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Dundalk Guide (1877), 20 Dec 1877, p. 3

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ence and integrity of the tom in San Domingo has ad~ rapid strides. . The 'h_h w infestod, and Baez‘s fall is vitable. â€" His brother,who i® he province of Azua, hase teem rgents in his cown hbouse, the m Domingo aze fuil, and are 141 patients in the Orillia Asyâ€" Canadian Items. arc time H lingwood High School will"be. leginte Institute next year. M the alleged Beance murderer, ed to that county on Saturday. a windstorm, the roof of the Church at Fort Simpson, B. C., ver m ns have taken place ers of Forgus have adoptâ€" ges to be imposed npouw o voted in favor of the nIme ned Ldward Foevin irday at Forgus, while who had fallen through is got out alive. 1 and three soverely : board timber in #; Randolph, of awâ€"logs and board t And they all : in Parry Sound more extensively sonm hitherto. The iny longer.â€" reported man, and Fergu N#,000 feet ; the Brown and Wilâ€" £12,000,000 feets w8 Ww $40 to $90 to ina Branch Railâ€" mid as fur as Selâ€" MeKellar, and g an extra bonus for 5,000. Mr. s. for $3.600. .. matly Secatom®s t. au;gesting onld have the n# those found Arthur Bros. n MeMurrieh ird timber in 1 discoveries in cil recently held and several of Ives in favor of t tory, in view ckfeet. Other ler until noxt Conservaiives a majority of the Conservaâ€" st for the Lo« a majority of this constithâ€" beneh on Friâ€" btained a rule yâ€"law in Notthâ€" o Notiawasage Af F®LAg r women ; ften birchâ€" h hardened about the has emanâ€" tng Leseu® machinery re besides «& Bird, and 10,000,000â€" T We! Christie, igreg ations Rosemont 1 Monday, extend fl gdalena, id Philo ind bargâ€" sion om the Can m British pany 18 d Lum 1 harâ€" perat wb mom e har uno hulls Slbron‘h".‘n:.:i m"flfi a Dux»p. The crisis in Frhnte seems to be over for the present, and great satisfaction preâ€" vails thoroughout the country at the turn affairs have taken. The new Defaure Ministry was gazetted on Friday, and President MacMahon‘s Message was read to both Chambers, eliciting in the Senate appluuse mainly from the Left, and in the Chamber of Deputies from the Leit Centre. With the ‘exception of the clerical jourâ€" nals, whiclh give vent to the feelings of their party in vielentlangvage, especially against Mr, Waddington, who is @ Protestâ€" ant, the press generally approve of the new Cabinet, the organs of the more extreme Republican stripe, such as Le Rappel and La Republique Franchise, reserving their praise until the country has had time to judge the Government by its works. ‘ Llioy&â€"In Owen Sound, on the 6th inst., John Thomas, Eldest son of Mr. *Moses Lloyd, aged 17 years. Mocoyâ€"Auncoryâ€"On the 5th inst., by the lev. H. Crozier, at the residence Duspasâ€"In Markdale, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr. William Dundas of .. & ROM. 0. y h In Shezia, Italy, a Catholic priest has been showing his feelingg towards the Bible. A service in honor of Mary was elosed by an autoâ€"daâ€"feeâ€"a burning of allâ€"copies of the scriptures that could be gathered up in the city and surrounding villages. Other good works were added to make the fire burn the fiercer, and the warning to the protestants greater. It is said as the flames arose the ery was heard. "Burn the Protestants". ; bloodshed, and a diuutroull conflagration in San Franciseo in consequence of an Auti Chinese feeling. A young lady in Clinton, Towa, sent tweutyâ€"five cents and a postage stamp in reply to. am advertisement of "How . to make an inipression," and received for an answer, "Sit down on a pan of dough." lulu_nnntiop_ has been received at Wulg- in#tod From prominent California capitalâ€" ists to the effect that danger exists of a riot The ghost !â€"of Iyak !