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Dundalk Guide (1877), 30 Aug 1877, p. 3

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3m whammy: I “and M M Mis. celltuteoua. sur. President. um! $tr. Manager, " the Grind ad in interview It “on- mm Rith “on. Hugh . “trident. and M.. d munch“ the (but [our Mons In various - riug. tvgodnr with :s and many of tho The Marni...” A e harmony to brars. A: tb make to twins UI pm. of tho ori- " to sing th. Pub trike in immimt h [annihilm Uni-n ." the mun" All "Y Friday. ten thow h- nu the mils. It. s: twin: [IBM I n Putt M uawry of Alt-mt, “I. l” mu the Grd 'r.ON. beuunx. wldeh my“ vacuum] It Ann“. ”my.“ “main I. - Jan {Ht votk eed of Donald Mo. of Bum Township. residuum a Tins st. brand was q of Bruce County. nby, Primitive mmt [>an KM and" in M‘s}; nape-dbl. ml. he has col- id " th rawrit nil-lent M lisp: it b 1135:;le n. dedieated a bu. sold 31385 . h ticld, hm h , Ont. In. 4...,” .ultum M of h Fruity night " hon for “out Ln Globe West no 1.. [main much- " the volmno greater “In rate. um line of [inn ‘k to A in. in and he died kl Indu- Mills mt Jen from ' bundled dom inutiv. Mets.. tlle 1“er In. in the LD~ employer- mamll. on the who n in Poland iq mee {an a. l Whit“ t Barrie y Brida- a "y. it in gar mix-u. City m hum, bu been ottt huh-I . I Dtanhirt My. P. instance of co on tho " thrown , Stat... positivo of hub... strike " «want. to their :1. rut Undpl one. u. 'm M been the M which Car Ind m have . rnspu' yak rhu A Fred Inn-r OI“ Hu. H "ed " It t, Ml In. Witrti-- Notice is - given that the Partnership horeMm sub-inn between us. the under. uigned a T,',','.",','] Agents. has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to tho mid partnership are to be paid to A. 6. HcsTrm. at Dundalk, and all claims against the said partnership no to he presented to the said A. G. Hump by whom the sauna will be nettled. "rsated" at Dundalk this sad: day of August. A. lh 1877. . Turnipn. fer bush Hay. per ton...... Fire and Life Ina-um». Money, Loan and hemnl Agent, Main Street. Dundalk. Full Wheat. per bush ...... Spring Wheat " ...... Barley. " ...... Oats. " ...... Peas, " ...... Dressed Hogs. per 100 lbs Butter, rolls, per lb......... " tub dairy... Em.perdm...... Kongo“. '"t bog MOUNT FOREST MARKETS Coefederote omee, August 14, l Flour per barrel.......-.-" go t: than“! per barrel............ 7 00 ts Fall Wheat...............-..... l 00 t, Treadwell WI-............... l 00 h Spring wheat.................... " (I) n Barley......4...................... o 40 h 1 my... Sheep Limb Hides Hay " W Berlin-First Thursday in each month. i'muuptou-- First Thursduyiu each month. Lutowu--.h'ir.st Friday in and: mouth. Mount Purest-Third Wednesday in each mouth. Durham-T-day before Mount Forest. k'ergus--Tltursdny following Mouut Forest. lla-r-Monday horn": Durham. ttot-ut-dot-tsth " Fotrruary, April, June. August, Odour And December. Primrose -__ Wednesday preceding the 1rraugeville Fair. d9rangerilhr--Tho gud That-why in each muuth. Marseille-tl-a “'edncsda, in etch month. A'urk, per 'll Huh-s .. ......