West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 May 1878, p. 2

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rl The Great Eastern Question is still the question of the hour. Team or war stdl lungs in the bnlmca. The people of the British Empirc are rumpletely mystitied. A portion of them would like war, but do not very well know what for. Another portion de. lire peace. but do not sec wry well how peace can ie arrived at by means of such tremendous war preparations. Britain is adrift. of that there is no doubt. At the wheel stands one man, and one oulr--tUt is the man of mystery. Not a great many years ago Disraeli mystitied Tories " well In l'xetormers 1ut' tulungnp the role of Re- form and inducing the whole Tory pha- lanx. to tlwir own great astonishment, to grant Household Sullrngc to the Liam The object aimed at was tmined-a attain peculiar popularity and cohesion to the great Tory party. There is no doubt that since that period the Tory party in the bandaot‘ Disraeli ha. you. on strengthen. ing. “dam mung“: in ehUdy .eeutrod and "Md in himaolf. For titty yam by,” the grout lamaututiou of Tori.- in ludanl has been tho many of Liberal Government. and what they look upon as the damn of prutige from the cutting down of tha anny and navy the lowest point com-amt. with th nman'tioo of current circumstances. has but: a continual some. of bitter . in; on that put. Hitherto. how . ; they haw um had lunch opportunity of caning out thoir chow vials“. _ (be We!) coho-ion of the party - .rrtaud---t your. of not very minim ---tu “in. a i Alto Bad-u I!“ All tiran, “I. 1 y W M and ruby haw ' Mthe Wu“! 'rhiq in! i w m not but lbw to m A 1 fan”. ha out-‘- utout at has 1 the cutting down of the army and nary tieo M! ttHittiow the Uwest point commanmmte with th thier m tsf will nonunion of current circumstances. Thi part of Ott' ro"" I he: been I continunl mum of bitter w . sports which will ing on their part. Hitherto, howev r. ehle to tight the b they have - had much opportunity of .. cannot I waarrintt out their cherished wish“. ll . w the thorough cohesion of the - Ptsey."te pliehed --qievera1 you! of Ull', b which wi'ii'A',h “waisted --tu breaking on of red by much lend the Eaten mm, mast funny the races for women. b " hetqeen Rude had [they have bead Ind Incl-ll. R the opportunity which Carl n. and. women b Whenotbeendowtom. A mendinthu t"ti-etuirtexte,ttuuai, innupnhhctheyw beets WM end foetered in Eng of dentin being 1m nthtthe Government“ been minutiae“. the Wheat emu of six million 1'“ word: ling. which. n they laid. would not be “ten“ d peed“. being merely naked for by we) e lured to helm to tuneh anything but a piece of chm‘el or I led pencil for four yem. end the rep mlt is that the French are almost the only people in Europe who draw. In England the course is three years. Yet good drawing in the very foundation of at. end to beautiful I work of art can he produced on n sheet of common letter layer with e common pencil if the artist only known how to use Ins pencil. He then ptoceedeil t) say that art is a field in which women are cqnelly entitled with hen to compete and excel. and expressed his plenum in observing tint linens the member: of the Society were several lediee. 1 Nu esrellerter concluded in most interest. ing address by egnin thnnking the ladies und gentlemen present in behalf of Lady Dufferin end himself. and declered the Exhibition formally opened. HrTlie Suaviler in mode of Sir John h. Mredonald sometimes fail: in its purpose. "in visit to Montreal the other dry it would appear has not resulted in nearing harmony among hiss friends in Qnobee. The great Conan-live meeting of the member: newly elected to the Quebec As. eembly called by Mr. Cupletut for the pnrpoee of baring Sir John', use coun- sels on political nanonreringmuonly at. tended by twenty-six. The hero of the Tannery Land "up, Mr. Clinpleeu, in run. lultione to obtain the leadership of the (‘onserutive party in the Quebec Anem- lily. who, the "Hun says, will be I tonne of wenknou "that than strength to the party, and in the event of Mr. Angers, the ex-Attorney-Uonenl. securing . rent the jonlumies and dusonsioo in the - will he still further increased. The Wit. neu add. that "the (‘onservntive party sad, ly needs good men and hurtily hopes that *aet" pure minded Ind honorable men like Mr. Masson and Mr. Kerr may come to the front as lender. of a new and con- rlitntionnl Conservative party." .