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Dundalk Guide (1877), 27 Dec 1877, p. 1

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Job Department, i-novllhdupi.'h. Good Family ving lately made an addition to our depend upon being satisfied by lsaring asesses groat Facilities for est Style of the Art, *Dundall Ciuide," in the T with the Greatest Promptitude, The Station, Job Work T APPROVED KINDS. TH® "ouipa‘ ramstre®e The Large The office is furnished with READING MATTER, and contains a vast amount af M Best Mediams for Osprey, Malancthon "Dundalk Guide" PRESSES, OF THE LATEST Price $1.25 Es" POSTAGE type, parties . TOWNSEND SV OTT IC. should subscribe for the ships makes it one of the us thoir orders. If LOCAL AND done in the very opposite In the County of Grey " DUXDALK GUIDE* ownships of Protom, M #3 COLUNX and rapidly increasing Cirrs Al who want a and kinds of t paid in advance. MARKET REPJRTS, lation of the vary best style, andâ€" ANXD Bbmm PR and otker Town. ig Farms Eor Sale‘ At from 85 to 820 per acre, . In Proton, Melanethon, Osprey, and Colâ€" AND FAMILY RECIPES. Dundalk, June 20, 1877. Seveal good lots of land for saleâ€"improved wu.Special attention paid to the Dispensing Physicians‘Prescriptions A constant supply of Drugs, Chemicals, Has much pleasure in informing his »friends and the public generally, that he is prepared to do all kinds of General Biacksmuthing, at the above works at his nsual low rates. Horseshoeing a speciality. Mcedical Hall ‘ The Dundalk Division ons of Temoerance meets every Tuseday evening at hal(â€"past seven o‘clock, in tre Orange Hall. T. Manbury, W. P; J. Towsend, K. 8. DIVIsSION SOXNS OF TEMPERANCI NO. 410. Late of (inelph, MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER ‘The subscriber is prepared to offer his serâ€" vices as Stone Mason to any one requiring the same. . All Wo.k done in a satisfactory manuer. ’l‘}vof') * '_l‘hursdny, All kinds of timbor for building purposes «onstantly on hand at the lowest prices. T. B. GRADY, D. C. W. Dandalk, March, 15th 1877. yâ€"7 Builder‘s and Cortractor‘s NCPVDTICIS. THE VULCAN VWORKS, Constautly on hand at the POST OFFICE, DUNDUALK. _ Price only $2.00. J. J. MIDDLETON, Carpenter and Framer. Repairing done at hi« shop, . Sash and panel doors made to orâ€" der. &A Remember the standâ€"two doors bwiow the Post Uflice, M ars Strket, .2002..22... .. Desxpark. Patent Medicines, and Proprietory Articles of the chaicest quality, at lowest prices. OWEX sOUXD Sr., DUNXDALK. Firstâ€"class accommodation The best vianis on hand. TERMS:â€"$#1 p t !&.OLQ if not paid University Silver Medalist, Trinity College, ‘Toronto, and~ M mber of the Cellege of Physicians and Surgeons ¢f Ontario. â€" Office â€"â€"Dundalk, Ont. Fire and Life Insurance, Money, Loan and treneral Agent, Main Street, Dundalk. Mars Strser, February 8, 1877 Paints, Dyes, Provincial Land Nurveyor, Civil Engineer, hnn*lnumun. Land â€" Agent, Conveyancer, Corner of Qneen and Victoria Streets Dandalk, May 3, 1877. tfâ€" Misso Gokey, Barrister, Solicitor in Chancery & Insolveney, Notwry (Public. _ Oiffice.â€"North Broadway, Orangeviile, oppesite Parsons‘ Hardware Barrister, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c¢., Poulett St., Oweif Sound. fm 37 Shop. JAMES LA MOX, Mr&hv. Soticitor _ in Netary Public ~ Fluntathcrurss ts N. W}"uâ€"i:h-:,- Con ;"e-;";lllrl;::r, :!c‘ residenceâ€"Dundalk. Marriage Cortificates Licenses, STRAY ANIMALS, «c., advertised three weeks for $1, the advertisement not to exâ€" weed 8 lines. Ailvertisoments, except when accompanied by written instructions to the contrary, are inserced until forbidden, and charged at regâ€" ular rates, for eash Urdinary notices of births, deaths, and all kind: of Jocal n free of charge. RATES OF apyERTIsING. Protessional and business cards, pér year, $ 4 ?‘u:-ur! columtt, ‘per year........00 .. .. 15 isbP setenss .. L2 7 Oua l2 C CCop ECC Ee l esees ruk ie Mali columu, _‘ ‘ JQae column, * * * > D. ie wmonth:.""!