West Grey Digital Newspapers

Dundalk Guide (1877), 20 Dec 1877, p. 4

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i | MN Mr. Burnett agreed with Mr. McRae in much that he said, but was surprised at his bringing 1t up at this time. The counâ€" try had passed through a trying time for mmMuflhwnflybq it was not only in tares but in other resâ€" Mr. Doyle said his township was clear, but he could not support the motion beâ€" cause thflimovu-ochon,mu,.m’ could not be paid in most instances withâ€" out a special rate. Bmitmmmm to the townships which had paid up that othonl'.on)dbodlowodtolflninoomuh from nonâ€"resident taxes. The Treasurer now had authority to charge interest on moneys in arrears. Mr. Rorke also thought Mr. McRae should have given the amounts belonging to the various municipalities now lying in the Treasurer‘s hands but not credited. He knew there was a large amount belonging to Collingwood. It was hardly fair to inâ€" sist on townships levying to cover amounts which were being paid into the 'l‘rumrorl Mr. Myles thought it was nok fair to make such statements without showing the amounts of the credit of the townships. As far at Euphrasia was concerned, there was a large amount now lying in the hands of the County Treasurer, which would leave but a small balance due. to $2,200. He then read a list of the townships in arrears, and claimed that it was unfair to the townships which had paid up. Moved by Mr. McRae, seconded by Mr. MeNichol, That municipalitios in arrear to the County up to and including 1876 pay all such arrears on or before the 31st Deâ€" cember, 1877. Mr. McRae said there were municipaliâ€" ties in arrears to $36,683, and if this amt. was invested at 6 per cent, it would come was adopted. Messrs. Laidlaw and Elliot presented reports with reference to bridges. wWEDNESDAY MORNING. The Dep. Reeve of Melancthon presentâ€" ed a petition relative to the incorporation of Shelburne, and a special committee was. appointed to report on the matter, after which the Council adjourned till 7 p.m. wEDXESDAY EvENING. The Clerk read letter from the County Clerk of Weilington, accompanied with byâ€"law for incorporation of Shelburne. They reconmmended the incorporation, but declined to allow the portion in Grey to be separated from the County. The report Mr. Jelly presented potition from resiâ€" dents of Melancthon with reforence to the town line between Nottawasaga and Moâ€" and _ Sarawak _ were appointed _ a committee in accordance with the report. Mr. M«ardock presented & report on orecâ€" tion and repair ot bridges. Col. Brodie presented account for transâ€" port and pay of volunteers to assist civil force at Chatsworth on Nov. 6th, amountâ€" ing to $49.41. Dr. Christoe presented the report on Warden‘s address. The report recomâ€" mended that a committee be formed to confer with the Council of Owen Sound on the subject of the employmert of prison TUESDAY EVENING. A communication was presented from the County Auditors, asking a reconsiderâ€" ation of the question of salary. A number of communications were then read, after which the following committee was appointed to report on the Warden‘s address, viz., Messrs. Christie,Middleton, H. Reid, MeEdwards, and Rorke. Mr. Elliott presented petition from Wm. Brown, Markdale, with reference to culvert on Toronto Line. Mr. McGhee reported on bridge repaired on Garafraxa Road. Several accounts for road work were also presented. The Council adjourned till 7 p.m. { I also herewith submit the presentment of Grand Jury at Fall Assizes, which has been sent by direction of the Hon. Mr. Justice Patterson. I also desire to draw your attention to a communication received from Toronto, accompanied by a petition in reference to municipal taxation. I have in honor to be, gentlemen, contract as per agreement. Should your hon. Council otherwise deem it advisable to have the vault fitted up with iron pigeon holes, at a cost that may be agreed upon in addition to the present agreement, there ean be no possible doubt that the docuâ€" ments therein contained would be much more secure, and effect a saving to the County at no distant date. that built in Arthur Village. Inthis office the vault is fitted up with wooden pigeon holes, which, as I am advised, have been recently disapproved of, and iron used in the place of wood, as now constructed. Such being the case, it will be for the Council to say whether the contractor, Mr. Bodley, will be allowed to complete his building of a Registry Office in the town of Durham has bean let by tender for the sum ot $8,137, to Charles