-An tuna-need in our Int in“. the Eastern question in ate-(lily programing toward: o penccfnl solution. Count Hem-loll bu "turned to London, mu. ling at Berlin on his Way, when he had an interview with the Emperor Ind Prineo Bismarck. Alter completing his busines- ut London the Count will return to St. I‘mrsburg, when he will take the plus of GortaeGkofr, who is "id to be inulidod. A European Congress is expected to rant only in June for the pin-polo of Adjusting nut itiMeultirs which any “min unnot- tled. Tho insurrection in tom. of the Turkish provinces is still queuing. --TU sixth ennuel Exhibition of the So- riety of Artists in Toronto wee formally opened by Lord Dutrerin on the am inet. I'pon the nrriul of Hie Excellency Mr. W. H. Howlend. the President of the Bo, ciety. Addressed him, caressing the gre irtdobtodrterm of the Society to him for e interest he had always manifested in t ir work, the honour he did them in ope g the Exhibition. and the great regret elt by the Society in common with ell Can I " hie departure from our shores. I d Thtiferin replied in 3 most chute and el quent sTecelt which we regret not being able to give in ”tam. Alter expressing hie some of the kindness shown him end the honour conforred upon him on this oe- eneion ho congratulated the community upon the [insect-ion of melt e Society In thie in its midst. and the Society upon the very excellent disphw which it had exhib- ited on its walls. "in Excellency then pro- ceeded to address the students upon the greet importance of outline drawing es the herds of their future success. In the School of Art at Paris no student is allow. Agents for the Grey Review, THE REVIEW. Durhagx. any 23, 1878. is IT A FIZZLE ' ._- '.. brind- womn “a. my part in the plus, “a in the My days ofthe Atha- im republic any we. prohibihd on pain af death hing proton: at the town». This my ham ban to our "ht-east of t"Lt't't',,'ttttet, the fair .ex,trrtt In: Min“ 0. damn-to times to odor " nwud to her T, with killed puma.“ eyeerrt ' The excellent spark which "uv. “(and to If. sully mu- ted by such handing .ahibitioos u foot nee! for women. baby than And got-gin; bead “a molasses. The chat. Grub ( We m ttInd. thonforo. to be Ibll to no- tice my mum: of A return to, a but“ thin m of adult-ad a that. on the pan of our young Ind te ettltiraU thou sports which will ugh than tho batter able to tight “I. My]. of lib. / Bo-ar, we moLMth the Commit“. quuod Inch minutiae.- of hue sad vig. our ot intel) " no doubt ambled him to mun the Rom Senna to ruin: the ha] of the tyrant and stop the had of the u- and may others, but those exceptions only prove the rule. The sneient Greeks were fully alive to the importance of Athletic sports. At their Olympian Gemes all persons ofrpure Hellenic blood were trnewursged to compete for the prize, sud flue victor was accorded mnrks of honour for the remainder of his days, and perhaps the success of the Greeisn suns we; I largely duo to the training oi eye and , luub developed by the Olympian sud Py- 1 l thisn germs. So downwards through suc- l ending sues great attention has always been paid to the development of the bodily power» by athletic statues; sud there is no question but that the msntsl end bodily vigour. the powers of endursnee, and sun- tsined effort possessed by our mentors. were ehiettr due to the athletie sports Ind exercises to which they were so much do, ducted. In our own day this department of education line been sadly lost sight of. Greet attention is given to tut books. ad. vsneed programmes and thoroughly tmin. ed tesehers. when at the some time the muhinery Ind motive P""r-good di. gsstion sud heelthy blood. by which Alone these means an be turned to good so- count, ere showed to rust end deteriorste. It is said of Cicero that being mum with s tmin of mini.- whi might now-s- dsys receive the heme '.rl',1tegt he threw himself for some yeers into the ex- ercises of the Mun, and thereby se- precaution; but which in already nearly mod up in adding largely to the army. in. ereaaing the navy, and multiplying our ar- mamente irtdettttt'tolr. Without war it not likely the Home of Common. won} vote any more money. Comqeeatly money being nearly gone. and the arm meat. gothto the pitch for which t Tod“ have many a day longed, pen-ha V" may eee more real ofrorta mode for peace now than we have yet seen. We don't mean to any by any means that thin has been BiomduH's eule object. not at all. But that it haa been one very import. nut object 'pre have long entertained no doubt; an! while a great deal of negotiat- ing and interchanging of diplomatic pour park", " they are called. will nece-arily have to take place. it need not be much wondered at if thia great war tizale blows over yet very quietly. or courae appear- ancea have to be comidered and hie Lord. ship of B-nstuld iajnst the man to take appearancee into careful oontsideration. The Tory- have alwaye believed in e epit- ited foreign policy no matter what trouble it brought to the country. No matter what burdens they created they have al. waye gone for large war prxrpsmtiorss whether the proepeote were - or die-l tnrhauce. They believe in ruling by fear i by the strong hand whether at home or ‘abroad. and when they have the chance i, they do no " fer ea they can. They be. l lieve in display-in "eet. These desires ‘they hnd eryutalizcd in their leader, the Premier. Hence his power {over Aem. Man of mystery tho' he is--mystitied tho' they themeelvea may be, Mill they follow l him blindly. If a aettlement in come to with Russia, it will of course be "all owing ("to our preparation. we soared Russia, i, “and she had to succumb. The British . "Lion ewam the Dardnnellee, and roared 1 "in the Sea of Marmara, and the old Boar l "trembled. The Empreu of India called “her barbarirna from India, and the bar. i"harona tribea of the Emperor of Siberia l “turned pale." No doubt this will be all lvery fine and have a fine effect. In the _ meantime the game of brag goee on. The ‘two ao-called Christian Powers, England and Russia, continue to bully each other. It is rather a dangerona game to play, and may be aowing need for future war even though it may end at preeent to all parties ' ie something like a veinglorious tUZ/e. Wo',?,."