¢:t...... iL Do. three months. . .......... .. A‘asaal ertiseme harged 8 cts. _ Alasumal advertisements charged 8 cts. February 1, 187 At the Office, posite the | BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 66 ANGLO» AMERICANâ€" HOTEL, DUNDALK. L y8 Notice to the Public. Opposite the Post Office, GEORGE RUTHERFORD, JAMZES HAN} MAITLAND MeCARTHY DUNDALK Saxwrkt McCrrnoen, Prop RICHARD CLARE, J. W. FROST, LL. B NORTH SIDE OF ISAAC TRAYXNOR J. J. MIDDLETON. . 21, 1877. DHR. M:WILLIAM Protou Street a PUBLISHED HENRY SCHENK, per year in Advance, d within two months, "«a GUIDq" :s ° sr Ont J. TOWXSEXD DUNDALK Street, â€" nearly opâ€" Passenger Station, for , _ marriages, news, inserted the public 20 Chancery, Ollice and ssuer Collections made, and a General Abjency Business transacted. _ ; Agent for several First-_(‘lul Lom C't.mpnnie&, Several good Farms for Sale Che Any number of Mortgages for which the highâ€" est figure wilfbe allowed. The subscriber has a large sum of Morey placed in his hands tor investment on Imâ€" proved Farms, and other securities, at the low rate of Eight per cent Interest. â€" Borrowâ€" ers can depend on getting their money with the least possible delay. Money to Loan Note the following advantages : You can fix your own time for repayment. You ean repry the loan by instalment or by one payment. You can pay off the whole or any portion of the loan at any time by givying notice and mtorest at once ceaseson the portion paid. If you have arvanged to pay by fnstalment you willâ€"not be subject to a heavy tine if you are not prepared to make the payâ€" ment and will simply be charged the miterest on the arrears. An average yemly payment of $147 for to: years pays off a loan of Lands Boughtâ€"and Sold. R Conveyancing Expenses reduced to the lowest possibl ligure and the loan put through in the short est possible space of time. Farmers if you waut Mouey apply to GEO. RUTHERFOID, Agent, Main Street, Dundalk (ieneral Managers, 38 King Stroet East Toron to. $1,500,000 to lend in Carada at 8 per cent Interest. North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Co. #2"Business done strictly private Residence and address Farm and Village I The best Companies in the Province sented. June 21, 1877 Tus Onoest Fire Loas AcExe _ ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. GEO. RUTHERFORD Dundalk, Sept. 13, 1877. y88 JOS. McARDLE, One door South of the Angloâ€" American Hotel Dundalk, Aug. 30, 1877. v3l I hive a number of good Farms for sale, on easy terms. Seud your address and get my cataloor _ aal prices, or call at the Farmers, and Mcchraics‘ Loan, Land, and General Agency Oflice, Dandalk. A. G. HUNTEI. J. w. MorRrow, Licensed Auctioneer I will be at all: times, ready to fill all orders in that department entrusted to me, or mtezd Aunction Sales of Farm Property in Proton, Artemesia, Osprey, Melanethon or any Township in the (ullht\n!(:r;\lt very moderate rates and on short notice. ET ts ind A. G. HUNTER,. I have now established in connection with the Farmers ant Mechanies‘ Ageney, of Dundalk, an DWELLINGS & sHOPS Commtsstoner is us QuzEex‘s Bexen A. G. HUNTER, MESSRS. PELLATT & OSLER Warted to Purchase _onvevyvamncâ€"er, & Auctioncering Department. MOQON EY ! | "Were s." mA .3A woee « $ * cS [ Ec g a % -t f F 4 «’\_ A k [ 5 £ BX VeJ 6 b hb C R R h > â€" . h esn P D V t n D '.‘I’ 5 t “’ M 2s 'l 49 {} t ) 1# . eA y ) . Eo k <500 Commissioner in the Queen‘s Bench MORTGAGES WANTED. Auction Sales. Vol. I. No 48 Town Lots for Sale Office opposite the Angloâ€" Amcri'eungftel. f Farros for Sals. HOPEVILLE, Co, of! Grey War. ~NELSON; General Agent, Dundalk yâ€"Al DUXDALK E«y?’f\j Ixseraxer and Moxey Â¥ in the Tow»simtP. 1 =â€"â€"BYâ€"â€" â€"BYâ€" A. G. HUXTET. A. G. HUNTER ~â€"2 ECA SP * T e â€" PS J & [* F en e ig . > 8 I A 8 <<> We hok â€" , m .4 ie t . P m P idtan V P31 h Lt & . 6n deaktenst Py i\ * m in \is® 52 W F 3 $ -,lt_:- ,‘7._‘;-;,_‘ ,a’ : i ~E C Eo $ yam: xsl I’ E hn 5. 2t .Aâ€",‘ Ee ears 7 : ,‘. , i »s f W AJ 9 s tds t 8 e B NA s i > in cla “: . n ty esiel in 4) 4 '!