West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 Jan 1879, p. 3

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Ltinck Council. ‘CCallnm. sea mid by ueu meeting at M 'mul, Halt. Hm, plat at l clam-l] II. .n ll ”Huck on _ l, 1879. trd mud. a“ ciaratums and qua)“. much the Reeve M lb M tho an” od As. ” up Io tho no. " Primary "ou-tr. M the mates“ " Gvar-Cturrud. snowed by Ms re irtrtruet.d " um, upended " can (Kmart-l! bo i ciwrk " 1879, " he Thirteenth to debit" tho .N of the "id , Comer-- ateil, via seconded " " And Hm . Pxivlt nuli~_ at, neon-kl by W. Vick”. u 137:! in m 'c'.utiorts 5.15.. III-d third timo gun] nnd ltd. Maori, and councillor sit and cup“ Indigent who re now nib. I report unm- 'eputr at you a “WNWUI. and Councillor engulf. in” aerU and. oruted by H'. l be upwin- author“. the do- for 18'” ul "atoll norm! of Tommy mind by Mr. tho sum cl {r , tang. DIM] oded by Mr. lst I by Mr. W ad tho proper than, that "Jun. " tt when] [way " by bo in, Duh! -I tho d by _ tho yo! Mel-u. Deputy met " unto'w‘ rm be Mr. " " mt “g. But». .00 (tho Park. sud '. It. t tho Ht- Tun) to in and do Mr " A: Tray-Inner In”: the Boom and Dam . Run-s, if Cottnen1 thomtht pimp" to and. dvleption asked for, 3nd if it '10 thought mlvinhh tor him to go to Toronto to nuk- onquirv "lain to Gamte under the By-hv main; aid anon ding to iifty mom-ml dol. fun. pan-id my years line. he would In. no objectioo to join delegation. Tho Clerk requested Council to with law his name m jninml with the Reeve on Pro' pond dalmatian. Circular appeared to ro- quu'e “an; .1141 Deputy-Reeves to attend, and " may “we the parties respond] u to ’oople it any xlel'gntion went. it than“ be camp”! of such members of Council. An. haw:1:|, the politi "erCttad john! his guns Tu," - ml made: d “.6011, an Inn. withdrew the lame. Navel by Mr. Uta-net would by Mr. ttchew, that It." and Doputy-Duvu and Ttmurcr In delegation to and In: an peti- tmu --Uun'od. 'Gao-- tbmaig.8elsoth, O'rarmll, McMahw ' y " - Blyth. Mr. lylh calls} for You an! Km an Ithiou. The Raw a rent Circular. liking Reeve and Donut.) "tveven to join delegation to wait a. Attorney-ti-al to urge clung of scrutinn' and Hun-u lluivmy to aid by way of “1!..in In in eltvnliun northwanll. “mud by Mr. "Tun“. seconded by Mr. chdwn, that the Reeve and Clerk be ap- yomted on behalf of (In. mummy to jun deputatiun which will wait on the Govern- ment to uk mini-l, to line, of railway an nun-d in circulu and petition presumed by Mr. Wenge . l pram-u mm picntllkal by Noah “fang" mm min-rs, w-Lin.,' Couucul to appoint a Glu.. pul m I.” ac" mm 'lelev,atioas from other lnLI‘r'NLBI Alumni;- min-1 who “my“ ealtiug on no Attors"rrtirtrteral at 'l'dl’onto on a; .aruy Jaw, rclattvee to granting Uncommon: nun-l to Atratfor l and Hum.) lim, of railway in tts alluvia- to Lilo mtrtrts, Inc-ml."- of Uelegatiou to be Mes-rs. Kmnig. Scheuk and McMalmuUheVe and Deputy-vau) and the Tnmurcr of township. Moved by Mr. "Farrell, Mania-lad by Mr. McMahon, that cummumcauun and firm of pet “on rclalivo to Gnorgiau Bay and Walling- toit P. ulway I'mnpisny be Iakau into consider Luau all manna tornor.--t'arried. By law appointing Amt-on win pond. By-law spy-mung Collect m VI! was}. Kama; are as iolloti.-Ntrnry Miller, tirat division ; Mattiww "Tan-ell. second division; M nun Minter, third divides: . Matthew Marina, fourth division l Tho-u Summon. titth division ' Adam ii. Bowie, "ith di- 'l‘lQl'. be Patti.-- Carried. The Clerk presented co-mnmcatio. trom Stratford and Huron Run", Pomp-y. ul- ng I‘mnml to pu- resolution foe Ray. ad d 'le.k to -i.lu petition and attach soal thereto ook mg suueady to aid “In of railway. Mored by Mr. Sela-uh. lecomkd by Mr. ”Fan-r“, that prayerof cummnnicntiou be srrarccd, and that [have And Clerk It.“ Ann-h .ra.t to lithium. and lorwnnl it to " cretnry n! ('omgnhy. tho being the line of not” the ratqnyrrl of the township are m favor ot. Currie I. .\l.wml by Mr. OT'arrell, seconded by Mr. MeMahou, that maten'zd for late olvrtinn be paid, auto-ting to ".80.