West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Mar 1879, p. 4

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I! 'il; W U The lake to in In lilo ii waivers“. In some form or other It is the maimpring of human wivity. It encourages industry. inspin- "thsuiatsgrt,tuvalops powenkindh s om. Th- lt in not manly u lain-ate led". to be imply W, but . neces- oaaroate,tout.ttrmoeretsi-d anitrtimu. lated. Without it the mun would be less a man, the woman lens , woman. And so- eiety be so much the boner. Lilo lull many hills to tempt climbers. and: with its sepa- rate attraetiona aud dangers by the wuy. Some ' on mod some Mather. Some desire b in. in Why the mun: of nanny; they long to be rich, to own lands and stoeks, to make In” invastmoutqwnd hold largo balance; Other: new to rise lo popularity. They wnntto be widely known, mutational-t after, greatly respected or es" teased or ulrnirad. 051m “in would climb the hill ot learning. They would penetnto the secrets of nature. or solve the prolific!- of the hum.“ mind, or study tlu row or-thistory. 09105, with more limited napiruions, would rise to be master W, or mnnt‘ucturon or agricu- W. It is well that there is no mueh opportunity for the various talents and proelivities of m to develop themselves, and it is well for eanlt one who in so happy new. 3”; in the puma walks of 1m... ing "a calm some my b0 found. tread. in; a... snlv for their on advancement omen "not“, can.“ in tl" quest, In... 'dheaiing " " - and gladly all the “Mn-in. 0-. an»: ,etitea for Yet. though " the useful members oi society m thus endeavouring to rise in lite, “an . I vs. trdrerenee in the ways they employ to do it, and the purposes they pm- pou to accomplish by doing it. The former will wly dapnd won the latter. Then tattit,dr still. or utterance," mummy. " good judgment, but in no can l-y push- ing other: down. or withholding from any “I. W of kindness, as well as justice, which every good man feels he owes to Daddy. m two‘main etbuBe.q why people wish to rite in lib: one is their own personal ug- grtndhomeut or gratifuatiott ; the other i, that they may be able to do good. Each of these has its own new, (who distinct from those of the other. For iuntauee,two men desire to obtain wealth. The our wants iUor Maul! alone. III: war wish to accumulate it, or to spend it l he may low it h in own sake, or " the luxury oi display it will humble him to afford ; but in an cuo he no": gou beyond hi, own 0605..» in his viniou of futon we“. The other also anticipates plow an. but it in of . diluent mt. He saw mnehtobe done all "oaud him that money can do, and he eagerly plans to further some of the noble enterprises that languish for want of help. He behold; in his faturr mecca st.6o- of “up” homes/ill: every opportunity " NC children's best develop. ment. and . warm welcome for man) Mandy m "esigd W eomtorteit,Itorert: relieved. suffering unused. ehWr n mum] from vice Mid ignorance, educational enterprises set on foot, talent and merit encouraged, genius brought t ' light-in It word, the good of others form the centml portion of 1m tttttieipationti. Now the ihst man. neglecting tho homi- ness of others in his aims, will do the some in his methods. llo will not hesitate b rise upon the shoulders of others, and push them down, it he mar thus assist his own Ascent. He will not shrink trom takirg un- fair advantages. from crushing poorer and feebler men than hinnell from gaining largely through the ignorance l dependency of poor workmen. or, in runny other ways. from rising " the alpine. and to the detri. ment of