} R ie Sig ns l hi z> g C lo! % 3 1 j â€" ots For TO REXT Salo repie 87 Further particulars may be obtained at the Office of Hichard Snelling, of the City of Toronto, Vertdor‘s Solicitor. ! * Dited at Toronto, this 13th December, 1877. .TY@1 L ollsBro(t (Signed) T. W. TAYLOR. The property will be sold subject to a resembd bidâ€"fixed by the Master. (In other respécts the ‘conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Court| of Chancery. h 12th day of January, 1878, at the hour of twelve o‘clock, noon, in ene parcel, by Andrew Henderson, Auctioneer, at his Rooms, Yonge (Street, Toronto, the certain frechold promises, being T. t No, Nineteen, in the 13th Concession cf To be sold by Pablic Anetion, in pursuâ€" ance of a deerce and final order for sale made by th@g Court ef Cloucery,in the cause of Davidson and Amor, and with the approbation of Thomas Wardlaw Tavlor, Esquire, the Master in Ordinary of the same Conrt at Poronto, on Saturday, the Chancery Sale. on his premises Owen Sound Street, near the STATION, + â€" â€" Dundaik. ~ ~Good: Family Flour: for sale, Dundiak. Feb. 2 1877 ° Bezgs to inform the inhabitants of Dundalk and vicinity that he is on hanc +4 for sale a line stock of The Township of Proton, HORSE SHOEINGa SPECIALTY Mtr/ P.â€"WHITTLE! Gensral‘ Blacksmithing busi, The Subscriber habitants of Dt country, that A Now Face in an old Place Oysuter ETRoomsy, The Directors of the Dundalk Union Agricultural Society are requested to meet at the Office of A..G,. Wanter, on Thursday, the 27th Dee., inst., at the hour of wo o‘clock, p. m., to close the business of, the year, and to make further arrangements for the coming year,. f | Nov. 29th,1877 Dundalk Union Agricultural Society. NOTICEZ TO DIRECTORS. TOYs, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONERY, LEMONS3, otic 07. AOOTESY â€" © *PMSâ€"SHTOP Imvere mege | run of custom, and an over average of horse shocing. 1t is situated in a splendid part of the Vill g>, and only 200 yards froms the .Statiou. _ Sutisfactory â€" reasons given for selling. For farther informatioh, apâ€" ply to 6 d BLACKSMITH SHOP and DWELL with Village Lot, for sale in th village of Viudatk, orr flmvfiufi & B.dailway: «~Fhis<«ltop J + In A young lady wishes to get a : situatio learn â€" Dressmaking. Application to seut to Gumpe Office, Dundalk. d Wants to lsarn Dressmak LOBERT HOGA Dundalk, Dec. 13th, 1877. Dundalk, Dee. 12, 1877 t! NEW : ADVERTISMENT Dundalk, Dec. 13th 1877 Also that ne nss up;’ncxl new it ring promptly attended t braiches, and satisfa narantood. â€" A eall solicit nc p lat erc ANGES, WRLSH CYSTERS, rULE APPLE CIDER Notice. FOR SALE. on Pr W. H. BEATTY, begs to inform the inâ€" ndaik, and Surrounding he bas conmenced!| a eitor for the Applicants *#f14 neoss DU NDA ton St A. G A. G. HUNTER, H d by M General Agent tiâ€"46 HUXNTER, Sccn-firy. ction AF Aj UH b 46 nitin â€" Txx Prack to Gzt Your Warcurs Reâ€" rPatREp anp. Ouzaxco.â€"Mr. Jolin NicKkle has secured the services of a firstâ€"class workman, as a watchmaker, who has had several year‘s experience at the bnsiness in England, and has beén a number of years in Canada and the United States. Parties having watches or jewellery to xeâ€" pair dr.cledn will do well to leave thiir work with Mr. Nickle, as they can de[:emli on getting their work done promptly Mmli in a satisfactory manmer. Mr. Nicklo beâ€" ng relieved of the watchmaking depariâ€" LK, DEOEMBER 27 1877; > | $1 per year in Advance. Honxtvas MitiS.â€"A Presbytorian con gregation has been organized at Horning‘s MJs, by the . Rev. . Mr. Gilehrist, of Shelâ€" butve.""A" church *building "owned> by the Episcopal Methodist denomination has been purchased and : paid for, and the new cogregation promises to be a very flontishing, one. ~ Mr Gilchrist [deserved great credit for the interest he has tuken in the people there, and the success that. has followed his exertions, will, no â€"doubt, be‘ appreciated by |the : congregation.