-- Clerk presented cornmunieation bungee- rotary of ergmn Bay and Welington RlllVly ('mupmv with petition asking Council to pan a mutton authertaing Run anll‘hrk to sign naid patina Ind attach an] thereto, mtrusorialiaurg the, Legislative new», of tite Province of Ontario (or: Mural Duh-sit!" to "id but a railway. Trnnurer of school monies, tho equivalent or asuuieiptst can: Gr 1878 of 0800 to meet u urlnrtn' eueques.---Camud. Movcd by M r. 19'Farrell, wounded by Mr. P2y th, that non-resident school accounts for 1375 he paid when checked by Clerk..- Moved by Mr. O'r'arrell, seeonded by Mr. Myth. that wanes at late election In paid _ Imimtru'setaruine Ottieera " each, and Returning "ttieer 927. which “noun!!! iu. rlmlr pay " cumtano mul polling pluck: ecu-h divtnion.--, Carried. Moved by Mr. McMahon. seconded by M r. Svlmnk. tlust the Trauma! pay to Inb- 15H til. O'Furrell. V Moved by Mr. "Farm", seeun Myth, that parties at late elven - "eptttriletaruine Oaieera " Returning otheer MIT. which an tar arrears of but " lend "U,with I View t , its "demption.anid land beiugat " nedi Enniskillen vilur.--c-ud. 5 L. Moved by Mr. Schenk. ueomled by Mr. Men-hon. that Ernst Gone! be exempt of taxes of MrN.-4htrrieit. , Con-nail decided to nppoint two Amen-an, --one " went division, being from rear of township to link-line between lots twenty and hunty-one l And one for east divi. lion. being from said side line to {rout of township. Moved by Mr. Sehenl. ueonded by Mr. O'Fttrrell,thnt George Kept be Axum! " wort divisiott.--Cnrried. Moved by Mr. O'E'mell. seconded by Mr. McMulmn, that Matthew O'Pamll be Ar lessor for ens! divisiorc--Lost. Moved by Mr. Blyth, seconded by Mr. Scheuk. that George A. Privtrt be Aeneas! t, r mu slivimion.--Carried. Shun} by Mr. Scheuk. wounded by Mr. :IN.dsou, that salary of each Anew: be ta). -e Carried. M 1n tal by Mr. O'Fu-rell. seconded by Mr. smuk. that the Clerk be Ippombd on be. half of this Council to uni-go with MP; Maeitae a} to the portion of land purchanod " 11170an of taxes " laasd salami": a View Moved by Mr. O'Flmll, mondod by Mr. McMahon, that '1'th Wynn: be H" printed Alnor.--Carriea. liyJuw was parsed eotttirming appoint- lul ist: f Auditors. Th: Jeelnratiom, cl qunlituatioa, and one. were mad. and sutaeriUd lo. Minutes of Inst mung We}. "a and consented to. Tho member: decal/to and! {61 t wmhip of Sounlnby to: 1m matte "rgauUo on Juana, tho Mth, 1879.3: Township mn.m.: John Kenig " Reeve: Gel-rue H. Schenk as Gt Deputy-Been; Henry A. MeMnh'm as Sud Deputy-Reeve, Ind John Blyth and We. O'l-‘uroll M‘ Cutneillors. l The lieu. Amlitor. " .n "u d. Swan [wanted a "mud oi Normanby Tcwnship Councl. ‘ ml by Mr. Blyth, "eonded ‘ vi], that salary be "lk-Lost . and Nays 2m motion for 850 'nk. Mam-bun, Xenia: 3 rv Mr. MeMaltott, seconded by Mr, :trut Btu-Intuit”! salary be paid, L.» 'D'. --k arrted. Htpoiuteal Jain. Alvin u Mo; You ', Nurs-- Mr --Thert, has been for some time . pro- Pet on foot for the purchasing of Palatine. and it is now sold that there is every reason to helm» that it will be completed Ihortly. The liothscmlds, Morttefiores ttttd other wealthy Jews have takan up the matter, the secretary of the Amoei . hich has been turned hr outlying“. project in” that the Jews of the whole world In in sympathy with the movement. Bl estiuo proper is about 145 miles long and Ag wide, an on: leu than tho point» of Wales but which formed tho mm of the greatest events in the history of tho world. Though thorn of ite anaiaut glory, and under the rule of tho Turk u little both! than a dry parched haul. get than is no reason to cuppa» that it would (all to sup- port. snat- yopnhtion u it Ivor did, prumled ts'uui'a.r mum were mod. now. u in Incl“: use ' us the cultivation ot Mr. Bishop was unanimously uomiuted in South Huron " the [meal Assembly it the Reform Convention held in that riding on Friday week. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Black, That Mr. James Cuvungh be N" pointed Tn-nsurcr for the Township of Proton, commencing with tho resigturtiott of the present Treasurer to continue dur. mg thu pimaure of the Council, at the rate oft-15 per anuum. he to attend such meet- ing of Council as he may he required, and that his securities be tusepted.