â€"* And for a space he stood *~"* ‘â€" Amazed! And fixed a searching gaze Upon the living dead A wind rose through the wood ; Aund every tree that stood Groaned heavily ; The branches whispered fearfully Distinet, and sighed aloud ; And every frondlet bowed In fear ; Een the soft brooklet‘s voice rose glassy clear, § / + As if a mermaid warbled y Duleet, sad, liquid notes From out her waveâ€"wet throat ; o Am '?q;hwmmrd aboveâ€" T PS Defiafit séreamed to prove That he saw nought to tear In all the fields of air, But nefther spoke Till Iyak silence broke:â€" **Runo, we heard thy voice, M And I have come < _ a i# a sW Y C To lesd thee home,â€" Is such thy choice ?2â€" Then follow me, And thou shalt see Ts One that still loveth thee." The brigantine G. M. Jones, of Liverâ€" pool, N.8., bound from New York for Haliâ€" far, has beenrun down at sea, and all bands but one lost. A new oil region has been discovered in Kentucky. reave The Lordist rebellion in the Mexican State of Tramaulipas has been crushed. Is thy Tost soul,‘ ‘ Chased by the white hunter, And his fieree stagâ€"hound Nell, (That nawed their limbs so well,) Both: blackened now with thunder. Woe! woe is me ! I hat I should live toiseeâ€" Woe! wee is me !â€" Oh! can it be 2â€" No; it is false !â€"‘tis false! For thou art here. ° { Oh! come to me. I do not fegr . .. .. . Thy spirit fiaoa to seeâ€" List! do I hear a step 2 A man hq gong ye cursed race! . . That slew my love before my faceâ€" ***_**‘*~* With eraet cords, And cursed with bitter wordsâ€" Ab me! bereft. "They tell me zonder star, Setin the shield of nightâ€" Yon star with flowing hair, Ali streogming m the light, . Thy spirit form to see ?â€" Thon wast.all kind to .me ; Then do not from me fleeâ€" Dastghow got hear ?2â€" The spirits of the dead still dwell Amid the scenes they loved, And, though I faithless proved, "Thou lovest me still. ‘They bound thy limbs so soft, "“,‘ cmu.m’ ‘i: â€" An old man through the forest tottered on Hisjetty. loeks of months ago . ... As white as driven snow, Wending his devious way alone, Muttering by fits and gazing round With that onee eagle eye, A« if some hider might be found Lurking araid the folinge near by :« "Where art thou, sweetest Llunalls ? Why doth thy spirit hide ?â€" 1 know that thou art nigh,â€" Thou still dost chide, That I _ Looked ou with half dazed eye, And did not with thee die. He For thé Guide. vo 0st medw A RKOMANCE OF THE FOREST of the _ brides, brother Mr. ')T.-l'â€"i;l; Moody,of Etobicoke, to Miss: Jauret Aldeorn ofProton. TRAVELERS‘ GUIDE T. G. & B. Railway. Miscellaneous. Z6oré sourn. m en ud ie en BIRTHS 9:45 Branch Qffice, Corner. F & 7th Sts, Washington, D. C PATE N III S In cornection * with the Scrâ€" ENTTEIC Ay®rica®, Messrs, Muun & Co. are Solieitors of American and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment in the world. â€" Patents are obtained on the best terms. Models of New Inventions and Sketches: examined, and advice free. A special notice is made in the SorextIric American â€" of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patsntee. Public attenâ€" tion is thus directed to the merits of the new patent, and salés or introduction often effected. Any person who has made a new disâ€" eovery or invention, can nscertain, free of â€" ‘The most valuable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Seiâ€" ence, will be found in the Scientific Amerâ€" ican ; the whole presented in popular lanâ€" guage, free from technical terms, illustratâ€" ed with engravings, and so arranged as to interest and inform all classes of readers, old and young. The Scientific American is promotive of knowledge and progress in every community where it cireulates. It should have a place in évery Family, Readâ€" ing Room, Library, College or Sehool. Terimms, $3.20 per year, $1.60 halt year, which includes prepayment of postage. Discount to Clubs and Agents. Single