others. His aim, and the means u, take: to accomplish it, are of the name nature. The other man can stoop to none of these things. They are at variance, ttot may with " principles, but with the emu! he proposes to himself. He desires money that he may bless his fellow men ; how thou out he take it by means that will dis tress them? If he rise at all it must be by honourable and independent efbrt, by l tho m’ohotu to rise in life, Hith- thvough Itolitiese, “In one who Andros only his own [hymnnd honour. and popularity, wihW m mail-o when: ho ”she: or inij u he goes along. He will pro- bably be . vial-m partisan, 'msempttlotts u to methods, using people only a: step. upon whirl: to etimb. On the other hand. he who’- iuplni with a in» patriotism, who long " the peace, prosperitv and honour of his country, " direct all hiss biannual may toth-tti-tgood -.gt-rtewi-utd-iuritser, in- area, to. by tlte devils“ of onion. but by a... irshar0.t Pttrot Hoaviehmhud ts-rr-tpai-tare tus-os-ui-, And ply Hm cm: tho with!“ my “by.“ van” hum-imam. Worn-“d wmwvmom. For ml] “an, Inn” In his " In combs- not“ “Nisan-um,” mmmwmmp And lo'. dun his lanthanum: 'eos-uit-et-tu-." . ct. Montndan-Iouuvhuo Auygouduhbmnlovnnhh; And-0'10. 1-0!!!”th Anetdo,mro-deormittmtd "ruutuurit,.ti11t-ihottro. to,, Mutual, "chum, bttoutrettt-ttirt-otsnd M-nbmhlumn-m human-damn Iuwmmmlynv. hwmmlhnhhumtknuw your WI]! 'suntusv.soutt-ttmeahtnrttesrt. With IN- intent ht pk kiln home Alla-mod ml wruthfat to “a. brim. And it me why h- an. in Wuhan In. Narnia-y gum. The um. difference exists. whatever be fial tU path best mind lo his own Rising in Life. mu bye: my”? upon. © tdomtfl-tottterfbrtrorrtegood that he hopes to disseminate ; one inventor in 1 greedy of applause or of pin. soother II filled with pleasure at the thought of bone- fitting the community ; one teacher thinks mainly of I light position and a: haunt] mlary, {mother's ehief desire ia to exert I better irtthtenee, to adopt wiser methods. end to promote u truer culture In the W of the pupils. In almost every case the chief aim in made nonifeet by the course pursued trom day to day Sonia any think i to hide it in the most secret recent: of their hm. but it "htis4m to be hidden. It come- out in unexpected moments, and in a thousand little “premeditated ways. The new you opening upon us presents a iittiog time for each one to " himself- Why do I with to rise in life t What is my highest aim in businew. in society, in the home? Am I striving solely for my own happiness. or improvement, or glory, or rather for the power to help and to bless others , Am I willing, In my own “malts to the, to crowd down those tint tre) holder, cum I vying in - upward stem to no them up with me t 0n the faithful answers to such questions does all the true mecca: of the coming yen depend. For that kind of success which consists in heap ing up money, or popularity or knowledge, ,solely for selfish grutifieation, is rotten at the core, And winnoon fail. mu in its on unworthy aim l while that which gains that it my distribute, and obtains light that it may illamiue,is the only sound and real prosperity, and is that which deter. mines the value of each man and each woman to the community in which they dwell. Don't think wife when you have won tt that you have got, also, a slave. oin think Gt your Wife has his helix”: than your sweetlnnrt. Her nlationnluip to you is simply elvanged--ttot her nature. Don 2 think that you can dispense with all the little civilities of life toward: her on marriage. She appreciates these things quite as much as other