H! il 3g ti. Tu WIIBLIDON 1'xaa.--With the ex- 'eeption of not winning the Kelepore Cup, , the Wimbledon Team of 1877 has been more successful then eny which have pre- eeeded it. A very general impression pre- veils thet the team this yen did not de. eerve much epprobetion, but this hes been . O mistake. Sergt. T. Mitchell, of the 14th Batt., Hemilton. hen tmeeerededhn winning In prises. which netted hint!“ and e like: wetch. The total mount of the . whee teken by the teem this you ie M50. " AIUIING &rrr.--At the Division 'Court, held et Ingereoll e few deye ego, ., Judge Hughes presiding. one came wee de. . cided in e tether novel manner. A firm in town sued e man for the velue of e suit ' of clothee.which defendant would not take, r on the ground that they did not fit him. He eppeered before the judge with the "lotus on, end esked his opinion es to whether they were I fit or not. The judge epeed with the defendent end plaintiff lost the suit. -fs, m obliged to and through “mm-run door and unlock it datum. window-hut oft magnum gs"heyountrmartup. Bevan-tap“ tb*tteoori1dh-dtrbemmusu, main stiatutim-wouldhav.t-atm. my. Ninth-locum! mm that umhbwm.m ctr-ye] into the church. being strangers. ‘They walked on wholo 'egttt to tho tral- pit, turd not aointrks W V“ opened m?" a ittuth, “It M them. With quiet " my they m“, whoa out Mitts, d'tt my they cum-d. -rtsed out Main, wont than s an. to the Mbool, tad then Mining with dad". made their lppeu- no. in th. duh. They had no trouble Lua, in "ding open doors in Ayah-9mm Welland took I room “was.“ Cantu] Hotel. St. " 'h.rir"r, on Saturday night, and when ".Art-eir"itwmsttheretutrsm" oeuut-asdtu whole house. Will mm M. My found the right -,-otuintr till. to union the "In this the place." nhe naked, n she wandered down on the bad-en sands. “when a young lady-m beautiful young udr--tell into the water last season end was rescued by a gallant young men. arhom she 'dtermtrdsrmtrried F' m look. odat her carefully. .stimaked he: " I vequm {nth-seven with his. teeth. had aid: “You ma'am, but I dont know how Both parties were laid upon a plum-m a abort distal». from etch 'Aher trnd five doctor: unmanned, but no relief 00111de Judd Brown. While lying thus Yogurt it In said, [won a Brown. Ind said to him that tf he could only huh him he would soon put him out of the way. Brown died at two "Atlodk on Smithy morning, and was 'truriedutt Pleaaurevilhs Cemetery on Sunday. Wount lingered until Sunday honing, when he too died, after tmfreriug great pain. Kirown wu I graduate of Em- inence College, In t member ofCliristinn- ‘bntg Baptist Chunh, and was beloved and "special in his section Yount was the Ion of George Yotmt, a well-to-do 3nd _ highly nupocted tumor of Shelby County. th, circu- day in anneo nahnrper with a confodemh worked up . who on . pro- . minont and woahhy ftsrmer of Adol. phuncown until he wu induced to hot .200, 0100 of which be borrowed, on I three an! manta trick. It in "tmrfhsom, to my that he lost it, or that die winners got out -of town on the double quirk, after securing mtheir booty. The police were culled by the 'Jooor. but too lute. min run together and fought until they an fell hom “human. When taken '3†Brown's grip was still upon Yount'l arm, which had to be loosened My friends m. open thes lands. Brown continued to tim, and emptied his our hauls one ball entering You“ wrist. mother entering his right lib. Yount'l pistol refused to revolve. and while uder fire he spot on his thumb and endeavored towrench the pistol nomad. M 4uiting, he closed with Brown, and they tended and pnmmelled each othc with Muir pistols until they were parted. They Atoehooiboard cnminntion the in. spector-shod I boy it he could forgive than who had wronged him. "Could you," said the inspector. "forgive I boy, for example. who had insulted or struck you t" 'tet-r-tmud ;" but he apded, in . much more rapid manner. " could if he in bigger than I am." The Winghnm Presbyterian Church. which ha; been materially enlarged mil otherwise improved, WM le-oponed on Ssh- bath, Sept. 2nd. Anni-u to.) _ _ Ml have, who we: . heel be in - Sentinel. m veeh w by'mtod _ eyonngee heather el Byron Tout. who h.daiettm'th.rottrte Perry,hothhoye Ida under Mun yen:- ofege. Beauty omdae leet John taunt, the boy, met Mr. We " We. and taking him eeide dd him â€teething in - to