West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Mar 1879, p. 2

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" i I T M rr; n? q I! A Il """I Imuu y .ttilbmt. Of alt tho dentin return“: ”dye-Hum: died within am, first ”and our duo-M beam "nehing the d " “Wm you. sun mum In N“ u, not]! otthe own" but in to bovine. die before Mus m- " th. Rankin-0mm n- “thalamus and. man upon tF-it-ttie/tr-mee.. Mandi ,..... an .... sr/CTL;', '" q'o'ed-to- bo "gnrdod n u. grr'ttetrmtemmt. Of the toUl md,", it...“ Will tho county of -M.m_tikanau.. The] nnd Mg umau-oooarred in the county of any. This includes 411 pairs of twins And in triplot birth. Two of the, [thumb of the». triplet- have obtained the q men's bounty of " "or1Utg. Of the twin births M pin we" born ih the county of Grey, but” triplets. The month. of greatest banality won January sud March. giv- ing Mn], . birth at. of 4624 and 4,0tt.. Pound»: being the least so, giving only ma. Tho number of dentin reported for 1877 in: ”.068 In qmiruuttgn8 foe 1876. On comp-tin. tho-o 6m with the number of birth. honour, it in walnut that than l and be non. irregularity hare. We flud 1 thnt Ion. mnniaipnhtiu - St. Catherine',, I " 'hu----" l Inge! number of 4 (lanth- than births, when Moulding to the ' mm: at tho Alt-non the pwpulntion I hum hi!" anon. no doubt, I have "opt in.» tho Mum: hom other” -'--- - "-- ~L - The Repo‘I-t of the Bhitutmr.rutterat of Ontario on the "gunshot: of births, deaths ttnd warring-o. for the you 1877. his been hit on the W "t the Home of A"emblv. h in “ti-Mary tootuorve an: tho grout uo of the pooplo m becoming more and not. in to the impol'huec of registra- rim. Ind Although much remains yet to be I in". both In regards fullness and accuracy, I the Rayon for 1877 in a grant improve. mout upon that of the previous you. The told number of birtU in the Pro, wine. was 89,9W-20,669 males und 19,. 299 kmauo--ot which t,86t--706 males anon which mvldo a huge "etioi""oGi,0 M over when he has been nppoimed woo --on My evening the Hun. Mr. My kid the 9-11ka expenditure for the Dominion on the Ublo of the H mm of (human. The toUl utimntm on ordin. uv “puma" " 1880 In 023,427,882 which in a “In... of ”41,191 on the "than!” for last you. But on examin-1 ing lb. was]. '0 tind “at the cuutrullalnle -ditam, winch in entirely under the south)! of the otminisuation, is 912,379 in _ d that ofthe Mackenzie adruiuistra, tion " 1919. Province. The Legislature will then con. niu of only one ehnmber as in Ontario, and n W uviug will be efftteted in the cost " .lmuuutration. --The Government of Prince Edward Inlendhee been defeated; and Mr. W. Balkan been celled upon to form e min. i-Uy. From the Lower Provinces we also leernJhetthe Luce] Ammhly of Nova Semi. be. resolved by I let-go majority to abolish the Loam-two Council in that ~Wholouk trade“ It the frontier parts In bttaily named in Nina goods out of boat in Anticipation of A high tum. It is this cow that notwithstanding the bud time. than in locked up in super- thaem. to. Ind was done four time: the mount at may that would have been than invented in ordinary lessons. So “h tor the operation ot the N.P. before it In: been put in operation. --Toatthing the Report of the meeting of the "plum Association ot East Grey winch we republished in A previous num- ber ot' 3W1!!! from the Markdula Ex. rooitrr. we have been muted on the tenth may ut A gentleman who In: present, that the aid report In: In no sense reli- nhle. My] inne'hiuly unworthy of any one pretending to be I member of the Reform party. --TU Home of Aunnbly at Toronto In marginal on Tuesday. The Ron. the henbnvaovemur came down to the Hum. and; die: than o'eloek,amt after muting» 1 number of Bills, formally .mmvguvd the Home. --Th. Pmidenl of the United States has um the Bill which passed Congress " an pupa. of “eluding Chinese, and -Mr. P. o.u. but been "pointed Judge m the mun at Common Plan. The ap- pointing“ gives pun] 'ustishetion. puv-uwd the enactment ot a In; which would hare brought disgrace upon the Ite. qro00o c. luv-ya... - Gia." ---a-. It _IA “at: for the Grey Review. gun-hm. fax-ch 12.1879. VITA L STAT! ST“. In. county of Grey ml... Th. IUport "etetntity "non; larch, giv. of 4024 and but so, giving Mfor 1877 '1876. On h In In" " Mprosi. number ot Who 'aangawus In: wrll. Price, iMe. Hammad“ m.) ui re 'or Her Majesty's Opposition in the Home ttset of of Assembly, having failed to establish any ordin. claim to public eoufidonee by their inca- 37,tt82 pacity in dealing with the various legisla- tl the tire measures which were brought before Mum. the House, and still more, by their utter illable inability to show how the work of ad- r l"' ministration could be more economically‘ 'P m or more tstheiently carried on, have addres- mstra- sad themselves during the closing days of the session. to idle talking about economy, route and moving clap-trap resolutions about Ieved retrenchment in the civil srrvice. It is both not contended by these pat-ado ccmomists _ the that the work of the Departments is im. vnoux perfectly done, or that there are too many innit unpleyedto do the work, but that the 'hop. price of flottr and bacon having fallen, the 1 and salaries of offieient Mieer,, who have grown t in my in the public service should be out was], down. The argument is an