" Eire? iliii In H " LI h lt Mr. Brim. who: " the Grilli- High School. in 1816. left that plue suddenly ebont Christmas, and in company with him . daughter of Mr. Show, n girl of eighteen yen". At thin time Brintow‘e ml wife, to whom he had only been mer- ried eighteen months, wee in Montreal uniting some friends. Where the guilty par hnd been heard from lut wee " De- troit. Briatow lining sent in his reuignn- tion to the Orillie School Board from that city. The, sequel to the story comes from Cineinntti. in n telegram from thnt city, dated 26th October. It states that . Mr. L. Vaughan, Principnl of the Scott School. " Irvington, had met with e sudden do. mestic reveletion. The otheer â€compen- ied Mr. Show end the lawyer to the house, where Mu, Show met her father, and, After n few tears, consented to go with him to his home though she snid she we: not union- to deuert her companion. She left . note for Mr. Vaughan, saying she hnd gone to visit n nick friend in Cincin- ntti ; and then hastily packing up. left the home with her (other. The deputy-mer- Ihnll locked the house and took the key to Vaughn), end explained the situation ti him in full. Vnughan denied the story in into. and asserted that this women WI: his only wife. After school. he peeked hi, voile. and started in pursuit of his wife. While he we.» at his duties " school, thi, afternoon. Mr. William Show. of Campbell ford, Ontario, accompanied by Mr. Selbert, an attorney of Ciaeinatti, calledon deputy. mnlnll Wuodson, of Irvington, and in. formed him that the wnunn in Mr Vuuglnn'n house, supposed to be Mrs. Vaughn, wu Miss Shaw, his datum". and that she had never been married b Vaughn: It all. Bristow aliua Vaughan. in . fine nebula. end readily found em ployment in Covington, where he in high- ly appreciated. He is a gnduste of Cam, bridge 1Jrtiversity, England. A sad accident occurred at the house of Mr. Oliver Gooilfellow. near the central m1. (hilt. on Monday the '2p2nd ult., re- sulting in the leuthof his wife. Mr. Good. fellow left home in the morning and on returning at noon the dead body of Mrs. (io‘odlelh'm met his gaze. It appears that " mine meana she had fallen down cell» shortly After his departure, and when she was found shortly before noon her bud In. unlit open and she was insensible. She died shortly nftorwmhl. New. respecting the tue of SirJ ohn Funk. lin has been brought by one of the crew of the whale:- lost in Hudson Bay in 1876, who "grtea on the nu thoritv of the Esquiy miux.that Sir John's vuselhecnme a totah wreck. and that the whole crew died. The Schwinn]: also wort that I number of" hair-evidently journals 3nd lug boou-l -Htby the white men, Ind hurried‘ "aroim"i-tturtdmd miles inlaid, andl â€which moo! the explorers have yet ship The and - completely wrong!) the body 3nd came out on the opposite side. The boy lived for two hours after the mi- dent in put tmtrering. reauetmtU. The" in some talk of fitting oat a: “Minn in New York in tho spring " new records. MI BsaeroAnantr.---th" oveninp lust week I wholesale merehsnt on Front. street, Toronto, was accosted by a respect- nble-looking female who Inked him tin wnyw Eliza street. Appearing ' led) all of quiet demeanor, the gentlemen of, feredto “company her, die are“ lyinp on his and home. Arrived u the house, the airlmulled some letters out of he: iution, on Mrmlsy. The body wu neuly out in two. His watch, keys, Ill] some Utters were found in his pocket. poetâ€. uni. saying she could not red tho uddruus, naked the merchnm to step int, the house sud read them for her. Thi, ho did, and the girl diamauged her hail and clown and began shrieking. Sh: brought uvonl other girls um! . mm b her, and they surrounded the merchant: null alter seizing him threatened if he did um write a cheque for a large amount mm [in them all the money he had in his rock“: they would give him into cushdy. Thomas McWillinms was found dad on we Gum! Trunk Bulwny muck about a quarter of 5 mile west of the Bunion] in refused. however, uni after 3 ahort “mule succeeded in breaking open the I“ “at and making his escape. Fnu. Gun Accumtsr.