West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 8 Aug 1878, p. 3

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N am Conroy N) dam :u {rs-Mica, “a ' 3 fl-r many ll Steel Nails 8.“ cmmtry m a urtition, they and in u. t; Inns-hot, thoo war-m“ Policy. ll a Luck? " “In! ttever " tle Chkf h , If the u. V been“ ' mum H I n. The 5- bet, ther "0 sols! bio. :i""'mosttr is und-ag Pram. this. Raise more and: d that p... "my“ lot :leful mu... oats, while and Stat.. ‘N'lmshol. t In". Ill-huh. i ihtstrish "T in. “an...“ lull. Th. ml mini... inst tho What " ng to doe pr " tho nit. naia - “guinea elsewhere, mun“ "M ehieSr from "Gist. and Sir John has assured us that there will he great consumption of spirits tusd/tther luxuriu “may!“ PWWW- Doom... Ite relies upon the Tcry landing wallets. .ud who shall any that he nin lac an”. Fntsrr-avr. the taritf. He was all at sea an the subject. and in his usual admit way he nailed the question, and talked all round it. From his utterances it is quite evident that he has not a settled pulley on the question; that he in merely using it " a mom» for carrying out his own specitl party ends; and that his who-lo professions Ill this direction are hollow and insinceie. The double mask he is trying to went will he torn from his fut-e before the elections come off, as tt is too absurd Altogether to imagine tbat the intelligent electors of ('anmn can he milled by my such con- tmlietury tsutemetttq. A readjustment of the tariff, indeed.' is that All it amounts to ma" t Mow then is everything and every- body to bo protected by this guild stiles man ' is a question which it will now hem order for the Opposition organs to answer. ---0tseirk 1mm. Alumni-nus. When rumored the who: night in To. ronto Sir John could not tell what he was prepared to do in the wny of “busting the tum. He was all at sea on the would be rmscd an! gus- Cwuld grow a toe streets of In. 'utr. He asked tnem to don. nun who would ”Align/t the national J obey and renprocuy cf ninja." At \urkxillo. May gd, 1878, Sir John A. llwdmmld ..unl---"\\'uut he contended for Win an rumpmuty of tattle, or a reciprocity of tarry. lm’unru Canada and America." And furthermore, at titratltroy thn other (In) the Lundllll .hlvtrtiur declares most emylruwudy that " Juhn Announced mmwii directly in favor of a w, per cent. tariti. Thu " eoutrndieted by the Mail. nuwth-r. but the London Fteer Prue, one pf hm mm organs adults that he said that .. l he mm- of the country dcelan" that wv "Ills! stand upon the same footing As the Americans" In regard to the taritf mum-r. and this declaration. if it means uuytumg mums that our mm man not only le raised to " per cent. in order that 1 Wt: m by he on the same footing II the _ ”Hammad and - noun] pom-y mu: 6'uettots. ll they nounnug Joe at u t Ute. Mm your” Would be chard B, we streets " we a elect mun who we “my and retuPro At Surisville, M: Macduxmld said-v wna u reuptucny . of fungi} wu'uum And furthevmort day the London A amplnucmly that Minn-if dummy i tariti. Thu is cm imwewr. but the I In anuther speech dolivmd than! the “we lune he said--'), mum; of the Upwailhlu was [capacity of Ind. or re- cuprucny J turi.fi." At Bandung May 24, 1878, Sir John A. Mcudouud and -"l'm: battle ot' the un- mam] pom-3' mm: Le [blight out “In tttut q'ucuou. ll they ma not men sue-coed m menu-mg {ur a a tnumph It Would be too late. Fm: yum hence every mtutttfactory eeut At Bury, in the speech shady quoted from, Sir John Madonna!!! 