â€" Orangeville Advertiser, As the time draws near for the nominaâ€" 4 J tion in Protony "tremendons" effortsfare ** | being miade to mislead the. electors in reâ€" ,. | gard to the prist nets of onr prosent Reeve:; xgi A fly shootis being liberally cirenlated with ! the signature of "Joux Aoxaw, Old Survey" iv, offering his services us Reeve. We hope i the siznnture is not a "forged one." Anâ€" ‘other fiyâ€"sheot is being »cireulated, signed . ) "Ax EneoroR," containing statements tnat 8] Mr. mliddleton proved at last eleetion to be _ | totally false and slanderous,. Now it is C qvite right to criticise the public career of | any.â€"man, so ‘long/as the truth is told, but | to eirenlete slanders and falsehoods is an { [act to be frowned down by every right | thinking person, and can only be done hvi .l scoundrels and villains. We do not think | ~ it necessary for us to go into a repetition fnf these charges, as Mr. Middleton will no | [ doubt be prepared to answer them satisâ€" I factorily at the nomination at Hopeville,| &n Monday nest; and as the fly-nhe«t’ ' in question contaius eriminal charges; that, , it true, would render Mr. Middleton lisble | [ to imprisonment, persons cireulating such ‘ | flyâ€"sheets are liable to bo prosecuted, if Mr. | Middleton so chooses, for publishing maâ€" | licious Slinder, and thera teingho name, . ‘to the said flyâ€"sheet, would ofly Thake the } f ease so much the worse. h A Dunkin byâ€"law was, on Friday carâ€" ried by 29 mojority at Lakefield, East Peterboro‘. f Last evening Aithur Je‘ly, a young lad twelve years ofage, son of Mr. Heury Jelly of Mount Fprest, in attempting to cross the null dam of Mr. D. Youmans to his home, broke through the ice and was drowned. the body was found about two hours afterâ€" wards. Axotur® Fary Sounp.â€"In and through the Farmers‘ ‘and Mechanies‘ Ageney, by A. G. Hunter, Mr. Alex. Snodden has sold his farmy of 177 weres to G@eorge . Minn, Esq., of Bowmanville. A. G. Hunter sells every time. Lam Oven.â€"We have received a numâ€" ber of communicitions â€" for : insertion, but as the Editor is ‘absent we will‘ not take upon ourselves the responsibility of pubâ€" lishing them. ‘They will probably appear next week. Cmarstatas is past, but had it not been for the odours of rousting goose, and a few other tinmistakable signs which we enâ€" countered as we walked our streets on Tuesday, we would searcely eredit it 970 It. C. Hall &Co., Priceville, are collectâ€" ing their accounts close theseande} ted hbad better attend to a settlement at once. _ Goods rushed oif lively and great bargains given. Farat Sorv.â€"In and through the Farmâ€" ers‘ and Mechanies‘ Agency, of Dundalk, Mr. William Nelson, of Dundalk, has sold his farm of 115 aeres to Mr.J. Drummer,by A. G. Hunter, the peoples‘ agent, K35" Iiaxt ! Liont !â€"who would be without a lsmp aftor looking at the splenâ€" did assortment just grrived at the Dundalk Modical Hall. & Dundalk, December 27 1877 THB PROTON CoOXTEST. *Bewing Machine Noesedles THBE GUIDE, The Proprietor is making these lines a~speciality and consequently can do better I T oo P Pn neniet for his eustomers than those in general merchandise. to suit every maghime, and any article in these lines mot in stock, will be ordered specially on applieation. Books and Stationery, FANCY TOYS and TOTLET ARTICLES, Biscuits and Confectionery. 4 for your _ DRUGS, PATEXNT NMEDICINES, Paiyrs ind OLLS, MACHINE OILS, BRUSHES of All Kinds, Local and Other Items. Teas, Tobaceos, Go To Bolster‘s, Flesherton, ituge n + and pipes, in large variety +9. cA A Sabbath School Anniversary and Teaâ€" ’ mecting, in connection with the C. M. Sunday School, was held in the Orange Hall, in this village, on Christmns Day, and, notwithstanding the very bad state of the roads, the Hall was comfortably filled with an appréciitive afidienco. \ After doâ€" ing justice to the excellent edible« providâ€" ed by the ladies, the Rev. Mr. Shaw was requested to discharge the dutics of chairâ€" man, which he performed in a very :effic jent manner. . Miss Allie Lamon presided. at the organ. When the Choir had sang. "Hark the Herald Ange!s Sing," the Seeâ€" retary read the annmal report of the School, whichu proved it to be in a prosperous conâ€" dition. â€" The