West Grey Digital Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 2 Aug 1877, p. 4

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AH fl '1! An r,C,tnltlt,it,tdtt: hppengdy) meet two 0 If: trnnUhiossers " the house of a lawyer, whom ho considered too chap a practitioner. The lawyer jocllluly and nngneioully pm the question "Doetor, than no members of your Arek; may I uh. do you look upon “mm as white or black sheep?” “I don? khow,” answered the divine, dryly. "whether they are Mack or thine sheep; but I know it they are hm long pique we"; pure toAtfleeeta" At ‘I'reéon' Wing; tiihieir4here win much religious interest, on old man gave expression to lip joy by shouting, and con. tinued it until " bow " interrupt tu,, services. Brother H---- said to Brother w---, "Go and stopthat old man‘s noise." He went to him nnd spoke a few words, And the shoutir-tratqme9tatru'et, Brother W-----, asked Brother W---, "What did you any to the old man that quiet“! luau tio.tiFq'ptlp ?"Btolxer Mi----' replied. " “foam fora dollar for foreign missions.” Sericus riots have occurred inthe Chinese quarter of Sun Frineiseo, where a mob ot hoodlum: indulged thrir anti-Celestial pro- pens'tiu by breaking into and mating the dwenings of tho Chinese. A severe fight took plane between the mob and the iroiiee,. "I. r,wttifl,r'vy-ri ’ycrpom won woundz’d and one was killed, "ro add to the disorder A Bre broke out on the PsMe Mai] docks, and spread northwud and westward for a considerable distance. de. stroying a quantity of lumber and other property. Many (Item irerddrested and chained together on the Mail dock. Buy. nether would it be wise, to preach a sermon to ' mwapaper that would nuke web I chugd As tue," bit, 1r6 may be permitted to point out to what debasing lengths Myism “mpg jgnpdg a certain than of newspapers to go." m: PRtSlm‘l' Conan ExctrrED."- At a public dinner in the country a farmer, while relating something to the company about two Chinese woman. said. “I declare they were the ugliest women I have wen anywhere." There happening to be two maiden but: "t4jh1h' no rHitrUUk beauty, ttid tnmier', who was a little misty', begun to think he had made tb mess of it, and that they would imagine he was allud- ing to them, no to put matter! straight (as ho thought). te. added, “ting pungent top" co-.-"-'. your receipt and dearest a your 03W” in the “labia information sent to tho" who forward 85 cent: in We! to the advertiument "How to b-MA",, ' , A Iaioasq A Provincinl Ptoehnation has been igmted odoting I reward of Moo for procuring tho In.“ of John Cope Milky. implieated in the maniac! Alberta Wade, he” Castleton on or about the Mth In but. 1us.ctra.B Anni]. 1htthtt.-th, Sunday morning, about nine o'clock, Mr. Andrew Orr, while walking in the vicinity of a marsh on his M ten-GAL- pot.ioe& the head of a “1111!an {vb-Sin“ old Durham bull sticking out of s bog, the body being cumqletcly eprerrd, .319» once gun the alarm to one of Mason; who JW haunt hand, and while the father kept the uni- mal's head up the non notified the other members of the family md neighbors. In I few moment. n number of neighbors u- rivodw‘nhro '.an4ntueudthemtots, um. 't'dll?i,ll1r,"A2 mm... only pan. with the exception of the no... “m rot.'. "tf, elle? it??? tlurarrt An aruai .iir'irih, very ill laid to his physicim: "Doetor, I'll give youa hundred dollars tf yoilt keep me alive mother year." To which the, doctor le- plied; "I don't think I could do it for that but rll undertake it it“ hundred." "No.r"erelaimed the miner; “That's too much I‘d). tiitthpn ho rite." And “Mai? l. HIT??? Ctr. _ f A, A gentleman m1led. lust week " . Inge .tationer's to order some notepaper with I heading. On being sham Mons designs, monogram. an. "No," he said, "I want numbing nipple! ittst . gay", _mch n a forget ttdtA.GAG, and!