'ubid--"if the United mum will not grant [In . recipto~ city of trade, tet nu have a reciprocity 'tf ... - .' nu " MM At Gorrie, June 21, 1877, Sir John A. Mudmuld msid--"Farmers would Inn to submit to a» macaw in the can] to un- ammy: home iudmhin. but the tompomy outlay would bo recouped to them in com- pctstton." them In the House; And I tell you Bord; cannot be culled a retaliatory or vindictive [whey to adapt their larif. At Bury, in the Eastern Towmutip- July, 18T7--sir John A. Mncdonnld "u- "n is not a matter of doubt, but of certainty --if we are to line this country developed, if we are going to main this out country what the United States have made theirs, we mm! taken lea/from their book. I told I] Sir John's Menu in "and to pro- teetion have been no “gnu and can. “know that his almost im-sible to uni] his lawn to anything did“. In the Maritime Proviucu the supporters of the Opposition were union. to get some unequivocal shaman! from " Julia, Ind to this end w. Boyd, tn iatttumttial rosi- tlcnt in tit. John, telegraphed him to the 'o1.'owiug eiUet: "The Govurumnnt press hem suu- you I ynqmu‘ to raise, the tariff generally to 35; pcr cent. Can I eontradiet this. . x Eldorado in Prospect. air John Brought to Book this Jon Ban." telegram Sir John sent tho tol. -.. _---.-- a distressing accident occurred on thot, brat of Mr. Richard Morgan, 4th line,) Adelaide, a tew milu west of thmthroy, on Saturday afternoon. It appears that from some cause or other one td the barns caught tire at about four o'clmsk and was. burned to the ground mother with its con- tents. Two children, 3 ton and daughhr of Mr. John Morgan, ex-Reevc of the township, were playing a the tiuto it caught firc, Ind before Assistance mind the mun girl about dam you! of age. wt" enveloped in the Bam" and burned to death. The boy. however. '35 fortunately nomad. The origin of tho fire 'een" 3 urban".- Tho Yictoeiu, B. c., Colonist (July 20) my: :--Witttin the past few days them has been melted and run into luau u the Btnk of British North Amaricn.in this eitrsome 525,000 ut Casein gold dust. Of dust from the various 1oralities, that from Walker Creek is the (intro-At-tog an ma value of about 020 pot ounce. Thi: 'th in of rich yelluw color. “Id in the purest yet found in British Columbia. The law respecting Canada thinks is be. ing enforced in tho township of Dunwieh this year. A number of farmers were proaecuted on Thumlny. the Mth July. Jubu Campbell,of b'luuskelton-street, was tined .10 and can“ fur thawing them to 31-0. on his farm. and not notifying others in his road division to cut. them. On Saturday. Wm. Smith. another farmer, waatiuedW2aadeosukrtu- ottemse. ' Men began work on the Collingwood end of the Hamilton a North-western Railway last Monday. A large stair of men and teams will be employed, and work rushed through tut rapidly us possible. The station at Nuttaw. is to be about threedourths of I. mile west of the village. Mr. Adam Brown, of Hamiltort,Us pre- sented til. Caledoninn Society of Lucknow with a silver urn-ow, bearing an inscription which will show the winner of the sums to be the champion lady archer of Canada. The umw wdi Le courted for at the forth. coming games to be old on the 11th of Bevtember. G. Vetch. " Wort Moutrose, was recently badly gated by a bull. The brute, after smashing his nhonlder, drove his horn through the man's thigh, tearing the flesh to the bone. The ball, which was B Very vicious animal, was shut al- most immediately after he had done the mischief. The British Columbia Assembly on Satur- day adopted a Bill imposing it tax of Mo per mmum on every Chinese person in the Province, and has prohibited the employment of Chinese labour upon public works. The new AaditorwGcuteral. Mr. J. T.. Mo dougnll, entered upon his duties at. Ottawa on Thursday. The atualgiuaation of the iteeeivtrr-Gcuoral't, oftiee with the Finance Department also took place ym" terday. G. Vetch. " West Moutmso. was During the past week the tohl shipments of live stuck hom Toronto to Great Britain, included 1,121 cattle, 8.648 means“; hogs, and 27 horses. BM. the taxationists says trade is languishing. Terrebonne, has been visited by a shock of earthquake followed by 3 heavy full of hail, which destroyed quantities of glows in the town and seriously injured the crops. “the coroner] jury in the Rome's Point use hare returned averdict of murder against the prisoner Costahoraz, whu has teen committed for trial at the October Atvizer, at St. John, N. B. Ilnnluu was enthusiastically