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Dundalk Guide (1877), 11 Oct 1877, p. 4

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N W vi! Whom teliofA Mum-thing- that live in the m? 111me m-nybe‘bclowthombuol in m grow "oodsquiuastumrimt" nym- gleswenadolinm Am Son. of the “engrowu high " two houn- piled on one mount. They no cull-d by resemble can], and from tho Ilondcr new grown a cluster of very long lava. Other tmorxnrnlmoataahitrhsndond in on. 131:3!»th Without the in cl our forest treee. 1htau.---n, yellow, "sdrer--aredottedUrsaatd the“; end e velvety eerpet of diminutive - cov- en theground. Flowenin niituthtt.of the rainbow, ornmentthe roehe, end leave- oftheuie,oldnxlingpinkend "(Lieut- ing moo; them ; and lee Anemone. II hrge and brilliant " Cum ihsrrers, form beds in the mole ; blue, red, purple, and green little iiah dart here and there; Andi between the bushes glide like I eerpent 3‘ long nilvery fish. Thus beautiful it in in day ; but when night eomee on, end you Inppoee ell ere-tune gone to bed, the landscepe grow: more lovely still. Little Crabs end malnu- light up the m; the nee-pen quivers with green, phoephoric light; what wee brown and red in the day is changed into bright green, yellow and red, and mount ell them, jewels the mooniUh Boats like A silvery crescent. Land hunters in McKelln m plenty. but land in still more plentiful. A poat-Miee employee " mandala, South Bruce. ha been "rmstadontsehaege of tampering with registered letters. An immrreetion Mainat Simtuultntlehaa broken out in the Swim Isl-mil, There is some talk of instituting I Home Breeders' Association for Ontario. The beautiful brick United Mennonite church, just complewd at Mount Joy, hslt n mile north of Mukhun village, will be The bear has a derided antipathy to Mrirur. ed instruments. This is a fart established long agn mi is proved hy the following an salute of no recent date. A Polish fiddler retrtrning from a hair where he had per- formed his part at I ball, was passing through I formt. Toward midnight. being tired he not down under a tree, laid his Violoncello upon the ground sud began to out noun provisions which u took hom his kg. 750* d tho “blot stunted who." whoJothognotdu-m of tho poor Maur come and stood bob-o him in on ottitndo of solicit“ hr .00 phin. Tho dddlor hog-n to “who!“ out] meat. Tho two amp-Ilium otitttrd thu ploy but ms&settmnttr tho food in I {on minutes had " din-M, Ind tho tom do: but; W tho in... would mold than not Dir hoot. In in marathon-Wilt“ took up Robb-Int out! to.- to h. Attk"mtstrmta"heh-i- i) hi no mo. Tho “a. mi "A Mic-no] b you I, Hal! sa/ his.” d it t "Mt Hit-n in ind ”and“ l dull not, in; W you to out-I It. the h." The tank of the Toronto, Grey And Bruce Railway, near the station It Mount Forest In dutmyed by tire one day huly. dedicated Ort. 11. The Dunkin by-hw Wttt5 311wa to tho electors of Perth town, in the county of Lanai, last week, and defeated by a vote of 249 any: to M you. RG. George M. Grant, of Balifax he been appointed Principal of Queen‘s Uni- versity, Kingston, in the room/of Principe! Snodgnes. who bu resigned. Texan has 1,750,000 people. tsud Louis. inm only about 750,000. When the war ended Louisiana was the most populous Stute of the two. Three years from now Tam expects to have twenty Congrega- The tird annual "h, of thorough-brsd stock belonging to the Ontario Model Farm took place on Thursdsy on tU promises. Most of the mind: for sale were from the stock bought md imported by Mr. Brown, Professor of Agriculture, 3 you ago. Mrs. Wright. who has been livinuv with her when Mr. Samuel Chtft. in Thurlow, disappeared on Wedneudny morning. end after . prolonged March, in! on Friday .furnoon found dead in the woods with I bottle lahelled "rrtryehninm" by her side. At the inquest the jury returned I verdict to the oiteet that deceased committed nui- cido whilst in an unsound auto of mind. An old And respected citizen of the town. phip of Mnrrborrmeh, Mr. Thou. Mal-gm. than: 'iur6re your: old, met his death while drawing a had of tan bark to Stir- ton on Samrdny afternoon. The borne: took fright by I portion of the loud falling on them, cur-wing Mr. Mama with it, canning the team to run