“3‘." M it " tw. W When poople go up rapidly in a baloon or climb very high mountains. they u. troubled by . ringing twin and! a feehng of an: ware in the can npd head, ma by palpitatiort of the has. bleeding at the no“. “a hinting. the!» 11:1ng Ind otUq Aq-rye lymph-lg" gained: by an {moi it. a. a“. “has": an air, 'ht-meant-trss-. lute wouldbo very terrible. and if the ox- poriment could be tried quickly enough the body would burst like an exploding gun, with a balancing s.' _ _ _ In moding' very "1,et,-tttttt it is may to no vary Ir. “A. stop very anon, to give time ihrrom. ofthe ex- panded air to map-{uni .agalir. the nature - 239?, my Mid-Abs "'ultse,ke-ru,itr over the tops of 350 Iqhmt Mini, and newly Alt tug I potion up mt. an airatuaqmitsiuer, and quickly 3nd completely “Inning m sin-mm which duos: nut catch Igninst the air when the bird is passing through it. In its rapid ascents and do- acents, the bird is Min-ml to another dan- ger even greater than the sudden changes of temperature. You all know that air presses in every direction with great force. and that we do not feel it because there in air in all parts of our bodies " well.- out. tido them, and the prawn-o of the nit ht. side onctly balances that of the Air oat. tide., u I. would suddenly his way the .trtitdettirinar-.- " cover- ing 1 you. up ,'i_ir-etrsaquasr, The chic! peculiarity of birds is their power of flight, and, although there are a low birds which do not tty, most of them do, 8nd the various organs oi their codics m tll constructed in such a way as to fit them for a life in tho air. Their bodies In very solid and compact, in order that [lost of their weight shall be near the pluco when the wings are attained. Tho feet, legs. head, and neck are light, mu! so ar- nnged that they may be drawn up close tothobody while the bird is flying. As the neck is long and very fUxiblc, the body does not need to he pliant, as with most creatures having backbones ; but it is important that the wings should have a Aran support, so the bones of the back are united. The body of a bird mast also be well protected from the cold ; tor, as it nr eende Ind descends through the air, it pas- I. through region! of very different tem. 1 "at“, And it mast be provided with n s thick Ind warm covering in order to be c oblo to endure these rudder: changes, and one also which shall he very light out! able p to died the water; for, otherwise, a bird ' would be unable to fly. The feathers of n S; “my" to all these needs, and are so “upon the body that they form a t m surface which does not Mitch C tuaitiFttiiiiarirGiG"it the iii F lumed men of the time Ind â€b03150 Month-hut: were printed. " ' re. -' but" JJttfqliutrs: “ewshed scholu do music aged in reading ours in AM Atiit may»: be 'JS.':',) ,rrtttentyskftiPii)iu, ii In rm Parlitimenrimttetetr years ago, on. of our morning papers contained a smut to the efteet that the Hon. Mr. Hanan said ho had no doubt that Mr. Mor. ris was tight (right), a single lc Her proving My Watery hothto the speaker and; to the very highly respected gentleman to whom he reterred.-Nea, Dominion Monthly. 1 Birds in the Air and the Air in Birds. Another historical emtnm was an in, tentional one made by a printer's widow in Germany, at whose house a new edition of tho Bible w" being printed. At night aha stofe into the ottiee and altered the passage-Genesis m., 16-which makes Ev. Iuhject to Adam, by taking out the two first letters ot the ward Herr, used in (lemon, and substituting in their place Na. The page†thus improved read: "and he shall be thy fool," instead of "and he slull be thy lord," as it simuld have "been. It 1: said that this woman was punished by decapitation. Perhaps the most striking error of all in any edition of the Bible was the omission. of the negation human-unlit.