Bodley, Esq., of Mount Forest, who has entered into bonds with $wo good securities for the due fulfilment 7 Tw 0 Coey d cme n en there has nothing of an unusual nature 06â€" eurred affecting the interests of the County, that I am awase of, that will be necessary for you to deal with at this session. Your labors will therefore be chiefly of an ordiâ€" nary character. There are, however, a few items I desire to draw the attention of the TUESDAY MORNING. The Council having resumed, the Warden addressed them as follows : £Es1, Warden, in the chair. On account lllboConflo!Go.cdSom‘mbdn‘h.ld this week, the Council adjourned to meet at the Town Hall on Tuesday morning. T#z County Council mefat the court Houss cn Manday evening last, R. McGhee, From the Owen Sound Times. Yours, &c., Derby, Sydenham Rost. McGrte®. Sabbath Sehfio‘luevery Sabbath afternoon in the Orange , commencing at 2 P. x. Preaching every Sabbath in the same place, comi.encing at 6.80 P. 1. Prayer meeting ov;u?;. Thursday evening. Rev. C. Shaw, Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School House, commencing at 10 a. x. DUNDALK CHURCH DIRECTORY Luds ECY e 2e t uty 1290 and have only used half a bottle.. This I can certify under oath if you wish."â€"Rev. J, Mallory, of Wyoming, N. Y., writes, "Dr. Thomas‘ Ecleetric Oil cure1 me of Bronchitis in oNE wekk." Bewar® or ImtraTo®s. â€" Ask for Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil. See that the signature of 8. N. Thomas is on the wrapper, and the names of Northrop & Lyman are blown in the bottle, and Take no other. Sold by all medicine dealers,. _ Price; 25 cts. NURTHROP «& LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Proprietors for the Dominion. ‘ Reap Tiis Twick.â€"Five to thirty drops of Trromas Ecurct®iC OfL, will cure common Sore Throat, It never fails in Croup. It will cure a Cold or Cough in twentyâ€"four to fortyâ€"eight hours. One bottle has cured Bronchitis of eight years‘ standing; recent cases are cured in three to six days. It has restored the voice where the person had not spoken above a whisper in five years. As an outward application in all cases of pain or lameness, nothing like it has ever been mwn. One bottle will cure any case of Lame Back or Crick in the Back. For diseases of the Spine and Contraction of the Muscles it is unequalled. In Rheumatic or any other pain the first application does you gooc. It stops Ear Ache and the pain ‘of a Burn in three minutes, and is aliogether the best and cheapâ€" est medicine ever offered to the peopieâ€"the cheapest, because it takes so little to do you good. _ It is composed of: six of the best oils known, and nothing but oils, Is worth its weight in gold. Why not buy it toâ€"day ?â€"A. B. {)n Rock®Rs, assistant postmaster, Arâ€" thabaskaville, P.Q., writes :â€"* ‘Thirteenyears ago I was seized by a severe attack of rheuâ€" mmatism in the head, from which I have nearly constantly suffered. After having used M robsnike .o Aneniedamâ€"eri®. * " wow . 6. j CS C0e__ AARver Baving used ‘Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil‘ for nine days, %nthing the forehead, I have been completely cured, smy have cute Ihrusy t 1e c atll EOE The original motion was then put carried by 20 to 14. The Council then adjourned till 1 p. Thursday. After considerable discussion, the aâ€" mendment to the amendment was also put and lost ; the amendment was also put and lost the vote being 18 to 21. ' Mr Doyle nioved in amendment to the amendment, seconded by Mr. Jelly, That the Treasurer be instructed to notify the Treasurer of each Municipality in arâ€" rears to this County of the amount of their indebtedness after deducting all amounts to the credit of such municipalâ€" itiesrequesting the payment of such indebtâ€" ‘ edness by 15th December, 1878. Mr. Middleton moved in amendment, seconded by Mr. Murdock, That the Co. Treasurer be requested to notify the séverâ€" al Township and Town Treasurers, that all municipalities in arrears on the first day of December, 1878, will be requested to make payment, and in default steps will at once be taken to collect. Mr. McRae asked leave to withdraw his motion to ammend it as to date, which was granted. Moved by Mr. H. Reid, seconded by Mr. White, That the County Treasurer noâ€" tify the several Munnicipal Treasurers in arrears urging them to settle the same by the December Session of 1878. A discussion arose as to whether it was allowable to present another resolution before Mr. McRae had time to ammend resident tares was credited, Artemesia would be clear of debt. But the serious feature