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Grey Review, 2 Jan 1879, p. 3

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nty Council. D) B +D ast Session anmic@l Y the wameal Ad y0 between Sulli ines, &c r1d e Court House n. 6, 1979, ag half a.m. toâ€"morrow eaday, 10 a.z . verul c address the ”"q- ot imess the Prinâ€" rein the sympaâ€" lfl“ct).n caused Armed i and sonded by Mr. wns prescuted ed by from Cha iydenhaay Narden in “Uflllllnicg. Villiscroft in he horses on T were ration coaamitte® it uded by Myp mitteg com. m, Meaford to Educaâ€" are by the ed by R. J. five be balâ€" Narden‘s ad. arden in the e Kelly ‘,r re Messre Bnmh.n' mnuigiâ€" mm no uid i +â€" ormanby of welâ€" pablished proper harles socia rew of the f the TD w w County Treasurer being allowed to address the Council, said that he had given n statement to Mr. Maclaee, and that stateâ€" ment was correct so far as it went. Bat there wors recoipts for nonâ€"resident land inunds which were oct fally ircinded in it. ‘Those came in from dey to day, and as a&lvug p+ 4 Mr. MacRae did not intend to go into personalities on this matter. It was not x mauiter of personal but of public interest, He would use no personalities in this Council. He wanted to show exactly how they want his poor township to bear the burdens of other and richer ones. The motion carried. Mr. MacRae then asked the County ‘Treasurer through the Warden, if ho had got such a statement made out. He had the statement with him. Mr. Myles was not frightened by the statemment of the Reeve of Glenelg. He J1ad uo doubt the matter would all age arâ€" rauged by the time the money wasneeded which was not the 31st Decamber, but the 1st February. He attacked Mz. Macâ€" Rae pretty strongly fur brining this matter forward. ' NMr. MacRao said his statement bad these credits. Mr. Macline, speuking to the motion, waid that "several members Lad spekon t> me on the subject of the Fizances of the County, and thus Session also several memâ€" bers hare urged me to make this motion. Last night a gentleman said be would back me in my statement. I will not proceed till he takes his seat. (The Reeve of Arteâ€" mmesia came forward and sat «own.) The County Treasurar fornished me wi‘h a «tatement which I will read. ‘This a matâ€" ger which should have been settled beforo now, and I have urged it before&lre Council. It should be setiled by the 31s% December. Whe Auditor‘s report had never been placed before us at the June Sessions, and thereâ€" fore we are in the durk till the December‘ Seasions. In reference to this matter, as see the County Treasurer here, I ask him ; Mr. Sing stated he would support Mr. MacRae‘s motion,as there was a great deal of money due by the County, and it must be paid on 31st December, 1878. Mr, Rorke aiso had no elbjection to the motion, but thought that the statement should also include the credits to the several Townships on account of the gonâ€" resident Land Fund. Mr. Cameron aaid the motion was out of order, as it asked for astatament Mr. Macâ€" Lae already held. Mr. Macliae stated that the statement he had was his own private property but he weuld read it if the Council wished. in the motion to de se, or eertity that the statement I hold in my hand is comrest." Move] by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Komig, That the Clerk is Lere by instructed not to incugs any expeuse for printing the Mirates of the Council. Moved by Mr. MceGirr, seconded by Mr. Meintyre, That Report No. 2 of Road and Buidge Committee be reccived adoptâ€"« and engrussed in the Minutes. Dr. Daruliart, as Chairman of the Printâ€" ing Committee, presented leport No. 1 ot the same, which was ordered to be adoptâ€" ad and engroswed in the Minutes. Moved by Mr. Maclise, seconded by Mr. Laidlaw, Tuat the County Treasurer be reâ€" quested to furnish a statement to this t> the Mr. Rorkes presented Report No. 2 of Finance Committee, which was ordered to be adopted and engrossed in the Minutes. Chair. Mr. Cameron presented Report No Road and Bridge Committee. Macltae, McCormick, Knot, Donnelly, Howey,Cameron, Brown, Flzirty, McGhee, Hewitt, MeEdwards, Konig, Wogner, Mcâ€" Cirr, Melntyre, Stephena«, Barnhart, Midâ€" dleten, Page, Penner, Follis, Lang, Gazdâ€" ner, 21. P Moved in