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Agnew. That Mr. Fleming ho ropreaentu- tive of lilac. Div. No. L and Mr. Abbott for division No. 2.-Carried. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Black, That Jeremiah Phelan open the Road opposite the Lots 33 and " Con. 5, eight feet wule for the mm of 94.25 in Pt ment of non-resident taxes against Lot M, Con. 6, for the yen 1877.-Nr, ried. Moved by Mr. Black, leeanded by Mr. Abbott, That the assessor be appointed " the next meeting of this couueil.--car. tied. Moved by Mr. Abbott, Recon led by Mr. Black. That a bond be taken from Henry Howells for the performance of three days statute labor under the Pathuvaster of the division for the year 1879, being work un- performed in 1878.-Carried. On nomination of the Reeve, James Buckley was appointed to audit the “- eouuta of 1378, and also to the time the Treasurer is relieved oi his books-Car. tied. Moved by Mr. Flt-wing. seconded by Mr. Agnew. That this Ccuncil do now Adjourn to meet at Dnndulk in the Hotel, kept by Mr. James Raid, on the second Tuesday of February, at IO n.m.-Carried. Jon: "In, Tp. Clerk. The Minute: of the last Session of Coun- cil ware read over and adopted. Several communications received and read Bill of accuunb laid over till next meeting of Couueil. Tender of resignation of Mr. Wm. Dunn, M Township Treasurer, was also re. crived and read. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Agnew, That the resignation of Mr. Win. Dunn, as vauahip Treasurer be received, sud that Iii. dumb of this Council ber tendered him tor his etiieieut and satis~ I factuy iuyrvieerc--Carried. Maxed by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Mr. Black. Thut Mr. J aim Page be appointed to expend the tomaiudor of the appropriation to division No. l, for 1873.--. Carried. Moved rs Mr. Fleming. seconded by Mr. Agnew, Thu: Wm. Quinn be appointed Auditor of the Tuwnuhip accounts for 1878, and also audit. Treasurer's books unH re- lieved of the sanw.-Mywried. The Clerk de alarm! the Council duly organized, and each Member took his seat at the Couneil-Board, John Jarvis Middle. Yrtt, Esq., presiding. a tant "(muted to publinh foregoing minutes. Moved by Mr. Blyth, that in vic' 0‘ the large annual-t. already voted by town-hip to the Stratum! and Huron line of Railway and of action of cmnncll In "gain petition for the Government subsidy to said 1l'i1'd'l',' it is un- lit-canary to incur any farther “DONG re. hstieo to me. and that no dlgatiU In IP- pointed or 'trut for purpoae ot said resolu. tum. On motion being made to and delegation to T orouto to Ask Attorney-General to gin aid to Station! and Huron line of Railway, on tta extension to Lake Iiuron, by vny oi ob. ably. {”110-1ng motion no nude but not necuuded. On nuling of communication from Secretary of Georgian' Bay and Wellington Railway (“Jon-council mpg-loath. that Reeve sud Clerk sign . petition in favor of Government nubuuly, following notion VIM olferetl but not ucondml. Moved by Mr. Myth, that Ryere ml Oink “W pqtitiun. '. walled. Nurumby, James, 1879. --. -r" (Ln-am a Jiacm m Strat. ford and Hurun Railway Company for council to penal"; for deornment mhu'dy. knowing. motion wu nude Ut not no ttovod by Mr. Bl) th that petition do lie on table. Moved by Mr. O'rarmll. neondod by Mr. McMILon, that Mr. Btu-'- Account!» paid. - Curried. On motion. made and mended. Council adjourned to meet " towmhip hall on Feb. uary the m, WN. ' F -r -_-___ '___-..... "an: In. pun-I1 that while amount looked 1aaeeorun enmity cu in detail, " in not excessive. January 22nd. 1870, ing ballot boxes ind "iiid'iTai to Kii"?;'ii"J, tun-Rug when. It“ Quad-L on crquin, {and that in _. - "ee - "i"""""'"""'"- "e. ”won: election Incl: Hyena In Ila-nod, the R.. turniux Ottieer dun-in it im “than: n (ml roworGi- Al "d","A A AK., . _ fry out Irtlivbirtmpi iLir"raii,"iiiiiUC,t' [amides that "Pte/tterred shun In I '" for. Iflf‘and usia.a Council.