West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Mar 1879, p. 2

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'.jl"it'l I, H ills') M M I‘M" Il Independent of all the other olfactinns which may be brought against the new policy, it presents two features whiels nrt particularly objectionable. The lint is, “at it in . piece of class legialntion. The tum has ovuleutly been readjusted in the inturebts of the Innuufucturers. so far In that cnuld be done. It is their good that Ga been considered. wl,ile the changes which have been iutrodueed, press mm: [uni], upon the great body of the people. The nun-union: in the towns and on the tarm In treated as so "1:.in beasts of l-urdeu. When an election was pending their witshcrs received great attention at the hands oi Conservative politicians, bat when the rudjustuuut of the tariff comes to be cumidered, their interests In: rudely “mint snide. It in true that wheat is taxed " “at: pr Ethel. and flour 50 cents per W, but of what In. is that tax to the humor to the halo-mn- lu yen: of -ity, nth u in 1876. it will incrmc tiny-hoot bread stuns. mil to far u unto-Ho. an in Ordinary yam it can unwound». - of gain. for the", plain“ that. upon-them. “mmmummmdo. But mumwdmtion may have, and that in. to my the an?“ tmd. af - u'lvlyn nnd null and eon-squat tr - out a! ant a null may duh-on. Oath-other hand the M JIM. In in-ed in prim. --ri-r00tr.e.otBhis III-IN“. up}... on his co.ta and ”‘15...le 5019.0. ort The National Policy his et Inst made its Immune. The speech in which it was interlaced to the Home at Common- on Priby evening by the Finance Minister, wne A very pleiuible ons,bat the m mt cur- enry examination of it will convince the undid render. that thie new fiuisueiul de- putnre, in the mast disastrous piece of Won th it has ever been tIirmt upon the Country. It u not only that it is retro- gnuire in in diameter; that it is Opposed to the intelligence of the world and diverts earitat out of its naturaieUttueis, buteven thou industriee tor whose ndvuntagc it has epeeinily been constructed. with one or two exeeptnonemre now,un the very thresh. old of ite eppliention. put in 11 Nurse post', ( tion than they were in. under the old _ Tail. While there is an increased duty 1 placed upon mauutaetarcd articles, the _ sdvnnee upon material, used in their mnn- ‘ srketure, completely nullifius the gain ob- dnined by shutting out foreign competition. Thu I dnty " per cent is placed upon imported furniture, M per cent on ngri. calm implements, 25 p. e. on carriages, u p. e. on etovee he., but at the nine time the duty on Lil edged tools is inereas. t. I) p. 1:. Iron castings to20 p. c. Spikes and null to 60 p. e. Glue to 20 p. c. Var, nili to " p. e. Turpentine to '2, p, c. N iron " per ton. Coal 50 cent.- per ton to. However two industries would seem to form en exception. Thole are totton nod woollen mauatLrtures. C utton g ‘Olln' will now pey n duty of 40 to tro p. c. and woollen M) to 50 p. c., and not only are the“ rally protected-for in the case of the“ goods the tariit is almost a prohibi- tory orse--but the machinery used in the mills ere admitted free while All other or- tielee of I similar character are lie-vily than u no immediate PrrMaeet of the "Minion of thin pedect ideal til at once, who: Icahn in the movement are willing to mm the following an an instalment of that may hop. to mliu in the future : "t. The .sstabliUtnsrtt of eo-operative, Wuhan] Ind 't'amttaetarintt tsmvtiu- “on “pm by a. State. a. Uuiver. ul, W, had he education. 3. Arcane.“ into-o tax, um] the abolition W m taxation. 4. The limitation br the am. of the dny'u work. 6. The alibi, inspoctiou of min”, factories and whon‘l dwellings. 