number of mnames on his roll was 58, and the average attendance durâ€" close?" The Loyal Orange TLodge, Walterâ€" vills,"No. 883, his" only been orgnuized about two.years, the ‘number of imnembers reaching nearly forty at the present time. The hinll isa very commodious one, and the greater portion of the work having been contributed, the outiny will be about §75, and it is expected that the proceeds of the Sorree will amount to about $50, thus leaving only a dobt «4 $25 on the bwulding. ~ Preaching will be held in the Hull every secondt "S.bDith," the Rev. Mr. Fohnxton,of Flesherton, preaching in it the first time on Sabbath,‘the 16th inst. J other topics. A very handsome aud rich cake, presented by Mr, A. Thomson,baker, was then putiarp to be voted on. Three young ladies,â€"Misses McLeod, Whittaker, and Best, and Mrs. Beatty and Latimer were nominated, and aftera good deal of pleasantry and coaxing, the votng was brought to a elos¢, as follows:â€"Miss Meâ€" Lecd, 102; Miss Whittaker98; Miss Best 92; Mrs. TL timer, who had declined,2; Mrs. Beatty 88. The proceeds of the Soiâ€" ree, including the cake, amounted to $61.â€" 50. * The eake was afterwards presented to the Rev. Mr. Hadden. Votes of thanks weore presented to Mrs. Latimer for the zitt of the lot on which‘ the~Hall was: built ; to the ladis for providing so bountiâ€" fully for the cccasion ; to Mr. A. Thomson, for his present; the Rev. Mr. Hadden and the chirman. After giving three cheers for the Queen the‘ meeting ‘was brought to & On Wednesday evening, of last week, the new Orange Hall, recently ercéted at Flesherton Station was opemedâ€" by a soiâ€" ree. ‘The ladies in that neigborhood had made ample provision for the occasion,and the entables were sumptuously provided. The attendance, considering the roads, was very good ; but if ifhad béen sleighing there would have been &inuth larger numâ€" ber presént. After Tea was over, Mr. Wim. Rutledge, W.M., took the chair. After & brief address from Mr. A. Thompson, the Rev. Mr. Hadden, of Priceville, gave an address on the Times of King William,and Opcning of the New Orange Hall, at Flesherton Station. | Sizx,â€"I have notiéed two fly sheets going { the rounds, one signed by "An Elector," and another by Mr. Agnew, (O. 8.) in ? wluch it is stated that the Reeve had iszed t an order to Mr. H. Graham for $82 for fines, when Mr. Graham only paid to the Tp, Treasurer $19. â€" Here is what I find: Docember 25th, 1875, cash from H. Graâ€" ham, Esq., for fines, $13." April 28th, 1876, cash for fines, $17. September 9, ’1876, §2. Total, $32.â€" Itig a shame for any man to state a‘ falsehood ‘when any little boy could add the above figures. If he does not know better let him read Luke a liitle. Our village pays to the Township Treasurer between four and five hundred dollars per annum. How much money did we ever get from.the Township? Forty dollars, I believe, was the most; aud that was out of the Ward appropriaâ€" tion,..._ We‘ tixe ourselves . for . the sidewalks ~and > other improvements, and still this individual will prite about even getting those fines. Thanking you for your space, | "Gexturuesx.â€"A fly sheet called an adâ€" dress, over the signature jof a comical genâ€" 'iouu named John Agnew, (Old Survey) framed by his private secretary, has besn handed to me. â€" A% notmore than abaker‘s dozen in the municipality have ever thought of wasting their franchise on him, 'fur the nineth time, it will not he noeesâ€" sary to reply to his silly falschoods. Allow 'me, however, to exhibit one statement us \a sample of the general m=rits of the \proâ€" duetion. He says, "Toâ€"doy the Township is several hundred dollars in debt." (Genâ€" €emen, this statement, TA â€" plain Saxon, is a lie ! Your Township is not as much as one cent in debt, but instead, there is to its credit in the County Treasury the sum: of $1,015.46, if we are ‘to place credence in a stitementof the County Trearurer begring ‘ date the 20th.inst. Hoping to meet you on nomination day, I have the honor to be your obed‘ent servent, To the Editor of the Guide, To the Electors of Proton Vrxxonr‘s Atxaxac.