exceedingly i l " lame one, but especially so, when coming legs, trom men who for months have led the t ardii Canadian public to believe, that, notwith- he standing the low Mate of trade, and the in is general dullness ofthe times, no sooner i t is would the National Policy be promulgated l mil. than everything would mil eta profit, and t “.15 prosperity Would speedily take the place of P 1stLjivrirssuJn. Tliislong looked for event - .4 the“ the launching of the N.P. - is announced c Red for Friday, yet its advocates seem to have l lost all eanhdomss, in their handy work, “I and argue as if the dull times were to con. ttl tinuo. The scale of salaries in force at P the present time was adopted on the re. P of eornmondation of a committee appointed A, "15 during the reign of John Saruliield Mae. i R 'eu donald, and received the almost unanim- co i". mu approval of both sides of the House at - PM the time. Year after year the Tory Op- th nd position has voted without note or com. co m- meat for these salaries being paid, and p, be ivithoutdoubt, would do so on the present Fr 'y, ooetttiion,but that an election in expet ted prt e. soon, and having been so successful last prt Fall in delnding the people with false cot 0- notions about trade, they expect to be wh l,. equally successful next summer with false it , " notionu about economy. Had the leaders the y of the Opposition been sincere in their fin IR desire for economy they would have trm k, dealt with the matter earlier in the session ed. ' when the House was in Committee at hut 5 Supply, but at this time of day they know nu, ', full well that nothing can come of it in the to b t way ol practical legislation. but hope that stra . lame good may come of it in the way of n W" I party cry in the approaching election. As tttke i very evidently appears, the work of the accti department: is conducted in the mos. dent [ economical way. and the salaries paid the all P heads ofthe department: " well as their thin: stttrordinaus,arousa than those paid toltlteii equally competent persons in the mercan- duri: tile and linking institutions. It should cutie: notbe forgotten that if the work of the Gres eonntryis to be edua.utlr and honestly Form conducted, those who a, the work must be paid for their labour, and as regard: the public Denice, it. moat attractive feature I am in not high lulu-ice butita pemaneuee,end My ii: ifor that rte-on it Iometilnee Ieelu'ee the Myer service-o! men who would be able to com- My tt mud tarmac. money-making but more My fe precariou- poaitionc elsewhere. It in to be My ft) hopdthtbetonlongin the Federal as My si: TPetter-ca-iii' theltlarieaot' My u ole-d- will be 9nd. and the Mon Mr " "t8u"-nittuirr. quota o! cem- lyni mam examination. In thi. my tho Iyten '"il-itsrrvontd be rowel turn the [yet tr.tuy "rtrrotitien, and “new”. I," an tat-ubts ”mid-holy in. u,.1 proved. hikeddbuunudue-ea- he deleting "'tttit In!“ in... in en -AM--a- -- . . -- There were celebrated in 1877 in the Province 12.577 marriages, of which 714 were solemnized in the county of Grey. Of the males 1.06 p.e. were minors and 8 p.c. over 40 years ofnge. 0f the females 22.17 p.c.were married under tmnty and 3.53 over forty years of use. The oldest mun married iu1877was 88 years. his wife being 1 only 48. The oldest bride of that year was _68, her husband being 71. Two yonthu entered wedlock at the early age of 17 years, they married girls of 17 and 29 res- [ pectively. Six girls of 14 married youths‘ from 17 to 20 and " girls married at the early age of tifteou. It appetite that the moths most favourable to the consumatiou of the matrimonial tie are December, January and November in the order In which we have given them, - the month the least IO, being the sultry mouth of August, proportion at the deaths attributed to l'htlnin should be not down to Chronic Bronchitis or its -lae - but especially those occurring under twenty and over filty years of age. Many of the diaeues which carry off large numbers of the ynung - a.“ I""'"""""""'"" ulpu' them, 1nd Pneumonia (intimation of the lungs). O! the total number of dentin phthsin curied " it appears 2167. And whntia morn remarkable still. it would seem that this tell disease Works at all HIPS. Of the whole number aid by the Report to htse. died of this disease, no less than " were under one year of ngc. 48 from 1 to 6 you". 322 from 5 to 20, 1782 from twenty to eighty yea" and ten even between the age. of eighty Ind ninety. Nothing could more clearly show the want of we. or wut might be called I wnnt of dis- criminating diagnosis, in filling " death scholalea than these figures do ; and than iauo question but that by {at the hug” proportion ot the death: attributed to eal science no applied or unit-:1 rogu- lations enforced. The ela.ttitieation of enunc- of death in In imprmomeut upon that at former yam. Lung disuse is ex- punged. but still drop-y Bud heart diam and oonvullioul hold . place. So long as medical men will pond“ in we]: inset. euraey in tilliug up the uhednlu, thin por- tion of the hunt “and be of much paella] auedit, The most titat discs-u it seem- m Phnlibll (oonsumption), Diph. "-..:, ‘77 J h _ "I received the almost Unanim- ml of both sides of the House m Year After your the Tory Op, as voted without note or com- these salaries: being paid, and