West Grey Digital Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 8 Nov 1877, p. 2

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" m " rc) N ill 'i THE GUIDE It is now over nine months lines we commenced the public-(ion of the Gun“, nnlduriux um time '0 have labored early um] late to make it I iirsst.erln" Iced lump-pot. but the return we ha" - ed mu! not been oquni to the inducements he” m" to us In the cwmmancomant. mid " we bu aver-l lug. pymonu to lush wituin tho you!“ month, we dull be glad if muse indebted to III, either by nub- ncripn'un to an Gums. or for job work And "lvertising, will plum unis at once; and skull take it u. knot. As . furthest inducement to extend tho circulation and warning»; of tlurutnDB, we nuke the fol. lowing We will give the Guide from the bresent date to the end of the year 1878 for ONE DOLLAR, cash. n the ",,mrneneemeut ot 1678 we intend At the commencement ot 1678 we intend to make the subscription 01.25 mule-e paid Itrictly in dance. Fur the past few weeks we have been late with the day of publication. but in the futur: we expect to publish promptly on time. ' ' ware client! for sale. and eonsiderable "tradiug" Nu done in the afternoon. Mr. J. W. Morrow held An auction tulle non the (Jum- Mhoe, Ind domomrtmted his Imperial talent a t "Etugltt of the Hummer." und. we have no doubt, will Hammer. lulu, wv u.” - --- . noon receive 3 number of culls to “laud Auction Bales in the surrounding Town- Ihivu. The ntorekeepon and others did a good business. 'M _r.r._.--i-" TLe next Monthly Feir will be held on Tneedny, December 11th, end u the day is suitable for e Christmas Fair, we think it would he advisable to offer prizes for the beat {at eettle and sheep ottered for salr that (lay. a we have no doubt this would tend to bring in more cattle of n superior) quality, end increase the popularity of "The Dundalk Fuir." Farmers express their "tisftsetion at the success of the establish- ment of n {air here, And we believe it will be of greet advantage to the surrouniliug Tuwuuhips, nu those feeding cattle will gredually put up wenuer buildings im- prove their stock, and enter more hugely into raising Ind feeding cattle. By hav- ing wen!) buildings they will find .that their teed will but much longer than it does nt present with runny of them. end well bred cattle feed much quicker and tell for more than the ordinary grades,aud m. therefore. more protiubU to stuck miners. Show! taantt..--Who would be without . lamp After looking at the splen- did -ortmeut just arrived at the Duudalk Med'oal Hull , Tl: Mount Forest Boa b an hnve engaged seven ing the Principal, for a next you. Tn Fergus by hor for the exchange of 'ts,000 of debentures for C redit Valley Bunny bonds In passed Thunulny. hat inst., by . majority of 1'39. Sat-Mm Bces--ur. June: Me. Kng's Saw Mill on the 8th Concession of Garth“. has been burned down. The mm of the fire in unknown. There being no insurance. Mr. Melissa’s lou must be bevy. LU. and Shoes, Patent Medicines. lo., all cheap for cash. Very good Japan Tea onlysbe per pound. See Minn-isomer“ A Fun. Anselm." of Furniture M the Toronto Emu. Luke Superior Whitefish, bud Salmon Trout, Groceries. Dry Goods, only Me per pound. See advertisement next week. Cum Pam u omnroamraat.--A num- ber of at“. My": have announced their than“ d Mailing “and. hi! st Orch- "avitk 0‘ the - (by u the Durban hip-Oh third my ed ouch month. his will” foam you . been to up bin-Minuet“). Dundnlk Ilia-ion wittbqhetdstAm-g'trChmeh,rmsir. gage.” Saturday “commencing gt mo‘doek. 1htNhuth%rrsmtnt gnu- t-tr-ier- vill u hold in the Ian. pumaho‘elockm. 0n “Mini-LII. - will "hummus-mi- 'tue, ”mainly-unis. Dundalk Monthly Fair. Local Gnd' dther Items. Very Liberal Orr: TO OUR REA DEBS. - - A DECIDED SUCCISI. November s. 1877. "west Board of School Trus. gcd seven teachers. inelad. sl. for the Central selsool the first Monthly Fsir Tn Bois. L. 8 Huntington m untried on Em 27 u't,ia L' ,utrc.d on tiatuidayeveu- ing, to I widow Indy named Mrs. A “w Cumm- of England has boon opened at Hanover. Ind luv. Sound In. Guy oppoiuud to take charg- of tho con- Tu next meeting ofthe “Cellini Reform Minion" of South Grey will be held " the Town Hall n the town of Durham, at one o'eloek Ion. on the firat Monday of December next. Tax tura.-TU Tamar's Sale of had: l for taxes took plus it the Court House, Owen Sound, on Wednesday, Inst week. sud mu largely attended. The keen oom- petition for most ohms lots shows that lands in this county at Incoming more valunbla than they were. The adioarnod ale will uk- pine. on the 15th inst.- Times. Auarrmur.