West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 May 1878, p. 4

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’l‘ t trick." ~The juggler stands upon the stage throws & handkerchief over his exâ€" tended arm, and produces,in succession, three or four shallow glass dishes filledâ€"to the brim with water, in which live gold fish are swimming. Of course the dishes are concealed somehow upon the person of the performer. MaxttovLm® Istaxp.â€"A correspondent of the Collingwood Bulletin, writing frem Manitowaning, Manitoulin Island, on the 27th ult., says :â€"The weather has been so rxemarkably fine that even the Indians are completely puzzled to understand it. Since the @pening of mwigntio.n every boat hbrings crowds of new settlers and land seckers, who are spreading all over the island. ‘There is still a very large tract of excellent land at Ten Mile point, which commands a beautiful view of Gore Bay, x point touched by all the boats. The Point contains about 8,000 aeres not yet tiken up. In the centre of this tract is Turtle Lake, about a mile and & quarter neross, where there are large quantities of Irressions or Maxrrosa â€"Mr. Ed.Schoâ€" field, a young man from Guelph, who left with the Balkwill party for the Northwest, writes from Winnipeg to the Mercury. He states that he has found, &s he expected, many drawbacks, incident to a new country. The mud is about the most discouraging feature, and some who have reached here from Ontario purpose returning without going farther into the country© than they have reached at Winnipeg. From those that do return no person can expect a faâ€" vorakle account of Manitoba. Mr. Schoâ€" field says that on the 25th ult. six partios with their horses started out for their new homes and without an exception they all became fast in the mud. The way the mired animals were extricated was by fastening ropes to their harness and have horses on the sidewalk gradually draw thom out of the sea of mud. In one place about one hundred yards of the railway has sank about out of sight. This will be remed* ied by placing a gravel bed on that particuâ€" lar portion. The mud appears to be of a greasy nature. . At all events it is very easy to leave a lifeâ€"size impression on the crossâ€" ings. A few days of dry weather will romedy this state of affairs. The roads are said to dry very quickly. The writer thinks the people of Ontario ought again to be warned Peter Lamb, the young fellow who lives near me, discovered how the trick was done, and he offered to do it the other night at Magrnder‘s party, for the enterâ€" tainment of the compary. So the folks wll gathered in one end of the parlor, and in a few minutes Lamb entered the door ut the other end. He said : "Ladies and gentlemen, you will perâ€" ceive that I have nothing about mo except my ordinary clothing, and yet I shall proâ€" duce preseatly two dishes filled with water and living fish, Please watch me narâ€" rowly." Then Peter flung the handkerchief over his hand and arm, and we could see that he was working vsry vigorouul.y at someâ€" thing beneath it. He continued for some moments, and still the goldâ€"fish did not appear. Then he began to grow very red in the face, and we saw that something was the matter. Then the perspiration began to stand in beads upon Peter‘s foreâ€" hoad, and Mr. Magruder asked him if he was well. Then the company laughed, and the magician grew redder. But he kept on fumbling beneath that handkerâ€" chief, and apparently trying to reach around under his coat tails. Then we heard something@ snap, and the next moâ€" ment a quart of water ran down the wizard‘s left leg, and spread out over the carpet. By this time he looked as if the grave would be a welcome refuge. But still he continued to feel around under the handkerchief. Atlast another snap was heard, and another quart of water plunged down the trowser of his left leg, and formâ€" ed a pool about his shoe. Then the neeâ€" romancer burriedly said that the experiâ€" ment had failed, somehow, and he darted into the diningâ€"room. I followed