“ itaa hi“ ly be more suitable " a young lady." "I know what I want," wasthe prompt reply; “I‘m a tailor. aaB-the - him my Tho Toronto Telegram says t-"Sorms Yodjsll nun-punts In tttt-tiVthrow upon the Premier the responsibility for the (hang: Lryayesjy Montreal and the conse- pany' 00%? 39$be "Wir "ismitit sud in n few minutes both farmer and ladies had vaninhed. questl im"'.airirrtrtiLiii -.riiiiit iii7iL helped her husband to nine seventy not“ of who“. The why aha helped himwn to "and: that”? nnlrAetustrtrematMtt' when he tat down to rent. customer: quest was held: At n Bundny .ehooitrtmeher ' a mu. boy unem.ms .. -eatrion "sowing tans" meant. “Comb I do"uid he,pullimr I put of his #911513" round in front, "thrrre'si tear my in: sewed; I taxed it when I In. sliding down hill." exertion. By the thne Cw iAmsir'Ni safely landed, those who had been 0113:de in ”pining were conga-d M, the black slimy soil of the mush. Ind looked more like Indians fitted out forth. w-pnlh than mything else that could himngirml. The nnimnl was . very valuable one, md had it mtyee mm, Orr mm median); Aman ot " “than! orithr, out l','llQtitt,,l't?i., {vi "u' 3:13de ungdii: "mm a woman ban the trial t Bu the wow more patience , Not t Mt --only Aha has lunched, tad the min u, mind And no duo can“ out have obi-ind " an: {up} r'ane-ths> -iaui1ldr2iuLuvi'ijiii'iiii" Hon-wry. muons bAr'ba, at "rh'eta'ra'itu" d Preaching every second Sabbath in the Orange Hall, commencing at 8 o'clock Pm. Rev. Mr. Rites". of Mmkdale, minister. l We learn tom the M. John Nun of the 1 18th that the books of the Relief Committee (, on that day showed that tppliutionl from ', 2,900 persons hid been received. The” ro-' (iiiit't some 14,000 individuaU. Tho food department runs itselfnow, no “calla!“ In 1 the prrangements which have been and. _ under Mr. Swan's truperintamUmxr. The l furniture department has been Fwd, l but still works rather more slowly than in Ijqirnble. The crush nonnd the door has Sabbath School every, Sabbath afternoon in the Orange Hall, Commencing at 2 P. M. Preaching every second Sabbath in the same pluee, commencing at 6.30 P. n. Cot. tage prayer meeting every Thursday even- ing. Rev. C. Shaw, minister. l l Torortto, Stspart ... Dunn“. " ... Owen Sound. arrive... Irdring navigation the ssmioii Ihr tttit) run on Tuesdays and Fridays” and f oronto an; " an ARM . a. with At 7:20, and thren Sound " Etii) on 1tif,ply? Owen tr,muaeoomaGddiai) ouc- .- - --.._-i, , train ,r'iifi'iiia" - 'iiiia7r,""r'""" Winn TURY Sn or IT! A nw Facrs run THE Peorrn:.--There are lint we paparatimi of medicines which have withstand the im. rtiul judgement of the people for an great lamb of time. Una of these is Dr. 'llhmnu Eclectric Oil. Read the following and be con- viaeasd t-Thos. Huhinsnn, Farnlmrm Centre, PAY, writes, "I have beennlllictcd with rhea. matism-fal- the last ten years, and have trial! many "media withoutan 'relief, until I tried Dr. Thoimsa' Eclectric (in, and'since then have had an attack of it. I would recommend it mull.” J. ll. Earl, [Intel Keeper, West sherurd, P.Q., writes, "l have hem troubled with liver complaint for several years. and have tsied d:tremnt mrrlicnu-s with littlenr no benetit, until I tried Dr, 'l’honms' Electric (til. which gave me immediate relief, mid I woubl my that l have used it sirec with thy best Meet. No one should be without it. ll have trialittm my horses in case of cuts. wounds, gm, and think it is equal'. as guod for horn a Int man."