women. Dou't be gruff and rude at home. Had you been that son of I fellow be. fore marrias,m, the probabilities are that you wunld be sewing an your buttons still. Don't make your Wife feel iucnmlmnt m yuu by giving her grudgingly. What she needs give as cheerfully as if it were a pleasure for you to Jo so. She will feel much better, and so will you. some menu slipped when on an Inge citeulu- “W. and mum. tho our caught him on the back ot the head 3nd nearly severed it. Death ensued almost instantly. The deems“! WM a married man, and lave: a wife 3:191}qu thihlreu.--6uelgrk Hominy. Madame Rolland, of Montreal, on Sun- Jay week gave mm: to [our children; two girls aad two boys, The mod»! and in- hnts are Gains Git. L ' Fire broke out last week in the store of Mr. Bush, Banie. Five stores occupied tespcdh * by Hm King. Jr. baker', Mana & Sou, statiouem I E. . Bush. pictures l w. T. Gwrgon. druggbt [and W. u. Emma. boots and was. were totally dutmyeJ, and seven! omen anusagod. The report that more is n case ot genuine Astraehan plague m M. l’eterghurg is con- tit med hy Prvfegsor lmtkins.‘ a high medical authority. Letters patent of Ontario but been is, sum] incorporating "The Echo Printing Plant Company, of Wiarton (lirnited)," with $1,500 capital stock in tgo shares. In“. Acorns." " Gun. - James Twomey, employed as I my" st Messrs. Gilholm * How's sate-tstill in Cult. was nccidenuy killed on Than-May Moon Doa't meddle with the affairs of the huusoumler her charge. You have no more right to be poking your nose into the kitchen than she hits to walk into your place of business and give directions to your emplyeo. A passenger train on an Irish railway I few days since ran over an intoxicated fel. Ins on the truck. He was so insensiblo to the nmgu‘mde a his own misfortune I. to mnnrk to the guard. as he looked down at his own laevtated limb, "Arrah, now, this u too bad - I didn't mean to stop the train." while attending to his duty. His foot by Dou't ma fault with bar (x‘mngnnce 'ts ribbons, &c., while you mute money on cigars, tubacca, whiskey, he. Pix-Empress Eugenie accompanied hot ion to Southampton, and witnessed his vaurmro on Thursday tor the seat of war in sum). Atric; . Don't leave your wife at home to nurse the children on the scare of eeouomy. while you goto “makes and spend your tummy at billiards. Don't prowl abnut till midnight, utts'.itt, your time in culpable idleness, leavirg your wifolonuly at home to brood over your negket and her Ci apyoiutmeuh Itou'tbolt your upper. and then hurry off to spend your evoniugw away from your wife. Before marriage you could not spend your evenings enough with ur. Don't think that the woman you have solemnly promised to "love, cherish and protvct" beeorues a servant for you as her part of the contract. There is a striku of sailors at Glasgow. In tha year 1800 there was nut a tingle ruilroot in the world. . If ever a man feels that he has wasted his eucrgws, it is when he puts his {ad on tho next stair and frads there isn't any more. _ Don't think that board and clothes me tsuftieieut for all that a wife Mes for you. Don't expect a wife to love and honom you if you 1mm: to be a brute, and un- worthy of hcr love and honour. Don't caress yum wife in public and than snarl and growl at her when you are in private. This waves that you are a by. poerite. Don't wonder that your wife is not In cheerful as she used to be when she [abomn from early mum till late at night to pander tr tho comfnn and cam-ice of a selfish pig who has not soul enough to appreciate Rules for Husbands. MISCELLANEOUS. voop< HARDWARE