him, and found him sitting on a sofa, trying to remove his pantaloons. He exclaimed : across, where thete mIO ILIAZD QMRRMAINIES C fish. â€"A stream from this lake, known as Turtle Stream, passes over a rock making a perpendicular fall of 46 tect, which is exceedingly beautiful. There are two exâ€" eellont mill privileges on this stream. It «empties into Manitowaning Bay, about five miles from this village, and every spring the suckers run up this stream by millions. They are so thick in the bed of the creek that they cannot get out of the way, and boys can go iuto thoe ereek and throw them out by hundreds with their hands. The other day I saw two boys throwing them out with a pitchfork, three or four at a time. Parties intending to settle on the island would do well to come early, and secure land on this point, for it is being taken up rapidly. Our village is thriving wonderfully. There are fifteen now families settling or about to settle in it this spring. Several of the magicians who perform in public do what tb_oy call "the goldâ€"fish Then we undressed him, and picked the fish out of his elothes, and I discoyered that he had two dishes filled with water, and covered with Indiaâ€"rubber tops, strapâ€" ped inside of his trowsers behind. In his struggles to get at them, he had torn the covers to rags. â€" We fixed him up a pair of Magruder‘s trowsers which were six inches too short for him, and then he climbed over the back fence and went home. He says, new, that the next time he gives exâ€" hibitions in public, he intends to contine himself to ventriloqusm. "Oh, gosh! Come here quick, and pull thesa off! They‘re somking wet, ard I‘ve fiftcen live goldâ€"fish inside my drawers, flippin‘ around, and raspin‘ the skin with their fins emough to set a man craxy. Ouch ! Oh, Moses! Hurry that shoo off, and grab that fish there at my left knoe, or I‘ll have to howl right out !" about emigrating to Manitoba,: unless they intend to farm, have some capital, and are endowed with energy and patience. Clerks and mechanies, who are unwilling to work at auything but their trade are at a discount in Manitoba. The Golidâ€"Fish Trick. rrorrant Insuraxc® Casz.â€"Animportâ€" ant suit was tried at the Court of Chancery in this city yesterday. On tho 20th of July, last yoar, a farmer named Ezra Shaw, reâ€" siding at Shedden, Elgin.Co., effected an insurance with Joseph Mitchell, a travcllâ€" ing agent of the Union Fire Insurance Co., of Ottawa. The amount of insurance was $1,000, â€"and "the premium of: $17.50 was 'px\id to the agont, a receipt being given on the company‘s form. On the 80th of the same month, a fire destroyed the structure insured. Mr. Shaw duly proved his claim with Mr, J. 0. Loan, who is AgebéGeneral of the company in this city." No defoncé was set up by the company that this claim was not bona fide, or that plaintiff did not suffer loss to the amount of the elaim. But the Company based their defence on the fact that they did not take a license out, as provided by the Ontario Act, until the month of October following the time when the insurgfite was effected; and that therefore Mr."Bean was not authorized to hz risks before that date. The plaintiff adduced the evidence of Messrs. Mitchell and Shepherd, agents of the Company, to show that they acted in good faith, mxdori instructions from Mr. Lean. The Viceâ€" Chancellor, whilst holding that the case was one of great hardship to the plaintiff, and that it was evident ho had sustained his loss honestly, believing himself 32. well insured, held thit, as the defendants A materialized spirit turned red in the face last &My evening, in an T town in Missourt. Ame;mmhfi Moté has dwelt at Memphis for many years, and has assumed to hold communications with disembodied spirits. An engenious skepticâ€" named Pattee, after attending several seanâ€", ces in which departed spirits were mntori-‘ alized much to the edification of the: company, resolved to expose the trickster. He procured a hollow ring, with a small orifice in front, and a tube on one side conâ€" necting with