amendment by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. N. Read, That Report No. 1 of Road and Bridge Committeo be not now adopted, but that Report be reforred buck to the Committse with instructions &0 strike out clause 16 of said report. The Yeas and Nays being called for on the amount were as follows : Yeasâ€"Elliott, Myles,Knott, Sing, Read, 5. _ Naysâ€"Christoe, McNicol, Laidlaw, Rorke, White, Kerr, McKechnie, Lyon, Maclae, McCormick, Knost, Donnellv. Council went into Committee of the whele on the Report, Mr. Stephens in the Chair. Moved by Mr. MeNicol, seeonded by Mr, Laidlaw, That Report No. 1 of Road and Bridge Committee as amended in Comâ€" miltee of the Whole be adopted and enâ€" grossed in the Minutes, Mr. Cameron, as Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee presented his report No. 1 of the same. Moved by Mr. Kuott, seconded by Mr. Lang, That the address by the Spesial Committee to the Governorâ€"General be adopted and that the Warden and Clork be requested to sign the same, affic the Counâ€" ty seal and forward it to its destination. in the hands of the Clerk, and one in the hands of the Treasurer, and one to remain in the hands of the Warden and bis susâ€" wessors in office. «+<eupancy, Moved by Mr. Mckeekhnie, #econdled by Mr. Laidlaw, That the Clerk be instructed Â¥o get three copies ofthe minutes of this Council bound in book form from the year 1872 to 1878 inclusive, one eopy to remain unc Byâ€"law regqulating the licenging of Hawkers, Peddlers. &e. ‘Mr. McKechnie, as Chairman of special Committee, to draft slcrers to His Exâ€" celleuey the Governerâ€"General, présebted his report of the same. Moved by Mr. Middlcton, sceonded by Mr. White, That the Reevs of Glene!lg and Durkam be instructel to have the safe now, in building cceupied until recontly by the Registry Office for Gouth Grey reâ€" moved therefrom and placed in the new Regiâ€"try Office if roquired by the Registrar, ard to act on the advice of the County Selicitor in ¢rrnting ¢ompeneation for said | e came in from dey to day, and as cams in he entered them«@n his books. Friday, 2 p.m. The Council resumed, the Warden in the notice that he would toâ€"mo ow intreduce uns ive 3 icst convemence unicipalifios 2 otf Mr. Read as Chairman of the Special Committee appointed to consider the appliâ€" cation of C. C. Pearce, License Inspector of North Grey, presented report recomâ€" mending that the Inspector be paid one halt the amount of fires paid in to the County Treasurer. Mr. Stephens, Chairman of the Commitâ€" tee on Education, read Report No. 1 of the same, which was ordered to ls adopted and engrossed in the Minutes. The Warden read statement by County Treasurer relative to the indebtedmess of the _ different _ Municipalities. _ Total amount due by all the municipalities, $91,â€" 639.27. The Council went into Committee of the Whole on Byâ€"Law No. 257, but after some time spent in Committee the Counâ€" cil rose. On motion made the Byâ€"law was ordered ¢o stand over till the January Session. Moved by Mr, Myles, seconded by Mr. Kert, That a metion passed by this Counâ€" exl at the June Session instructing the Treasurer to hamd ower to the different L‘cense Inspectors monies seceived by him on account of fines inflicted by the Temâ€" perance Act of 1864 be restinded and is hereby rescinded. 1 Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. ‘ Read, That the motion be referred to the Road and Bridge Committce to examine | and report, j Mr. Cameron urged that it was out of }nn!cr, as they had no targible proof thai | the bridge was completed according to gonâ€" tract. The Council bad a right to have some documents from the County of Bruce before it. The motion was camied. Moved by Mr. MceKechnie, sccorded by Mr Middleton, That the Council go into Committee of the Whcle on Byâ€"Law No. [ 267. Council went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Middleton in the Chair. On elause 1 in reference to License to Hawkers, it was proposed by Mr. Melutyre to make license $100 instead of §50. Some of the Council even went as far as $200. The remarks were principally addressed against shoddy peddlars. Mr. Melntyre related how he had been taken in to the extent of $25 by one of these peddlers to the great amusement