_ 2ihoepskius each yum: pg lb..... 0an park, W. a n! Wool Hay per ton Al'ulghes per Guelph- Fist Wednesday in one]: month. iiarruton--Fridny before the Guelph fair. Drayton-Saturday before Guelph. Elora--'rhe day before Guelph. 1htugUs- Mummy befoe Eluru Pair. Htuuiltou--Crystal I’lluto Grounds, the day uler Guelph. Berlin --h'ir,t Thursday in each month. "rauupbur-- First Thumdnyiu with month. Lurtowcl--h'irst Frida, in can]: mouth. Mount Forest-Third Wednesday in each Elma. per loo, lbs at mill " (on: Meal Shana, NEW ADVERTISMENTS. “mud J. W. Mono T, hlccatnar.-.Ia Proton. on the 24th inst., Thomu McCuuley, Br., get] 58 years 3U"sua.-N Mukdab. on the 20th inst. Thou-u Juan. only son of Mr. Thuum McNen; aged " months. 1uamaa..--At the residence of be: parents. in Uhnelg. “joining 1larkdale, on the 22nd ima., Lucinda Mirriam, eldest daughter: of Mr. Samuel Cave“; Aged 2 years and 4 months. 'ttm-roms.---" Owen Sound. on the 23rd inst. Harry, infant son of Mr. John Rutherford. aged 5 months and 5 days. Pm"s.-h, Thombury,on Satunlxw. Ana. the Nth. the wife of John Pitman, aged Pd yum. l-Iumroxvln Euphnsi. on Wednesday August the 15th, John Ellistun aged 87 years. t V __ ,1,“ atrsaa-.--At his residence on the gravel road in L"olljmpeootW'omttshiir, on the ant ime., itoU.rt Mtlligau, aged 58 years. Cnas..--r. Muluhb. on the 23rd inst, the wife of Mr. James Craig, weaver, of I all. A Pittsburg piper announces the orgaui- tation of . nay-brim” secret order called the Universal Brotherhood. It in com. posed oi iaboumru,.meehaaua, and funnel-I, hiya“, deem pro-churn, politicians. oftieelsolthsm, lantern. bondholden. and speculhwn are rigidly excluded. No mu in “mined to membenslsip who u not on- gaged in some aetivo industry involving 1mm] labor. Tho order shady numbers thousands, and will loan be organized in every Inn] in Pittsburg. Tu object in to unite the labouring classes of every grade and ”denim in . common intend throughout the Unit, d States. hummus per 'utter........ "omc--N Dundalk,nn Aug. 25th.:herwif; of Mr. Wm. Irons of I daughter. CABIN-In Proton, on the gist inst., tho wife of Mr Thoma (Susan of a Ion. mcrt.--on the an int. the wife oer. William Hieha of a daughter. Ganar.--on the 19th inst" the wife of Mr. John My, Egremont. of I (bunker. Haa..--u Mai-isle. on the 19th inst., the fife of Mr. Solomon Hill of n daugh- tutors--:irtrtsoss.--on wid,, til Wheat per bush wing Wheat .. . C dry, per curd of Dunalk,u the residenceuf Mr. John Burnt. the Linda's hrutlwr-in- law, Mr. Jame- Bmwu, Clerk of the Municigdity of Melnuethon, to Miss Susan Fatima. 11011-110; Eu, 'rH---1'ososs.--On Wednr,alay, the um] tangent. by_the Rev. Mr. Shaw, GEORGE RUTHERFORD, per 1b.. skins... Shins... per an MUN Till, Y CATTLE FAIRS. DCNDALK MARKETS. human. August 16. 1877 TORONTO MARKETS. Toms'ro. August M, NOTICE. " GEO. RUTHERFORD. A. G. HUNTER. MARRIED. BIRTHS DIED, tl 15 o ll 0 o W, 54) to 7 m 7 m to 7 on I on to 1 10 l 00 to l o,5 u no to o m 0 40 to n 50 o an to o M u no to a m l 25 to " oo o 15 to o " o 10 to " m 0 gt) to " 27 o 20 to o 50 0 M to 0 50 5 GO to 6 m 7 on to u no " ft o " oo to 00 to " to 60 to 18 to 03 to 60 to M to tit? to 00 to 23 to 18 to 50 to (I) to GO to II) to otl to 00 to 4" to 17 to g3to 50 th) tht Ott tO 40 30 