nay. and Mr. Morgan w“ thrown under the ,rtrgttort,th. wheels passing over his head ttttd shoulder cunning his death in shout ten min. Reports from the Indian funim districts state that the situation is more favourable in Madras, Bombay, Bengal, Mysore, Ind Barnum; but there is no improvement in tho Punjaub. Mpoounn, Indon, and the Northwest Ind central Provinces Porter Rockwell, the chief of the Dan- item, or avengers of the Mormon Church, has been indicted for partieipation in the Akin mum-acre of 1858. A number of other murderous laid to his charge, And he promises to make s {all confession. A young child belonging to Mr. David Gilbert, 8th com, MeGillivmy, ebout ten months of me, while playing beside . bucket of water. in some way managed to upmst it, fell on its face into a little pool. and was dead when found by its mother. The t1ovemor-turtetal and Lady Dulferin "ared at Kingston over Friday night, visited the Military College on Sunni-y; Incl reached Ottawa on Sunni-y evening. when they were met by the Premier Ind the other members of the Government who were in town. _ Wondonoftholos. Miscellaneous. John-y led his knit. AM “u in one roast and another, until ho had boon through nil with»: any was... he “chimed: "GM” wish Ila-1W pocket it might be in thae" A M bail. Idiot“ to otmti1ntto to the building of I church, promptly lub- ncribod his 11qu to the pupal-in the follow- ing manner I John Jones (tho only pm in town when you can in eleven pounds of sugu' for . dollu), lwonty in ttettta. Bani-Miran story told by tho Into Loni Mayo. Bil hardship, than Lord Nan. m fond of "cumming minds. sud man; other thing. which her, imported vs. fond. emu. moni- Lordship wu any hom home the mu hid u: a“ lid his perplexed hail, writing to inform him oftuoemtmtntre, began " latter-n follow: "In WWII” of your Lord- ship, I put the egg and» the must goose I could tUH." " Infalliblc Boned; for all Divan of the Eye (acute or c mic). Granulation (gilt: Lids, U teeratioti of the Luck I kinda, ram, and Wuhan a; the Vivian from any cm. Tn: Anglican EvaALVIia Pee?" the publin with the aaaumce of m "uueter an a curativ- of moat diam of the 'Ill min or chronic iniUmrrtatims, whether in lead by acrofulo‘a origin or otherwiu, value. or defect of viaion, diminished tone of we optic nerva. or a diseased at“. ot the tinne- eon. muting that organ. Also, for all mom whom, vocation "quite- an ham action of the "Po, the Salve villa“ aaa - m u- ntoring aunilorm healthy action, when weak- neaq. pain,_and misery RN, have long thrett- Thou with. timt.eia- Boot" Shoqshould all magi" In theiroeder, which I {upon tiliitqt which. haul-bright." "ttnat 'mtettM% “dammit- "I’IIdC-y 'm -yulq_fturEmthmtt; "i-in-iF-tir, “who _ pun. All work Vim-“d. ua a Utat tesrrnination. I t in thq no“ simple. ate, and "isntuat remedy eve discovered. The materiel- of which it u and. ere pure, when and My, compounded with ele- rate can and enemas, uh in in appli. cation, being used extemdly, end, of conne. avoiding the pin Inddmger which noon-trily “and: the Introduction of auntie minerdl Ind eye~wuhee. Rxsuwon 5nd ou, Cano- mc Boats, of uremia“: oriwin, or reuniting from whatever Cautw, yeild to the AHIRXCAN I EYI-SALVI’. lt " new Snowman.“ you Pun. In nothing one: in immediate, and s per-anus cure requires but u few Ippli- trattomt. The proprietors of "Dn. J. PM? a Alumnus EYE-SALVI." while making new and imam“! mwhinery for making n more perfect I for thet Eye-Sui“. have 'hanged the T rule Mark on the cover " " to corm- pold with the Cut on the Wrapper, Cirtnslara, l Advertisements, etc. We cell “caution to I this, " it might otherwise be regarded u counterfeiting. Brrm' ct PARKIR, Proprietors, Freedonig N. Y. Say, mug Inn, when did you get than Saved a an: Pave on t Why, I got them AT MORRU '8 SHOESKOP, in Dunddk! Can't too ’am anywhere else lune nyle. He in making them for 87 . pair ts-F-mal bunting, the output I on! aw. To six jays of the Week IN A SHOE SHOP! A mm. M I Pied-enu- - An “brawl-d te" 3...“ the new“ mud Qu- Mn. J. W. HOB-BOW. Mayan”. 