West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 26 Sep 1878, p. 2

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wl t 6 l" vacuitmously earried in 1 pogse to wiltl tie Vicoâ€"Claneetior moallo some execilent tbuzgostions on the fraportance of Young Men‘s Christian Assceiations, and the duty and modes of sustaining them. Everybedy was pleased with the Iocture, and wo hoje t wil nof DEURS Tast tin.o our citizens wil i.':w the ploasuse of hoaringViceâ€"Chaucollox h i _s the 1C6taY& on * Yon Changlior Flske o V D. Creighton, M.P.P. and aftor the usoul pr intfroduced the 11. ;. who kOP! the Â¥apt stien for an lour and a half i practiei1 lAMctures was «t exhil Sixioni rproceeded |to the Scienes of ‘utts and seiom â€"The British Association ment of seionce, held its last month at Dublin. h Spotuswoodâ€" opened the & very learned addrese, in v to the rapid advance of sc at the prosent day, instar iuvention by Projossor Jar a macuine which would most intrieste calenlations fog a haudie.| Mr .Sn famy for ever. When those c tions are removed, a wide door ened for missionary effort, wl hope, will be taken advantage Evangelical ehurches. agaminst the swind if he opened Lis Z forth his wile and with their sisters . power of the goapei, are tast dr elose, â€"At a lazgo mceting of lea easte nrtive genutiemen hbeld at C: speaker said that the whole syste was now divoreed from moral frons and thet he was willing to stu hus hecuditas y privideces im order t intolerable f power of the the da and w new Parlin until com» to take the eariic t ¢ eonstitutional effect people as recorded ( ean, of course, be d. watil the result of t aud British Columla IDOH nevor or pronuibat for bringia the ingeni, tried, with â€"*With the further and industry in Canad morally certata that th of the conuntry will ass the trinmm»h of the r: whort lived. Meanwl!: advoeates of restrietiv side of the border to tr the trme eclonr. ~They themselves into the l vYorrirr oryyrrarrvaurrryyerryryy «â€"The Eurydice, which was last year rup into by the Thundererand sunk off the Goodwin Sands off the coast of Englaud has been raised and towed into the doeks. The upper partsof the vessel was entit ‘ly destroyed by the storms and the lmil is \'ory.mnc.’x injfured, The skeletons of sevâ€" eral bodies wore found in the cabins. ver orse is t Durham, September 28, 1878. Archibaid Thom, â€" â€" + _ Hnaxwell. Thos Nichel, °. > > Priceviile. ©.B. Middleton, _ + â€" . Agents for the Groy Review. RS%, A0G L1 y lf en se > 99 N Te dn sn M ti da e wholo system of caste from moral consideraâ€" Regard to Newspaâ€" la rt j cae Archhishnpof Conterbaurgis an tinâ€" | | dineliing fotal abstihento mangpand mukes A‘\;',f wous speechas incdennhontion~of inâ€" | leruperance. | One‘of histnost reeont utterâ€" ; | tiGas &st * Thera is ond deg#idfal ovil; overâ€" |nprealioqg the whole land, (which makes i havoe of our workiogman, the ovil of, in :' tomperance. â€" Uulessâ€"you make distinet and positive efforts against it you will be ‘ neglecting an evil which is eat‘ng . out the very heart of society, ‘destroying .domestic ‘life among our working classes and perhaps doing greator mjury than any othor, causé + hist could be numed iw this age," ... ** o NU Dunda‘k it to iie apathy or hostility. _ It was while the negotiat ided that th> Earl of Der 1 of Carnarvon assured a de lisa inanulucturer d disallow anvy C ;) being shortly handed fipr to a Protectionâ€" | °¥Cr muCfl ‘| ist Go \‘Q@ : M‘)f" ast, uced t the | years al n \ 3 B re | _ The London. Tirie snyt} a}"ei n afraid the sigrifi¢anee of this eleatora ltlxe selves turmcannot W’ a, The | the vietory of infh Conservatives is the Change, i vietory of protection over free tradeâ€"no | Governmen new thing. We unfortunately find our | Cotamoditie colonies rejecting sound, economical docâ€"| MCN; the oy tring ; and going.back to fallacious roason. | to xéformers Iix:,v: and shortâ€"sighted projects which the | indelinabie ,:iu!a}!igencq and. experiencs of the Mother‘ jndéfutable | Country have Tong ago rgjected. Sir John?t tributed thei | A. Macdonaldâ€"andâ€"his party "have their| Wo ~prosent | way in Cangda ; they] may perhaps goâ€"as) that the mos dar towards the protection of native indus.