a rubber ball that was filled with an alcholic solution of aniline. When the curtain parted, and a spirit face appearâ€" ed in the gap, about sixteen inches from his hand, he compressed the rubber ball and squirted the aniline dye with such precision that the unearthly visitor ducked its head and ran behind the door. In afew minutes the medium‘s wite was summoned to & council in the eabinet, and then the anâ€" nouncement was made that some one had been injecting chemicals into the spirit‘s ;fucc and "destroying the conditions." A light was brought, and alongâ€"hairod gentleâ€" man opened the cabinet door. Then the wonder grew, for Mott‘s fuce was daubed with searlet. "His face is covered with blood !" someone exclaim=:d, and then the light was extinguished. _ Although the medium was obviously wounded ho did not say dye. eight, were alongside at the time, and at once gavo the alarm. The neighbours hastened to the spot, butsome time elapsed before they could extricate the sufferer,and when he was got out life was gone. Both his legs were broken below the knees, and he had sustained otherinjuries. The sudden death of the deceased has cast a gloom over the neighbourhood, he having lived here nearly twenty years. He was irreproachâ€" able in character. Deceased was 48 years of age, and leaves & widow and young family of eight to mourn his loss. were not licensed, they could not log:.lx contract. The bill was dismissed wi costs. Mr. Geo. C. Gibbons appearcd for &hiutifl. and Mr. Meredith, Q. C., for deâ€" ndant.â€"London Free Press Dzark on tas Ram.â€"On Tuesday ovenâ€" ing a man aged about thiityâ€"five years, named John Mounds, of Orangeville, was killed betweern Elors and Forgus, by fallâ€" ing off the train which reaches the latter place shortly after nine o‘clock. From the particulars that can be gleaned, it appears that deccased was standing on the rear platform of the end car of the train talking to some of his friends. He was warned that he was in a dangerous position, but hecdless of this, and evidently so show how accustomed he was to carelessnoss on a train, he jumped suddenly around. The motion of the train threw him off at the side, lHe alighted on his feet first, and immediately doubled over on his head and side. The train was stopped, and the greatly injured man taken to Fergus. Dr. Groves was called, and he saw at once that the man had only an hour or two to live,.. He died during the night. Deceased was one of the writnesses for the defence in the insurance cases in which Mr. Wm. Parsons, of Orangeville was the plaintiff. This is a sad warning to those who persist in standing on the platforms of cars while in motion.â€"(@Guelph Mercury. Cavse or Exrprostoxs.â€"A lamp may be standing on .& table or mantel, ind a slight puff of air from an open window or door may cause ar explosion. A lamp may be taken up quickly from & table or mantel and instantly explodo. A lamp is taken out into the entry, where thero is a draught, or out of doors, and an explosion ensues. A lighted lamp is taken up a flight of stairs or is raised quickly to place it on the mantel, resulting in an explosion, In theso cases the mischicef is done by the air movementâ€"cither by suddenly checkâ€" ing the draught or forcing air down the chimmey against the flame. Blowing down the chimmey to extinguish the light is a frequent cause of.explosion. Lamp explosâ€" ions have been caused by using a chimney broken off at the top, or one that has a piece brokon out whereby the draught is variable anl the flame unsteady. Someâ€" times a thoughtless person puts a small wick into a large burner, thus leaving conâ€" sidorable space along the edges of the wick. An old burner, with its air draught clogâ€" geed up, which rightfully should be thrown away, is sometimes continued in use, and the final result is an explosion. Faram Acctoesxt.