oo to to to to to 1877 MI 1877. " 18 l 03 6t 85 1800 0 35 " 50 " M I" 00 I) 60 12 oo 6 oo 5 00 1 III o IN 0 13 l 50 60 00 m (I , 25 B l 50 5tt ()1) 00 'io ill) 00 M 50 on him par-lino- Owen Sound Street. near the STATION. . . . Dnndllk. Apples by the Peck. Begs to inform the inhabitants of Dunddk and vicinity that he has on hum and for “In 1 tine "och of “Spec“! attention paid to the Dispensing of Physicians'Prescriptions AND FAMILY RECIPES. Dundalk, June go, 1877, Drugs. Chemicals, Paints, Dye B, Patent Medicines, and Proprietary Articles which he sells at Toronto prices. Engage went and Wedding Rings B speeiahty Goods to select from sent on applieatiou. v30 E. D. WiLCOX. . ' Doors open at 7 o‘cluck. Performance at hrh1tri0ALE, I d n'clock. Admission, M Cents. Would cull the nttentmn of the public of tcrs"'lhrntemher the day and date, Thnrs. Dumhdk. and surrounding country, to the dar, uvtmuirvr'1'o'th, 1877. tact that he kc vps constantly on hand a . . . , largo Stuck of GOO SAVE THE QLLEN. DUNDALK Medical Hall ! WATCHES, (Louis. and JEWELLERY Those wanting tirlctasi, Boots& tk'hoes,should call and give me their order, which I purpose filling with the best material the market can prim-we, and an all work In got up under my uwu snlmn'isinn, I have not the least hemta. tion in saving that entire aatusfaetion will be given. All work warranted. Ladies' and Gents' Sewed and Pegged Calf Boots, A yil'riCrALlTY. E. D. WILCOX, All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Hunt: and Shnos. Remember the place, Corner of Main and Queen Strvcts, Dumlalk. Can’t see 'em anywhere else Ame style. He in making them for 37 a pair (eaah)--real beauties. the cheapest I ever saw. Say. young mam where did pm get those Sen/ml I‘m-tn ya: have on t Why, I gut them AT MUIUUHV‘S SHUESUUI’, in lmndnlk! I have a number of good Farms for sale, on any tcrms. Send your address and get my catalogue and prices, or call at the Farmers, and Mechanics' Luau. Land, and General Agency Ottice, Dundalk. A. G. HUNTER, One door South of thn AnglmAmerican Hotel, To six days of the Week Bard Labour, IN A SHOP: SHOP! Mr. P. WHITTLE! Dundlah, Feb. 23. 1877, Impounded. on the premises of the "Mum, nu Thursday, 30th inst, . Inna“ black Sow. The nuncr In requested to pay "pen-ea. or otherwise the pig Will be told to the highut bidder on Tuesday next, the 4th of September, at two o'clock p. m. FLOUR. NUTS. " " H'l.‘ It 150191 VEI). A AR G13 sC$iBtiBC9iEtCI?BE3Fryia? COE" GRASS SCYTHES, SNATHS, RAKES, SCYTHE STONES, FORKS, 800 A1450, I f-cs-iv), _ 'v,?,cr, 1 l, Iflififlffiflgmgg J "cis-ll-tlc',",);',?::] 1le's7 . g 's'ii'iiii,_i_ioc,_,_,-_,ii-',_-,_'i_.ses-._,_ ci;ii':iii)i'i/"i?itii" Dundalk, Aug. 30, 1877, of the chuicen quality, at lowest prices, Dundalk. Aug. M, 1877 J AMES L. REID, Poundkeeper. Dundan , Aug. 30, I877. alll SENTENCED! FA , Also that he has opened new Refreshment Rooms, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONEBY, LEMONS, TOM ATOES, SUMMER DRINKS. Good Family Flour for sale, Pig Impounded. FLOUR, MEAL, SALT and BACON sold for Cash only, Farms for Sale, A constant supply of J. w. M0RROW, 1,025 Best Cured " 118']? RISCICI y3l HARVESTV TOOLS .12 of which will be sold at low prices. Call and examine stock. Twelve Thousand Dollar, of Privru Funds to Loam in sums to suit applicauu, at a low rate of intend, on good Mortgage Security. Apply to JAMES LAMON, Altamoy-It-hw. Dundalk, July 26, 1877. 