ill Ill R] l rW'W we. ttl','.',".".::)',':','.' less, Auden-uh, My], birth day of July, 1802, W. m d - shall ColIego, A“, where be m the degree of M.A., Apil I. I†'ttre yemtondnyfromthc detect hicdooth. I.“ was emkiattd to the Iii-Hr, in MBS, and ,""erntoutbrtuCumhottutituU.' the name year, to “he chug. of the Prec- byterian Church " Amheretbnrg, in thin Proriure. At that time there were only, nineteen Presbyterinn ministers in thu i eouutry--tU Iuhject of this sketch being the In: of then old worthiu who have been gathered home. On his return been the Synod in Kingston in 1882, he preach- ed in 1 school home when the cityofLon- don is now tritmsted, it being then only: hamlet olloghlte. The blowing Sands" be pron-bed st Bt. Thorn-c, which mo" plate then of more note. At thnt early d1, there was no Presbyterian Church between Dnudu Am] Amherstlmrg. He was in the habit of leaving his congregntion for mix weeks ct n time. and, mounted on hone- back, he would travel through the sparsely settled country, preaching to the people end baptizing their children. He laboured for twelve years at Amherathurg, and accepted I can to Biuhrook and Baltfteet in 1848, the The chief discovery made by the party uudor Capt. Elton in their hazardous journey through the unknown interior of Akin, north of Lake Ryan, was tut of nu extensive range of uaountaims, called the Bomb mountains. from 12,000 to 14,- ooo feet high. 0n the northern side of the range cslendlnn chanted plateau t"f5 thousand feet slam: the so; level, whiz}; amends Mptly to the valley at thw BM dun-m “I“, is on. of an moat iuspoetant that has recently boom MillCum-d Akin. lt'ndouhtlul It? mm whathor tho Kondi may is null! continuous or not with the Livinguout A credible story is told . of a clerk in a French importing house in New York. The course of business one day brought a letter “rittcn with great elegance. One of the clerks admired the hand-writing openly, and a partner of the firm head him ex- )»resa his ruptures. The partner asked the clerk, "Would you like to write as hand. a mely?“ "Yes, sir, I would do or give anything in my power," wine the reply. "Very well, sir, I will put you in the reed. llcre L the letter. Take it as your copy. Copy it one hundred and titty tunes, doing, your best every time. Here is paper, and you cuu take time every day. Number you copies of it, and by the timeyou reach the one hundred and tittuth your hand. writing will rival it." It proved to be the chum discoverud by Mr. E. D. YututgUtt,se uonh eastern aide of Lake NM the latter trending mirth and wink, I“. tht Kondi uwnnuins have MICE. Old and west direction. A sailor went to a watchmaker, and, presenting a smell French watch to him, annulled to know how much the repair of it would come to. Tho watchmaker, met examining it, said: “It will be more expen- sive repairing it than its original cost." “I don't mind that," said the tar; “I will even 1 give you double the original cost, foe I gave u fellow a blow on the head torn, andi! you mudr it I will giro you two." Roman Catholicism in ranking progress in Scotland. In 1828 this denomination 1nd fifty priests, fortrtivo chapels, and no "religious house." Now then no two huudud and fifty of the first, two hundred and fifty-two of the second, and twenty-two of the third. Death of Rev. Geo. chm; A late Menitenlin uni] was delayed by the certien’ canoe springing Bleak end the occupants being forced to take refuge on an Island for eleven days, until the nextmnil party came along and rescued them. Have the eonrnge to be ignorant of a great number of things in orderto avoid the calamity of being ignorant of everything. --htGey Smith. You cannot dream yourself into a ehar. neter you must hammer and forge yourself omr.