-on Snturduy " Iornoon n gun in tho bands of I youth named Robert Samara accidoutly exploded. 3nd the contents entered the ‘ide of an clown your old boy tamed J amen Hunter non of Mr. David Hunter of York Town- emu: India with I cargo of m'u} Mud on tue on the lst ofNovembpr.: "N,ian.tittrN11desouth,tonaitui.' â€Wan. nou- the Mauritius. the my having ' picked upaoonafurlav- “030ml. Ohm. nightof theihh W. 1trtT,tumaii-eaiaar. mosh-[way fYxichinnto8usm,eam. â€dam Twoitdah “can†yin“ melting and found danced still, "-useirtq in In: Kohl. The the land th_auaxmoatu,amnuhadsiriitid -oth-1miusiuthattime. Father, hear me from show. Guard no with Wno'trmu of In"! loop no do but: may sin, PIN withemt ter,".: within. Moth-tnoe . word From my lips be our hard; Let, oht lot my hon“ be fraught With no vnin or au thought: gap my soul from folly (no, Lat-In. ave, trust in die. Holy up to be kind lad hm, Gentle. pm and faithful too; Guard me from the tempter'a power. Save me in etch dangerous hour; Keep me in the path of truth, Ut no "r" Thee well in you‘ll: And when hick short drum is our, Lend me to the heavenly shore. Where .11 heart, from sin no (no. En", through eternity. Tho Twaddle. nu iron ship bound huh A CHILD'S PRAYER. an: in $110 garden of Eden t-Ere8 nnd An mum â€per martian: "A pair of blue eyes " ten cents." In Chicago you an get . pair of Mahmud-blue eye- tor lea may thnn that. "BO grown to be A polished gentleman myhow Paid en old lady, wing fondly, u the spoke, " the shining bull! heed of her eon just returned After 3 long absence. A Michigm father writes to the faculty of Yule '. "What ere your term. for . you , And does it one! nnything “in if my son went: to 19m td read Ind write a well " row I boat. t" A young lady at the bench lost I “Hot containing $48 in . very foolish way. For safety she hurried inn the and before all. went in to bathe, and when she me out she could't find it. ABtpmdofmeruits were drawn up in‘ line one day at Debreczin. in Hungary, when the corporel suddenly exclamed. "Here, Kovaes, what's that medal yon‘v got dangling there on your brunt t" Kovnca blushed, cast down his eyes, and replied in n small voice. “Please. sir, it's the medal our cow won at last cattle show." One of the workers in the Liberia move- ment met . wise old dukey 1n Shreveport, La. He was describing the greet benefits, the negro would enjoy by emigrating, and told him that there the negro did not Love to work; there the milk and honey and bread and auger trees covered the forests, and bananas, coconuts, pineapples, lemons and all the tropical fruits grew everywhere. "Dath, 'nough of dat story," aid the old darkey; "dat Bin't so, knee if it wha de white men would I went (lar long ago, and sle niggem nebber would hob known nut. tin' 'bout it." A Scotch farmer once took his wife to see the wonders of the mierosusope. The various curiosities seemed to please the womrn very well, till the animalculle pro- fessed to be contained in a drop of water were shown oft. These seemed to poor Janet not so very pleasant a sight as the others. She sat patiently, however, till the "water tigers," tmsgniiied to the size of twelve feet, appeared on the sheet, fighting with their usual ferocity. Janet now rose in great trepidation, and cried to her has. nand, “Come awa' John." “Sitstill,woman. and see the show," said John. “See the .how I Gude keep us ts,' man, what wad come o' us if the awfu'-like brute: wad orak' out o' the water." Danda1k-'Nesduy before Omngeville. Guelph-First Wednesday in and) mouth. 