â€"We have received a copy of Vennor‘s Almanac, for 1878. In addition to the predictions respecting the weathor, the contents of the almanac are of.a very, useful and. interesting character, and well worth the price, Mr. Nennor‘s vredictions, although only given as probaâ€" bilities, have been fulfilled to a remarkable degree. For sale at the book stores. COMMUNICATIONS Anniversary. mm t tb e ++ <4> ++ J. J. Mippusrox Ratcrayen Moved in amendment by .Mr. Howey, seconded by Mz. Drown, That this Counâ€" ton, Doyle, N. Read, H. Reid, Gardunerâ€"8. ' Nays â€"Christoe, MoNichol, Laidlaw, Rorke,; McKechnie, Stark, â€"Murdock, Meâ€" Konzie, Erskine, MéRae, MeDonald, Camâ€" eron, delly, Thompson, MeEdwards, Gehl, McGirr, Melutyre, Stephens, Barohatt, Modeland, Penner, Burnettâ€"24, x FRIDAY EVENING, Moved by Mr. McRae, seconded by. Mr. Middleton, That all rates and Arrearnges due this county from P various© municiâ€" palities not met by the Ast day of January, 1878, be hencefortli wliarged on such overâ€". due claini# and »npgid rates for: the benâ€" éfit of this county fin'humuiuwd‘ as the county finids now on deposit comâ€" mandâ€"said intetest to ‘be collected anpuâ€" allyâ€"lost, To After some disenssion the motion was lost on the following division :â€" Moved by Mr. N. Read, seeonded hy Mr. Howey, That this Council authorize the License Inspectors to prosecute under the Temperance Act of 1864. On motion of Messrs. Whiteand H. Reid, the suim of $10 was given to the chairman of Road and Bridge Committee as a recogâ€" mition of his services. On motion of Messrs, Doyle and Thompâ€" son, the report of County Property Comâ€" mittee was adopted. Mr. Cameron as chairman of Road and Bridge Committee presented his report, which was adopted. " » On motion of Messrs. Burnett and Chrisâ€" toe, report No. 2 of the Finance Comunittee was adopted. _ Mr. Cameron presented report of Rond and Bridge Committée, which was adopted. The Council adjourned till 2 pan. FRIDAY AFPTERXOOX. After some discussion, and several moâ€" tions and amendments, it was finally carâ€" med on motion of â€"Messrs. Christoe and Burnett, that sumsoverâ€"expended on grants of 1877 be puid, but that no such elaims be countenanced in future. Naysâ€"MeNichol," Laidlaw, ‘White, Mcâ€" Kechnie, Stark, Murdock, McKenzie, M yles, McRae, MeDonald, Howey, :Cameron, Brown, Thompson, MeEdwards, Komig, Gelil, Stephens, Barnhert, Doyle, N. Read, H. Reid, Gardenerâ€"28. Yeasâ€"Christoe, Elliott, Rorke, Erskine, Flarity, Jelly, McGirr, Mclutyre, Middleâ€" ton, Modeland, Penner, Burnettâ€"18% ; The amendment was â€"lost, and report adopted, the yeas and nays on the amendâ€" ment being as follows :â€" Dr. Christoc, seconded by Mr. Middleton, moved an amendment, setting forth that the advantage of the Model Schools did not warraut the expense and trouble they occasioned, and striking out the grants. On the Council resuming, Messrs. Meâ€" Nichol and Laidlaw moved the adoption of the report, The Council wont into Committee on the report, and after an attemptâ€"to amend it by striking ont the grants, ‘finally adopted it as presented. tion Committee, which recommend a graut of $100 to each of the Model Bchools. Mr. Mid dleton ‘presented report of Speâ€" cial Committee on Bouth Grey. Registry Oflice, which was adopted. Council adjourned till 9 a.m., Friday. FRIDAY MORNING. The Reeve and Dep. Roeeve of Holland, with the Reeve of Sullivan were appointed to examine the Williamsford bridge, with a view of keeping it in repair. Yeasâ€"Elliott, Howey, Brown, Middleâ€" Tur Clork read a communication from the Board of Education â€" relative to Model School, when Rev. Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Dobie addressed the Council on the subject. 