reached by the cuizens of Montreal last Monday night, ' tspecial reception being given In his honour in the Skating Rink. A fellow who married a girl " Suspension Uridgn. N. Y., robbed her in Guelph, leaviughern blushing bride nml aplumicred grass widow within twenty- four hours. On Sun-lay, 21st alt, at Sluul)ridgc.n 3onng mun mum-d Robert D. McGrogor poisoned himself with morplda. It in not known why. I'rvparatious are being made to Imbmit the Temperance Act of 1878 in Lambton, Huron, and Middlesex. Owen Sound Council has oitered I. reward of $200 for the conviction of in. cendiuries. The Ontario Boundary Commissioners cuunplcu-d their labours on Saturday, and delivered their award. of home 8k00-8i0.0o,. John Ferguson for the same. no; George " vcnsun for the ume, 810; W. J. Dillon for the “me, 810 ; the t"lesrk for h your: salnry. $70; the Clerk for deehsrtstiona, C-'., the Clerk tor railwny services 312.00; $8t.00 , to the Reeve tor 2 days at council St ; to the Reeve for declara. tions, $2; to the Reeve for " days appoint. ing person- to attend " the Polls and in counting the votes, " -89.00; Day. Reeve for 2 days at council. " ', hep. Reeve for declarations. 82,- -Wr.00 ; Mr, McKenzie for I Gy, 32; Mr. Chatitieid for 2 days, " , Mr. Lawrence for 2 day; "--urrur given. Resolved that this council adjoa, and meet agsin at Mr. Met'ormack'. on Saturday, 2Ut sf September next, " 10 o'elock I. m. Resolved that the following addiU ma! lum- be expended in each wind _ N. W. ward $57. " less $54.00 33.70. N. W. want 57. " .' 00.00 57.75. N. K. ward 77.00 " 00.00 77.00. S. K ward 82.25 " 18.00 64.25. Reached that the Treuiner pay to Jame- Ranwick for landing Soup", ”.75 ; T. " Ryan for mending nor-per. 82.80; it. Item. wick for taking Railway vote: 84 00 ; R. Ren- stick for Poll Clerk, 82 ', R. Humid: for use Moved by Mr. CauttUH, seconded by Mr. McKenzie. Til-t hanw No. 180 to open t new road through lot 71, con. 8, be read. third time and pushed: Carried. By-law passed, ligned and stake]. A petition was presented from R. H. Hugh- uon. and others praying for the formation of a union ot s. S. No. I, with a portion of Nor. manby, on the gravel road, and requesting that a competent, pencil be apouirtteat in M:- cordancc with notion ISL-nub, we. 3, of the mended nututes. Resolved that F. W, Stevenson be appointed to not in sand matter. Resolved that the County Traum- mu tuc- Igaiust lot 28, con 9, and tho against lot 2, con. l, (49 acres), wd Also ugaimt lot 29, can. Mr, said taxes having been paid into this council. Menu. Home sud Moder preseutad them. selves u (length. from the vicinity of Mount Forest praying the Council to an it. inihrertee in opponing the irasorroration of my portion of the, Township of Emmi. into the village M Momst Fore-t. knob-ed that this council will offer all the opposition in in point to such incorporation. Member: All ”out. In" in tho chit. Minute. of hut-ding nod-mi unpaved. The Clerk trertifUd to the Council that Rail. way By-law No. 178 In approved of by I majority of 166 Totes. CANADIAN ITEMS. Egremont Council. Egremont, August In, “78. Bret pun-mt to adjrrtsmttrtratt R. LEGATI, " Chat-k. tiehmue for the thorough reorganization and widening of the gauge of the Toronto, Gray ud lime “my. in being pushed forward 'rrith .tsomrt"niVhu activity. and that 9219 "rims tmtnioipalitus along the line will be forthwith asked to' submit tg. laws for bonuses in lid of the undertaking. We are informed that the now scheme is of so comprehensive . mum thttt " will in all probability commend itself to, the nupyers. In uddition to the other works eonumphud,it bu been decided tnereet elevators both " Tomato and Owen Sound. r" _. Tho Mstrurtion of the ilottrittrmin at Minneapolis last spring has given rise to A big dispute between the mill owners and the insurance companies. that will prob. ably have to be settled by the Conrtn. The owners want the entire insuranembeetutse, as they heliuve. the fire mused“ the explo. Mon, while the