â€"On Saturday mornâ€" ing, May 11th, whilst Matthew MeKee, of Barrie, was working at his farm in Vespra, and engaged in the aet of sinking a heavy stone or boulder, which was lying near the barn, into a hole some three feet deep, he was in the pit digging, and had stooped forward, it is believed, to pick up a pebble, when the stone fell on the back of his head, burying him completely. His oldest boy, about ten years, and his daughter, about snn n it( t Revisw,a neatly gotten up sheet which is pubâ€" lished ib the town of Durham, by Mr. Joseph Townâ€" send, late of Dundalk. Jddging from the numerâ€" ous advertisements which nppear in the first paâ€" per, we should think that the Revicw will be well supported. Although differing in politics from the now paper we wish it every success, and trust that riend Townsend may reasonito regret never have the institutions of Durham. The ReviEwiscreditâ€" ably gotten up, and full of the latest news, We wish its publisher abundaft successâ€""Elora Idleness is hard work to those who a*e not used tg/it, and dull work for those who More than ten thousand men were proâ€" vided with employment by the Young Men‘s Christian Associations in the United States during the last year. A man who recently went into stock speculation was met by a friond the other day, whoâ€"asked him if he had mado anyâ€" thing. â€"*"*Yes," said he, "I made an assignâ€" ment this morning." his trip from Dundalk to Durham.â€""Shelbure Free The first number of the Grey Review, published in the interest of Reform, has been placed upon our table. The venture is made by Mr. Joseph Townsend, formerly of the Dundalk GUrpr, and if earnest application and living like his great predeâ€" cessorâ€"Benjamin Franklinâ€"on sawdust pudding, will secure success, then the pmper will be one of "Now, then, my hearties," said a gallant Yankee captain, seeing that his men were likely to be outnumbered, "you have a tough battle before you. Fight like heroes till your powder‘s gone, thonâ€"run! I‘m a little lame, and I‘ll start now." Sortn Tyre® Coste.â€"We havejust received No. 1, Vol.1, of the Grzy REVIEW, & paper to be pubâ€" lished by J. Townsend, at the town of Durham. The Review is to advocate Reform principles, and will be the only Reforu: paper, in what may fairly be considered & Reform Riding. We hope our contemporary may succeed in getting a good circulation in 8. Grey, There is plenty room for a good Reform paper in that ridingâ€""Walkerton Telescope." A father is consoling his daughter, who lost her husband, said : "I don‘t wonder you grieve for him, my child. You will never find his equal :" "I don‘t know as I can," responded the sobbing widow "but I‘il do my best?" The father folt comâ€" forted. TH Grev Review.â€"Wehave reecived the first number of this paper, published at Durham, by Mr Joseph Townsend, former}y of the Dundaik Gumnz. The paper presents a neat appearnnce, and we nre sure thiat it will be well supported by the people of Groy, The BReview gives no uneertain sound as to politics. Tt will be a staunch advocate of Reform principles. We wish it great succoss.â€""Orangeâ€" ville Advertiser." The sexton of a parish church in County Armagh was about to bury his wife. She begged him to bury her in Tyrone, among her own kindred, forty miles away. "Inâ€" deed, Peggy," said he, "I‘ll try yo here; but if ye give any trouble, I‘ll take ye up and bury ye in Tyronc." Par‘s Ixczxious Pusa. â€"Defendantâ€" ‘"Now, doctor, by vartue of your oath, didn‘t I say, ‘Kull or cure, docthor, I‘ll give you a guinea ?‘ And didn‘t you say, ‘Kill or cure, T‘il take it ?" Doetorâ€""You did, and I agree to the bargain ; and I want the guinea aceordingly."~ Defendantâ€""Now, doethor, by vartue of your oath answer this: Did you cure my wife?" Doctorâ€" *"*No, she‘s dead ; you know that." Defenâ€" dantâ€"*"Then, â€"docthor, by vartue of your cath answer this : Did you kill my wife?" Doctorâ€"*"No ; she died of herillnoss." Doâ€" fendant (to the Bench)â€""Your worship, see this. You heard him tell our bargain., It was kill or cure. By vartue of his oath he done ncither, and ho axss the fee!" The verdict, howoaver, wout against poor Pat notwithstanding his ingeruity. Tax Gary Rutuw is the title of a new weekly journal récently started in Durham, in the county of Grey. The Revisw is Reform in politics, and during the coming months the cause will enjoy the benefit of its advocacy in a part of the county hitherto unsupplied with the luxury of & Reform journal.