4 Mr. Rorke presented report No. 1 of Fi nance Committee, which was adopted. et, by Miss Celinda «Phillips and Mr. R. Ritchie,. was very well rendered. After the programme had been gone through, prizes were given to Miss Martha Howard, for reciting the largest number of Bible verses during the year, &nd to Miss. Marâ€" garct Ferrict for regular attendance. (The prizes were given by D. B. Grady.. â€"The proceeds of the evening amounted to $20. Much credit is due to the partiss who: hnd the managing of the affair, and especially to the ladies who decorated the Hall so beautifully with evergreens and motioes. Altogather, we spent a must enjoyable evâ€" ening, and from the number of happy . facâ€" es whice we observed nat the close, we : preâ€" sume we were only one among many who did so. \ ing the year has been 44. Recitations were delivered by Miss SHusan Hawkibs, George Lamon, Annie Ferrier, Thomas Haney, Emma Shaw, Master Fred Ritebfe, W. Newmaen, Miss Stella morrow, and Hoenry Hunter. Mr. Morrow spoke a few words in reference to the workings of the Sunday School, and wished to see the eliil> drens‘ prronts attend more regular than heretofore. Several dialoghes were renâ€" dered in very good style; one, "The Train to Morrow," by Miss Celinda, and Masters Charles and George Phillips, n doserving of special mention. "Also, a ~ qutartette, by four little children,â€"Jenny and Harry Laâ€" mion, May and «Laura: Ritchie, entitled ‘Ring the Bell, Watchman," although an old piceo, when given by these little, singâ€" ers it was greeted with a hearty applause, and was demanded a second times A du: Mrâ€" Stephons presented report of Educaâ€" (Concluded from the Times.) THURSDAY AFTERNOON County Council. â€"+ o s% Tas Doxsix Byâ€"caw, which was adppted a fow weeks ago in the county of kent by a large anajority of. the ratepmyers,. haxing veen quashed by the Court of. Comumon, Pleas, the County Council limns taken the boid step of passing the byâ€"law . without submitting it a second time ito the popular vote for ratification. On the A)u9d. reading Aue vote in the councilâ€"stood bwout) tLree ’hfnur. one.reeve being mbsent. An ofâ€" fort was made to got up petitions in fuver of submiltting it to the people, but some of those sent in having.been rejected us not bona fide, it wasapt .considered necess, ary to comply with the, request. <The deâ€" cision of the.county councul,.in view of the recent overwhelming amajogity for the byâ€" WOL hobi cnitaab ids 6: > sls siindvidnanndinianted 3 tious taken to it, secus to give very gen oral satisfaction.â€"Globe. > nUn® 90 Bareiny street, New York, on Thursday, of last week. The exret num ber of killed is not known, but it is sup»â€" posed to be ahout a dozen, Thero were 200 hands employed in the manufactory,, mostly boys and girls, and but few excaped. uninjured, A terrible boiler explosion occurred the candy manufaetory of Greenficld Sone, 86 Barclay street, New York, Thursday, of lasnt week. The exret m Richard Hoy indicted for indogent n»â€" sault, and Ezra Rex, for assou‘ting oficer in discharge of his duty, both «leared out and were not fortheoming when called upon. ECC ComURn SNe purchased timber on defendant‘s land, un now sought to recover dues he had to paj to the Government. Contenti, m of Defen dant was that plaintifi had to pay l dues, . Verdict for defendant. 4.4. Stoph ous for pluintiff ; 8.J. Lane for defendint Cameron vs. MeDonald ; This case wa similar to the lust, Vordict for defendant J. 1. Stephens for plaintilf ; 8. J. Lane fo; defendant, S Cousby vs. Georgian Bay Transporta tion Co.â€"Action : for »wages.> Plainuif claimed that he lind been hired > by | the season, and defondnpis alleged that 1. waus only hired by the month, and his wer viees could be dispensed with at any tim «. Verdiot for plainuif, $30,24, J. W. Fros for plaintiff ; G, Moberly for defendant, Joln Hammond pleaded guilty to q charge of larceny, and was sentomecd | &o one mouth in Gaol at hard Inbor. Queen vs Darbagin.â€"Dofe dieted for obstruct ng the pi rtho case @r ising out of alor pute between the town of end: Mr. Darbagh, who cla of ground as his property, The Judge took his own re appear for sentence when o the undorstandinp that if he jected to the removal of the the sentence would he me; J. Creasor persccuted on par and A. Frost for the crown ; for defence. Powrson vs Park & al.