---'. Maybee, Ith'i,1'l Warkworth, writes, “I have sold some hun. dreds of bottles of Eclectric Oil, and it is pm- hnunced by the public, 'one of the best medi- cine: they have ever used t it has done won- dnn in healing and relieving pain, can thlmtn, etc., and is worthy of the greatest eonMenee. ", Joseph Ruin. Township Percy writes, "I was persuaded to try Thomas, Ec- Itttc', Itil to: islarne ling: which trybltd me DCNDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY “warrant”. Subbnth School every Sabbath in the School House, commencing " 9:80 “I. Preaching at It A.3t. every Subbath, and ovary alternate Sabbath at 6:30 PM Mr. Johnston, minister. V Baum or 1xrrarross.--Ask far Dr. Thomaa' Electric Oil. See that the sign.- ture of S. N. Thomas is on tho wrapper, and the names of Northrop k Lyman are blown in the lmttlo, and Take no other. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price.25 eta. NORTHROP t,LWA?.i, Toronto, Outa, be this Ci fnur years, a, fh-ew: Ringing; thing like it for curing lameness. It in a great public benefit biin tgtftr, 'lelttttXiei. present: . m d . ' M This entails I eortsidertsbU expenle form age, but the improvement in the oppennneo of things is greet. The only eyesore now in the crush around the clothing de No Arrangements has yet brim which the people can be " there in an orderly fashion. A feeble at. tempt has been made to srfteet this, but tho arrang bd oivertx,wmqtFn it wee " the IIT-tlt', '1‘th instruct very forcibly by the number of people who are complaining ubout having received nothing but rags. Many persons, by apply'nt No. Gen. Warner and other: in tusthoritr,hive had their e1othaytietiiptiiruipre d U hotter quality, Ind mam? hive put in a second or third application, been revisited, and secured supplementary orders. The temporary tenement houses which have been erected on Queen-square are well planned, combining the mat iroasibU'iroit" fort for the money Each family bu one fair. sized room, with a thte in one can , end a window Ind door in front. 'T rorartMook watertight, and will be very comfortable when warmed by a stove. Proprietors for the DoAiiia Soot " A Matuntr.--'to strong ' Lt:.,):.'"',', plants, such " pelnrgoniums hsiss, roses, esrnationa, chrysanthe- mums. azaleas, solanums, and many others, soot is a valuable and easily obtained . u- lant. A handthrrx.rit titthin abetting stirred in a ' gailon ch: bf Vlad, httti, , msrvelous effect on all the plants just binned. and on many others beside. It in. duces vigorous growth, and adds freshness and substance to both leaf and ftomyr, It is bett at to use it in small quantities and often, rather than charge the compost with more carbon than the plants ~cn.n resdily assimilate. Fertile pore rsaNaastgapwers, eiqrodiilly ititro'mdrhAa "pats, 'uixtabt, with fresh manure from the cow-shed is desirable, but this mixture should he allow. ed to settle before using, otherwise the grassy particles will remain on the surface uf tho pots, and while giving them an un- sightly appearance, exclude that free scra- tion whigh all healthr.roots require: 7 I John P'leite,Jyueyaitzpurielwrho Were eharged. witli hing whammy to. let death, but who were subsequently tried and acquitted. An inquest was held by Corner Easton, and a verdict of "found drowned" rendered. A body much iticinposetl '. Gui foam! near Johnstown on Wednesday 'torsisg, and was at once identified by the clothing as that of Catherine 1" ell Thompson, who was drowned on the first day of March last while crossing over to Ogdensburg on the ieo. It may be remembered that at the time she was followed by two young men, Considerable damage has been done by grasshoppers to tho grape in the northern martian of the county of Hastings. ' tioi--Eelergric-seuctcil and Electriudl CANADA XETHODIST‘ ENGLISH CHURCH. come msrmt? . ' F 3.00 n. 12:45 v) #95111. 