STORE, Aaras,Ax:Rs,Aarllil& A First Class Axe worth M, for 80e. Farmers would opportunity to buy a Cheap Axe. Balance of titoek Cost Price. Lance Tooth Gross Gut ‘saWs Cheap for Cash. V SIIA'l‘ICS, SKATE STRAPS, Horse Nails, Btaeksiuith's Supplies. Sleigh Durham-Third Tuealuy in each month. prio.vi1u--Motr0ay lmfure Durllun. Iranover--Motulsy before Durham. Mount Forest-Third Wednesday in each month. Gaelph--Firtt Wednesday in each mouth. trarfiston---Fridny before the Guelph Fair. 1urayton-rs1turtlto: Lcl’uro Guelph. Eloi"a--The tltty before Guelph. Irous,rlas--Mtmday befote Elora Fair. ir,unilton--cyi'stal, l‘uluce “rounds, the day after Guelph. I',erliu---r"trst Thursday in each mnuth Pnwnptou --r'irst Thursday in each month. Listowel -r'irst Friday in each month. r'ev,s.r,us--Thuvsd'ay following Mount Forest. ttovauont---r'iavcmilt of r'elrruury, April, Juno, August. ”Amber and Pveeurl er. psisurvrse--Weiltwrduy preceding the turtieutaeg "5“" "' "e" ""II l mum“, your a to 131.3%; Teil' "" trom [gum-we a Co. Jll,'l'dl','d Mainc, Ietutetbts. Allm" 51-11mm 1 SB, mic-amulet am of G. 15.. '1‘muhlxip Glam-la. tho-tuning 100 um -atmut " nclcn aiinr od. Tenn:- "IMP. 13500 down, (or bra-are Ute will be -dvrts.' Fur further paniculan apply In“. Durham, or to V E. WILLIAMFI 111-..“- a.“ k u. wn - on tt"tpetrru cuminthmnl three M111 of excel] m laud.auJcr "ultivrsti'rrt.ott which is "new! a srtrtrm comma and-(puma mule. Thu prawn-V Would mute a Hie-e hmunvhwl rn a I .n'hmur or Ar.) um: w‘dz- 'uigow? retire trout ttyrtuftyt, {and .ttrtrO a “huge, humus: Von cau amazon: g3 to $20 perfcsymirderby any Won-11m: ot Miner m-x. WiitGUNt iKi‘imif iaia, Ii’uniy #25 per quail): wt. lot, Apply to the proprietor. or by letter pa NHL MUNN - ' Priean"me A., o. Jane, August, ()vtuher and I’M-mm er. pvinmrse---Wednordruy preceding the ()rungevillu Fair. orangvrillu---Tltc 2nd Thurmluy in one]: numth. y'leshervur--Motu1ay 1,ctore Orangcville. DututaIk--'Neu1hty i,etvro, Orangevillo. sheiummv--Wedtre Any before oiungevil'o. sursville--8eeond Wednesday in one]: Parm for Sale in Glenelg. THE gums»; offers for Sale, Lot x. at. “Moan-don. But 91 u. R.. Totsuislti" 1 14:1 ot the couatryutNr lonalo uu no ur- trltt 030' o p l month. Waikerton-The last Wcdnesthiy in qunth. Milduuty--Last “'mlnmlny of For “In; ti tkturshoduty Boas), and Three Acres of Land For Sale. A GREAT_ BARGAIN. Tee Subscriber Malling lo Iea7ii this _ put ut the unwary utter. (mule uu pro. u- DURHAM DIRECTORY TRINITY 1uuu'si'U, Babbath scrum-u no u n. In, llllll 7 p. "I. Bunch) grhooitstu'p.ni. Nov. tLU. H'rar, B. h., pastor Chum: Wardens, H. J. Midduugh and Hum: Edge. Sal-wives awry 3‘anva ut 1mm u Sabbath School " 11.10 I. In. Pray Thumlny av 'uimt m. I u'clmek, every Mummy awning mu u'.-lm It, Citttttrtry. Suuth. IDcpurt Arum North. 1n!"- -- '7 MECHANICS lxsTI'rL'Tl-t. Town Hull "Wt'U may Friday awning from 7 " L) o'eioek. MIME-5:41. Ipnuuul I'm: a, mm. Alexa" mGii/t meeting. Tuumluy on nr lmhm- lull moon of each man“). Fisitin ' lmxthnn “Thoma. A. Vullot. W. M. H. W. Atmklcr, 'ducrr't'ar.v, B TiU'HEN LODGF, No. IO 1. o. 0. F. Night of “muting every Monsttry hi 'IMO o'ulnck, in the odd Fellow s' Hull. Visiting bruthwu welcumo. JAY. )iuululun, N, Cr, W. H. Vullct. bee. DURHAM L. o. L. No. Ca'g. Night ot meeting. Thumluy m: or Mun nu moon in ouch mouth. T. canon, 5w. Wash BAPTIST L'm'IUJH. W. Grunt. premix Smitty fiirvieen--prutueht hunt u u. m.: Huhlmth Hu'lnml M 2:30 p. "1.: Preaching n! 7 I'. m, Wervk ovrnlug ticrviemr-- Mummy eveuing, young lu-uplm' ruin-r men-ting M Ill; tti.', Wednesday awning. NI: a class M 8 p. m T “my "voting, regului may" meeting at Mun u weckitt yum- mnn town 85 own tree. No KL!» Bowler, it you 1mm. u l, twizxv a at which pawns " rither m'\ mm nukv "tutt [luv Ml ' hr tune m“ can nukv :{rmxi why all ' het time they work, write " “granular; V) IL HALLL‘TT & Co. Parkland, Maine. POST OFFICE. (mice huurs (roman. m. to 7 p. In. Arch. Me. lienzk'. Potsttnatrtvr. Tell/l/Tl?), RAILWAY. 