| defent bf:#heo iry as Mr. Berry‘s, Admiuistration in Vieâ€"| w28 the: ind toria has done, but they . cun hardly go | ranks. any further. ‘The protectionist victory in ’ Out of a to Canads, bowever, carries. with it an uuausâ€" | will be obser ual sense of disappointment, ani opeus uft & r were Â¥ecords rauge of serious apprehensions. Canada,not | third who co many years ago, showol mach prom se of | eveising their becoming a thoroughly freeâ€"truling e mulr;,'JI discharging a establishing . ber «prosperity on that S6ld | theircorntrv I to‘i MLa 3y What the English Papers Timc MJuaiy 4 ; 4s,0; gold nmedal 120 midlalay T14 [d â€"that the Miuistryi anadian legislation | erential duties on | toction ms of a ONTARIO ARCHIVES Lomse teaction,eyon ay subside in time, y be seaitered by ex. ad it many obstrelos y43; silter honorkble wuve 4 P amaciin of homor; diplotnas U d m was unâ€" y and the utation of 14 61 , VOn of the MOAROPU..,..2.20.2...+ OIPX‘B) Protom biil.lstiiny} St. Vineentessyz.... Artomesia... Colllugwood. Euplhrisia... Melanethon.......... Sen Majority for Totals Eloction Returns for Hast we have not broken the is but what the unprof who kept his talent hid was sent to outer darlk dn en eveising their franchise and fii discharging a plain duty which theircorntry, we have good ron bag,that ninb tenths of this wan sedly beloug to the Liboral 4 fisures are as followa@L. Out of a total of 3533 will be observed that on were recorded, and" that third who convenientl© indefinable something expected from the indefutable Nabbuial Policy, have all con. tribated their quota. â€" But‘the figures which wo. prosent» to â€"day eonelusively ~show that the most important factor in the lite defent of the Libéral party‘ in South Grey was tho, indifference existing in its own \hes change, with the hope that change -;? Goyvernment might enhance the prices of commodities, and the wages of working. men; the over confidence which isinherent to reformers when i2 office s and further theâ€" h TwX or pUrHar. . of votes. naxpaenzt vacsson 8595 174 901 6 2101 CIPPORD. rey 110 95 118 167 151 171 () unprofitable sery LANDL LANDEE 1082 LAN 210 tm A 2G 84 87 97 085 votes on the ro t only About two t1 that of the remai itly refrained ffom 1 in tie T1 4) 10 and friled $PR20UL 804 JACKSON 78 1048 YOTES I JACK3S ‘47 JACK 207 186 109 198 157 223 11063 B1 JAC 40 54 53 on the roll it ut two thirds M 40 40 remaining er porfe the various | _ It is well to hear occasionally what other NPOT Cy owe to 1o;f consequi@nces, .t severs an ’ of . sympathy which, binds (} Country to the of sorhg." ... The Now York Times enys :â€" #‘is fiscal question miny grow cons colosely related to Canada‘s fut natural outcome of a Zollverin «h annesation. ~And the askorti dependence in rid mantters may boctuogiclinle io se perstion. I: 6 m 14001, NOWever, has, cortai peots which proseage scxions itom its infuney progended to be the superâ€" loyal party of tie Doinalon, we have on mapre vccasions then one showed the hollowâ€" neéss of such pretensions when their loyaity and their interests wore in any way antoâ€" gonosfic to euch other. This has neverbeen more cleaily shown than.dnrine Wali,‘ ~â€"â€"11010 1 07 0 soction campaig [ew York Bullet iden iaMs, CUTIOQ The in exâ€" nfall "¢ his party is resto against the Uni aside as one of t Janadian Consorvative party has infaney progended to be the superâ€" _ "The meaning of protection is retaliation upon this country tion against the products of Cana They cannot see why they should gates to a people who deeline t the principles of reciprocy. ‘Tha adian‘ people have made a nis | people think of us. If the truth is told we il1 certainly be always the better of such onfidence. The citizons of the ‘flrfid States lmvew meobse of € ogâ€" peets of Canfifdh‘%s misuf yv'fl)': few extracts from the Amerlcan ,impers on' the result of the regent elsction :+ "The downfull of the Mackenzio Adminâ€" istration