20.tt L-m; i'iaos,ruetrG. Ad Ireat, MohTItEAL NOVELTY CO., Mantra .1, Vue. '23-y. All Grades of Hour constantly for Sale at the DUNDALK GRIST MILL. Alla Corn Mad, Shorts, Bran, ke., at low prices. for Sale. J. J. MIDDLETON. AxnITaGi,F PG. Writes with-cult] L I'.'.".': W: er. No Ink re wired. Lasts one year. A l, li ILLIAM HERON ['trleet.gttn; see' P, e,tee-,-,t,tt.',,,i,1r, :-5 Maxwell, April 12, m7. an,“ And concluding with Mr. G. W. Collins' original and side-splitting Fairer. Also the following well-selected Artists, whose names are n household word in every Town in the Dominion, have been engaged to uppt-nr on this occasion. The acknowledged Queen of Scrio-cumic Slums. READ, LOOK, AND GAZE l, The Greatest of all the Teutonic celebrities in the profession, as he in the must humorous and eetvutrieally original Dutch Comedian) of the mgr. GROWN". Ll-IHOL'X will be assisted by his brother, ALBERT LEROL'X. In their Daring Gymnastic Feats! The porfurmmwo will cunmu-nm- with the laughable sketeh entitled MR. GEORGE LEROL'X. of Dundalk, wishes to ummum-e to the public in general that he intends giving um: Grand Enter- tainment in the Schtml Home previous to his departure for spam, and on which oc- easiou The Musical Woudvr of the 19th Century, togvtlu-r with Masks. GEORGE CV ALBERT LEROUX. Thursday, September 13th, "77 The great North of Ireland Comedian. in his own peculiar line of Business. has met with the grcutvxt success wherever he has appeared. MUSICAL d; VAUDEVILLE Entertainment ! The Event of 1877 Dundalk. August 22, 1877, In.“ ofExUurted Vitality. Prcnmure Decllne, New“; wglghyslql Dft8,iitrtty! Illa yylltet concomitant illslund untold GGiis that result thervtrom,snd conning more than 50orir,iual pre- krlgl‘an. at? nnr of which is worth the price of the it. " book was written by the most tx- trnsh'c Ind probably the no“ lkllful practiU9rter in Ameries,to whom was awarded a gold andjrw- riled medal by the National Medical Associuinn. A Pamphlet. illustrated with the very finest Steel Fi1gt"2'f'c,t mur- Tel of m In besutr- um nu to Ill. Send . mr it It once. Addrcu PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, be. 4 BuLT HYSELF Inch tit.. Boston, Mun. By tending md trruetieintt the invuimnble truths com (aim-d In the best medical boot rvcr luuod. entitled SELF-PRESERVATION T HYSELFI’rin only " Smithy mail on receipt of price. It gum orEx1yay.stsl v.ititP.r.,. Promer.e DT!ipe, GaGi.,Yaia,GiLi. Military Orders, School House, Dundalk, Flour ! Flour ! A Grand Musical 0lio, FIFTY BARRELS OF NUMBER ONE HE WOULD unrivalled Song and Dam-o Artist, and ul of Terpsichorean art, strength and agility of tnotion and lemme louscness of limb and siuew. MISS STELLA KEWTOX. $12,000.00. PROF. HARRY LUBAH, Mil. 110BT, MII. Cl. W. COLLINS, MR. J. H. STRUH‘, Will be given in the Cf {x 1 I I ). To be followed by A G HAND 11E TRIMBLE, A DAY selling the AN ACTOR 'le d3" Radiance and odieer-Nrzt