insurance men claim that they are not liable for explosions, no mat- ter how canal. and demand that . cou- sidernble per centnae be deduced. The loss was enormous. the destruction of the property complcte, 3nd the amount of money involved in the controversy no large that m endless litieation is likely to grow out of the unexplnined and mysterious dis. Aster. TORONTO. Gm my Bum: Rummy Says the Mait:--Wo auderitand that Tim progress of the agitation for dis- ostablishnuint in England is "rnifhmstly indicated by the remarkable growth of the Liberation Snciety since its foundation in 1844. Its income has been steadily on the increase, and now amounts to over £16,000 a year. But the cause is now receiving an im ortant assistance from a direriion tut. lnoEed for at the beg'tnttirtg--that is. from the Ritnnlists. who are, perhaps, doing the Society‘s work a great. deal more trffeetutuly than its avowed agents. A br, uther of Mr. S. A. Cook of Strnthroy, living at Black Lake, Muskegon County, Michigan. has lost his wife and two ehil. dren. Two girls, aged ten and twelve while bathing, got into deep water; the mother leaped in to their rescue and all three were drowned together. The bodies were recov- ered shortly after the aeeident. New Hnmpuhira proposes to semi trumps who kindle firm, nn land without the owner's permission to prison for fifteen months; if they carry fin-arms the sentence will be two years; if they do malicious in. jury either to personal or real property it will be five, and $10 bounty will be paid for Tho PE'I'OUAOH)’ of conferring the freedom ot the City of London an Earl BeaconsfUld and the Marquis of Salisbury took place at the Guildhall on Saturday. and was follow. ed by a banquet nt the Mansion House. Earl 1teatrousfUld spoke in a sanguine strain of the advantages be looked for from tho Anglo-Turkish Convention. every trump convicted. In 1887 only 68 nor cent, of the people married in Great Britain could siuu their names to the mnrnnge register. The per- cmmxge has risrn to 81. Scotland leads with 91 per cent. of wmten signatures for men and 82 for women ; England comes next, with 84 and 78, and Ireland last,with 69 and 63. The foundation for n Jrsuit errllege, to cost M00,000, has been begun in San Fmn, chm. It will comprise a. college, with all the mquiraments of modern edccruion,mrclt as lttlroratvries, libraries,studies and rooms for the students and professors, a church. and a theatre capable of senting 6,000 persons. The oldest man has been gathered to his fathers. m was a German, living in Ge. lnlmusen. and was 148 yenra old when he died, IIisvllfe bad been a protracted strug- gle with poverty. Ho left two sons, six. teen ,r.rrtutdehildren, and 848 great-grand- children to mourn his loss An observer in London writes that the Grecian simplicity of hair-dressing is ty- tnnically in vogue. At operas Mid At the. atru, when» bonnet! and hats are prohil . Sled. the hair of budding belle and bonne. ing domino!- is alike free from rolls, puffs, wads and frizzes. Thirty-six seeeders from the churches in and around Brighton, England. and many of them boasting high position, wealth and ittfhtenerv, rvecived the sacrament of con. firmation recently at the hands of the Roman Catholic Bishop at Southwark. Paris green is killing more than the potato bugs dong the shore of the Connecti- cut river. The poisonous drug is carried into the river from the tields by mints, and the tish are dying in great numbers in that stream. The father of the Church ot Scotland is tletut--tho Rev. Alex. Campbell, of Weem, Parthslu're. He was in the uinetieth your of his age. was ordained in 1820, and has boon minister at Ween: for fifty years. I On Monday Washington was the scene of a. hurricane which unroofad thirty or forty houses, and more or less damaged several public buildings. One life was lost, and several people were injured. A small thit bug has nppcnrevl in Mum.