the erti- ele Inthe Sentinel. Bron notmekingthe letter eetiefeetwy, John Yonnt expreeeed hie bogish indignation. Brown elepped Johny over thefeee end veiled of. John mad the "iig to hie older brother. &rrtn,wtroo-dhi-m1,srsddur. in the evening he endan peeeed eome iii wade. Eula knowing the other'e dip-mice well they [in-ted and prepend the-wheeler the next meeting. Brown havowede little but 'hotriatolhmnhin fiend. Jemee Edwards, end Yuri, atur eeekinginveinfore weeponJookepi‘ol tom hie - til-ever. Thus peepend, the two welked towerde inch other end met " the reilmed, one on one mil end the other on the opposite mil. In this position Brown naked Yonnt when he wee ready ' Yount replied i-- "Now," end both tired simultaneously into eeeh other, only Ave, feet epert. Yount‘s hell entered Brown‘s right lamest. Brown's bell entered the lower pert of Yonnt‘e eb- domen, end renged downwardinto the leg. (MGM Wiutae fpro Two hor students. on n cabin "hath, Kentuckians in Combat. leaving Toronto It 8 pan., Ind Arriving " Dundalk it TSO, and Owen Sound st no, on which up thm, Baud mam tail will be Md. I J nus, August, October sud December. Primrose-WU-ur preceding the Ornngeville Fair. orangevi1le-TU 2nd 'l'lmrsdty in "utr DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY. Gonth. - . .hurtwille-Neond Wednudny m one!) month. manninum Sabbath School every Babb-{h in the School House, commencing at 9:30 Am. Preaching " 11 Am. every Sabbath, nnd every alternate Sabbath M 6:80 LII Mr. Johnston, minister. Sabbath School every Sabbath afternoon in the Orange Hall, commencing " 2 P. I. Preaching new second abbath in the same place, commencing at 6.80 P. I. Cot. uge pnyer meeting every Thursday even- ing. Rev. C. Slaw, minister. ENGLISH Guam. Freaking every second Subbed: in the Orange Hall, commencing at 8 o'clock Pat. Rev. Mr. Kacey. of Mudele. minister. month. P1rham-TuesGy before Mount Forest. ?lenrus--Thnrtrdar" following Mount Forest. Hanover-Monday before Durham. Ito-moi-Fifteenth of Febrptry, April, day after Guelph. Berlin -First Thursday in each month. Brampton-First Thursday in each month. Listowel--First Friday in each month. Mount Forei-Third Wednesduy in etch Guelph-First Wodnesday in each month. 1urrititon---FriGy before the Guelph fair. Drisyton-aturddy before Guelph. Elora--The day before Guelph. Ilougltuv--Mcnhy hefme Elan Fair. Htuu.ilttrn-rcr.yis! Palace Grounds, the They ue very soft and pliable, Itill very olhemive ; and I sure cure for Wu: BAG", Puss IN Tm: Sm: AND Baum; and are in. valuable to those who have B COLD of long sanding, unl often reventa CONSUMPTION. Some even tell us they believe they were entirely cured by the me of them of I long- seated Consumption. "Prepared by (none: E. Mmnma, Lowell, They' home†All the loathing, wurmmg, supporting and "rerutheuirtg qualities of Bll other Planters. Many who have been relieved of Rummansx. Twmumwx. and variuua other pains In the Klusns, BREAST or SIDE, and believe it Is uolcly done by the electrical qualities which the Porous Hater: contain, and which in imparted to the system, tho rmtoring them to 1 healthy .eory.iitit.. They ere acknowledged by all who have and them to act quicker thun my other Plaster- they ever before tried, uni that one of these Plaster: will do more real service than a hundred of the ordinary kind. All other t'iaatera are slow of action, And require to he worn continually to etl'ect a cure; but with them it in trntsrelrditrerxmt ', the instant one}. Applied the patient will feel it: effect. Then never has been Aline when the heal. ing of no mnny ditferent discuss bu been muted by outward application "the resent. it in an undisputed fact that over hug ot the entire po ulutiun of the globe resort to the utof Jr1'll'd'g platen. . . . The riueriifiugtedienu, used in making than Arll',','ll are Gum olibamun--or better known as the Frankmceme of the Bible-- Rubber. and Burguntlay Pitch ', which, when 'cientitictdly compounded, islull of electricity, and when combined with the pure medicinal gums. is found to be one of the greatest heal. Ing mediums ever brought before the human race. PBXrrlPB EYE-SALâ€. An Infallible Boned: for all Dinner of the Eye (acute or e Tonic). Granulation ofthe Lida, tr [ovation of the Luck 1 Glam-do, Film, and Weakneu a; the Vision from any cause. Tn: Annual EYI-SALVI is presented