--Mr, Duiel Spry, P. O. in. apectur, who visited this county burly. nuc- ceeded in tming the mail robberies which have occurred in thin locality to tho nuis- tant " Hepworth. On the Mth ult., a warrant was issued, and the guilty party arrested and brought before the Magistrate " Alleufurd, and, after a hearing was com. i mined for trial.--0uren Sound Advertiwr. Ftax.--0n Tlmrsdtv evening last . tire) broke out in n stone building M. the corner of Water and Bussellstreets. The building was inhabited by 3 colored family. It wt: gutted and the roof destroyed. . Tho Hook and Ladder company and the Fire Engine were on the spot And soon extinguished the Ihuues, but not until the destruction above noted was completed.-Owen Sound i Advertiser. SUPPER no Prursrrrarros.--0n Tuesday evening, Mr. John S. Johns. Master of the Band ot the 3lst Battalion was entertained at a supper in the Queen‘s Hotel, Owen Sound, by the members of the Band. The supper was all that could he wished. After supper Mr. Johns was presented with a _ handsome Silver Cornet given him by the Members, value $86, as . mark of their es- teem for him personally. and an acknow- ledgment of the care and attention paid by him to their instruction in the science of of Music. The presentation was worthy both of the givers and the reeeiver.--0. S. Adverturr. - NEARLY A Fmn.-0n Monday evening last,a little boy of Mr. MeGuinmsss',while attending the store for a short time, light- ed a match and throwing it down, it fell among some paper underneath the counter, and in a few moments the paper was all in a hiaze. The little tellow ran over and fetched Mr. H. Graham, who, by a plenti- t'ul application of snow, soon put the incip- xent tire out, but not before some damage had been done. REMARKABLB BUSINESS Ttiss.umoN.-- An incident of an amusing character oc. l curred here on Fair day. An intelligent(?) youth drove a steer into the village, and a buyer offered him $22 for the beast; but as the aforesaid youth had been cautioned by his father before leaving home, not to take less than 020. he refused the buyer's offer, as “he would not take less than $20 l" It is unnecessury to add that the buyer agreed to the diefirvnee between them, and paid the price demanded. The seller re- turned hume. satisfied at having obtained _ his own price. ON Monday evening last the Rev. Mr. Scott, of Owen Sound. was to lecture in the Orange Hall, under the auspices of L. o. L. No. 797, but owing to the heavy storm. the attendance was not very large. Mr. Scott being unwell, having been very sick Inst week, concluded not to take any great length of time in addressing those present, but gave a short, ailment addresn suitable to the occasion. Mr. J. Towns. end occupied the chair. About New Years it is the intention to hold a Soiree in the Grunge Hull, and upon that occasion it is expected that the Rev. gentlemen will give an Iddren. Emma“? " Pen. 'rom-tr..-" well to-do farmer in Peel whose first wife died A couple of years ago. leaving him the "hinge of seven children. did a very fool. ish thing last week. After the death of his wife he secured the services of a widow Woman. who had six children to support, and she attended to bis household until last spring when one of Gnrnfraxa‘s fair maidens became the well-to-do farmers seculld wife, and the housekeepers services of course were dispensed with. All went well apparently until last week when it was rumored the housekeeper in question _ was soon to he married. The well-to-do farmer met the buxom widow at the Gold- stone station, en route for this village to secure the wedding fixings, and in atwinkle an elopeluent was arranged, and the pair left for Uncle Sam‘s dominions, leaving a l fund Wile, B loveeick swain, and thirteen children to mourn their absence. We learn from one of the neighbors that the well-to- dofariner has written to his father, acknow- ledging that he went to the States, but relieving the old man's mind by telling him that " bad penny might return again." Alan for poor fallen Lutmutity.--Elora Emcee. MAoisrearEs' Count ssrrnatcRmr.-On Monday last, Mr. William E. Cornell was brought before Messrs. Wm. Airth and Robert McGhee, J.l"s, at Hurning's Mills, charged with having unlawfully beaten and assaulted at little boy in his custody known by the name of George Cornell. The use had been previously up for. hearing before Mr. Airth. It Shelburne, when eeverel of the most teepectable residents of Shelbnrne testified to the nature of the in. _ juriee received by the poor little lad who' Ponir about morn yam of ego. It eppeered from the evidence that? the child “been beeten with were. poetics of e henna. At the ediomed l-ring Dr. Ben [eve further evidence foe the prou- dtion. Col-eel] '3. iUU ".otr all “.004 000-. in " 'tuh-ab. John Mn Canoe P-num-PO are planed to welcome on our table this week dze Canada Mum published in Toronto by C. Blacket Robinwn. printed in a new form, and in a new dress. The amass that he. attended the circulation ot the Minion lime its nommeaeement. in utoninhiug. but hom the able manner in which it has been edited. and largeamount of useful and entertaining reading given,“ is only what it deserves. No Presbyterian l after once taking it would be without it, and even members of other denominations who read it will acknowledge it to be one of the best religious weeklies published in Canada, and with the new and improved form in which the paper is got up, will tend to further increase its circulation and lpopularity. Aswan PATENT Bram Bmssrrm.