copies ten cents. â€" Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. > The Sctextrrtc Arxatcay is alarge First Class Weekly Newspaper of sixteen pages, printed in t2e most beautiful style, profuseâ€" ly illustrated with splendid engravings, representing the newest Inventions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sciences ; including Mechanies and Enginâ€" eering, Stcam Engineering, Railway, Minâ€" ing, Civil, Gas and Hydrauliec Enginecring, Muil Work, Iron, Steel and Metal Work : Chemistry and Chemical Processes: Elecâ€" trieity, Li‘gh:, Heat, Sound: Technology, Photography, Printing, New Mauchinery, New Processos, New Receipes, Improveâ€" menés pertaining to Textile Industry, Weaving, Dyeing, Coloring, New Indusâ€" trial Products, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral: New. and Interesting Facts in Agriculture, â€" Horticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science. Natural History, Geology, Astronomy, ete. THE MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PAPER IN THE WORLD. Only $3.20 a year, including Postâ€" age. Weekly. 52 Numbers a year. 4,0Uu0 book pages. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. The Directors of the Dundalk Union Agricultural Society are requested to meet at the Office of A. G. Hunter, on Thursday, the 27th Dee., inst., at the hour of Iwo o‘elock, p. m., to close the business of the year, and to make further arrangements for the coming year. n ESET NOTICE TO DIRECTOXRS. Dundalk Union Agricultural Society. }l‘,V to BLACKSMITH SHOP and DWELLING, with Village Lot, for sale in the thriving village of Dundalk, on the line of the T. G. & B. Railway. This shop has aâ€"Jarge run of eustom, and an over average: of horse shoeing. It is situated in a splendid part of the Village, and only 200 ‘yards from the Station. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. . For further information apâ€" * itub daity,..,.... Eggs, perdoz.......... Potatoes, per bag.... Turnips, per bush.... Hay, per ion.......... Fall Wheat, per bush Spring Wheat * Barley, 4 Onts, yc W# Peas, se Dressed Hogs, per 100 ibs Butter, rolls, per lb......... "otatoes per bag BbBQH: :21 .ze2sse z000 TCB n e regppnviiavie s Wool per lb...... Sheep »kins....... Imms tkin....... Hides per ewt.... Pitey .. lsifeses +«â€"tis MOUNT FOREST MARKETsS. Confederate Office, Dec. 18, 1877 Flour per barrel...............$5 00 to 5 Oatmeal per barrel............ 400 to 4 Fail Whent.L....../............. C 10 to 1 Tregulw_e;l'! Wheat............... 1 05 to 1 WIOL sererensingerss e renserccnres Chicking per pair............ Geese per lb... Turkeys per lb Potatoes per bags.......... Pork per. 100 tb fhides C < ........}l.. Sheepskins each...... Bixng:'kper + ! vntunntied Eggs per doz........... Wood, dry, per cord Dundalk, Dec. 1%, 1877. NEW ADVERTISMENTS. claims n'ga'mu.t §\\:oe|‘xev i'n-eonliefionarith the New York Ring trials was made on Dundalk, Dee. 13th 1877 Anthorizin;' the ul:ril.‘e 70!'7 the King of Spain to his c.;gsi}x. 5 The final peyment, $100,000, of: the The Pope lias granted a Meuk it 55 lilssls.s " #6 a6 13 10 g Whewt **=>,1000., Â¥ 6Â¥ rxxercie 44 sexsseee TORONTO MARKETS. Toxoxto, December 20, 1877 THIRTYâ€"THIRD YEAR FOR SALE.® en ntie men n en ns A. G. HUNTER, A. G. HUNTER, . §1 20 to General Agent. ‘ thâ€"46 13 50 to 5 00 to 1 03 to _ 0 92 to 0 97 _0 40 to 0 50 0 28 to 0 30 _0 50 to 0 55 0 60 to 0 70 0 14 to 0 15 0 12 to 0 15 0 20 to 0 25 0 20 to 0 50 0 50 .to 0 60 6 00 to 6 50 10 00 toll 00 0 23. to 21 to 16 to 85 to Becretary b 46 17 50 $1 23 1 09 25 22 17 25 70 37 15 13 in the new gallery which he has just crectâ€" wWATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SEWING MACHINES, etc., Ambrotypes, or Begs to inform the inhavitants of Dundalk and surrounding country, that he is prepared â€" to take .