“ in one in, stance. This edition was very effectively summon} , Many "tthtiudieroo, and magnifying We made In PM: new“, rather unfortunately for him-elf, corrected his own proofs, with such a ueult 4hat he declared that either the devil presided over typography or that there was diabolical maliee on the part of the printers. Pet: l hape the most astonishing example of bad proof reading was the edition of the vul- gate edited by Pope Sestas Y. His Molt new carefully supervised every sheet of this wonderful edition before it was sent to the prose, and to Mamp it with his nuthor- ity fulnu'uated I bull that any printer who, in reprinting the work, should make any alteration in the work should he excom- municated. This was printed as a preface to the Brst volume of the work. Isaac Disraeli. in his "Curiotritie. of Litirature," says, in referring to this eireamstanoe,that “To the amazement of the world, the work remained without a rival-it literally "and with errata. A multitude of wrap: were printed to paste :over the or- roneous passages in order to give the true text. Tho book makes a whimsical ap- pearance with these patches , and the her. I eticl exalted in this demonstration of l papal infallibility t The copies were cul- led in, and violent attempts made to nup- I press it; a few still remain for the ruptures , of the Bible collectors. Not long ago the i Bible of Sixtua V. fetched above sixty guin- t .atr--not too much for a more book of q blunders." tho WW? of and; pt Cambridge, WORM: to"iorreet in; ted of We orieir M1 hum Putin, of map, fut? â€has, of Paris, used to expo“ publicly tlt"esutheirboouoturirstt rev-a! to In, who would discover morn in them. But it in very uldom, if ever, that a work is issued from the you Manly typo- gnphically perfect. In this uspoet the Word edition of the Bible is said to he} the most successful work published. f . "tsit-bye) V U . . - Blunders? In the only dayl of printing, H proof. Megs, wore 'miattatudbilaiiint it was â€on 7,777 -- "V '" -Ne'WeN.q.. um navy-(II WUU 'yu9r"reetty ysrds' "tter-er. 4r- ch.‘ 'ror%w, “Mao! Wilton, in "BWratrTaP .. Lg..- L' m“ "e-Ne tttsy always got iathii 1ts+ttomsd " rite view, “my: mrirrx "thst in?" that their my piclorial vdno is io “HIM: and browse-t the tropic-l Must-5.11.4-1), _ _ -- -- T l __ " ""-.r". - Minnie! titttrrusr, '1').ng The palm-tree is the making of the tropics, the ultimate source of all that mis. conception which your traveller has re- ligiously set himself to demolish. Take a hideous sandy plain with a couple ot huts and some Amb or negro children} tind then stick a palm-{gag in. the egroguul, and there â€than“, ttrttgrirrli,te ( A negro boy was driving a mule in Ja. maiea, when the animal suddenly stopped and refused to Image. "Won't go, eh '."' said the boy. “Feel grand, do you , I s'pose you forget your {Adder mu,' Topic: Geological discussion. Prinei. pal ---"Wics it colder or warmer a hundred years Ago than at present W' Pupil (hon- 1cstly)-"I really don't recollect, sir." A little Irish boy tell down and bit his tongue. IIe arose from the ground, cry- ing and sobbing, and said to his brother , “Oh! h'tepheri,ld'yo think will I ever spake , agin ?" The wise man smileth over a it [the fool walketh off on his ear nbou [ "Brilliant and impulsive people an exchange, “have black eyes." awe people are only too apt to gel eyes. y A motion has been adopted in the Estab. lishm] Presbytery of Edinburgh enjoining all ministers and kirk.stessions within the bounds to give strict obedience to the As. sembly's injunction of discouraging the use of churches for social entertainments and other secular nun-mum Among the intercolonml congresses at Paris one on Alcoholism opened on the 13th ult. The subjects to be discussed in. dudodthe tstreet of drunkenness on the physical and moral condition of the popu- lation, and tho legislative and fiscal means of preventing or l'vpreqsing it. _ l Sir Moses Maxim. “a other Jewish philanthropists have sent an agent to pal. catiue to purchase land for tho resettle- ment of poor members of the Hebrew race. They intend, apparently, as n first step to. wurds the reviving in Palestine the aneieut: power and giory of Judaism. i , cut is compiwséd of myriuds of very nmall creatures, which were once alive. So sp1all were they that 10,000 "them placed in row wank! nut make up an ineti in length. Lord Colin Campbell, a son of the Duke of Argyle, has been elected by a large mn- jority to represent Argyloshira in the Hausa of Commons, the seu,hrwiztg been I ucnbd by his brother; "the Marquii i) Lorne. In