of the Council. Mr. MacRae was opposed to increasing the license as ho believed in acting according: to prineiple. When he went into a store he bought to please himself and not to w'plc\se the #eler. He did not believe in } protection. The buyer ought to be able to jadge for himeelf. _ Mr. Stephens did not think protectian or free trade had anything to do with this matter. Mr. Clelland was apposed to the high rawe of $50, and he also wished to exempt ratepayers of the Courty who might engage in peddling from paying license. After a long time spent in discussion, it was moved that the Committee rise and ask lsmve to sit agrin,. The Committee rose and reported ard the Council adjoumed to toâ€"morrow at 8 v‘clock. Saturday, 8 a. m. The Council resumed, the Warden in the Chair. _ Mr. Penner stated that he had been apâ€" pointed one of a committee to let and supcrintend the construction of 2 bridge on the River Sauble between the Counties of Grey and Bruee, and a sum of $100 was voted for this purpose. The bridge was let for $370,but he would not sign an ngreeâ€" ment for more than $100. ‘The half of the cost of construction was $185, but he reâ€" fased to give an order for more than $100.. However the bridge was built. He moved, s:conded by Mr. Myles, That this Council grant the sum of $85 to pay the balance of the one half of the construction of the Moved by Mr. MacRae was glad he had asked the questions as the explanation of the Treaâ€" surer was quite satisfactory. It was better to have these matters ecleared up at once. He respected Mr. Parker as a gentleman, but he had brough these watters up as a public duty. The matter then dropped. Mr. McKeclhnie introduced Byâ€"Law No. 267 to amend and consolidate Byâ€"Law No. 215, regarding Peddlers‘ Licenses, which was read a first and second time. id C O The Treasurer said when rumours of that kind got abroad it was better to make an explanation at once, and he preferred to make the explanation before the whole Council. If the Auditor‘s Report had been looked into there would have been no such rumours. As to the salary of the Gaol Physician the lzst quarter of 1876 was paid in Jauuary 1877, so that rightly it should have been charged to 1876 when as a matâ€" ter of fuct it was charged in 1877, being paid in January that year. As regards asâ€" sistance, the sum of $200 had been allowed for assistance to the Treasurer since 1866. He did not want an assistant, but at times when there was an extra pressure of work, he employed assistance. His posiâ€" tion was a very responsible one and took up all his time, but he wanted no assistant as he preferred to shoulder the responsiâ€" bility himself. He had been endeavouring to bring all the salaries as much as possible to be paid at the same time, so that they might be paid altogether. In this way the County Solicitor had been paid a mouth.' as he was engaged on 23rd November so as to bring his payments to 23rd Deâ€" cember. He thought that was a great conâ€" venience. Mr. MeGhee objected to this questionâ€" ing. If Mr. MacRae had any charge to make he could ask for a Committee. That was the usual way to look into these matâ€" ters. But it was not in order to bring up such a questicn before the who‘e Council, He asked the Treasurer to inake an exâ€" planation. r Mr. MacRae said there was another matâ€" ter he wished to ask an explanation of ‘lhrough the Warden. In 1877 the Gaol Physician was paid $400. Last year he was paid $500. His attention had been called to this su} jeet and be wished to know why this was. There was also an allowange for an Assistant Treasurer. He uid zot know when he was appointed nor who had appointed him. as to make the statement complete. would get such a statement made out lay it before the Council. Nr. Clelliand, seconded br °C wWas an extra pressure of yed assistance. â€" His posiâ€" y responsible one and took but he wanted no assistant planation of the Treaâ€" factory. It was better rs eleared up at once. arker as a gentleman, NOttaRkarâ€"Brownâ€"At the house of Mr. Andrew Brown, Cedurville, on the lith ult., b&fln Rov. John Morrison Mr. Thos. Mullarkey, Markdale, ta Hollen, youngest daughte} of §l5. Jumes ] Eromn, «f Egrmont \Mormisonâ€"NIcHOLâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s