--T1trt Huniltou Time: “ya that neotmtry "Yokel" 'BM" to the city Suturdsy to eomp1ain tut) he had been swindled oat of his not. for .240 by agents of the pstentee tor"curku Pruning Shears." The modm operandi in, to any the least of it, inuonious. The farmer is 'spprouehed that if he will give his note gt 90 days for a sum the subject of a "dieker," the agent will endorse on it an agreement that if the purchaser doe: nut realize on purchase money in 80 days from sales. the agent will return and help him to sell to make up any ilefieiemey, uni no the gentlemen from Salem, Mass., got the note, but instead of making the promised endorsement on it, they write it on ahlunk copy of the note and depart happy and con- tented and sell the original which was uogo- ‘tluted to an innocent purchaser of it and leave the farmer to proceed to “Salem" for his re'lrese. Dunn or Cain-JUSTICE Ihthrrat.--Bon. William Henry Draper, CB., Odd-Justice of the Court of Error and Appeal, died on Friday afternoon, that u lingering illness, at his residence at Irvzeh1iite, Yorkville, in his 77th year. The deceased was born in Surrey, England, and was the non of Rev. Henry Draper, D.D., rector of St. Antholin, Wading street, London. In his early youth Mr. Draper was a cadet in an East Indie. man. He emigrated to Canada in 1820, and studied law in Port Hope. He was called to the Bar in 1828 and practised in Toronto. He wits elected to the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada in 1831 for the County of Russell, and was afterwards re. turned for London. He was a member of the first Government after the union of Quebec and Ontario. He was appointed i to the queen's Bench in June, 1317. and was made Chief Justice of Upper Canada. in July, 1863, same years later being ap- pointed President of the Church Associa- tion in Toronto. GREAT SNOW fhmor.-ra last week's issue we mentioned that the ground was white on Thursday morning, but before night the snow had all disappeared. On Friday it rained very heavily nearly all day, turning to snow in the evening. Ou Suturduy it snowed all day and on Sub. bath morning there was frmn six to nine inches of snow on the level. On Sunday afternoon it commenced snowing again, and continued until Monday evening, by which time we had fully fourteen inches of snow on the level, where it was not drifted, _ making it very tiresome travelling, as the roads were quite soft underneath the snow. The trains were nearly all behind time, owing to the large Amount of snow on the track throhghthis County. On Tuesday morning, where the roads had been tnunped, they were fr/zen quite hard, milking it better travelling, although mth- er rough. On Monday a. considerable numher of sleight: were in the village. By the report in Tuesday's Globe we find that the storm has extended from Ottawa to London, covering nearly the whole western portion of Ontario. the depth ranging from two inches to a foot; but there appears to be more in this neighbor- hood than anywhere else, as we had from an to eight inches on the Jevel,without tho snow on {Sunday night and Monday. There no A good tinny turnipl not yet taken up. . Hugh C. Mainland, of the firm of Main. land & Kirk, Arthur Village, left suddenly for the laud of the "free." The Acton Free Preu says ..-Two geese owned by Mr. Wm. Smyth, of Erin, have been doing what everyone says is of very rare occurrence. They have been laying eggs during the month of October, and have now 28 eggs. Geese don't generally lay eggs except in the spring season. The buildings put up in Shelburne this summer have been very numerous. and some of them would be no disgrace to a City. In the large block of new Stores, west of the Royal Hotel, will be found one of the bent Photograph Galleries to be found in Ontario, and occupied by Mr. Thomas Donnghy, formerly of Dundalk. The rooms comprise a large parlor, beau- tifully decorated with works of art; a very fine gallery, supplied with first-tGm, instru. mental. and with 3 number of smaller rooms attached. We are glad to notice the pros- perity of our friend. Mr. A. B. Noble, well And favorably known in the neighborhood of Duudulk. has commenced business on his own Be. connt n few doors out of the Post Offiesr, in Shelbume, sud has opened out an ex- tensive stock of hardware, stoves, etc. Messrs. U. & J. Wilson, hue built and got into operation a foundry, and are well patronized in their line. These gentlemen intend to erect e moulding shop in . short time. The "Wreath of Promise Lodge,"in con- nection with the United Temperance A530. cintion, in in a flourishing condition. The following m the lint of ottimrit, elected for Shelburne. 