% JOHN NICKLE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY The subscriber has purchased a Berkshire Boar, of the improved breed, from the Townâ€" ship of Pickering, which he wall keep for serâ€" vice on Lot No. 200, 2nd Range, Proton, near Inistioge, â€" Charges for each sow $1, cash, SAMUEL WAKELY. Inistioge, Nov. 15, 1877. *hâ€"42 on his premises Owen Sound Street, near the STATION, â€" â€" + Dundalk. Improved Berkshire Boar. Begs to inform the inhabitants of Dundalk and vicinity that he has on banc _ +d for sale a fine stock of The â€" Snbscribers having refitted their Steam Saw Mill, at Dundalk, and put in a powerfal new hoiler, are prepared to sell this mill property, or exchange it for farmâ€" ing lande. The Mill is 100 by 45 fect, with Shingle, Lath, and Stave Machinery. There is about four acres of land attached, with Railway frontage of about 30 rods, and Railway Siding to Mill Yard. There is also a good Two Story Dwelling and office on the property. Would be leased subject to sale. Large quantities of eusâ€" tom logs are now offering for immediate sawing. n o+ navrn Company to seli the unallotted shares of : their capital stock at euch price as the | Company thinks fit, and to confirin agreeâ€" ments with other Railway Companies, and | municipal corporations, and for certain j other purposes. ,‘ Steam Saw Fur Sale or Lease, O AGA ah ols coomntectncamersi ‘.-'lvy COTE I é‘n h sent mh“ ‘% Heayay Cleaned . and Repaired, ; E. *nuursg;;s. Undertaker, pundalk, Oct, 25, 1MT7, 3y1: : M > helbure Notice.is hereby given that the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway Company will apâ€" ply to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at the next Session thereof, for an Act to ammend the several Acts relating to the.said Company, so as to enable the said Company to issue Postal Bonds and Second Mortzage Bonds, and to enable the the new gallery which he has just crec ed and fitted up in the best stvle, next door to his WATCH SHOP, opâ€" posite the . Post Office. Charges _moderate, Mr. P. WHITYVLE! Satisfaction Gugranteed Call early. Good Kamily Flour for sale, Dundlak, Feb. 23, 1877. â€"__ Office, on Proton Street. _ _ HORSE SHOEING a SPECIALTY Repairing promptly attended to in all its branches, and satisfaction guaranteed. A call solicited. ROBERT HOGARTH. Nov. 29, 1877 TOYS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, LEMONsS, vtANGES, FRESH OYSTERS, AND sSWEET CIDER. General Blacksmithing busiâ€" ness, in the shop lately occupied by Mr. F. F. Teeple: nfipx} dcolÂ¥ to tKo Gfilgnl_ Printing Oyster â€"Rfiooms, A New Face in an old Placs. The Subscriber begs to inform the i habitants of Dundalk, and Surroundi country, that he has commenced a Nov. 20th,1877 FROM LOCKET to LIFE SIZE, To yiew the village o‘er, Just halt a wee, call in and see Your horses shod, or any job To meet the great demand, I will turn out, without a doubt, ‘The best that‘s in the land. Bo when you walk around Dundalk, Attention all, both great and smail, To this, my advertising : I drive my trade just right abead, And no monopolizing. My name is Norval, but no more On Grampian hills I roam, For in Dundalk I‘ve placed my shop And built myself a home. Dundalk, Dec. 18th, 1877. DUW D ALIX. Also that he nas opened new BLACEKSMITHING. DUNDALK. Notice. Ww. H. BEATTY, Solicitor for the Applicants. 