West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 Jan 1879, p. 3

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AN ITZMS. atat an N# ese t] tlectory be sub. 0s thint CC King. Chief L icr Y at * the ome ‘med OOty. The the 18 Farat Acowzxt I%® Gatt.â€"Oa Monday afternoon an old man, Frank Black, aged nhout sisty years, w.ile crossing the new ivm brdg= on the main street, almost comsicted, ace‘denutally fell through an The Napanee Standard says:â€"About a week previous to Sunday last a young man named George Petter, well known in Naâ€" panee as an incorrigible vagabond,had been rtaying at John Galbraith‘s, Colebrook. He stated that he came from the States, Lut the fact is he had only recently hbeen liberated from the penitentiary. All went weli until Sunday night. He retired to bed in a room adjoining that in which Mr. Galâ€" bruith slept, but got up about 12 o‘clock, went into Mr. Galbraith‘s bedroom, where he and his wife were sleeping, took a pair of pants off the foot of the bed and relieved the pockets of their contents, between §35 and $50 in money, some notes and receipts. He then took a wateh and chain from the poe .et of a vest which hung on the bedâ€" p »st, and quietly left the bouse. Mrs. Galâ€" 1 braith heard the door of the house close, : ud mistrusted sometLing was wrong. Tuey got up and discovered their boarder lad left with the articles mextione]. Mr. CGalbraith tracked him to Yarker, where it was found he had stolen a horse and tiuned buck to Harrowsmith and Murvale. Tolesrams have beeu sent in every direcâ€" The Stratford Beacon says :â€"Nothing can show more clearly the dishonesty as well as the deceptive nature of Tory wartare than the method in which they are dealing with the ex; en liture of the Government on pubâ€" |.c improvements. â€" Take, for example, the subsidy to railways. The people of certain localities nced, or imagine they need, a railway. Tomes and Reformers unite in potitioning the Government for a grant to assist in building the road. After due conâ€" sideration the grant is made and voted by Purliament, perhaps without a dissenting voiee. The road is built, and the people, Tory ana Reform alike, are benefitt: 1 by its construction. | Election time comes around, and the very Tories who begzed the Government forâ€" aid will wheel ubout and how! about the increased exâ€" penditure ! Te Ltxcors Cast.â€"A judgement Outario Court of Appeal given on ay of lest weok in the Lincoln election ease, on reserved points, twentyâ€"two votes to the respondent‘ vious majority, making it three than declared by the returning « three years ngo. The votes had all +truck off by the registrar, against v rulings the sppeal was taken. v‘rtually decides the ense ia Mr. Ryi [ vor, bLut as he resigned his claim tea‘s ago to the seat, al it does n wou‘d have been one of the largest confl prations we have yet had in our town. ] is not known whother the origin of the fu was nccidental, or whether it was the wor of an incendiary. _ After the fire, M (. M. Butehart, the owner of the bloc raved, took: the Drigndée to his howe an treated them i refreshments, his kindues lemg much approciated.â€"Ower Soun Firz.â€"Onu Fridsy morniag last, ahont three o‘clock, a stable to the rear of Ward‘s Yish Depot, Poulett Street, was discovered to be on fire. An alarm was at ones given, rnd the Fire Drigade was soom on the seâ€"ne. YVortanately everything being covered with ruow kept the fire from gaining rapidly, end when the engine came it wis soon exâ€" tingnished, leaving the stable partially consumed. | Had the fire reached the block of wooden buildings on Poulett Street, to vhich the stable is attached by shods.there eonsumed. FPesides the Bbuildings, Mr. Jonnston lest m valutble horse, #eons derâ€" able portion of his crop, and a number of valanble imolements. We understind he was insured. but the amount will not l:;ar‘y exver his loss, which is heavy. There seems little doubt but the fire was tThe work of an incondiary, as tracks wer» cizcovered around the barn, and traced to the nerthern part of the to cvered that the fire was of Sirawak, several miles proceeded from the barn PRTZ a Tinz ry Satiawax. â€"Short‘y after fw\l nfi;ishod;-t\ of t'xg’l»‘vid?wn to the ice Cclock on Treslar morning last. one eiti. i hal "X, & m‘*fl of QMW“‘L zons were aroused by the fire alazin, and |recoiving infuries wh.Cr caused his death rany ot them weed=d thcit wor towards | about two hours afterwards. The deceas Â¥le nerthern part of the tywil till tiey dis |ed has been a resilent of that town for upâ€" cvered that the fire was in the township ! wards of twont years, nn’ natil _ litely of Sirawak, several miles off. The light | carricd on t;:;f‘miw , of &:gepenl proceeded from the barn and stables nfi bISCk:mith." He Teaves ‘a wifé and two *eâ€" a» Â¥ . 5 OF u. WnO# e bush, some distance of.â€"Owen Sound evacia â€"" ) 0â€" e on oeere en aenigh lmu al ming last, abont fooled e rear of Ward‘s l’ last Ser , was discovered | *J s at ones given, ’ Mr. J o# on the se>ne. l ing TiL ; officer all been t whose the firs ae work e, Mr. f the Monâ€" there mflaâ€" add not | It i’t,‘flfi..’..;...-u‘ Potatoes ..... Hay per ton. [ Butter per tb “.flcl & +s * tab dairy,... Eggs,perdz...... Potat »es, per bag Taraips, per bush Hav. nor tom.. .. Fall Wheat, per bush ...... Spring Wheat * Burley, ®* Oats, $* echise Peas, ** Drossed Hogs, per 100 lbs Butter, rolls, per Ib......... MOUXNT FOREST MARKETS, Confederate Office, Jan. 7, 1879 Flour per barrel...............$4 00 to 4 Oatmeal per barrel............ 4 00 to 4 Fall WhHCAE...................... 0 70 to 0 Treadwell Wheat............... 0 75 to 0 Spring Wheut.......««««+ssss4+«s 0 70 £0.90 BANIOY 1e :s0..crsesverrenccscseves OeAWr t t CBHEE .2 2202224208 ve0 000004 c00000 015 0R HY ty Vool por 15. Sheep skins... Lamb Skins... Hides per cxt HAV .4« sexeree00e "atatoes per 1 Butter........... DQWS, DOP COZ cecseeverkrere Tarkeys per Ib. .........._. Geesr 5* _ eeveernseccee Onions per pushel......... Ffay per tomn................s Cord wood, dry per eord hi 89 @TeCN ......... Wheat (Fall). Wheat (Sprin OHQBH reriremenees Barley ......... eneepskins caei... Dressed hogs per « Cabbage per doz... Potatoes, per bush Butter, per lb...... PLESHERTON â€"AND â€" PRICEVILLE STATION MARKETS. Na x C Rossâ€"At Leith, on the 1st of Junuary, the wife MUr David Koss of twins, nson and dnughtor, see ? Wasn‘t it Sir Jokn Medonald who oceupied the same platfrm with fiiipp': ou one oceasion, and introduced him to the assembled Faithful as the man who had done more tor protection than any other six 2â€" Phippa has at least sense enough to see ‘hat he has been a fool, and there are more sensible men thain he in the Doâ€" minionâ€"aye, â€" hundreds of themâ€"who have already realized that they, too, were fooled ont, of their votes on the 17th of last Septerler by a specious and insincere t D: VFGAN â€"In Bentinek, on the 2st nlt.t.l;wih of Mr. Terrance Finmogan, of ® sop. lau (MZTRâ€"In Durham, oh the 27th ult., the wife Mr. Win Ferrier, of @ son. r Smith, daaghter ilott Stroet, O wen syth, by the R intyre of Ros > TORONTO MARKETS. Toroxto, Jan. 2, 1879. DCR In G HAM c MAl DALK MAl £77 yeurs and 4 months Â¥ COYG MARRIED DEATHS Pundall er bush BIRTHS i1 > evow hidsisndbonid snb id d AouP McA 4 030 0. .100 0 M 3 30 LH MARKETS. and l"A'.-mxI, It has sayed ‘;.hnus:unla from aMAt, Jan. 9. 1879 being fl\\'_i:u!lv‘vL and \\:ill save millions more, 11 6ib sns it in } For 79 it will contain Mlustrated Stovies, t mill $2 25 to 2 25| Hamorous Poems, and Attractive Rebuses, 2 0) to 2 00| A national favorite, it is mow cheaper than eexee}20 1 60. to 1 75| aver, Only 50centsa whole year, or with choice 0 60 to O 70| of six tine premiums, ouly 75 cents. Cltbs 0 50 to 0 60| of 20 may receive it for oxiy 25 Ccnts ... 0 70 to O 73}A YEAR. â€" Every subscribersenmding in ten hail... 0 69 to 0 6| cents extra, for postage may receive A VYALUâ€" ... 0 65 to 0 79| ABLE GIT free, worth from 50 cents to £500. rrcesess / 0.80 to : 0 298 Fail not to su}»cnl e. _ Prospectus ncnt}frl:v. cce GartY" 6 45 :\'l"('cnnvvnu, six m.-nt_s- nore free. *‘‘Trial 0 49 to 0 45 Frip," six months, 25 cents ; three months, 08 09 t 08 00 15 cents, _Address, Star Spangled Banner, p " VC | Hinsda‘e, N.H, aus. A0 to " O 4B1 "_ _ . t [!C fevedii ie t P n uind e oi ho ie en 4 75 to $ 00 rstccues. M We o | 4 26 rsgeces. & S t 5.00 THE mc CCA ~AF 70 mir=>= x l.ll 0os o o u|SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. » a ":'"" l“ ;,-l‘) ::: ? 'l_": THIRTYZOTRTH YEAR. reniees â€" it IO oo . o n o es ... 0 75 to 0 oo| The Most Popular Scientific Paper w in the World. MARKETS. â€"â€"« Alex. MeKenzie, Mr unt, to Mary June, ming, Esq., of Dert p and SO 83 to 0 72 to 55 to Jan. 9, 1879 Jan. 9 $0 30 55 to 38 50 to 15 to 13 to 20 to 85 to 00 to (0 to 3 rAmine® 34 7 00 to 10 to 0 70 to 0 40 to 0 20 to 0 40 to 0 40 to 0 08 to 0 18 to 0 00 to 0 50 to 4 50 to 5 00 to 4 00 to 4 25 4 00 to 4 50 0 75 to 0 85 0 75 to 0 80 0 70 to 0 75 0 40 to 0 60 0 20 to 0 28 0 40 to 0 45 0 6 0 10 t 0 12 t 50 to 40 to 22 to 30 to 00 to 50 to 70 to 60 to Mz. Thomas 1M78, J £0o 93 CO 13 (0 1 Gre 0 90 81 60 0 70 5 50 0 50 0 12 0 20 0 6l ri 00 1 70 0 10 0 12 eldost 18 14 25 70 20 65 50 5i a4 of of Durham Foundry. NEW YEAR‘S PRESENT Aud to their Sons aud Danclt rs about to be married than a PATENTS In connection with the Scionâ€" * tific American Messrs. M«nn & Co. wre Solicitors of American and Forsign Patents, have bad 34 years experience, and now have the lirgost establishment in the world. Patents are obtained on the bost terms. . A speciad notive im inade in the Scientific Anterican of ali Inventions patented through this Ageney, with the name and residence of the Patentee â€" By the iinâ€" a“n«a ciroulstion thus }!i\ en, public attention i« reeted to the merits of the new putent, and sales or intr duction ofton easily effected Any nerson who has made a new ciseovery er invention, can ascortrin, free of chirge, whether n patont cun ‘ robatâ€"ly be obtained, by writing to the undersigned. We @lso send rr®E our Hund Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Cevents, Tradeâ€" Marks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventions. . Ad iress {or the paper, or concorning Patent«. Branch Office, Cor. F. & 7th Sta., Washington, D. C Nov. %. 1878 42 Torms 23.20 por vear, ®1.60 hal" year, which inâ€" cludes postage. . Discount to atents. Single copics ten conts, Sold by all Newsdertrs. Remit by postal order to MUNN & Co., Publishers, 37 Park Row, New York. Only ©3.290 a Voear, Incis4ing Postage. Weokty,. (39 Numbert® year. 4609 book pages. The "Old Folks At Home" can make no better or more useful duces its price, and mcreases its numerous attractions. _ Always a favorite, the Baxxer is now the cheapest as well as the best paper in the world, _ 1ts eight large pages are literâ€" ally overflowing w.th Charming Stories, Nketches, Poetry, Wit, Humor, and genuine Fur. As for years. its "I o ue‘s Corner" will expose every Swindler, Quack, Humbug and Fraud. It has sayed thousands from being swindled, and will save millions more. For 79 it will contain Mlustrated Stovies, Hamorous Poems, and Attractive Rebuses. A national favorite, it is now cheaper than ever. Only a0centsa whole year, or with choice of six fine premiums, ouly 75 conts. _ Clthbs of 20 may receivert for osiy 25 Conts A YEAR,. â€" Every subscribersending in ten cents extra, for postage may receive A YALUâ€" ABTE GIFP free, worth from 50 cents to £500. Fail not to subscribe, _ Prospectus sent free, Specimens, six cents â€"nore free. ‘‘Trial Trip," six months, 25 cents ; three months, 15 cents, Address, Star Spangled Banner, Hinsda‘e, N.IL Cnearest aso Best.â€"Thas wonderfully popular paper, the Star Sraxoren BaxxEs, begins its seventeenth year with 1879, reâ€" month Walkortonâ€" moanth Mildmay â€" month June, August, October and December. Primroseâ€"Wednesday _ preceding _ the Orangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€"The #ad Thursday in each mouth. Fleshersonâ€"Monday before Orangeville. Dundalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangeville. Shelburneâ€"Wednesday before Orangeville. Marsvilleâ€"Second Wednesday in cach Ducham, Janzuary 1+t, 1879. Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month. Fergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Forest. Rosemontâ€"Fifteenth of February, April, NICE STOVE. day after Guelph. ' Berlinâ€"HFirst Thursday in each month Bramptonâ€"First Thursday in each month month. Guelphâ€"KFirst Wednesday in each month. Harmistonâ€"EFriday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€"The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair. Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstal Palace Grounds, the Durhamâ€"Third Tuesday in each month. Pricevilieâ€"Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Mount Forest â€"Third Wednesday in eac For $22.00! Nizht of mosting, Thursday on or before ull moou® in exch montn. T. Jones, Sec. Oflice hours from § a. m Keusie, Poétimaster. Thomas Luuder, luti»trs} ;VJ‘o‘hn A. Munro, De putyâ€"Registrar. â€" Office hours from 10 a. nt. to 4 pu ug. aan. ; W Thursday MECHANICS® INSTITUTE. Town Hallâ€"open every Friduy evening from T to ? o‘clock. Shares $1, annusl foe 40 cents. Alszanâ€" ter Lobertsou, Librerian. John II. Beat, pastor. Sunday ;;:V»vhu‘prcnh- ing ut 11 . m.; Bubbuth School t 2:30 p. in. t:r-sm;hinu at T p. i. Woek evening Servicesâ€" Mouduy New Advortisements. Babbath sorvices at 11 u;n and 7 p.m. f=nday Sehool at 2 p. m. Rov. H. B. Wr iy, B. A., pastor Charch Wardens, H. J. Middaugh und Elias Edge, DURHAM DIRECTORY Sorvices every Si bbath at 10:%0 a. m. and 6:10 pan. grlm"u School ut 20 p. t3, Pruyersmecting every ‘ursday ovemiug ut ; v‘elock, ~-msimo Clase very }‘-xmhy evening atd o‘clock. Pastor Lov. ) e n * I& I NY G ! 1 EOXNTHLY CATTLE FAIR® HENTITTC AMERICAN is a large Firwh cekly Nowspaper of Sixteen Pacas, printed most beantiinl st.lo, proftsely illustrated ondid engravings, representing the newest ms and the most recent Advances in the t Scionsos; including New and Interesting a _ Agriâ€"niture, Hortiâ€"ulture, the Home, Medical Progress, Socisl, Scionce, Natursl Geology, Astrenomr. The most valumble 1 papers, by eminent writers in all depart f Science, will be found in the Scientific 8 MUNN & Co., 37 Park Row, New York evening, young peoplos‘ i-r;f{;:; moetin Wednesday evening, Bible cluse at 8 p. TIIE GOOD QLD evening, regriai prayor meeting at 8 p.m PRESBYTERIANX. CHURCH. Fully Trimmed, DURMAM L. 0. L. No. 632 8. G. REGISTRY OFFICE Last â€" Wednesd The last Wednesday in eael BAPTIST CHURCH TMSITY CHURBCH POBT OFFICE TC A. COCHRAXE. to 7 p. in. Arch. Meâ€" s ® of each moeting t A Third Class Teaciier wanted in Pubâ€" 4 1i> Sehool Section No.7, Township of Glenelg, dutics to commencein.‘s rimry, 1879. For further partialars apply to D. 1. M icRae, or Al+x. Boaton, Pomone P.O., or to F. MacRae, Durhain F.0, C1 moke 9984 Noe . puze. L4 “HSHES to inform the inbabitants of Durham and vicivity that he has opened a Butcher‘s Shop, in the store lately occupied by Mr. Prossor, Next the Durkam I-'o-.}ry. where he will keep on hand and for sale nothiuib“t first class meat, cousisting of Beef, Mutton, Pork, and Fowls. Suop open from 8 &. m. until Noon. Durham, Dec. 12,1878. cm4 Cheap for Cash. These Maâ€"hinas are the best made, and give entire sxisfaction to those using tiem. Sewing Machines For Sale, A/Tct 33, Con 2, Bentinek, on or nbout the 5th October, an aged Ram. The owner will please prove property, pay expenses and take the animal away. % MRS. MILLER, Bentinek, Nov 28, 1878 *dâ€"42. A. and Make Un, on thewhortest notice, and in the Latest Style, Men end Boy‘s Clothing. A good fit gunrraniced. q().\lE are inquiring if I hold the Notes k.) takon at my Sile last winter. ‘They are in mg hands and will be due on the 7th of Fobruary, 1876. Those interested will govern theinselves accordingâ€" ly. 3 JOHN McKELVEY. Egremont, Dec. 17th, 1878. d46 Residence at the Old Post Olffice, Lower Town for which the Lighest market price will be D. DAVIDSON‘S, A ell is respoctfully invited. Remember the place in the builaing nswrly opposite D. Davidson‘s lately occupied us a Drug Store. F 1,000 Cords of DPry Wood, AND 10,000 bushels of Wheat Dressmaking earried on in connection with the store. Corfectionery, Toys, Apples, Durham, Nov. 4, 1978, i o mnlany wllce ind To 10 womauiP sA c d the wbove Note wand lonving it with zmurgu Miusucâ€" ton, at Pundalk Post Office, will receive 22 roward. wu ud ol P P nsnpe tC ult en 9 yc SnE by John Palmer, of Melanctaof, for the sum of Seventyâ€"Ave dollars, at seven por centinterest «nd paymwblo one yoar alter dute, . Any person fh dia : Poe ENOe MOTT WOsX PACOT CRTC, . BnY t Payment of the above is stopped Lost v the undersigned, on TnesSay the 20th day of Decâ€"mber 1678, either at Dundalk or betwoen Dundalk nad sideline 250, Melancthon, on the Rail R ad, i Pr mnissory Note, made on the first day of Jul y 1>74, ui fiyour of Wiliiam Cryderman or bearer, Protor Laicst Pashions Regnlarly Received. Con.1, Oâ€"prey, about 1st Oct. last, one BULL, 1 Your Old, ului one HEIFER, 1 Year Old, and both Rod, ‘The owner is requested to prove property pay charges, and take t&xcun away. Strayed into the premises of Joseph Myles, Lot 16 Dundalk, Jsn In additi m to these, the pub‘‘shers of the Wit« ness issuc ths Nortbera Messenger, u semiâ€" monthly ifustrated f-mu‘y journal, which is rsâ€" garded with grcut favor all over North America, as its cir'-ulu.uofi ofâ€"over 50000 tostifies, "In home# remote from ;ostal accommedation,it supplies the whole family reading, while in cities, towns, and villages everywhere, it is the f w orite of the young people, who fiud it an endless source of enlightenâ€" ment and enjoymnent. 1ts ’fnrico is but 30 ceuts a year, including postage. To Sundayâ€"schools wnd clubs it is seut at the following rates :â€" 10 copies to one addrcss...& 2.50 per an. 25 copies to one address... 6.00 _ " $0 copies to one address... 1150 * 100 eopics to one address... 22.00 _ " a All ll‘crsnm dosiring to intorest themselves in obtaining snbseriptions for the Witness, will roâ€" ceive sample copies and terms on Application, Every latter answored1. ‘ HE subscriber is prepared to Receive January 2, 1879 Dundalk, Des. 21, 1878 The honsshold and goneral litsrary dopartmonts of the Witwess have always been n prominest fontiure of the paper, and they will be continued on the same plan us hcretofore, giving to tha ladion maca <valtable informatiin about everything neceastry to makoe the household bright, ploasunt, and prosperous. The prizo of the difforent editions of the Wit« ness is as follows, per yeaur, post paid :â€" Daily Witzess, $3.00, circu‘ation,14,899, Weekly Wituess, $1.10, cireulation,38,008. Another special feature of the Wituess during 1879, will be the attention praid to its engravings, which already are numerous and im:ortn.nt. Porâ€" traits of the prominout men through>ut the world will be given, and th> paper will coutain numarous illustrated nrticles of much interest and value, as :on as selections from the hnmorous art of the Av, The fullest attontion will be prid to nsws, so that the Witmess may rotain its prosont reputuâ€" tion as a nowspaper. Osprey, Dee. 24, 1876 1 MeQUARRIE, Dundalk, has opened 4+ out u stock of Butczer Shop. THF WITNE Alexandsr Robortson, Frosh Fish kopt in Season Stcer Came Astray. JOHN DOUGALL & SOX, Pusutsurrs, Montreal, Q. Teacher Wanted. A fow firsiâ€"class BARCLAY‘S WM. LARTER, WANTED TAILOR, NOTICH. MDDundaili, Came Astray. Flour, and Faney Goods htL premises of Mrs. Miller, and other Grain at Came Astray. 6. 1878 2, 1879 DURNYIAM d3ard Yoar C NEW Lost. paid WITNESSi f S se paal ols “T"’““" & «ts _ "The Great Sale!*®* * ALEX. ROBERTSON, y4 JOHN MUNROF ELIAS B. GrEY. €46 JOSEPH MILES câ€"42 Largest and Best Compris Ivcr and Electro Plated Goods, Gold and Siver Watches, Ladies and Gents‘ Wedding and Engagement Rings, Gold Lockets, Charms, Chains, Keys, Fencils, Pens, &e., &c. A beautiful line of Clocks. A large line of Fancy Goods, Spectucles, Violins, Fife, Concertinas, &c. S T O V E S ! Repairing a Specialty. AT . F. DOLL‘s, Watchmaker, Crodit given to gord men, if required. A. COCHRANXE Horse Nuils, Blacksmith‘s Supplies, at bottom prices. PAINT3, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, &e., &c. A First Class Aze worth $1, for 80c. Farmers should all take advantage of this epportunity to buy a Cheap Axe. Balance of Stock will be eleared out at Cost Price. » HA RDW ARE STORE, Sleigh Shoe Steel, Spring Steel, Darkam, Oct, 1N, 1978 Which I will sell at Pricos to sait the timees for Cash or Farm Produce Bmail Profits and Quick Returns. Flosherton, December 18, 1878, Very Small Advance on Cost Flour, Oatmsal, Cornmeal, Unboltsd Flour, Potatocs, HAMS, BACON, SALT, &o., eutside of Toronto, can be scen at the GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c. Flour, Feed and Provision Store, NEW GOODS UNDERâ€"SHIRTS and DRAWERS VERY CHFAP Horse Blankets for 50 cts each. DURHAM FOUNDRY, Call and see our Dry Goods at COST and UNDER, Darhkam, Dec. 12th, 1878. Lance Tooth Cross Cut Saws Durham, Nov. 28, 1878 Cheap for Cash. SICATES, SEKATE STTRAPS, SLEIGH BELLS, BOYS SLEIGHS, Assorted Stock of all kinds of Durham, November 27, 1878. AXES, AXES, AXES ! and will be Sold at a Upper Town, DURIHAM. FOR CASH. &e., OF Flesherton, CALL AXND GET SOME OF THE CHEAP BARGAINS. Black L istres at 12} ceats per. yard. Winceys at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 cents. Grey Full Cloth at 35 certs. All Wcol Flannels at 25 cents. MOW ATS GOOVS were never sold at suck low prices in Durbam. TORONTO At Cost, At Cost, At Cost! BURNETT‘S I have on hand a well assorred Stock of JOS. F. MOWAT, LOWER TOW X, DUCRHAM. HUNTER‘S. Is still going on at Cork Btreot, ud including also the whole of Lot Number Two west of the Guelph and Owen Sound Kond, in the said Township of Arthur, And the West Ward containing the remaining portion of said \'llhic bounded by Main, Wellingâ€" un.guun and Cork Streets, and including aiso Lot Number One in the Eleventh Concession of the said Township of Arthur and Lot Number Thirtyâ€" three in the First Concession of the Township of Normanby in the County of Grey. JAMES MOMULLENX, Reeve, WM. BALFOUT, Cerk, Of the Corporation of Mount Porest afornâ€"ani *, .'I_;nu-d at Mount Porest, 12th day of Novernbme® 76. 14» a'u& n Streot and Ma Main Street between Yuutk 24 d m 25 9 s e PrmeRenty limit of said Village, nnd on the Westerly M:‘lo by Cork Street, uid including also the whole of Lot The East Ward containing that portion (f the said Village bounded on the Northerly side by that part of London Rond extending Eastcrly from King Street; on the Easterly side by the line dividing the said \'illnf:- from the Township of Arthur, in the County of Wellington ; on the South eriy side by the line of the uou&mrl.\ limit of enid Village, and on the Westerly «ide by John Street to ite intersection with Queen Street, and by Queen Street to Muin Street and by Main Street to King Stroet, and inoludlnf wlso the North half of Lot Number two, East of the Guelph and Owen Sound Rond, in the said Township of Arthur. The North Ward containing that portion of tie uid Village bounded on the Northerly side by London Road to its intersection by King Street ; on the Ensterly side by King Street to its intersection with Muin Street; on the Southorly side by Muin $treet from its intorsection with said King Street, furd including Lot Number Thirtyâ€"three, in the first concession of the Township of Egrement, in the County of Grey, and those parts of Lots Numbers Sixtyâ€"cight, Sixtyâ€"nine, Seventy and Seventyâ€"one Adjacent to the suid Village and lying between the Third Concession of the said Township of Egreâ€" mont and Sligo Road produced to the said Third Concession line or Road. JA._ of the Village of Mount Forest, in the County of Wellington, in the Province of Ontario, shall tition the Purliament of the said Province of &uflu nt the next sittings thereof for the pas: ing Of an Act incorporating the suid Village und cerâ€" tain lands ndjacent thereto into a Town to be calâ€" led Wire Town of Monnt BHorest.and dividing the same into the following Wards, that is to suy To Whom it May Concern. TAKE NOTICE That the Corporatior of the Village of Mount Forest. in the County Parties wishing to pay their subscription to the Guzy Review in wood, will oblige us by bringing it in at once, as we are greatly in need of this useful article at present. Wood ! Wood ! Lower Town, DURHAM. J. H. HUNTER. NOTICE. JAMES BURNETT My Motto is y42 y8 ly # € Spriog and Sammer Tnshione reguler‘y JOHN ROBERTSON, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER Residenceâ€" Opposite Light Harness, Trimmings Whips, ctc. Currants, Raisins, Cardied lemon Including BLACK, GREEX 'l‘IIl'I Snubscriber offers for Sale, Lot Ne 38, 2nd Consession, East of G. K., Townehip Glenolg, containing 100 acresâ€"about 70 acves c}â€" an ed. Terms r.»#ouzkcsm down, for buinpee ime will begiven. For further particulars apply ob MitcZae, Durhaim, or to E. WTLLIANG . e # (Wamals GCaus se seas ea the premy TEAS! â€" TEA The Highest Market Prico paid for Hides and Skins. Durham, J aly 4, 167# Shoemaker. No. 5, Garafraxa Stroct, LOWER TOWMN, â€" . DURHANM. THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, Povisun. Peb. 14. 3H7% Pure Plavouring Extracts and Essences. Glenelg, Sept. 19, 1878, Cutting done to Order. THE Snbscriber begs to tafurm the peoâ€" â€"_plo of Dundalk, and yicinity, that he is etd 1 carryieg on the Tra#» of Blacksmithing, «ind i1 pre parod .« put A MAR O# ARON into any shape that Fancy or Necessity may t‘nnx. December 16th, 1878 Durham, December 19th 188. Green, 250 per T. Japan, New Fruits. Bo if 1 And now within that lively Towa, f He has Dechured a Waur ; And set the huntmer, vice and fle, To fight against the Bur. To anit all Orades and Ranks of moea, No matter who they are, That want a job nuf; strong with Lrea, He‘ll bind it with a Bar. A Bar of Tron in Norval‘s hends, _ Will shine to pJonse the Czar kodn._voblutu‘la«ldhun And roade things from a Bar. And when the tines were out of Jeiat, And cush as scurce as «par, He never failed to strike a Nail, And form thinge from a Bar. But times anon began to mond : His Iron came in a Car; Yot still without advance in price, Jobn Nerval struck the Basr. And when Dundatk began to strtre Bo like the Morning Star His Hummers with redoubled forea, Came down upon the Bur. fresh Lot, Choice and And if you want a Needlo made, Mo‘ll form 1t from a Bur For tavors past, to Patrons he _ Molds thaukfulness at Pur; . Aud hopes they ever will boliewe He‘ll suit them from a Bar Prom earls DURHAM §r., DUCRNHAM Black, 30¢, 60s, and $Oe, per T. o if you want an anchor : He‘ll form it from a Bar rom earlv morn till dot Sohn Nerval‘s door CALL AND SEE T5e ,, for Sale in Glenelg. and Citron Peela. terian Church. . Boulden‘s were rough and days were dur®, repoiye( Stock of Cheap, Blacksmith, DUsDars. till dotry 5 Hpor 4 ajap JOHN NORYVAL, the Cannia of Tron. and JAPANX *b¢e por Tb Doernax. +b

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