AND MANUFACTURERS OF, Brushes, Whips, Etc. AN APPRENTICE WANTED. ' E PLACE-proton Street, near A LARGE STOCK " T. B. GRADY. DUNDALK. FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN‘ md Fish for Sale. ‘B9 to notify the inhabitants of Dumhlk. f,l'r,if,'i,'li;'t/ that he has openéd I'Buhhet's Shop on the corner of Ptittmt and Hdllmd SM, ite H. Man's Store, Ilium 'llMrl1't,'o'i hand Animals“ Iteirfli keep a Willi i'i'Gi',G'"" Fresh Meat; Cured Meat, , Curry Combs, Book Account, as requested to settle up Butcher Shop ROBERT GORDON, I Sui; iiGif." ', ALL KINDS OF good workmen reniimrytsd p next door to the Post Olfire. “nuns, Hume, le., le., LITTLE & ROBERTSON: N EW (lu1stontern, and the in ONTARIO the Railway Station “Hm; L‘BAIEROWS, tt at large. 15 TORONTO :NEIL MeAULAY. N. B.--M parties in“ ,tith'thuririiru'tt't “,hlinw py'up u once. or can ‘.. ”4,. t . _ , "link-i“, Fr, Most REASONABLE Terms . f tishoind Apply at Once to All Fifties wishing to puck!“ . TAKE NOTICE goods. All som'ot Building 'rnreirr,rpiii'itti'i, Oils. do This line will be found COMPLETE. Having impeded my Ten fron New Yuk l . am in a position to offer them at current wholeme prim-n. Splendid Raisins $1.25 per Box Boots and Shoes. A Large Stock of Ladies Hats ':'_'._s"s,r 2* --"""-"""".",, SPECIAL LINES " CANADIAN TWEED SUITS DRESS GOODS FROM The following few sramitle quotations will give some idea M recent Judicious purchases will warrant him in offering to t interest by givinghim an eary call and his "rtteeyecded in selecting his SPRING STOCK _ Cheapncss have never been cqulluod 4_;_-_Dry " (Goods 1 The miderstitntrttikei, more' that “Run! plenum in apprising his many Wale-d anon» and the public generally, that being Mtlicihwun of his own and their intends. he Seemed it necessary to lucute in Toronto for the past sou-ml weeks to enulnlo him to Purchase at'the IMMENSE TRADE SALES. which hnvn just mumqn'wd, where . V _ , Mi0ionsrof DulUrs' worth of First-Clams Goods have been 4,000 RUSSIANS SLAIN! Dundalk, May 16th, 1877. Bo sure ACTUALLY SLAUGHTERED ! who highest market price paid for Building Lots for and examine my stock before [Jamming elsewhere, Hardware I AR; WAR. Groceries Y THE BEST m DUNDALK, mum FtrB" READY-MADE SHIRTS for 60 cents, Splendid assortment at lowest prices. 'r"eH'ttMttts, Oils, ete., etc., etyutantly on Und, building: at 63.50 per hundred. on hand And constantly arriving. m I Lot either for 3. BUSINESS STAND. got up d Hist-class style. all kind: of turn produce in "ehnage for Dweillng Home which for Qulaity. Variety And in this Locality. of the great inducements his [phone who will consult their Sale. 100 1. Nils " HOST APPROVED KINDS. Cali ”and numbing "hiiUd by [living I: Mr mdies. BEST STYLE " THE ART is new tttttod up in th. vary but style, and or m “Gums" rum. own. "my Job Department. Possesses Grout Facilities NEW P1138538, TYPE, M. The STATION, JOB WORK “DUNDALK GUIDE.’ T H E Large Circulation Promptitude The Mice 28 COLUMN PAPgt Dundulk Ci, Hi sto, and cont-in- . vast amount of “Dnndnlk " aide " FOREIGN AND Medium for Advertisers. Aiagr7 an ‘1‘le GREATEST ENSTAGE FREE FAMILY NEWSPAPER 3311912“: MATTER MrctTe If. tltr thing all kinds of ( )pposi! " dominumvgry LOCAL NEWS, should lulnwn'l-e for the PRICE “.00 ms mm Putin Indu' iug DUNDALE, All who want: good nukes it an excellent IN ADVANCE MARKET REPORTS I. TOWNSEND THE AND THE EDrroituu with ink-gm,“ "a 'toreh tttg,,': In " and the [In ~Mlly. todo ull hud- nl “we"! Ch Mtove wants! all hit "madman: I "would! Tho undesm'ttueu. w mutual» mush-wen- an ally br the wry littoral; upo- him nine- cumm- lh-dnlk. titan to mm but of "uUnlk and " M he .5“ human! tro “I not building on Man OPPOSITE THE mlJINER AND “Inhale Watches, PM taken (at cup! “of." kin-tn. My " We me t , do nut [In-I My muuwr orders "my “uncle-I to. “In to tunic-r. Correct Builder's and IV q 'w vro " N ti, Wyo- h-ud at bl'NIDAIJL l' MUSICAL Capt-w and ' kin Chap. rhuh " All kind-s writ-Indy u " vat -muted, u lute h. A. "alumni: How the Poo, NH. ‘IIENBL‘IK T Mr": THE F d all and item 4 hum "It-clu- arm-cum.» Th - “an In nu ha "Hwy Silva “l“ Tttgt: and hunk-r " .odtiur'roo-, um, um. Fuhcill In! Sun-v ' [And I Pol-nu, l, um. "HA" ANIMALS. “in tor on, the uh at! 8 but “M «on by It“ autumn-m in.“ and! tum“... do: nun. PNt.miueat And “all. mu coin-n, [not y otkmes. .. 00. Mun-u, .. In " mum]. .atlaw, My Width“ (new) tuition“ Dun-Ink. "s nil IllMItll“ " Unn- maul (3-11 ndveatai-tt Hutu Ge hm uni " - 'wb-wt lu- M. lulu-v- u “in. Am] all had. I:- d M. TERMEE-‘I P‘T --.l.w If Bot pad , Dundalk, THE VULC At th. m. Proton - the Kuhay ICVI-r)’ BUSINESS D OWEN SUI Miss G! Dun-dull: -ttaut-illuud Aha. “I Km: Mun Dundulk MAI-rumor p, A5614) AMI-MK IDCNDA M u: Stun-n "hid, will be an! ”any " M815!“ K. I “In Earn: luau, run-cu txtsuCEtgrtsAti Ac“ auras or Am wu- dk, "a. " W AND JEW JANE RICH “If"! Itih AC " “It. MrWl of timher u hnttd w M JAM! , Ce: lace: In INS " Ptuu, nan-r KAI! Ind "

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