6. The State should w work for the unemployed by Construct. lugplplic work, the nae-any funds being unwind by by in unlimited issue of paper my." “The“ objects," Mr. Faweatt “Us In. “an regarded u not only desirable in would"... bat no looked upon as facilitating “In complete realization of the B . “a: id L" Ind." a'l of whirh, with all the instru. In!“ ofpeoduetmn, as capital and ma- ehi-r--"in bet everything that constitu~ to. thoindutrhl plant ot the cunntry," into hlong to the Mate. in onler that "mind-m, my be carried on by it. Thin induct is tKei-v-Socialism in its 'sigh-t dovulopmont: but believing that Wm, Ind the literal enforcement of the ordinance that every one u to earn his in“ by the "out of his brow. Every mu is to In I working man, u laborer in tho common aeeepttrtion ot that term ; for Wilma“. not recognise nay-thing M labor bett phrieal nation, the labor: of the hand. 2. "The nationalization of the -onlouor Pave.“ has been discusning the ulna-tic: of loam-n in . late number ofthe Fortnightly Baden, and up that in mm includes the following principha ..--t. The abolition of private nanny, the Abolition of the right at in. -TU uni... of Go Duke of Con- mght. Ion of tho Queen, and the Princess 1min Nun-m, Jangbter of Prince mu] Hun. Fnderiek Chulu of Prussi: was 00W. on the 18th inst. in St Giorgia Church. London, England. The service w [Manned by the Archbishop of Can- tertntry in the [nuance of a lame aasernbr - of distinguished persons. The bride was given “I, by ber lather. to.- c. leg-n... _ G1VoeAlr. In“. to: taproy 1umurwrr,eyyi.yv, 1...“... Durham. latch 20, 1879. THE NEW TARIFE REVIEW. In I wret. Johmston'e Tannery, Fergus, was burnt down on Sunday morning. Insurance be. tween 06,000 a td 87,000. The spring term of the summer session ofthe Ontario School of Agriculture will commune. on the 10th of April. T. W. Cooper, P.LS., Guelph. who run over on Smunhy night while cnwliug under a. tmin, and died on Sunduy. surcmta.--h young m m nnmml George Long, a resident of the Township of Syden- Ilium. procured tome stryclmine from Lang Bum. on Wednesday afternoon, for the I purpose of killing foxes. He stopped over night at Colhenn's hotel, and the party shaping in the same room aroused the in. mates about one o'clock in the morning, by saying Long had a fit. Before assist- ance could be obtained he died, having, it appears. taken the stryelusino himself in. stead of using it for the purpose alleged. An inquest wn held on Thursday afternoon --owen Sound Tina. Un uuduerday Mr. Wm. Wilkinson, . butcher living on June street, Guelph, teil through I loft in . but: on Mr. Walter Wilt'l t "an, Guelph Tomhip. and aliitting on " I de new: ansnvrmux tlouse-ttto mime in the Presbyterian Church, last evening was not so well attended as the soirees in this Church mimlly are, but the church was I nearly filled. The enables were ot the richest kind and provided in great abund- ance. After tea the Rev. Mr. Park took the chair and after " short address called upon the Choir, which gave a number of pieces in excellent style during the evening. Stirring Nikolaos were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Godfrey. me, Stewart and Grant, i and J. II. Hunter, Esq. l u de germs . Inning mitt huh the; of " ibs dune to the. urinal cum-ms We understand that the first quarterly review exercises in the Public school will take place during the next week. These exercises - which will extend over the whole week-will consist of both oral and written examinations, but Friday will be Weeially set apart for oral examinations. his expected that many will take take the opportunity of\iaiting the school on some day during the week, although the exercises on Friday will perhaps Bfrord the) most interest generally. ', Tn: b'cuvEg.--We understand that the men cugngvd locating the Line of the G.B. h W. Railwny Company have met with very good succmss so fur. It is expected that by to-night they will reach half wny between Palmerston and here, and will after to-day mnlm Mt. Forest their Lad. quarters. The line as far as located is said to be an easy otse.