of this case was that the gravel road debentures matured in 1879, and we had only another year in which to pay up the indebtedness so as to be prepared to meet them. He thought the motion was too sharp, but he thought it was high time something was done to put an end to the system which had been going on. The Reeves ought to lay the matter fairly be fore their townships, and see that an atâ€" tempt is made to have their indebtedness paid up, and keep out of debt. do so. If we had the power we would impose the interest, and then the wealthy townships would be glad to pay up. As to failure of crops, for three years in succesâ€" sion, Proton did not raise bread enough to bread her population for three months, but she paid her indettedness. Dr. Christoe said if the amount of nonâ€" Mr. Middlobq said it was well known the County Treasurer did not eharge the inbnnboemuwf had not the power to Mr. MeNichol said it was not the intenâ€" tion to insist on the date which had been fixed in the motion. Vincent had been in a position to do it, the Council would have seen that all indebtedâ€" ness was paid. They had levied enough to pay everything, and whatever was beâ€" hind was behind on the rolls. It was not mauch for townships which had small acâ€" counts to pay to keep up, but one year of St. Vincent would be as much as two of Glenelg. ‘The amount owing by St. Vm-‘ cent was after all only about one year‘s what the people say in regard to the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills. â€"Eclectricâ€"Selected and Electrized TO THE PUBLIC! half a bottle.. This I EAVETROUGHING AND ROOFING A SPECIALITY. _ FIRSTâ€"CLASS PLOUGHS FOR SALE CHEAP, Shop next door to the Post Office. WaxtzDn:â€"Any quantity ot Woor, Woobmmu.flnlumm.nmu. &e., &c., Apprentice Wanted. JAMES ROBERTaNN: James Robe i turning thanks to the public for the liberal patroj h ur;‘;i;emv::%%gmrfiomez that he inp;re;u?d to hmnhl:.verfm 4 Cook, Parlor, And Box Stoves At the Stove and Tinware Emporium DUNDALK. STOVES AND TINWARE! Besides this the SADDLERY DEPARTMENT is replete in all its branches. A ful Stock always on hand. Orders promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. E* All kinds of farm produce, cordwood, &¢., &¢., taken in exchange for goods. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIDES AND SKINS. As we use none but the best material, those leaving their order may depend on getting a genuine article, and a fit to please the most exquisite, CGent‘s Sewed Work a Speciality. Ready Made BOOTS and SHOES of every pattern! But more taken by surprise on entéring HANBURY, BRO‘S., Establishment where is to be seen the largest and most attractive Stock of Boots & Shoes ever submitted to public inspection, consisting of Dundalk, August 1st, 1877. HARDWARE. *~situunrastia‘, Boots and Shoes A stock to suit the most fastidious. I MONEY TO LOAN. Special attention paid to this Branch. Splendid value in Green, Black and Japan Teas. Einglish, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds Shawls, Searfs, Clouds, Hoods, &c. &e. Ladies Trimmed Hats, latest ltylu;'uho, A splendid assortment of the best Just to hand, a complt assortmnt of goods, suitabl for Prints, Dress Goods, Plain and Fringed Lustres, French Merinos, Coburgs, Crape Cloth, Winâ€" ceys, Plain and Check; of the Newest Paterns KXA full stock of Readyâ€"made Clothing from the best makers. In Hats, Caps, Furs, Mitts, Gloves, &c., &c., my stock will be found incomparable. New Fall Goods! atest from the Seat of War|! Neil McAulay sells Village What everybody says must be True! TAKE NOTICE. TITLE INDISPUTABLE. 10,000 Slain! Dundalk, Nov. 29, 1877. of every description ‘at Bottom ‘ Prices KX"ArDp cB:ir roRr CaBH OR TRADE. CUSTOM WORK. GROCERIES. IN ENDLESS VARIETY, CHEAPER THAN EVER Lots cheap. A complete assortment of Builders‘ Hardware, Bhelf Goods, Pocket Cutlery, &c. H. GRAHAM. THOS. HANBURY & BRO. JAMES ROBERTSON. y1 \ __AN APPRENTICE WANTED. p T2 EEMEMBER THE PLACEâ€"Proton Street, near the REPAIRING done with NEATNESS and DESPATCH. The Subscriber, thankfull for favors, would inform his Customers, and the inâ€" habitants of Dundnlr::d surrounding country generally, that he is pupcrodbmnketoorder,undofflubutmteridfiobo had, WAGGONS, BUGGIES, BINGLE AND DOUBLE. CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, . HARROWS, ROLLERS, Â¥=4"Bring along your Cash, Butter and Eggs. An inspection of our goods respectâ€" fully solicited, Td CE 0. 