" l. C N “In I il " Tamra-non nu tammrt.-About two weak: no Mr. W. Datum. who its wont loving Lawâ€. was entertained a a cam- 'ti-tnr-ro' a but. amber of hub. " Sunday'- haul. um. Toronto, 3nd presented with I fhstterintt Midtown. “complied by I bountiful wltch. gold aha-in and a we1l.hiud purse. " . mull ' of rum! for his In"! {tiling 05011: " tho walk" ot the town-hip of Luther, and " the pmperity of [an]. Toronto whilst oompying the hononble ponition of chief mange of the township. A Luca: Dunctru's Exrurrr.-Chtur. Thomson. 3 grocer in Toronto, licensed to "ll liquor, In: finod .20 one! coat: on Toasty, last week, on two conviction for Idling loss than throelnlfpinu; the on. in on. of (not bud-hip. It mun . whis- hey amply. wont into " “on Ind naked " n heal. of handy. and In: told the prion; he said he could not union! to pay it, Ind Thomson aid he could sell him 3 home from the wood " n In. figure. The detee. Earl Shaftesbury presided recently at tho inauguration oi the new ihstitution of the, Young Muns’ Christian Assoeiation at Liverpool. His Inm‘ahip highly commend- ed M -iatiom, for Quit elevating in. Bao- "pdtteationaliy Bud morally. [He aid that Young Mens' Christian Amoeb- tio-m oommeneed in 1844, mid that Mt now numbered in England and Boot- Lnd Ila-C Tap, and in the whole woru, Hulk. hot in Chins. an. in Spin, "det-ing-ol-tuna/yo with on. million 3nd tb hull numbers. ' 1. - an totnl number. of Inn-do. in medu w amazon: of a My cl 19,088,101, or on. out of M an ' and on 'uuueu-.um, M H W to 06,686, out of 5 pop- -u. d â€aâ€. at on out at any n. up but - "th... we. tire aid ho would his the Utter, Ind shed to ban it put up in two pint bottles, which won done; he then bought some eraekers 5nd other srtiehm, ond "id he lmd not enough to pay for tho whole, Ind would leave one of the pint Mules moi all And pay for it the no“ ar, this he did, Ind than mmmoned Thomson for, on two occasions. selling liquor in lea quantities than snowed by law. Tn Am " Pumta.---'ru army of the all!“ before Plevna coneiste of 106 battal- lions of infantry, 67 squadron: of cavalry and M6 guns including the liege guns, the whole of which have not yetbeei plac- ed into position. The Russians have con» pleted sixteen redonbtn, and are working: on tive others. It is stated that their tUld w irks cannot be finished before November. General Uourko occupies a position ber, t.veen the rivers Vid and Iskra, but he is c--mpeiled to detach many of his troops in order to repel the constant attack- of t " Turin from the West. The Ronman- in.“ form the right wing of the investing tiny. and the Guards the left wing, while the corpus oi Owen] Krudener end Gener- al 2tstotf constitute the centre. In respect to the recent repulse oi the Ronmaninns from the Grivitza redoubt, the Russian stall severely blame Prince Chules for undertaking the attack without having previously consulted the Russian stem Even" Genuine cotamc--A Sweedish paper publisher In interesting uticle under the heading "Why is the Climate of Europe Growing Colder W' The article "utes that in the Bay of Komernok. near Roma, in Greenland, fosail and very cher- ucti-rihtic remains of Palm and other trees haw been discovered lately, which tend t n show that in these parts formerly tt rich recitation m ist have existed. But the ice period of the Geologists arrived. and, M I conleqneucc of the decreasing temperature which moved in a southerly direction, u an be proved by Geological data-that is, the discovery of basil plants of certain speeies--setms to be going on in our day Ibo. During the last few years the ice line increased for toward the south ; than between Greenland end the Artie Sen col- meal mace: elite have accumulnted. On Burcpenu coasts unvigntorl new frequent- ly find ice in hititndei where it never existed during the summer months, end the cold l reigning upon the Scandinnvinn peninsula this summer reeulte from the masses of ice which on Boating in the region where the Gulf Strum bends towards our conste. There is a repetition of the observation male in the cold summer ole. The ttn. Machined vicinity of these meme of ice has rendered the climate of Iceland Io cold that corn no longer ripen- there, end the 1eoumum,infurofnoomingSmimraatd icy dinette. begin to found . new home in North Amemce. DIeouuo " "in tirt.