West Grey Digital Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 27 Sep 1877, p. 4

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KL "t l1 A clergyman was annoyed by people talking and giggling. He paused. looked at the disturbers, " am always afraid to rtlrost' those who miesbehm for this re: son. some years since u I we; preaching a young man who sat before me who was costnntly laughing. talking end making uncouth grimavcs. I paused and admin- istered a severe rehuke. After the clone of the service a gentleman aid to me, 'Sir, you have made a great mbtake,tltat young man was an idiot.' Since then I have el- ways been efmid to reprove them who min- behave them>elvs in chapel, lest I should repeat that mistake end reprove mother idiot." During the test of the service there was good order. A w1iicr in the Illustratrd London New} says Tuching Trmrkish Push“. I may hint, that Fer. covers a multitude of nationalities and that it in somewhat diarult to tell where the ()smnnli ends or the Giaour be. gins. I have heard of . Pasha of Mace: who had hoen an English drummer-boy in the force with which Sir Ralph Alarmin- bie invaded Egypt, and moot of, In no by miliu with the story of the Rani” Ad. miral. who on the of the Claim Catherine. In 2'i',dt1 to but with I Turkish Pasha commdingoocoltheum 5.. of tho Sultan Mm m. C050. “‘1qu living has and, the muo- ti‘on I’m left done, when the Tm M aid to the Bun-inn Adminl. Hoo'l aways-ad“! MMMW Scot- kom 0mm t" When a clegymnn remarked, they were To lune n nave in the church, In old lady whispers that Elle "knew the party to whmn he " terred. Pl Litvrnry young man u a Party: “Miss Jottvs, have you seen Cni'h'n Tales t" Ynnnu Indy scornfully: " I'm not aware of the fun that crabs had tails." Literary your): man covered with confusion: "I beg punlnn usu'ntn I would have said read Crioe's Tales I"' Young Indy, angrily, m nnfnl ; bb And I was not aware that red ertshs had tails either." Exit young nun A rec-mt death ttnttottntattent in a New Yolk paper closes with the following poet. ie gum. which eclipses anything in the ele- giuc line that Philadelphia In! over pro- duced: tor manly told him one devil we. gone, bidding: him to go about his work and re- turn on the following any. The patient went away well 'ustiatud, and, coming the next day received e similar treetment each day the doctor dad-rig that mother devil had departed from his body. On the eighth day. when the patient came. the doctor lo, Jim] grave and told him It would be very hard to drive out the lent devil, and he must be firm and petiem. He then ehar,eerl the battery to ita fill height, and Rave the man a shock that sent him flat nn the foor. "All right said the doctor he is gone and pm are cured." The men was perfectly "tidiod, and the cure was cmnph-te. So much for the power of im, agination. Some genius: pmpusu tointroduco pup!!! shirts. But a shirt made on of story-pr per would have to may tales. A tart temper m-ldom sweeten» with age and a sharp lounge is the only edged tool that grow» Keener with constant use. Zimmerman (on solitude) my Those be. ings are only ht fur sultude wholike nobody, are like nobody, and no liked by nobody. An orator deelariug that Fortune knoeV ed at awry man's door once, an old Irish. man said, "When she knocked It mine I must hase been out." WELL Thvc.rtr.-.-h man who had been qlurntiuning his son, who had just returned tr, m au expensive school. says the boy answers for questions out of five cor- rectly in awry braneh of his studies. To tour questions out of tive the boy says “I don't know and his answer iaahuysntme one." When he hazards may other, it is up! to be wrong. A noted phymcian 1m called tothe bedside of: man who In mud d "an devils; The doctor my that it no I cm of hrpoehandria, omtental dob-ion The trlsataetvristie of the umbrella is its power of changing shapes. You can leave " brand-new silk with an ivory or fuse- end took his cue needing!” tooling the patients pulse. and looking into his eyes Ind manipulating hie {unlined And nod with perfect gully. "My friend," said the physician at length, “you have made n alght minute, then ere eight dev. ils in the plus of eaten, end the eighth in the leader of the others. We do not often have thew cases, but the proper treatment