77. *{44 NEW at Photographs, JOHN NORVAL, R. J. DOYLE, 8. J. LANE. or. the Gore d44 fuli mounted, for ten dollars up to forty dolâ€" lars, The cost of the Hearse to Dundalk or near Dundalk is five dollars, Bnri# Rohes, gloves, scarfs, and hat bands, _ kept in Stock. Orders by telognph»pmnapfly attended to. ‘Cntfisc‘ ean bg_nr‘\_t b‘_v the first.train, orthey The undersigned would: respeoctfully inform the inhabitants of Damlalk and surroanding country that he has fitted up his shop in Shelburne with Steam power and latest maâ€" chinery, and that a general stock of Furniâ€" ture will be kept in stock :and at low rates. Undertaking will receive spe@ial attention, and at low rates.: A nicely trimmed Coffin, fuli mounted, for ten dollars up to forty dolâ€" Great chance to make G‘O D , money. â€" We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, chesp- est and best Illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a succussful agent. . The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. ‘The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reâ€" ports making over$150 in a week, Alady agent reports taking over 400 subscriber in ten days. All who engage make money fast. _ You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it mss well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free. Elegant and expensive Outfit free, If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages fails to make great pay, Adâ€" dress ‘‘The People‘sJ uumfl,"Pur:l&nd,&aine. Ladies‘ and Gents‘ Sawed and Pegged Calf Boots, A SPECIALITY. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for Boots and Shoes. Remember the place, Corner of Main and Queen Streets, Dundalk, J. W. MORROW. Those wanting firstâ€"class Boots & Shoes,should call and give me their order, which I purpose filling with the best material the market can procwre, and as all work is got up under my own supervision, I have not the least hesitaâ€" tion in saying that entire satisfaction will be given. All work warranted. Bay, young man, where did you get those Sewed Boots you have on ? Why, I got them AT MORROW‘S SHOESHOP, in Dundalk ! Can‘t see ‘em any where else same sty];.â€"fié is making them for 87 a pair (cash)â€"real beauties, the cheapest I ever saw. â€"â€"PROCLAMATION! IN A SHOE SHOP ! Leads, the onward movement forward in his ’ motto, and he now flings his banner to the breeze, notifying the inhabitants of Proton, "und surrounding ‘Fownships, that he has purchased the Carding and Fulling Maâ€" chinery formerly owned by Mr. J. J. _Middleton, and has fitted them up in firstâ€" class style, and is now ready for Roll Cardâ€" ing and Cloth Dressing, and hopes by striet attention to business and good work, to merit a share of public patronage. Havâ€" ing had an experience of over twentyâ€"five years he has no hesitation in saying that all work shall be. warranted according to quality. _ The following gentlemen can testify to his ability as a workman in the past: Mr. H. Graham, Merchant, Dunâ€" dalk; Mr. J. Agnew, Councillor, New Surâ€" vey ; Mr. W. Hoskinson, New Survey; Mr. J. Nixon, New Survey. Those from a distance calling early in the morning will get their rolls home with them the same day. To six days ‘of the Week Hard Labour, f Â¥ JAMES McM. REID Duandalk, May 23, 1877. + Wool Carding â€"ANDâ€" Cloth Dressing. JAMES McM. REID Flesherton, June 20, 1877. Woor Taxex im Exomaxrcs: ror Goops or in payment for work. #9.To parties coming a distance to get Roll Carding done, we will do our best to give them their work home with them. Dundalk, Aug. 30, 1877. Fullâ€"Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Filling Yarn, éc., which will be sold at moderate prices, Call and examine. NONE BUT EXPERIENCED WORKMEN * EMPLOYED. The snbscribers beg to inform the inhabitants of South Grey that they are prepared to exeâ€" cute all orders in Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing, Cloth Dressing! in firstâ€"class sty le. Woolen. Factory. The Proprietor is making these lines a speciality and consequently can do better for his .customers than those in general merchandise. and QILS, MACHINE OILS, BRUSHES of All Kinds, to suit every machine, and any article in these lines not in stock, will be ordered specially on application. Biscuits and Confectionery. Teas, Tobaceos, and pipes, in large variety. DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, Paryrs