- chuscts. which is armed with " swan! or point about th quarter of an inch in length, with which it nabs the potato bug, killing him in a short time." l ' Au Austrian division occupied the Her- .egminn yesterday. One of the divisions occupying Bosnia was firod on while cross- ing the Save by a united band of Moham. 'idtuss and Christians. , There is trouble at Panama between the State Govurnment and the nation, and the former are enrolling troops and preparing to give a warm reception to the national troops. Thomas Carlyle, speaking of Lord Bel- eonsfield lately. tnull-los. he has betwiu'hed the Queen or the Queen has Ivetwitched him, ur they have betwiteUd each other." " Owing to the depression in the Lanca- nlu're cotton trade the largest mill-owners in the Blackburn district have decided to close their mills a week hence. 1’ The Albanian ehiefUins in the vicinity of Lake Seutari have formed a confederation to resist the etterottehmeuts of Sen-in tnd Montenegro. 1 The Archbishop of Canterbury bu ordered special thanksgiving: in the Church of Eng‘aud for the conclusion of pe’ace. 't The Chicago journeyman nhoczmken and the Slmmokin minersin Pennsylvania are on strike for an advance of wages. The Benign Cabinet Council hue decid- ed to proclaim the indePeudence of the I‘rina'pnlity on We 22nd Giant. ' The Rustin troops are "tuning home through Romania st the rate of fifty thou. sand daily. Cardinal Frnnchi. Papal Secretary of State, and Archbishop of Tugouuuniea,died on Tuesday in his tsixty-first you. A body of may“: Ne: Perm In" surrendered to Gwen! How-rd. l, aimâ€"wrfififiifi.RWfifiJL'fuI€m' I collect hon-mo 'ssatédpaeMee. A'sy?otrtsyryl ___ _ Marni]; orlihmi. _ _ PvdaikOfoGi, _ 3K6; man; kitchen. New tmme bun U“! ml... Two fll1'W, confluent. Tonn- Say. Apply an the, premhou o WI. CAMPBELL. cm Durban P. o., Ont. Dimtolatitm of Partnership. TOTICE is here given that tho part. 3 unhip for seman- pt, curled on by Mum. George Wood a Co., an D. F. unculilhm 33:35:22 ',r_t,yy,e.totfysisuwoea A (10» "tho bum} "iitiuiaiTGlditinTiaiGri, -iilrriaii." "5:155 funny, wall‘ waft-reg, ugd_ wvVu1tivst.e1t. food Run Thor. W. Magahy, Lctus. 'tot,-9bs_ reputed a report that you win drunk " Jonlunu' wedding. and and other upm- Iionl rotieetiug on your clan-actor u I minister, I now doclm that I believe that there I'll not the slightest truth in such report. Ind I "M alt "ch Illnderoui "preoimm, um regret that I van hdtonunuon or "put sunning may. on your chm-cw. First Class Farm for Sale. pgn_s.u,_ Fot icrii, Gamay-my. a. Potatoes, per tlt::: Turnips. per bus _"' " tit, auhl,... _Rgspr,perdorL.... .lytatar, per: bag Hay, "Ar"totu....d.........., NEONTO MARKETS. TORONTO, Aug. tr, 1878. Full Wheat, per bush bb.... " 08 w 01 10 Spring Whoat " ...... l 02 to l M Harley, " ...... M to GI Oats, " ...... M to " Peas, " ...... 01 to 62 Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 0 00 to o 00 Btt.utr,.ruyty per Ib......... Il!) to 22 MOUNT FOREST MA IKKETS. Confederate Uifiee, Aug. 6, 1878. Flour per barrel...............54 50 to 4 " Oatmeal per barrel......,..... 4 50 to 0 00 Fall Wheat..............., l 08 to l 10 Treadwell Wheat...........,... 0 85 to " 90 Spring Wheat...,................ " 70 to o 80 Barley............................. 0 40 to 0 " oats............,..,.,.............. (I '18 to 0 GO Peas..............-............. 0 50 to 0 50 Potatoes per bag-......... I 00 to l 00 "tttter.-....................... fl 10 to It 11 Eggs.................-....,... 0 10 to 0 10 Wool pet Ib..................... 0 15 to 0 28 Sheep skins............,......... 0 20 to 0 50 Lamb b'kins...................... 0 60 to l 00 Hidesper tewt.................,. 4 00 to 4 50 He....,.........-......,.." 00to10 00 DURHAM MARKETS. Dunn”. August 8, 1878. Flour, per 100, lbs, at. mill " 50 to 2 Flour No.2," " 2 M to g Corn Meal " " ......... l 60 to 1 Shorts. " " " 80 to 0 “run. 'l '. 0 5!) to 0 Full Wheat per bush........ 0 80 to 0 Spring Wheat. It. Cludf... 0 70 to ll Glasgow " ...... 0 75 to 0 Oats " ........ 0 27 to 0 Barley " ........ 0 40 to 0 Penn " ........ 