-Tht, Emperor himself is the sole fountain of military hon. or Inches " personally, end his person- al baring enhances the reward in every em. A generous word, . friendly look, the well ehoIen expression of praise to unit the individual, go home to the heart l of the recipient on much on the highly cher- ished reward itself. Two hundred GiUk) of ell nah breakfast end dine daily nthia table. From the youngest to the oldest every eye is fixed on him, Before the men] in the mmbled circle. u the Czar Inpeere. it is seen one day that on aide-de- eamp behind him entries I cushion with enme- and, perhaps, belie dozen sword knots of honor-the ribbon of St. George, Orange end bhuh--to be worn ettaehed to the "lord hilt. instantly the expectation in " its height. The Cure voice cells the climn nme. end All mete room for the envied man to pass, he can»: blushing end thtshed, and receives the prize, bends low to his: the Imperial hand, and retires bowing at every step, e made man for life, the admired and Canned of all beholden. Then he hates, through the usual em- bracing and kissing on both cheeku from his friemle. I have seen old officers so overcome with this mark of distinction, that they went shout tor ten minutes after like children weeping, with the prized as. on.tio in their hands, showing it round lull dnaed,--Loruon Time. (Hurley Rou’l fither has expanded M0,000 in his satchel, Ind made About Mfume" journeys. no is now poor, his business having gone to naught through neglect. and ho in now 0113de I true]- The Imperial omen of aunties in Ber. lin In: just publish-d the hunt Mum: table of the populntion in the German om- piro. At the end of1876 it w“ 42,797,360. The greatest increase want in Prussiu pro- per ; Alsace-Lorraine lost three per thou. A helpless old man named Bullontine. living near Strabane, was burned to death on the let inst., caused by . spark from the pipe which the old mu was smoking tal. ling on some portion of his clothing, and he being nimble to move or help himself in on, w-y. wu (creed to sit there and see himself almost burned up. His daughter won out It the time, end when the return- ed in About three-quarters of An hour, the old mm wu still sitting in the chair, but almost every stitch of clothing was burned off his body, his fUsls being literally roasted almost from his head to his feet. kivi,rtiLmenta, etc. We Gil tittentiontir this. aait might otherwise be regarded " counterfeiting. Irs-___, " DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY. Manitoulin Island is looking up; the Collingwood Bulletin sayc.-"The root and vegetable crops exceed the most anu- amine "peetktiotm. Mr. Meddough dug " bush. early rose potatoes from a piece of ground 28 by 88 yards; he also took TIV, bush. of another sort from a piece 18 by " yards, some of the potatoes weighing three lbs. Mr. Abray, of this village. tells me he had a patch of potatoes which turned out 480 bush. to the acre, and some of them weighed as much as 8 lbs. 14 oz. Thos. Meddongh from one need raised nine eitrons whose weight aggregated 147 lbs l tomatoes weighing 21 lbs each; some heads of cabbage measuring 17 inches in diameter; some ears of com 15 inches long. The vegetables were all raised in the open air. and from ground which had had no manure of any sort whatever. Set- tlers continue to arrive in large numbers and are crowding into every part of the island." . NORTHROP d. LYMAN, Toronto, Agents for Can-d3. Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School Home, continuum; n 10 Al. PETITT'S EYE-SALVE. An Infallible Remedy for all Dinners of the Eye laculr or chronic}, Granulation ofthe Lidx, Ulu'ratiun ofthe Lachrymal Glands. Film, and Weakneae of the Vision from any cause. THE AMERICAN EncSuvn is presented to the public with the murnnce of its eiiieieuey an a curative of most diseases of the eye, acute or chronic iutlamrnation, whether induced by scrufulmu origin or otherwise, weakness or', defect of vision, diminished tone of the optic nerve, or a diseased state of the tissue: can- stituting that org-n. Also, for all per-om whose vocation require? an incessant Action of the eyes. the Solve will not " I eharm In re- Ituriug Buaitorm healthy action, where weak. "or". pain, And milery may have long throat cued Mata] termination. It in the most simple, safe, and elfectunl remedy ever discovered. The materials of which it u made are pure, perfect, and costly, compounded with ela- borate core and exactness. sate, will nppli- cation, being used externally, and, of course. avoiding the pain and-lauger which neeeearily attends the introduction of cautio- minerals and eye-wanes. Kmomum sud OLD CHRO- NM' Sunni. of scrofuloua origin, or manning from whatever cause, yeild to the Alumnus EYE-SALVL IT is USED SLCCIBS'ULLY you Plus. Itl loathing etfect uimmediate, And a permanent cure require: but u few Appli- cntlonl. The proprietor, of “Du. J. Pml'rs Alumnus EYE-SALVI," while making new and i,,titt,', mochinery for making n more perfect " for tho Eye-Salve. have changed the Trade Mnrk on the cover so a to correl- pond with the Cut on thu T,"grt Circuit". Advertisement». e'ar We _ attention to A party of young men were telling whet they would do were they shipwrecked far out upon the see. and left bumsting with the waves, without a. plank to sustain them. Every one gnve his opinion, ex- cepting Paddy Murphy, who, after being naked for his, replied: “had (was to ye for a cowardly set of spnlpecnsi Ye'd be " ther savin' yerselves, aa' nut tryin' to save nunther. Why, it's Paddy Murphy that would come to shore Bu' save himself. an' thin come back an' try to save unuther!" There never has been a time when the hall- ing of so many ditfereut durum: has been caused by outward application as the present. It In an undisputed fact that over half of the smile pnpulutlun of the globe resort to the use of onlmafy planters. ' . The principal ingredients used in making these Plantar» are (jam thnnum -or better known In the F'riutkiucuruse of the "ilrle- Bubber, and Burgundy Fitch; which, when scitsutttieatly v.otupoamled,is full ot electricity. and when combine-l with the pure medicinal gum, in found to be une of the greatest heal- lng me hum: ever brought before the human They are acknowledged by all who have used them to act quicker than my other Plaster: they ever before tried, and that one of these Planters will do more real service than a hundred of the ordinary kind. All other Plaster! are slow of action, and require tolm worn continually to etfeet a cure; but with these it is entirely ditferent ; the instant one is applied the..ptt.iemt will feel tts effect. They are very loft and ullsble, still very Adhesive l and a sure cure for WEAK Buns, Puss m nu Sum AND Brawn t mu! are in. valuable to those who have n COLD of long "amiing, and often prevente CONSUMPTION. Some even tell In they believe they were cu. tirely cured by the Inc of them of a longneated Consumption. - n .. ' They' images: all the snowing, warming, 'supporting and atrentlmniug qualities uf all uther Planters. Many who have been relieved nf Ritecswrrsst, Tumouutr.cx, and various other min: in the Klmnvs. BREAST or Sum, and believe it is solely done by the electrical qualities which the Purous Planter: contain, and which is imparted to the "stem, thua re. storing them to a healthy gondition. "e iirdi2"reU by Gloria: E. Dan-mum~ Lowell, Man. Sold by all Drumsâ€. Mitchell‘s Balladonna. Improved India Rubber Porous Plaster. CANADA 'omMtgrt.r. V err 4- Run“, Proprietors, Freedonin. N. Y. Just to hand, n comp)“: mortment ot goods, mihbln for the hit huh. marlin: New Fall Goods! Prints, Dress Goods, Plain and Fringed Lustres, French Marines, Coburgs, Grape Cloth, Win- oeys, Plain and Check; Shawn. 