1Grristou---FridBy before the Guelph Fair. Drartou---aturday before Guelph. Elo-The day before Guelph. Do+--Motsay below Elon Fnir. Eumiltort-Crsstal Pnlme Groundl, the tiny the! Guelph. Beermd.-rimt Thundny in each month. I8tmrreu-c:.rirst That-ad†in -hmonth. Tdat-i-First Frida in imh month. Mount 'Cd2%TN"dl'd','L"l in each An Infallible Remedy for all Diseases of the Eye (acute or chronic), Granulation of the Lids, Ulceration of the Lachrt mal Glands, Film, and Weakness c, the Vivian from any muse. Tm. Autumn EVE-SAL“ is presented to the public with the assurance of Its eiticieue) as curative of most diseases of the e e, acute ur chronic inilammation, whether 'i'l,'rli',,',1' by ‘crufulous origin or otherwise, weakness or lefect of vision, diminished tons of the optic nerve. or s diseased state of the tissues cun- stituting that urgan. Also, for all persons whose vocation requires an incessant notion of the eyes, the Salve will not as I churn In re. ,toring auniform healthy notion, where weak. ness, pain, sntl misery may have long threat. cued afatal termination. It is the most simple. water, Ind effectual remedy ever discovered. lhe materials of which it is made are pure, perfect, sud costly. compounded with ela, horste cure and exactness, safe m its smili- cation, being used externally, and, of course. woiding the pain sndilsnger which necessarily ittennls the introduction of caustic minerals sud eye-washes. Rmuwmm sun! Ma, (Inno- nc Soars. of scrofulous origin. or resulting from whatever cause, yeild to the Amuuux Pin-Sun's. " Is rsnn Sl (‘('ESSF'CLLY run Plus. Its soothing effect is immediate, and a permanent cure requires but 1 few sppli. catwns. The proprietors of “DR. J. Prrrtr s Animus En-HAva." while making new and immovsd machinery for making a more perfect _ n for the Eye-Salve, have changed Sabbath Selma every Sabbath afternoon in the Orange Hall. commencing at 2 P. M. Preaching even Sabbath in the same place, eomueneing at 6.80 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. C. Shaw. Owen Sound, depart... 7:45 1hmmua, " ...10:30 oraugevilU, Brriver...il.G0 Toronto, " ...11:00 Toronto, depart .'. 8:30 12:45 Orangeville. " ... 7:00 12:05 Dunn“, " ... 9:05 1:30 Owen Sound, arrive...†noon 3:60 the Trade Mark on the cover w u to conjun- pond with the Cut on the Wrapper, Circulars, Advertisements, etc. We, call attention to this. In it might otherwise be regarded as c'outatertesiting. .. NORTHROP d. LYMAN, Toronto, Agents for Canada. DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY. PREBBYTENAN. Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School House, commencing at 10 Lu. How many npples did our first went: BAPTIST CHURCH. Preaching every Sabbath evening in the School House. Mr, Williamson. preacher MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRQ. PETITT'S EYE-SALVE. TItAVELEltS' GUIDE. T. G. & B. Railway. CANADA METHODIST. w err ' PARKER. Proprietors, Freedom; N. Y. GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. 12:80 Pc80 4:46 3:25 8:12 5:05 10:00 8.10 9:00 9:45 3:45 "hi"o"ug,'g'he I'm-men end other: who not to borrow mum] on have it st from 8 to " per can. on the Simple Interest principle, the borrower hsving the right to pay off his Mona-gent my time by giving one or two montha' notice. Business private and oonfi and. EGmd Egg}: LTirinispl1 Debenturou Bought. ciununaiiom, mom uumud to. Alwyn to be found in the 0609, on Mondays and head-yo. ptly GEORGE RUTHERFORD, Oman, Main Smut, DundAlk. Awnrded the International Medal and Diploma for but Wood Sawing Machtno it the €enmnnml Exhibition, Philadelphia; also Firat Prize at Hamilton. Guelph, and " all the County Show Fnirn wherever nhowu. Call und get Price List from Orders solicited. I? All orders promptly sent for I" kinds of IMPLEMENTS.