to the public with the Laurence of its "ui- a. ennui" of most diuun of the e gunk: or chronic hdUrnmation, whether induced by Icmfulnu origin or otherwise, weakneu or defect of vision, diminished tone of the optic nerve. or . dinner! Mate of the tinne- con- stituting that org-n. Also, for all pencils whoee vocation requires an incessant action of the eyel, the Salve will not an n charm in re- wiring euniform healthy notion, where weak. ness, pain, and winery may have long threat. eled e fatal termination. It in the, most simple. safe, and efteetual remedy ever discovered. The metering of which it in made are pure, perfect, and eoetty, compounded with ele- borate can and exwtneee, ufe in in appli. cation. being used externnlly, end, of course. avoiding the pain melding" which necessarily attend-i the introduction of caustic animal: and eye-washes. Rmuwonu uni OLD Curm- illc Soils, of Icroiuloul origin, or resulting from whatever INbuBe, yeild to the Alumni Ian-Suva h is nun Suwnaervuv row. Plus. Ita soothing sffect is immediate, end a pemmcnt cure require: butefew appli- cations. The proprietors of “DR. J. Prrrrr s AMIRICAN EYE-SALVE,†while melting new and im raved machinery for making: more perfect fun for the, Eye-Salve, have changed the Trade Mark on the cover so u to corres- pond with the Cut on the Wrapper, Cireulam, Advertisements. etc. We call attention to this. " it might otherwise be regarded u counterfeiting. _ - NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto. Agents for Canada. County Tin-um Myers, st Wspokon- etta, Ohio, on Wednesday night, while going homo from n Cubans festival, was uixodglggod. bound, and kept prisoner until midnight, Ind fire npplied to his feet to eompeihimto divulge the combimtion ofthe oounty “to. 040,000 won stolen, and the victim val found this morning in I - condition. 14:91:.an miner, ha begun '0'!th (but, "rio inmining am for pholphntu n Bull an: ot. hwn. Baku you down thirtriivs feet bu commenced tunnelling, and is taking out nwly pure phosphnu. per coinage be- ing ninety-ii" per cent, ll the rue of one ton per dar. T035000- eu boll-d M Oahu born twenty to tnrentr-iivo can per bushel. They m still lower in Montreal when they no quoted it from ten to “tantra" out; per buhal. It in chimed they an be protiubiy grown st tmsnty an“ per During navigation the Gumbo-t Ex. as will run on Tue-dun tad Friduyn, "iycroro_nt? It 8tm., and urn-hing " Mitchell's Belladonna Improved India Rubber Porous Plaster. Sold by all Druggiau. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. TRAVELERS‘ GUIDE. T. G. A B. Railway. CANADA METHODIB'I'. - Burn-r d. PARKER, Proprietors. Freedoniu. N. Y. canto tom. [cpl-t... 7:15 LI. 1:00 rm N-BPAuMmu-Iwith James Robertson in returning thanks to the public for the liberal patron.†he his received. now begs to inform them that he is prepared to furnish everything in hir line " prices never before heard of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves All Putin wishing to pnrchm a Lot aidâ€! for th BUSINESS STAND, Most REASONABLE Terms, At the .Stove and Tinware Emporiu m DUNDALK. TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices EAVETROUGHING AND ROOFING A SPECIAL ITY. FIRST-CLASS PLOUGB8 FOB SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post ' WAtri:-hny quantity or Woou, WOOL-momma. Sauna“. Hume, M. , be., Appronhco Wanted. JAMES ROBERTSON. Dundalk, Aug. 2, 1877. STOVES AND TINWARE! TAKE NOTICE. Preserve Jars, All Sizes. Trimming done on wig: Ladies' Hats and Bonnets Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Band. The suuUrsigned beg to inform the inhabitant. of Dundalk and wading country, that they Are now mauu1itwtur'usg All kinda of CupboanU, bs., in, at the shortest notice. Furniture repaired with nonna- and dilpatch, Baum-tel given and Contracts taken for all clum- ol Buildings, STAIRCASE WORK AND HANDBAILING A SPECIALITY. Order: Solicieod. arUttdertaking attended to promptly. Encourage Home Manufacture Besides this the SADDLEBY DEPARTMENT is replete in All its bunches. A full Stock always on hand. Orders promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed, - All kinda of farm produce, eordwood, ML, to" taken in axohsngo for goods HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RIDES AND SKINS. THOS. HANBUBY & BRO. Pt mote Men by lurpriu on entering