6:56 " We m, be trl, m . tu 332;: Dun rom 1,tstt Me l lowest pouiblo at“. l Be mowed. for 'usm'imitrwillummr. use: 1m. “In” any, stir/mar/ b BOOTS_AZND SHOES, CUSTOM WORK, ' T Dundalk. _ Dundalk Carriage Works. 1e,?ei.t,oot'tg in returning 'ths rowive norftreg th info? than t line at prices never before card of. REPAIRING done with NEATNESS and DESPATCH. Painting Done ma Short Notice, AND, BY A Frrtsnr-cLitis ARTIST. None but the best materiel used, end only good workmen employed WAGGONSt BUGGIES. tM ”Hadrian e TIE-Mums rig): Ikrmdiutieture did "tkits in WC- o.t Grey and Bruce is hold by us, And we are determined that no infringement of our right shall u permitted. We also continue to nuke the well known Ind now thorough- ly tested ha I Single Bower, Single Mower and ?,tlft',1 Machine.. Teltiqtqninlg I“?! the mu*tisiui)g 'sr,t'llirlJt7','ls', be fu,rtolytil 'ttt.dtp1ie"itit V TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices l, EAVETROUGHIN G AND ROOFING A SPECIALITY. FIRST-CLASS ,PLoUGHs rott Sam: CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post mace. MUsrEo:--Any quantity ot WOOL, 17ooL-rrcttmas, 8mrrrrsnamr, Hrors, M. , ke., The Subscriber. thankful for past favors, Would inform his Customers. and the in habimnts of Dundalk and surrounding country gone wally, that he is prepared to ma he to order, and of the best material to be ud, "(."5t't'0qtir",_'eecyf, " {15!}.1 i. quraimiato'turnoutth-Boetandmnaihine-hitrhetutb-de,eCty Give your orders early to W. L. Marshall, Dundalk, Agent At the Stove and Tinxvare IEnlporilun, DUNDALK. . '" . _,,y,'tiirtjrl,tjl,ieitTsPi,h,:f,l-i STOVES. AND TINWARE! REAPERS AND MUWERS. LIVE STOCK Ali e.rt.ilni'inatrud, "eithie by '13“. or Mk Mom. in rcqpojed‘o settle "i 1htrrV Am uh. 1m. _ _,"" _ "m6 - "If , . l Cl . v .iL v'U.i M. 3 Suitable for Man; Women and Children KWHtEME.UBER THE Dundalk, Feb. M, 1877. "biri'iriiiiydfrhii"rl2jrs'iit)sr" ",r:f,uiiir"',"" T Harness, Trunks, bum, February 1, 1377. Dundalk, Jan. 29, 1877, Por Proton Brad Melancthon, or to MB. JAMES NICKLE, Travelling Agent. , '3 T at... a a..0ocmaNz. Durham, May 8rd, 1877, T. HANBURY & BRO Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves INSURANCE ’CQMPANY. an» oir'iar,' 'etttdniio.' f' . CU LTIVATORS. WHEELBARROWS, and anything else in the wood line required by the community " large. DEALERS IN, AND MANUFACTURERS OF, ALL KINDS OF 'd, VAN“)! m 5.3m?! Tooo. ’Volunteers TTinted.' either for harness or in Boota bud Shoes, nude of the no; beat Mnterinl und- for Men, Women and Children, kept oonrtantly on land, and Bold Cheap for Cash. . Prices lower than ever Brushes, Whips, Etc. Iéghtoct, 553mm; tnd @th dght, the U r538“: GHEAP FOR can on runs. m ANQ, ou I 'c?Riflflyl'i', " CHEAPER THAN EVER! AN" APPRENTICE WANTED. IN END LESS VARIETY, it in: Jun A LARGE STOCK OF _ ' HS, ' , s, w Tsm l , ROLL“, iY3, [Sill-u. txwgi'ORSE RAKE 1877! . B. GRADY. to the public for the liberal patronage they have 'they are prepared to furnish everything in their FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. vFresh ~mm, Cured Meat, "giaruhtiriuu'"r'oia m . on... F t-tu"ttring1atqusntitun. Tan-uh. ' Dtmdalk,AtmTa2,gmT. an (lte on tii 'thi'. i(,tiiiii"'iii,5i'ii'ii 2arl'it ”maze...