“ SAW end GRIST MILL MACHINERY of all descriptions. General purpme Plough: of the best kind: to be had. GANG PLUUUHH. Wrought Iron or Wooden Frame. told on next pmr't terms, or at a reduction it Cssh be paid this Winter. Harness of all kinds l Wagons all Sleigh, the celebrated Uxbridge Organs, Sewing Mtchines, Tomb Stones, We., of I kinda, Sold by War. MARSHAIIIL, Dundalk. MONEY-hrmers wishing to obtain Money cannot do better than to call at the FBrtnem and Mechanics’ Ageney nuw established in the town of Dumlnik, where you cm get MONEY at a reduced rate of Interest, on tr'l‘erms to suit yourselves,-'" psy oits previous mortgage, build a New House, oy Barn, to clear inure Und, or to obtain I choice breedof Cattle. t‘i’lmms Will be put through without loss of time, while the strictest privacy will be maintained in all transactions. orrtca-Oms door South of the Anglo-American Hotel. Dundalk August 30, 1877. LAN DS-I beg have to call the attention of those wishing to purchase land, u I hue a number of good, and cheap, Farm bot: for sale. “Send address and get my “Home Ind price; New Goods, New Goods! PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, AN‘APPBENTICE WANTED. MEMBER [HE PLhCB--Ptxston Street. near the Dundalk. _ - -- _ _ REPAIRING done with NEATNESS and DESPATCH. 'eri.ng along your Cash, Butter and Eggs. An inspection of our goods respect- fully solicited. G. B. MIDDLETON. The Subunhr. thankfull for set favors, would inform ' . habitants of Dunk]? and surrounding country 333.92??? "ldl"u"l ii the MV prepared to make to order, and of the bist material to be had, WAGGONS. BUGGIES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTEB8, SLEIGHS. HABROWS. ROLLERS. HORSE RAKES, Dundalk Insurance, Loaning and GENERAL AGENCY. Dundalk, August 30th, 1877. Dundslk, May 81, 1877. August 22, 1877. W. Marshall, Agent, Dundalk. Farmers and Mechanics' Conveyancing done with neatness and despatch. A. G. HUNTER. Dundalk Carriage Works. Léins'Advanced on Town or Village Property. Dundalk, Jan. 29, IMT. Painting Dope on Short Notice, AND BY A FIRST-CLASS ARTIST. Id- of propel-t; InmtrxsdirsaoodCo-_th?trRatec PumMyqu-d aeitut . and Lightning toe , yearn At " on“ on tho two. _ (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE) Min and am hi- Hone Insured mun-t accident- and death from any can. The Young Champion Wood Sawing Machine'! “PUFF on BLOW !" Cheaper than the Cheapest. CULTWATORS, W1.iEEkBAm10Wir, and anything also in the wood line roqgirod by the communty a Inâ€, 1,000 Volunte er‘s Wanted! and Reudy-l‘ladc Clothing, ‘Prices lower than ever. LAND, LOAN and GENERAL AGENCY, which we offer at very close prices. We do not We have. now on hand a Large Stock of GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. MONEY. DUNDALK, ONTARIO. T. B. GRADY. ibut we sell goods "I y3l y! Latest from the Beat of War! But more khan by surprise on entering HANBURY. BROS., Est. is to In won the largest and most attractive Stock of Book! Shoe. pubhc inspoction, consisting of 10,000 Slain ! Aa we we none but the but mum-ill. than leaving their order may depend on getting u genuine "tide, and I fit to plane the moat exquisite. Gent's Sewed Work a Speciality. Bosldes this the HADDLERY DEPARTMENT is replete in all its branches. A 1 Stock always on hind. Orders promptly attended, and satisfaction gumnteed. 8’ All kinds of farm produce, cordwood, le., Ae., taken in exolnnge for goods. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES AND SKINS. THOS. HANBUBY * BRO. Ladies' /Erats and Bonnets 'd,B.