â€""Daily Globe." The third number of the Grey Revirw, pub lished in Durham, county of Grey, by Mr. J. Townâ€" send, has reached us.. 1t is the Dundalk Gumpx in a now and much improved form. Mr. rownsend knows how to get up a neat rnd readable prmper, as the Revicw abundantly testifies. Its politics are staunch Reform.â€""Dumifries Reformer." Wesee by n loto issue of the Dundalk Guipr, that the proprictor will, after his next issue, reâ€" move the plant to Durham, where he intends to publish his paper in future, If he continues to conduct his paper in the same able mannerthat ho has in the past, he will no doubt receive n lfl)erul' patronage, . We wish bim success in his ventureâ€" Dufferin Standard* 5 staunch Keform.â€""Dumifries Reformer,." We have the first number of the Gnay Review, a weekly paper just issued in the town of Durham, by Mr, J, Townsend, late of the Dundalk "Guide." The Kuvrew is to be published in the interests of Reform, and promiscs to be m live and well conâ€" ducted paper, We wish Bro. Townsend much sueâ€" cess in his enterprise.â€""Mt. Forest Confedcrate." The Dundalk GurpE has changed its namo and its place of residence, Tt is heneeforth to be called the Guey Ervrew, and is to be published at Durâ€" hang. We hope this new move will be a move in the right direction, and that friend Townsend will meet with the success ho deserves in his new sphere of action.â€""O, 8, Advertiser," Tax Grey review.â€"This is the title of a new paper published in the town of Durham, by Mr J. Townsend, Tt is neatly printed, Reform in poli tics, but its articles are rich and racy. We wish it success financially.â€""Grand River Suchem," bouâ€"hunting, â€" Mooseâ€"hunting, â€" Sealâ€"fisting, The Thousand Islands, otc., besides a Charming Praper by John Burroughs, entitled "Following the Hal eyon to Canuda." . In order to encourage its sale in the province of Ontario we have muule special arâ€" rangements with the publishers to supply Scmtsâ€" xwa‘s Montuny and,"The Grey Review" togethe for 23.2 a year, being 75 cts, loss than the subscripâ€" tion price to Scrinxzn alone, Specimen copies of this popular magazine can be seen at the office of this paper. No name can be eutered urtil ; ny, ment is received. 8r, Nicttor.As, published by Scribner & Co., New York, at #3. per year, is one of the most attractive and popular monthly imagazines for young people we know of, and mtkes a particularly handsome and desirable prosent. | Thefnumber now before us contuins nearly 100 pages, and is filled with strikâ€" ing and beanttiful pictures. . In order to promote its circulation in Ontario we have made special arâ€" rangements with the publishers by which we can supply $7, Niceoras$ and they"Grey, Review". toâ€" gether for 22.75 a yearJpayable strictly in ndvance. Specimen copy can be seen at this office, and is well worthy of inspection, ST. NICHOLAS AND THE GREY REVIEW FOR $2,75. ScrimxEn‘s MontHty deservedly ramks among the very best ilustrated magazines published. Its short and continued stories are the very best writâ€" ten. During the past year soveral papers have apâ€" peared in Sertunz® dovoted wholly or in part to Canadian subjects, and during the year 1878 thore will appear beautifully illustrated articles on Cariâ€" bouâ€"hunting, Mooseâ€"hunting, . Sealâ€"fisting, The Thousand Islunds, otc., besides a Charming Prper SsCRIBNER‘S MONTHLY AND THB REVIEW. We have roeceived the first number of the Grey hh recinensete ic en Oe nc Friendly Notices. The German Government, in conseâ€" quence of the aitempt on the life of the Emperor, are about to place additional restrictions on the liberty of the press and the right of public meetings. An effort will also be made to bring about communicaâ€" tion on the part of the various countries where Socialistic or Communistic symp toms have appeared lately. Ax