m, In: W: pa and u JO, A! CANADIAN mans. Mulch. bl “we oo, imamâ€) in the W hum-i... '1". My board 1.. I tlsr-re '8'. tm r oftieo. Ln. the, Ml. but“ I; In with the " he remain“ i. tl I val I... M any r, VIM", 'UG' 1; man '1.- tttil the but: vd, Whit] LL. i. the em... Thy“ r; " "htrtoittta. 'l',.,' the city it ttteg ho trout mo..‘ 2.60", Of tho ‘ (Wu-Jun" tritu, h '"'.rrtkrtoms. Th to. After EU. have “mum. in " i luee, lump: Iva out "as In. “an: . ' private LTP, tum fur“. I t _ rd 1.. L- .. - macro". u. in and my]. . "ttgh the "dket, 13M of Du.â€- Mtor pith"! . t L...., _ . " re into “I. " street “on. the V After a I]. a bag of“ â€minim; m 3 running. u. Any .3. a Torovto oh lam: tto III cl the " d by heart In subject. an} than. , into hell "I by: Jarrt Cram , Monti-y between 'eetrd to tJu ‘li'r built at rt W two el - K___ "h. i in the l.- M-ill. h bt err, h... two al ‘- G, n m. ullon m ulrtry. h 'trld u ".xtuetims. ilnlcucd, e second 11.41". I and thy of lumen main-i hag l Mk “may. tn min" mud. rid bets. an". Ll'l'ni‘ mural. . Th sung t then. mun min with mi; M u " " nu Ull‘lllx'u‘ , Meeie V P 'yi?; sud tuck such ounce of timtgoU is worth, as we rvckun, rather more MOM w mm a cubic foot of the prchitus metal wuuld have a valtut of about '888,888. A cubic yard of gold, being 27 “an. a and. would be worth over .9000,“ III m cubic yards would cunbin- . more than use whole mm of “In plan. Alt Mit nigh: p0 'oareittg* itr " ck son†" feet' mime is!“ ‘30; in" Jlfset long. . " .' ' ‘rurl "E h...†W ' '..__-- -._.._F__. ___ of a population uf 25,000 person: in two Julius, 5.0m) have tiled. Tnvollen in the country distriet, are often killed for fwd, and the sue of children for food, Duh buys and girls, inanmmon occur- ' nee. The emim amount of gold in tho world at present is estimated at nearly urea billions a7,oN,h'0,1'4lu) of mu. in United Ntuten coinage. A billion is and). big number that the average mind who], takesitin. A thvuaunl million than readily comprehended l 'soet-'t'lrt"tt't thoumml milliou mum more. My um] tusstuGlly, than sown billions. How much solid gold Would that nth? PIT. gold is more than niromn tin- " tey , 7,,l:_ 1,... " --m uninh- “KJXII 1) ul‘ aw. ....... »--- _~_.,V ,, _ m water, and a cubic foot of tutor weigh". 1,000 ounces m-omlupois. A cubic bot at pH, therefuro. over 19,000 mne- "ott- c, ““2 mm}. ant-h mumps 1)me is Tlu, Rev. Pr. James Loggs. Profane: of (‘hnmc at Oxford, has written to the L-ndun Thurs to say that " Don. town the cmtn'nutious to the China. Funino Fund have vf late gremly {anon all, whilo the suffering is as great " out. In his Letter he. gives suns "irittt tstatue. Out cavern hollow, A man died in Vermont the Odin day. after sutfering from dyspepaia for - years. 