“ Butcher Shop. ROBERT GORDON, to unify the inhabitants of Dundllk, iesinity . ,hthohuopaudlhuw .011 the 't.orer ofPputtrt 9nd Haiku; Street. new the Railway Shuion, IdTTW. b 1UPEw2si?li. NEW ONTARIO ARCHIVES T TORONTO Combs, tld n14 '"'-"r"'u"n-rtttttuirr---isr.,-- will beinmtreu. Dtusdaik,hn.,- It" Most REASONABLE Terms, AllPu-h'u wiahing topumhuo Ila . crforaDwd 'fhth1'uitrdg, Dundalk, J an 27, 1877, TO PURCHASE THE BEST Reapers, Mowers, Sulky Rakes, 11113174114114 TERDIS DIFFERED. 'i1ylcKlliil NOTICE. 1,000 FARMERS WANTED Trimming -= â€" - '?f,"H, as: "irr “if tli! " , 'tf; 'r an”: .25“: srl,).?,', i D [iii iilj't'tt EEEE Ladies' Hats and Bonnets B'lh'ing along your Cash. Butter and Eggs. An impaction of our goods respect- fully solicited. “an , ", .. -__ m- G. B, MIDDLETON. New Goods, New PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, Dundalk, Mly 81, 1877. Reapers and EIowers Started jiCa,s,ttjl, si,s_ii-ii"i(i'r.ii.ii'i' a a ty ir.:l,y',ii'i),i'is'rii'l'. V"" "rt' '_' *9 3.9g til a 5 , tiitli'-iiiilj!iii',i', Dundnlk. J arte o, 1877, WALL PAPER TORONTO HOUSE. Building : " PUFF OR BLOW!" u of the Infant designs on Und Cheaper than the Cheapest. and Ready-Blade Cf1othiaur, A Largo Stock of Should Apply at Once to and extramely low prim asked. &stiUaetinn guBranteod, " Repairs of all kinds kept on hand done on the premises to suit every taste. I? Old mu 5nd ng Bonnets made to look as good u now. OOP. TEAS STILL Tm THE LEAD. THE BEST sir DUNDALK, which we offer at very close prices. We do not and all kind: of Implements used on the hm. in the latest New York Styles, at the We have now on bind I Luge Stock of A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CALL AND SEE THEM. Thrashing Machines, Gang Plough, W. L. MARSHALL, Agent, Dundglk. bat we sell goods ON THE $17 American Rubber Paint, the best paint in the world. McAUIJAY. "rii"ii'.rii"fi'""",'.r"" Luigi 5 . ’ (rii,':l,t,i'ij, 35 asigzg 1: ll irc'),!, >28 <t D a 5552?; in E. BROWNE [0" APPROVED KINDS. a... 4w whim-“idea by km It“: 'iedsm. in now ilittrd up in the wry but 'stru, and BEST STYLE or THE ART Job Department. or n: "tMmm" mun“ m. mum ran Large Circulation Pom Mindmiu Miss (3011 . Woman imam " 001.17!!! PAPER *Dnndulk G aide - also“. "an“: of int-Mm: “DUNDALK GUIDE,’ FOREIGN AND l)undulk G aid " The STATION, Medium for Advertisers . JOB WORK READING KLTTBR‘ Promptitude FAMILY NEWSPAPER 31081168 FREE. an “an; GREATEST should mb-m'bo tur an WOIiii. PM 01.00 In Ann: [or doing a! kind: of ()ppo~i tey mks. it u “coll-m ”vino-mum dmsaitttumr.e MABEEY REPORTS, autumn DUNDAIJK, IN ADVANCE. THE THE EDITORIA " I. 'lll much m and thr pub I» do nll " All Huh “I un eottrttsutly on ho Builder's and Cont: Af D'I‘I( ui I'lceu " M the some. H MILLIN I Correct Ti OPPOSITE THI Watches. cr MUSICAL tPimt. all “We bunt q inn-mt” I wlm The. uni-cm 'trt: ahc. ' NI RATES OF ADVERT M“ d Inn-mm card, Unlinuy l (II-Id... nad (we of alum tutr column _ In aoumrt, Athena by written uterus-I m alu- nun. Pl " work warrant: '" “new M odvertu “I: for the tin-t u (at out Mum-I In. AMA-mu 1 K' my Fed BE M E M ll r, It oPt'os1Tr'. Tilt - call and M mm “BUSH-Cl prr you in 00.01.“ If nut. paid mum w Dundalk, - -' At the 0.09, My. Much - the “lily Pun-m THE VULCAN W1 l'IVa-ry 'rn u Marriage tkrtiiictst Llcenses. BUSINESS DIRE IOIJXH co "roauk OWEN Dundalk, M low " Mutant! y ‘llllCr tiT'ttA Y ANI M Al in nd MAL Amy“ Dmvlull " Mars Axum; Notice to MN Nttct which I M h until all-n. per JAMI flit!“ M , " INSTRU . rum M M H the P JOHN an I" nn,

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