in Canada and the roturn of 8ir John‘s party to power, moeans, protection to Canadian industries,‘ they sav. â€" By this it is understood that the Maedonald party favour a high taviif, which shall be rebaliaâ€" ‘ tory against the United States in order to fdrce our Government into as Feciprocity ‘trcnlty. This, it seemed to us, is tuinwise on , the â€"part otf the Cananians=â€"~Phore is in this Ir corntry a growing sentiment in favour of | % Custorns Union with Canada which will| be sorionsly ehocked by * retalinti .n,'m-nn_\" other repressive retion by tho Canadians. â€"Oswego Palladium., ‘ THE AMEKRICAN PHESS ON 1ME n may grow considerations o Canada‘s future, P ‘o of a Eollverin would be And the askortion of in« iX matters may prove to ) stperation. Iudeed the 1 m»~=â€"~dlBCFLION ing Pc mge in Cuum‘ai::u;finti- s cortaia cxtgrn.tfl,*'n'fi; scrious and farâ€"reachâ€" Tt severs another link tored to p ut Ca uis has never been n. during the late this euestion the BAYs :â€""Out | of t1 the . Mother U Wi m l .':a\'udehez'lotl\cllih!ruu, ’ husbands wives,butnot The Itulicé. are outs, 7 to many & cold ghneer testimony 4 thore is t!; fralityâ€"and folly with w ly charged. It renews 0: to see its nobility once inueed ugz the scen NRut os cnin on â€"Carried 1t i ho M lanethon meblat A.e!Town! H:U, on M daf, the 9th day of "Soptomber, 1878, » auant to adjonrument:; . Members.prose Robert, MaGlhiee.â€"Esa.:AMReeva + 2 will not long harmonize with the colonial relation. Mr Goodwin Smith, on avowed Separationist and a member of the Cobdon (Fre®Fr@0®,Club, has indentificd himself with the protectidyt ts simply begause their r&;;:ic leods to prt alty. Bup la‘uux'o%: valize party of Lho_“i)nmiuin 1 has muel b“ learp, and still trore to ualearn, before it can solve neucisMr‘Y; the mora remote problems of the pu\‘icy to whicindtis com-i milted." ut )sta i‘rotectiomists cud theirs M wilt ayeur 18 SUFVIve +f Molan:thon â€" Council. MeFTTH N l 4 #â€"â€"innts. irvive sre grandaand mphis Aralenche, d« \ misery : says ;...++p ldren,and children p wbnolone wife a h ++ th in that seeti Hewitt, sce his Conmmeil e 2ud Tuesd 1 by W 1 MMLâ€"â€"It is tlre t‘ras goid from the drass, night an anguish as ities mow endire the rc 10â€" Mqaast of it , hadi s‘..lu_x'cd'm.‘ a "m'-ihi;?f&: aj tt t TT day it to supplement rmed gratuit. wilt ndoed by M Adjourn, to in October Cess1or APTiC the â€" nutionai ict No. 14y 8, 0.5., Meâ€" 1| sprang from the raft an the side, but the etroan they were drivan agains they clung. With cous aud after some thme, m a rope was gok.to ther rosened from their P While boing dragged ont agninst some of the de down dam and reevive eat, but, pothing ,dunger »â€"»Mercury, tha nds fis wfifio Seand: did tlant of the g;;fls. in 1#74, and 4 M“'!s xw-!oaq‘,“m ‘\hra done it: Nothins of. the kisd Â¥s to be dr The eountry reqitives pr&u-cfi m, #) matkétumut becthad, manufectores be sene~mage domw yourg men mt kept at home, our wkilled workmen w in mmmeican comrnens ts mes on th copsiderable difieulty, | b time, as it was now dark, | to them and tuey were | T heir | perilous nilunfidu.it‘ ged out James whs driven ] w the delris of the broken | b reevived a protty sevcrel n dangerous is auticipated. | P aft and tried to m tream being too gainst a stum»p to Nationai Pobcy. > ApJ f banboâ€"® C gey were| "‘°000 Salu qilunfid..i tape of the K3A Wuas konety. du st native ho was vory succe nettol ahave ail « zaboth Bradhord, an cearcer was brought to a clos in Enzland a fow days ago ¢ age, formerly the widow .« Saim, of Prassia, and a pro l:mw of Gormany. S\ of Ameriea, ber maiden nam« LoCleroq, and she first gained ing Abe war as an eques trisn a cineus. She met Princs t by pofthe bridge, qpreci ocenpants to the 1 tance of fourtoen tect Call wore killed in all, in addition to D Nt e H DMABVSLLANREQpq U mas Catholies d |~ his wife, x ri e beld ai d p tiat en fect, J â€" led instanc! to having iously injare At @nmnert haee on 5y )3 €f n B83 un $60 , it Class No. 11 M be Lold Dund DUNDALE Cl t ( aca on t Py

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