'karfe,chnu1a,Boodr, u. to. ma.- mm Bats, wir nylon: duo. A Iplondid snowman of the but s' English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds James Robertson in ramminglthmls to the public for the liberal patronage he has maivod,_now begs _tojutorm _en_: thath. in pupa-d to furnish everything in his Line " piles: neGr before heard of. Special attention paid to this Branch. Splendid value in Green,, HARDWARE. A1't"at'/tt:'t,r,teet,t2Jtit'rr,u.""" Boots and Shoes A stock to suit the most fastidious. ' DIONEY To IJOAN. H, GRAHAM. “At the Stove and l‘inware Emporium DUNDALK. STOVES AND TINWARE! N. B.-hll parties in are“: with their payments on Iota must pay up " MMM, or cost will be incurred. But more taken by surprise on entering HANBURY. BRO'S.. Establishment where is to be seen the largest and must attractive Stock of Boots * Shoes over submitted to pabhe inspection, consisting of Ready Made BOOTS and SHOES of every pattern! As we use none but the best mnterinl, those leaving their order may depend on getting a genuine article, and a fit to please the most exquisite. Most REASONABLE Terms, Should Apply at one to of the Newent Plums l 'a"A full stock of Ready-made Clothing from the but makers In Hats, Caps, Furs, Mitts, Gloves, Ae., bs., my stock will be found incompmblo. Besides this the SADDLERY DEPARTMENT in replete in all its branches. A full Stock always on hand. Orders promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. teB" All kinds of farm produce, cnnlwood, do" he., taken in exchnnge for goods. Genes Sewed Work a Speciality. TAKE NOTICE. Dundalk, August lst, 1877. Pmies wishing to pureutyt.,Aotti.tht.t.Atts Dwelliqg House or . good gatest from the Seat of War! Dundalk, Jam, 1877 Cook, Parlor, And Boat Stoves 10,000 Slain ! Building Lots for Bale. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RIDES AND SKINS. THOS. HANBURY & BRO. CUSTOM WORK. THE BEST IN DUNDALK, GROCERIES. CHEAPER THAN EVER! . NEIL MéAUI. BUSINESS STAN D, ON THE A complete Macrame-t of Builder-5' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Pocket Cutlery, to. 33¢" ' Black Ind J 1pm Ten. JAYI All kinda at t,'.oi,t,".'3 "-aa,T,ad-u..rette MIMI-uni Apia» nudLigIr-inglorl you! “Halts-hum. (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE) suaauusosisrsoe-r-i-t-sid-dd-t"-r""'". qudothou who “newborn. nonev our Inuit at funihslwuaton the Simple Intent-t principle, the borrower hving the right to In, " " 'tttrs at my tile by giving one or two months' notice. Bulimi- [link ad atiai. E’Good Mortgages and Municipd Dabontum Bought. oomgmmiaMlttets m . attended to. Alwnyu to be found in the 0500. on Mondays 3nd My. GEORGE RUTREBNRD. DWI. Iain SM DIM Awarded the Internnional Medal and Dirkll'll for best Wood Boring Indium n the Centennial Exhibition, l’hilulclphia; also int Prize At Huniltnn. Guelph, all at All the County Show Fairs wherever Ihown. tall and got Price Lint im- Olden Iolicltod. ar'A.rr orders test tent for alt kind-of IMPLEMENTM.N. SAW and GRIST MILL MACHINER . 0f ill descriptions. Genoa] pun-yon Phi-gh- of the best klndl to be Ind. GANG' PwUGHS. Wrought Iron or Wooden Frans. will on next you'- terms, or It I reduction it C'ntsh be paid this Winter. Human of all kinds ; W om sud Sleigh, the oelebrsted Uxbridge Organ, Sewing Llwhineu, Toml- Swnu. a, 'f/S kinda, Sold by Wu. MARSHALL Dnnddk. A..e.