0n and Mter JIONIIAY. In November “as, trains will run an (alluwj'y _ Tonal!” IUN50h' trTATroet.) Del-m4, 8:130 n. 111., was AI, m.. 52!!) p. In Arrive, 10.05 m. ILL. ip.t0 p. III., 921:: p. In, "JAVL r: ”1.1.x. South. [Depart 7:20 u.m., is'Ioa.ta..?;'rl? v. m. Ju/riiaortd/n, Libra-tin“ ti. G. REGISTRY UFFICI' Thoma: Lauder, Bogiistmr: Jotut A inlty-lkxisuur. (mm mun (rum lo n Glands, Sept. 19.1978. mm.Ang.'1o m7. Toronto. Out. 23th, tmm. CHANGE OF TIME." Durham, Jan. 12th, 1878, DURHAM LODGE No. 2m OF A. F. J: A MONTHLY CATTLE FAME. At Cost, run'ntlr VILLAGE OF PllIC‘IiVIIaIJC. "Titiwti"Uttcuc, ' Arrive Irurtctu., owns Mr Depart 7:50 B. m.. reJtp.'rt. Aer 4Mtt ty "1.. PRO p. In. Thrpart A m we Arline itn.', lb. In. Inl", ter.', u. nt, t'itr:s'In"t'F'mrAN' CHURCH C. METHODIST t'I1U1tf'H, ry 3‘anva ut luau) u. m. nun-mam Inn. "Int mo I. m. Prayeruu?etuy'.t'yytT mum M. I o'clmtk. and Bible Chas _ awning M3 u';luck. Ptuttor "cr. MOWAT’S {no “In. 92.3} 'rrtr:t,wh'rr." pr, k,,ri,stmr.. Jnhn A. Munro, De. ottiee lururs (rum N n. In. to I p.ur U HEY si"'sii"C"i- “Egtéel, Spring Steel, mil worki- of dimer. uni rig t 9, Lha_irpwn Lyuuities, SLEIGH BELLS. 'ita/uiaGTiorse Tau, IA, Supplies. at bottom prices. PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES GLASS, l’UTTY. “RUSHES. de., kc. EDMTYND \Vlumm. (ism-ml Manager s.uri, m. MC, p. ur .1151)“ m. may, 1141 1122':- p, 12:10 n. tit., G; £le p. m., an JOB. F. MOWAT, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. tc?t.iGrijiiFiai; AND 1mm: r.K.."' p. In. 5:00 p. m. At Cost, each each do: I I' I'l'll the dose of Its present volmue. _ 1 Ttw. Touos'Yo (6mm: cmupluwa the whey V mm yeuul‘ m publh'uliun; nun-UL; a: which“ fem r 1 that they can look hack u ill] satislnniuu nun! jun! - wi'c on um mu"! it has mkwnmnd tiw hallmh‘lul in l ilxu-uuu it mus vxcrcissct0, in all tlu. prunnuum pull _ that] "mu-menu um] mum-sin for guml you rn ' _ “mm, sincx- "In day of its a tub1istuucttt. The un- 'd oquullml mnl unswvrvmu summrt it has through v out r AV laud tummy: MI clusmu ot the (‘numlnu - . F puhli ', is at unre the but rumu-d. and the night-m n iysy'bbt ttttStinson" to the eluciruCy and tidel I m 't,'t""lit inwresln with which it han Inn-n cum " I duck: An In the rust, an in the "ttttre, shall Ur H: l unrnuut tWort., ttt its cnnum-wrx be an forth in n " l Your of wimu‘vm tends to umsum In»: and Monu- '.' luiuul guvunnuvnt, tne mutrriul prosperity of tl" - 'ruttsscti,tusal the pruuwtiuu thwughuuc the land on 1 rn-liuilmuzuud unvruls. ctlucatio, imupumnu‘. um: i Im'iul lmluplursn. u.’ "runny minim-ml that Cunnda could hold no T _ linsikiuh Iliuhvr win-mu: or more con h et'xw to he ' inatcrirrl wnurpezs, Hum that sbe up" on?!