SENTENCED! Books and Stativnery, FANCY TOYS and TOILET ARTICLES, Sewing Machine Needles NOTICE. We have on hand a large stock of FLESHERTON J. & N. CAMPBELL, 17. fmâ€"21 Osprey, 80 acres each ; also Lot 17, in 8th Con. Proton. Terms easy. Apply to Propared to Receive Orders Most Fashionable STYLES. Lots 32 Wm. CHITTICK, large Stock of _ WATCHES, Crocks, and JEWELLERY, which he sells at Toronto prices. Engageâ€" ment and Wedding Rings a speciality, Goods to select from sent on application. TAILORING. E. D. WILCOX, Would call the attention of the public of Dundalk, and surrounding country, to the fact that he keeps constantly on hand a PATENT MEDICINES, &e., &c., all cheap for Cash. Jâ€"*"Very good JAPAN TEA only 35 cents per pound. Lake Superior White Fish and Salmon Trout, Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, y30 CLOTHING, Wishes to inform all those who re« his services, that he is Neil McAulay sells Village January, 29, 1877. What everybody says must be True AND TO Mauke up the same on short notice. It is the neatest thing that has ever come out yet. It is no use trying to describe it. Call and see for yourselves how you can elevate the Bar to pass a stump or a tree withâ€" out stopping knife or team. There are only two cog wheels in the machine, and they are warranted for five years. Farmers intending to purchase next year will do well to call and see it before giving their order. Â¥,. L. MARSHALL, Sole Agent for Proton, Melancthon, Artemesia, and Osprey, All other kinds of Impleâ€" ments sold as usual. Dundalk, Dec. 20, 1877. » *y 1 jron pinned and steel shod, cheaper than has ever been offered to the al:h. He is also selling the Wiuu:am‘s Stnorr Sewimno MacHin®. Call and see ourselves. Without puffing or blowing I can stump the Dominion to beat the Singer dm.n( Maâ€" chines for all iind- of work. There is only 85,000 of them ue~d in Canada at the present time. But last of ali have youâ€"have you what?â€"seen the Remember the stand, Main Street, DUNDALK. TAKE NOTICE W. L. Marshall, is selling Bob Sleighs, TITLE INDISPUTABLE. Dundalk, Nov 15, 1877. ESTABLISHMENT. Dundalk, N>v.23,877. For Sale Cheap. 2, 83, and 34, in &rd Con. S. D. R. TORONTO HOUSE. MARKDALE, TORONTO MONWER» AND IX THE HECTOR MeINKNE$S, * »\gnmhlk P. O FURNITURE. E. D. WILCOX. A full assortment of Furniture at the Lots cheap. part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the emplyyment that we furnish. 866 per week in your own town. You need not be away from howe over night. You can give your whole time to the work oronly your spare moments. . We have lfenh who are making over 820 per day. All who engage at once ean make money fat. At the present time money can not be made #o easily at any other business. Jt costs nothing to try the business, _ Terms and $5 Outfitfree. Atziu- at once, H, Hariett & Co., Portland, Maine, At the Dundalk Natural © Crooks Bigeh, and Maple. $7T7T7 All those indebted, either by Note or Book Account, are requested to settle up immediately, Goods for Cash as Cheap as can be had West of Orangeville. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Etc. Cash Store! D U N D A L K. Family Flour A Rumphict, ilustrated with_the very finest Btecl Eogravingsâ€"a marâ€" vel of art sud beautyâ€" #ont PmE to all. Scnd for it at once, _Address PEADODY_ MLDICAL 1NSTITUTE, No. 4 l;uLTHYsElF fuch bt., Boston, Mass. Dundalk, Jan, h“u w the incstimable truths cone taincd in the best medical book_ever issued, entitled SELTâ€"?RESERVATION T MYSELFPficr only $1.. Sont by mail on reccipt of price. It treats of Exhonsted V tality, Promature Docline, Nervous and Physicel Debility, and the endless concomitant is ind untold nuscries that result therefrom,and contains more thon 5) oriziuel preâ€" nriy'nt'on:i. any on> of which is worth the price of the book. â€" This book was written by the