?,','?,?,?,),"','",'""",,',':?,"':'",'"",':?: and bodi. ly oil in so much money made, so much lime secured ; ind when the time given to notation is mad. the mount of developing the bodily powers. giving a “only hand 3nd I correct eye. than so much the more likely will be the Mtainmont of fame Ind fortune. Tho Sana men: in cam) carport so much sought in" by even; one engag- ed in the :truggle of life cannot be obtain. ed without, in the first place. a. thorough cultivation of tho physical powers by reg- ulu and well nushined exercise. In the tear And we“ of th'Nnintttenth coutury a sound physique in e tml to success, and it may safely be i:,ir?iii, In a rule the prizes in every talk of a {all to than who poms: capuioul lungs and who“ thew: and muscles are well developed. It is true that than no exceptions such " Nut himself who“ "bodily preunco WI] weak." Pope, who Im an invalid from his youth, Sun Johnson. who In: the vie. tim for 'nnny your: of internal disuse, 'PORTS ON THE TWENTY-FOURTH. The anniversary of the birthday of our beloved sovereign. Queen Victoria in to b eeUbrated in this town by I notion of ath letio sports. Thu ia . Hep in the rig direction. There is too little Horatio unong m. The race for {mu my! forum is so eagerly pursued that the tims, it my. given to recrenion. is regarded " lost. Lidia is I most mistaken notion. Ibe IV " Etrcxrn..-9 remuhble one of re. mediation met apposed death is reported from London, Out. A child of Mr. Wm. Pace, painter, apparently died on Month)- And In: duly hid out in I coma. having been pronounced dud by two pltytsieians. While the funeral moments were pro- eeedina. the seeming corpse Awake And u. wie-posh. Themrpriunnd iorotail -ut my be imagined. The child in now doing well. A an" storm has prevailed in Illinoil for “3- days put. Gluing the loss a Conxmln ton 'rrrerr.-Mrs. Edward Gilbert, of Normenby. wee "reigned be- fore Menu, Thomas, Swan and James Me Mullen, justicee of the Peace, on Friday luet. on e charge of having stolen two pain of women'e sheee on that dey from Menu. D, Devideon & Co., of this pine. Evi. dence wee heard which fully lusteined the cherge. end the prisoner wee committed to Guelph pol. to stand her triel before the first court of competent jurisdiction. We understand that e good deal of Pet'y thieving bee been going on for wine time, and in several instencee suspected parties heve been allowed to eecepe out of sme pethy for their hmiliee. Our merelnnte. however. have necked to proucnte with rigor. end without respect of person, ell found thus "engrossing in their eetehlieh- menu ttertstur.-hfount Pom! Exam- procured. but he gradually sank and died on Monday foreman. The doceued WM one of the oldest settlers in this section. paid to the request. however, . r. Fee in the habit of imbib' rather trmsly w the opporumitr" occurred. A short time af 1;. W. J. Hugh-on on going imam ymmnd Mr Fee lying on the around and quite“. “out Sunnis DEarm--On Saturday last An old man named William Fee, of Norman, by, came into Durham. and going into Kiowa: & Hughsou's Drug Sums, com plainad of cramps in the stomach, aud 17 ed for some brandy. Nttt 'rt_tstcttist. THE Mnrlulnle Expositor of last In“ has tho following:--") Grey Review says the Durham Town Fathers huvo de creed that all horses, pigs and geese found running at large within the corporation shall be impounded. The Town coasts. ble has succeeded in impounding one goose. Wonder who it is , The denizens of Durham will have a lively time dodg- ing the chief constable while that Ity-law remains in force." Well, well! loud no idea that friend Blythe claimed the “denizens of Durham" to no Inch near n- lations to the denizens of Markdalo. innku the Intent ran, to the mother who» little darling weigh- the heuielt " ifit were nothing man than n your; path". And to the Canadian younglter who can distinguish himself most " n Hutton For“. erolit of our town we hope that no competitors will out“ the" “In. and that in future Inch demonlixing uhibitiom will not receive . moment‘- ieonst1Urauun It the hands of the Commit- To Poet 03k. hers will u open from eight to nine 5. m. to-vnumw, the Nth. Ttee annual tn"ting of the Durham Mo- chanio'l Imtitutc will be hold this evening in the Town Hall. at 7:30. Tn: min of this week has "(tubal things generally. ind helped to do may with the nub of chk Front. Minimum: CHUlcu.-The Owon Sound Dintrict muting will he held n Fla-hutch on W.dntodar, May 29th, and tho deer- too Diurict meeting " Port Bimini, on TIM- dny, May 28th. / Mn. McComucx, of Glenda. mil be in Durham trs-morrow, the 24th. mid will no doubt be listened to with plenum by all loan of good music. " he in An oxoellent 'CC', on the bag pipes. Mlssns. hull-w & Stewart, ot Pail". exhibited one of their combined unper- And mowerl here on fair day. which ... admired by a large number of lumen. Mr. Win. Johnston, jr., in agont at Durham. 