-Froude. The Archbishop of Canterbury in Eng- land receives an annual salary of 975,000. The famine in the northern pmunoes of China in ineretusiug. The railroad rioters cost Pennsylvania S70),000 for miliuiry expenses alone. 2,300. There is a Bulgarian 1:01th and church at Bolgrad; and at Kilia and Ismail no fortifieuions, which, although now in aims, might 915in be restored. whose inhabitants no almost altogether Bulguhm, and lanai], whose pupal-ion is mixed and interfnsscd with the nuptial clement. Throughout the whole district, Itoautaniane and Bulgarians are about equally divided, and the Russians number 6,000. As for the towns, Ismail is the largest, with a population of 21,000; Boi. grad has 9,600: Kihia, 8,000; chi, on the Danube, 7,600; Kugul,7,000; and Wilkow, BvssatuBt.c--The strip of Bessarabia, whose rctroeessiun Russia demlndl of Itouuvauia, luv, a. total area of something over two million acres, Hula iropuUtiorfot thou! 150,000. The district is divided into three "punk: provixim; Kasai, inhabit. ed principally by Romanians; Belgrade, you of the "disruption." He threw in his lot with the “dissenters," who att-tl. formed the Free Church. It was a matter of great comhtion to him that he lived to we the two Churches, which durum nover have been rent asunder in this country. lo happily united together min. In 1856 ho was elected Moderator of Synod st London, and in 1870 was elected the first Moderator of the Synod of Hamilton. He was Super- iatendeut of Schools in Binbrook and Salt- tUet for many yeus, discharging his duty with much accept-nee and'grent fidelity. He revisited Scothnd in 1872. In 1874 he _ resigned vary reluctantly his pastoral care _ on account of ago and inbanity. l The Hummer: Tina record: the death of Rev. George Chcyne, M.A., of “we“. MISCELLANEOUS. .O.‘ Tm: 32:71me Immune: or Mayne IN cnumREN.--There are children who accept their lessons as tasks to he learnt, without much considering the future use they are to be put to; whose keener in- ttrests are for what they see end hear; whose minds are present to the econ. around them; who respond with dutiful alacrity to the training of manners; who are obedient to rule, connect», friendly. hoepitable to “anger: in their smell inno. cent wey; who greet with I smile welcome company, and brighten under it; who watch their nother’e eyeapd obey her tm.) mm: no doing eeteh Cleaned-H will PorPetuue good audition, and main- uiniuoham-tiaatuvtrtsesoe My life. And, .monover, ,rhat.ore an “on of one: 2tl't%,t,g, will have, tt diction and {milky unto-don babies now, and nobody knows how many more will come to claim your care. And, then, unless you are careful, you sink into a low, nervous state, and see nothing bright in life. But don't allow yourself to come to this. Bear your' burdens cheerfully, and do all that you can to make lire bright and good for your husband and his little ones. God mill not ask of you more than you are able to bear. When your children come to you with their childish grids, don't turn them away with a cross word because you are tired; remember, that which seems at little matter to you, means a great deal to them, and that "matntna"etbn “love away" ‘a great deal of pain hom a little heart. Keep a sunny, cheerful face for your chil- dren, if you can ; don't bring your cares and trials into their lives. It is a weary road that leads from the cradle to the grave, and many of the steps must be taken with bleeding feet in thorny paths; All the mother-love. and all a mothor's prayers, cannot save your little ones from the sor- rows that come to all sooner or later. But you can give them their happy childhood, and it will be a blessed memory tor them in the you: to come. To Mo-.