If. , ' s M: A U r - _ "V ""n "VA-Wu tr Ibo hit-blood Ash, "Go mg to you: in. and luv. the “his .0 me." .wny. an India: was mated ta m Cl' Lisa"!!! still lived. The other looked him mum the eyes for m instant, and qttirtly use! his wmina. The Indian may lap-m" nnpnrsnod. than who would but. ftn, can. being "opped hahl._uk_-1 .. m.-.- - - .. 7â€" n ------ nan-4.7 moan-aha! an grimy». shot passed our high-5d. but his hair wu singed " WEI. In“: Cmâ€. IN Dasurat.--The Indian prides himself upon taking good or ill in te, guides! of n ..ys, and from a story told . air.snruuun, “Canadian Dominion," “Civilized half-brother would seem to be nanny nnemolioml. Thanks mainly to a esrrtain Mods or lulf-braedin the service ofthe Hudson Bay c, mpany,a Sioux war. rioi' - fonnd guilty of stealing . horse, Md condemned to my do animal‘s value brimtnhnent " one cf the Cumpany's $113. On payinguw last instalment he "e.iedhuqaittauce from the man who I Ind brought him to justice, tusd left" the Mies. A few moments later the Sioux re- , Mdmeodonhin uoiseleu moccn- 1 in I we of the writinsptabla ' that his musket till an the m. ho Papo'n beirehrastUr is an unpro- hetdhtg Imrtment, of no great size. scam in Milka], and without iire-puoe and without "rpotrr. The bed is simple and “domed with curtains. The room con. “in no Inh- nur easy chairs, nor any of of then. article; of luxury to be found in the bod slumber: of the wealthy. The window covering Ind corerlet of the bed we of red sill The door of this bed-mom or.'" on a small room or pwnge. used as 0.. Popes dinuinrroom, and leading into hi- private library. In this intermediate tool: to alter It. recently erected, ttnd hi. Hollinou. lying in his bed with the room door open, was enabled to assist at mall. For thirty days Pius IX remained in the bod-room, weaning his viaitora sit- in. by in " bed. Twice I day the wind. l [on um opened for A few minutes at n ' till. to admit fresh air. The room was j "armed by n bruier, Incl the Cardinals 1 And no room to cit down wtam visiting 1 " Rollins“. I I F-"'""""",, a. nun uu "my ended ma ca~ not. Tm Lake was an milel wido where tho but tried to "rim moan. A. 'fur hom Manitoulin Island says v-- is)?“ Thu " I go'od country for poor people . dil‘t'lrn any can ruse naming they plant, nml it w“ get All the tUh they want to out. The t m: tr have been rather troublesome this it Cl They have taken some pigs .1an Mayb Ind but tried to take some mot: ; the}; (have t bar. boon are“! hears killed. Recently Tid two boy, while creasing Manitoulin td, it h" in I "il-boat myriad u hear also crossing the p un, I “a or tithe . gr?ate no; t trying to do no. They over. 'hipol “I It Ind bums no guns to about seized I "in . noun. ma me: n hard battle killed l which hand!» th h . m“ i L" y o olp of. woman got him I lune"! In an boat and tuck the prize home. , . T b'rm Tho bear was ttrt and nftu' he was dress l f'yytiia " 'd‘hd t h , _ _ lldLHlC The 'T urtlrcd and iifty pounds. PM ch. wanna with the lrys tried all all»; l-town; could to persuade them to leave the bear tlll’xll‘i Alone. but they would not heed her, but “PIN"It polka I'"t", him till they ended his 03- Note, To- Mennonites were recently "tested It Punting Mountain for stealing wood bola I homeland, but I rescue having been made five, of meir number were tak. en hom thawlice. the remandier being conveyed to Winnipeg, when they were "loaned, on pleading guilty, on their own Wool. pending tho result of an Wu " the Much Assizes. A portion of Honolulu wu destroyed by In on the 8th of December. the loss reach- " ‘30 Mighbwhood of a quuter of I mil- lion donut. . 