1"rtuwt---Bttilding in Dunddk in on the incuuc this lpring. Mr. Dunl' additions an almost completed. A new “more in bung erected by Mr. T. 1Unbury. Mr. R. Crou bu erected . nut cottage And I workuhop. Mr. Cm." bu commenced the erection of I building for a drug "ore, aud Mr. lint." in putting up I dwelling house. Mr. J. Modeland in at [e to get around by the lid of . gulch. WI an hsppv to be able to mt. Hill J: ditfualtus which line for Iomo time disturbed the peace of the Presbyterian church " 1'rieexille are mpidlr disappear- ing, and that tho congregation have the noun prospect of having I settled pastor mung than. The luv. Mr, Mlcloodmhu has been ministering to tho 'rongrogtvtioe for the Inn two Sabbath: will likely be the Ntmiug man. W: have received a steel engraving of Lord Dufforin, executed by J. A. J. Wil. cox. This picture is pronounced by tlluse iiuuiiiar with the Earl of Duttorin as th line likeness. and will be u pleasing mo- menta of one who has ruled ho wisely and takcm such depp interest in the welfare of tho people of the Dominion. The portrait is neatly printed on plate paper, 10x12. 25 cents. Sent by mull, post paid, on re- ceipt of tho price. Address B. B. Russel. Publisher, Huston. Mass., who can furnish u. picture of Queen Victori- of the same size It the same price. Tm: Fata--The fair held on Tuned“ w“ not so good " usual. Seven] drone of fat cattle wure driven ewey about noon. Very few oxen were on the ground, end these offered were held It welt a. high iitp ure that those in want of them would not buy. Sales were a little slow, but I good number of buyers were present. Com,.) ernble business was done during the at Local and Other Items. live, and Mary to the Bodied aid, a "" O'"'"'" ~“__"5 tour numbers is only 60 cents; for one number " can“. We feel sun that In of our Indy-tendon. who, as tfmpted by this notice to mbscribe for it will “pm one leg!“ when the Spring numb" com- into that 1ttutar--rettr'et rh;t;hevgm bun "hreri'oers years herd-e. And now. most muvelloul of all, this nursed" volume can be subscribed tor n the it"igetiiUnnt price of " can. Its nun. is "Enucu's Fauna: chunu." published by Moan. Ehrich a Co., 187 to 295 Eighth Avenue, New York City. The ttte.".!!.'!.?:! for n Ile, you including our} Age. by Madge Ellingwliilinan-g: Kate True, Daisy Eyobrigut. E. E. Bex. toe, yrs. Pound. Church, em, etc. this intonation “may. Furthering“, intonpemd between the Famous. this volume contains the 'ry"eintorosting, the most pnetical And the most instructive lteaditig-mntter for Old Ind Young folks. Tho writers are the but, - line ia origin], nod every line is worth reading. Instrucuve Article: on Fuhians. vnlmble lectures on cooking by Mia Conan. the the Superintendent of the celebnkd New York Cooking School, chnrmmg poems, ""r, stories, "e., 0:43.. interesting to Undere1othing, Btsby-Wernr,Dre" Goods, Drum Trimmiugs, Shoes. in short, every [Article in which A house-wife cm be inter- ested is richly illustrated. Underneath comes . 010", concise dowtiption of the stick. and then follows the price it which it on: be ordered. Tho ordinary Fashion meinel give you no hint " to wtmt I garment will cost when it in undo up. This book gives you AL.', :_IA_‘._,41,.. ---- .. m .. View. Ladies costume: from the plaimsst calico wrapper or house dress to the moat olnbnmto silk gnnmuts. Children's units from the cheap summer romp dress“ to thy tttoat costly puny and gradation suits. We believe that we place on renders under personal obligation in culling their attention to A work which has come to out 'iiaaAigl week. Imagine n volume of one lhundrod was about the size of Harper's aux, of tine paper, well printed ard band. , we turn the pnges, beautiful illustrations meet the eye in rapid sutseession, until we realize that every snide of dress suitable for Ladies or Children is here [unsound to Among the other items of business write an appeal from the finding of the Presby- tery of Snugeen. Rev. Mr. McMillan ap- peared in behalf of the 'tppellants,and Rev. Mr. Ptuk on behalf of the Presbytery. After some discussion tho upped was eun- mined. A resolution in fnvour of the Bi. ble being rend in the Public Schooll who read by Prof. McLuren and curried. The clause: of the Ontario Rogitrtrntion Ad ttfueling the clergy having been brought forward, A somewhat warm discussion fol. lowed, in which (ho mid obnoxious clue- ses were characterized by Pn'nelpal Grant As being outmgooue and iniquitous, end " an urtwarrautabU interference with the rdtts of the clergy. Finally . Commit. tee was appointed to wait upon the Onta- t..o Government in reference to the matter. The Synod adjourned to meet in Guelph, in May. 1879. MMtTrtLLttt'tbt.y GOOD AND M.tttrBt.Lot'sr.T CHEAP. The report was an eleborate document and dealt in e very exhaustive manner with the internal work of the tshura-mm, of the young,meotinge for preyer. Pug torn] visitation, [pedal services, to, as set 'torth in the record oft.BUtistie. by tthorn- mittee, and concluded by recommending ‘tnnt sessions be urged to hold a yearly conference on the Mate of religion. end P" the attention of seesions be called to the question of evangelistic services with e view to their more general adoption. The edoption of the report wes moved by