0 45 to 0 Hay pot ton................,. ill) 00 to 10 Panama per be.......... 0 " to 0 Pork per 100 Ib....,......... 4 50 to 6 Beef bh .................... 4 M to ' Hides " ............-..m.. 4 60 to 5 Sheepskins each.....,.,,.... ll 50 to 0 Butter porlb..-......... o 10 to 0 Eggs per dor..........,........ 0 09 to 0 Wood, dry, per cord....... 1 50 to l Wool.........:.............,... 0 18 to 0 -liatud 331} mu. ma. Town null-open ovary Friday owning trom t to 9 o‘clock. shuns " mums] Ice 50 cents. Alam- dor Robertson. Librarian. Night of hr,'ti/hT.'", Mondni M. 7;30 o'nlock. in tho dd Funuwu' all. Ttlet', rothren welcome. Wm. Lnidluw, N. G. W. B. Vol et, Star. Night of i",",,",',',',",, Tummy an or before lull moon in such mon . T.Joneu,Soc. Night of wanting, Tlmmlny on or belch: full moon of tttbelt mouth. \‘iuithhnf brethren wclmmn. A. Vollnt, W. M. IL W. uukier,b'ecrutary. blond-y ys_ytrttittglyourtg peuploa' vruvéi martini“ a r, m. ; Wodueuhy evening, Bible elm " a an m. T urtrday evening. regal“ prayer meeting " pan. Thomas Lauder Haiku": John A.uunm.no. ttutruegiatrtsr. Chico our: from 10 I. m. to I 11.11). one. noun {mmOLan 7 p. m. Arch. lo Kuuzie. Pentium-ten lit-nico- every Hubbub " 10.30 I. m. Ind tMO pm. Sabbath Schoo at 2210 , m. Prayer momma every Thursday evening n o'clock. mud mm Ch.” every Monday evening It 8 o'clock. Pastor Ru. R. Godfrey. . muuu I. um; sabbath School at 2:30 -p. m.'. {imagining u. 7 n "r, Week gushing Berv.i'ses- John H. Bout. {us-tor. may We“ ~pmnch- all by} L pg Sabbuql“ Sghnol qt 2:30 p. m.: Divine Sundae ":3 Habits“: a " a. m. and om . m. Babb“): Sch It no 5:. m. Prayer muting every Wodmmhy evening n :10. Bible Clan every Thursday “emu: " 7:30. luv. Wus. Park. mung. Sabbath service- " 11 I. m. And 7 . m. Sundny School Quip. m. Rev. E. B. Why. fi. A., puwr. Church Wudcm, H. J. ”Hannah and Elisa Edge. DURHAM DIRECTORY. fnwa to (,1an in mm. lamina in South )umlriu, County of Brant. He afterward, ro- moved to the 1hdttt"h','/ Bemlnck, when he [added till his datum " Wu.- A very stubble and upriglht mm, and will be mined by I lugs cm: a of relative. and Manda. Rosana-son -ht wwnlina, Bentlnrk and Brunt. on "again: Jul); Mr. Meander “abortion. black- (tlem-on the 19th a"... Mr. Goo. Gai, Gi. Hum, aged To yum. Cctrtra.L--ut Shelhumn. on the Mth July, “to: a Iona and painful “Inna. mod g you." and Ill mouths. Hunk. Your”: daughter of Mr. John Cuttoll. of the "Free Fruits." Tnn'rrlnnln Owen Bound, on the and July It tho residuum: of her (lmxghtor, Mm. EGG Ho 1tirur.ts'arus, “to ot Mr. Jun. mnemonic ot an on“: random ot Sydenlun. Add " Bttaommt--tht tho an ML Alon-ud- 1tuhtttaon, lead " your: and tour mouths. inseam ‘15 my}??? of. Boguiqkulggg. Seqtlgnd. and emi. 'E-fi, In um.“ AadaeiTiactFuFi Erma}? are? an. by the r'l",'idi f; 2.t'ht M. A., 'it Jun: luau-Ian, o n m. W mt Youngest daughter at the lute Mr. Rtmm Kn. bourno of Owen Bound. Burtios--Fo--in Chm-worth, on the MI: ' um, by the Bev. Gm. Ken. Mr. John Wnuon. of ma township of Thurfoirjvd. of Runny, to Mary Ann, 11-21:}wa of Mr. Alex. Foster, of the ( Township of Hull-Jul )1qu mm... an tltr an m, mud. ii Mr. Munro, Deputy Boast-m Bond: Guy. of . What. mc--, In Nahum, on the am July, an I". of Mr, PM 19ielmott ot I mar. T'morhtx--rn Shrlbnme. on the 18th July, the We of Mr. John Tannin. ot Q Ingmar. ""r',t.1?ysyri,r..eecet.eAttpyttietaaooroe'y “a kink of ttkitaisr hu Lt I forum; of $12,000,000. He Wu expeozed to lure more. New Advertisements. DURHAM LODGE No. 806 01" A. P. a A. M. iniith,TuimifrGGl, -t-iagwn Ott the In but In Hummi- Pgeteteby,yHp: the MMW. B. Evan M. in“ IT "J Itie a.,ifiSrtye1ttchiiiEadiaa . In idFLiEtit/tyr,iiriiiir1iEiGi'iiiiii,' a; pas. rilii,%"GiruiGri'i a Mia: uAh‘l..-J ., .__1.._- ---, __ _ - A . STEPHEN LODGE No. Mn L o. 0. P, UV II”' "J....-..... bh ............ " .rir.r.r.r.ririr.' kins each.....,.,..,.. per lb.................. er dom................. dry, per cord....... r.....................'... up“ onm:............ he'll all Wheat.............., Wheitt........,........... spur bug.............. er Ib..................... skins..............,....... 'skins...................... or tnrt...........,.....,. .........................".1 I’RESBYTERIAN CK DECK. MECHANIC b" IN STITUTI'L C. METHODXBT CHURCH. 8. G. REGISTRY OFFICE. DURHAM L. 0. L. No. Mg. BAPTIST CHURCH of Dunn, June Nth, POST OFFiC'E, MARRIED. DEATHS. BIRTHS. {52012317 WOOP. P, r, trV"rtr,t,tv JA )H'JS BURT. n to 12 10 to 11 65 to 75 20 to M " 00 to 17 60 0 75 to 4 50 to 4 00 to 4 ao to ll 50 to o 10 to " 09 to l 50 to 0 18 to " 0 45 0 50 10 00 0 75 " " O 10 0 10 0 20 0 " 0 90 l " 0 9n 200 ONTARIO ARC TORONTO Vuious Qualitiu from as ch. th anon Excelsior Mum!» Oil 60 oh. I “Hon. equal to the best Seal Oil. tweaking“ on an. Hanan it... No gh, and", it 31:11 that a. W"- " Ely/prey/VI ti.t,'yrr . u: osil iUu-iiik t Tn? 23133535 Carr m write, " poeirl.ri to, H. Humvn t I: rmzrrpl WM" Machine Oils, Oils, Pants and Varnishes at very low prices. Auxilinc D If 15 S, ALI. IIADBI AN. COLD?“ DYE STUFFS, Dye Stuffs, Light Harness, Trimmings, J. W. Boulden’s Also a large stock ofCanadian Tweeda. Fine Tweeda. Fulclothu. Flnnuehi and Shirtinge, which In will (“spouse of very cheap for can): or trade. We [my the highest pnco in (‘uh or floods for good Wool. ADAMS k MESSENGER. Custom Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing done in the beat possible manner, as usual. Wtsieh will be sold it moderate prices. Satiulwtinn Guaranteed in every bunch of buI-inm. Cull And Examine. Wool taken In exclungo " (and. or in payment, for work, AI it in an admitted fart that they do the WOOL mule of tlw (l-llubica oi Grey and “Jum- Full Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, Stocking Yarn, &c., The unburiben beg to inform tho iniurbitanu of South sud But Guy that they no prepmc-l to elective all orders in Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing and Cloth-Dressing, WOOL CARDING, SPINNING and WEAVING, dx., ke, ALL GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH! Hardware, Oils, Durtmm, July i, Mrt% MOWAT’S Hardware Store, Get the Best Value for Your Money, IF YOU WANT TO BON' torrzAr,'cai"i"ii'i/i'"' Maker Flo-hertou. J uly 4th, 1878, Best Dutch Madder IN ccs. per lb. Hanover. May 28rd, 1878. I 4(.)‘VI<]R "rCDNIPi, England Declares War ! CALL AND SEE --AT THE , F‘lcsherton ‘Voollcn )Iills. HNone hut Experinncod Workmen Employed. In every branch of our work. We have always on hand a full and: of ADAMS & MESSENGER, Whips, etc. Stock of a')2tf,Ei'i','r,iit __ 31ft LEW who ma my all the time Cloth Dressing, 860., But that does rot affect the business of Putty, 1N FIRST-CLASS STYLE. "t 21. POR A We ”when of gud and mm Watch. It .kimu of npctiur clock.- from OI up. , 2h and lit-gamut Ring; Sibel- Plated nods. “ohm, Pita; Spatula. Revolvers. te. Don't fail to call and In: .3' stock before uurchuiug elsewhere. tt "sir. ine of Witche- Ind Clock- . Sweaty. IVt%gtmd 'trqrsrU of 5 you: experieuec with I W! G'ersmtn Watchman-r: I feel mptifhnt um " work mttrtnrUd with Im- willbe Aid "an; Lair" G' pr RsZu-k Garland. “'JMH'nglu-r “I. Manner; gaginv'; _ sv, . Blur-L. ri, -h- riv' . U food nnmn, nu] at price. " low a. my other qtstttt mutant in the county. Thou in need of Such Articles would do well to Call and Inspect My Stock. The ttut-tber in tho Agent for wanna: or PAR! WHEN“ ROBERT HePMtLh.Nli, waif ,ror* kiwi kinda“! them waeats, .. Tn: L's-um" ii My vaunted to do I “use " I m. nurh M nn (MIN 'tomprtirut cannon: can Btu-Inn. nrttthtt. 'ttmstdttty h undoubted. thlm.Feb. an 1375. a; ROBERT McFARLANE. Carriages, Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, eta, Selling mire 832. Then Inching have a [mu-nod table And cuvur. with outfit. rd'r'atg III-chino: have utlato yum been put on“. anvil-a and other nmrkm. Thu have Ittt Eastman}: FY"?! yyIitrPltuuy..!tt' hoe" mid u [museums cvvrv warm-ark but“ remit-red th, THAT well known House, tho British Hotel, Upper Town, Dl'llllAJl. I'm-do- wnwind; For mm- mpply to 3. H. HOCrEB, OFFERS the Ftutucn MAm'nmrnm. - CourAxt‘h Family Sewing Machines Dun 11AM Carriage Works. Paints, Durham. F THE VERY BEST MATERIAL. W. F. DOLL. Alexander Robertson, DC RNA“. To Rent ! Glass, D171! " A )1. Manufacturer of, J. ' N. CAMPBELL. Brushes, W. F. “Oil All We" NMIL And! " 1rrprtrt M, AM re Donut. Tyttt Arrive. 