abt, would do so on the present at that an election in expeded ELECTION CRIBS cup-runny so. when coming a for months have led the ie to believe, that, notwith- iowsmto of trade, and the win-nut, u LI can so successful last .110 peopfe with false ', they expect to be xt summer with false my. Had the leaders , they expect to be xi summer with false 1y. Had the leaders pen sincers in their they would have earlier in the union l II in Committee rd I the various legisla- ere brought before no, by their utter , the work of tul. more economically I am cnmposed of twelve letters, My first is in danger but not in fear, My second is in apple but not in plumb, My third is in violet but not in pink, My fourth is in Ireland but not in Seouand. My Mt, ixin daisy but not in me, My sixth in in morning but notin evening, My seventh is in city but not in town, My eighth is in north but not in tsouth, My ninth u in bland bat not in one-n. My tenth is in county but not in township, My elnenth is in orange but not in peach. I, tweifth is in life but not in death, My whole in the, mum of . gentleman who hold: an honourable position m the] county of Gray. A r. the RAILWAY Mhrrs:mc-Thost, interested nor in the construction of the Georgian Bay & ted Wellington Railway will be pleased to learn ma that some farther steps leading to the cou- of pletion of the enterprise have just been - taken. At a meeting of the Board of Dir. ed ectors held at Durham on Monday last we Mr. Chris. Sprout. C.E., of Toronto, was 'k, appointed Chief Engineer of the railway, n, and was instructed to proceed with the at permanent location of the firoeetion from 'c- Patuerston to Durham. Mr. Smith, the ad Assistant Engineer of the Great Western 'i,'llt'il'lt,'t',1 will be aeoeiued--throcii'" the n- courtesy of the Great Western authorities tt -witlthir, Sprout in tho prosecution of " the work. and it is expected that they will I. commence operations on Tuesday next, at d Palmerston, proceeding in this direction. 1 m From this survey the necessary plans and l d profiles will be prepared, and as soon as l t practicable tenders will he asked tor tho I e construction of the section. By notice c s which appears in our advertising columns t a it will be seen that tenders are asked tor I i the aliveryot the necessary ties for the it r first section at points along the proposed r: , track. seventysothoasiiu willlarneed. J I ed. Apreliininary exploration woe nude I hut week by Smith over the section from m Durham to Owen Sound, and it WM found tt to be remarkably favorable tor railway con- lh struction. We understand that the terms] survey ofthat part of the line will be under. th taken as soon as the location of the iirst th section is completed. The directors evi- he dently intend to promote the work with all possible expedition, and unless some- thing unfuneen prevents we hope to see vi: the iimt section well advanced to completion we during the coming season, and communi- tri cation established at this point with the we Great Western Railway 'rysttrtnc--hrowst l Forest Eraminer. d Non-m Gun. - The members of the North Grey Reform Association met in the Town Hull. Owen Sound. on Tuesday, Much 6, for the purpose of electing oMeers for the ensuing year. The following were elected '--Prtrsidont, Geo. Snider; First Vice - President, W. Stewart ; Second Vice president, Hugh Boil; Third Were. President, C. McFayilon ; Treasurer, J. W. Frost. After the close of the Associn- I tion meeting the convention of the delegates nppointed to aolect a candidate " the Local Legislature was held. After an ex- presaiou of opinion by the different mem. bers it was unanimously carried thnt Mr. A. M. Smith. of Toronto. be invited to con- test the riding in the Reform interest. A erroxm banquet was rivnn to the Hon, O. Muwnt, at the National Club, in Toronto on Thursday. It was tendered as a mnrk of tho ectoem and respoet in which hoislwld hr thaw who have tte. knowlmlged his leadership during the Parlirtmerotry term which is rapidly drawingto a closet. The m‘nes of the members of the commit'co ofarrungoments were Messrs Hunter, Mamie. McMahon. Snowing", linllnnlynn. W1ldifuld, Pax. ton and Russ. The banquet was a most brilliant Mrair,a large number of refre- sentativc men being present. Snzmunn J can.“ 81mins. - The above company of genuine calmed singers. which we noticed in last week's issue, gave one of their axeellent entertainments, to a crowded home in the Town Hail, yrs-lard my (Wednesday) evening, when they fully war taint-d their well-earned reputation. They rendered a number of plantation and camp- meeting songs in such styin as to bring forth hem-w encores, and in fact, tnkinr: the pt'rforrmtnee M a whole, it seemed to, give general satisfaction. i Tn: If nited Temperamm Association of this town will give In open meeting on Tuesday. March 26th, to which the public Are cordially invited. Severn] tirst.elao addresses and good singing will make the meeting both pleasant and profitable. The meeting will be held in the Ornngc Hull, and commences " half-put seven o'clock. Admission free, Mr. Haddow, with remarkable promptne" has got ant timber for a new mill, which Will be built at once. Tste Grist Mill " the Sauble, (Sullivtn P.O.) owned by Mr. Haddow, WM burned down on Pridny week. The woolen mill of Mean. Cliff Ind Shaw had a narrow nape. The Paisley Advocate "ps.'