the Rev. Principal Grant, who said that sutis, tice however good gave . very inadequate idea of christian work, that the meeting of I church court should not be wholly given to the machinery of the church. end sug- gested the tiivisability of copying the Meth- odist: in trnnucting mutton of more ml- chinery in private, Ind reserving their public gatherings. which should be I re- ligions stimulus to the neighborhood. for the consideration cf the front otpeU of the church. The rev. gentleman conclud- ed 1 y saying that he wished to impress three points in connection with ilte re. port. 1. The importance of the rtsuUr and ordinary meme of grace rather than epecinl efforts. There wee a tendency iv this nae to magnify special etl'orte. It was _ any to take up a popular err, and specie! efforts were very attractive. mede 3 great IO 1nd and noise, but were ittsigttitieattt as compared to the ordinary means of grace. The rev. Professor MeLaren in sec- nnding the adoption of the report said that he quito concurred with the remarks of the mover M to the superiority of the ordinary means of grace. He had no objection: to revivals, but believcd in the revival that) came down. rather than in that which was i got up. He commended ministers and of fiee hearers to do their duty in the nevi which God had appointed end that their efforts would be blessed, Always _ii,it.rlriiii in mind their dependence on God's grace in the work which they might take up. A llmenhlle golden! happened on the Grand River tslrout eight o'clock lat tight. The man plenum Ito-met ”Impla- of In. dis," VII out with l plenum party ot about 'igtttmn penal“, when the “eunu- bocuno unmunugeubla Bad cup-ind our Blain'. dun All the manger: on board were plunged into the river below. At yet only two bod. in have been reward. that of Mr. Hurry Julruy. of the Gal! Reporter, and I lad um. ed Cine. When found life was extinct. Among tho-o missing no Edvard Wren, Thmnu Elliott, John Frozen J. Montgomery, Andrew Jackson, Ami Duvid Soon. The 0:- eitement throughout tho to" in intense. Clo-e search in being made " the new of the dinner Incl down “rum. Synod of Toronto and King- ston of the Presbyterian Church. This court not in Kingulon, on the 10th inst. The first matter of general interest taken up was the report of the Committee on the mm of religion, which ms read by the Convener, the Rev. Mr. MoDon-ld, of Port Hope. Terrible Aegiiient at Galt. Eight Pei-son! Jar/owned. To the Ladies. Us", May 83rd. ONTARIO ARCHIVES the gum-uh they In; Int-pad." (Maui) "Nearehus "lates that the Indium bot tdyeHisi: bunk." "Tho old m3: tn- be "blinded by putty unl (“religious bias," adds, "But, under. you to. than in no. thin; About sprinkling a All. for both ox- olmlo it." w. dull loo. Now thin very lune Cmon in fomd to and! that ire word baptize has other meaning: " well " dip. And now. mder. mark his argu- mnt in reply to anptiu, Dr. Gun. He "Dr. Carson ion still further than the Prof.; and holding to the Help! m do,“ J'c 'The word meme only to dip.' Here he differs from urieogmphers who also “tech the mowing to humane, to overwhelm." This poor, dear men. in surely “over- whelmed in his vain attempt'Ut dintortiatt (not: "rtainly intended to misled the -eader. Now mark the last part of the 3-0" quotation. Carrots "dure" from Ikxieograpum who also attach the mu . ing to immerse. to overwhelm." That in not true. Canon does not diner from my Inch 1exieotrrapUrs. Cmon does not de- " that the word haa thou awnings. Whey-Ire just the mooning- that suit .11 Beptilte. Does Cmon deny that the word heptixo the menu to immerse! If be] doee he More from the Beptilt trauslat. on. for they “every time" trenslete the word mum And ita We. which oe cur about one hundred timee in the New Testament, by the word immerse. end never by dip, although Beptiete generally “tech to these the June naming. Hence the shove etetelnent is the verieet quibbl- ing, end . meet “refined effort to deceive. And then thu men. who exho ta In not to "A Baptist" is in great agony of mind that we should due insinuate that hates- Ior Torrance 3nd Dr. (Susan should con. tradiet each other. How Ind! But would it not be more deplonble to show that Canon frequently contndicu Carson. We clip the following choice bit from "A Baptist c-- ' . So with these fucts before us we have no thing to "rtytraet," we Mill say the Bap, tist version of the Scripture. “According to the otr.'aratiorts of humor sionists. ten thousand timss repeated. has not this word (lraptizel always Iced a deti. nite ramming. which they have expressed by 'Faptire,' an] of which they ure claimed a nort of denominational owner- ship, boasting of thair title of 'lurptistc,' and excluding all other branclicl of the Christian church from the Lord', table. on the ground that they were unbtrptized ' If 'Uptizo' haa always been the exact equivalent of 'baptized when did it lose its signifieauont When, how. by what pro- cess ofJoteetron, did it forfeit its ancient and honorable distinction, and cums to, mean armething to different, no unlike its I former tritpsifUuion, as to need to be im, l poached and removed from ottiee, and for. ever disqualified from presiding over the interests of a large and growing portion of the church of Christ t 'Baptism' is Greek nnglicized. 