“ M. S'. We foreuusxt 4 -lfr;:mrrun-al Pnrviuee ot the 'ritinh l Fnnpire,tiwcrm luctvrs of 'i'ur.GrAtio'iturnrttti2stu' A l zuuluusly I. Inn-min whatever tombs to tho porpo- ' tuition of the [mm-3 existing re1tstirm. Dunning. known u mum” Mural-nu Fun: [And the 3rd division of lot l, con. LEMJL. t lea .u," ar acrcie.gocd log buildinu, " um dented. For further punish." npply to I". In RA". Datum nut. ' Durham Feb 20. m. h I) BOYS SLEIGHS. ROBERT MermLANE. Manufacturer of l "r" 11A " Carriage Works. Carriages, Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, etc., OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL _ good ttuish, and at prices as tow as any 0mm astumishun-ut in nu: county. Those in need of Such Articles would do well to Call and Inspect My Stock. The Subscrilmr ia ttiso Agent " All Kinda o) FauM IMPLFnirhN't"s. I Through“ believing that the Ind-Ht policy for (tumult: is that “blob shall promete incruusml trat. I tie with foreign alumnus, Ind that uynwm of tar _ utimx the best which (all: must lightlyuu Induury i, and ttw Industrial charms. THE GLOBE will con- 1 tiuuu to "droeatc. eucl-gcnumy we almlltinn of I 1'ttitour-dutivr, an m" mum-ink. tttttl the mainten- l “no“ ot n rcVulllu‘ mm Inn-smug liulllh or not at 1 all I In the mm Marin; of life, bat homily on unl- rlon ot luxury. " tsill continue to uppmw the impmithm ot I'us'omedutiot {mined mrswiall.r to muinh Pun-lg” ('ouutrins for actuul or lxnnu‘lmr) _ Lusldity in tutironuuwrcial paling ; or t"ill? [ to cxrlmh- Itritiut unrl run in" "rttutltu'turerg mun t the country, nr spu'iull) to lump vermin lmun'hou I ot illll'liu')‘ in mist-aw:- thnt I-unnut ire athlul-vul wlthout turn-cl I-nlltrilmtlnnu trom the earnings of the taut of tht!ymtut!tuity. around iis."o'tFdj.FfiFriiGrCiirih'ii"r'iii,h'r" Gh' certain” be built to Durham nexuumiin r. r'- ALKtr- A 6rasertaa. um. lot u. 6011.4. w.a.m Lin-hi of Routing]? mo ms. 00 um! drum]. in! In: my?“ , Iflrte 12de "are!!! In t Farm ; 1870 The Weekly Globe. 187?: .‘ . ..,..v.....,.. ..._. ..4P.NFab ""'""o' "Hum . (but thi, in the slid town of Durham. Everything convenient around thin property, I. good Uris In; house, stables, wnoduhml. hard and w t wutnr. ac. Now in‘ tle'. prnper Pet' 11tyetyyrp_roptTts in and ”A“... . ... M...“ .. .-- '-_-. -- A - __ .., .._ 14 ACRES of Land m A Hiclt Matt, ot Cultivating). with n lugs. wnll tim' med mum house, and all bud-1mg: tucrcon, and a yawn; orrmttt. Run! And an” an”. Tht. prqwrtv i; mbuimuu the t"l,',',val'2',h,1 the kmu of Durham nml known u the Charimi lumen Et m. AAIJG- C A well-uninhnd more hum- ul out In. I, t upJImiIDJ. Tfhtttt'eo.ry lam-v. ' Jjtn,tt,1 Any mm in at liberty t , r,'et up a club on hi; rum respotrsiibility. Huh clu‘ paper "ttby be mum. -d v-puruzely, m“ "Inv he fur any Post omee. Pts-. tire; '.,"Jttoti,' up um... " m bu supplied with madman rariml ot that ”we: 'Wt, ' luuuitmcm'l by" ”at by “mince "my, lpy, /dlt't't1"k,SG m, or by 'Mitre'tir, a ottr Lower Town, DURHAM. . ___ - _ _ - w.............,............. B ha :alhhx Despatclws trout the LonduIIOMCI 01m Gun»: wilt uontlnne to he received when ineidenta of ixngmrgmn-u to Canada. transpire in a; . pet of the British laden. , ms "Lotte. Spot-ml Runway Train will continue tn have Toronto tor Hamilton, and Western con. ncctinns at that point, at hull-put four mush morning. The iliivstrnte,t Hhmmphien of prmulnent Pub- liv 1lvi, that haw unvn such gem-ml public antin- taction wi.ll be cununuud during the coming your by “we "ml ttspurs/sd writers. The nknlchel of Nutuntl 'scvuery,viuws of the ydrmilml Com. dim: cities and ttrttttm and views a the trtotit ttot. .llll' public Mummy of the Dunninluu, with copL nus luau-hymns deytipritoun matched to each, sud xkuh-hns a tltetsttrlyistory " each plwomm um bo runtinuo-l by f. .tA-lmm mm“. Ern-lr-Innllrnl 'e"ytpy"s'. MIG-Info Non-I. nnd Hd-rnllonnl Ail-Ar: “in continua pru. uriy.vnttetstitrcrt in rut-h number. A 7 Tho Amwu-n In (“urn-"pollen“. ot ovary varivty ot suhjm-h. which nave- proved m: vuhmhk and j