5.4m peculiar cxrcumsunees in his emu In! t ' , post mortom eumiuuion, wick run-Mod “mm on cherry stones imbedded in thehumgnt’ the stumnch, causing thicken- ing of the walls of the own pe thru- fourths of an Inch. and ultiumtcly the man's deaths. It mm the opiuiuu of tho phyliciln that the stones had beet, than " my years. Au up]. , im oflscuzine occurred on Non. Jay In An: lint London rotirtery,giving rise to an cxtcmsivg tire, and entailing the " Mruclivn “home twelve thousand dollnm' worth of property. linhl Mountain, North Cuclim, which created alu'h a sensation I a: ago. in " sutucd us ut1'll',t,1"a"d'd rumblings. Great excitement prevails. Tho enchin the mnmmun has widened nbottt ten feet, and another tuntvllrtr tisaure bu also bean discovered -- turmingting _ _I lugs fr: tn: to Lieutenarit iorernor Tilley ho {mud- od his resignation to Ottawa. Tltrve wns fiftcett can: of â€and. in New York, nu Saturday. The luluvurors on the London.0nt.,m WU] k, s,t.-r:iak furlu'gher wages on Thursday. and mud outsideral,le violent». British hurl-our Iianl, from In Airliner revolution in autumn! in Mexico. ty Nails, My Stock of Plated Ware is large and beautiful, and consists of Cruets, Butter Coolers, Spoons, Forks, Knives, 860, 860., of the best qualities, which are very suitable for Wedding and other Presents. Parties Requiring MB: $935 2f].Hafflfï¬ï¬fï¬Ã©flï¬ï¬â€™.;_\9.i}%__§6__91/.<?<=9-,:_i,.s_ï¬,n9W Pomrzlete in. every brazmph and I. am prepared tp sell all goods at the v -, -------p --"', -'""", "v-, """"Y -Nt.. .. vvmrivvv _ v . ""il u‘wuvu you“ 4. Wm yLUtJWJ-Uu UV HULL (JILL Suuuo aw U110 Lowest Price for Cash. As I oonfine myself to one line of business and sell for Cash, I am consequently in a possition to buy and sell all goods in my line Cheaper, and can offrr a larger and iii-tier â€may min general dealers, who have several lines of goods to handle and as a. natural consequence have not the same opportunity of offering a large variety of Hardware. . I would call special attention to my very large and well assorted Stock of IIARVER’P 'I‘OOLS, CaauCDN"r4yB, &'o., which for Quality, Finish and Clieapness have nowr been equaled in Durham. All lu‘r't's‘sity for the inhabitants of this place and adjoining townships, for going to Walkerton or Mount Forest to purchase Hardware is now removed, as I keep always on hand a Complete Stock which I am determined to sell at prices heretofore unknown in this part of the country, and which will compare favorably with those of other places. To the inhabitants of Durham and adjacent Townships: ‘ V " L' r, , ' _ - n p - ‘ H , r r a "-* 7 w T . .. .. " . . v J T K V _. lv' 7 ' f. ol . I. . f l “(L , , --rss,-t' t v e.s" ‘ "i": . Ir" ' 5“}; V ‘3'; , r, L. V . x’l‘f _ ,‘r‘qy _ , __ A _ I! "iuAt T . r ., o (ck. _ 3.3.; P - T.'. - ' 4:3" C-. , _sctr f, ,' A "A T, -. "r', ,"', Thir MISCELLANEOUS. ,1 anguinary encounters have on- Yvknunlun. between the new: of ml human war vessels In the x arrived at St. John on Timmy mm, and metwith an enthusia- Wu mun the people who throngs-l Tho whole "inourstaia and}: Carpenters and Mechanics will find it to their advantage to examine my Stock of Tools before purchasing elsewhere Hons were injured on Sundny l. gun in a petroleum factory Two of the number have since es, Bolts, Screvgs, Istrastrr.