'Immersion' in Latin angli- ( sized. The former is the language of the), New Testament; the latter in the Romani form. The former is the language of in-i spiratiou ; the latter is man's device. The _ former in the thing itself; the latter is 1 what is tdhratot to be its exact equivalent, than who are they who thas dare to per- vert the word of God by foisting into it the carnal tt aching: of man '" Under the ebove heading your centen- ponry. the "Chrouides," he I communi- cetion our the eigneture of " Baptist," purporting» be e reply to “Argue" end othere. "A Baptist "rc.-Hhst to the chem that we hove a Bible of our own, I give en unquatitud denial. St is poeitively untrue." Thie nul‘ortunete Beptiet ver- sion reminds no of Melchezideck who had neither {ether or mother, end so with the Beptiet version. Nobody mine to own it. The Baptiste even ere ”honed of their own poor little bentling. With ell their “boat of the ripest scholnrehip of the ege" they hove produced e version of which Profeuor J ewet dealer“ that "it in e dir. grooe to the echolerehip of the dey, end an affront to the intelligence, liberelity, and Christian learning of the church." But "h Baptist" says, “Methodists, Pros. hyteriene. end Episcopalians." helped to leviee “their version." Good-atntrrred pedo. Beptiste ye surely en. Thin ointment is too absurd for the moat credulous to Be. cept. Who could believe that e Christieu minister whose mode of heptiren is by sprinkling clean water, could be A party to the publication of . book, which condemns hie own personal practice. his own crled. and the discipline of his own church. and would tend to sweep all other denomina- tions into the folds of the itntuersiortistr. Come, Mr. Baptist, be honest, and with- out any more qaibbling nmpt your ver- sion that was publicly exhibited in the town hall, Durham, by the Rev. Mr. lu. thune. "nu further objected to this version that it is evidently Intended to be In in. strument of denominational propagand. inn. This is apparent from the fart that ‘haptism' is supphmted by 'immersion,' and 'baptirar' by 'im-,' (ta, ttnd that this ehange in universal. In faet,this in tire only characteristic of the version, tbe only change from the common version which is can "rd pcnistcntiy through. The aim seems ts he to elpnnge from the New Testament tho vc1y idea of baptism, and suutitata imuuyrsiou-doree1osing " dir Mission. The Baptismal Controversy. The boast of Protestants in the past has been that we hurl one Common Bible; but with the Baptist union we can stand up- on this common plxtform no longer. This irnmerrtrionist Bible is tsudoubtodly po. lished in tho interests of I denomirmtioer--- and that the Bsptists. Render, how per- nicious the example. Shnll the Episco- palians. the hGthodUta, and the, Pushy. tori-m follow unit t Will ouch of those "get up " a new tranuation with their own mode of transluion in order to sdlle in their own In, All eonttovertod points in theology? How deplorable , How and for the interests of truth t “Whoa the toiourine liquid Dttorr tCPO.)' Professor Jorett'Pus remark: on the immertsionista' Iyble _ Hon. Mr, Wilmot, n-Gonmor of N :w Brunswick, dud suddenly " Freda-Acme on Monday “brawn n the use of mum]. Feeling I slight min in the “you of the hurt no he was wnikh; in his and". he vent into tho may, and in rs-e minutes was: MT‘G. Death in brt.ierrd h here been due to the rapt-m: of n blood. vessel. At “ntkhun village on loudly morning Int. " shout hnlfpoulon. Mr. Thor. Nolan, while jumping from o loaded woggon with o long-bundled shovel in bio hand, dipped and fell upon the point of the Undleorhieh oak-rod the ohdomen. poo-lug npvu'dl Ind outwards I (nuance of eleven inches. iuiet. ing a fritthttvl wound, He undo I dupente idler! to ulna the stick. but kilo) ia the am". ll VII lands-nu "moved by Mound" Dunlap Nolan on ' to Dr. Armstrong's cameo on Clsurelrtstreet, whom tho wound wos Maud. Ho wa. thou conveyed to Mr. R, G. Artttstrcmr's, in who“ employ ho bod been for tho last twelve you". Everything that skill om! careful nursing could do w willfully cu . riod out, but be rapidly sank and diod on TM, monsoon. The nut timo "h Bnptitt" writes we would this. him to gm In fun. We want no exclamation: or sympathetic tn. unnm tor poor sinner: that hum never been dipped. Keep your Ion-row for your own friends. Let In In" proof, sir-ao quibtrline--Ut In have heta, .ir--tketa we must have. Again. Slicer uys, that "in ovary cue which! lulu oummod of the Podoup. tist authorities. quoted by Mr. Brendan, I lave found the remark of Peter Edwards (in regard to Booth, to hold good, that n, 'that those In ma. to concede that they mar one“! to macaw " “Ho (Booth) quotes a number of Auth- on. who, a; he my. understood the term baptize to man immersion, POCIIING AND npuxuuso ; and those quotations he can: concessions. Concessions of what ' That tho word menu! immersion our ' If so, he nude them concedo what they never did concede. and what they land no thought of conceding. It it I shun to than theliving or the and. and it is . bad - that requires it ; [doubt whether on of the not!" “mud critics was on his side. pp. 