-A11 artuain-dththerir pmhonlohmutpsy quorum-cost I P will!» Mund- ' Dunda1k,3asu, 1377 Preserve Jars, All Sizes. Trimming done on 'hp',' Encourage Home Manufacture Cnpboudn, la, dart., It the shorted notice. Furniture repaired With name- and diqatets Estimates given and Contact; taken for all chuc- of Buildings. STAIRCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Orders Soiclitod. â€Undertaking attended to promptly. Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Bend. the undersigned beg to inform the inhabitant- of Dundlnk and “wounding countâ€. they are new mantsiacturing all kind. of STOVES AND TINWARE! James Robertson in returning thanks to the public f r the liberal puma-go he has received, now begs to inform them that he is prepmgd to furnish everything in hip line at prices never before heard of. Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves TINWARE of every description at Bottom Prices EhVETHt0U0HfN0 AND ROOFING A SPECIAL ITY. FIRST-CLASS PLOUGHS FOR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post oftiee Watmas:--Any quantity ot WOOL, Woobrrcsoasa, Suzanna“, Hume. ta, ta, Apprentice Wanted. JAMES ROBERTSON. At the Stove and Tinwnre Emp oriu m DUNDALK. Most REASONABLE Terms, Dundalk, August Int. 1877. TAKE NOTICE. Sash, Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, Remember the Stand, the Shop needy opposite the Poet (Mice, Main Mmet, Dundelk. CROSS l HICKS. Dundelk. April 12, 1877. tit Dundalk, Aug. ft, 1877. Putin wilting to patch.» . not either for I Dwelling Home or . BUSINESS STAND. Dundalk, June 6, 1877. Dundalk, April 12, 1877. Building Lots for Sale. TORONTO HOUSE. Mould Apply at Once to CUSTOM WORK. n done on the premises to suit every taste. - Old Hats uni g Bonnets made to look as good us new. OUR TEAS STILL TAKE THE LEAD. B’AND caIAP FOB can on TRADE. THE BEST IN DUNDALK, BOOTS and SHOES of every pattern! in the latest New York Styles, It the A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHE APEB THAN EVEN IN ENDLESS VARIETY, CALL AND SEE THEM. NEIL MGAUIJAY’ ON THE Superior Family Flour. '25me to E. BROWNE 28 COLUMN PAPER aue_mgnirt-tamormt of idem... I E E Large Circulation Job Department. FOREIGN AN D Duudulk Gui do a now “and up in the vary best "ru, uni BEST STYLE OF THE ART HOB‘! â€PROVE“! KINDS- Medium for Advertisers. "DONDALE GUIDE." annual when: and“ by 1esvitte UM ' READING MATTER, Possesses Great Facilities . Promptitude The STATION, noon. xnws, JOB WORK FmY NEWSPAPER S’POSTAGE mama Thom ism-Ind an mm GREATEST meccribo for the Pun 01.00 PI! ml MARKET REPORTS, Patio-wishing makes it " "oelUrrt W()I{K. dnlk All who it!“ I good Opposii " Iotdoingsllkinhot Windham IN ADVANCE. DUNDLLK. THE EDITORIALS. THE Guide" '. TOWNSEND " THE G awry 'rI- ABtbeOfBoe, Prreem “tn â€an “Way I'm Dundalk, - “Cl.†tf um PM u Pt-iomd Mid Inn-1r “my column cal-Inn. (be cull-m. oo. 0.. on montl II- tlmw Inn! (End "vvrtvu.mo W M Ute. Ilnl "urn " oaah Inbnm.ut'ul m (Himry “Mum. “I. In" all Lu. h " chirp-V ITBAY ANIMX "in for 'l M tt Inn-u, ' inn-"Mr ‘llerI-I'lm'l" M writta.u Inde- i-tod mm! to I†Plum. Morn! I. lh, _. "My l'ul-lng I u l -u--- Dun-lam "ilk-r. _ ' â€In†Pul/o "cannula “up. (“inn-ll} Torout . n. [ HI\‘Ii('IIIII - Buudalk “gainer. ht Chumâ€); “"1 Oven Sound. (haw-05' " "UNI Fidel..- Tlle hull h' Quantum Builder's and C N1D'I‘l( The ml the name “not. “main" BUSINESS DIR MILLIN I mun Nu mm and tl" “B's ..--tt per tire " Marriage Ccrtifit Ltcenscs Medical I mice-rm Drum. Ch Punt! “W nu Physicians Pr THE VULCAN Ikmhlk “Cu-loud “our "UN" 1l.h' All k Dunn] hunch Miss new AM m OWEN “hur- AI‘ 5"†'ttAte. August 22 Ms RATES or Ah dank Notice to the y. Flour IAITIA " PAN Yirrtr uh Hum " JAM In: " It . Pt ' Chill-III DUNN " M u Dy M Med Sh iti' I†Nun l' I "