SwiTeâ€"BwINBURNEâ€"Atthc residence of the bride‘s father, Durham, on the 2rd ult., by the Rev. R. Godfrey, Mr. Robt. Smith, merchnné Ayton, to ?Mo 8., youngest daughter of John burne, sq. Inwixâ€"Hoarritnttsâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s father, on the 2ith ult., by the Itev. 1t. Godfrey, uncle of the bride, Mr. George Irwin, Teacher, Extromont, to Susan Ellnbeti:. daughter of Mr. A. Humphrics, Mount Forest. Doxove®â€"ATErNsonâ€"In the Canada Methodist Church, Mount Forest, on Christmas Dli', by the Rev. K. Godfrey, of Durham, Mr.John Donâ€" } The reeve having left the chair it was moved by Mr Donnelly,second.by Mr Davis, That this Council desire before they s@perâ€" ate to tender their thiinks to F. MacKae, Esq, for his able and impartial conduct as Chairman of this Council, and in apâ€" preciation of the very efficient manmner in which he has discharged the duties apâ€" pertaining to his office as Reeve ne raceives the sum of $25 as the expression of the Couneil‘s approval of his services and that a further allowarce of $10 for incilental expenses be granted to himâ€"Carried. Council adjourned. Jas. Browx, Tewnship Clork. [Nore.â€"The Reeve mecepted the thanks but rejected the substantial part of the above resolution.] J. B. He Mr. Gardner and | baindopud. Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Dunemoor, ‘That $60 be paid to Ronald Johuson, in addition to the amount he has already received for road deviation on lot 22, con. 8, when he furnishes a proper deed clonr of all incumbrances for the road. â€"Carsied. } ‘u‘g refunded $2 statate labour monsy ; Trustees 8. See. No. 9, $12.98 for nonâ€" resident school taxzos for 1878 ; J. Parrott, $2.75 for Ballot Box; Rowswell and Hutchison $7.25 for election blanks ; J. A. Johnson $1 for publishing notice of bridge ecntract ; Registrar of South Grey for registcring deed of road 3140 ; J. Brown, postage account $4.68 ; Michnel Omwd refradod $2.75 ervor in taxes, J. Browa $10 for extra services in connseâ€" tion with Railway Byâ€"law ; widow Sinâ€" clair, lot 51, 52, con. 3, S.D. R. was exâ€" imot from taxes for 1873. _ A Byâ€"law was gassed _ appointing â€" Deputy Returning OMicars and poiling plac»s. Ninety orders were issued on the Treasurer in payment of work on roads aud bridges, amounting j to $759.90. J Messrs. Davis and Dunsmoor presented their report of the expenditure of $399 in Imilding a bridge on 9th con. and making approaches to it, which was adopted, and orders given for payment. Orders were issued on the Treasurer in payment of the following claims : â€" Trasâ€" tees U.S. See. No 2, B. & G. 78 conts for N.R. school taxes for 1878 ; Thomas Brown, 41 for repairing read scraper ; J. S. Blaok $2 for plan aud specification of bridge ; S. McCracken $2 for plan and specification of bridge ; Lamab Brothers, repmiring road scraper $1.25 ; Arch. Moâ€" Council met at Ryan‘s Hotel, Dec. 23rd 1878, pursuant to the eall of the Reeve. All the members present, Oy ma 230 _3 O‘ ~CS* se RMeport now read | _ _A sad accident has occrzred in France, nd ; be adopted. | where, by the breaking of ice, fortyâ€"eight ’ j Dr. Barnhart wished to know whether Childron have b": ‘:”'::’d tl e Committoo was paying this monoyto! It is rted that cigl persons were "** ! the Lacense Inspector or.tso an Informer. | killed ::’«;o wounded in the recent coufliet Of He wanted to have the name C. C. Pearce between the Russian troops and the stadeuts ol ; put in place of the Licensé Inspector, as at Kieff. J he | uuder the Dunkin Act there were no License | eommmnnmmmemmmmmemrmmemmemmmmmms »p | luspectors. â€" ‘The Report was amended BIRTHS. uccordugly. FanEST Slenely on ahie B ull. the wite or ar to A motion to haye the Lice «e Iuspectors ‘"{;m{.