169 Ind 160." Now, reader. Manly the above ingenious piece of literature carefully. It looks vary atike-we'd we will not my what. wut we do blame the Baptists " is misquot- ing, with the o'tjeet of deception. drawing sentences away from their proper Conn“- tion, dropping e few words when it mils. and than making the writers my whel they did not believe and whet they never intended to say. This we have fully prur- en by e few quotationn in tl", 1urver. Linen to Edwards. A Beptiet minuter who, on examining “Beach's eighty pedo- Beptiet witneeees," end on discovering the Amount of meliiy and "eonjuriug" in Booth's eo-called quotations, refund to be idemtitUd with such (rich. end left the Baptists in disgust. Edwards says '. duvorod to cone-n1 the hou-inou of bu hair by bapling (dyeing) it." “The lldy'l yellow loch were not betod (coloured) by art, but by nature," etc. On “we and ttum Canon up. (p. 46), "Bapto signi- Bu to an by cpn'nkung u properly u by dipping, though originnlly it wan by the mm. Nor is he (Dr. tUU, Baptist), well band“! when he amn- that the word in such Bpp1ietttiorm Ilwnya implies and tr- ters to its prirusrr signifieuion only. th, the contrary. I have produced sumo cum- plea, and he Maud] hm produced others, in which undour cannot any there in any such implication or rofenm-o. From such "nmplets it could not be known even that bapto bu the manning of slip. They rc- hh to dyeing wholly without any reference to dipping; any, name of them with In n- pnued nfmnco to mother mode." “In the but place he blames the Dup- tislu for the ineortsistenei" of his own writers. They nelmonlodgo one thing Ind vrlctico nnnthcr. They contradict tiyrm. selves, There in war in the eamp." And mat"h Baptist" pour: outhiss sym- pathetic mm in our behalf. "Now, I an very sorry that Argus Ilmlld nuke such . statement," he. Roch-am your tears for your own friends-those who lath a bluineu of misquoting. We need them not. They "a only crumdl'lo tears. We make no “new“ but what no quite correct. Wo give nova quotations from Greek lexicon. ahowmg the proper mornings of the word bnytim. We gun them as we found them without any Iupprossionl or Additions. We - You, tit-den, we did not fall into the error-the lcllldllnul conduct of our Baptist friends-in their mUquotations,he., of patio-Baptist writ- ers. Hear "A Baptist" can more: The next time we quote lexicon! we might add that Carson "no! that the word bnpto sigtti6em to dye by spinning. Do not forgot that, Mr. Baptist. “In regard to the authorities he mort- tiom, Ind the Greek quotations which he give: ' so {at u l have enmiuod, I find his statement: positively meme." Reader, is net that . rich mm]? me word is enough! If "A Buntist" should Mirm that the moon 1m made of (run dime, what impertiuent "punt would due to question his statement. Stand aside, "A Baptist Ipenks, let earth and heaven keep siunt---1et no man question. With {at Ind trembling we Ann-noel: his impel-in] mnjcsty nnd uh what do you menu by "so In u I have examined '?" Now, sir, how mnny of the lexicon- which I quoted have yon examined , “are you examined n singlr one , Wr, are doubtful. or pm never would have made the above qtatement. Now, " test the matter, plea” lenvo the lexicon rd tho "Chronirle" offieo, quote in the next paper the drftui. tion, and let the Editor testify that the definition you give is correct. and Fllt‘h ne- tion will have more weight with the public tlmn your strong lam-rung: and mere asser- tion. We unnot tempt your word, sir: we mint have pmof. The not! quotatiun from "h Baptist" is to mpnmeiy rich that I would advise him to In" it patented. Here it is: Alon. thmt qmatgitie. of phosphate " Z:~:r both - “I qrlaite-- dnily Luvs-11v com-d in the w'mhip: " 1liwm. fl, 'r- writ, and w. A "T lane in? _ .’ , id.et-durso u. beru {mun} war 1: a m It M11. "use: of n mu..l My “Us" nib-or an {mud n: n M Vi“. rock in me Battle brunt): 6.1!... tuning a high percentage .{ “vb“!- Men found in Hum. IV/rr WWI-lard duo exist .x. tis 5‘13.“ 'tehthh-btitd. Altottethrr It " Min '.r 1 'e. My! will "awe murv rwh In ”W “I! own Luck]. g. M". Mm. ml Hull. whi'e um h, q ' um Mm] ,drrtuge of mud nu} nu; roads. ' TU WoodviluAdtoe-:--The Dav:- kinAetianotumd perfection. but it bu an mwbmndl good if proper- ly sutured. which“ an to be dun 'd pm“ indication: an not particular? l Je coiring. "A to on“ it in dumb-u- .-p,-no and throw oold water on . In» t' ot might ho and to the ray "hut-mm: ' F at of the M “a”. both mom”) lt' a M. A slight disturbance took place It Omar. on Momus night, a procession of 0.1m. men who Ind etc-M u fellow-mouler t l the runway depot having been stoned by n mob. 6ataidambl. at“! "Mimi. but no on was my new. A (a "le01: noun-d on T why morning n the Old Sydney on! mum. Capo Mn. by which air has are knuw-x to have been M M - heaven thirty lad forty mu in the tdt " the tune M the accident. Br order of the Quebec Government an f. Be llu conned on the line of the Mammal. Portia: I. otd Boston Mm between St. [ninth tho Plovinee line. the ma lmr. inghoen 00W bylln Gownmm‘ engineer. Nnvigsu'on on the Welland Cum] was resumed on Baud-y momim,. a. spur» on Luck M mm; boon eoasqletmL Land inning mridtr that: up in IL. Penn-in: Mountain district. Duru:cu,e first weekin lily thirty “Imam um were recorded a the Emerson laad:oEer, The jury on theCulligan inquen at 7-1 tron! have returned a verdict of "w:lf manic" mind [lax-tin unknown. rum " pain! by . Main: to the r. w Layman“ for the abandon ofputy pr. <'I ions. A "out weighing tN Nu. um caught st “to Got od Gnu! F1115. Furs PM“, ro- candy. Sworn! (linden In Web he "do. Mot le-winm no bu: occur-rad dubs tho atom of Hominy. Forty liven were lost "reeretty by fm, during I reefb.