1 "J' 5"" “c" Don't wait to get anybody’a consent." launch " we wedding came of a couple a. up Mo, we autumn that the non ful- luwad “no father'- Bdviee and "grabbed" A, ha." “Well my son Low are you going to cuppa-t he: , Bu she any money ?" "Os, It. PM 01,500 that I know of." "Thea" did the old man lining trom his seat, â€Main; hold of hi! son. and yelling out th. words, "Grab her, my bor, grab her. Don't wait to get anybody's consent" mom an on grntleeuam laid : "Well, my to: to when t" "Min Juno Bo And Bo," "irlied the Ion liming her. "Do you 1070M " mu the next inquiry. to which the "tutnetor, insurer was given. “In Ibo I “git!" “Yawn. there u in Hamil- men: do. old grntlenum Sid to. to whom t" "Mini Jane _ _ ~__- - .. In with it - that . Milesian gentleman of some- Vhl. “and .3. kn I son, who recent. ly wont to his father and proceeded to in. Amn him that he proposed to commit: alimony. On receiving the announce- Age“ Bterryia uncut in Hamilton. which bud). Aditicnll merit of being "id-ac. A--, -A . _ _ --- ._-~_ mvvvlvll " tho union! Hipoutnm of which Stmbo, Po- trum, and Liv spank, and which 1m bid by " â€dunks. Th. house. no " hot blow the undue. of the soil. Tho I“. Wat hu than M. to continue tho oxeantiuua on a lug. nub. Bury day some from obj.“ of in†has: tutu up. Tho latest in . monu- lont m in memory of Pompey In" B Victor, our tho pirates, and n lug. My ofooina in gold and copper. - _ _ -- -"""r"" u. an.†Ill “We blight, And then I Moo “In.“ in length. with columns when We, and, many, I nempolia. .0wa 15,0“) square utetrsitrbout three at! We"! mu). A lugs num- ber d inscription: have been collectedmnd Cone of them have been nut to the muse- _ -- __._.-a-n"l_l '""""9 h“).- lndo in Tulr--that of u in!“ town. 1 new Pompom nmxpemdly 5-3 In! Wm, st the foot of Um. Ow A Oomph of Dians WM, A suited "rrGira-' Pete, 1'fretrnt_1di-, Grab Her ! Grab Her , And touched lightly the hand with BO it in and. It town discovered is Toronto, Owen Sound, depart ... 7:43 Demons, " . ...t0:3n Orangevma, arrive...l l ao Toronto, n ...Itnag mouth. Msrtwilu--seeond Wednesday month. month. "urhanr--rntysday before Mount Forest. Fergus-- Thursday following Mount. Forest. 1unover--Monay before Durham. Itotsemout--h'iaeeuth of Fobrmuy, April, June, Auguai, October and December. Ptinsroso--U ednesdny . preceding the Ortutgovilu Fair. l oranosvia-TU 2nd Thursday in “A Dundalk,-'i'aer,ay before Orangcville. Guelph-Ftrs' Wednesday in each mouth, Harrruon--bYiday before the Guelph Fair. Drayton-Saturday before Guelph. Elura-The day before Guelph. Douglas-- Monday befme Elura Fair. l 'umilton-Cmttu Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlin-First Thursday in each month. Brampton --Fust Thursday 1n nah month. LUtowel-First Friday in each month. I Mcuut 1'onrst--Third Wodun-d-v in .....|. Preaching every F' Schmnl Home. Mr. CANADA umnomsr. ( Sabbath School every Sabbath afternoon in the Orange 1131!. commencing at 2 P. M. Preaching: ever-r Sabbath in the same place, Itoun-erasiug at 6.80 P. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Rev. C. Shaw,‘ ministr. PRESBYTERIAN. Sabbath School every Sabbath in the School Home, commencing at 10 a. M. DU NDALK cuu “CH DIRECTORY. mun-c of N. J. Tuonuuu on the “II-apps, amlthunamva of Nurth'op ' Lyman are How!) in Hm bottle, and 'ake nu other. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 can". \‘A.I)’l'llli.»1. _ -s._- ‘- "V 5} nmmup‘ f, . Wuar run an or rr 5 A nw Fun FOB THE i't.uri=--ri'hvre are but few preputttiona of medicine: whwhhrwe withstand the uu. partial judgment of the people for any , lunuth of time. One of theme in Dr. Thomas' _ Kuictrie Oil. Read the fullnmng and becon. [ winced "--Thoss. Robinson, rumba-In Centre, P. It., writes, "l have been Illnvlcd with rheuummnn tut the hat ten year- and hasei Erlell many remedies without an) I: and. un- till tned Dr. lnumu' b',ctectrw ml, and line: then have had no attack m n. I would "commend it to nil." -J. ii. 121.1, Hotel keeper, West Sheti'urd, P. Q. writes. ul lune bcen troubled with liver cymplL-v I rt' never- al yearn. nudlure tried diderent, mediums. mm little or no benefit. Ttnts! 1 mad Dr. 'l'horuaa' EcluctricOil. which art: me innue- diat ' relief, and l‘vuuld lay in I have used it ammo with the best ell'uct. No one should be without it. I hare tried it on my bur-ea in care of cuts, wound», tate., and thunk it equally us good for hone " tttun."--' Maybee, Melchmlt, Walkworth, writes, "I have sold name hundred battles of Electric Mil, and it is prt-nuunced by the rublie, 'one ‘oi the beat medicine: they have aver used ; it has done wonders 1n hethng Mud relieving will, Ions throat: etc., and In worthy of the greatest Tntidimte.'1--Fseph Rana, Town- rhipuf Prep, writes, "l was yurmuled to try Thom-a Eclect: ie Uil for n lame knee ' which troubled me forum or four yearn, and 1 never found any thine like it for curing humans. It is . great public bvnetit." I 13m ARI or lnxlmuxs. Ask for Dr. Thomas F.clectrie ml. bed that the lll- . . - . “w..." w... "'pr1etors for Dominion. N ote. - Jstle,-trie- Scclected and Eleetrimsd, “J vlm, how does it happen that you, who tried so hard to get your wife through I long and hopelel courtship of four years, now that you have wan the prize, new to care so little nbout her 8'--"Whr, I'll an you. I've hand of a man who wanted to ijump over a shine wall. m touk a good start and run I mile, sad when he got up to the wall he was so tired that he had to lie down and go to deep by the side of it. Now, I loved my wife so long before I could get her, that [found my love had all run out when I hsd her fast." MONTHLY CATTLE FAIitos, ’ A recent advertisment cont-ins the ful. lowing '. “If the gentleman who keeps the shoe shop with the red held will return the umbrella of I young lady with whales. bone ribs and In ivory handle to the Blate roofed grocer'e shop he will hear nome- thing to his Montage an the some is the gift of a deceased mother now no more with the name engrned upon it. _ TRAVELERS’ GUIDE, to spell,‘mntrixnony.’ 'M-vt-rim-om-r', said the youngster promptly. ‘Now, de. fineit',said the teacher. 'Well, repliei the buy, 'l don't exactly know what it mean. bat I know mother's got enough of it.' There in l precueiuua nix you old boy who in wonderful on spelling and dsdinit, ion. The other day his “who: naked him "Mr dear," kid a husband, in startling tones, Aft" waking his wife in the night,"l h". "allowed . dozo of nryehnino I" "Well, then. do, for goodnes- uke [in still ox it any can. up," the replied. There in a great difference have“: . sick girl and A brick-bat, but it shrinks to the size of a single letter when we weak ottuon-msusitundtuotu, u a A Swedish continua “up mtrttt"uam the name of Timuuigortg Fcduusiangeag. lomgryast. Tasty name " . wedding cud. fence; '. G. & B. Railway. Anuthcr {rennet has occurred in Virginia sweeping 'uuy tIso bridgu which has jun been repaired 'ttter being injured br, the MM tr-hit. i {some sown-n - AJI. Dmdy callus m not Irrive...12 noon 5:56 OOING 3031'.