1-» I no. Wilson shipped " Flosherton Stun tion during the lat fortnight soo knell of eggs. oqaarto 1400 dozen. Mr. A’ ELL,. hu rammed that - which wu built in from of his shed- a the hotel-light il iUwniug here. too. The ladies ere uound makingeolleetionl towards internal fixings for the new Church. They hove been quite success- ful, and have got money end promises to the extent of about 840. l comm. Mrs. McKinney had her Benefit Concert on Monday night, of hit week. One ‘could not venture to mike my invidiom distinctions- Programme too long by far, and this kept the nudience until tired. Among those who did well in their uvenl pieces, I might mention Miss Benn. Rich- PIECES. L '"'r5". mun-v.- a.-- -T_"_--' udaon, of Hubble; Bell. Christos, Lydia Armstrong, Emu). ml May Dunudo, of Fleahertou. The "Irish shanty." by W. A. Campbell. H. Hooper, Ind Jun. Camp- bell, with Geo. Hind " Biddy. brought downlhe house. Wesley Spearmof Mark. dale, gave one or two excellent recitation. nlsu Miss u. Richardson. Several of the l above “me rupturously encored. Disgraceful Rondyism at Chats- woruh and other Places. For several weeks past it appears that I detective named Laird, sceompanied by rm assistant named Bonner. INss been go- ing through the County of Grey, and from the increased boldness With which hotel keepers have been violating the law of late, succeeded in securing . very large number of cases against the tavern keep- era. The hotel keepers of Shelburne and‘ Primrose were each fined twenty dollars and costs, a. week or two ago. on informa- tionlaid by the Inspector for Dufferin. Last week Magistrates' Courts were held'm Chatsworth, Flesherton, Dundalk and Owen Sound. In regard to the Magis. l trates' Court held atClmtsworth on Tues- ’duy ofhlst week, we give the following from the Owen SouudTimu _ On Tuesday last a number of liquor‘ cases were being tried at Chatsworth, and I when the court rose at six o’clock there oc- curred one of the most disgraceful scenes of rowdyism which hm ever taken place in the county. Owing to the darkness and excitement. it is difficult to get at the cor- rect particulars, but this much seems cer- tain. that immediately on cuming out of the hall where the cuurt was held, the de- tec tive on whose infurmution the cases we re proceeding, was struck on the back of the head with I stick, and stones thrown at him. and he was chased until he found refuge in a. house. The Inspector for North Grey received a severe wound on tho hack of the head with a stone, and was alt o struck elsewhere with stones, where. npm he fired his revolver twice at the mob, but as!” as we can learn, without injuring any person. The County Attor. ney also was assaulted and struck, bat re- ceived no serious injury, his assailant be. lm: knocked down by some one who came ( to the rescue. If those who were instru- montul in getting up this row imagine that by e resort to mob law they can intimidate those who are charged with the enforcement of the law, they will find out their error. Respectulile citizens of MI chases, no matter whut their sympn- thiea on the liquor question agree that mob law must not be tolerated "mongyt us. und will be found ready to put it Jown and have the perpetrators punished ; whilst those whom it is sought to intimidate will but be spurred up to greater etbrts to have the law observed. To the credit of Chats- worth we hear that those who mudo the row, did not belong to that village, but came from . distance. On Thursday Int . Mngiltntes‘ Court was held in the Orange Hull, Dundnlk, be- fore W. Armstrong, Euq.,J. P., ofFleaher. ton, and H. Graham and J. J. Middleton, Esqrs., J. Ps., of Dundalk. The Court cummenced about one o'clock p.m., And lasted until about nine o'eioek pau.,during which the room was crowded. Infurlnn- tion was laid against the hotel keepers of this village. George Iteddick. of Melane. thon, and John Allen, of Earnings Mills, by J tunes Campbell. Inspector fur East Grey. The principal witness in the liquor cases was Jacob s. Banner. who testitied to having drank intoxicating liquor in most of the places named. All the hotel keepers were fined $20 each, except John L'olgamof Duudnlk. who was acquitted. Inspector Pearce, and J. W. Frost, of Owcu sound, and Mr. Lemon, of Dundalk, were present at the trials. Mr. Frost for the prosecution, and Mr. Lumen for de. fence. As it had been rumored that an attempt would be made to mob Benner, twelve special constables from Owcm Sound. Ind a. number from Flesllerton and other places, got off the tour o'elock train at this station, to act as guard to Bonner, after the liquor when: Were over, which were concluded about six o'clock. Banner was guarded to the station, where he remained until the train arrived, a little after seven o'clock. No attempt at violence was made here, ultlmugh quite a. number of giople were at the station when the up tram u.