--It seems to be a fact that mental disorders are rapidly on the increase both in America and in other lands. The reports uuading asylums make this inter. ence inevitable. The increase is not merely absolute. but also in ratio. England and Wide] show one insane to every 878 ofthe population. The State of Messnchnsette reports one to every 43. New York one to 687, Illinois one to 800, and Town one to 1,101. While it has been held that a soli- tary life predisposed people to mental un- soundness, it seems, an the other hand,that the density of population leyond B certain limit produces similar results, though byl different processes. Increase of popnletioni brings with it overcrowding.nnd tdreota the} eenitery emugemente of Inge towns,to the hurt of those who reside in them. Among the causes that produce innnity brain work [ bee received too much prominence in the popular belief. Those engaged in manual labour new quite an much disposed to un- eettlelnent of xenon u thou rho work with their heads. While over-study in youth end exeeuive mantel labour in efter. lite here new. Hence en the donation of insanity, view-u habits and eeimel pleuuree he" oortm'derably more. Anna'- bnine will etendegreet doe! at actual exereiee. but ere let, emptiue tothe action of "titiaitt1 sttrrmii. Initial-H In sholbuna. an a. mu June, the “to at Mr, accrue lung. of a (human Sun in Pmttrsvr.vattu.--0tt Thursday hunt. storm occurred in Pittslmrg. A thmrins,r mill was struck by lightning in the city and burned. In the Allegheny V-llov hail fell, trees were uprooted, rail. roads washed out, houses on lowlands in. undated, and it is reported that several ponom were drowned. Many houses have been blown over tsnd grain fields laid waste. At a Luther“: pienie, at Ross' Grove. a large tree fell, killing tan persons outright and wounding fifteen, of whom four or five will die. The storm which swept over the city and vicinity proves to hue been the most distructive one in loss of life and property that hill occurred hero for several years. In the city several houses wero struck by lightning, and the flood of water did great damage, but no lives were lost. In the rural districts the yrs-test losses occurred. Houses Ind bridges were 'Idltl‘ away. and the crops were way w. Von Suvuditeh--or a woman awning to be Vera E'saasuliteh---the Buslinn female Itudont who attempted to shoot the St. Peursburg Chief of Police, has been ex- pelled from Switzerland. iilllllilllf 0W1??? Lbcks, will do well to itspotl my Stock, BIRTHS. on it" gm Juno, Cordage, Glass, rushes, Putty, &c., puctuiy Stock, BAR IRON and BLACKSMITHS’ SUPPLIES constantly on hand.. No troilleioshir,vgocod.q. J OS. F. MOWAT, Opposite Middaugh’s Hotel, Lower Town, Durham. Lower Town, DURHAM. Bran, u " Fall Wheat per bush S ring Wheat, R. Cl (igasgow " Oats " ' Barley " Penn " . Hay per ton..........., I 301.9000: no; taut... Farmer’s Motel, Prioeville. Pork r 100 lb:............. Beef pe“ F................'.' Hides " .................... Sheepskins eaeh............. Butter per, lb.................. Egg: per dom........ ........ Eootl, dry, per tsord......, Wool I..:...-................. June, August, October and December. Primrose-Wednesday preceding the Dungeville Fair. orangtm1le--The but Thursday in each Uunmm. July It, Flour, per 100, lbs,at mill " 50 to Flour No. 'd," th 2 M to Corn Meal " " ......... l 00 to Shorts. " " 0 80 to Bran, " " 0 60 to Fall Wheat per bush........ 0 80 to 8 ring Wheat, R. Chaff... 0 70 to Glasgow " ...... 0 75 to Oats " ........ O 27 to Barley " ........ o 40 to Peas " ........ 