--Confedet ale. Wye. "ncrsos. un., I. s. G., han receiv. ed the hook- for the library of the South Grey Teachers Association. The works .9, lected are of an cxvelleut character and will no doubt be of much boner": to the Autocla- tion. The next mutating will be at l'riceyille on the g9and 30of Maynest, when a num- ber of papers on different subiects will be read. An open meeting will be held in the Orange Hull, Durham, by the United Tem. perance AsusoeiUton on Tuesday evening next, commencing " half-past seven o'eloek pm. An excellent premunune has been prepared. The public are cordially its. vited. Admissiunfrco. The attcmlance at the Fasr ou Tuesday wu not so good as on former occasions. Milch cow: suld at 815 to 82t. Fat cattle bold wel'. A large number of people were in town, of whom not 11 not New seemed to have imbibed tep freely. An Entetitsiument will be held in the hull of the I.O.G.T.. Dromore, to-morrow (Friday) ovum-g. Refreshments server'! at 7 o'clock. Admission 16e. A Punuc School meeting will be held on Wednesday the Mth inst., in tho Town Hall. at 10 o'clock n.m., for the purpose of electing a Trustee in room of D. C. Mae. donell, Ibur, dacenaed. To CoiutBsPosarsstt..-Part1ss (awarding Riddles to the REVIEW must aha forward the nugwer a: the same time. No com- munication will be invsrte:1 tuoiers the nnma of the writer is given to the oNeo, Such! Gan Agricultural Society will hold its Hpriug Show in Durham on the Mth of April. Anode. featured an NM Policy which is very objections“. in the drew. lunch. or, properly, bounty mum on a exported goods. This is I moot widow principle. It in I pie-hm to Mandi on the pert of the manufacturer. it neeeul- tate: the employment of an any of and. all along the frontier, and still further in- cream the prices ofgoode to the consumer. The sag" tnde in Finnce afkrds nu illne- tration of the alien of this bounty cystem. Raw sugar-i1 imported into France, aud the refiners nre paid a bounty upon every pound they "port. The immediate efteet Wu to clone the sugar refineries on the Clyde end the Bristol channel, and the ulterior eiteet was to increase the price of - in Freuce and to chenpen it in Greet Britain ; so that the whole French people inn tend to provide cheap sugar for tlt I British people. Similar otteets will result i in (Jamie. bunutaetnrerir,generally,mll, for a short time grow richer, and the mus of the people will grow poorer, but the came of their present wealth will ultimate- ly he their mm. In a very short time the Canadian market will be glutted, and then will e "no the crash, just as he: hnnpened within the last few years in the United States. However the Government has dune the best they could 'lo for their sup~ porters, in the circumstances. The tarid although not absolutely it prnteetive one, is a particularly well tinkcrell one. and. if Sir John A. Mucdunnlil has failed to satisfy the desires of all his friends in its retsdjustuusttt, he " least has well establish- I ed his claim to belmown henceforth a: the, "political tulvesutarxsr"yar eacelUee, among l Canadian politicians. humming“ laictea.d0-trs, his mils, 85 p. e. On his bolts and screw, 30 p. c. on his hone shoe. sud nuiLu, 50 p. t. on hi- Iannels. 40 p. c. on his limits-y and so on with all tLe "tide. which enter into the 1see-arUq oiiik. Local and other Items. A terrible gale passed over Orungaville, on Sunday evening, March 8. T Le Hpil‘e of the new Presbyterian church was biowu down and completely Ileuroytrd. 