2ali _ Fr; um: um!) rutrrd llt (In mum, hm n ‘ i' i {run Irv-made in Hunt i Hunt!“ by any t"" “I l .TIHI an, In my part n‘ (“n In "mm “ Ln i v "In“: to Mr ll, [Men-1;” ut Hun Hug-l vy'm-n! that Mr' fumulu. ‘witi "cr “Mk ill yum nun tum“. Isnt III-HI nut lw an“) I'm-n. hn-u I 1Atl LI_HL lou v: n W," who oust}. makv mam-y fun. i an can demon all run Mme 0.»,th or "III“ Iturar - time. You now not be nuny hum Lame over night. You or." do it 4.. uell " own". Full Ianicuhb. dilutions and " run- ttoe. FF,mtrtamiexpeusive 01:04 fur. Hy. " want vain-Ma work semi In ynur mldnw-Q woo. . owe. nothing to try the Mum». N .. on. who 'nrp'ttts* Hinton-Aka “mt pay. Ad. ulna-“The Pm;-lv‘~ JourntA"PortlGe:,Nairr. ifion T"hvtr Int-or. Rhona taking over 4 Ali who engag- mak :levuu all yr-ur tum Ttrar spare time. y-, home over mgbt. Y own". Full Mum to take nth-cumin"- ti,, ent um Ins-t, “handed! the world. Any one can agrnf. The most e!'hj,"'. fro. to Iulvwihon. rv than“ cvenybody when part: may“; at e: $160112; GOLD: gm: per whale til “we mummy“. , Innkiug aver aw pe utWCt'tut make um time mum-y can um other unkind-n. It June :1, 1677 The heat Cum] Tea: 01 " JCS , UrtrotarrEnrat, and trNDrdltuir.it, ', Cur-III:- _ '"hrrar. Spring and Summer Faint)“. "suUHr (in and Ila-r -.!.95‘ ' "it. “. u. an.“ Ill nu: " to'tlur.. - Me, PhTTO.N urine been roqnorded A by Dore-1! 1mm u- Duuduk IM "unity to can. bumm- u. we a“. Mel, bu new the “vice. of h Hr 4 min . mum-r and I!” and Mantle Mum from 'l‘uroaln. and to. I! ngattrgUd um my run r'ufru tcd u. not mm In dun. Huh Imma- Ind stii.mstzrh, have“ Sula- m Ludhu' am. Due-u PATTERNS FOR SALE Hutu m.DundE£k.l up} G. Ruthufurd‘l 6.. Roddcncc-Oma 'rutte" TAILOR AN D CLOTHIER, mu: nm'.» mama rm" ct nurk f w an than at Inulmm Blur. (‘nmul no! r . ”mum, mean otyrt.rota. otdpeedasytst hrarw mutlr, by the iuhxnfrin‘m. . tr. munch. '"rym ottrt unru- maul-d "wry than tom-IL i-vr IN ' I. III trrur, rum out!" nun-I hm"- "to, Mun-u T'gars . Co, l b't L-rs, u-..... Millinery d; Dressmaking. ........- ., ... , w. .-..~- tut Cuunzu Put Jim-nun: (n Mum-Lieu [mm ta. um hntstiot - and " mlmw‘mution in r,neyic,e'ar,T, Inna Btqrta.t and mm. 1; div Rm. Jain: new}; hub) "qtnat Hunk: sou by Kr. J. ctiii?i?,i/.'ee.-, 1W I mam, m Eula». ot mm tii “MU" ltwmm "'ttrn"tt" Prttrr A age-u. Jul-AR Baptist f2s'.rerrx:ntttiotu on Baptism. a all ma. tiotae to cider on Am Ji, m. CHANGE OF TIME. ttea" ul Exhau- hcn'uu and pr Dundalk, Arril, 1878. Ea' Si: GCG,' Misr. "t.itt?ibt'- jtt%iF.tL 3_s'ttariU_T1k M} 1m. KNGW THREE? It“) Durham. Feb. H. 1ti7Ft I‘HE Early Chunk “awry. brim”. #9393522“ fly-34w “as; human. Cutting dune to Order, J oay _ ROBERTSON. kahuna Ind ad. Iluylioi, D I; “HAM Er., DU BEAM mmiwi-mcr in t, , 10mm m ".1'AIJI'2T " A Wood Turning, mic time In tho work unruly your an. w. have uni-nt- who are 320 per day. Als Wham-gage at. ke hmufy nun At the present mu nu! l-ommle no rm.in at any '"t. - It mm nothing to try tho era.- and " Ottttit (we. Addml ‘IAI.I.r:rr & Co., Portland, Mum. 2fcuf, B DLE, mm Church §5§§§2L$E it; J, potite D Tom-i y NH“- ‘va: “nth: I:I'\""Th WIN”; By m the in if Ieic dn- d In the but medical um: n-rr hay-d. entitled t.r.r'-l 'trdiFaWATiuh' 'ricoruly " scum-mu -u no: in of pl‘ve. " Cor, I‘rcummw Dru-Hue. Iulamy. cud lec endu- n-cold mm 11m that i “at. until! £5 why am. “In... the Canada Presby- reu chm-ea to main vuu"y. the need I “In“ in every town . the In”. cheap- fomly public-non m _ HEM. - TFHYSE‘lF Mm: mud prudent and»; u min can. ate, Co. of (in “Mil!” Fol Snk TttttW' my": . 'irr,.t PB. Multan" ' "ul {an Incl an; has” sl

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