{:‘n({}m :? a d:.ugmu. i * " ‘of South and East Grey also included in NEWELLâ€"In Bentinck, on the 22nd ult., the wife of [o | Report was withdrawn as being out of| _ Mr. George Nowell, of a daughter, °_ _ _ r | order. Dammamesis Te weale _ The Warden having again taken the Chair. Moved by Mr. Rorke, seconded by Dr Barnhart, That the Council do new rise. The motion being put was carried unaniâ€" mously, Moved by Mr. Rorke, seconded by Mr. M:Ghe», That the thanks of this Coun :il be and are heroby tendered to James Murdoch, Esq., for his very able and imâ€" parti«l conduct as Warden of this County, and that in appreciation of his services he receive the sum of one hundred and a farther sum of fifty dollars to remunerate him for incidental expenses. Re ue ram n P ulc BCE won, Mz. Jdoséeph Bowler, Proton, to Miss Marâ€" garct McAulay, Melancthon. ITUEâ€"Crawronpâ€"On the Brd ult., b{n'-'lh’ Rev. J. Gulloway at the residence of the bride‘s faâ€" #uer, \Mr. William Virtue to Miss Isabella Crawâ€" ferd, both of Holland. father, Egremont, on Christmas Day, by the Rov. H. Cn%r Mr. John Morrison to Isabella, dangbter of Mr. Hugh Nichol, all of the Townâ€" Moved by Mr. MacRae,seconded by Mr. Cameron, That the Warden leavo the Chair, and that the Reeve of Normanby take it. The Reeve of Normanby accordingly teok the Chair, Dr. Barnhart presented Report No. 1 of County Propery Committee, which was ordered to be adopted and engrossed in the Minutes. The Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee was awarded the sum of $10 for his extra services. The motion was declared lost accordâ€" ingly. The Yeas and Nays being demanded on the motion were as follows:â€"Yeasâ€"Elliott, MeNicol, Laidlaw, MeKechnie, Linn, Macâ€" Rae, Donnelly, McCormack, Clelland, Moâ€" Edwards, Kcoenig, Wenger, McGirr, Mcâ€" Intyre, Middleton, Page, 16. Naysâ€" Rorke, White, Kerr, Myles, â€" Knobt, Howey, Cameron, Brown, Flarity, Meâ€" Ghee, Hewitt, Sing, Read, Gardner, Stephens, Penner, Follis, 17. Moved in amendiment by Mr. Middleton seconded by Mr. Sing. That the Treasurcer he instructed to notify all the municipaliâ€" ties to pay up their indebtedness to meet the amount coming due on or about 1st January next, and the remainder within one year from this date. The amendment and the motion being llucc:cmlively put were both declared to be ost. Moved by Mr. MacRae, seconded by Mr. Melutyre, That the Treasurer be instiue‘â€" ed to collect from the different Municipaliâ€" ties the amount of the arroars of their inâ€" debtedness by 1st May, 1879. A long discussion took place on this moâ€" tion and several hard hits were given. Mr. MacKae urged that the Council, if they did not like his motion, should vote it down. A large sum of money was owing, and his Towuship ot Glenelg having paid up was called on to pay forthe backwardness of other and wealthiee Townships. â€" Thore was a big sum to bo paid by 1st Januaay, 3 and it ought to be met. 1 ater of Mr. Hugh Nichol, all of the Townâ€" of Egremont. â€"McCAULATâ€"At the Royal Hotel, Shelâ€" e, on sl_)’y!.h ult., by the Rev. Mr. Jamieâ€" Glenelg Council. MARRIED That the Report now read MJ taken at mLB?Q. lnst winter. They are in hands and will ue on the 7th of February, 1 Those interested will govern themacives accord Dundalk, for whichk the highest market price will be D. DAVIDSON‘S, 1,000 Cords of Dry Wood, ,' AND | A call is respectfully intited. Remember the in the builaing nearly ogpoaita D. David lately occupied as a Drug Store. Dressmaking carried on in connection with the store. E McQUARRIE, Dundalk, has opened * out a stock of Confectionery, Toys, Apples, Lost by the undersigned, on Tubsday the 20 h day of Decemmber, 1878, either at Dundalk or beswoen Dundalk and sideline 250, Mel&ucthon, on the Rail Road, a Promissory Note, made on the first day of July 1875, in favour of William Crycerman or bearer, by Jobhm Palmer, of Melancthof, for the sum of Seventyâ€"fAve dollars, at seven per cent interest, and payable one yeur after date. _ Any sonon finding the above Note and lenving it with George Middleâ€" tor, at Dundalk Post Office, will roceiva"‘i,ruwudA Pay ment of the above is stopped. ELIAS D. GREY. Strayed into the wmim of Joseph Myles, Lot 16, Con. I,()sprsx’. about lutgot. last, one flULL, 1 Yeur Old, and one HEIFER, 1 Year Qld, and both Rod. ‘The owner is m‘\:uud to provoe property pay charges, and take them away. JOSEPH MILES. Osprey, Dec. 24, 1878 €46 Exvemmont, Dec. 17th, 1676 Fall Wheat, per bush ...... $0 83 to Spring Wheat * 2. 0 72 to Barley, 4* b5 to Oats, 6+ Tissar 30 to Peas, hi 55 to Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 8 50 to Butter, rolls, per lb......... 15 to * Bub diify;.s2,02.5s 20070 13 to * tub dairy,... Eggs, perdoz...... Potatoes, per bag Turnips, per bush Hay, per ton...... Wool per 1b.., Sheep skins.... Lamb Skins.... Hides per ewt. HAY csarsesersaths MOUNT FOREST MARKETS, Confederate Office, Dec.80, 1878. Flour per barrel...............