48 HS "a ns G’ R' umDLETON- PRINTS, COTTONS, TWEEDS, Dundalk, Mgy 81, 1877. = Cheaper than the Cheapest. # Dundalk, Jan. 20, 1877. New Goods, New Goods! OrFICEâ€"One door South of the Angloâ€"American Hotel, Dundalk Augus$ 30, 1877. GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGHT. LANDS.â€"I beg leave to call the attention of those wishing to purchase land, as I have a llll;lbel: of good, and cheap, Farm Lots for sale. ##"Send .&m.. ard get my catalogue and prices. MONEYâ€"Firmers wishing to obtain Money cannot do better than to call at the Farmers and Meshanics‘ Agency now established in the town of Dundalk, where you can get Mox®y at a reduced rate of Interest, on ##"Terms to suit yourselves,â€"to pay off a previous mortfqe, build a New House, or Barn, to clear more Land, or to obtain a ehoice breed of Cattle. ##"Loans will be put through without loss of time, while the strictest privacy will be maintained in all transactions, Painting Done on Short Notice AND BY A FIRSTâ€"CLASS ARTIST. * obutthobedmtorinluod,mdonlygoodvorkmmmfi Prices lower than ever. Cupboards, &.0., &c., at the shortest notice. Furniture repaired with neatness and dispatch Estimates given and Contracts taken for all classes of Buildings, STAIRCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Order: Soiclited,. _ ##"Undertaking attended to promptly. Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Hand. Remember the Staud, the Shop nearly opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Dundalk. CROSS & HICKS. Dundalk, April 12, 1877. yli Dundalk Carriage Works The undersigned beg to inform the inhabitants of Dundlak and surrounding country, that they are now manufacturing all kinds of Encourage Home Manufacture $4"Good Mortgages and Municipal Debentures Bought. Communieations prompt attended to. A!w.ycwbol:»lnnd in the Office, on Mondays and Tuesdays. GEORGE RUTHERFORD, Orricz, Main Streot, Dundalk. Al} kinds of pupn‘ Insured in Good Companies at low Rates. Farm Property Insured against and Lightning for 3 years at 75 cents on the $100. (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE ) Man aud also his Horse Insured against accidents and death from any cause. Sash, Doors, Fra A HARROWS, ROLLERS, HORSE RAKES, CULTIVATORS, WHEELBAR] Mtnyfl:in;duinflnwoodliunquindbyflumuflyu large. " PUFF OR BLOW !" Dundalk Insurance, Loaning and GENERAL AGENCY. Conveyancing done with neatness and despatch. A. G. HUNTER. Farmers and Mechanics‘ Dundalk, August 30th, 1877. * bf iring one or 10e monthe notice." â€" Banore qrivate and soobdotisl Loans Advanced on Town or Village Property. s and others who want to borrow money can have it at from 8 t> 84 per cont on the Interest principle, the borrower having the right to pay off his Mortgage at any tiime and Readyâ€"Made Clothing, LAND, LOAN and . GENERAL AGENCY, which we offer at very close prices. We do not We have now on hand a Large Stock of V olunteers Wanted ! T. B. GRADY. DUNDALK, ONTARIO. M O N E Y . but we sell goods y31 MOST APPROVED KINDSE. Can depend upon being satisfied by lsaxing And with the Greatest Promptitude,, Having lately made an addition to our hnwlflqhhvamnyb.fl Possesses great Facilities for doing sll Job Department, Best Style of the Art, in the Townships of Protom, Artemesia, ‘Dundalk Guide, and contains a vast mam The Station, Dundalk, Good Family Newspaper O Dunda.lk Gulde 19 Job Work Best Mediums for Osprey, Malancthon and other Townâ€" The office is furnished with Es"rPOSTAGEB Price $1.25 per OF THE LATEST J. TOWNSEND type, parties wishing LOCAL AND FOoREIGx Xaws, If not paid in advance. ships makes it one of ihe should subscribe for the W ORRIC. In the County of Grey opposite * DUNDALK GUIDE® 8 COLUMX Prirer, done in the very Al who want a lation of the AND EDETORIAL, MTLLIN [m The subscriber the amice evnelsil H #3.Special attent Physician the above works Farms Mas much » wud the pulis In 1 Carpenter a Dandalk «ler Cen#tautly on ha DUNDALd Drugs, Chemi Paints, Dy Beveal good lots & and 1 At from ® Builde:s‘s Draughtsman, who., m February 1. Firstâ€"class a The best viau TH Darriste Chaneory, Oweil Son weed 8 Nhoy Dandalk. Ma Attormcy â€"at law No tary {’..i.ln-, Barrister, Nolic Notwry Public OWEX deaths, tâ€" free of char STRAY Advertisomen by written inst inserced until 4 wlar rabes, Miss Marria~» Dund Protessional Ruarter coh Maii columa Qae column, o. Dondalk, Mar ©6. $1.90 if not Alasdal adve tAne dor the to for each aubss All kinda ie n At the Office posite the ul.\ TR Dund hysicians a BDundalk. + of the chaicest BUSINE wont M ans Ondinary ANGLO Notico TERAS Do B VUI RATES AND F AY ANI for $1, | In J. W M« 18A Di w

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