- BAPTn‘T CHURCH. ...11:ud HAHN. “iii-Lug, Sabbntu evening in the . Williamson, preacher muss. Ask for Dr. I. bee that the lig- (In: on the “rapper, 'ttt'mp ' Lyman are 12A5 in each At the Stove and 'l‘inware . _ DUNDALK. Out. , _ . V,-__ -- uv'lllV-Ill {11083 EAVETBOUGHXNG AND ROOFING A SPECIALITY. FIRST-CLASS PLOUGHS NR SALE CHEAP. Shop next door to the Post otrs..l Wagrrzzc--go, nunntiiv M mum "r--, - TINWARE of qyéfyigigs‘éiiption at Bottom James Robertson in Qtg',itt,1,,",1e, to the public tor the I received, now begs: to informt em that he u prepared to in line at prices never before heard of. "V“-.. . u.l\'r nun now: " the Post Othe Watrrutr--Any quantity on Wm, Women. Sun-Inn. Buckie. ' We., Appuntzeo Winted. JAMES ROBERTSON. Dundnlh, Aw. 3.1977. STOVES AND TINWARE! Besides, this the SADDLERY DEPARTMENT is replete in 311 its h Stork always on hand. Orders pmmptly attended. 3nd Intisfaction K52" All kinds of farm produce. cordwmd, he., de., taken in exchange HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RIDES AND SKINB‘ Gent’s Sewed Work As we use none but the best material, those leaving their order may depend on getting a genuine article, and a fit to please the moat exquisite. bundalk, August m, 1877. Ready Made BOOTS aryl SHOES of every pattern! But more taken by surprise on entering HANBURY, BRO'S., Establishment when is to be soon um largest and most ."'uoset/vo Stock .otpoou, & shoe. "or submitted to Cook, gatest from the Seat of War! Neil McAulay sells Village What everybody says must be True! "BAKE NOTICE. 10,000 Slain ! Lots cheap. TITLE INDISPUTABLE. Dundalk,Nov.2, 1877. [DI ENDLESS VARIETY. ['3'qu can! to. can on In»: Pylon And Box Stoves CUSTOM WORK. CHE APER THAN EVER Pine Lumber, Lath and Shingles For Sale. No Crew till Old Accounts are . Settled. MONEY LOANED . very low rates on Ferm Property, with terms to suit Borrower-x. The undersigned would respectfully in. form all parties indebted to him that the r amount» are now ready, and 1f not culled for before the 15th inst, will be forwarded by null, and prompt payment expected. He would also Mate that owingtotlne ex- treme duluesl of trade during tho past six months, that he is forced to collect sharply. No Accounts will be allowed to run past the present In mth. A friem'ly hint should be sumti). n all kinds ot goods for.osush, the next three months. Duudulk. Jam 10, 1878.- Money! Money! pubhc icspeetiG," LaiiiiG7 A GREAT REDUCTION .1. public for the litmmt Itteyp In u prepared to fuming]: everything in u attended," 3nd .uii/taiiiaariirudi. r.. Ae., taken in exchnngo for goods. H. GRAHAM. T1108. HANBUBY t BRO. a Speciality. Emporium icy branches. A full Prices TORONTO " The Subscriber. AN APPRENTICE “ANTED. QBEMEMBEB THE PLMa--Proton Skeet, near the leny undalk. T. B. GRADY. MJ-V n In. elk-inn Along your Cull, Butter and F. , fully lolicited. . ggs Min. St), m1. Dundalk, Mly 31. 1877. PRINTS, COTTON S, TWEEDS i Cheaper than the New Goods, New Dundalk pi_iika,ge Works orrum--One door South of the Anglo Dundalk Alumnaâ€, 1877. LANDR.