1 l NOBTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, Agents for Canada. There never has been A time when the heal. ing of no mmv different than“ has been owned by outward application utherment. It in an undispuud {not tut over ha f ot the entire po ulntiun of the globe mart to the mini ""r','li1'll'r11'l.d'ld'.l..' . . . June, August, October md December. Primm-Wednesday pmding the Onngevillo Wir. 0raneilhr--The 2nd Thumb, in one}: month. MarsvillefSecond Wednesday in no]: month. Dttrum--'Nesdsy before Mount Forest. F'ergttsr--TharUtty following Mount Forest. Hsnover--Momuy before Dnrhnm. Bo-mont-Fifteenth of Fshryer, April, The rincipd ingledienh wed in making these Prater: no Gum Oliuttum-or better known as the Frankincense of the Bible-- Rubber, and Burgunday Pitch; which, when misatitieally eompounded, in (all of electricity. Mid when combined with the pure medicinal gums, is found to he one of the grotto-t heal. ing mediums ever brought before the 1111an They in very soft and plmble, still very adhesive ; and . lure cure for Wear, Bxctrtr, PAINS m nu Slot AND BREAST; and are in- valuable to than who have a. COLD of long naming, and often revent- CONSUMPTION. Some even tell Ill tgey believe they were entirely cured by the an of them of A long. wated Conaum tion. “Prepnod by t'll'lt, E. MITCHILL, Lowell. day after Guelph. Berlin-First Thursday in each month. Brampton -First Thursday in each month. Listowel-First Friday in on): month. Mann Foprs'--Third Wednesdny in etch They m acknowledged by all who have and them to wt quicker than any other Planters thev evor before tried, sud that one of those Haste" will do moi-o red service thanahumtred of the ordinary kind. All other l’luten no slow of action, and require to be worn continual]? to effect u cure; but with them, it is entire ydilhmmt , theinstnnt one in applied the_pntient will led its effect. Guelph-First Wednesday in each month. 1Grriston--Priay before the Guelph Fnir. Drayton-tFlay before Guelph. Elora-The day before Guelph. nouglss-MonMy baron Elore Fair. Htunjlton-rcyretal _Paluce Grounds, the They . pouou Bll the soothing, warming, lupporting and strengthening qualitiu of I“ other Planters. Many who have been relieved of Ruzvyunm, Trimourrtmrx, and urimu other pains in the Klusns, BREAST or SIDE, and believe it ll solely done by the electrictl qushties uhich the Porou- Pluten contain, and which is imparted to the lylteln, “In. majoring them to I healthy condition:“ Mitchell" Belladonna Improved India Rubber Porous Plaster. Sold by all Draught... SENTENCED I month. PETI'IT'S EYE-SAL”. MONTHLY CATTLE FMM. Pegged Ctlf Boots, Raid Labour, TRADE SALE f, REMABKING ALL HIS GOODS Lower than Ever Before Seen D U N I) A L K . REPAIRING done with HEATERS and DESPATGH. Painting Done on Btupt Notice, F meggdflong your Cub, Butter Ind Eggs. An inspection of tmr goods msqeet. G. B, MIDDLETON. The Subscriber. thnnkful for and. favors. would inform his Customou. and the in. Mutant: of Dundal ond surrounding country gessMsrtulr, that he in prepmd to make to order, and of we best mum to be had, WAGGONS, BUGGIES. SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTERS. SLEIGHB, HABBOWB. 30mm, HORSE W” -__", _ In BY A mam-cuss Am. F _ no... but th. on trtahn'al ma, all only.“me Pnces lower than ever. AN umnxncn mm. oda,r,1pmapmt TEE PLME--ptuton Shoot, neu- the Baihmy sum, E Cheaper than the Cheapest. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR BUTTER, EGGS. CoBDWoOD,' TIES. to" IN TRADE. i “VS HEW“ PRINTS, COTTONS, TW'EEDS, Bummer Goods "ff/l"' next 30 days New Goods, New Goods! CALL and SEE his PRICES. A choice lot of Bacon and Hams for Sale cheap for cash. Dundalk, Mny 81, 1877. Dundalk Carriage Works. Walk, In. M, If". CLEARING OUT " PUFF OR BLOW I." and anything else in the wood line roquind by the community a 1,000 Volunteers Wanted! and Ready-Elude Clothing, Would intorm his friend- that he bu jun commenced To make room for FALL STOCK. .Graham which we ofhr M; very close prices. We do not We have now on hand I Luge Stock of THE BALANCE OF HIS which will be found T. B. GRADY. but we all goods m in union: ot Latestfrom the Beat of War! But more taken by tux-prise on max-lag HANBUBY. BRO'8.. midi-humat when istot-nther-Ondert INTO BtoekofBootihoes "erautmittodto putho impaction. ooniuting of " we no none but the but meter-id. those leaving their older my depend on getting . genuine article, end . fit to pleas tho meet exquisite. Gent’s Sewed Work a Speciality. Bald" this the SADDLEBY DEPARTMENT in replete in d! in branches. A fol Stock dwnyl on hand. Orders promptly Attended. and uni-Mon milked. - All kind- of tiwm produce. oordwood. to" he" taken in oxohunga for goods. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOB RIDES AND SKINS. T1108. KANBURY & BRO. Most REASONABLE Terms, _ Should Apply at Once to Ladies' Hats and Bonnets Encourage Home Manufacture The undersigned beg to inform the inhabitant. of Dnnddk And lumndina country. that they In now tnauuUrtutring all kinds of Cupboards, bs., are" " the mom notice. Furniture repaired Inch nutme- nnd dupueh Emma. given and Conteaota when for all clues- of Buildingl. STAIBCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Orders Solicitod. ”Undertaking attended to promptly. Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Band. J amen Robertson in returning (links to the public for the liberal patron- be has received. now begs to inform them that he in proposed to {unis}: everything in his line In. prices never before hand of. . Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices EAVETROUGHIN G AND ROOFING A SPECIALITY. FIRST-CLASS PLOUGHS FOR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Poet We. Wattrnsc--hny quantity ox WOOL, Wow-names. 8mm. mmm, he. ' Ao., Apprentuse Wanted. JAMES BOBEETSON. Dundalk, Aug. 2, 1877. Trimming At the Stove and Tinware Emporium DUNDALK. All Partie ,riahing to [imbue .Lsteitlutr for. BUSINESS STAND, STOVES AND TINWARE! TAKE NOTICE. Sash, Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, Bamamber the Stand, the Shop nearly opposite the Poet Oboe, Main Street, DIM CROSS t HICKS. Dundalk, April 12, 1877. yll Dundalk, August lat, 1817. Preserve Jars, All Sizes. Dundalk, Juno 6, 1877. 10,000 Slain ! Building Lots for Sale. TORONTO HOUSE. n done on the premises to suit every tub. - Old Bits and g Bonnets ma do to look " good " new. OUR TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. CUSTOM WORK. IN ENDLESS VARIETY, KR"Aso can! to: can on runs. THE BEST IN DUNDLLK, BOOTS and SHOES of every pnttem! in the latest New York Styles. It the CHE APER THAN EVER! A LARGE ASSORTMENT " CALL AND SE11 THEM. ONTHE Superior Family Flour. kahuna-cor E. BROWNE " COLUIN PAPER aador-i-atameratrtt of “MR I08! APPROVED KINDS. is ,tooittedte'usth-ruotruo" r n Ill Large Circulation Job Department. tUO-a-suis-tia""'""'" amen-s. BEST STYLE " THE: ART Duudulk Gui do Possum Glut Funnies “DUNDALK GUIDE,” FOREIGN AN D The STATION, RIADING KATTBB. JOB WORK Promptitude FAMILY 11100600 but!“ with a POSTAGE FREE. a no man GREATEST should subscribe for tho Pucl 01.00 In WI WOIC K. Opposl to fordoirtgaiihind.ot {Win the wry nabs it n “all”: All who was! . good in“: IN ADVANCE. DUNDALK. TH! EDITOR! All Guido " Tlu- " "In hunk tbw up! the “Mum to d" alt kind. the drive "m “Ml Hour “and wxmw alum Medical HILLIN ER ANI my. (Shannon-IL Punk. Dyna. Puma! Mo and Pe “Spoon! “tendon I blush» ll Physicians‘Pre lumen D-ale. Ju nr The ulna-rib no. u Mum the amt. A All kind eon-Mud)- Constantly Builder's and o No'rlc Contact“: an In. ah»... ha der. I'v, Hm: Mala" the po, THE VULCAN Pint ~clun- The best ' NHL Ann-t P.'., urn-alu- Pier, ”M l (mun-ml OWEN HH'KI) Slut-y " ometttevill, “up. Pro.imitl IA Drawn-mun. lie. . “Inch“ hind-It, M Ulivmil Toroetto, Ptay.ion" Miss G MMIMI “a “It.“ msltmm, a m... 'Y. ' ' outturos, .. “I. Oil -hr. Mo. oiI hank " u.. "use nun-w 0-" “WW nu. " the in! Mug Sre not 0|“..le M M. . In“ 42'll'l'"2, I" 1 AITIA W. Salk“: Marriage Gem Lucas: “TRAY At M- for qt, and tl hum. Advcrtuelu by written Inn i-tent until uh: um. Luann-It! balmy iumu, tonal-nu - " “CRVS; N. CL!” tf u Du at the ohqiomtetity, d Dundalk, At a. “In, Proto, - the than, Flour ! " THE BUSINESS D In: Stun an»? ti. I“? I’d-fury I. " bunch". Notice to the LNG”) AMruluu IN‘MIAI m. IN a"vor.v " M IDES l " " l Opp-nit AND FAMILY I mm or And 'arner " ANIMAI)‘ JAMES My! In)! Eoltt an M, All W DUNDK USA M' 'l It " Ail-om. M tar "at JAM] tl the lbw Punt M d I577 " ttr:?" " HAN aid "r, D

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