0 45 to Hay per ton.................. oo 00 to Potatoes per bags.......... 0 " to Pork per 100 h.-........ 4 Myto Beef " F................... 4 00 to Hides " .................... 4 60 to Sheepskins ench............. 0 50 to Butter per, lb.,................ 0 10 to Esnrs per dom........ ........ 0 09 to A singular case of death from lockjmv recenllv oeeurred at Seneca Falls. Mr, John E, Imngdon, n well-known maiden» shaved " his beard, which he had Worn fur " long time, and the next day complain- " of a sum)“: about, his jaws. Two days later spasms developed, which tla doctors declared indicated lackjnw, and n noon the next day ho WM dead. month. V DttnGlk-Tuesday before orangevilhr, Guelph-First Wednesday in each month. Htsrriston--yriay before the Guelph Fair. Drisyttm-8unrday before Guelph. Elom--The duy before Guelph. Douglas-Monday befme Elem Fair. Htunjlton-rCyiytal Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlin- First Thursday in each month Brampton -Firrt Thursday in each month. Lintowvl--First Fridny in each month. Fergus-Thursday following Mount Forest. Itosrernont--Fiftmsnth of February, April, Gonth. - Marsvirle-secortd Wednesday in each month. Durham-Third T mutiny in each month. Prieoville--Montlay before Durham. ILtnover--Monday before Durham. Mount F orest--Third Wednesday in each thunk. June, Iâ€. RO 'a low; icqunintance with the, - 'rf thtter1e1ttt9re,ygPter8e, New Advertisements. MOXTIILY CATTLE FAIRS. l .. ............e... .....--.. MOUNT FOREST MARKETS, T Confederate omce. July 9, 1878. DURHAM MARKETS. Grosscut Saws, Chains, Cordage, rushes, BAR IRON and BLACKSMITHS’ SUPPLIES constan Cutlery, 0 18 to 045 060 1000 075 1878 2 50 076 010 010 150 072 075 175 _ riff. irifirkiEraTWE' tf1ukaTifiy," faala, I . -e . 1 mm“ mm â€an JEaar Restoratlve. . 1 -GREELMAN, ‘Mmmber the plum. WM the Town an!" i .. . - \'ondm swamp. g _ _ _ __ Murrow. 1mm... .. Auction Sale of a Farm k j -tirduihdikraonture of non“?' nub by John Cut-mg!) to the Vendon, (whlc Mortgage will ho produch I} [Inge Irt t8tlto, tings will be " Saturday. 2113: {11113318. NOTICE is hereby gun: that I hue A transmim-d ur dvlh'crrd to the pal-Iona men tinned": the third and fourth Section ot tin Voters Lists Act, The copies required by um Section» to be no trnxmuittcd or Ilulivered o! tht Liat [undo pursuant to um mid Act. ot all person: mm Iumlo gunman. to tho ma Act, of all E,'ll"'li' appeuing y “at: [at rovinvd Assessment all 01 the "id Municipality to he out")!!! to vote In the will Municipality at Elections for Members ot m Le 'ialutivu Ammbly and In Mumctpnl Eleetious, with†and In}. Iraq lir2t, mspdyp Ag pr 3er 'r.----'-.--'"-. . ' v- 77 _ at on o‘clock In tho deal-noon. In one lot, by Mr, Hugh McKay. Auctioneer I Loan ,r_twyt.itrt'h_oty.,t1te3hptyftghr' th- Whlu nu Tova-Mp at 6!.- tsa'. I- “.1130" or has. of which 40 MM m eluted and cultivnwl and the balance 1mm may with Beech. mph ma Elm. Then an erected thereon . log house mud n burn. The prose?†is “mama about 0 miles from Dar. hump]; Amity I.'orisseviiiet. A and] creek rum tii'CitiiCt' it'eiirFGiTviiiE) iiiikii iiisilk Furs throhtrtl" . ttered b The will be a In an to I - od bid myth. Vendon. I The new†" the time ttt Ida my wn i . ttr out. f his We t'i'i','lii',iiiii',f,',,Etti,) 'lllar'5gl'tk4l'r'! um EYE!" RENEE}; iG -v%urrCiiiiiii 833 momentum the (by 'e'iiit'tiiili? 