‘ on erg-in. found that in fame a on; MAM-I: in!» page Proton Council. W. H. RYAN, Tp. Clark W. H. Bus, Tp. Clerk. with As the hands on the face of a clock indi- cate the power within it,that moves them; so the life points to the power of godliness within us that disposes us to live in right. eousness. goodness, and truth. The outer man is but the dagucrreo-typo of the inner man in all its moral conditions. Cultivate, therefore, purity at heart and sanctity of conduct. Live not a partial, but 0. complete life. God has renewed you in the spirit " your minds and aids you both to will and . to do his good pleasure. Wherefore, by (lid grace. work out your own salvation ‘On the one lmnd,crucify the old men with his deeds and put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. Strive to be the christian gentleman in all the small virtues as well as in all the great graces cf the spirit. In the spiritual as well as in the nintcriul world, you are the architects of your own fortunes. Rely upon your own "strength of body and soul. Take for your motto, Self-reliance, Honesty and Industry. For your star, Fuith, Persevemnee, and Pluck, and inscribe on your banner. "Be just and fear not." Don't take too much advice; keep the helm and steer your own ship. Think well ot yourselves. Strike out Fire above the mark you intend to hit. l Assume your position. Do not practice _ excessive humility. you can't get above' your level. watt: don't gm up hill; puti potatoes in a cnit over a rough road end the small ones will go to the bottom. En. ergy. invincible Determination witltaright motive, are the levers that move the world. The great art of commanding; is to take u fair share of the work. Civility cont! noth- ing, and buys everything. Don't drink. Don't smoke. Don't chew. Don't gamble. Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't deceive. Don't tattle. tie true. Be generous. Be kind. Study hard. Be in earnest. Be self-reliant. Read good books. Love God, us well as your fellow men. Love your country and obey its laws. Love truth. Love virtue. Always do what your cam science tells you to be a duty and leave thel rest with God. I Spring What, ll. cum... 91.53” -. " ...... As we live a holy life so shall we pass into 'rlory---ouly wlnt we have wrought into our character during life can we take (may with us. 0. S. DURHAM, Jun. 28, 1879. Flour, per 100dU, " mill " " to 2 f Flour No.2," " 2 00 to ll 1 Corn Meal " " ......... l 60 to l t Shorts. " " 0 60 to 0 I Bran, " " 0 go to 0 I Fall Wheat per bush........ 0 " to 0 1 Spring Whoat, ll. cue.. 0 65 to 0 I Hay perton.................. gotgtoes PH, bs---. Ft who tc............ Pn'nunr In “chain. on the 19th inn, ma wife of Mr. John Pom, all nun. um“ .-McLEarr---ht Sullivan, on the 23rd mat. st the mum-nee of the bridu'u ttsttutr, by tho Rev. Mr. Mcnntf. Mr. Wininm Irvine, of Beutinek, to Miss Ann McLu: , daughtcr at Mr. Mama ot mum-m PAxEnsos--urmnm-In Brunt, on the mm but. " the runiduncu at the brtdeU lather by the Rev. Mr. Manna, Mr. John Paterson. to Miss Jule Borne, (hughtcr ot Mr. Henry barrio. ot Brant. Ltott---Wr-N--At Humour on the mu nun, b) the “av. Juhu Scampi. Dr. .1011th- bod, , ALI)" at Htutovur, to Mrs. Hutu!“ wuuuuuu, of mmmck. Worm-atc- ‘On ttttt 21nd inst" by the Rev. C. Shaw, in the Mrthodin Rummage. Arkwright Co. limos. M. William than to Mid» Bun Jaw McAulay, ban: ot Arran towunhip, Co, Bruce. {Inlay y'prpskin1 each. wepsunl m............ gutter pert---..-. Eggs pir dom................. “and. dry, pu- oonl....... ' ‘2: Ayp.% P" ", MclNTnsu W In Bounnvk, on the 2ttth Inn. the Witt, of Mr. Wm. Helmet!) at twin noun. FttsTrt-lu Glenda. on the 29th hut, Ctsttutrine, the Inland I'm: at Mr. “mum "1'tht",'1 " ItTt Deceased VIE daughter at the John eFtsydett, one of ttte oluost without: of (Hun- trig, and have: I mum, of nix children, the yomusl, n hunter. my I (ow hum out. Wool L...'...-.................. The worship of God in u duty-the hearing and reading may be useful; but if men rest in hearing Ind praying, gs too many do, it is as if the tree should nine itself on being wa'orod and putting forth leaves though never producing any fruit. 4. Piuty seated in the heart Appears in thelife, not merely‘in devotion. but In practice. 