--" in uphill work some- times, is it not? Your work is heavy, and your cues are heavier still. Sometimes you get angry with your husband, and think, a little while you drop into your grave. Then you wonder if anybody would etmy-if your husband would ttare-and you think that you would rather die than go on all your life with this endless washing, serubbing, ironing, baking, mending, and tending uthsa--th era are three of then 83cm" or Barrtai-isn and women I wed each other to be happy. And why not, if they marry wisely ? The man should always be a little bigger than his wile, and a little older, is little braver, a little strong". a little wiser, and a little more in love with her than she is with him. The woman should always be a little younger, and a little prettier, and a little more inconsiderate than her husband. He should bestow upon her all his worldly goods, and she should take good care of them. He may owe her every care and tenderness that infection can prompt; but pecuniary indebtedness to her will become a burden. Better live on a crust he earns than a fortune she has brought him. Neither must encourage sentimental friend- _ ships for the opposite sex. Perfect con- tianoe in each other, and rotieence con- cerning their mutual strain, even to mem- bers of their own families, is a ilrst neces- sity. A wife should dress herself becom- ingly whenever she expects to meet her husband's eye. The man should not grow slovenly, oven at home. Faultfiniiing,1ong arguments, or scolding, end the happiness l, that begins in kisses and love-making. l, Sisters and brothers may quarrel and “make up." Lovers are lovers no longer after such disturbances occur, and married people who are not lovers are bound by redhot chains. If a man admires his wife most in prints, she is silly not to wear them. If she likes him best in black cloth, he is It fool if he neglects to indulge in it. They should contrive to please each other, even if they please nobody else. for their mutual happiness can only be the result of their mutual love, and that love will never fail to exalt its object. I worth the notice of geologists. Remains“ no fewer then five or six speciee he" It ditremnt times been discovered in the Lon- don eley of the Ille of Btterp-s depolite I which wee evidently formed in en Eocene seenotierfrom lend. Of theeebirdethe most noteble is Prof. 1hrenh0donterti; Tom, etnee tbhmstu'e, by the peso session ofe good net 6f teeth, must he" diiUred widely hom any existingbirds. Dr. Bunbenk my teen ego loud in the Sheppey eleythe rennins olslergebird which he believed to have resensbled the Anstnlisn emu, end which he therefore med Lithormu Mam". Prof. My 'iatt-arbrouni1tmrto' e home! every ‘lerge bird, which he termed Regular-is. Quite recently Prof. Owen bu given to geologists the benet1t of his study of seven] bird-bones which were discovered e short time ago in the Sheppey clay by Mr. Shrub. sole, of Sheerness. The bones are portions of two humeri belonging to opposite sides of the lune speeietr-possib1r, indeed, of the same individual. It is believed that they represent a large bird of flight, with wings measuring, when fully stretched, upwerds of ten feet from tip to tip. Probably it was a natntoriel bird, not altogether unlike the gigantic albatross, but even larger. As the representative of a. new species and genus, Prof. Owon has bestowed upon it the appro- priate name of Argillomiu longipennie. nothing but Ancient maniac "aiLnu, it is evident that the remains of birds, have": JOHN CAMERON. Agent for the Western Assurance Company. Fire risks taken as low as any ruponliblo Com in y. Durham, Feb. u, 1878. p " Do. do,, fine iiavoured,... 