-' son of Mr. Wilson of llerttiek,aeeidetollybrtttuod, his hand so badly while playing with a straw cutter, that it had to be amputated. w March In, 1379, Sumo Asuuzr,.-.-The Spring Assizos for the County of Grey will be held in the Court House. Owen Sound, on Manda? 81trt inst. Batman the wine in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening next. Ex. tensive preparations are being made for it. Tn: Junior Reform Association will meet every Friday evening " 8 o'clock. A debate will take place at the next meeting. Tm: Monthly Fair for Durham will take place on Tue-day next. often been the one under the will! of " John A. Mncdonnld, a most salutary lesson would be taught the whole ”In. The knowledro of the tart that positions in the service cunld only be ohtainod by merit. would constitute n wholesome check to Mire-seekers, sad the admisitration of public affair- would {all into competent hand. no In " the permanent m5 in con- Tl'Ilc-d Tin-ad- m. Local and other Items. .v,,__- .v .u nut autumn-noes em The Spring Amine will open at Walker. considered respectable. ton on Monday, 7th of April, Mr. Justice On the 20th ttlt., a non of Mr. tleony Barton pudding- Parka, of Luther, aged three yem, we: The all of the Wood'ille Preebyteriane fatally burned. The little led'e father end to Rev. J. Cameron, of Chet-worth, bu mother were attending to duties " the been declined. hem, end while they were .brent his Rev. Alex. Leeh'e he been inducted P“. clothes in some wey caught " from the tor of che Prerbyterien congregetion It stow. Newtonville. I The County Council of Bruce In. peti- I Mr. John McLeod, K.P.P.fur Wart Dur- tinned the Wm to bring the mm- ham, died et his reddenee in 130va not vtutation of the Public We,“ on Sunday. 'Hhhut “" _. 'f’ ‘ Mr. J Bm%r Person, of Pushnoh, brought to our Mio. to-dny I splendid otter, which was trapped on the Snugeen neat Durham, and was bought by Mr. Person from the person who trapped. It is one of the largest we ever luv, and has I splendid dark skin which is worth about 010. r-') Guelph Mercury. tries, and t1,ian were offered in prizes. It was the finest exhibition ever held here. Pouuu Exrmssrros.--.Tiu, maul Pro. viaeisl poultry exhibition was held last week at Guelph. There were over 1,000 on- We had a small Donnybrook here, on the 4th inst. Several "ladies" enlivened the scene. 1150 some prime boys "took a hand." 1"" Mr. Wm. Keeler', axle of stock, came " on the 5th inst., and every article brought a good price. Haywld for $18.60 per ton. Price here now, " to " r. A certain ex-cordwcod speculutor who u- clnims priestags in this ncghbourhood ter. minated on nbscence of several months, on last Friday, by presenting in turn his well "l remembered phisique at our hotels, and & for the days of "Auld long sync." took of, in our last proof ”swamp" a “wallie wrought " o'er much." Like his countryman “McKay n Free," he "bocame more loquickious than .. wise," which on account of past reeollee. it tions, could only be tolerated to a limited 5 extent. A spectator named McDowell, en- ', joined greater discretion, but iindiug moral B snasiou tttttwailing, adminrstereg a rating l severe application ot corporal punishment. i , which had the effect elf imparting the sym- ' mot,' of our guest's countenance. and , relieving his peepers of further service for i the moment. As soon as the news of the _ experiment became public property Dr. 1 c---. appeared on the scene and exercised I his professional skill to ameliorate the sur. , feringa of the unfortunate youth. He, i however, is still prostrated in on upper up- is partment in Cuwell‘s Houl-- formerly ' May's Mayburne --far remote from the r cares and pleniuros of the form. Moral- h Consistency in his temperance professions 0 would have spared him this. Dr. C--- til is instructed to present his “count for w repairs, le., to the County Council at its w Jane session. The Queen's IInte', owned by Juhn Col. gun has changed hunch again. Mr. John McGregor is now in possession. We hope it will be Ln improvement. _ Our monthly Cattle Fair for March was not a grout success, for two reuom -. one the cattle brought out were not fat enough to suit the buyers, and the other, because there were only two or three buyers pres- ent. It would be well if our formers could have fat heaven at the April fair. We have lately discovered some portions of our iritiewtilkts-tu rest are buried under the snow. We hope to see the whole soon. Mr. Editor. couldn't you send us I re. ceipt to cure a number of young men of the bad habit of standing on the church steps bcfuro and utter service, to the great an- noyauco of aid people and particularly Indian, also to cure the habit of smoking when in company with ladies. If these two wrong, could be made right the im. provement would be duly appreciated. of the "Old Durham Road," and the Toronto and Sydeuham Raul. The pueislists, some of whom are married men with familieu, were trying to impress each other with their superior nttairummts, and soguttobiows. One, a Mr. W---, it is Enid is fatally injured. When will ail men not like men towards each other and not act as brutes, as some of them do now , Fleaherton Chit-Chat. From our own CorroporuUnt. antovs FlucAs.