1 I. Pidy iq, not hm without, M horn within. Piety is not " Diurnal plinth. but In intern-l power of I new life, vitalu. in; ths uonl " he], to unit. and to not. " God feels. thinks, Ind nets. Truth in tho heart " the maiuspring of all our holy Be. tivitien; truth in the) hurt in the '8tttqtr of our pious emotions. desires sud "pimtions of All the holy movements of the nod. trairi EASTER 'me Giiil ' Wan with mo and making mo good. At uni fiaA'itus ulnar W “iii-El: and t. ti? pump; in my _ 1099. A ll elm wanld be all mrgotton- River and twilight. and tree: Lnlmulvl nook, I would one for nothing, Bahamian his cnunwnmco: And (our only to lose one glimmer By one single alder-y clinch. 'Ti, again hat a foolish many To plenum tho cotutteutams. In Whlvh in nblnln: in ill our uplrl'u. linking them whitq u not. (‘mue to me, shine in me, manor, And I can, not tor river or trow, Cm tor no narrow or crying, It only thou shine in ma. 1 would lie in my bad fur “on. Looking out on the dusty “not. Whvre whiqwr not lanes nor I‘m. Nrrr anything gull pad guru! wi- I could do without duh... And but.” JJft','fdt'/ nun ; 1m th, I Ihonld turn I triiight, After the my wan done! Would he lay bin hand on his tonne“. 'i,Ut2e,t " {like I: wooLm. a An . no one n! t rough Tilt the shadow had undo me can? But an thong” u very (cough: 1!.ng {we kid my 'oe. No cumin: and going dar; - For the 1:03 Wseo of the rum» Will be pa Oct light shay. Tho rfvor of erystat utter- That Bow. Mun the very 11mm. And run: through tho um: of (to It] With a softly jubn-nt was? I fancy a twilight round me, And I wandering ot the than. With n hush in that high city, And a going in the tron. But I know W bull.“ - :10 anmiLua. aqd wiggling: - T fancy I he" n mining " of waters down . nope: In it wrong. I wonder. to fancy Liking be Pt let of tyoo- T “my t he." whla " a! In". in A 'il'anir.. hum; landmto but: It may In Low tttttc The tree that hula mum Grow amid“ up “spat, ___ D U RIIAM MARKETS. Holiness of Life. M ARRIED DEATHS BIRTHS. for irltiiijo “that. ...... ll To to ........ 0 " to ........ 0 40 to ........ 0 " to No. 2. will” 0800to0800 046to 050 840to 8t0 860to 600 46010500 own 070 ONE) 011 01$§o015 1800 " " 176 070 07b (ttttt ALL parties no hereby forbidden to put- chne Any not» of hand undo by m. to William (ludonnn, u the lame in but: ob. taiard by fnudulom "presentations. NEW YEAR'S PRESENT to their Soul tad Dnnghtorl About to be married than I L) cinch, 50 urn. The lot in handy All cloned and trot, from stump; Good buildings. Thin In one of the best hsrnts In the Town-hip a new“: Apply on pnmhol to ETEPKEN HOMES. Or to A. “CLSLLAI, Durham, The "Old Folks At Home" can: make no And all othae kinds equally low at tho I OT M, Con. 11, Beutinck. 100 urea. 1 will be lnld aha-p. Apply on the premise. to Wle HOHNIII, or SOUTH END, Durham. near Cuttle- Yud Haul, hum: commenced buaimm. In tho shave line would napecuuuy solicit s In.“ at that pnmnuo of the public. The we , but mum-.1 used; ,rthesmaatsip auperior In unsung m the county. lining mud-J prun- work in the principal emu ot Canada; and the United Emu-s. Formerly Maatrr Shoemaker In Her Majut)’. Hundndth Regiment. Fine C " Boots, seweil,trom 05.50 to M.60. " " pegged,from 94.75 to M.60, I CST, on the Fur Day, from the British u Howl. Durban. I Como Dog, traveling to tho mum of "CuPt."--oolour blnk Ind mug?! person returning the dog will be nuiubly raw ' an it in u grout {Home in the “wily. Durham Foundry Rnklonca and workshop near “In Public School Durham. IRA. FIKE. W. CALDWELL IP2.yig'l,'/t,"; Solicitots in Chancery, tte. 0mm. on: door an! of tho Manhunt-1' Bunk Union-IL, Owen Sound. w ILL In: at Ins Otfietr, Hanover. from 8 mm. to Noon, At Miami“! Con, N.D.R.. Huntiuck, “to: noun. Monument tor the Dr. [on u Rutherford'. attended to. yw Phil-“deg, per bag............ Tarniprr, per hush............ Hay, per ton.................. Dresied Hugs, per 100 lbs 1h1.fttr,.rollty per lb......... " uiuasfri,.-......., Eggs, perdoz.3................ Fall Wheat, per bush Spring Wheat " Barley, " 0tsts, " July! mt, 1870. an“ Wool per“) Flour per bu....,.............. Sheepukim caelt............... Dressed hogs per cwt........ Cabbage per du............... Potatoes, per bush............ Butter, per lb.................. Eggs, per doc.................. Turkeys per lb. ............... Goose " .....e.e........ Onions per pushel............ Hay per tou.................... Cord wood, dry per cord... Durhm, Jan. M, t8tt), Durhnm,Jw, SO, 18'19, Spring Wheat. par bush... F. 11 " " ... 0m, " ... Pear, " ... Barley, " ... C. Mcguemr.N. t LL kind- of Se wing Machines rep-ind ; lilo new Sowing Machine: tor lulu. IUir Cutting and Shaving dons awry Saturday. NICE STOVE. "ttitans, “an”; ht. Full Wheat....................... Treldwell Wheat............... Spring Wheat.................... hiasler....-.................... ol........-....-.- Peas..........':..................... Rommel per bag......-.... For $22.00 ! Farm for Sale. 9.UT.H_hrtlt of gags, Cong u, lun. New Advertisements. Boot and Shoemaker, “KING! FARM FOR SALE. MCFAYDEN a ROBARTS. Sewing Machines. TORONTO MARKETS. Tonosro. Jan. 21, 1879. better or more useful DUNDALK MARKETS. Dundalk, Jan. 80, 1879. THE GOOD OLD DB. LIGHTBODY, CAUTION! Fully Trimmed, Dog Lost. green ............ A. MCLELLAN ' Durham rdo J. T. Roman. A. OOCIHIANE. JOHN B. PALMER. JOHN HOGAN. " .080to.092 0701,0084 Mto 090 65 to 4 00 to 12 to " to 20 to 90 to 00 to 8 00 to $050to 076 070:0 080 020m 022 own: 050 080to 060 015m 024 400to 426 080to 600to 026to 010to 012to 60to 800to 0 "' 11 00 -eP"-"..e-.'-9._-l-- -------, 0 12 0 " 6) 176 82 61 . E free an imam if I hold the Notes , _ 'elPdu't't2/tt,' v.37: '01 rmmhxgsy , (no baa-outed will (out. “can". mum": 14 13 3 anl‘. Dun "HI. MN. The Illustrated Biographies " prominent Pub. lie Mon that hnve givcu tut) gum-ml puhlie untim- lnctluu will be continued during Ute cuming year by ublu and expuricneed writera. Thu shawl)“ of Natural Scenery. views of tlm wr'cipuJ (Hum- diun citieI and towns, and Haws It} the malt not» able public buildings ot the Dominion, with copi- ous letter-pm. deucrlptinm ntmhodto mum, and rumba ol the curly history of oacu plture,wul also be continued by Mum-has artists. Bedouin-urn! It'2'lra": Ede-N Non-o. and Educational A I." will continue pro- minent _tentunsn In any mum-yr. _ _ r-‘ H -ee--ev w... “an...“ 8 racial Cable Deupawhcu trout the Landon (Moe of 'hnt Gtaour, will continua to be nweived when lu~hlanu of s%'g?trf,','/,"i,',' to Canada "umpire in "tttpt? ot thy. ri.tuAples. - -ihtiiiiGrirvduriiirFGiFG-, of every VIme of nut-junta. which Inv- pmvad In “numb pad lasing!!!“ t2 crowds of ”Men, will be kept The “null subscription to Tar: Wrerarra 0mm; will [cumin u heretofore, only TWO 'roLLAIttg PER ANN UM. mm agosmo ree" to all par" of see., Ind tl,1t Uni scum. plywlu invu'iably Any one in It liberty to get up n club on tui own “availability. Ev): club paper ma’ be “tinned mun-1y. Ind mny be for any Po Mu. Par. tim, gummy chain will be supplied with upoeunau coma-2! up" saw-- _ - Throughiy believing that the best policy tor Canada in that which shun promote increased tub he with foreign countries. mud that uyltem of tab than the best which bills moat lightly on industry Ind the hum-trial classes, Tin: (new: will any tinue to advocate energetically the nballtinn of C'u.tom.duties on raw materials, and the mainten- mco of a revenue tarid pressing lightly or not at all un the necessaries ot lite, but heavily on tsrti. clcu of luxury. It will continue to "ppose the iusporitlon of C'uatormdutiea trained Ipecinlly to Kunluh Porting: Countries tor actual or imaginary utility in t air commercial policy; at specially te exclude British and foreign manuttwtureaa from the country, or 'specially to has!) cormin branche- of industry in Minimum that cannot be sustained without forced contributions from the owning: all!" 