'Nulom, will be won? Moo. H. Halcy, the Wot. mom. will be me paiurifaiifs'cr,"" 1:3 spire wa., uU eotwplctcJ. Dun b'm,--1 would like to ask the hon. School Inspector, Mr. Ferguson, through your columns to explain to the nbepuy- an; of 8.8. No. l, Glenda. the remn- for making the trustees to wall up the “to win. dows towards the norm, ltespectful!y, The fair held here on Monday was well attended. Prices were good, ranging from .22 to 928. Star of the Night H Emma. McDowell, the best around on tho rink. but did not tttttgr for prim. Wulf-Dr. Ghent. To the Review. Base Ball purer-n. Ghent, (Do) y. In who, best costume. Circa-him: girl-MG' Jemimn Wright leirty, he best costume. Battuuor--lda Ghent. Comical old lady-T, Maximum. Highlander AT. Nichol. Colorod (hnkkuhen Me.uttulr. Iudhuu Chick -W. (mam. o-man-w. "yon. Twin Butum--Mhtsm, Anni: Wright Ind Ema McDowell. Knigbt-- Mina Jinan Nichol. m prim " best coltuule for Indy. Imitation-Mus E. Wright, lst prim u melt cumin]. Chiunm .u»Alex. McDonald. in: prize " the most amnion]. (Jointed uent--AIUn IcKinnnn, m [who u beet are! 9. The Carnival." alvoniud, took place " thn Prieevuio skating Rink. on Wodnudny evening MI. The “tondum-o was very good, und mo mu~ quotation wim- m-urly all ulegnmly tinned and all Apps-nu! to only Ikemulvon to their hum cun- Yeut. The touou nu; is the lint. of character. n- It tented. M fur us we can 1mm i Chiunm .u»Alex. McDonald. in prize " the Skating Carnival at Priee. ville. Mr. F. F. Twyla has got to work again after a long spell of niclumu. Some "gent" from here has wntlau to the Markdale Ifrpusilnr relating it sleigh ride he had with his "gnl" Jennie. How k---." her on the way, and how his mons- tache got froze to her, " It is B pity the cxlves eould nut got a chance at him for a while, he would be a. cabbage head no more. Glenelg, March 18, 1879. It will lie very may soon to convince some political oratm‘s "who pays the duty." It will he tt very eonvineiug argument when the puck”. is touched. We are tarry tosee by Sutur- dly's Globe that our esteemed friend, John Fee. Esq., of Pcoton has lost heavily by Rimmur & C' 1., of Toronto who have ahbconded .-- leaving Mr. Fee as lecurity for a large amount. John has proved himself who a “Aquino" man in his tmnsaotious here. IL, mu bought large quantities cf outs, butter, poultry, eggs. Ie., for several yous in this neighborhood. It is too bud. Itlis stated by a. prominent wood dealer that there is enough green card wood on the T.G. & B.lt. mm, to much from Owen Sunnd to Toronto, piled four feet high - 118 miles. The nvivul meetings are still going on, and from appearance doing good work, Some two or three who wen a terror to everything tltat cmhl not fly-have {wand peace. Large number: of other neck.” are anxious. Tho bull in crowded to ex- cess at some of the mocking. I hope they may continue. The friend we spoke about in your last issue who received the "castigMiou" at Carmen's Hotel, has diasappearcd via Mea. fard, for Jerusalun. Wo hope he will take hint and not take " too much" again. Ouf cattle fair was held on Thursday the Hill. There was a number of buyers, and cattle in good ordvr sold readily. There was good demand for working cattle and several sales were made, ranging from too to $110 per yoke. 1texivttls0rvices are being held in the basement of tho new church, and the people of God are having a very blessed time. Tho church is erowded every night. The members of the church have been greatly blessed and many other! have been made happy. A very interesting affair came of on Mon. day evening, the 10th inst, 1 number of the neighbors gathered together and pro- ceeded to Mr. Dickson, store-keeper, to prrsent two young ladies with a very Und. some pocket-bible each, morocco bound, for the very commendable manner in which they worked It the late fire. The reci- pients were Miss Sarah B. Dickson and Miss Jessie Hamilton. The presentation was made by our worthy teacher Mr. D. Allen, prefaced by A few well :chosen to- marks. The Rev. H. Cragicr replied in his usual happy manner on behalf of the two Indies. Mrs. Dickson with her well-known hospitality entertained the friends to an excellent reprint, after which the company spent