500 per lb, or 5 lbs for 02.25. Christie Brown’s {anon- Bi-cniu always on hand. fresh. A good assortment of Ready-Made Clothing from $10 a suit which he wnrmh fresh and free from dump, and would offer them " the followinglow price. tor Cub t Tly! undelrligned has neared “lathe; choice lot of those line flavored unoolourod J NP" Tan. winch he " pleased to find haa given no much satisfaction to the public. Aha A mu lot at A. Cochrane. WILLIAM LAWSON, General Agent. Great Bargains in Threshing Machines and all other Agricultural Implements. I also ountinno to make the well known MEADOW LARK " a ling]. taper. Ma tingle mower, and u I For which I hold the patent for the'Counlies of Grey and Bruce. This well know- machiue can only be sold STRICTLY PROSECUTED! Reaper & Mower, Formerly owned by the ou Finn; will be sold " COST PRICES FOR CASH DURHAM FOUNDRY, Duh-n, PM 14th 1878. OFFICE t At Kim & IEuehnon'n Smm Tm . I’m Duh-n. Ayn! 4. ma. " Improved gang Plough» to n. Suburb" b mat for Oh. “I. a! in. o+be-a MOWER Danube“ bf the TORONTO HELPER t MOWER COMPANY. Mowers, Reapers, Bulky Bay Bakes, man a Stewart's Durham, Mth Much. COST PRICICS 11‘011 CASII! I would say all on me for prices and terms, and too the only good Mulch. in Ontario, GEORGE RUSSELL, an on hand . Lugs smut . Nagasaki Japan Teas! BI ME_0R, MT AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR SALE ! Young Hymn Tea, good, ......... Me per lb, or 6 lbs for 01.50. Do. do., fuse thsvoured, Mh, per lb, or glbafor 82.26. Nagasaki Japan, extra value,...... 450 per lb, or 5 lbs for 02.00. YOUNG HYSON TEAS, The "Royce Reaper," thstubuhrthetuaaort. Aoatthoma11euhuads.oiieitu. TO In those coiiuiieiOLi tsn-Noi-n-fda-aG-Friar-h-tFaris" Stoves of All Kinds! upward. A good heavy quilted Oven-con for 87. a gummy of HAND ROLLERS just tinitrhed If Goods, &c., .--A QUANTITY OF-- --IN WANT OF A-. .-AT MACHINE GEORGE RUSSELL. , itt., " 8imtl0etetreimtirH, bum-snow Loans Adm, "r'utrateirt- may. Al: mhummwgwhmhm3uun t2tihtglgggtreg t I I l . . tto . . 'i7ii'a"ll1Tt'lllll'l'lll'l'lrdtllt' tdttl.Nt'.t l'lt/,t',ttrd."'r Low Advanced on Town or Village Property. WWI-Illa“ Noun-Bought. Commutation- "on Mb- Mn’lbhflndinntbm.onnoudlyllldMyl Pu, _ _ GENE BMW“. 'hmdath.A-atth,tm. ,8! All kind: of prop"? 1ismtrtdAsGoodCo-ties.nthrrrttaue. FuanpcrtyluInd “than . arsdUghuuutgtor8 yuan at75mummtlw. (an AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE) '"'ouaustti"rmseri-ru-t-rid-aststro--. Particular attention paid to 1hvestroughing. Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. Agent for the Superior Bro-dent §egglor and Drill. Also the can" Sulkv Rake, _ the CHIEAP b‘OR CASII OR 'I‘RAl)l'] Cook, Parlor and Box Btoveta. no Inheribor bcgl to inform the Public that he hat, s Inge ll ARE, which will be bold STOVES AND TINWARE ! Flour, Oatmeal andelopped Stuff. Dundalk Insurance, Loaning a GENERAL AGENCY. BiiNtutr out " order " short notice. All kinds of Bctooned.trauuber bqtt..cvmnautly on hand. Innnber, Groceries, N., G. & J. MCKECHNIE, AXES, AXES, AXES, Another Tweak, cottonsr WWI. 2mateea, ao., ton A good Black HATS and CAPS ; a few more of those splendid BUFFALO ROBES, B prices which cannot be undersold. Stone China Tea Sets, Toilet Sets,&:c, CLOTHING ! Duhu, Feb. 26th, 1878. Chopping and (Mating attended to at shortest notice. Durham. Fubruary I4, 