-t beg have to call the "teution of those l number of ttood, am. chap, Fun: Lot: tor sale. nth! nm' .A. MONEY-trm.,, withing to obtain Money cannot do better than to all It the Fun." and Meahmics’ Agency now ennui-bed in the town of DuuGlk, where yuu can ct More" " t reduced rue of Internet, on "Ten..- to suit. your-Iver,-), pay 'dl', previon- Elma, build a New Homte, or Barn, to ciur In on: land, or to obuais, I choice [need of Cattle. ‘3‘me In" be put through without Ion of time, while the "ricteat privacy will be maintained in alt trtustsactioiu. GOOD MORTGAGES 150 UGKT. l Cupboudu, ha, a. st the thaw notice. Furnimn remind nth rue-tau- and diam Estimate. givon nod Contact. khan for all alum of Building; STAIBCASE WORK AND HANDRAILING A SPECIALITY. Olden Soiclited. “Undertaking attended to promptly. Dressed Lumber and Flooring Always on Band. The Indornp' ed " to inform the inhnbitanh of Dundlnk and " they no new ntanutaatuaring nil kind. of " PUFF Encourage Home Manufacture Loans Munced on Town or Village Property. @0001 ll w “A Mu iei D hum Bo t. C mmnnhatio- urn-ply “undo?! to. LIV-y; Mable gland. in the Little Munch†uni My; GEORGE RUTHERFORD. . (bl-net. Main um t, bud-It. .r..etedottewyvresruevo,rmom,r can Inuit at (nu-Mas] wa‘onyho Simpl- Intamm principln, m bummer luving the right to pay " " MW It In] In. by tp'r'mg on. or two IOIICh' notice. Basin.†print. and ootthuuuul. Remmbor thy Sand, the Shop - opposite the Post otrieer, Mun Street. bud-1k. . CROSS t HICKS. Dnndalk, April ' 1877. yll " “kind-of Conveyancing done with neatness Farmers and Mechanics' LAND, LOAN and GENERAL AGENCY, and pri res. Mk. Alp†Nth, 1877. and Ready- " of 'a",2,'G Insured in Goa! Cont niu " low Ttatm. You Pumped, [mud -irut and Ugh ning for 'IT'f1 at " cent: on the Uat. (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE) 'di-dau-ses. ham-ed Maatts"toidmuanaioaute-r- L, Doors, Frames, Lounges, Couches, Sideboards, which we oiter " very close prion. We In†now ol t"hteteeau. DUNDALK. ONTARIO. but we sell goods DIONICX’. [OH, American Hotel. on hand . Largo Stock of " ado Clot hing, :. An impection of C. B. MIDDLETON. tho-e wishing to Porch†land. In I in: a If sale. "Mead undres- acd get my analogue ‘Van ted , AGE NCY. Cheapest. fs--',' We do not N and despatch. A. G. HUNTER. lyrronnding country. that our magma. "i MOST APPROVED KINDS. Can W uro- bin mum“... And with the Gm Promputme Iuvigtg 1aulr-d..atudaio.u..r PM - Puilitie. for dung .11 In new 'ttrd up in tho vary Int ",1...“ Best Style of the Art, arm "cum" Dunn. omen. "my Job Department, The Bataan, Dudtlk, Job Work ‘Dundalk 'uotrueisturtuuhodwith hhTWdM-‘I . Cood PM, Nempeper “Wm-raw on... Mouths-nonunion“! m But Indium. for y. TOWNSEND or THE LATEST "Dundalk K? POSTAGI mu trtmrartieeariuine Prtoe .150 por Amara, W01? TE. If not paid in “an". ohmgid limb. for the opponl to “Butane-nun. me“. AND tonxax “In nun "rom, III tho County of an, "DtmDAIa cum. ', "Mo. md “hr To... I COLUMN Ai.'who-t . . huh-an» CI Ride} Pun, Guide tt ". onhacn'lu-r no. a _ I “out". All - CM Pain“. “Spun-J " " hm!- of annually on ‘ I. lunch plan “4 the ptthltci “do all Hath - dun" Val 't-hoeme “may on bum; Builder's Physici below the l', hutch-I m TD. but nu. at. bud.“ PM“ l, “I. all Lilo Wow] b Davina-l I At frol PM. I I. In. United†Ni Toronto. at “when u -m, . Mry . C Own hound, THE Ir I“, NI guns-villa. “Ind-ll. Mw, Mis In! tlr, fohruuv F, am OWEN BOI .d I “In; Dink“. . hdcl Ouch Gr y q"'.'". luv- Sn “cl-mount d ths ch In" column (ho cola-I than 'u'; - tf " DIM ANGDO Notice ITR.\\ Fm G ROI Pm! "PIN IAI‘ All) R04 " RI at) 'ntth