~.l light, likely to be attended with noxious consequences, took placelhe olhordny near the intersection we: listened ii with marked nttcntion. The collection wu in behalf of the church fund. The ten-meeting Ind lecture came off on Mondny night, and, notwsthstand. ing the state of the roads, there will a. fair turn out. Mr. M. Armstrong, the nble and papilla principal ot our common some], was called to the choir, and opened the meeting in a, neat and eloquent speech. He then called upon Mr. Bredin to deliver his lecture on “England and the English." We have neither space or nbility to describe the lecture. He gnve grephie descriptions of some lending manufacturing eltnhlith- menta in Engltusd-of stannou-makiug-of the manufncture of steel plate: for men of wttr---tuul he told us how he stood by when a men took 3 pinch " th piece of steel and in twenty minutes handed him a pen knife all complete. m also gave some ‘sketchos of the characteristics of J uhn Bull, railroads, hotels, bachelors dinners, to. Those who listened felt both prMtwt tusd instructed. He spoke an hour and twenty minutes. The pastor announced that they had now in hand some iii/ towards the payment of an instalment which will be due the first of June, and and that there would be no diftieulty in raising the few more dolllrs needed. On tho next evening n social was given to the sabbath-school children. They enjoyed themselves In boys and girls know how to do. Dr. Kiernan and Mr. M. Armstrong! gave several readings. Aaanttounerd in Int week's inane the Rev. Mr. Brodin. animal: of tha Wilker- ton District preached at both union on Sunday lat, in the Methodist church hem, to large Ind nppreciuive audiencu, Ind TORONTO Dundalk. Tea Meeting. auto. week» Gtsad of it. ruru, ot Luther, aged three yen-I, wu ftually burned. The little IMF: father Ind mother were attending to duties " the ham, and while they were absent his clothes in mm. wny caught tire from the, Din .- .uu now no: In goal uniting ' (iii parties no in fair dream-anon considered respectable. On the 20th tilt, a son of Mr. Ge Parka, of Luther, aged the. yem, fatally burned. The little luv. cm.-- mum: manning Mrs. Brown, and was. fined " and costs. The young wanna, Elizabeth Brown, was taken into custody and now lies in goal uniting hid. All the parties any in I'd- inn-0‘ " Shoo-rise Artur. - A dispatch from tut Owen Sound. dated 27th February, my: ye. that considerable excitement was caused it ed any or two previously in the police court n- in that town by the attempted shooting in 'td court of a young gallant named Walter it lAduir. by ngirl who Itll/g" that he had; st, seduced her. At the time Mrs. Brown, It. mother of the young woman whose name Id in Elizabeth Brown, was on trial for as» or sunning Adair. The particsull reside in the M? township of Keppel. It would seem that r. some time ago the young man succeeded in d enticing the young girl from the path: of C virtue. and that in consequence other dia. t, grace she had since been living with her " sister, It whose house she was oeeatriotuslly Y Visited by her mother. On Sunday, 16th . 9 inst..Mrs. Brown was on her way to see 1 - her daughters when she met Adair. In. 1 ' censedathis treatment of Elizabeth, the , _ struck nthim, and he returned the blow I i with interest, blackening one of the ‘ Woman's eyes. and making her nose bleed . a stream. Alter the trfrray Adair, deter- mined to have the first any before the "tagistrate, laid In information against Mrs. Brown, charging her with assault and B battery. Mrs. Brown was accordingly ru- . rested and arraigned at the police court the 0 following morning. During the trial Mill ti Brown wu prevent heavily veiled, out! I when the verdict had been rendered against her mother, who was tiueit n. dollar and B costs, she sprung forward tow-rd: the pro. MI scooter and presentet1ts,'pistol fail in his m face and tried to shoot. Fortunltely the th weapon hung fire, and instead of I death. worrying shot only a limp we: haul. The '1 young woman was " once dimmed. and do the revolver, which was loaded, sequester- a ed. Subsequently Adair wu phced on tttN trinlfor melting Mm. Brown, and no. fro tinerd " and costs. Tlm mom- -.----, ' " IIoLs'rEm 8caoou--ro1lowing is the c,, monthly report of Holstein school, Mr. D. a Allen and Miss Huston teachers .'--litatton 1- Dzruttrsmsr--Grtutstnur, Mary McKenzie. y And Stevenson end John Naismith; Junior, fl Ellen Adams, Thus. Reid and Nelson Bur. e rows; 2nd Junior, Mary A, Young, Alfred Vnnce and Alex. Brown. Arithmetic, Wm. ' NsuUutith,John Nuiunith and And. steven. 5 sou; J union Thomas Reid. James Brown, r Miunio Brown and Nelson Burrows; gud , Junior, A. Brown, A. Butherford,J. Keith, l G', Pinnock and Margaret L. Brown. Geo- l grnphy, John Nnismith. Mary Molieuzie‘ ' end Wm. Neiemith; J unior, Ellen Adams, I Nelson Burrows end Mary Allan ; 2nd . Junior, Alex. Brown, M. A. Young llld , Alfred Vance. History, John Kniemith, Mary McKenzie end And. Stevenson. Etymology, Mary McKenzie. And. Steven- son and A. M. linrrowe. Dictation. Mary All”, c. Greenly and Thou. Brown. JUNIOR 1"Psarsresr,---2nd Chm Arithme. tie, Maggie Greeuly, Jenny Petrie and Jenny Adems; Junior. Emma Johnston Perry Pinnoek, Annie Brown. lat Arith. 1 metic, Wm. Rutloetford,,rolu, Burrows Ind , John Petrie. 