- rived. One individual made himself eon spicuoua by culling Bonner names. and said he would give “Stayner Girl" to get one clip at him, but his wish was not grat- ified, as the constables numbered nearly thirty, who got on the train with Benner. Aa l precautionary mature the milrotut company sent n pilot engine through to Owen Bound. On the arrival " Chnta. worth on». panama-tum the en- win. M oppoaite the toat on which the detec- tit-iWntrw-ahumitruetr. .tono,andnnotlssrwin4owon the - of the tnin in Owen Bound. Mmmmuxs COURT n Duxmu. On Sunday the 28th alt. the Methodist Church, in Pahnemton. took fire tom the stove pipe being in too close proximity h the wood work. Mn we: My Inb- uuod. Lou about $100. Flesherton Items. The Dunkin Act. Tmmnusu. A From the Guelph Hen-my. The hall apart of Mr. Blah" greet speech " Teesweter. on the 24th of Sep- tember, which he: now Append in the Globe. - the justice the expect-time formed Win; it, '48” a resume of ‘t apparel " the time it wee delivered. And if Anything wee wanted to ehow the great "itfetenee between men of Mr. Blak" _ stamp and the politician who take the forefront in the Conservative tanks. end who, during the manner and eutumn months have been Uranging.the people in different puts of the country. they have only to carefully compare Mr. Blake's Tees- wnter speech with those delivered by his opponeista. In Mr. Bltke’l Mldreu w. tind no personalities, no “tempts " wit, no svatsiort of the questions at issue. no dodging of the "spottsibility that much.- to " "u. 5nd work. But mad '0 find u: honest,straighttorward antenna... clur oxpluuntion of all nutter: under con- siderutiun. and I mostcomyleto viudieation of me course pursued by tlur prose!“ Gov- .rmnaut in regard to All tIso sumac“ brought under review. It is impngniblo in our limited spun to find room for this great Ipeenh in “lento. but it will be profitable and interesting to refer briefly to some of tho lending points touched on by Mr, Blake. In his introduc- tion he refers more .speeially to the work in the Department of the Minister of J us- tice, of which he was for . time the hood. _ He shows by figures what cannot be dinput; ed, that the cost of working this depart: , went in 1878 amounted momma; that in ' May 1875. when he took ofbur-o account l of the increase of the work-tU expenses l had risen to 015.750. Yet in June last, I when he left the omms--although the work I kept steadily inertsasiug---l" had reduced the expenses to 910,750. _ He then went on to show what the cost of the contingent eccount was in tlcs tu. partment. In 187s--tlus last year that Sir John was in power-the ooutingeuttuxsouut amounted to $9,470; in 1876 it was reduc- ed to $4,996, and in 1877 to $2,787. In re. ferring to these reductions. he gives some tigures which it is well to reproduce, just to show how lavish and reckless the old Government was, " compared with the careful but as efficient management of the present one. Mr. Blake says ..---In 1878 the telegraph account for the department ofjustice was $4,371.38; in 1876 81.164.69, and in 1877 0330, In 1878 cab hire was $1,035.50; in 1876 88.80, and in 1877 1 $14.31). In 1873 the travelling expenses were $1,218.12; in 1876 8822.66. and in 1877 951.35. In 1873 the postage account was $493.37; in 1876 $228.63, and in 1877 , $125.77, ulthongh. as we have pointed out, _ the correspondence has greatly increased. 1 The totals of these four items were: For E 1873, i,t7,118.87; for 1876, $1,754.68, and for1577, $521.92. In 1876 the telegraph I account was out down to about one-fourth; , travelling expenses to nlmut one.fourth; cnh hire to less than one twenty-tourth, and pmtngcs to less than one-half. In 1377 telegvaphing was cut down to loss. than one-thirteenth; travelling expenses to about one twenty-fourth; eat, hire to one seveutieth, and postage to one fourth. The total saving on tha four items, for the first year, was $5,364.19, or three-fourths of the whole Amount; for the second year 06,596.