oun PitYSICIAN, retired from active pracâ€" tice, having had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a Vegetable Remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarr and all Throat and Lung Affections; also a Positive and Radical Cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curaâ€" tive powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to his suffering felâ€" lows. Acturted by this motive and a conâ€" scientious desire to relieve human suffering, he will send FREE OF CHARGE, to all who d« sire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and snccessfully using. â€" Sent by r:turn mail by addressing with stamp, naming Fhto waves this paper, D.8. F. Durhaimnâ€"Third Tuesday in each month. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in each month, Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Dundalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangeville, Guelphâ€"First Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€"The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair. Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstaul Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlinâ€"First Thursday in each month. Bramptonâ€"First Thursday in each month. Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month. Fergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Forest. Rosemontâ€"Fifteenth of February, April, June, August, October and December. Primroseâ€"Wednesday _ preceding â€" the Orangeville Fair. * Orangevilleâ€"The 2nd Thursday in cach month. Marsvilleâ€"Sccond Wednesday in each month. Ti Onvest Fm® Isscraxce and ] Loax Ausxcy in the Towssurr. JOS8. McARDLE, Commissioner in the Queen‘s Bench Conveyancer, & The best Companics in the Province repreâ€" sented, Farm and Village Lots For &9 Business done strictly private. Residence and address HOPEVILLE, (Co. off Grey June 21, 1877 Great chaneg to make , money. . We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapâ€" cat and best llustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a succossful agent. â€" The most clegant works of art given free to subscribers. â€" The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes, _ One agent reâ€" portsmaking over8150 in a week. Alady agent reports taking over 400 subscriber in ten days. Allâ€"who engage make money fast, _ You can devote all your time to the business, or only your spare time, You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others, Full particulars, directions and terms free, Elegant and expensive Outfit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once, It costs nothing to try the business. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Adâ€" dress ‘‘The People‘sJournal," Portland, Maine. Constantly on hand at the POST OFFICKE, DUNDALK. â€" Price only $2.00, Lots 32, 83, and 34, in 8rd Con. S. D. R. Osprey, 80 neres each ; also Lot 17, in 8Sth Com. Proten, ‘Terms easy. Apply to part of the ecuntry who is willing to work stcadily at the employment that we furnish. 866 per week in your own town. Yeou need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work oronly your spare moments, We have agents who are making over 820 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money can not be madeso easily at any other business, It eosts nothing to try the business. _ Terms and $5 Outfit free. Address at once, H, Harratr & Co., Portland, Maine. $ CONSUMPTION CURED. treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physiczl Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50original preâ€" )crigfiom, -5113" one of which is worth the price of the book. his book was written by the most ex» tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner in America, to whom was awarded a gold and jew» ¢lled medal by the National Medical Association. A Pamphict, illustrated with the very finess Steel Engravin a mare vel of art nm; beautyâ€" sent PREE to all. Send for it at once. _Address w PEABODY _ MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 L'ul.T HYSELF &uch St., Boston, Mass. Marriage