'ti,i?,lt'ii'i'i an option of the pmhn'aar. I can portion id . meme my"?! may rmsyttp, PP, Iryeteqtr, 'rht1t 12 â€ROOMS, on the road between Ta. _ [on Ind Bucky Gamma. The owner, by puffing for this suHcrtisrtuirnt, will rercim the broom» at Lot Nu. v, W. " Con. Ist, Betgtittck. voters' List, 1878. Rum" i,iiiiiv,eiiEhi,tjiiiji2i,Eiiiha?vi E? iii iihiasi" on Monday, the eighth der of uly, A. D. 1876, tbtt. fuming. than tot.imetit _ __ . TOWNSHIP of GLEN ELG, a. subject that has been occupying peoples' minds in this district. B good deal of late Parties wishing copies of the paper, which will be sold at Me per doz. copies. mo in. vited to have tur. order: n the offiee of tho REVIEW. Municipality of the Township of Bentmck, in the County of Grey. Isl-own u'a ttulud upon to examine the INA List, and it my ouzissium or My other 0mm 5n (mun! unstainxo take immediate proceeding. t. pun nu ma errors corrected -dirsg u Due"! st Hanover this 8th Dny ot July. 1878. 11-22 {TKDEB the Power of Sale contained , in a certain Ingangyra yt Norm. gulp by In the "Review" of next week there will be published at the reqnast of several per- you: that had heard it preached last week. s lemon by tho Rev. In. Cameron, on "ASSURANCE OF SALVATION: WHAT IT ls AND HOW CHRISTIANS ATTAIN Sermon by the Rev. James Came- ron. 99101 this mh duy of June, in. 9, KNEE? ll t‘izxeyd EMFU IN THE COUNTY OF GREY. 'lrGirtrrYGiir, mm." a ii. tt _ BRITISH HOTEL, in the Town of Durham, FOUND, DUNCAN CAMPBELL, Clurk of mud Municipality ON GUN, Hi3}: ttil, in»; madman: , Ida A. “(lawman ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Also alnge stock ofCanadian Tweeds, Fine Tweeds, Fulcloths, Funnels and Shirtmgs, whieh we will dilposc of very cheap for cash or trade. Wo pay the bisdst" prim in Cash or Good, for good Wool. ADAMS & MESSENGER. Light Harness, Trimmings, or DURHAM. ' F we have on land Ind ready, for “it 'M Tt.ardqrsee.tt.ter l“.m-"1W The llbctibon be. to Inform the inhabitants of Snuth and East Grey that they are prepared - to execute all ordun, in “flick will be mm at modeta'e prices. Satilfwtion Own“ In every branch of buuiness. Call and Examine. Wool taken in exulmnge for quad: or in payrncut fur well. Full Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, 800., Custom Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing done in the best possible manner, as usual. Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing and Cloth-Dressing, WOOL CAEtDING-, SPINNING and WEAVING AI it is " admitted tact that they do the WOOL trade of the Countico of Grey and Dance. Durham-"ll! 4, ma PROFESSOR J. LEWIS; July 4, WN. Fletsherton, July 4th, 1878, . W. Boulden's Hanover, lily 23rd, 1878. England Declares War ! CALL AND SEE 'e AT mum Fleshortou \Voollvn 3EiHrs. FNone but Experienced Workmcn Employed. tn - hack of our Work. We have always on hawl a full sb.ck of ADAMS & MESSENGER, my Cloth Dressing, 800., But that does rot "eet the business of IN Fl HST-CLASS STYLK cttt-2L ttnat T -_- -'"'-'" _ "â€"‘ F' Bur molOnwh. orâ€, “I . ! 