imost ex» tonsive and probably the most skilfal practitioner hlllA,ncri:vn., to whom was awarced a goid and jew» «lled medal by the National Medieal Assuciation, Apply to ' Puncalk. Ost. 11, 1877. KKOFW ALWAYS ON HAND, &A SUPPLY OF Goop MAIN STREET, $. IIaney. for al By reading and practicing is not easily earned in thes times, but 1t can bemade in three months by any one of either sex, in any E. BROWNE T. & GRAvyY. yl Ax orp PuÂ¥stcta®, setired from active pracs tice, having had placed in s hands by an Fart India Missronary the formula of a Vegetable Remedy for the speedy and permarment sure of Consumption, Astl: ma, Bronchivis, Catarrh and all Throat and Lung Afectione ; i wiadiet Li‘ s sadngiit® / ©wth V dust io Puis. 0 vat Ssn also a Positive and Radical Cure for N erv ons Debxlity and all Nervous Complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonuderful auraâ€" tive powers in thousands of cases, foels it )ns duty to make it known to his suffering folâ€" lows, Actuâ€"ted hy this motive and a sorâ€" scientious desire to relieve human swferin , he will send FREE OTCHARCE, to all who d sirg.it, this recipe, with fall direations for preparing and successfully using, Nent hy return mail by addressing with stamp, namir x uC gasmie We are satisfied from long experience, that all Condition and Heave Powders met better separately, because their ingredients ' belong to classes of Medicines which neees~ sarily act in opposition to each other. The Expectorants, Nauseants, Sedatives and Narcotics in Heave Powders are, in their ’ effect upon the system, directly contrary to the Tonics and Stimulauts in Condition | Powders, _ For these and other reasons we think it advisable to use the Medicines alâ€" ; ternately, _ If both Medicines are required | at the same time, give the Heave Powders | at niglt, and the Condition Powdersin.the i morning. | We defy th World to produce two better h. Dr. C. STEVENX®, p.8.F. ty Box 80, Brockvru®, Oxr AGENTS. $5 a nay selling the Mrmracumovs Prx. _ Writes with cold «L4 Mrractmovs Prx. â€" Writes with cold water, â€" Noink required. Laxte one year. A peffeot‘gfln Sample 10 centsâ€"three for °5 cents, Catalocuetree, Addres«, MANTREAT NOYELTY CO. Montreal, Oue. 82 This Oil has been used, for many years, awvith the best success in the treatment or the following discases, viz.:â€"Ringbone, Tumors, Swelling in the throat, Wind galls, Sweney, Fistula, Sprains, Suddle and harness galls, Poll Evil, Seratches of the worst form, Corks and Flesh wounds. One application to a Cork, or any other wound, will effectually keep out the frost in winter and the flies in summer. It cuts out fungus or proud flesh in one or two applications. _ It will not take off the hair except it is well rubbed in and apâ€" plied frequently. Put up in nearly halfâ€"pints and sold for 25¢ Oct. 4th, 1877. fmâ€"36 BRITISH HEAVE POWDER Should be used. They contain seven arâ€" ticles expressly mlu‘inted to the treatment of throat and lung disease. After the above explanations is may be ens. ~*en how a Medicine like these Powder» _ «ble to effect a cure of all the diserses to w. ‘cl: horses and cattle are subject. : HARDY‘S British Troop Oil. These Powders are not recommended in coughs or colds; although they are needed to aid the cough powders when the horse is in poor condition. For Heaves und coug‘:s the These Powders are compased of nine kinds of Medicines, all fulfilling their difâ€" ferent offices, viz.; Laxatives, to act on the storaach and bowels ; Alteratives, to act on the liver and blood; Diuretics, to mct on the kidneys and bladdor ; Diaphoreties, to act on the skin ; and Tonies, to nct on the muscles and general system. They conâ€" tain Demulcents, Stimulants, and Carmiâ€" natives, to prevent griping or colie. British Condition Powders. the Stomach and Bowels, and Children ‘Teething. This Cordial is