1rietution,han Vtusee,Mae. i ‘gio Greeuly and George Burrows; Junior, Matthew Haley, Perry Pinnoek and Annie ' Cnmoron; 2nd J unior, Amelia Main, Mae. l gie Dickson and R. Mickleborough. Ooo. t graphy, Thos. Tanner, Maggie (keenly and t Allnn Venice. To! Fulluuice six vessels were wrecked. i The inland effects were equally disastrous. l Perms, Plnoenaa, Milan, Int] Florence, ‘Scenue end many other cities tmttored. At Pungguclo the cunpnnile of tho church was blown down while the people were st mass killing two priests " the alter end three other personsmud wounding twenty- four. At Aontauro the vault of the chnreh yielded to the storm and killed the priest who wee celebrating man. and injured I number of the congregation. At Home the force of the wind was unparalleled. During the storm all the windows oi the Monastry of Monte Alle Croci were des. troyed and a. portion of Michael Angelo) statue of David swept ". Tn: Turn-r n: Irara.--Reports from all parts of the peninsull. bring most in. mentable account: of dalnnge by the tem. pest which burst on Monday night tad con- tinued hat week. The whole cont from Genoa to the south of anles u drawn with wrecks ofrauall craft. At Nlples en- pscinlly the effects were most wriom. All the small craft along the Riviera Di. Chinja. were swept out to sea. and lost, And The barn of John Jenkins tkrmer, Goderich township, wu Itruck by lights" ing on Sunday evening, Bud burnt to the ground. The bulk of his last crop, {arm- ing implements, three sheep, and a thnmh. ing machine were destroyed. There WM no insurance. l, A huvy thunder-storm passed our “'ulheeburg'iu an early hour on Sunday awning. The hghtning struck . [mu-o jun out-id» the corporation. occupied by In. Jun” McDonnld. knocking the wen” A farmer, about three mile: from Hu- riston, VII engaged putting " cattle in the cable during an atom. when the sable was “ruck by lightning. which let tire, to the hay sud lulled two com, injured two omen. 5nd knocked the m a down in. sensible for Dom. time. The tire WM put out by the neighbours before“ had done much hum to the building or con- tents. em g.irh, out end A chimney down. It smashed the window end set fire to the carpete. the ham hom which were fortu- nately extinguished by the falling phi-tor. The inmetee, who were in the other end of the house, esmped unburt. The Thunder Storm. al-‘ and was. "rl, g '2'21t nient‘ 'id Ill he lfm moo. “a 8ir linden drum r. George ilkria an, w” Shout: “her and to top an " the was It “m his [damn from the drum l w I» prevent nu being heard, but order was ultimately restored. There being doubt " to whether the chemo In: with. dnvm. the ex-Minister of Murine a. _ mauled that the chuge be Madly forma. 1 The debate was Adjourned. ' Previous, to Adjournment the lender of the Omit-ion said he Wu ready to om.' drum. A rowdy exhibition from the Min, Men's! benches prevented his pmceeding. Shout- sud desk shunning were resorted to to prevent his being heard. but order not new complied with, the Speaker ruled I the Bill out of order. It was withdrawn. A debate took plea; on the motion in which the Government and its supporters defended the dinninml on the ground that Cnptoin Purdy was incompetent ; bat this, ttontention we: met with direct doniele _ from Mr. Bumpee and Sir Albert Smith. The Minister of Marine found it oonve~ nient to qualify hie chug-tum! contended he had never node them. Sir Albert Smith replying. kid he now understood the chnrge Ind been with. dnwn. A ['0de ethilu'tlnn f-... .1, _ WM. _ undone” for the Limestone City. l Mr. Morkenzie having objeeted to Bill on the ground that it was a pr manure, end the rules of the House not been complied with, the Speaker t the Bill out of order. It was with!” _ _ Orrawt, March 5. Mr. Dnlton McCarthy intrnduca! a men- Iure to authorise tho payment to Dr. Mew. art, King-ton, of $1,000lodeed in the Court of Queen's Bench, Ontario. With a petition tiled in 1874 against the return of Sir J. A. Nations” for the Limestone (You Governor, . March 8. The House mad a third time yesterday I morning the Bill amending the Juror,,' , Art, the Education Bill, and the Elections , Bill. In the nttcrnoon the Bill respecting _ tho consolidation of tho debt of Toronto was read a third time, and the Municipal, Bill wan then passed through Committee and read a third time. The Supplementary‘ Estimate. were next paused in Committee of Supply and concurred in, alter which tho Supply Bill waa introduced. read a iirtet,tseoond, out! third time, and passed amid“ the cheers of the Government sup- porters. A number of questions were then answered, and several motions adopt- ed. The passage of two or than public Bills cleared the order paper. and the House adjourned to meet to-day at two o'eloek, The only busineu done will be _ the bringing down of the Public Account: ( and some rcturna, after which the Home will be promgued by the Lieutenant- l 'h-, 7’ the tnojorities in the party rote ranging from Mt to 16. By a very decided upra- sion of opinion, tho Home, while concurr- ing in the pay mont of the $t,thto extra to nth Superior Court Judge now on tho Bunch. affirmed its desire to throw the! burden, imposed on this Province by the _ snttdliuld Mncdmmhl Government, on the Government of the Dominion. With re. speet to mimic: in the Superior Courts, the Opposition motions favoured I reduc. tion