- M, or about thirteen fourteenths of the whole amount. The saving on telegraph- ing alune was 94.040 out 0114.371; on cab hire alone $1,020.70 out of $1,035.50; on ‘lmvclling alone $1,166.77 outof $1,218.12“ and on postage alone 8867,60 out of $493.. 37. The saving in telegraphing alone would pay the whole of the present Con. titvgetseies and leave it surplus of 01,250. The saving of cab hire, mu elling and post- age would pay nearly the whole of the contingencies. The total saving on the mmtingent account was for the tirst yen H.474 out of $9,470, or nearly 0110-le ; for tho second you M,082 out of 09.470. or nearly three-fourths of the whole mount. Combining the charges for ulnriu And contingencies of 1873 and the rate of sull- ry for November of that year would be over 323.000. When I took offices they would be over $26,000; Ind when I ua left office they had fallen to $13,537, about one-Ulf, or a saving ot $18,000 on the “to when I came in, and tive-twe@s, or I saving of 9,500 on the rate when the late Govern. meat resigned, and this, mark you, once again, in the {we of In enormously in- creased volume of work. Mr.' make a At the Cubourg Asuizes held week before last. David Smith. the abortionist, was placed on his trial. charged with the mur- der of Victoria. Alberta Wade, school teacher. in his hut, near Castletou, on the night of the 25th u May lust. Evidence was brought forward dunng the trial to show that a. young man named J l din Cope Mallory, the reputed lover of Miss Wade, left the house of his father in her company and drove off in the direction of Castleton. [ On the way he seems to have parted cum- pnny with Miss Wade, who made the rest of the fatal journey to the house of Smith. in the company of Marvin We'ston,afvieud of Msllory's-the letter following and wait- ing outside the Bbortiotfuh's den. Smith) makes a confession in which he gives de. 1 tails of the operation performed on the un- fortunate girl, And which resulted in her death. Walton and Mallory removed the body from Smith's hut end hid it in epiece of woods some dist-nee oft) when it was often-verd- found on the Slut Hey. Bmith's nrrest and inemeretion foilomsd,-thst of Walton next took piece. while Mellon" 'rs-d-the letter. however. earning tbr. ward recently end wandering himulf. The cue-gain“ Smith hevingbeen fully placed before tho jury, they retired. and in fifteen minutes ntln'ned with e verdiet at "Ouiltr" Semen, of death I“ passed on “and” upon David Smith. He in to behmgedonlhoombermth. Thetrialof the ho accomplices Inc to (at. plus yet. by noel-numb to represent Quebec (haw I "I? sum-NI TU In in the Eonu of Commons. _ , Mr. Helm-I. VII uid. -------_----- ths Saturday, Mr. Mllonin m returnod‘ The Castleton Tragedy. A meeting of the Provilionnl Council of WI! " be held in the ConnellChnm- ber,i- Oungeviilemn My. the 9th of November, for the Ftrpo" of considering the dvilebnity of "sbmttting a by but to I vote of the deck!!! tor upmtion of that county from the counties with which it is it want united. “the Privisiomd Conn- cil has not chnnged its views: since its hm meeting the by-law will he suhmitted, and in tlmt event the elect-rs of Duirvrin will have nu opportunity of deciding either for Igniust upmtiun. _,,_.....V fir, That the counties of Wellington, Grey Ind Simone, to which the Muaieipalitios forming the county of Dttrerin ue now hitched. as too lugs, populous and un- weildy for the noun-ion! mnngement of) public “bin, is g fat [morally admitted and Intuition would be . you boon to the nap-yu- of the county of Duhriu Mano. b0 awfully command. Aa to the time when upnation should take plus in, however I matter upon which pub- he opinion in divided ; bat we believe thtst the sooner it is nummplished the better, an by leaving the question in .l-eynnee. the ntepnyen of Ihtftrrin will the longer suf- fer the ineonvenientres of the existing un- ion, and any. besides have to has" their proportion of me coat of erecting jails, court houses, Ind other public buildings for Wellington, Grey Ind Siam». In these counties the public buildings [me long "iiiiri County of Dufferin. since been pronounced insnmcient for the I requirements of the publio end the ques- l tion of erecting new end more oomodiom_ 1 structure: is freely discussed sud must ul- timately be carried. Under these circum- stances, the ntepsyers of Dutterin ought _ not to hesitate on the question of sepsrs- tion ; " if they, under the present union would he breed to contribute townirds the erection of public buildings in other counv ties, it is n self evident feet that Ithey ought to avoid that expense sud erupt buildings of their own. In the compass , of this srticle, we eunnot afford to dwell l on the inconvenience resulting from the l remotness of the county towns of Welling. ton, Grey, and Simone