is known to 'seienee, and the instrument fur driving these spiritee out of the human body is provided. Come to my omee and you shall be cured." The patient deelAred that he was powerless to rise. "Aht I farm-t." said the physieian, stepping to tne mantctpiere, "here is I bible; put your right hand upon it." The men obeyed. "Now you can rise !" and sure enough the man arose instantly; the imagination was nll-pul'mt. Having dressed himself he followed the doctor to his Mieer, whet; m electrical battery VII prepared for use. After giving him a violent shock, the doe. wood hamlle " any pulnlicgathering; with- m three hours it will turn use" into slight blue or man! brown comm. somewhat less in size tlmn a circus teng,srithtrUndle like 3 u-ngmph pole and tive fractional ribs. 'ee.-'-...-. m-tt_.------ Casting oat Devils. It was a cough 'l‘lmt carried we oft; It was It errffin They carried mo off in. Preaching every second Sabbath in the Orange Hall, commencing u 8 o'elook Par. Rev. Mr. Racev, of Markdde. minister. coma sown. 9mm '3ouniu1et..._7rtr Ant. 1:00 Pm Sabbath Sehool ssverylb'trbuth afternoon in the Orange Hall, commencing " 2 P. I. Preaching everv‘ Sabbath in the we place. cannwncing at 6.80 P. I. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. C. Slaw, minister. During navigation the Stemhod Ex. pma will run on Tundnyu And Maya, lowing Toronto st 8 p.m., Ind Arriving n Dundalk " 7:20. and Owen Sound " th80, on which any: Owen Sound Wain tmin will b. mound. ' PRW3BYTERtAN. Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School 1fouse, commencing at 9:30 Am. Preaching at 11 Am. every Sabbath, Ind (ivory alternate Sabbafh at 6:80 Par Mr. Johnston, minister. The Fishery Commission was in union on Saturday. Ind examined nix Amelie-n witnesses. DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY. June, August, October and December. Primrose-Wednesday preceding the Orangeville Fair. orattgeville-Thts 2nd Thurldny in each month. uartwille-seeond Wednesdly in etch mouth. month. Durham-Tuesday before Mount Fore-t. I"vrurus--Thursdn y following Mount Forest. H.qnosvr----1htitdsy before Durum. 1iosemottt-Fifteenth of February. April, Guelph-First Wednesday in each month, HtsrriNton-- Friday before the Guelph Fir. Irrttyton--s%turday before Guelph. F.lora-The day before Guelph. Ihm,ots---Mouday befole Elma Fair. Hamilton-Cyril Palace Grounds, the any after' Guelph. P,erlirr--First Thursday in each month. Brnmptnn --First Thursday in eaehmonth. Listowcl--First Friday in each month. Haunt F orest--Titird Wednesday in ouch The following In: lately "ixod to a church in Rertfordahim, Mad mad in the church: “This is to give notice“ no pot- son is to be buried ttt this chmhyud but whowithtouburudVirsdttsqrtr to tho pariah cloth." . On Wednesday Mu. J. P. Harman, of Guelph give birh to three lively girls. The majority in incur of thes Dunkin by-law in Bruce is now given " M08. A seven gale, “tended by some mul- ties to shipping, in reported from Nov. Scams. Mayor.General Sir. E. Shelby ihnyth in to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General. The grain and root crop: in the North Saakatchewnn are repoer aiming unm- ally fine this year. An Infallible 12de for all Dianna of thy N/e.0yru/t or e Tottilh ararsyutiott acrnfnluus origin or otherwise, unable. or defect of vision, diminished tone of the optic nerve, or a diseased an. of the “Blue! tron. stitutmg that organ. Also, for ell pertain whose vocation requires an ineeuent aetion of the eyes, the Salve willuct u I chum in re- aturing a uniform healthy notion, when weak. nese. pain, and misery may have long threat. cued a fatal termination. I t in the moet simple. safe, and effectual remedy ever discovered. The materials of which it ll made are pure, perfect, and costly, compounded with eh- lmrutc can: and undue", ufe mit- appli. cation, being used extemnlly, and, of courts. avoiding the pain unddnuger which 'rggg2 ntttlula the introduction of ceu-tic miner I and eye-washes. Rixuwonu and 0Ln_Cmio- yew Summ. of scrnfulous origin. or resulting from whatever cause. yeild to the AMINO”! Fnor,mus.vr; Fr is man Semmwuv you Plus. It: numbing effect is immediate, and a permanent cure requires hiltelew Bppli. cations. The proprietors of "On. J. mes AMERICA." Errrsut.vE," while