the “0th ofa home recently shot by Mr. Wright, of Waterloo, were found 72 shingle nails and about n. pound of gravel stones. The paints of the nails “(in)“ afrgandFha tho appearance of baring been swallowed years ago, being Wul'u very smooth. l oil. He was so terribly burnt thin he died the following morning. A young lad named Arthur Thomson, Winglmm, aged 16, set fire to a tin of coal oil on the 16th ult, while playing with it. Tue tin contained about three gallons of Sixteen thousand dollars have already been subscribed toward the proposed new Young Men's Christian Association build. ing in the city of Quebec. Twenty-eight or thirty thousand dollars in all will be re- quired. The sale of lots this year at the Thousand Island Park has been lively, Lots the lune Iize as those which sold at mm: Mo to .8100 in 1875 went at $275 this year. of churches for social entertainments other secular purposes. It is said more are so many " and " Dominion notes in that a new issue will be 110095 and plates are in preparation. Many of the cheese fgctorics in the neighbcrhood of Blythe which had been discontinued are again in operation. Price Brothers, of Montreal, and George Hood, of Guelph, will ship 200 Canadian cattle for Glasgow on the 14th inst. motion has been adopted with an arrangement i,r "wui"iL- air within them can 0 . . . . panda and thus 'ate', 1ittlf2,trtirur,,i just equal to that outside, so that they can tuuttad m game MF' may " h'cy wish, without feeling the lea st incon- MISCELLANEOUS. CANADIAN ITEMS _ "I- B'-'"""""" _."...- "noun onrmtmm. “can: Cl, vl'l7t;lt,).'trig.1 $33-“w%»giwe~m yurds' diistamrs.- . tu _ so on m e . pull a no _ J F h write f to . ' " "Bahama! 'ce.u',g?c,,1P,t2e' p n ' - *7 7,.-.. smiloth over a. joke. but l 'i' tion notes in circulation will be necessary. Dies eyes." Impul- t to get black many counterfeit about it, tt jack- -diriiiihiiiiir7uiaii/Es TORONTO ," my: l iifigi- -cT.16iirda' 2:34;: t1TTT, Custom Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing done in the best possible manner, as usual. Also alarga stock ofCanadian,Twecds, Fine Tweeda, Fuloloths, Flannel; {and Shirtings, which we will dispoae of very cheap for cub or trade. We pay the highest price in Cash or Goode for good Wool. " it is an admitted {Act Mat they do the me nunscrmerxs agent for the 5an of the cahhmted MOWER manufactun TORONTO BEAVER & MOWER COMPANY. ALSO Note and Book Accounts collected on reasonable terms. OFFICE t At Kiernan a; Hughson’s Store, Lower Durham, April 4, 1878. DURHAM. The Subscriber is aggl‘phfoyjhe sale of Mowers, Reapers, AGRICULTURAL Ladle-3' mts and Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Nil-hens, Laces, Silks. limit]... Fringes, Dress Buttons. Dress mu] Mantle Trimmings, Paratrohs, Glu Etulrrrridevy, Corsvts, Berlin Woolrt, Ihrllars, Into, Frillinga, Shaw Flak. Dress “nulls, Emlmsswl Print: Fancy Prints, Snow Flake Ulster Cloths, Murillo Hollis, White Dress Muslim, Men's White Shirts. All-M's Fancy Shirts, Oxford Shirt. ings. Tweed Suitings, 1vhitehureycottai,' Machine Needles all Makes. Drama“: and Mun-- Hanover, May 28rd, 1878, -"'-----.- >.‘Ah T . __ 1878. -. on hand, tor which nu reasonable offer will be refused, 35 cts., which for quality and pr: SITDI 1VrcIt I )ICIESS G ()OIJS In order to reduce their stock, will sell a large lot at the above mentioned Good: " cost, for cash. A lot of As they have jot openm Hastie England Declares War ! Bargains ! Bargains! BARGAINS! Putty, Brushes, dx., &c. ALL GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH! Hardware, Oils, tr. ddolt MOWAT’S Hardware Store, Getthe Best Value for Your Money, M’YGU WANT To BUY CHEAP; 9141376353; r".:),,, A May, 9111, 1878, READY MADE CLOTHING, Millinery & Fancy Dry Goods ADAMS & MESSENGER TADMrrcTe 'F()WN, nFWo respectfully invite the public th os" Bud judge for MILLINERY! us not anally earned in then times, but It can bemndo in three months by my on. _of eight-r sex, In any IN DRY GOODS. . JOHNSTON, Jr ers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlaw d; Stewart's Improved Gang Ploughs,. a Bat that does rot "ect the business of Now is , out a well assurtcd and fresh stuck . DAVIDSON' Agent " the