from the ratepayers of Dufferin ', sMiee it to sly that there are few of them who hue not. " some time or other, attended courts. either tus' jurors. witnesses or principal: in suits, and who have not felt the disadvantages resulting _ from their situation. We ltope the by-law [ " separation will be submitted, Ind we [ trust to the good sense of the eleetst" for ', its pesssgc. Their sanction to the mess- ' nre will he a lasting benefit to them and ', l their successors, and will remove the griev- t ences complained of under the existingnn- , ion between the counties of Duirerin,Well- iugtou,0 rey and simeoe,---0rangeville Sun. A St. Peterrdntrg dcsputch says the of- fieial return of lilwsiann killed, wouuded, and missing from the eouuueueemeut of hostilities to the 25th Oetober,is 61.912. It is oWtially announced " Constanti- nopll that 126,796 men Ire to be immedi- ately called out for active service. The ma- joritv of there Ne members of the resent. The draft will leave 338,412 registered members of tho rout". A correspondent of the Turks in Asia, showing that Mukhtar Pnln'o "that on liars was the wildest rouet any: ..---"The condition of liars is slznmat hopeless. There are few provisions, 4,000 sick and wounded and Absolutely no tirewood. There is much discontent in Rnlimnnin I concerning the w“. The" is hardly I l family in Mulduvin which has not lost s 1 relative. The fullslrength ofthe linumnn- ian Anny into the field in the beginning of the war, and some cumpnnios now have only one offierr, " there are no "servo ottieers to mph" the killed. The “my is disorganized. After the engagement of tU 29th tho Romain“ “in-tend to mutiny if further “tempts were mule to lend them to cerinin death. The Runnin- inn Chambers will be eonroked " the lat- ‘est possible Gy, And immediately re-pm- rogued. Thus All chum-c of the Roux-mn- inns retiring from the wax loam: to have "tfuhed. An attaet on Telisehe, Iimultlnenusly with the capture of Dulmik on Oetofwr 24, was repulsed with the lose of 1,000. The loss st Dubnik In 8,000. Every bri. gnde and regimental commander was kil. led or wounded, end, u nearly all oftirers of the Guards ue personally known at headquarters, the faet hat cast I deep gloom over the members of the staff. A Russiln omeial despatch any: the total number of prisoners captured It Duhnik Ind Tchache was 7,000 it.sludivg two Push“. 200 offieers, Ind an English Colonel in the Turkish service. After the victories It Dulmik nnd Telische,the Rus- sian scouts nppmlchid Itndiamirze, and Chevket Puhl. with halve l-atnliuns. fled hom there without uniting to destroy the bridge,whitsh is now intact into our hawk. Our cutlery is punuing Chevket Pasha. A Vienna dearth}! 'ut.rsc--B.sr the noon» '; pation of the heigrta near Dulmik thr, lim- sinus eommaud the Turkish tefrslc-rrr"l over the Vid, the only means of ($2th from Plevnu on the south 3nd west. The invettment of Flows in now eomplete, sad it in thought that Onnan Pasha will soon bid his position unhmhle. A Turk. ish relieving my would have to fight its ‘ny up to Plem stop by mp. An Erzerrmm telotteam lava ..-h severe and wt" made (0-day on the Tisrkish Mtion. There was fighting dong the whole line. After ton hours' engagement the Turkish centre was driven in and the Turin 'sompe1led to retire. mama: Pu. " VII Manly wounded. tht the 24th ult. the Rev. D. J. McInnes. late of Chrksburg. w“ inducted into the motors! chute of the tsongreott.ionn of Edn and Capri-me. in Erin Township. A {up ot-ttation Humbled on the oe. MJI. OI tho low “madly evening Tarea-Russian War. Lin. Ott the foRowing Monday evening "r Tere-fit' To: Inc-ting. I) welcome b 0.0 d or well-W human from an.“ the Club Wir on Tue.- (by. “a. having sold some stuck. meeived "r do!“ Soo- MUe I young my: “mum” ML to inspect no.0 - and on nothing than, u. M W and. " nun-nun. ma 10. “I; that No I m: was than“ to MQMNOIHWW tlmt No 1 could not - tho but. Not nunnpw 1.0mm tho but open, .but appeared to have with: strength at mm to do so whereupon No 2 dammed the $6tt on tL, Ipot. In vain did Not protest his luck of funds. all pleaded Ionian. Bin credit. or was “Mums. no quietly ssh-d 11,. tumor the loan of 050. winch sum Wtttt given in a highly maimuuu alum an! in . prompt mm. No 2 Wu then 'l paid. u a "I, shoet time both tstr-ras Fe W. and no (no: hing fulth Gttum,ourfsraaorb--tlaiein ‘thoirndupodmnd am he had been y duped. Without deity. Coming he“ t pure-OJ 0nd overtook the dampen no» . Pinkerton. 0n Arriving here they Wars I , tried " the Maximum: Court 1nd nest , l morning conveyed to Wtstkeruu.