of ten per cent... as in the one of the Civil Service. The Home then took up concurrence in ,tho items for Legislation and Administn- l lion of Justice. In connection with the appropriation for legislation, the Speak- er's salary wu, " his own suggestion, re. dared from 01,500 to 01,250. the Opposi- tion having been defeated In an attempt to cut it down to 01.000. There were thir- teen divisions taken in all, nearly all of them at the instance of the Opposition, I The Home wont into Committee of the Whole on the Art respecting Public, 11igh Ind Bey-rue Schools, and nftor eonsidera, tion, the Mill was passed with amendmeuU, Ind the Committee repom-d. After some discussion the motiun In Illowed to “and. "Arch 7. The Home went into Committee of the Whole on the Bill to Huh turther provi- sion respecting elections at members of the Legislative Assembly. Mr. Mowat moved to amend the second clause, so " to make the duration of the Assembly date from the date of the elee. tion in Algoma, and not from the return of the writ for that constituency. The Home, In" concurring in the whole item for miscelltneou “lunchtime. " j mined. March 6. The Home was occupied eh'teBy with the considention of Mr. Mama's Election Bill which was ultimately curried. and with the School Bill which wu the earried--sorne amendment: having been adopted the nmendmenl to have school elections by ballot was lost on a. devilion. 1 On the motion to concur in the item for mieoolhnooul expenditure m unendmeut wn moved by Dr. Club proposing to re- dams the relay of the Inspector of Registry oitietrs from 02,000 to 01,503. A few up. porter: of the Government voted for the unendment, and by their nuisance the Opposition succeeded in making the reduc- tion. Of the 48 who voted for the reduc- tion 59 were members of the Opposition, uni only 14 were Miuirterial supporters; while of the M who vote] to retain the present salary 83 were supporters of thy Government, sud only two members of the Opposition. Mr. Meredith man! an mondment to this annulment: motion to mute I general reduction of Moo in the wary of each Cabinet Minister, Ind of 10 per cam. in all Civil Service nitric- over 0300. In meshing to his motion he went briefly over the pound almatly no ofum and led over by the Opposition during the session. including the bugben of direct taxation. After some dimension the mendmont was voted down by I majority of 47 to 81. Mr. Meredith And his lieutonant: then moved some fitteen other retaliation: pro- posing spec-ill reduction: in Civil Service Minion, all of which were voted down by mnjoritiu vuving from " to 19. The Legislutures. THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Toronto, Inch tr. Mr. Deacon unwed n Imondnent pro- posing . reduction of the Jury of the Do. ,nty Attorney Genet-l trom 02.800 to DOMINION PARLIAMEFT. «mun Dunn. mulch "lt' ttUt haw boon taken m c il- mud it can“. mien“. 'etitiee from Dene Iain. tndoontonded The health of the community In: huh good. Tho winter Population in ttot JIM ho now large “Hyena waenmerlmslm.; d been with. 'uagttiiusttt, the snow-Ml heavier thm from the Mia, “MI-d dawns-41m. ia main-I “I. other day. Mr. Urbano”)! “mm mm "moNed India. A... LANA . _ w“ I private tothe had -- - destroyed by wolrerinvs. The it lunch ground covered with on: M 1matse. in the vicinity ofMr. Nahum in firm. This bush is much frequented Ly mihitn, and "the rabbit it thr. “Mum and ofthe Wolverine. tlto.o Ntee tullttLulh acquit. plentiful in the urighlmulmul. MIN [luring amtuaetiv. tome map of the [may aMnd._LLuI-u I r... his! as “you. The wanker has br, .1 Wot. the snow-Ml bowie: thm nan-.1, ad “a (rod Ito-slur. “I. other day, Mr. thtttsoet,ot “mar. MM “loop destroyed by wolrerinvs. in... " _-, . In theCmi-r country. British C u; prospecting .00: on. Sam were wan-Ind an utter New Year. bu been little trapping and hunt: winter, but tu. have been taken Iii-nu. gun-Julia from Done The hand: of the community In good. Tho winter manna}... in A more from norm: momma. Mm has been investiguing the Plague r, ' tun [tuna-inn Oorommnnl m the iufeeted luv-AU l ties. lays tlatt “a. disease is now cumplru ' ‘ly mustered. and its run-ages haw u, ll My eMggermted. In “In persttlvtm,ul districts. Munch Octal-w uud February only 54].! person- died out d a populuhun of 118m. Sir 000m Campbell has gin-n n tet that In intends inking Sir Stafford N, n.» cote " 1: future any whether. if mums“ adopU a prutvctioni-t puliry at a tum- wlwn [inland is striving will“ a similar policy by foreign Governments, 1hr Ma jenty's Guvemnuut will oonUder n dour. Bbletoeoutiuue British councclxun mm Canada. The Pembroke Standard “yak A rt 'eomu ham Temuenuninmu, um um whose name we did not law. was r. from to dud: on the lake them htst u Itusated that he had mow sh Ps which were all frozen up with mmw Ila-h. sad when found he um ctrtr,, Victor-it, ILC., Ind a “2,1“ 12th of February. It has star tion for . paid fire department The Queen will embark fr, m on the 25th inst for Cherboulc than prob-bl] I mouth. f ud"rt'rgt toe graying to I'm-inun- ing a an. been found and: AIM condo-m to M. t Rachel Sloan mlh'tttrrdar claimed I verdsct for “mono-gum the Kaitlyn (in um» " (or pawn-l mjlriu. A letter mined at Radiator on the 9th of Dee-uh" .ooomthu-t . circuit a an .lcobu in 87 arc The Raisin Home"! In. dire-d I plot for lot-did, [abutting the mum priuouon. The Bria-h "vmaii-i. to h. inmadutrly withdrawn from the In of Human. nppro riation and distribuihu; IWILdplly Mr. Yea of Prince I the muaihuiae7 Province. cut-tending that u the fallow-w" Al the St. lai'renoe Were dune neon-d by t1lh4l'le'r'.v" land. the um um! of the IIIHI (Wi,oott,otdt.) lbw H In» "punk-l for than beuetit. Ale recast. Mr. lulu-u Mcr'artry ( moved that I commiuimn he Lippi-Raul to in- veulgate with the corrupt pndwcu which tern alloyed to have occurred in the South riding if Greurille. An amendment by Mr. "with to refer the Inner to the Commun- an Election- I” oarrU0. After mm (“an notion! ter aorta-madma- nluiu- an the A number of Emit! Itteirtet, all the ("will - ”'w-‘. .