'yft of tht.tomrrytnitr. _ . - Tun 0min will continue to give upocinl "ten. tion to tho ttttttttlv important uuhiectn of European immigration. Railway and Canal mpruwment. the Dovelopmem of the vast Mineral Timber and Fish- ery rem-lumen of the Dominion. and the speedy ties ucmupt pt our Wild tannin. madame, u the chief industrial inherent of the nninion, men“ that constant and who“: Mention to which in vast importance entitle. it; "1de "e"e. tor, 'ttted/tstatement of in ','Jlli1'7l2 or "111111me 'bthw.tiug its progrcnl I will watetutu with rare and fully discussed. To the 'smttyyttusturing and mechanism iummulu much ' nip-co will continue to be damned, and liq-thing of trata." tureetiog than) will he showed to put: l nu needed. Nun: hem I“ pm: at the work]. up to the latest ummPut of pubHeatlon Parliamentary Do. but“, Federal Ind Provimiu-uareeta and FF mulch) Reporu at hunm and abroad-mud Letters of Hpvciul Correulmmlvnts trom all will“ ot inter out-will he “menu! with all the cure and energy that ha kept Tar. GLOBE tor an long I writes of yam in 91? 11:01:: mull of Cyuuhnp junmnls. _ _ V THE tir.Gi:" iiG/GijfdiiGo. Twin will rontiotut to leave Toronto tor Hemmmn. and Weston: con. nectirzns at that point, at hut-pus: (out each iii/Gut in: -wltti" hing-161i Vida"; A?mjtt_aiudfinkf"Gasat by Pout-om“ order. bank duh. registered lawn. or by .EPNSB, a our "tu. Ind manhunt tobo nddrt-dtottse GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, T-o. , V Tm: TORONTO Gm": complete: ms thirty. Mth yearn! its publication; tutd in IV nducum too) that they CID look back with turtirdrseurtn and lt) Eli's on tho part it has tnken,und the beneath; in none. it has exercised, tn all the pmmmnnt. pol: tin) movements and contests for good COVE In mum. amen the any nf its 'ysttsrrlinhrrtent, The un equalled 1nd unnerving support it has througt. out received smung " alumna of the Gunman publie, in " oncu the best round! and um hi 'her poniblu tenimony to the ethciettey and ha ity to fublic intern-uh: with which it bu been on anew . As in tLe puac, so in the future, Mum th anneal often: of its conductor: be put tank in tw vour of whoever tends to mourn just and neon"- micul govcrmmmt, the muwrlnl prnsperity " the mama. and the promotion thrudghmit the land of .'el.i..t,",e: gum! morals. educuliuu, temperance, and . m r_~_â€"-. "wan-m. "w""'""" , ...... social happinosm llmnllv convinced that Canada could hold no position higher or better. or more conducive to material ”when. than that she now enjoys at the foremost ttelf-governed Provlneo of tho British Empire, Uttteottdueto" of TH? Gnome will coutlnue zoulonaly to Install: whatever (and: to the perpe- trntiou of the happy existing relation. anam'a: "r116 IV ITTI the close of its present volume - Tun TORONTO Gm": comnlewl tus thirty 1879 The Weekly Globe. 1879 Horn Nails, Bheksmith's Supplies, at bottom prices. PAINTS, OILS. VARNISIIE S GLASS. PUTTY, BRUSHES. ke., M. Lance Tooth Cross Out Saws Cheap for Cash. SKATES, SKATE STRAPS. SLEIGH BELLS. BOYS SLEIGHS. At Cost, At Cost, At Cost! htrirst Class An worth 01.10: 83c. Farmers should all take udvantnge of an. opportunity to buy . Chap Axe. lia§nnce of Stock will be cleared out at Cost ’rice. Sleigh Shoe Steel, Spring Steel, AXES, AXES, AXE B! CLUB RATES FOR 1879. WILL BE AS P0LIa0wyt-- Pvr Cop} 5 Cop!" nu! under to, It the rate ofv.....e1 90 " Copies sud under At, " the nu of., 1 In I) Copies uni over, " the “to ot.... ........l " HARDWARE ST ORE, rs-w. rospeetfullr inform all who " indebted to In tUt their noon-Os no ready, and we must insist on pnyuum thin mouth. Cheaper Durban. "rt. l2th, 1878. vBY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Durham, bunny. 1879, NOTICE. HASTIE & GRANTS. MOWAT’S TORONTO JGIN Mr IELVEY. (a. JCS. F. MOWAT, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. .-Ar.- , Giving Away ! A can it respectfully invited. Rampmber the h the banning neu'ly o mum D. Du“ Indy occuyucd u I Drug Eton. Dundnlk, Jim. 2, 1879. " - V" -ee. ....‘ u...” "NB.rr.hPt.r. m... m. w "cum. Vere. Heed- ur am best in the world. t4rnd rs.vr. CENT 8111mm: 3 I’m-ml. tTc'trtrrtntasininx gm. um Prion, an! plenty of iutormtstiou. Ad. mm In! and Show. M 0004-. G'old Ind Siver Watch“. Ladies and Genlu’ Wedding and Euguuemem Binge. Gold Lockets. Chum. Claims, Keys. Pencils. Paul. ke., to. II MCI k . At . f tl'tttttl,ttig', yam, 'vl't'ls,'2u1dra, - V m,. _ . - 5 . M"" . “hm. wFr6T" , mun-u “our: PIIR‘JUHI 300 1iltsorntrrmrd, with "eseriptiousorth. best tlowers and l "grrtubitm.rutd how 1.015111! than. an for . I": Cum STAII'. In mum u "rtttttu, The Flower and Venn-W Garden, 175 PM”), Six (‘ulun-d Haven, and lulu" hundn-d Ln grulugsn For an cent. m "‘11” "r0Yb'rtt', “mm citing-m. trlotlt, In lierutaudr mull-Ah. l-I.I_ .....-._,-, " - _. . - - We?,.,',!,'?," to inform the mlmlntnnu of Durham and Homily that he. has arrow-d I Butcher's Mtop, in the sum- lutt-ly oc‘upmd by Mr. Prounr, Next the Dark-u Foundry. when he will keep on hunt! and fur ml!- nothingbut on! class- mt.oonsist'mg ot Bani. Mutton, ark. and Fowls, Shop open from a n. m. until Noon. Flour. and Fucy coca. ----Ntl- Fresh Fish kept in Season. ----m.'--- Dretmmtking carried on in connection with the store. - _ ~ _.. w .......... ....,..-... Vic-Ir. Ill-urn“! 1|."th Rugs“. T.'. FINN. I (Jointed Pun, in m‘rry number and Hum)" ttno Fmgraviuss. Price 811:) a )rnt ; Fave Poplar 'oi.hW1. Elmtimcn Nnm‘oer- non! for 10 r'cntm. E. yae,S,'cle,uE, Dundalk; bu opened Confectionery, Toys, Apples, Repairing . Specklty. tan make mnney footer at wore fur Ill than an my wing flux Capital not to nun-ed; won; I myou. '12per dew ll hors, mule by the industrious, Hen women, lmyu and girls “untod evcy when to “on tor “a. Now " tin time. Cnntly outttt and term- rne. Adan-u Tttct a Co. Ann-u. Maine. smmyou on»? “madam Ind Sumuur Palm.“ ham}, It... Non-k4 m, ”Iv-"u b " a or' " viva: K In 5iiil1E'il'.,')Wth'l'p'ltg, ' 't “my undama- forrmr6mrrsr,, ' mum”; , c" 5’1»th Hahn. m w . .. - -- 'l,,yryytAu.!erhr.lr of P? Plums, ftty' Poland Flown PLANS And Bpeeifietttiom, {uni-had for Banach, Church“. and prune Dwellings. Doors, Sash and Blind: made to order. A., P. * c. WATSON, Dnoluu P. O. ever for Cash, TIMI. D-b.. u. an. Barium. Doe. 12.1378. Epomont. Jam, 1618. Lower Town, DURHAM. Wstson Brow. Carpenters and Builders. NEW GOODS Butcher Shop. WM. Elana, C I“. l')()LI4'S. Watchmaker, Vick's Floral Guide. 1i'1eaherutt, JAMES VICK. Buchanan N. Y, .fg' . " . _ - V " " .-c,'.s-i.' (up! "it: , Ae., OF NEW AT " emu " Mideast " the Old Post (Hue, Low: To", DU ll a A M . ' nnd Huh fh'i,t tlw Juori-t tundra: and G am 1astoet Mylo. an uni Boy'w dummy. A 'tood m gamma-n]. Sewing Machines For Sale, Light Harness, TIE; subscriber i, prepared to BMW" and Metre ti, nn Hm .huru-d "mum. “.4 In JOHN aonnarsozt. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Budeneo--0ppoeit. tho Ola-d. he“, Wood Turning, of " and. done .0 order on mm not“. Cabinet Maker The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Slum. LOWER TOWN, - .. DUB“. THOMAS SMITH. Saddler, ttlanner, f WANTED jsm Cords of Dry Wood. 1 m at l‘undulh um 1ieairtirai'" 57-1- eamitsg 'WI rtii"iiiiiii,t,ciiii'iiiiti; “a: M to put In!» on an: Fury or mom-my any than: Bum-add: 1.1m THE Bulaermer bogs to intaem the pa. pl" at Dun-dun. um dam", an: L. c. " That Bar of Iron. L.“ Funk-I urguhrly Ruth.‘ Dundnlk. tor which the highest and“: pd- " in D. DAVIDSON’S. Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa. Street, MW mt. 1m. UruoLsrznan, and UNDERTAKBB. Our-0‘:- lcnn. Drill“- Durham, December 19th 1873. Cutting done 10,000 bushels of Wheat luxury c, 1879. A m: ot iron in Nor-"WI mm. w.ul Ihino to please tho (‘lu Io u you m: tut “that M. “A! form " how a Bar Alexander Robertson, And now “an. that Indy To... Ks bu “061-er a Wu: And an the )mmmar, “my ngtd lib. To nun aosiatst an Bur. To natal] and. and lush ol nu. Al mama: {11.170 ttg an. “wan“. o " cum: “In “all Mud it um ' N And when Dun-I- bo..- to - 50100 the Mom mu Stu, Ell Bun-mun with mclouhM has. Cum siusvts up“; a... hut ‘m am; a}; iira7.' " In new: tailed to .thlsq a N81 And form tung- (new a Bu. But than no. In... to “A ..?yt.r,r.oeme 111. PM: mod mun . Hut. and new“: -. Am! and. mm. from t Dar. Ata. Tttletter, 1-0 m" on" rartiitTitr'i'fiirt ELL: hay-1n- Joh- Kong: and an Bu. " “You put. 00 MM ho IMM- thmkhxlnm n Par: And hope- thuy our will balm 11011 sun thom tom a Bar. Wttms Souvm ram-ad dun "uh _ In}. Iowa}, like I ner, From unh- mnrn till dnry a". John lon-l'o door ' “It. And tt you want u Need). mad% [Nu turn it ttcan I ha. DURHAM St, DCRUAH. CA LL AND SEE A law ttrut-cu" BARCLAY! TAILOR, Whips, etc. and other Gain " _ 13oulden's "rian Church. '. Matthews. Buchmw, mar, gum: NORVAL. o'

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