â€", adue in eonnection with Phocbe Cathorine. Verdie $170,. D. a. Creasor for P Lane for defendant. General Sessions and County whgu o oon _ The Warden returned thanks for 4 } pression of the Coumeil, Mr. H. Reid said he lhad asked a ber of the members of the Town .0 to be present to confer with them 0 employment of prison lahor, , Ma,, \ then ad lressed the Council on the s A vote of thanks was passed to the or and Coluneil of Owep Bound Afop eourtesy in allowing the use of the Hall for the sersion of the Coummty . Oa imotion of Mr Rorke, 6ecogde Mr. H. Reid, $15 , was granted & chairman of special gummittee on Grey Registry Office â€" for Extin ser Tae Council then PObo, Moved by Dr. Barubhart, secon Mr. Doyle, That this Countil desine they separate, to tender thoir tua Robt. MeGhee, Esq., for his wble a partial conduct as Clairman of this gil and in appreciation of the very 4 manner in which he has disclhaure duties appertaining to his ofice ns W he receive $100 as AD (@Xpression Couneil‘s approval of his . services that a further allowanee . of $50 {. dental expenses be grauted himâ€", unanimously C000 Ets PV pPRSRCd, Mr. Rorke preseuted report JA Finnnce Committee, | recomme» ling payment of $128 to Bethume, Osler & Moss forcosts in connection with mandanus agiainet County in the ease of Durham Rrghh‘,’ Ollice. The report was adopted. The Council went into comtuiittee on Byâ€"Law to incorporate. Shelburne, niter which it was read n third time and prssed. ML dmlcns zl 2 On motion of Mr. NX agroed to pay postuge or by Clerk of Peace to mi The sum of $5 was a of Hall, Cameron vs lm unv lfl'itu(iun I'.C'i‘l sections in Syllivan, was lud ,m’ m"i"ll. to obtain . oninion, «echnie, Stozk,â€" Murdock, MeKensic, Mcâ€" Bae, MeDonald, Mel:d wards, Gebl, Melnâ€" Ayre, Migdleton, Modsland,â€"14. . . « Naysâ€"Christoe,‘ Rorke, Whyte, Myles BErakine, Mowey, Cameron, Brown, Plarity Jelly, Thompson, MeGir, Stephore, Barnâ€" bart{Penner, ~Doylo, Benuett, N. Leid, M. Reid, Garduer,â€"20, The Byâ€"Law ‘to incorporate Shelburne was read a second time. ~ A motion to pay the County J udge, the Sehool Inkpestor of North Girey aud the Dep. Boevo' of Owen Sound $20 eac for wril inion of the «County Saiicitor on the legality of charging interest to anuniciâ€" palties in arrearsâ€"lost .â€", _ , Â¥he yeus and nays on the original m tion were as follows : a Whast s Yeasâ€"Elliott,© MeXichol, Laidlaw, Moâ€" cil iiWstruct the Wadin 10 of M Rorke, seconded by , $15., was granted. to the special gummittee on. Bouth y Office â€"for Extra services. CV o Owen . Sound dor their llowing the use of the. Town sersion of the County Council, : to confer with them of prison lahor. .. Mr, d the Council on the ®Rrnay, â€"MeGregor,â€"Plaintifft lad ver on defendant‘s lund, und recover dues he had to par (Concluded) +# > »% property. Verd Wdu...min §11.â€"Defendant was inâ€" ing the public highway, ut of along stunding dis town f Owen Sound who claims the nices «‘ al.â€"Action for wages Mr. N. Read, the County tage on statutes fuarnganded to magistmtes, was allowed to curctukoer "GN.““ fn wr Barnbhart, seconded by r wages.> Plainuiff been hired by the is mlleged that ho o has discharged the to his ofice ns Warden, D sexpression of the f . his services : and anee. of $50 for inciâ€" grauted himâ€"earried + Coungudesine, before nder. their taunks to » fur Jids mble wud im~ ""Â¥. Yerdet guilty, w»n recogn:zance to hen culled on with ly for defendant, aded guilty to a was sentoneed to, â€" MROâ€" 40 â€"PRY tle udunt. J,.J, BStophâ€" Lane for defendunt. of the obstructions e merely nominal, on part of the town, own ; C, R. Wilkes ontention of Defen had> to pay i. 6t for plaintif, plainti® ; 8. 3. et for defendant. ; 8. J. Lane for respecting . schoo the achooner * -nl'..,\\'x!mu un the subject, asked a.num no l”nfl‘l’ ob oW (Council the Sulicitor‘s over till the ds megn or the ex lur imeiâ€" â€"earried Id & tim a, Fross + Counâ€" eBicient ploce Was pay May the

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