the Photograph Gallery, Duudalk. a A few choice Farms for Sale. MONEY TO LOAN at Eight per cent! The highest Market Price in cash paid for Wool. Conveyancer, etc. ote., any quantity of Wool left at his Mills. Also that he has in St " lt Largo quantity of Cloths, Satineta, Flarmels, Blankets. Stocking Yarn, etc. which will be sold very Low for Cash, or given in exchange for The Subscriber wishes to intimate to tlu, inhabitants of Osprey, um] surrounding Townships, that he is prepared to manu- facture into all kinds of Leads, the onward movement forward in his motto. and he now thugs his banner to the breeze, notifving the iuhabitants of Proton, and surrounding Townships, that he has purchased the (‘nrding and Fulliug Ma- chinery formerly owned by Mr. J. J. Middleton, and has fitted them up in tirst. class style, and is now ready for Roll Curd- ing and Cloth Dressing, and hopes by strict attention to business and good work, to merit a share of pulrlie patronage. Hav- ing had an experience of over twenty.tive years he has no hesitation in tutyinur that all work shall be warranted according to quality. The following gentlemen can testify to his ability as a workman) in the past: Mr. ll. Graham, Merchant, Dun- Glk; Mr. J. Agnew, Councillor, New Sur- vey; Mr. W. 1Ioskinson, Now Sm vey; Mr. J. Nixon, New Survey. Those from a distanee calling early in the morning will get their rolls home with them the same day, Woot, TAKEN IN EXCHANGE Fun Goons or in payment for work. cafl'o parties coming a distance to get Roll Cardin" done, we will do our best to give them their wurk home with them. Fall-Cloths, Tweedx, Flaunwla, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Filling Yarn. (in, Fleshertou, June 20, 1577 Osprey WOOLLEN MILLS, NONE BUT h'XPEPdENCED WURKMEN EMPLOYED. which will be sold at moderate prices. Call and examine. . JAMES mm. mm Dundalk, May 23, 1877. I (Sloth ])1'ossing‘! Wool Carding -AND-- Cflot ll " rossing‘. The subscribers beg to inform the inhabitants uf South Grey that they are prepared to exe- cute all orders in Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing, Woolen Factory. REAL ESTATE SECURITY, in mum to Inuit borrowers. Apply to ' . JOHN McDOWELL, Dundalk or ta Menu-I. Lauder a Proctor, Toronto.at.. Dundalk. June b'. 1877. cm Toronto. Money to Loan! Cloth, Satinets, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, SEVERAL THOUSAND DOL- LABS TO LOAN TF" . Pi lu' 414.51 AN" PROCLAMATION! LANDS BOUGHT AN D SOLD, JAMES McM. REID We have on hand a large stock of ‘V()( tru. in tirist.elaas style, FLESIIERTON MAXWELL J. & N. CAMPBELL, --ASD-- AND fin-‘2] 17.tf. d: sire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and mocusfullv using. Sent by return mail by addrsuug with stamp, naming this piper. " .. ......