non-Mum: tn c-rnmls of reiWra, ,rlll be top! up will: [Hammad vigour. Tho unmml utb:qcription to Tun "an“! Gum: will remain "slwretimsre, 1',"u','yl', DOLLAns Prut ANNUM, an". "Porta',,'" m" Mull pun-ct (humuh and the Utsited Fs'tutcrr, payable im‘m'inhl) iumlnmw'. The CLUB RATES FOR 1879. Tun 6mm: “ill c-uminnu to give would "ten. Liuu to the deeply impnnzmt minim-ta of Burulm itniuis',ratoirui,tirwrvytunlrtuuuJrttprovtaurtii,tttr Derelnpuu-ut ot the nut Mineral 't'iumvr and Fish. ery Immune! ot the Dominion, and We speed) 8“- tlvuu-m yt our Wiht mung. _ NEWS from all parts of we world, up to the latest Immwm “I puld'uuttirm rl’nrliumemnry Im, balm. Fault-ml and I'vrovine'uvl-hhvrircu and Fi. nnuclul Ill-purl» M humm- and abroad fund Letters of Special Ihrrrvrqrondettt_ from all poiutr, of inter tnit-itil be gathered with all the cm and energy that. has Imps THE “mm-1 tor an long n wring ot you." iy Pg', may: mnk "f ngnudiqn ltytruNs. _ Agriculture, Its tho chiet industrial inn-rut of the Dominion, rvevives that mnstunt and mm: m- attention to whit-h In nun, Inmorhun-e 'gitithrr. it; Mulull uwusvm-s lorlhc mlum wtucut at its ',,'GT','l.t/v' or injuriumly trtrvctiuur its [menu will m watch 'tl ty m. cum and fully diwnum d. T. the "usutthrctariug nml tuechauicul interests lunch spat-e will comimw to he de,votod, and nothing ot itat mmuwe Minding than till be ulluwcd to plus ant 'mlml. Durham. omen and remittances to be addressed tome GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, TOR.NT05 5 c, 100 should all tako advantage of f Stuck will be cleared out at. WILL BEAS F0LL0WW.- Per Co ' :pln-s and under 10, at tho who 01......“ 93 Alum-s mm under go, m. the mug u!.........l so apiui ind over at the raw u!..............l " Lands for Sale, ROBERT Mcl’AliLAN bl, Cut Saws At Cost! " at: - Durham, April I, 1878, Flour, Feed GBOCEBIE S, CROCKERY, Flour, Whic] Their Mock will be found tube Large, Fashionable and Well Aunrted, And at Bottom Pth Their Stock d BOOTS AND SHOES will duo In WI Urge ml well snorted. and at Prices " "it me Times. GROCERIES---Remarkably Cheap. Lumber, Shingles & Lath, 1,000,000 Feet dry Pipe Lumber. 500,000 " Hemlock, Che In large qumxtiticl kart eomstautly Lumber, all Widths, Quintin, [ganglia and Tlnicinc-ws. STACK?) OF SIIINGLES AND LAT". VERY CHEAP. Custom Sawing attended to timing the Winter Mouths. Flour, oatnGki, and Chopp Stuffs. outer». At Kiemn -tgikiiiikLlicTi,Eiiii"i' Town The Subcribqr u agent fun- tha ale at the oelahratml MOWER mufutund by the TORONTO REAPER & MOWER COMPANY. AIM Note Ind Book Account. collected 'on mono“. he... Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laid1at a Stewart's F- ', Improved Gang Ploughs,. dx E. & A. DAVIDSON, Ofter the LARGEST, BEST and (:HEABEST Stock of Millinery, Mantles, AGRICULTURAL Fall & Winter Goods now Complete We are also giving Extra Value in MANTLI'I I‘IAVI'IIS. Uuter ('Iuthl, t'aahmorea, l elven, Plain and Funny “mu Goods, (Haven, Hmicry, 'l'rnmninp, an. All Mm Shale! in Berlin, “easy, and Fingering \Vuuln. Mantle. and Ulster, undo “Urdu. Fashionable Stock of Mantles and Ulsters at verylow prices Tweed Suits, for $8.50 per suit, Agent for the Superiur “readout Sada and Drill. Also the h'a'downr Sully Rau--the best Sulky rake in an “alumina. STOVES AND TINVVARE! C"arb2il' IPC9It (LXSII OR CELIA}: Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. Particular attention paid to Fairrssrtemntkittg. l‘lno salmcriber begs to inform the public tbat he has I large Stock of STOVES and TIN . WARE, which will he mltl “we much pleasure in informing the