-- at the dual. n Muuadutrtttrur, [may of Bombs)" The Rev. Mr. Craig. war mad. tbe mm. Mmhllnwing uldmmm. prov"... ttthis d-r6ttrrr for Yorkvillv. The ml. In. spank for tltomne1e. and 'howtat “my. gentleman wu- highly "teemH by the mummy!" over which he had eh-..--- To m: Rrv. h'rmcx Guam. new. and Dear tiir,-- In behalf oldie men-ban Mud. lamb of that fart of your In. Gu too” II 'utiaue Shaun." Nay-"mm" we desire to "pro“ our rognt that tin-":13: m, our which w. had no fmttrol, have led you " Ruiz“ the pawn? “hm. “WI“ mum Satin". Your N. un! hon out mud-I will be k_eerur felt, yalu’ Imhrit ability. all-neat laboun. arid christian wulk and convolution will b. . "at Ion to the people of (bit mum”. hood, 3nd be usurcd Sir we known». whether to admin moat Four "rrsrst ehrirtiatt (Hum or your word: Ind turn"). of heart " shown in your ovary-day me of number: you! 'tmor-' us. To yum m I In. mount. on w. invlobtel for gmlm. in: mi organizing. "otemt"rn here, which we know to be no (any thing m . new “(lament nor must we overlook yr" lighter-stain“: in Malling your rlmrn n I “In. when it In likely to he for nur future damned" any n-cmupinp of at... ”(other surrounding “min” u.’ " .-1, w. and-Maud than is now a mud "WW (unity. Hoping that your lalmur. m I clln'su'nu What tit: wh-uwer rplzern r .u nay be placed) l'lt' he Almlulnr‘l‘v bhnwod of God. and at you and y..." family may he lung 'rpamd In nth other and enjoy purl: lf the ”away " We the when and adherent! of the Presbyterian was." of Orchmh ilk. in we?" without Inland pastor. the It». P. Graig. would wins. the notation to lieu Many to our hieh Wltinn nf his services “I!” It. With uniting roll. and 6deiitr be In! I.tiored in aunt-Manor! contraption! far ow! aventern um. ’Hic 'temMtNt we" deeply thedngém mt unitary ofthe vmrd of God. from urn-‘1 rum-d infennm were an“. and the umpel are" mud homes to an. with a" the feeling. pant-am! HttTtestrtexq urn mnn intent - the adv-(inn at sank to t!o Wnile and gloryof God. nu visitnror" wen- mgtthtr an! mint-ted with rat profit to MI the moral-on of the Elmih'. no ittMmetod and "(tiled with trndrr mm the children of the 011M. His Inhnn GG eminently .ueeessrtrt in lendirw u tho mltiutirm of mtieion " home than ,(nmilrmyeriu now in most aw: ofirrpi. He “I nrv attentive to the nick and Ad- mini-tend the [aim of canmlntinntn Arno-- ine sank. Re III kind to tho rmnr. mm! s her to tho helpusr. Act a friend In 1w! in him an ear tn hour m. In ..r" tn mm} mm- tp. a hand to holy Is. wi-dnm M mun-e1 In. and a heart tn than with n: unr inys Ind our 'tetrri. Let M alum grid that in all his work he was henrtif.r mpw-md by Mrs. Greig whore lminMe. kind rvd nereettbt.e m-mN-r In" wan far Mr t'm ostuvm of a". n is, “nonfun- w'th :Ir-w-v regret we 1mm tlmt we an- no i, "tree tn nnjny their work of faith. and Inbnr, " lnvn. But we may God may or": w c,. Irrrtt R field "floor. "ryrtttttr't.ttrtttP to , 'e a' t"litr 'otd thrt God’s Mar-mg m" NW"- qtnmt his ln'mn and stud. mum lam"! and hit fumiiy. Kismet! in Inn-hm" at the Prod "um." mnmgntinn oforehttr8rilhr lw t'o, an!“ _ in- memhors. and at» by "in Kirk Salmon or the mnm'mtinn of oreurdrme. THIN u Acarsos. Prrtt Rnnwv_ .Toas “AN. .Vwms Ittss Sa.. Jors Pnrmww. J um Dnnm. Eminent. May 9th, Iti7tt. and qua. Vin-hum ml Litili Wr In. M. and Don Sir. You: nupeotfullr. (SM no". Warsos, SR. WI. Josrssros, Sn CANADIAN ITEMS. Farewell Cite-luhueu and d D. C. M. would , (a. d chitin". vii W!“ in the inn-rm " English-nun we. “What will you talu- to l “I. tower " tit, I'uul'a‘ and a pint of beer," val Tho no“ on thus new.“ In” Bandy. "It mm a. alone Patrick, And boron“ uh mound " Pnul‘c. he “nil; mod " be up! t,tts “0'0. the Mr qups mkludicmoun and bu, king! out than dstu " m the nun-en “I "an! ttMtote. t, wh betm-d.tttc tuna“ a. u do w- m the N» m. It“. They drfhe. lw . greet sileure onsucl "hed them win! the; In“ lr hiking about ulu-n he when any esp-used i Petr, at that of tho _,"t') nun. who had filled ll all thud pliant“ pm in any nply. "Sim " “all your opium by 1 sie. but! let him “In “D “on“ of York pull mm u we“ 1 _ and man ." the Shamr- itsto their 51"ij I II. or WWW In the only I Vt.. Bbout tire “I gstatlemo tho rightful hm After . (my, th C-detos, thiuki In. Marta tho, entered wk Plant-gene! up continue the to! Engluul. “the. did to mama (A I): 'eo"nee " with In. Sank: beeome I who and 1010. tie tending t {um-u: pre ready '" "the o! Ireland, M it hem-I One day. 'VP" Ind ad uttered n. w t the Holy undonun than mu Thin "I the Ear' “It! him I Nsuonal Chat to the in" unload em oinguln in: one I“ Gnu Brttati It milk. l " w tron The We hne f0. that fie Strike Wot twee thw "

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