-...... _-_'" I . I); C. STEVENS, , JOHN xonvA: ML my Box 80, BMW”, OST., mam Wham, 1877. .43 l As or n Prrv._rt'rAs, retired from active prac- tice, hm lug had plnced in his hands Irv an EM! lndin Minionnry the formula of I Vegetable RoIMdy for the apes-1y and perm-neat cure of Cortmtmption, Asthma, Broneh ills. Calarrh and all Throat and Lung Affections: also a Punitive and Radical Care forNervoas Debility And all Kerwin Complaintn. Uter having thoroughly tested its Wonderful cura- tive power': in thousands of cases, ferO it his duty to make it known to his sulfur-ins: fel. loss. Actu’ted by this motive and n can- ncienliou- desire to relieve human sulfering. he will senl FREE OF CHARGE. to dl who Orders maimed. .arAll orders prmnptlyscnt for all kinds of ISII'LEMENTS.TI 8AW and ”HIST M I LI, M Al 'HINEIH' of tsll description". General purpme Ploughs of the best kuulx to be had. HANG PLUUHHS. Wrought iroa or Wooden Fume, " on next you'- terms, or at a reduction it ('ash he pawl this Winter. Harnes- of all kind. l Waggon" and Sicighs, the celebrated len'idgc Organs, Sewing Mackinaw, Tomb hitonea, etc” of all kinda, Awarded the International Medal and Diplnmn for bait Wood Sawing Machine It the (Centennial Exhibition. Pluladulphia; also First. Prize at Hamilton. Guelph, And " ali the County Show Fairs wherever shown. Call and get Price List from MONL'YmFarmers wishing tn obtain Money cannot do ___,.., .._ _..-- LANDS. -_1 beqleav, to Farmers and other, who wnnt to borrow munev can have it It from 8 to 8. per out on the Simple Interest principle. the borrower having the right to pay oifhits Mortgage at my time without extra expense or advance iutereat. Business private and eontidenttul. Urncnmnne door South of the Anglo-American Hotel, All kinds of property Insured in Good Companies " low Inca. Farm PM, “and agaiast Fire and Lightning for 3 yarn It 75 cents on the “(It CONSUMPTION CURED. . "riinrruii.eas xtr=rpiiiiiiii, mm: a. an " arm mm a“. m been um ot ham for ghoul In yum. I "upland In“ at hm: aileron: down. od Mon- deHnu,wllhmu urchin] 1'l,'ur'ff/lt'f 'tth but unnunuod nun: to new rum. nu but nu III- M noun-um tmd n m be ammo to do I. mun '0'. n a “an. "Maven mum-n um pun undo: ttte than“. Nada-M Ihrouh the maniac". rub Vory up. but.“ a henna In my mm lang u llwulll than wu- . "an [nun-uh an". mu. mnunuu dvoym in m mun-l humi. aaa, .31; vGihafiiriaGi%ururrGra 1o1mypeys Pr'm Yeh 're I" sol-MI.- m} PPV 1rti,ii:..1. may: ikiCialir cauirfiiaiurTGrGiiraV Pellet, Jeur, Pf., 911-" I! Ivor-‘3'” and “in pun: Ind [no me n mum-A ”mun-I the! hi . four hunk! I in "lull-d lo hullh‘ lo " " in sun to min" but: Ind "manned than luck I. do) a. n4 clam-u baasd.atartaivts In". hon WI). moon. My nanny I nun-nu not“? 001‘ .m the an o( you: "'"""""'tlt mil-Ii . ._.. tfl, W teu., -_...l!.1VfEu'lq , - - -e_eee ----ev -e'V'. -, .._ -_..-_ .. -.__......_ 0mm mug. Pun J? mum. M In Lap, t In inning: hm: Munoz. at. Ann-um. P. 0.1.7:. H.103. In. T. J. B. HARDING. Dun Bt.,-) dulmu “at olhcn Ely Inn-m tP1nr/19t "rr.", ot )nur ceyr.tTvr.torst. CATAII! Bil; ulna ot th. mmu o! '"ur Conn-tynnnL Cinn- Bai. lnv. 1w,itty.ier"rP yuu Ttyt I] p... done luring u- H mo Ttarg' Dundalk Insurance and Leaning August 22, 1877, Duudalk, August 30th, 1877 W. Marshall, Agent, Dundalk. Farmers and Mechanics' Dundalk, August 30, 1877, Conveyancing done with neatness and despatch. A. G. HUNTER. )1 _ armem wmnng to uhtmn Money cannot do better than to all " the Farmer- Iml Meehanics' Agency nuw established in the town of Dunddk. when you cm not MONEY at a reduced rate of Interest, on W'l‘enm tn suit yourmlveu, -to pay " n pun-inns mortgage, build a New Home, or Burn, to clear mun: bud. or to obtain A clmicu hreed of Cattle. ui‘Lnans will be put thrnugh without loan of time, while the strictest privacy will be maintained in all transactionn. 