$4 00 to 4 25 Ontmeal per barrel............ 4 00 to 4 50 Fall Wheat......................+ 0 75 to 0 85 Treadwell Wheat............... 0 75 to 0 80 Spring Wheab.................... 0 70 to 0 75 HMIOY »ssssyprsssrsiissassesesses:> 0 40 0 0@ 60 OAE rrererrirererssesssssssrrcrs«s.+ 0 20 to 0 28 PCRS .cossssssversrstrresssssssers»»» 0 40 t0 O 45 Pntatoes per bag............... 0 40 to 0 50 BULEOL:+:+sssssssvsererrsssssrssssss O 08 to Q 12 RGqBemrercreneertercesravisserserses 0. A8 00 80 Nool per lb..................... 0 15 to 0 #0 Sheep tkins...................... 0 90 to 0 00 Lamb Skins...................... 0 50 to 0 70 Hides per cwt................... 4 50 to 5 50 HHAY asrmmmnsstsitistritisst sit+ss & "O0 40 6 00 10,000 bushels of Wheat January 3, 1879. Wheat (Fall)...... Wheat (Spring) . OURS saerrierents reas BDarlgy :./.}.....!«. PuMS::+:+:..:+/++.... Potatoes ........... Hay per ton....... Butter per tb ..... Wool *‘ * ..... Dundalk, Jsp. 2, 1879, Dundalk, Dec. 21, 1878 OME are FLESHERTON AND PRICEVILLE STATION MARKETS. Dee. 21, 1878. Whest (Fall)}.................... â€"â€"~T708 ~ 75 Wheat (Spring) ............... _ 60 to 70 Spricg Wheat, per bush... oi it o aagh tss Puokis: }Uutn‘, * ie Peas, t* Barley, Â¥* WoOL POL 1W....:/»â€"1 :+ 4ss r6e2+4 Flour per bbl................... Sheepskins each............. . Dressed hogs per ewt........ Cabbage per doz....,......«+« Potatoes, per bush............ Butter, péF H......... .cccive.+ Co#s, per d0%......:...«+,s4rt Turkeys per Ib, ............... Geese 5U oasvesererterrins Onions per pushel............ It«y per $0H...+......sssesceere Cord wood, dry per cord... Shorts, this (4% 0 60 to 0 TO Bran, s . 0 50 to 0 60 Fall Wheat per bush........ 0 70 to 0 78 Spring Wheat, R.:Chaff... 0 60 to 0 68 Clasgow * ... 0 65 to 0 72 Oats * ..(«.. O 20 to O 22 .Barley * mm P 4o 046 Peas * .sceln.. O 42 to O 40 Hay per ton.................. 08 00 to 08 00 Potatoes per bags.......... 0 40 to 0 45 };urk per 100 lb............. 2 75 to 8 % Boof |__"_..cscasscsccsccicss. 8008 AG 4 25 Plides) *43 .e sicisrwscecseers, â€" @00 . MY ~5 60 Sheepskins each,............ 0 40 to 0 70 Butter per lb.................. 0 08 to 0 11 Fzgs per doz................. 0 12 to 0 18 Wood, dry, per cord....... 1 50 to 1 50 WOOlsxsrstartrmersscsassâ€"sixre2230 â€"18 %0 ~O 20 Apples per bag............... 0 75 to 0 90 DURHAYX, Jan. 2, 1879 Flour, per 100, lbs, at mill $2 25 to 2 Flour No. 2, * * 2 00 to 2 Corn Meal **~/*** .........!1 60 to 1 Shorts, this (%% 0 60 to 0 Bran, MC. We 0 50 to 0 Fall Wheat per bush........ 0 70 to 0 Spring Wheat, R.Chaff... 0 60 to 0 (ild“guw * smemâ€"â€" 0 60 to 0 ~ 0 hé x a l CCC AAEE E7N Dcc, the wee of Mr A. Robertson of a daughter, McDoxarnâ€"In Normanby, on the 17th ult., the wife of Mr. Hugh MeDonald of a duughtor. VEs®I‘â€"In Glenelg on the 9th ult., the wife of ar. Willlam Vessic, of a dnughter, NEWELLâ€"In Bentinck, on the 22nd ult., the wife of Mr. George Nowell, uf a daughter, ROBERTSOXâ€"In Durham, on the 27th Dec. the wife Fresh Fis1i kept in Season New Advertisements. LL lll" UMTLCIecrererces CR YAHCRb::ssis:51sa 2srz0Â¥ stt e2 00 well Whoeat.........sceses O J WibOiBret+ss ns sssscrares O es per ‘bag............... 0 per Ab:s:::21+» se sasieress 0 UnE :T irmariitecressnnaat ENS 1: 152084 arienarare o0 WANTED NOTICE. TORONTO MARKETS. Toroxto, Jan. 2, 1879. Flour, anl Fancy Goods and other Grain at DU] DURHAM MARKETS. Came Astray. VOCN cuvcsk k. NDALK MARKETS. Dev. 5, 1878. at, per bush... $0 50 to 0 75 j 4 «»» $ 70 to 0 80 *4 » 020 to 0 2i +* «. 0 40 to 0 4 +* _ 080 to 0 6 revrrrerrrrernrcece+ . 