1878. Datum, Ah, M, Mtl. N., G. & J. MCKECHNIE, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, just received a large Stock ot' Til. & AijAVIDSON, Special Discount for Ona Month. Selling GoodsiCheap For Cash. Call and Son for yourselves. Durham, Feb. 14, 1878. NEWEST STYLES, AND LOWEST PRICES. FURS AT COST. N., G. & J. McKECHNIE, but silky all; iUiiil DGiiaufi." MONEY. Mauulactu rcrnhunl Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Lowor Town, DURHAM. MAN C' FACTUREIKS OF Shinglos. Lustre tor 12; cents. DEALERS IN filo ‘tho Gillan, Sulky Stock of fSTOVES nu! TIN and Ian In. T. A. HARRIS. " g, M. HUNTER. tl yl was. Icahn-ind. Uatotaserear. A tttttttttt mph Mr o-ta-ir. for 2S tee., My... Atkins-I. “â€NTREAL .\m an 00. Manual. Que. st - w-F"-" In c. “was, “I. 8-, Box I). Baocavusa, thtr. Att ow Pravtuctav, retinal from active prio- tics, havinghad placed in lun hand. " nu lint ludi- Miuuurv the font-uh of I vegetable Randy for the speedy and lawman-u cure cl Commption. Adm, Branch} in! Man and Ill Throat and Lung Attbcttoutr; Ibo . Puma and India! (‘me fur Nervous nobility and all Nervou- Uo-plnluh. after having thoroughly and ita ,voadewful cun- tivo pm: in tho-and: of onus. hell tt " arty to lube it known w " "1fferiug fel. lol'l. Actu'ted by this motive And I eul- otsierrtioa. “I! to relieve ham uttering. he will and "LEE or CHARGE. to all Hm &aimit, chi- nuipc. with full gunman»: -arirtg and Milk using. Sent by 'rrm III by din-in. with up. uni»; Grout chum!- to mahe G I lD-mnney. . We "eed . per-um Mt every turn In takv 'iulrseraptions for the Urvost. chalk out an! Ircst Illustrated family lmhlmmuu m the world. Any "he cal humane I worm-M agent. The maul eleaaut vault-I oi an gm. free to "drreril,e.rts. tic. prim. in um low tlet nlmnst ermylxuly unl-norilm. "or nut-n! _ port-king-veto" in I work. AIM; agent re mru taking over 600 sulmcrIIn-r in m. dun. All who engage uvake Inunvy fut. You on devote Ill yuur mm: to the lawn-0., at only {am spun- time. You "rod not he “my (rc- xome over night. Yuu cm do it u vell- others. Full purticulnru, direetione and ur- fm. Elegant sud erpet"u'veouttitfme. Hyu- want protitablc work trend Ill yum- uldrulu unce. It cost: nothing to try the hum-cu. su one who e"ktWetr Gil T to make urn! my. " dress ' The Ptrople'tuourtml, br Portland, Mum part of the mnntry who in Willing In uni tteadily " the uni-hymen that " fun-ink, B66 per week in your awn town. Yon and not he sway from hon e over night. Yul an [In your whole time to the work "r'mly you up." mumcutn. We have. an-nu win» an making M'cr cat per 1tay. All who mpg. a ' once can nuke mum-y fa, t. At the [M time mom-y can not be made In easily " any other “mine“. " with "mung to try a. Maxim-u. Term, and Viv (mm (me. Add". at once, M. [hum-r & Co., Pottlaml, Main. Lats tre. 88, and 84, in 8rd Con. Osprey. 80 mes each ; also Lot tt Con. Proton. Terms onus. An The Ptopeietor in linking tine Ii- 1 Ipecidity and consequently can do In“. for his customers than: those in gonad Wilndise. $777 In" M, 1877. CONSUMPTION CURED. JCS. McARDLE New In I. My. Bench, Conveyanoor, & Tn 0-hour in; [pug-Ago. -4 u" - __ 1m - "lush 'iiGTGirii7wCii., ". but Co-pnio- in 'tte Proving (may on land a the POST "mct DUNDALK. Prim only 'tou. Dunes. PATENT mammxus, n... and 011.5. MACHINE ems. “than; of w Kinds, Biscuits and Confectionery. Tea, Tolmccoa, to suit every mnehine. trnd any amid. i. that “not not in "oek, will he and... sped-Hy on application. -B-i-.. don “daily private. 'u.ia- Ind adduc- Go To Bolsters Books and stationery, FANCY TOYS and TOILET Mmru.'s, than ml Elna-uh the m. mm: mm. ‘u) I... win! a (nun: Ill my Huh: mug in Inn-m Ila-u - n -* Luann: ti-att. um. u-miuw t mu. any mum-l brwt “pull he Inn-n. hum h an In (u-dlllr‘ no: IN.