's.--r beg leave to call the attention of those wishing to purchase land. u I have l nntnher of “and, and cheap, Farm Lot: for sale. 3313'qu “dross And get my catalogue and prices. The Young Champion Wood Sawing Machine! Man and also his Horse Insured against accidents and death from my Guilt fstet 33.9: Fr {pl-Vim»: CI. LAND, LOAN and GENERAL AGENCY (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE.) AGENCY. (300]) MORTGAGES BOUGHT. 31 CD N .111 1r . DU N DALK, ONTARIO D. DAVIDSON. SUM by after you “pay up, pay up I" I Gr; citizen of Dundalk and tradesmm uni In" no trouble with my customen. It so hap- pens that when they became customer: of mine they soon get wall-(ado. Tho ox- rimont is worth tryi . pa 'a, XOBVAL. Pay up in c. nmtrum got up by In to delude their creditors ttnd to injure E2lht The words “Pay Cp," have spread overdue country like the Potatoe Bug. If I dirtaaes. from home tad the pen ls know you In from Dundalk, the chiral) will be crying The 3buve hulmeu will he curried on a hem. tofore by J. Robertson, to whom all debts owing and tirm Are to be paid Cure for 'Pay Up.' trl.5 I _ shelarite, Dissolution of Partnership. Dumlalk, Julv M, 1877, Tho undersigned would respectfully inform the inhabitants of lluudalk and lurrouuding country than. he has tittml up his Ihop in Shclhurno with Stem- power mud latest ma- chinery. and that I guucul tstock of Furni- tare will he kept m stuck tml It low rues. Undertaking will receive upecixd “kahuna, and " low rates. A nicely trimmed Collin, full mounted. for ten dollars up to forty dot. lars. The can. of the “clue to Dundalk or near Dumlnlk " tive ‘lullaru. Burial "libel. gloves, with. and hat hands, kept in Stock. 1trdera by telegraph promptly “handed to. Cullius can be sent. by the timt train, or they can be sent in the hem. The partnership heretofore existing between the uunlumigue‘l Tmumiclm, Dundulk, has been thin "ay dumping] hy mutual content. NOTICE. lineu- frivate Ind eoiitiiUtiat." GEORGE 1W1'HERNilD, 0mm, Main Street, Dundalk. y3t Wu. MARSHALL, Dundalk, bettqr tunfo on“ " the Panel! E. HUMPHIHES, Undertaker, .h‘helhurne‘ FLOUR. A. LITTLE, J. ROBERTSON tGI yl MOST APPROVED KINDS . Cu dcpend upon being natidUd by In!“ In their old-u. BEST STYLE OF THE ART in now fiittod up in the vary but “yin. ad ' n a Large Circulation Job Department. or rm: “Gum: Fr "will“; onucl. lulu udoonhiusvutm of My " COLUMN PAPER FOB EION AND “Dundalk Guido " “DUNDALK GUIDEJ Dundnlk Guido Possesses Medium for The STATION, K EW JOB READING IAT'X‘IB. FAMILY NEWSPAPER Promptitude TheodU.inturniaud ms = Ki" POSTAG E FREE. LOCAL NEWS, up mum GREATEST should subscribe " the Patios wishing Patce “.00 Ill. Anu- ‘V()ICK.' for doing all kinds of q )pponil " make. it at 0190110111. All who want I good Imam Enron's. donein the "q IN ADVANCE. DUNDALK. THE TEE J. TOWXSIXD mononuu.

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