Cortificates and Licenses, | +s i N m l B > ‘[ Â¥ig \ fRuae it B uloniores ie se d k P *. JB U e BP Ved Ma. T. J. B. HARDING. Dram Sim,â€"Deing destrous that others tay know some thing of the merits of your Coxstrrztionat Caramnt Rame Â¥ot, Iwish to inform you what it has done for me, . Iam ears old; bad been out of heakth for abont five years. [ud employed three or four different doctors, and various medicines, without receiving any fiflamt but continued rather to grow worse, untll last fall, wi had become so bad as to be unable to do an ho::\ work a time, Hadsevero soreners and prin under t bladesand through the shoulders, with very lame back, a feeling in my right lun‘-f us though there was a bearing it down, with continnal dmm-in!lln the throat down wpon the lungs, Such was my condition when I menced to take your Catarrh Remedy, one bottle of eared my ’ll,linl nnd‘ gave me an fir:[:‘m‘v-d.,’pm’ eased my pains and grve me an finproved asier uk{m four bottes I was restored to healt ahle to endure bard and continued labor, st ‘nt and clearing land, at which 1 have been E- wenson, My recovery I attribute soiely > AGE 1OR LIPTLEF: 3LD‘C CONSTITUTIONAL BEUEDY AND TAXE N0 QTHEA KNOW : THYSELF: Fize Yoars‘ Dherness Curea cy Four Dottlos of m Catarmh nomig Pain in Shoulders, Back and Lusg» and Drepuings in Throat Disappear. = L100 O [EOCTC0 Bt. Aiblanp, P. Q., Bept. 18, 1976 MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. *y$ l(n(u; the se of your citiir'i.'i-c'iuii."fl'fl:'i'"ui Â¥rice 61 per bottle, .___________MENREY GNL For Sale Cheap. Dr. C. STEVENS, 28â€"y _ Box 80, BrockviLLs, Oxt. J. J. MIDDLETON, Issuer, By reading and practicing the inestimable truths con» tained in the best medical book ever issued, entitled Price only $1. Sent by mail on receipt of price. It POUR CTCT METET CMNICG EELFâ€"PRESERV ATION ROIN is not easily earned in thes times, but it can bemade in three months by any one of either sex, in any Moxey Sale yâ€"21 Hevintarive d AGRICULTURAL Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes,ILaidlaw & Stewart‘s Improved Gang Ploughs,. &c The Subscriber is agent folfithe sale of the celebrated MOWER manufactured by§ the TORONTO REAPER & MOWER COMPANY, ALSO Agent for A. Cochrane‘s Threshing Machine. Note and Book Accounts collected on reasonable terms. â€" HOUSES TO RENT. Farmers and others who want to borrow money can have it at from 8 t> 84 per ce Simple Interest principle, the borrower having the right to pay off his Mort ge at. by giving one or two months‘ notice, Business private and confii:ntid. w mifs & I Loans Advanced on Town or Village F4"Good Mortgages and Municipal Debentures Bought. Comt aitended to. Always to be found in the Office, on Monday OFFICE ; At Kiernan & Hughson‘s Store, Lower Town, The undersigned has secured another choice lot of those fine flavored uncoloured Japan Teas, which he is pleased to find has given so much satisfaction to the public. Also a tine lot of which ho warrants fresh and free from damage, and would offer them at the following low prices for Cash : Young Hyson Tea, good,......... 85¢ per Ib, or 5 lbs for $1.50. Do. do., _ fine flavoured, 50c per Ib, or 5 lbs for $2.25. Nagasaki Japan, extra value,...... 45¢ per lb, or 5 lbs for $2.00. Do. do., fine favoured,... 50¢ per lb, or 5 lbs for $2.25, Christie Brown‘s famous Biscuits always on hand, fresh, All kinds of propert A good assortment of Readyâ€"Made Clothing from $10 a suit Agent for the Superior Broadcast Seeder and Drill. Also the Gailoway Sulky" Rakeâ€"the best Sulky rake in the Dom n ‘on, Agent for the Western Assurance Comzany. Fire risks taken as low as any responsible Jompany. Durham, Feb. 14, 1878. al Dundalk Insurance, Loaning The subscriber begs to inform the public that he has a large Stook of‘STOVES and TIN WARE, which will be nol«f. CHEAP POR CASH 0R CRA DE Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves. Particular attention paid to Eavestroughing. Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. E6. & A. DAVIDSON‘S, Machine Needles all Makes. Dresses and Mantles made to Order. N., G. & J. McKECHNIE, Boots and Shoes, Millinery, and Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, TLumber, Bill Stuff cut to order at short notice. All kinds of Seasoned Lumber kept constantly on hand. STOVES AND TINWARE ! Ladies‘ Hats and Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Ribbons, Laces, Silks, Galoons, Braids, Fringes, bress Buttons, Dress and Mantle Trunmings, Parasols, Gloves, Embwoidery, Corsets, Berlin Wools, Collars, Cuffs, Frillings, Snow Flake Press (GGoods, Embossed Prints, Fancy Prints, Snow Flake Uister Cloths, Mantle Cloths, White Dress Muslins, Mon‘s White Shirts, Men‘s Fancy Shirts, Oxford Shirtâ€" mgs, Tweed Suitings, W hite & Grey Cottons, Groceries, FElour, Oatmeal and Chopped Stuff As they have just opened out a well assorted and fresh stock of the very latest styles in Dundalk, August 30th, 1877, Durham, April 4, 1878. Durham, Feb. 26th, 1878. Durham, Feb, 14, 1878. Chopning and Gristing attended to at shortess notive, Durham, February 14, 1878, Millinery & Fancy Dry Goods, GENERAL AGENCY. ids of property Insured in Gaod Companies at low Rates. Farm Property Insured against gin and Ligh ning for 3 years at 75 ceuts on the $100. (LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE) Man and also his Horse Insured against accidents and death from any cause. Nagasaki Japan Teas! N., G. & J. McKECHNIE, YOUNG HYSON TEAS, MILLIN ER Y ! . JOHNSTON, Jr., upward, _ A good heavry quilted Overcont for $7. N., G. & J. McKECHNIE, Now is the time to make your purchases at Agent for the sale of all kinds of M ON B Y . Manufacturers and Dealers in Lower Town, DURHAM. MANTUFACTURERS OFP shingles. IMPLEMENTS, DEALERS INX s Bought. Communications ;mmptl_\' Oflice, on Mondays and Tuesdays, . _ GEORGE RUTHER®orN, OM3OE, Main btret, Pundalk, at from 8 t> 84 per cent on the E. & A. DAVIDSON JOHN CAMERON, nnd TL.ath. T. A. HARRIS. yâ€"8 at any time y31 yl and contains a vast amount of interesting READING The Large and rapidly imereasing Cireuâ€" MOST APPROVED KINDS. in whe Townships of Glenelg, Bontinok, Normandy, Egrement, Proton, Artemesia, Osprey, Mclanethor and other Townâ€" Can donend upen being satisfied by leaving And with the Greatest Promptitude NEW PRESSRES, TYPE, Eto Job Department, or _ THE _ "REVIEW" _ pRIXTING errice Possossos great EFneilities for doing all Having lately made an addition to Is vow fitted up in the very best style, and "Grey Review" Good Family Newspaper @Grey Rleview," Bost Mediums for Advertisers, Best Style of the Art, Job Work "GREY REVIEW*" Price $1.50 por Arnum, IOCALI AND FORELIGX KE®ws K=>*POSTAGE FREE The office is furnished with ships makes it one of the 28 COLUMX PaAPER should& subscribe for the In the County of Grey. If VORTIK. oF THE LATEST not paid in advance. MARKET REPORTS, us their orders. Al who want a done in the very lation of the AXD EDITORIAIA. PROPRIETOR, harges â€" By . mile 5) cent» aine oxtus i1 A vo #1. Advert by writte inserted : wlar rates Malf column, Une column, Do. #ix Do. tur Canaal advert Line LOF the tinst for each subsequ Ml.'y notio deaths, and all & frie of charge. STRAY ANIM weoks snoed 8 First class w & Pergus €) «d of the ve wears â€"or prin Prdc-inlnl and bus @pace and under, Â¥wo imehes or 24 line Three inches do. per Quarter column, per TY id TERMS:â€"#1.00 j ##. $1,25 if not paid 1} reasopal Beautiful Ambrotyp Only Ten Cen Borrowers Mortgnges Durham, â€" > "TH BE REV At the Office, IZvery Th with sins BUSINESS DIREC LECGAL Ovy MOTTO FRAY A la Nothing LIKE LEL m j 7A » ARRI d T Jastont » AlI Jast m.,i,rin: done w ness and despa NJ Ji k Do You Woaont * MacRAE, REAL 1 A large assortment «s, all kimds of ayp% Wedding “."l kn Revolvers, &¢ stack betore D jng of Watch Maving bad a with a practic gonfident tha will be prom{ FFICI Plated PTORNXI ARRI Watohn flosk. Fle wine BOOTSE ANKD SH MISCELLANEO RATES OF ADVI EXI JJ MAycal> D MEDICAL , Garafraxa Streot that all amiutly . C k «240 68 thut ® Is PUBLNYUED work W itly W

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