HANBURY. BROS., Emblinhmont when u to be um the Ingest and molt IMVG Stock of Boota t Shoe- ever mum: to pubho inspection. ooruisting of Ag we use none but the best material, thou lowing their order any depend on getting l genuine nude, and . fit to ylouo the most exquisite. Ready Made BOOTS and SHOES of every pattern! Gent's Sewed Work a Speciality. Latest from the Seat of War! Remember the Stand, the Shop nearly opposite the Post 1Mioe, Main Street, Dundalk. CROSS & HICKS. Dundalk, April 12, 1877. yll Dundalk, August Int, 1877. bud-1k. Jan., Dundalk, June 6, 1877. Building Lots for Bale. 10,000 Slain ! :, Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, TORONTO HOUSE. Should Apply at Once to n done on the premises to suit every taste. KW" Old Bita And g Bonnets made to look as good " new. OUR TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. B’AND can“, POB our! on TEADI. THE BEST m DUNDALK, CUSTOM WORK. in the latest New York Styles, at the CHE APER THAN EVER! IN ENDLESS VARIETY, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CALL AND SEE THEM. their payment: ttt will b. in“ ON THE quanta fn lots and Pr apps 01:00.30: out Superior Family Flour. McAUIJAY. E. BROWNE TORONTO The Subscriber. thankful t',trf, futon. would inform his Customeu. sud the in Mink of Dun and surrounding country genenlly. that he in p-dtomnkoooeder,andoftubkmarialiuud, WAGGONS, BUGGIES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CTnTBBh9Ippilm', __ - - _ REPAIRING done with NEATNESS and warm: Painting Done on Short Notice, PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, l (iI'Wil MWâ€. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS, COBDWOOD, TIES, in IN TRADE. New Goods, New Goods! CALL and SEE his PRICES Lower than Ever Before Seen D U N D A IL TE . Summer Goods "ff/i"' next 30 days TRADE SALE REMARKING ALL ITIS GOODS “€11,333de your Cub. 3m: and Eggs. An inspection of our goods respect- Dundalk, My ttt, 1877. A choice lot of Bacon and Hams for Sale cheep for cash. Dundalk Carriage Works. MJQU.W’LI' _ .-. “PUFF OR BLOW!" CLEARING OUT Cheaper than the Cheapest. HOME RAKES.‘ CULTIVQY' a'sdausytttingouintuwooditr" muhodIQIIo comma 1,000 Volunteers Wanted! and Ready-Made Clothing, Prices lower than a To make room for FALL STOCK. Would inform hi: triads that he in: just commenced which we of!†" very close prim. We do not . Graham AN APPRENTICE WANTED. m PLMm--ptxrton Shut. non AND BY A WR8T-43LAM ARTIST. 5 maul-id used, an! only good ' We hue now on hand I Luge Stock of THE BALANCE OF HIS which will be found but w. all goods He in unions ot G. B. MIDDLETON. U08! APPROVED KINDS. is nooittedqietth_otru,aod BEST STYLE OF THE ART Job Department. . was Large Circulation "DUNDALK GUIDE: Panama Grout Facilitiu " comma up“ oade_rasgaitt. gnu-mount of “W The STATION, Dundalk Guido FOREIGN AND JOB WORK Promptitude nnADIxo Harman, Thole. than“ with FAMILY} NEWSPAIIR Bee" POSTAGE FREE-a up wm r" GREATEST LOCAL NEWS. should "rutrri6o bl It. W01! If; Fuel 01.00 III Ann Opposi to Aoedetirtgattkt'ndaof make. it a: “COM All who - good "Mord-I. mun BRPOBTI, IN ADVANCE. DUNDLLK, THI THE J. TOWNSESD EDITOIIALI. Guido " All kind -tstatsUy (‘OIILIIIU Builder's and Con 31 )'I‘I( " the u OPPOSITE THE WW "III Fr kin “my, tUU: an der. at I‘m-maul below the Pun! 1rtl TI mum“ Tl ally that he In“ "II his new mun when In Watches, Cl I" llpm Dnt, Notional Md humm- an! Itre,1 ooh-n, per you. _ . f cal-u. .. _ _ T Osceola-n. .. . . Do. " touch“ _ _ Do. “a mouth-L M “Wit:- chm “(at the lint luu'rhull. my lot ad “MI-em mn-nmu DIVISION 11mm Correct Ti and can VIOLIN All work van!“ Ordinary mam “I. and all k free of than“. "in coed a MUSICAL Bud-1m. a? Notary " Mug-villa shop. At ttt 00cc. PM NM. pub Sh Railway Pun-up TEttt6b':.-tt per qtot.Mtrt nouns}! v University Twain». l â€yuan": Dundalk - - Ivy written lulu-m inserted mum fort II" Iâ€, Attornc y b'utary I‘ which“ Fiat-clu- a The bent nun Evvry 'l‘llu Pminciul l, 1rmtrgh an} I'. BUSINESS I)IREC Image Certifies Licenses, hand-I Dunddk. N u paw. In Miss Gold smuLAnmr Ihls Moun- REMEMBER THE ore-mm: THE POST rlT'tt Fain-rs I t%udaik ANULU Mus fir Notice to the Pul D LINI “and.“ RATES OF A I tT F. RT! ltl'.\'l a but " ANIMALS for " the ad NAITIA In: at " “In mom! can AND JEWEL, 1H ti m M l M: JAM} M; " INSTRU I "um-n M ber" JOKX - I. Mm." " " mtiaU “V