0 15 to 0 24 Merarrrasrerssive:+ " C O0 to 425 Lost. if I hold the Notes on the 27th Dec, the wife $0 83 to $0 93 0 72 to 0 85 b5 to 0 90 80 to 81 55 to 60 85 to 95 00 to 00 8 00 to 13 00 7 00 to 10 to 0 80 us 6 00 to 1 50 to 1 25 to 80 to 0 25 to 0 10 to 0 12 to 60 to 4 00 to 40 to 6 to 81 0 60 702 175 1 5 0 3 ) 0 12 0 1: 0 2i 0 4 0 6 0 24 18 14 1 75 "THE GREY REVIEZEW," Subscribe at once, and get ‘\ Third Class Teacher wanted in Pubâ€" £ lic School Section No, 1.Town-hi§ of Glenelg, duties to commencein January, 1879. For further >urticulars apply to D. H. MacKao, or Alex. Beaton, Pomona P.0., or to F. MacRae, Durham P.0. \VISHES to inform the inhabitants of Durham and vicinity that he has opened a Butcher‘s Shop, in the store lately occupied by Mr. Prossor, Next the Durbam ‘l“ou-&ry. where he wi;l keep on hand and for sale nothing but first class ment, consisting of Beef, Mutton, Pork, and } Fowls. Shop open from 8 &. m. until Noon. i Largest and Best Comprising Sllver and Electro Pinted Goods, Gold and Siver Watches, Ladies and Gents‘ Wedding and Engagement Ringe, Gold Lockets, Charms, Chaine, Keys, Pencile, Pons, &¢., &c. A beautiful line of Clocks, A large line of Fancy Gooda, Bpectacles, Violins, Fife, Concertinas, &¢ S T OV E S ! Glonelg, 28th Nov., 1878. Repairing a Specialty Credit given to gosd gaen, if required, A. COCHRANE. Durham, Oct. 10, 1878, d35 Durham, Dec. 12, 1878. HAMS, BACON, BALT, &o., Which I will sell at Prices to suit the timees for Cash or Farm Produce. My Motto is Bmall Profits and Quick Returns. Flour, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Unbolted Flour, Potatocs, your neighbours to take as it is acknowledged to GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c. Flesherton, Docember 18, 1878 Very Small Advance op Cost Flour, Feed and Provision Store, Upper Town, DURHANM. eutside of Toronte, ean be scen at the Now is the time to Buy Cheap for Cash. And in Spite of Hard Times, Hardwaie is within the Reach of EKvery body, as prices at MOWAT‘S keep p.‘ce with the Low Prices for Farmer~"‘ Produc@ NEW GOODS DURHAM FOUNDRY, Butgczer Shop. WM. LARTER, Great Slaughter OF HARDWARE Durham, Nev. 28, 1878. AT : . _E. DOLIT1./S, Watchmaker, Mowat‘s Hardware Store. Darkham, Dee. 12th, 1878. Assorted Etock ef all kinds of Teacher Wanted. and will be Sold at a FOR CASH &e., OF Flesherton, Prices Lower than EHEver‘! NEW TORONTO THE BURNETT‘S I have on hand a well assorred Stock of W. F. DOLL. JOS. F. MOWAT, Cheap for Cash. These Machines are the best Cheap for Cash. These Machine made, and give entire satisfaction THE subscriber is prepared to Receive and Make Up, on the shcrtest notice, and in the Latest Styu.ghn and Boy‘s Clothing. A good fit guarrantecd. Sewing Machines For Sale, â€"ATâ€" Residence at the Old PostOffiee, Lower Town DURHAM. Strlyod on the premises of the subscriâ€" ber, Lot 80, 8th Concession, ‘!‘omhig of Proâ€" ton, about the 1st of Ostober, a grey yearling Steer (mully). The owner is nquoulfr;o pay charges, prove property, and remove the anjmal away. Cnme on the premises of Mrs. Miller, Lot?8, Con 2, Bentinck, on or rbout the 5th October, an aged Ram. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take the anims] away, MRS, MILLER, Bentinck, Nov 29, 1878 *d42, Of the Corporation of Mount Forost aforeâ€"sai*,. _ Dateq at Mount Forest, 12th day of November ‘ And the West Ward containing the remaining romon of said Village bounded by Main, Welling on, Queen and Cork Streets, and including riso Lot Number One in the Eleventh Consession of the said Township of Arthur and Lot Number Thirts three in the First Concession of the Township of Normanby in the County of Gray. JAMES MEMULLEX, The South Ward containing that part of the said Village bounded on the Northerly side b&th-( part of Queen Street bmve?l Coyk and Wellington Streets, by that sun of Wollington Btreet between 3umn Stroet and Main Street und by that part of Main Streef between Wollington Streot and Quoen Strget ; r the Easterly side by John Street; on the Southerly side by the line of the Southerly limit of said Village, and on the Westerly side by Cork Street, and including rlso the wholo of Lot Number Two west of the Gueiph und Owen Sound Road, in the said Towneship of Arthur. Durknw, No 4, 18% Number two, East of the Guelph and Owen Sound Road, in the said Township of Arthur. and inciuding Lot Numbor Thirtyâ€"three, in the first toncession of the Township of Egrement, in the County of Grey, and those parts of Lots Numbers County of Grey, and those parts of Lots Numbers Sixtyâ€"eight, Sixtyâ€"nine, Seventy and Seventyâ€"one adjacent to the said Village and lying between the Third Concession of the said Township of Egre imont and Bligo Road produced to the said TLi;« Concession line or Read. The East Ward containing that r&om‘on of the said Village boundod on the Northerly side by that part of London Read extending Ensterly from King Street; on the Ensterly side by the line London Road to its interseetion by King Street ; on the Euurlg side by Kimg Street to its intersection with Maéu HStreot; on the Southerly side by Main W_eot f_x:\in_\ iu'in}ggm!i.n__“'i.th u§d Kipg Street, Ontario at the next sittings thereof for the passing of an Actincorporating the said Village und ce:~ tain lands adjacent thereto into a Town to be calâ€" led The Town ot Monunt Forest, and dividing the same into the following Wards, that is to say . The North Ward containing that ryoruon of the said Village beunded on the Northerly side by Py A. of the Village of Mount Forest, in the County of Wellington, in the Province of Ontario, shefl gfl.mou the Parliament of the said Province of ntario at the next sittings thereof for the passine TAKE NOTICE That the Corporation of the Village of Mount Forest, in the County To Whom it May Concern. Protor Nov, 2. 1878, Parties wishing to pay their subscription to the Grey Review in wood, will oblige us by bringing it in at once, as we are greatly in n‘d‘of this useful article at present. Wood ! Wood ! Ale:;qnder Robertson, TATILOBR, Lower Town, DURHAM. Steer Came Astray. Faskions Regularly Received. A few firstâ€"class BARCLAY‘$ NOTICEH. Came Astray. them JaAMES BURNETT WI. BALFOUR action $o those using 'ALL'X KOBEEKTSOX . y% JOHN MUNROE y4t Reeve Closk Spring and Summer Fashions rogularly Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canada JOHN ROBERTSON, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER Light Hamess, Trimmings, J. W. Boulden‘s Cuprante, Raisins, Candied Lemen, Orange A fresh Lot, Choics Including BLACK, GREEN, TEAS! TEAS! THE Bubscriber offers for Sale, Lot No. 38, ind Concession, East of G R., Townahtp of Glenelg, contmining 100 acresâ€"about 70 acros cleasâ€" ed. Terms $2,000:â€"£500 down, for bninnce time will bo given. For further particulare ap) ly to P . MaaHan Tusham 2242 Farm for Sgl_gfiin Clonelg Durkam, July 4, 1878, oo free. No risk, Meadecr, if you want a w business at which ronm- of cithur k .u,ol.n mm&ud’wfi all the time they work, write for pariicul «lEanowar & Co.y:'oluuad, Maine a week in vour free. No risk business at «whi Darharg , Euk Maickae, Durham, or to The Highest Markot Price paid for Hides and Sluns. LOWER TOWN Cutting done to Order :'Tha.t Bar of Iron. THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, Pure Plavouring Extracts and Zesenees Glonelg, Sept. 18, 1878 4. t of fl&ii&h‘fi’fil parcd ts por & Wak O# teen m ane RPn, lln'tu;&ywk..ny-‘y‘-nuui Â¥ No. 5, Garafraxa Streot, Green, 25¢ per h. _ Japar Decamber 16th, 1078. Durham, December 19th 1878. New Fruits, And when Dumdalk began to strive, Bo like the Morning Star His Hammers with redoubled feree, Came down wpon the Bar. And now within that lively To He has Declared a War, __‘*~ And set the hammer, vice and file, To fight against the Bar. To suit all Grades mnh of men, oNo matter vhofi & Thut want a job astrong with lre To suit all Grades mnh of mem, No mut‘a’wl:,o 4 ith That want a jol strong with Lren He‘ll bind it with a Bar. t A Bar of Irem in Norval‘s hands, _ Will shine to please the Crar But times anon began to mend His lron came in a Car; Yo_t still without advance in pri DURHAM S7., DURHANM 194 pedhaiety lt ed P /: tood many a blast and held his post And made things from a Bar. And when the times were out of foimt, An‘uchum--p%, He nevor failed to sirike a Kail, Aud form things from a Bas, From morn till eve, And if you waht a Needle made, He‘ll form it from a Bar. For favore to Patroms be Rou-mm at Pur ; And hopes they ever will beliove He‘ll suit them from a Bar Black, 30¢, €0, and #0¢ He‘l form it from a Bar, _‘ _JOHN NORVAL, Jobn Nerval struck the CALL ANB s°P Shoemaker Subscriber begs to inform the pooâ€" Whips, etc, & week in \ and Citron Peele terian Church roseive were rough and days wore durk, peval, like a Tar. * H. PA pryeoer 11 Stock of Cheap, ~â€"AND â€" Blacksmith, Doxpaur« . WILIIAM®, wa ts preumines and JAPAN *5e per . DUREH A M Presby, yJ o. ; | srash» of

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