'le,T"s'l/ re I'nrhznn. ('at,t,-,t3 “Help Add W, puluWon will bo on May. tho an tg o July,ttrt8, moaned to pu- . 'fy-tms mukhu . luv-hum: from tho original 'tood ulluw was an the 2nd and an! Communion- W. u. w, tNorrtth [on hon.“ and-17m: the mud MI Cou- wlnm W. 0, w, or the and 'l‘uwuship of Manual. In.†Deviation ta be one shun with And the fallou- ing dmwhbed line to ber in Conan-:Aionunondna tit.tt link! soutyerir.rory tte Non}: but Alluld of and Lot number Forty-51x, um a in sum" 1iruib-ttteeteo westerly pun-dud m the with!" boundary at mid Lot Number Sony-Six. I“. ehu'nu and Wygk link». ‘l-mu aotktt on a.. grec Ind tinny mum eut I ice. cumin» MEI-i tv-two Wthenm mum EIuv-u dam-I om, ' Two chum nnd 11"s'Id',"gi'l hunk .hunoe south (no, “on a“ F I Ch..- 'iiiiiihiiiFr-l them south Fin.v-tw" damn 'eue chum and Sinrtvro unk- more or m to mot‘ (be (lonoeIImn Bond snowmen. i In tho Count; of “my, will It the am mootlnl than“! held our ween-Ila the um W.",':,,".',',,','.". ofthin hate: In Tm: (may Rum: 'uwgpgper. _.. .--'. v... ...- nus-wit"- Mt. JAMIESON. r. t 'u,, and: m. k GRADY, 3315:: Emit}. "army 'te,, u. 'll'll=t1'Uh' lu'." r,'ylall'r.'l) 9937915,» t),ii'iiiiiiitt'ii'i'iiliL',r:,lil, OiBee Main Mr't,D'rrrrurar.th" NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the merstiuu 01th. otwts-rtt-ikdotittt-tsee. DUNCAN WEEK. Sentinel, am July. U353. Township of Bentinek, Road Notice. Paints, J. & N. CAMPBELL, Oils, ma Varnishes, INSURANCE. AND Ge nor" I Agent. CM I. I. .., Convey-nut an. M u bound on Inna new“ " 0 I'ft “I: "'""""Ttyg",'t'f, at,“ an. , nun. F . . District Anal. (at a» \‘M.mwmm Crud-rink We hum Co's. "- admddhrvlbm. P-tutr-trua/rd-id." u- - W t'eye1uiuaitiitsriti. an“... Ibo-pool... I.“ we.. In tue but “Hr. r,'.,':',','.', wall air-rlcnmdln “I. prorcarsV"a. (it-nannyâ€: or All!" tantrum him with their ctrstoyt.yiil mike tttr WEW'IW‘ lulu I wrek in mu: own umu, e5 ()th 6 (run. No tut. Mr,“ you In". a hublnou u ulna: n- of oithee no: GUI make 'i"iiulrii'ii. the aâ€. Hut-y work, wma tor wlwuhn to Jun." . CiPor0aesd.Mnttart, Geo. Rutherford, Real Estate. Loan, Or to yl. 1)ROF. J. LEWIS recently of the City i gh,','te,',,t,"M,?.fru'r'tit,fd ',e,1rB12ttt' n now, ara no G pan-cud to a . Any Person Wanting Money nvmmsw CUMI'ANY, (Limited.) Capital £500,090. Stirling. No ttnm. Expentes Lo-tte this any other Company. Put (â€that igtfoematton Indy to JOSEPH F. MOWAT, Agent, Durham. Or to may“): Ictm'at. British Hotel, Upper Tom, June, imam. Hue .tiGuriiiiaia w aa ii; 31;"; of any-two dollar'- Iud My mu. I. In "In but been mind toe tbo sumo. English & Scotish I“ - Opt-Icon! and “Cd-Mooring“ mm 3.3%. DIR-Al. Poi-onion Multanâ€. For term. Indy to J. K. HUNTER THE PUBLIC ave Inerelw cautioned 1m. 'urrtlttsait ur tat" T . Note " 'tdl umdc'by 'tu. '//a.'r',,ripfd Ill m): of Hum. If}! tt"eu.or lug-n1. drgxwupn of ubqut menu " THAT well known Home. tho 7P1! OVED 3nd Cw'“ Farm L for Ida-Jump. Bend for' In. VIII-on labial-In tk â€with. C PrfceeiiU, an: Juan. [NE CAUTION. [Giant rhum-e to tuuke mam-y our uIrun-d. Houvst, plenum. reartitc- blo. Crrrstrrrthirrsirrvtt. For mnmzr lug-dung: QQETIEAI. N‘Vliln " Yuan-iii“. Tcrri." iaari; Muntrvnl, To Rent ! Barber Shop. Show hon-mu Dom a- Vaughn. C. "PARTHK'R THUS. Woorr. C81