not intended to soothe children into an unnatural and disturbed sleep, locking up disease and its cause in the system, as most of the Soothing syrups and Godfrey‘s Cordial do. It doss not conâ€" tain one particle of opium, or any other nareotic, which so often produce n{nnuiug symptoms, such as disordered vicion. loss of speech, stupor, spasms, convulsions, paralysis, starting in the sleep, twitching of the mouth, coldness of the feet, a low pulse and often death. This Cordial will remove all the above symptoms, and their causes. _ This Cordial gently moves the bowelsylraws off poisonous matter from the child and eases pain the first dose. 1t acts well on he Liver and Kidueys. No Pain Killer was ever offered to the public as good as this pleasant and effectual remedy for any pain or cramp of the human family. Composed of 12 of the best medicines in the {‘utelil Medica. For the cure of Diarrhcea, Dyser Cholera Morbus, Pain and Cramps CoOMPOUXD sYRUP OF SQUCILLS AND IPBECAC This Syrup is a specifie for Croup. It has never failed to cure the disease when given in time. _ It is a prompt emetic and will break up Inflamation of the langs, Bronclutis, Infiuenza, Croup or eolds, in a short time. _ It also relieves 'MT‘ cough when many other medicives kave failed. Keep it in your homes, it will save CONSUMPTION CURED. :ihlllfoaifivd} take away the ild has them. 12 im a box. The Worm Medicines in these powders: are combined with purgative medicines. This avoids the necessity of giving castor oil or other opening agents after the POW» DERS ; 'hier':tmublm)mu to the e ent and disagreemble to the child. 'lcr will ; Family Medicines eased my puins w d pave me an nuproved sprerite and asier u{q four bottes J was resored to hesith, so ms to be able to enitce lacd and contiged inbor, such as chop. an‘ clearing innd. mt whik 1 have been engmed tha weason. My smcovery 1 wluribute -...‘ with Goot . «0 the use of your Obiknchsmwed ours t â€" Price$] per butule, AA,,A,__,""“‘ wil &G% #0a mse.Lai RLDCCNOTIUL@QAAL HEMELT A. fhes oo oinkd, * 0 ~ Draw Buwâ€"Belng oesicons that others may kwow som6â€" thing of tre mmgriue of your Coment norienan Caenin Rawe wan, 1 wigh n-n#n.u you whin 4. ds sone tor ine. . " am x old, had been out ot hbewlt. sor mbout five. yeare. l m’o-pm--l tiree or tour ciffereit doâ€"aore. and sarious medicincs, withont cecelving wy pnewasnent l.flfi But continued rathec to grow worse. untli wst wil when bad become so imd as to be unabe to do n hour‘s work ab a thie, . lind severe. soreness o« pmin muder the abouider blades and through the shoulsens. wish m mme nck and feeling in imy right muog as though shere was a Luhun down, with continual dooppame in che lum down the lnnie. . Such was my condition wher I comâ€" --J to twke your Catarth emeiy one bottie of which 6t P a ! ;"*a-h- Gct 4. 8B Five Lows Subriegs ou o« oy c our Souts c. ACBACiELICRA Catarrs Lemosy _ usis in Sboul.ors, Bace and Lenge, and Dreprings is Threst Dirctract. > Y unst. Bi. Aumanb, P. Q. . 10 dE Wa. T. J. B. HARDING AolA N: s 44 . MB miiled, . Keep it in your homes, it will save our childsrum death some cold night. AROMATIC RHKUBARB CORDIAL. Bold in Dundalk by D. DAYVIDSON. BRITISH ANODYNE. Powa rs for grn‘erd purposcs. ns that othere may ow some Comen momiemat Caemmw Reme l 4. lias mone tor ime. . 1 am t# howlt. vor wbout fhve. yewre. l ur «iffereit dotors. and ecoiving moy penmnent ..'fi ow worse untll w wl when unab@ to do m h-Lr l_‘.c-.A* ne tor ue. . 1 am ## hout five vears do tors. and uJ l'vlmnll‘n‘* l wnst inil when on hour‘s work at. suuer the shouider wry nme imck. and heve was a weight s in the throm: and. dition wher I comâ€" one bothie of -h:, oved apreiie o hesith. so s to be wor. such ws ‘r‘ been engmued u...‘ with Goot eiy. Nowne ur n{lhl whl â€"QAL | , _ Dysentery,

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