making new and iml'nrmul machinery for making I more perfect "" for the Eye-Salve, have ehenged the Trade Mark on the cover en a to correl- pond with theme on the Wrapper, Circulen, Advertisemcsrta, etc. We call Attention to this. asit might otherwiu be regarded ll counterfeiting. -- (Hands, Film, and Weakmu of the Vision from any cause. Tm. AMERICAN EYE-SAL“ is presented to the public with the unurmce of In 'rtfiraurtts, as a curative of most diseases of the 9 agents or chronic iMammation, whether minced by NORTHROP d. LYMAN, Toronto, Agents for Canada. There never In: been I time when the heat. ing of so many different than» bu been rnusml by nntwnnl application “the result. It is an undisputed fact that over ha f at the mutin- population of the globe resort to the use of onlinnrv p.latrter.s: _ . . The principal iugtedienta used in winking theme Planers “a Gum olibamun--or better known as the Frankinconse of the Bible- Rubin-v. and Burgunday Pitch , which, when scientilieally eompmutded, isfull of electricity, and when mmhined with the pure medicinal mum, is found to be one of the greatest heal, iust mediums ever brought before the human riu'P. They are very soft 1nd pluhle, nil] very adhesive ; and a sure cure for wear Burn, Patys IN TMF. Sum: AND Run“: and are in. valuable to than who have a COLD of long standing, and Aten prevents CONSUMPTION. Nome even tell us they believe they were entirely cured by the use of them of I long. seated Consumption. _ -- - -- They are aeLtowledged by all who have med them to act quicker than my other Hindus thev ever before tried, and that one of these I’lnsters will do more real service than a hundred of the ordinary kind. All other Plaster- are dam of action, and requiro to he worn minimally to effect I cure; but with these it is entirely different a the instant one is aptdied the patient will feel it. effect. They' have: a“ the soothing, 'rarmmtt, supporting and "rengthening qualities of all nthcr Masters. Many who have been relieved uf RmzruAmn. Tmmumlvx. And “rim:- other paiturm the KHISEYS, BREAST or SIDE, and helieveit u solely done hy the electrics] qlmlltic! which the Porous Pinter! contain, and which is imparted to the mystem, than restoring them to a healthy !roty)itiutt.., Mitchell's Belladonna Improved India Rubber Porous Plaster. SUM hy all Uranium tithe} idy. yleeratievtthf Lulu Prepared by Gloria: E. Mmnuu, Lowell. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. PETITT’S EYE-SALVE. TRAVELERS‘ GUIDE. CANADA METHODIST. ENGLISH CHURCH. - Bzrrrr ' PARK“, Proprietors, Freedonia, N. Y. SOHO 30m. 8:00 “I. 18:45 Par. 1:05 Par. 6:55 " N. B.-M patio: in m "'"h,ttt Duluth. ham, IMT All Putin villain to purchue . Lot either for a. Dweilln H ' BUSINESS STAND. g mm or . Most REASONABLE Terms, TINWARE of every description at Bottom Pnces EAVETROUGHING AND ROOFING A SPECIAL ITY. FIRST-CLASS PLOUGHS F OR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post Office. WAttrratt--Any quantity ot WOOL, Woovrrcrattms, Sunpsxms, Bums. " ' hen Apprentice Wanted. T . JAMES ROBERTSON. Dundalk, Aug. 2, 1877. J unea Robertson in returning thanks to the public for the liberal patronage he hs, received, now begs to inform them that he is prepared to furnish everything in his line " prices never before heard of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves TAKE NOTICE. But more taken by surpriu on entering HANBURY. BROS., Establishment when in to be “on the Ingest and met Putative Stock .ot..Boott * Shoo- ever submitted to Latest from the Beat of Wt At the Stove and Tinvvuro Ennporium DUNDALK. A: we we none but the but meterid, those lowing their order miy depend on getting B genuine "tUU, Ind A fit to please the most exquisite, Besides this the SADDLERY DEPARTMENT in replete in I“ ita brunch". A full Stock always on hand. Orders promptly tsttemUd,asnd laid-Minn gtmmnteed. = All kinda of farm produce. eordwood, bs., to" taken in exchange for goods. '. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RIDES AND SKINS. THOS. HANBURY a BRO. Ladies' Hats and' Bonnets Gent’s Sewed Work a Speciality. Encourage Home Manufacture The undersigned beg to inform the inhabitant. of Dundalk and surrounding country, that they are now manufacturing all tund- of Cupboards, ta, do., It the Iberian notice. Furniture repaired wrth newness and dilpntch' Estimates given and Contracta taken for all chase: of Buildings. STAIRCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Order: Soliciud. 