- .cwd to who you! aunln [My a. mama! M â€â€œ11 my Him a d nun- mu m "upwind luau. 3.1m mhinabrtu human I In untold ttt ham. Io.- " h â€I: In "hum Irma um mum-nod ham III b a as. n. In“ manna l.usi,at thud: In“. h-n Thit Eta-mu Hy Hung†I nunmu num‘ m- ' ,.otht 3». ot - """"'et 4.“: but.“ not um». " III ill an tg.. an!» 'iaT,ttttgetNtayag â€In: H. au no out; W, we ee_.MrV .-V -. ___ ...._ r..._ _.... an. ---. "gheonurv, LUG, u, " Inn-ha " 'ii,"ati"r"ia"ia' flay-o. y? any.†may an! nu nu thn an... In tti, my. my; c " mg Ilu' r: 312:1! IU-I TVE l. --Cotay paw um p l" , g -.e'utM -.crat nun-'1 [we tang In: 'tlt III: " Wuwutir. 't 1rttituc,t V 'tiotirTF'.cttr Fagin“ pmuuux _ Ill .6. ll "an: pull 1 "* Jfg-uu [mm 1: 1m mum b r.“ umq " , [ I “toga": v ug human»: â€anâ€: but“ up Apqumnuuupuun 1a).: Io!“ Ct' l tummy t tl a T'orl up†11:50!" P' ootrd Jl" qua; quay-[n P' .qgo Jul: Hue): pl. My: " gum,- " " .u u suTtrusop't"luo2lortqt "In 1 ml" iaglaw'l â€mun ml! in! "In yuan tum-u mu l-u"- Hung!“ p 1 Lu [um tllulL'x Mann“ mutual l “nun; A rumquJ‘o â€on. " '..',1I J" 31!.an m r- I! 1- " w he " 'pu, 'trir',djliiiulu, N0uNAtr'dtrdttd-dWd , d 93“qu 'Ttortol Lu I I-Doq tee" “N “1' m. - 4:03 - anmuuuul am , hum-Id sm- ' tum: " " KouNAttatrdtGed'" ll Immune 1|:qu Idh ' I'm "3“â€. 3'" .rttut.trmttt .r.o. MPHI anmuuuq on" â€maul pm l :“mu " Marriage 0ertiihatteg and _ mu 'li.),',?"::!.", m Kant: $.33ch Ciu)i"ifirFitTE. ex N5iiEEi.iiil Cum: {can} .ur. tt 9.349.". In: All W: an new“: Ill 111:} Tami}. _ R42 Sewing Machine Needles 7.1 B, IIHHMIO O " . . 4 mm T I. _ um try Inui- Wuha- , , lmll Ann-aunt.- Truancy-un- =3 1-. mun. of [mu u... u..."- .:A;: __ In†b-trrrt'trrttosr--tr" J y . " T' no“. “no": luau». Unvnh , _ 'r1tr'rtrerto. humus-pn- Tn- , .1 wan u...- t. J. a. 'gLSe.L0..Pi:_ysiacse. 0n For Sale Cheap. man u an". main-m! Ila! abr- Inna-a3. ...‘..‘..‘,.. . “A†M __. on" mu of I.I$.If]--l Jar-7;] um 01‘ Mu min-u _ an! n,m.jnm mom-u an} gum-mm“ n a! 3mm t ..--uu "-siRjhGu I- an n... win-1| " n... I-lr-. In! Flesherton, HOPE"! LLB, Co. Village Lot. Pot Licenses, and phasinhrgevm, " A DAY mailing the p... was with - for your bs. “an, P. 0.1... uncrou’ yrcrs'ri's, Dundulk P. 1m We . ‘uluusxu "IV-H03." huo'dt'CM uuppv an.» n u A“ J. IIW‘NN, hum. a not. emily and in thes times, M It can be made m that month. by any at of vithr r Bee, In My :haPl'vi-um n: vet-ow “N In Apply ii, Omit:- w Nothing LIKE L m “in", ivy-L I“ hulls A lugs -rortmet" k. Md Pimun Cold at any". al Beautiful Am‘tmt Only Ten G lupruuul n I, - $f0T'To m x M I FAIR s'itlt l thaw- Iu-L I hm no. r, don-mm! m n I†"In! no“ "' mile 50 '" can a“. y. u, ( WT. Inna-.0 . I'm»... Odour l D huh [hum-rt- In. tum “JR“ " â€puking don“ new and des ‘I'Iyn nu ha " Cl"sttcrr "$00 and up do 1r)/ J. ly . I‘MHHS'I I I ur In ' luau-v “In I ah TAILOR AND C Orttinary nulicu " M} “in. um! I" tun]: at l, holchwe. l ITRM‘ “mus. .11" “a tor 81, the mlvqu “ Ii [mom Admmmenh, "my! J by urinal muruvham- to l i-tod tttttil Curlmlllcu. ll I'M no“. n â€dome 1H Minion-l and lu, - and MM.- Two with. or 24 In “to. inch-u «In. P - culumn, " - ou-m. 0.. â€Nil. oo. “I um Ibo. three I ' Bdvertie “In thu- tint III tee out IMILW'IH‘IH TEi'noi:--ti OLQIJS If not p "Ill-1 BUSINESS Dr .‘Il Durham, - - Atthe oar “THE RE Do You “"nrt TIE minor - good. ha tutu run-II WEI, PK County t r Durham BOOTS AND ARR! STE! JAMl mRNEY - A Cutting don-c ‘. (ASH JOHN ROBE , u"vqu-s '1 I ARIHS'I‘I sq "we . hull I'm-r RATES or" AD"! DURHAM and h'ummor MEDIC d: nondi- ' . Ohm mouth. 'tt I-ID " "" , " - M AT tutu “I Att