Public that their Stock of Every Lady wanting a. Mantle should see them. pm». Nov. ' 1878. t h I will tsell at Prices to suit the timoel for (‘IIL or Fum Produce. Small Protittt and Quick Bum-nu. [iI'RHAM. Durham, Feb. 26th, ISIS. Durham, (Mulwr IO, Pd78, In Mill1'nety, and Staple a Fancy Dry Goods, -WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., ITpper Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Unbolted Another Lot of those Wondorfully Cheap and INBPEt3T?IoNgR1ilBPBCNi'0LLY'a1Nvr1?EDdby B. & A. DAVIDSON. JOHN CAMERON And FANCY DRY GOODS u'ur otrerol in DURHAM. He would particularly call the attention of th" Ladies to hi. and Winter Fashions. (hitting and Flu-mung atteu:itvi to at Shane-t Notice. Cools, Parlor and Box Stoves. BURNETT’S mrted, and Winter Goods is now Complete. TO‘Vlls Agent tor the all: of all kind- " iriuriir,' Cherry, Basswood * Maple MAscFhCrU1lE1th' OF Announces his Stock of JUST RECEIVI‘ID. on hand. BACON. SALT. an. “SIC“. AB---- . MCKEGHNIE, IMPLEMEN TS, Provision Store, DURHAM. ' MCKECHNIE. JAMES BURNETT. '" New and trashloiiitao JOHN CAMERON. and at Bottom Primal. T. A. HARJS. " My Motto in yt saloon-hunt We! 'u-ttste READING The Largo and rapidly increasing Cmn in an Townships of Chuck. Ben-no “Grey Review" Nunuundy. Burnout. Proton, Ammuni- MOST APPROVED KINDS Job Department, unique“ up. t being “Med Uh thwitrg lately made nu mum to on; In new and up in the very best myle, and Pol-0cm peat I'a.iliti" fol doing all And with the Greatest. Prompmmiz Girrey, Meiosetuoat and otlor Tum ships makes it (no of the Good Family Newspaper Boot Nahum. for Advertmcti “G ray ll " F ies "' ." Best Style of the Art, “GREY REVIEW” or THE LATEST LOCAL AND FOREIGX Job Work S8 COLUHX PAM“! PM 01.2") per Ann-m. Kat" POSTAGE FRI-LE8 “unlock Am+hedwith “will nah-in " I‘m. In the Candy of Grey, It not paid in admin“- (we. TF"f " R IR. MARKET REPORT}, " who watt it Win“ "" as their orders, kahuna!“- AttD RDtTouAtor pml-Izu-L'Iol le4+ an” I ' "whom an n rum 4... our. .m A Pom " ts.-eutter In- I I-nuortl-nl‘. an". I. I . hurt-m, $'s, .. "an”; (Mama, 1 “a of up. u." -m - MV Phu (d I I -.... "GM um-I I m. F, A-5 t .-|.-I _ I In“ an n! I he. o.ert0"tart, In.“ Mun 1mm. l) imp-r Beautiful Ambrotype Only Ten Cent; "l's.tt' ANIEtl ‘MI for " [If J Ind ti hues. Lola'- Arlvertrse"tent., I by Grim trtrtrtrr't hurt-I ottil iorbs - nut. ll In. - " "H“‘n' Nothing LIKE LEA WHO Lou-q l 'tor0) “(AMI A large mason." PM“ PR“ 1 Any Person Wanting Cnplw £500.”. tl Minty "who" u “I. and all klmh In. of chi-p. to/m Ian M woo-inn“ nu! Mum up: And totder. I it. who 0r " hut-J M indus- ll". per , Qua" column, pen .' In“ culullm. .. 0-. column, bw "0. III mouth I In uh no. ”on" 'ttnt English so Sc 00. III In. “I. throw 1 ' 54¢:an Limo," the timt m tor “at ”by”... “an. " In. “downs-tutu" "(who in.“ No M. Emma In my other Coupe: futht-ummu twt4.x to MUSE?“ P. Mow IT', - " Ity At the a“, Guava“ Rune! “RURAL!!! ".ruri I . gm.” It not Patel mthmtu Every 'l‘llu Durham, - - "THE REVI BUSINESS BIREC V ’ LEGAL :I'I.F..\'DIII I 'rreArttkt. Au T. If?" I ".01“. Hotel. Prh 31:1 l." tsvrpirMr'.h T IN D“ I'A NY 'ttti goes and Picv cold M. con FPs'Titiq In RAIWA'I‘I‘ bh D. MAFIILIAN Mutitms'it, ATTUIKXIZY. M ”CFLYIDI‘IN A l AtttttttrF.ilh'. tiolic: [rout i Pr AIHIINI'IWH m I It: ' BOOTS AND s3 pr Tau m ILL! 0 You Wu“ K< " nun. In H lw'lA'H KISCELLANEO .ATI'IS or' AlWliltTI I0 mm I lung 1 the I'm M I! nu ttttodd WM”: Pt MED 60.00‘ oll n." I _ I'I'ILIII‘I... t brr ul. and” M M b my.” lull-WU l't tW m Md

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