‘Ivulvlll " lei". used outside the throe.usite fun also inside. The objection tome nu pent-d to be that it captured roung I n developed huh, and tut the mm“ were killed by " Ind Afterward: thro the inter. The M. tank to the beam (Imposing, poi-maul the watem uni the codtiUt from its usual haunts. A number of gentlemen quake up: nun-Hm. n" n.- M-- _ , . _ Ium. h, Mr. Maximal! (King'u) moved for I“ Cor. relpomlenee mining to thr yuan-r M mackerel mining in the water- of thr. hull " it. DWI“. In the debate on "III nut-Huh, which In participttd in Multan“ any re- -ntativ. of I maritime "P"ttturnry, It urn shown [hut the ”notice " puru- arming hy American mdtermern in the Hull of M. Lawrence tine-tam! to destroy the “hm-lo fisheries of the G!" watch. Not only "an thm heteherutotidTG'iiie"iLuvi, the motion "A! put and varricd. Mr. Patemon (Ht-ad) Pointe vernment'u "teooirtetser' in o4ticial "Sign”, when it had "heme. which Ion“ More I and I'NDHIII all Ienhrrtptrues. ‘k___‘ - ' A. Mr. Intensi- provod tint there no noel-t change in his opium-n Mir Insolvency law, and he detinmt the policy of the oupuition no. to he on. would charge the “monument of the, being the mule of the continued nu dept-mm. but it cartu'nly would l the Government to "no" the xlepreuiou, became it promised. If el do In A debut. on the [molwncy law u on I motion made by the Minuur a appointing A Committee to enquire opt-stint: of the laid I... Mr. Makeu- arm-M “M ..._. nun-r“ " lhe Minister of “lance uu on “I. MIG ntl M" and "atomenu rclatmv,, a. Boating the Int loan, nu] he ahrrruuevo "tho a... in. that on Tuvalu) nut tho Mm“. would be [naught dun maul nu Friday the Financial Statement do. liven]. MIMI 6. l Mi. Mecatetttru Bitt to thrill] the can. Md Elections Aat Far fuuH-d to . 'tttrd madist-d it» promoters uplunud “I Find“ owe“ to be 2 l, tlut eleeti, trial- bo We.) over by am e JUlees m. m of one, no u to prevent chum: " I” boine and. “gin-t a Flux]. Judge " uwunt of pee-Hum» In lui L. . . ". I“ s, tU Petition in lo L. \eri. Ard on oath, in Marta pint-m gruuudlou mum. hin- sua t... ...._ Mr. Kirkpatrickmho Haul tlsat by would be "ftieutst {or the Inn] of tion, w spanking when the House "0010- After room the debate w “and for . short period, but Id owing to the unexplaiuod than“ mrrrruotee of the mum. . - ._.... u to M " i. M u out, '- oedrr&, We"! Ji'd'l','.' position. boil; Nod for pummes of any”. -. In (hm VIAI'Ch earned uptake” on We! the Opposition Mpeared to think the Bill In not matheientiy erfrheu. sin in in pension, Ind Brgtted um um. thould be Mom Supreme Court Judge.” ti. judge of the other Courts mm ttuw overworked. aide. the Supply Bill, but tle Gov, 7-- “me, was not -taorrt In net on hi. ofier, Home Inning no work to mm... , MISCELLANEOUS when foundrhe was mud; and.-l.huley tsie, ,7, .qis ' MI .l2,(l“ Gre an “I. men In Conroy the valola tif waters. Nutuml I‘M thm e the three-mile full“, but ' objection to the seine up t it ruptured young " hell i, sud that the "muler Gg and Afterward: throu, In!" P.een) Pointed out It In! Btarted In nan. t, "ritistt C nlmulviu. m. Sumo chums Kev Year. Thrre In. hunting tlus In Hen in cm- "tt M "u. to "no“ the '.iiii it mind, If deem] Iii-Mum: ol the tisorry Mince “cud him-l mum spoke upon tl: new from the murmur h and In: "I mu m. jttdm. I Hill of "I elm. ll. Rouse tme tur “bile I“ Can. ', but .djoarnu d than. at a” the Mun; Ind “on and drove "Mammal. Mm will he ture had be. " Alia-nu. I. d the pm‘ lt be one which a.thetur my rd out the Go. Appointing " m wipe“. alt Supra-nun "nth 7 Ind on t Mm). Ix hm. a. “Mr Npo't wrok took like: ut Jun.“ , into a. mun ' III-ha, nun-arch] cull up... ouiue ll " " ll ll up!“ sit m m d In may law turn-Iv he. would hm th th " tit to" whore t or upon thou " with ll yard. the-y. I and on" Inn In I men! {can "their runny. Ira. {unillnde , “I: ll: the, u The ' l " mum-ll) away-w» Zulu nu...» n um Turning to the (are it .14 Zul- Kiug could put into the hm it can "ttimnted It Hum-d and tiny tin-manna it is 01w d the entire I‘M-mu. Every v in: the we of " is drattU in all that 3 youth son-nel- pond to . nanny beau, of In " in the country. TL menu in tho Zulu Arm} , 1r 1 um distinguish“ drer,s In no mimic" of all u uli divided into tight mad am “lauded by a wing ofrsrer tiled again into B or to cum which has n explain mud tlar Itt the 88 rNtu"rtstr, its urc- uurried, " of umunmnl ld In: Th7. "INK"! mm mu " In? t' “a." III av lot, at our and r fiUl 4tl tl “mum-4. a ll G mu! Hm rd: hr tl tl The Bulutr,

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