'rUndertaking attended to promptly. Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Band. Preserve Jars, All Sizes. Trimming done on "I',g STOVES AND TINWARE! Sash, Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, Remember the Stand, the Shop nearly opposite the Post 063cc, Main Street, Dundalk. CROSS & HICKS. Dundalk, April 12, 1877. yll Dundalk, August Int, 1877. OUR TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. Dundalk, June 6, 1877. y I Building Lots for Sale. 10,000 Slain ! TORONTO HOUSE. Made BOOTS and SHOES of every pattern! Should Apply at Once to SAND can.” to: CABE on nuns. THE BEST IN DUNDALK, CUSTOM WORK. in the latest New York Styles, st the done on the premises to suit every taste. - Old Hat! and Bonnets made to look as good as new. IN ENDLESS VARIETY. CHEAPER THAN EVER! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OI? CALL AND SEE THEM. NEIL McAULAY, ON THE panama Iota must ply up a once or out , mound. ' Superior Family Flour. cominting of E. BROWNE REPAIRING done ,vithiriirmass and nnsm'rcn. PaintinCptyltpn Short Notice, ---to'.---- - The Subscriber. thankful tarf, (non. would inform his Cum. and the in habitanta of Dun and surrounding country usually. that u is '"ss"si1torrtaut-.otiuustin'iueiniG'tJiinii.' WAGGONS, momma. .. - "f, SINGLE AND DOUBLE. -» . ,. . Lower than Ever Before Seen D U IN D A. L K . i MMI MW”. PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS. COBDWOOD. TIES. he., IN TRADE. REMARKING ALL ms GOODS New Goods, New Goods! Summer Goods 1"ilh!"' next 30 days CALL and SEE his PRICES. A choice lot of Bacon and Hams for Sale cheap for cash. Dnndnlk. May ax. 1877. P.?,',.,'.",.:?,"'" your Cub, Bath: 3nd Eggs. An inspection of our goods aspect- " In IOI‘ Dundalk Carriage Works. Dundalk, in. 29, 1877. CLEARING OUT " PUFF OR BLOW I" . cusatvAqtrmr, WHEELBABBOWS. "sdanrthiisinth-o-usatrrtuoommiiiirr'"i'"t' Inga. Cheaper than the Cheapest. fd and Ready-blade Clothing, Prices lower thad ever. . Would inform his friends that he hu , To make room for FALL STOCK. which we offer " very close prim. We do not .Graham AN APPRERTICE WANTED. m PhAab-et- Scoot. not: the AND BY A mar-Jonas ARTIST. We hue now on Und I Luce Stock of Volunteers Wan ted ' THE BALANCE OF HIS which will be found but we tell goods m in anxiou- of . B. GRADY. G. B. MIDDLETON. HOST APPROVED KINDS. Can doped mining "tidUd by teevine II their onion. in m m up in the very beet uylo, Incl BEST STYLE OF THE ART Job Department. " concur: run -d-reigteaeaataammrtt of bums... ' a n Large Circulation Poms»: Grett Facilities “DUNDALK GUIDE." Dundnlk Guido The STATION, FOREIGN AND NEW JOB WORK READING IA’I‘TIR, Promptitude FAIKILY NEWSPAPER Them in milked with Wi" POSTAG E FREE. 8 no urn-urn GREATEST than“ ulna-Eb. (at the ‘V()Il II. mace 01.00 m: Amam Opposit " fordohgdlkindl of Innke- it an “all”: MARKET BEFORTU, All who qrattt . pol Amoin the very DUNDALK. IN ADVANCE. THE THE Advertisers. IDITOBIA Ll. Mao-nun] OIW cull Ill column 0' cola-um Du. Du. TERM.‘ :-tl - ll um p (had .dvero- “for the timt mu " net “Mme"! I". THE "G At the (was. Puma - “I “liq Dundalk, - Ordinary no “I. nod 5| tro. M (-Iluur. "KAY AKIMAIS M. for ‘I. the MI and U ' coma-u y qg08 " l‘JVI-ry 'n (kn-cum tn Illa.“ der. I: T Adm. - ‘y mm mun-“rum- u i-tod unul huluhhlrun uh: no... Pr,muc Dung!“ our . Du Mun-r. Nut-'5' I (ht-gm ll MI. The uhcnlnr no. u Shaw the “Inc. All “I“. annual Attortwy Vim-clu- m The boat um Builder's and Pi6 D'I‘l Nun ton-Ion In! um hut-w KILLINILI The " Pinyin .-_ “In 1)”!sz " "'l " all I. Inch pls “(I tltr paul" todo All hud- the .urve. ‘0 .mh-wlhk’ BUSINESS D11 Medical “w Stunt We Cent Licensy Drill. Chen Punt/I. I Physicians? DIM. J... 20. la: “Gal-d “our omsd DUXDALK GI Abol- lad. lisp! aim-runny THE VULCAI Mats Mm “Ind.“ I’d-mun n but m: Ail kind Miss G Dundulk OWEN ANI Ins Smut! . W rum Ana-m a d“: Notice to th, RAT! Flour ! DUN hAlJ Cor, tow tthi ml ra " PP Patent " AK" FAMILY St' JAMES B ‘h‘ be My All w, Ill um the- w M Mid DOND, " Dn- " prion.“ an.“ a. but ll " at“ "

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