sale of all kinds of all Makes. Dressés and Mantles to Order. rmhlc ofrcr will be refused. We also offer a mu); good Tea " which for quality and pnco cannot be beat. is the time to make your purchases It “SUP" Att HASTIE & G/RANT IMPLEMEN TS, WOOL trade of the Counties of Grey Bnd N ucc J Inn. 21, 1877. "In: Own-r FIR! humane: and Horn l Lou Acme: in the Tomlin". The but Complain in the Province upm- tented. Farm and Village Lot: Irot (Sale. â€Budge" done strictly prince. V i Haida} and Midn- ' _ Commiuioncr in the Queen's Bench, Conveyaneer, ac Tax Quail-r m,ririii'L,",. “4 “- J O S. McARDLE FOR CANADIAN TWEEDS, dm. Paints, ADAMS * MESSENGER. BOPEVILLE; .Co. MOWER manufactured by the V1“. " A 1"! Grant, DURVHARI, Glass, of the very latest “yin m R. & A. DAVIDSON. themselvel‘h Laces, :Silkn, Gnloom, t, of} Grey. _-_- Mm?.--- Gloves, 8y ~21 made Agent for the Weston: Altman Com] A good "trortateat of Randy . _..v gunman, ttOtt per lb, or 6 lbs for 02.25. NW Jam, extra value,...... (do per lb, or 6 lbs for F2.00. . Do. do., thte ihmmmd,... 60e per lb, or 6 lbs for 02.25. Chi-tic â€It. “In. Mb duty- on hand. fro-h. which he VII-nah but and fees from durum, And would prio- for Call: You. Emu Tea, good. ..----, “- --- " i--------, - - -- - . -'T---==t-urc=c- The undemgned be: secured another choice lot of those tine Gvorst um which he is pleased to ttnd In. given so much "tutactiun to the public, WA W - - N Dry Goods, dec â€m Fob. " 187., Agent for the Superiur liromignst Seqder and Drill, Cash for Sheepskins and Hides Particular attention paid to lim'eatroughing. CJIII‘JAI’ V The lubucriber begs to inform the public that he has a large Stock WAlth, which will behold STOVES AND TIN WARE! Durham, February 14th 1878, Wool Carding attended to at 1878. SPRING. 1878. Durum, Feb. Mth, 1878. Mixed Paints, Ready for use, in small tins, all colours. GRASS SCYTHES, BAKES, SKATES. GRAIN SCYTHES, FORKS, HOE! BRUSH SCYTHES, BI’ADES Barn Door Human, all kimU, only 5 cent- per lb, N ow on hand a full Assortment of _'agasati_irapan DURHAM. GEORGE RUSSELL, YOUNG. mags}; DURHAM, June P2thi878. White Lad, in and] than. Hashim picked Ind (to. how haiku mill, which he in rolling " very low pins. Suitable for the tlemon, SELL CHEAP, Car Load, 200 Kegs, P PO]: CASII 0R TRADE Cook. Parlor and Box Stoves. Shortest Notice. . H. HUNTER CUT NAILS, all sizes, -- F. - u. thte iuvoumd, got, per lb, I. . --. u A good he", qultcd 0remoat for W, m. on hand I Large Stock of least Seeder and Drill. Also th, best Sulky rake. in the Dommiun. choice lot of theme fine "vumsd uncultured Japan Teal SO much utilfmcu'on a. a)... ....|.I;- . . _ _ algae Clothing from $10 a suit A all from I" old friends touched I: [inching this Ink JOHN CAMERON. '. Fire riIhBhnulow-smy . my. mm“. 8lie per lb, or 5 IN for 01.50. J. ll. HUNTER. BAKES, SKATES. FORKS, HOES, SI'ADES and SKOVELS. Load, beat qunlity, in 25 ll: key. . McKE CHN IE Mer than at the following lou TEAS, the Galloway Hulk; Rake Teas I GEORGE RUSSELL. " 7 -eei9Ft "P"" If", 3. Also a line lot on of STUVES and TIN '. A. HARRIS. r: " )--the rl HOST APPROVED KINDS. Can land upon being "Mod by leaving And with the Gram“ Prompmudo Having lately made Is not fitted up in the very beat "ru, and or Job Department, Best Style of the Art, 'ormrr- EN“ Facilitie- “(i l'ny 1:... Job Work “Kauai: (Wm in the T. Normandy Good Family "1 "tatvrt;w" The Luce and npid), And cont-inn A vast “an“ of READING Best Medium, Prastms, armmdy. Eminent. P: Gunny. Ichncthon u ships makes it ox lee-POSTAGE FREE' OF THE LATEST "Grey Review" trpr, parties 'rice 61.2s per Annuni, It NVC " e Ii Ill their orig", should 'sul been um mum; nu, In uct 'OWmshipu U COLI'MX a. County of G All who wnm in the, very paid in lawman, HARKET latiues of a. morn tETOR. scribe for of Glenda PRINTING for Advertising AND it on. of the . Proton Newspaper "Ad other foe doing I" View; REPORTS. PAPER EDITORIALs imp. the r, BO...“ ' httemmia, Town innit-3's Hotvi, I“: 6hes t .In. Int: M BEST Beautiful Ir') nu n I Nothing LIKE; s) B1†I) mt bi W “a 0n d Kerwin“ l)' A!†At the on; Durham, "THE B BUSINESS DI pk Do yt. a at soars AND TE 1 u"s or) no. CASH In- --.. .938 a: Tl LEG! done ad do: