West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 16 Jan 1879, p. 3

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voters CO Whi Fage over & int cut was «t the preâ€" about oneâ€" ~ming into The quotaâ€" is have suggested pple mentary pro« bodied ID & memâ€" e a meusure rge W e Foads rtain districts nl'urm-toly r such other to carry ouk <F in ~The their netitution t asses of parâ€" not hithert» teams had 0 purcusse for the purâ€" supply the economical you for the it of 'ufi" consider & y to juries, system leas fHiciency. men will be vear. Yow aonp un CC that ky { three ol momâ€" 10 semt of and Mr. ailure in t, inducm I to apply® year will 8 by RTHUTE NE Ve meut of to thy erty about al regardi Lerm ho for a Meo LhC &Y @ 14 t ie electric i1 the article of v inee in price 1 > learn that 0e from Ne a nouwntod to year the who rnes was 0 «1 »li ind ove raxltorl, Bamk t e Eng s1¢ ya poe. CM. o tie i a nels Te m : arâ€"hid p ircinal + Bote ® B~y.i ){:.f. The roccatly anee» a#*hars in meoc The soy of King Theodore, of Abyssinia, who was taken to Eagland after the fall of MagJlala, is being educated for the British Aruoy. â€" He is a slender and dusky youth, and haughty and shrewd as becomes a deâ€" rcendant of the Queen of Sheba. He likes lus Enaglish life, admitting that a spring mattress and an ulster in London are preâ€" fera‘ lo to a mat and barelegs and a blanket ia Abyssinia. 1. view of the probability of the success of the elcctric light as a method of illumination, ‘ the article of copper is likely to obtain an adâ€". y mee in price. 1t will surprise many p.o]rle‘ t > learn that last year the exports of copper o e from Newfoundiand to Great Brizain anownt»d t» 59,000 tons, andl t.at i1 the vyâ€"ar the whole copper product of the B itish rvnes was ouly 89000 tms. _ The Neowâ€"| should the minist on Sundav. ve i-::-;v .',,‘.;’,.!;b; ore is tiken for the same a poe. ‘I.is, of crurse, is i1 c ny quence Lrade 1 vli ind ore was all se t t > Swanser to be ~\tol, brat beiag the plees where most y UP Cuoue so4 n OmE C m i C . d .7 tie : a nease coul deposits of Wales, which m : av.hable for melticg pacpse=. _ The acioul eappor mires of N wfualland ace to .‘ Bov. (l?ilt Cove, Little Bay and Green r The two last although the m c atly anevwe 1. are Fkely treclipc all te The Turks are proparing to occupy Adrianople as soon as the definitive treaty At a mecting of the ministers of the variâ€" is Noncor formist Churches in Rochester id Chatham it has been unanimously reâ€" Ived that nome of the ministers should hiciate at a funcral on Sunday exeept when c modical authority immediate interment declared necessary on sanitary grounds. was also decided that in no cireumstances ould the ministers cfficiate at weddings Fope, keeper of the Ellisbay lighthouse, was striken down.with typhoid fever, and to add to his misfortnues the rovolving apâ€" paratus of his light broke. The Governâ€" ment steamer bad gowe, and Pope had no means of communicating with the marine departmart at Quebec or elsewhere. _ The light revolved, or flashed, as the technical phrnce is, every minute and a haif : and if The Acadians Lave a tradition that God enjoined perpetual silence and desolation on Labrador and Anticosti when he gave them to Cain for a heritege. However that may be, it is certain that while other wilds of the earth yield to man‘s conquest these vast watets romain ever void and empty. The Indians called the Island Nattiscotteâ€"the country of wailingâ€"ard under the modern corruption of Anticost it has added to its terrible renown. Its wl.ole history, from the cday it was disâ€" tovered by Jacques Cartier in 1534 to the present, is a record of human suffering. Here and there, however, there is a tale of Lerciem worthy of & nobler scene. In August, 1869, the family of Edward It It tly mes>1, are Fke s in pro luctiven«ss. A naval station of some magnitude i ve eâ€"nstructed on the Panube by Lus N.Y. World commission MISCELLANEOUS. A Herocic Lighthouse vest library at Birmingham was m Satarday. ‘The loss is very ed taat tae Emperor Wiliam k desire to invite the sovercigus ) berlin to consider the dangers i and the need of commeon acâ€" 1 that t iod of 800 years up to the At that time a violent one mich covered the surface wling earth, for a ciremt with a laver of caod four involved the lo: wian _ collection <even that in the * + & ++ elion ol the nationai budget shows a very additional taxation is noblemen in England W C nly twentyâ€"t f Mt. Heela depressi Wilham NS n Fall Wheat, per bash ...... Soring Wheat * serres KHurtex,® _ " _ !* Oats, Â¥* spheue Drosted Hoge, per 196 Ths Dros oge, per s Batter, solls. pr lb,g?..... * A0D O PÂ¥ yressccrcccrerer EAQGS, DOP U P ce cce ce en es Pt t >es, per bag........... T ar aips, per busli.....a....> Fool per 1b Sheep skins. Lamb Skins... Hides per cxt HAY scossersecten MoOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate Office, Jan. 14, 1879 Flour per barrel............... $4 00 to 4 Oatmeal per barrel............ 4 00 to 4 Full WIHCHE:....s«««â€"«~«..~«..... O OU to 0 Treadwell Wheat............... 0 78 to 0 Spring Whest.................... 0 70 to 0 BAFIOY .sc«c«cccccesevigersaqes..s OA ko M ORHES c en errenesmonmniwcie tss es ies C Oe t POMS . ceesereccrcuere ecencancensccens P MA Potatoes per bag............... 0 50 to 0 BUUNE: ce cce e000e 0e w000vo0ecueu0seu Y OE Eggs, per Uoz............... Purkeys per 1b. ..........> Geese * avesserssess Onions per pushel......... Klay per ton................. Cord wood, dry per cord hi *f greQb ......... Dressed hogs per c Cabbage per doz... Potatocs, per bush Butter, per lb...... bariey, Wool pe wlour No. 2 Corn Meal Shorts, Bran, Pork BannEnâ€"On the 22nd ult., at the rosidence of 5tr. Thos. Haros, Meaford, Mrs. Eliswbeth Barber, relict of the late 1. burber, aged 70 yours. MrtCitEL1â€"In Normanby, on the 6th ins‘., Mr. W. Mitchell, aged 05 yours. F1 El Gansonâ€"InksrEnâ€"At Priceville on the istinst., by the Rov. D. MeLood, B.A., Mr. John Garson of Egromont, to Miss Jane urkster, of Osprey. GuaYâ€"Erri0râ€"In Elora, on the 2ith Dec., Mr.Jas. Gray, iniller, Manover, to suggic, ellest daughâ€" lor of Win, Elliot, photographer, of Elora. McCour~â€"F1coDâ€"At Priccville, on the 11th inst., by the Rey, D. McLeod, B.A., Mr. Hugh MccorL., l~: Miss Margaret Flood, both of the gownship PRqnCE s McCout~F1c0Dâ€"At by the Reyv. D. Mel to Miss Margaret of Froton. cummenemenmmip mag se« GuaRast â€"~In Markd@ilo,on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr. J. J. Grahum, of a daughter. Romxzâ€"On Friday, the 3rd inst. the wife of Mr. E. Rork >, Tp. Clark of Colling Â¥00,d of a son. perfume ‘develop it in small quantities. Reasoning from these facts, the protessor recommends the cultivation of flowers in marshy districts, and in all places infested with animal emanations, on account of the powerful oxidising influence of ozone.â€" Medical Press and Circular. NEECCHdy ‘NRNeNCE Of the ntmosphere, conâ€" vert‘ng its oxygen into ozone, and thus inâ€" creasing its oxidising influence. The esâ€" sonces fouudâ€"to develop the largest quantiâ€" ty of ozone are thoso of cherry, laurel, clover, lavender, mint, juniper, lemon, Erreors or Perevars: on Hzautu.â€"We learn that an Italian professor has recently made some very agreeable medicinal reâ€" searches resulting in the discovery that vegetuble perfumes exercise a positively healthy influence on the atmosphere, conâ€" President of Ecnador in 1875 ; President of Paraguay in 1877 ; two atteripts on the life of the German Emperor, one on HTumâ€" bert. King of Italy, and one on Alphonsa, King of Spain., in 1878. Arracks on Ruuers.â€"Thirty attempts on the lives of Royal personages and rulers during the last thirty years :â€"The Duke iol .\lod,nl, attacked in 1848 ; the Prince of Prussia (uow the Emperor William), at Minden, in June 1848 ; the late King of ‘Prussia, in 1852; Queen Victoria (b7 an exâ€"lieutenant),in 1852 ; an infornal muchine discovered at Marseilles on Napoleon III.‘s visit in 1852 ; the Austrian Emperor slightâ€" ly wonnded by the Hungarian, Libemyez, in 1853 ; attack on King Victor Emsmanuel in 18538 ; also on Napoleon III. opposite the Opera Comique ; the Grand Duke of Parma mortally stabled in 1854 ; Napoleon IL. fired at by Pianori in the Champs de Elysees in 1855 ; m policeman seized Fuentes when about to fire at Queen Isabelln in 1856 ; Milano, a soldier, stabâ€" bed King Ferdinand of Naples in 1856 ; three Italians fiom London convicted of eonspiracy against Napoleon III. in 1857 ; the Orsini Piot against Napoleon III. in 1828 ; King of Prussia twice fired at, but | not hit, by the stadent Beker at Baden, inI 1861 ; Queen of Greece shot at by the student, Brusios, in 1862; three Italians from London arrested for conspiring against Napoleon TIL. in 1862 ; President Liu®#oIln assassinated in 1865 ; the Czar attacked at St. Potersburg in 1866, and at Paris in 1887 ; Prinece Michael of Servia assassinatâ€" ed in 1368 ; King Amadeus of Spain atâ€" tacked in 1871 ; President of Peru assassiâ€" vated im 1872 ; President of Bolivia in 1873: ill Wheat Duadalk, Jan. 16, 1879. ring Wheat, per bush... $0 50 to 0 75 11 * * ... $ 70 to 0 80 t3, *+ .. 020 to 022 as, h ... 040 to 0 50 riey, ig ... 0 30 to 0 60 ool per Myccc:.ccozs.. ... /ve l hy ~O 24 OUt PCP bbl...c..cc.cscccl..e 400t0 423 our per bb eepskins c V Â¥ L3DM....4k. s per bags r 100 tb... Wheat, R TOROXTO MARKETS. DURHAM MARKETS. DUNDALK MARKETS. DuURHAM, Jan 1100, lbs, at mill {2 s per ewt ang MARRIED Toroxto, Jan. 14, 1879. bush ...... £0 88 to £0 90 ' ...... 0 70 to 0 88 * 65 to 0 90 * 28 to 81 * 55 to 6) er 100 lbs 8 50 to 4 20 t Miyresceres 15 to 13 12 to 18 20 to 80 [ se riveivten 0) to 1 €0 DEATHS BIRTHS Chaif 0 40 to 0 40 to 08 00 to 0 40 to 3 10 to 0 65 to 0 40 to 0 C3 to 0 12 to l 50 to 0 50 to 0 70 to 0 6) to 2 25 to 2 00 to 1 60 to 0 69 to 0 78 to 0 81 0 70 to 0 75 0 40 to 0 55 0 20 to 0 28 0 40 to 0 45 0 50 to 0 60 0 08 to 0 11 0 18 to 0 20 0 17 to 0 20 0 00 to 0 0¢ 0 50 to 0 60 5 0 to 5 50 5 00 to 7 0J 0 25 to 0 10 to 0 12 to 6 to 5 to 0 80 to 6 00 to 1 50 to 1 25 to . 50 to 3 00 to 30 to 20 to 40 to 40 to U0} to 50 to 18 to 1J to 16, 1979 18 0 45 0 45 08 00 0 45 8 20 1 0 (0 4 25 4 50 0 82 0 81 0 60 0 75 0 70 0 70 0 12 0 15 61 0 60 7 00 1 75 1 50 5 00 0 70 0 11 60 8 80 15 50 20 90 40 00 70 T0 And all other kinds equally low at the Durham Foundry. NEVW YEAN‘S PRESENT to their Sons and Daughtors about to be mamied than a ALI, parties are hereby forbidden to purâ€" chiso any noto of hand made by ime to Williom Crederman, as the snme has been obâ€" tuined by fraudulemnt rapresentriions. Strayed into the rrx-miw» of Joseph Myles, Lot 16, Con. 1, O«prey, about 1st Oct. last, one BULL, 1 Your Old, and one HEIFER, 1 Year Old, and both Red. The owner is r«%wntcd to prove property pay charges, and take them away. The "Old Folks At Home" can make no ‘S‘O.\TE are inquiring if I hold the Notes kJ tukon at m{ Sule last winter, They are in my hands and will be due on the 7th of February, 1879. ;rmm interested will govern themselves accordingâ€" y. JCHN MeKELYRY, Egremont, Dec. 17th, 1878. d45 ties getting up clubs will b copios of the paper gratis. Any one is at liberty to get up a club on his own responsibility. Each club paper may be addresse« sepmrately, and muy be for any Post Office. Par tios cvtti‘ng: up clubs wiil be supplied with specime: Romittrnces may be sent by Postâ€"office order bpl‘:k draft, registered letters, or by express, at ow rink. Orders and remittances to be wddreased to the GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, TORONTO. The annual subscription to Tam Wre«ty Grone will rommin as heretofore, only TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, sent "postage free" to all parts of Canada and the l'uitc-i Stutes, payable invaristly in advance. The CLUB RATES FOR 1879. WILL BE AS FOLLOWS:â€" The lllustrated Biographies 0f prominent Pubâ€" lic Men that have given such generil public satisâ€" fuction will be continued during the consing year by able and experionced writers. The sketches of Natural Scenery, views of the priveipat Canaâ€" dian cities and towns, and views of the most notâ€" whle public builings of the Dominion, with copiâ€" ous lattorâ€"press descriptions attuched to each, and sketches u{ the early histery of each place, will also be continued by firstâ€"class artists. Eccelesiastical l-lrl?e-ce. Science Notes, and Educational Affairs will continue proâ€" minent features in each number. The Answers to Correspondents, of ovorly variety of subjects, which have proved so valuable and interesting to crowds of readers, will be kept up with increased vigour, Special Cable Despatches from the London Office of 'f‘ru: Grom® wili continue to be received when incidents of importance to Canada transpire in wny part of the élilhgh Islos. Tux Grome Special Railway Train will continue to leave Toronto for Humilton, and Western conâ€" nentions mt that point, ut halfâ€"past four each morning. _ uce o C of Special Correspondents from all poiuts of inter ostâ€"will be guthered with all the crro and cnevgy that hus kept Trrs Guome for so long & serics of years in the front rank of Canadian jowrnals, . News from all parts of the world, up to the Intest moment of publication ~Parliamentary Deâ€" bates, Federal and Provincialâ€"Markets and Fiâ€" nancial Report#at home and abroadâ€"and Letters Julyist, 1878 _ Thronghly belioving that the best pou:-.ly for Canadla is that which shall promote iucreased trafâ€" t« with foreign countries, mad that system of taxâ€" atron the best which falls most lightly on Industry and the Industrial classes, TiE Gtopt will conâ€" timw to mdlvocuto enoâ€"getically the mbolition of Customâ€"dutics on raw materials, and the maintenâ€" ance of a rovenue tariif pressing lightly or not at wll «n the nesessaries of life, bat heavily on artiâ€" cles of laxary. It will continue to oppose the imposition of Castomâ€"duties framed specially to rnninh Forcim Countrics for actual or inaginary hostility in their commercial policy; or specially to exclude British and foreisn manufacturers from the country, or specially to keep certain branches of industry in existonce that cannot be sustained without forced contributions from the carnings of the rest of the community. Tx: Grom® will continue to give special rttenâ€" tion to tha deoply important subjects of European Immiststim, Ruilway and Canal Improvement, the Development of the vast Mineral Timber and Fish» ory insources of the Dominion, and the speedy Setâ€" tloment of our Wild Lands. Agriculture, as the chicf industrial futerest of the Doeinion, receives that constant and anxious attention to which its vast importance entitles it; amd all measures for the advancement of its prospority or injuriously. aifeéting its progress will Kw watchea with care and fully discussed. To the manfacturing and mechanical interests much space will continue to be devoted, and nothing of 'mlpur:.imlrc affecting them will be allowed to pase inheeded. Osproy, Dec. 21, 1878, Dus: mJ .cucry 14, 1879 Montily convinced that .Canada could hold no position higher or better. or more conducive to material progre«gs, thin that she llOW-Ofli‘;Yl at the formmost selfâ€"toverned Province of the British Empire, the conductors of Tz GLomz will continue zoulously to sustain whatever tends to the porpeâ€" tration of the happy existing relation., “’ ITMH the close of its present volume. Ti® Toroxto Grou® completes the thirtyâ€" fifth year of its publication ; and its eâ€"nductors feel that they can hm{ back with satisfwction And“i'un rk’e on the part it has taken, and the beneficial inâ€" uence it has exercised, in all the prominent poliâ€" tical movements and ‘contests for good 'govern- ment, since the day of its establishment, The unâ€" equaulled and unswerving snpport it has throughâ€" out receivud among all classes of the Canadian public, is at once the best reward, and the highest possible testimony to the efi iency and fdelâ€" ity to public interests with which it has been conâ€" ducw(r As in the past, so in the future, shall the earnest efforts of its conductors be put forth in faâ€" vour of whatever temds to secure just and econoâ€" mical government, the materiat prosperity of the masies, and the promotion throughout the land of roligion, good morals, education, temperance, and lu.r"inl hnppiness, ui F * & Copies and under 10, at the rate of......$1 90 10 Copies and under 20, at the rate of.........1 80 20 Copies and over, at the rate of...............1 75 NICH STOVH. A benutizul work of 100 Pages, One Colored Flower Plate, and300 llustrstions, with Descr‘ptipns afthe best flowess and Vegetables,and how to grow them. All for & Five t?xxr Stamr. In matglish or The Flower and Vegetable Gardem, 175 Pages, Six Colored Plates, and many hundrea Enâ€" gravings. For 50â€"cents in pn“»ar covers; $1.00 in eleg-nt eloth. In German or ‘nglish. Vick‘s MMlustrated Monthly Magazineâ€"32 Pages, & Colorgd Plate in every number andâ€"many fine Engravings. Price #1.25 a year ; Five Copica for $5.00. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents. Vick‘s Seeds nre the best in the world. end@ Prvz Cext Staotr for a Fromat GUIE, containing List and Prices, and plenty of information. Adâ€" We 1879 The Weekly Globe. 1879 For $22.00 ‘+<Ir I N G ! Vick‘s Floral Guide. NOTICE. better or more useful THE GQOD OLD Camse Astray. Fully Trimmed, CAUTION! JAMES YICK, Rochester, N. Y. A. COPHRAXNE, JOHN H. PALMER, 134 JOSEPHI MILES. c A3J Per Copy â€"lGiving Away, Giving Away| ! â€" FParties wishing to pay their subscription to lthe Guzy Revisw ia wood, will oblige us by bringing it in at once, as we are greatly in meed of #2is useful article at present. Wood | Wood ! "THE GREY REVIEW," “YISIIES to inform the inhabitants of Durham and vicinity that he has opened a Butcher‘s Shop, in the store lately occupied by Mr. Prossor, Next the Durham FQ-nLry. where he will keep on hand and for sale nothing but first class ment, consisting of Beef, Mutton, Pork, and Fowls. Shop open from 8 a, m. until Noon. Durham, Dec. 12, 1878. emdid Subscribe at once, and get V Mf:QI}A}!I_lIE, Dundalk, has operned Confectionery, Toys, Apples, a‘4e out a stock of \ eall is respectfully invited. Remember the place n the builaing nearly ogposih D. Davidson‘s ately occupied as a Drug Store. Dundalk, Jen. 2, 1870. Horse Nails, Blacksmith‘s Supplies, at bottom prices. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHE 8 GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, &e., &c. Dressmaking carried on in connection wit} the store. Lance Tooth Gross Cut Saws A First Class Axe worth $1, for 80¢. Farmers should all take advantage of this opp.réunity to buy a Cheap Axe. Balance of Stock will bo cleared out at Cost Price. AXES, AXES, AXE S Sleigh Shoe Steel, Spring Steel HARDWARE STORE, K4"We respectfully inform all who are indebted to us that their accounts are ready, and wo must insist on payment this month. " Cheaper than ever for Cash, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Cheap for Cash, SICATES, SKATE STRAPS, your ncighbours to take as it is acknowledged to Butcher Shop. be the bast local paper Darkam, Dec. 12th, 1878. Fresh Fish kept in Season. Durham, Japuary, 1879, At Cost, WM. LARTER, in the Flour, and Fancy Goods, HKASTIE & GRANT‘S. MOW ATS NEW SLEIGH BELLS, BOYS SLEIGHS, JOS. F. MOWAT, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. At Cost, =â€"â€"AT.. a weel 66 b asin bb frse. Noriik. Rader, if you want a basiness at which p»rsons of either sox _ can make myu,v all the time they work, write for puricul c. L. HhAurcrs & Co. PorJant *!.ize. Compris Iver and Electro Plated Goods, Gold and Siver Watches, Ladies and Gents‘ Wedding and Engagement Rings, Gold Lockets, Charms, Chasins, Keys, Fencils, Pens, &¢., &c. A beautiful line of Clocks. A large line of Fancy Goods, Spectucles, Violins, Fife, Concertinas, &c. Repairing a Specialty. 10 copics to one address...$ 2.50 per an. 25 copies to one address... 6.00 _ " 50 copies to one address... 1150 _ " 100 copies to one addross... 2200 _ " All persons desiring to interest themselves in obtaining snbwfie»uonu for the Witmess, will reâ€" ccive sample copies and terms on application. Every letter answerod. Lost by the undersigned, on Tuesday the 20th day ' of Decomber, 1878, eithor at Dundalk or betwoen | Dundalk and sideline 250, Melancthon, on the Rajl | Road, a Promissory Note, made on the first day of Jaly 1878, in favour of William Cryderman or bearer, by John Palmer, of Mclancthof,for the sum of Seventyâ€"fve dollers, at soven per cont interest, and payable one year after dato. _ Any sureum finding the above Note and lenving it with George Middleâ€" ton, at Dundalk Post OfMecs, will receiverg'{rewud. Payment of the above is stopped. ] WV. E. DOLTL‘s, Watchmaker, In addition to these, the publishers of the Witâ€" ness issuc the Northern Messenger, a semiâ€" monthly illustrated {umilz' journal, which is reâ€" f;n.rd.ed with great favor all over North America, as ts circulation of over 50.000 testifies. In homes remote from postal accommodation,it supplies the whole family reading, while in cities, towns, and villages everywhere, it is the favorite of the young peopfie, who find it an endless source of enlightenâ€" ment and enjoyment. Its price is but 30 cents m year, including postage. To Sundayâ€"schools and elubs it is sent at the following rates :â€" necesstry to make the household bright, pleasant end prosperous. The household and general literary departments of the Witness have nlways been a prominent feature of the paper, and they will be continued on the same plan as heretofore, giving to the lndics much vul:nbla‘ in!un‘nati-u‘l _about everything The price of the different editions of the Wit» ness is as follows, per your, post paid :â€" Another special feature of the Witmess during 1879, will be the attention paid to its engravings, which already are numerous and important. . Porâ€" traits of the prominent men throughout the world will be given, and tha paper willcontain numerous illustrated articles of much interest and value, as Z:ll ws sclections from the hnmorous art of the y. The fullest attention will be paid to news, so that the Witmess may retain its present reputsâ€" tion as a newspaper, Daily Witness, $3.00, circulation,14,800. Weekly Witzess, $1.10, circulation,28,000. The Witness is devoted to temperance, beins th:fivrinripn.l organ of that cause in Canada, an to all other sanitury and moral reforms as well as to the furtherance of Evangelical religion. Ow: of the most important festures of the Witnessa during the year 1879, will be its course of ‘reo lectures on agriculture, by W. F. Clarke, of Andenbank, Guelph, late editor of the "Canacda ‘armer." ‘Thoselectures already delivered by Mr. "larke have been met with the greatest ap&nrnl verywhere, The lectures will be roported the Vitmess, whose value as an agricultural pnaerhu within the past few months been greatly enâ€" hanced. THB WITNESS Flesherton, December 18, 1378. Dundalk, Dec. 21, 1878 Lower Town, DURHAM. NEW GOODS JOHN DOUGALL & SON, a week in your own town £5Outht &e., OF Flasherton, 33rd Year. Lost. TORONTO AT At Cost! Posumsners, Montreal, Q. ELIAS B. GREY y1 Spring and Summer Fashions regular‘y Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canada Presbyâ€" Cheap for Cash. These Machines are the best made, and give entire satisfaction to those using THE subscriber is prepared to Receive and Make L";,‘ou the shortest notice, and in the Latest Style, Men nnd Boy‘s Clothing. A good fit gunrranteed. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Residence at the Old Post Office, Lower Town, DURHAM. Sewing Machines For Sale Light Harness, Trimmings, Whips, éte. Wood Turning, of all kinds done to order on short notice. y18 The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Skins. Greo. J. Matthews, Cabinet Maker, LOWER TOWN, â€" . DURHAM THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, THE Subscriber begs to inform the peoâ€" ple of Dundalk, and vicinity, tmha is still ‘arrying on the Trade of Blacksmith and is preâ€" parod to put A BAR OF IMON into an: shape that Fancy or Necessity may &n-nl Dundalk, for which the highest market price will be That Bar of Iron. Durham, Nov. 4, 1878, Durham, July 4, 1678, D. DAVIDSON‘S, 1,000 Cords of Pry Wood, Latest Fashions Regularly Received. rescived. Darkam. T&ob. 1 i. 1876. Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa Street, December 16th, 1676. UrsorstERER, and UNDERTAKER, Garafraxa Street, DURMHAM, Durham, December 19th 188. Cutting done to Order. 10,000 bushels of Wheat January 3, 1879. No matter who they are, k That want a job mul); strong with Lrom, He‘ll bind it with a Bur. A Bar of Tron in Norval‘s handa, Will shine to please the Czar Bo if you want an szchor made, He‘ll form it from a Bar. JOHN NORYAL, Blacksmith, Dusparg. And now within that lively Town, _ Me has Declared a War; _ _ _‘ And set the hammer, vice and Ble, To fight against the Bar. To suit all Grades and Ranks of mer, _ No matter who they are, And cash as scarce as spar, ... never failed to strike a Ne And form. things from a Bar. But times amon began to mend : His Iron came in a Car; YÂ¥et still without advance in pric And when Dundalk began to strive Bo like the Morning Star, His Hammers with redoubled foree, Came downz upon the Bar. JOHN ROBERTSON, Alexander Robertson, For favore past, to Patrons he Holds thankfulness at Par ; And hopes they ever will belleve He‘ll suit them from a Bar. Alzd_ when the times were ont of jotmi From early morn till dewy eve,. John Norval‘s door ‘s ajar, And if you want a Noedle made,. When Seas were rough and days were dark, "Hapiver c ie n nin y many a t an And nul. thibgs from a Buz. W. Boulden‘s ef still without advance in priea, JSoim Nerval struck the Bars He‘ll form it from a Baz. DURHAM Sr., DURHAM. CALL AND SEE A few firstâ€"class BARCLAYS TAILOR, and other Grain at terian Church. ALEX. ROBERTSON ya vi MOST APPROVEDP LKINDS And with the Greatest Promptitude can depend upon being satisfied by learic Possesse® great Facilities for doing al Having lately made an addition to oFr Job Department, Is now fitted up in the very best style, and in the Townships of Glenelg, Bentinek Normandy, Egremont, Proton, Artomesi# Osprey, Melancthon and other Town ships makes it one of the The Large and ropidiy incrwasing GOirce and contains a vart, armpount of interestin: BEADIXG «Grey Review, Good Family Newspaper Best Mediums for Advertisera, Best Style of the Art, "Grey Job Work "GREY REVIEW* Price $1.25 per Annum, FZ*POSTAGE FREE. .53 mojfiukfunidul'fi EOCAL AND FOREIGK XEWS should subscribe for the l{‘ mot paid in advance, In the County of Qzop, type, partics wishing OF THE LATEST WORIG. éone in the very A who want a J. TCOWNEEKD, lation of the kts in of #B

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