-1ttt "I77. " REPAIRING done with NEATNESS and DESPATCH. The Subscriber. thankful] for l favon, would inform his Custom-u, tad . - habitats of 'l1Sl'lrl',',,l surrounding country -lly, that " in the m p-dtomaketoortur,tmdottubmtuiuraitaU Ind, WAGGONS. BUGGIES. SINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTEBS. BLEIGHS. l . HABBOW§1 4305:3113, EDI-mg along your Cash. Butter and Eggs. An inspection of our goods yaw. fully solicited. _ -. -. __ A ---__ ll. B. MIDDLETON. Orrtca--0ne door South of the Anglo-American Hotel. Dundalk Anglia: so, 1877. MONEY-Farmer, wishing to obtain Money Cannot do better than to all " the PM and Meelmnicu' Agency uuw (â€midi-bed in the town of Ihtndalk, when you Tdit Moran at a. reduced rue of Interest, on “Terms to omit your-lv-c-to pay . previous mortgage, build I: New Home, or Barn, to ole" mm; Und, or to obtain a choice breed of Cattle. H'hiaus Will be put through without lull ot tima, ,rtsiu the Itricteut privacy will be maintained in I†tranaactioan. GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. LANDS-U beg have to cull the attention of those wishing to Intel-m land. " I hue I number of good, we cheap, Farm but: for Bale. â€Send nuns-nu! get my ssuahnts" New Goods, New Goods! PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, Dundalk Insurance, Leaning and 'GENERAL AGENCY. Prices lower than ever. AN AMEN?!“ WANTED. VEEEMEKBEB TEE. PLAab-Phntm Slut. I. .. Beth Dundalk, May M, 1877. Dundalk, Aug.» 80th, 1877. August M, 1877. Dam, Jun. 19, WW. Farmers and Mechanics’ Dundalk Carriage Works. Paintingupgngqn Short Notice, Conveyancing done with neatness and despatch. A. G. HUNTER. Léins'Advanced on Town or anlage Property The " PUFF OR BLOW!" and prism. Cheaper than the Cheapest. eiEiivAmrta, wr.9aurBAru "'"'vthing""tuwourittPqrimdbrtutsttmrmmiirGi hip. 1.000 "oluntoers ‘Vanted! , Marshall, Agent, Dpndalk. and Ready-Made Clothing. Young Champion Wood Sewing Machine! LAND, LOAN and GENERAL AGENCY, which we offer at very close prices. ‘We do not AND BY A FIRST-CLASS ARTIST. We have now on hand 1: Lap Stock of DIONEY. DUNDALK. ONTARIO. Jsut we sell goods I "I'M-um. "I val " COLOUR It!“ animal-ammo!“ ' n I: Large Circulation I08! â€mm KINDS. (ietti'1,z,t,yaaitr" Pm with. Cttoedttrm0air-irNdbri-irte - unkind-u. BEST STYLE " THE ART Job Department. (Poisons: theat Facilities 1/ l nooittuurinthi-osruca" Dundulk Guido “DUNDALK GUIDE," FOREIGN AN D Medium for Advertisers. The STATION, BIADXXO MATT]; JOB WORK PAMILY LOCAL NEWS. Promptitude i. won. K. ems-max mung The“ it!!!“ cs,.a,i,,..rni,a. It no rm m GREATER! should subscribe for tho Pun 01.00 m Arm makes it u: "euiuat Oppouh e Allwhovnungood don-induct] “an†IN ADVANCE. npxpgu. THE lDITOBlA " THE tg. mm» " Vol." ERIStAI - ll I" p At the "lice, th We“! and h Ow “In... l I‘ll an"... (be can... " THE (and "veeto but “I W tir" tl (or out MM“. Dunda: Minty Butiee Man. “a .u m It. at _ FTRAV AMI 'Mko for " u. and 8 ' ‘dVMI-IIW H than. tqntrmt “and nun] M It: can, Awm h- . In) Public. I'M-lute: "my Ian-hr, ml b'ot,sry Puut (Dwight ilk Shep. PrFnrtnt [and Inn-Alumna L out, â€Incl-IL Pie and LII. I t.eurtal Acru BUSINE? Brrriir. I Chum-'7. Coq (ht-n huuld. l'livmng Kah- 0mm and I " they. ha~b I der. u, lbw-u Irluu um I'ma u Mat) At an. Pin Fur-{relu- aw “I. but nu " (My a ( â€(KIM Builder's (OIII‘IM The "urr,usrl "as. a sour l the - All and. _ Marriage The Datum - ehorr' KILL?“ February I. " 1h DIVISIU) n sun-um II [hull-It. " no Inst pk Owl tho ‘qldn: to do all Mud (In .h-n'v I Me “gram“ M Dunn. Ch: Patna Physici THE V' Axum A1 " am.- 01 our: Ah] Dual-K. " About! DundMk Inn-ts (u: NI! Imam. M OWEN tR Mis 'dmn I a Ht Mun-law Lat 3h» 'irttt u their Notice In I..\ uriulml F10 PM." rw " "and. L'IC1 thra,e ISA JAN lbw “a! w