--uiale, , Advocate. Field Haydn! Bum: Ton Wrongs]. the Prussian Guard. in dud. B-U,thritseriand, ha been dammed to the plus " an nut mung oftue Emu. golicd Alliance. Boards canon mill It Oldhun. Enz- llnd.vhich aontsined shout 40,000 qrindUs has boon burned. The General run of prion paid for cattle " the latet hit a Woodstock was from "' to '86 per head. A Pembim devilish!!! MI that in the "ring, Sitting Bull will unsigned. hymn Candi-n authueitua, I mien-won on Bed Deer Rim. The Australian mtsils: by the new mute -eria Sm Francisco and New York- maehed London in forty-two days. Ignilm. fifty-six ar by the old route. The Perth group hy-lnw grunting I Imam of 075.000 to the Toronto and Ottawa Rail‘uy. if cnnntrumd hy vuy of that village, bu been carried by I majority of Mt. The. entire amount of money diverted from the treasury of New York City, from first to Inst,by the Tweed Ring. is estimat- ed " between "M00,000and M0,000,000. l A violent shock a! outllqunko wu bit P' two o'clock on Sunday morning at (mu. In Mung the M. Lawrence from Cornwall l,to Montreal, in nnrth-outov-n New York land in the New England Staten. Conuidenhle Mange to Inlay shipping in thwarted during the late plan. In Riml- Isl-ml and alum: the Had um um! Delaware rivers the atoms are violent. A petition mint the return of Mr. Bourbon: in Drummond and Arthnhm-h has hem tilod. The grounds on which the eleetoin is culminated "ebribery, corruption aad undue iaitaeums. Mr. Gile- H. Fowler, of Burford. ill rained I Spiked-urn apple which - dr- Yelnpod such . mn'eloul growth an to weigh WI ounces. 3nd mouunu In many inches in chant-mace. Another shock of Mllqunke was M: an the 9th ult. It Lims Ind Callus. Peru. English insurance comp-mie- lm £70.00” by the dnmlm united in May by the earthqunko Ind tidal In" on the 1hseriie count. News horn Cape Town In!" a... tlo British troops in” hum: tho hail of the imam-gent Gulch chiofmithout any loan upon their aid. ; and tut the Gover- nor of Cape Colony in! dinpoud the clue! and gunned his territory. A young mu named Louis Hairy Cont. tro has been rsenteneed to eighteen months intpritronmertt in the Central Prison a the, Waterloo Full Amines for dealing . up“ of horses. I wnzgvm and ten dollars from Owen Sluntz. of Waterloo. Ahottt “lama of the best (can: in Caledon m now in “no Nipiuing district where thew took up A line mm oflnnd nut I proposed station of the Cmndn Pnritio Builw-y. and not far from the Mnmxetawun Rim. Mr. W. F Clark went to [napalm 3nd alerted the had laat July. He gives 3 good account of it. On Sand-y morning between two And three o‘clock. the 8mm nttrieultural works in Teeorater were totidr army“ by fire. ileum Fran a Gillies Ioats will be than! IMAM. on which them in an ittrur. nnoz of “.000. By great efforts the adjoin. ing buildings - and. thanghthey m on fire heard than. Origin of the be unknown. gain! of the mun wr: IAN urrrst- O‘chllxod with ti his employ-r34 ”he, nad cinching. On being brought W the Police Knit-u. he Int. re. -uu in the 5th. TM "lty wile an. to mm on thq mired train pro- 'oedinathntoet which - husband Mln‘ t,ooisba.vedtobeWili't the any -otutimu. he: lover unveiled no u Ion-mid “up.“ l Miscellaneous. and ”Item. A BUILLV'E (if Till; i'ttl ” CD “I Chm-k of Llund. w Ml! wlaupered to In" a.“ and unnamed by I n. u missed on iugh Lu. bun-Hui rod M all wound and ”In-mu 1m] 0. the “mull-Inge LL. I W'- m ”lull-nil? qunr NHL." m. - Hull“ mum. lm glam ”hi it had her" unu- l'l w] bo “would Wreslir Up h ., hr. u the tWInn "It-~11: In m.l..u.. - Iii-1th with a” and ~l.m.l al “ward of “nun In .1 't,p- M A I” gum-Jurm-wdn; - 3m: n 1;; _ Out kae spruny. st I irtar mm that m " “URL tac wnnn In " wheu c" s Ld mm no.“ round in. den t'. w flushes hating; “I glrrtuuss huh, t our: “hum; thaw tle . tor ('imm'. l ttsts,' tho ILL tiwelleui. ”and: Im- .4 In vain ttst “I Ltugd. L erowtt." MU ufeV we Amd pus-MM) I - thr Ilmr WM “lulu. u And dun " cut', " buried urn“ And getttle mu ttttt with In Btmig at rum» n why, 11mg]: “hm". Prom theur h Boon the gr For there w As nuny a w Who gu Tm hon-1' The Hush" Gevat Ms I] GUriug a "l At fir “on with a I From This r upr And vault All In Wluh All 1 Aud I And we! a Walt tsll l Tum on. Singing In 37 on I In an Snu- m m Which - SCI-rut» Bend t What an Their sswt 'rear, the Light. S: rt Fm. the Mr A dark cl Wunt I Wir The d Filled Burk. Now those " F, mun an tio ht than . Forever ' f . (IV w, "Ill. " In rum HIM Bu M “It tho; othe with " our in I "mu-null t ml. or Planter of Rum In nth" "Ii". I bolu- w I "an wt it! which II unparl M to Ute Rating them to a hwdhw on my are war) w,ft mul I “huh-r; uul . unn- run G fun " "In Sum. up Mm - to thow ulu. Inn- -r, “(I often mural 'Ire- (nil ll- um I. ' ' --"rthrteateu an", Much-n. ”M hy G.otorr. It v Gl Al, (It Ind Th a by All Itruig IW. calm A M' u “ll. PI tt - fe, CHAPTER VI ll " PAL M n In H the.

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