a very pleasant evening with carpet balls and other amusements. At the that when Mr. Rutherford wn so unfortunate as to be burned out, Mr. Wm. Seaman was occupying put of the building as a tiushop. There was no place in the villuge suitable for him to rent to with his usual push and energy he is at work putting up a new shop for himrelf. The building is twenty feet by thirty, tour. teen feet high. We sincerely hope he will have that success in his Lusinesu which he deserves. Mr. Editor, I hire thought that . few ttotets from our stirring vilhge might be of tome interest to you mlny laden. I do no know whether it is m "ttieipation of the railroad, or the National Policy, per- haps. both, but building operations have commenced very curly. Mr. Vsuee in n- iittiug hi- large wagon shop turning it in- to a store. to be occupied Geo. Gilroy, Esiy' of Mount Forest. It is Mr. Vanco's inten. tion, we understand, to rough out it out. side. The front presents a very handsome 1 appearance. I Ul‘ I “HIV Priceville Items. From our own Correetmdent. Dundalk. ‘q94 'uv HNUI‘IIV“- r TORONTO s4-.. ZErto, have united 11:1ng toc c'ca. ch 10min. I It was "501va to petition tho General Aucmbly to receive Mr. Gilbert Smith " a minister of the Presbyterian Church in Ju.. ada. Prot. Maclarea, of Toronto, win nomi. tinted as Moderator of the next Genet-1A5. umbly. Next ordinary meeting will be held (D. V.) at Durham, on the second Tuesday in July," 2 p. ttc-Mount Purvst Cwr.federute. l lurity, but In sdjomned meeting was appoiZt- ed to be held in Guthrie Church, leriltm', on the wound Tuesday in April, at 3 p.m., to consider All the ciret1rnuaruxm eunneoted with the clue, and the parties interested were ordered to be notdiesd to appear for their intern-ta. A call was produced and read from the congregntxou of Cohwold in favor of Rev. Chas. Cameron, ot Roxlmro. m the Pro-by- tery ofGlcngarry, formerly ot Priceville. Said call W" not lultained on account of irregu. I-_1A_. I "A AA - ‘1 ' ' session of Ayton and But Normnnhy to moderate in a call to a minister when they are ready. Similar leave mu asked by the congrogation of Waldemar, Little Toronto sud South Luther, Ind taunted. The Presbytery of Snugoen met in St. Andrew's Church, In Mt. Forest, on Tueulay, March 11 h, at 2 o'clock p.m.; the Moderator, i Rev. N. Stewart, of Arthur, ttt the chair. The minutes " former meeting were rend and sun- tained. The Various deputation. reported regarding misuouary meeting. Leave was granted to mortgage the marine property of Knox Church, Harriston. It wan resolved that delegates appointed to the General As. sembly pay their own expense; The follow- ing dulegate-a were then choun, VIZ. t Min. intern, Moms. Park and A.C. Stewart by rotation, and Mesarr. Young and Fraser by ballot ', Elders, by Imilof, Menu. P. Macmillan, Ju. Allen, J. Nesbitt, J. 8tarrat. _ Leave In granted to the Moderator of thel Moved by Mr. McMillan, amended by Mr. Neil, That the clerk be authorized to advertise for tandem to erect a Township Hall, Stable and Shed, and that h commit- consisting of Messrs. Davis and the mover be appointed to procure plans and 'Pettit)- tions for the iutmo.-Ahuzitul. Council adjourned to meet at Ryan's Hotel when called by the Reeve. Moved by Mr. Davis in amendment. seconded by Mr. Dunsmocr, TUt the Tuwnship Hall he built on the south part of Lu! 10, con. 7, provided a clear dated can be proeared.--Lost. Moved by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Neil, The”. the Towus1ip Hall be built on the unrtlrcnst corner of Lot 10, on the 4th con N.l).ll.. provided a clear title will be given for the quantity of land required. -Carried. Maud by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. McMillAn. That the agreement executed by theGoorgian Bay and Wellington Rail- way Comepuy he accepted, and that the Reeve issue debentures to the extent of $20,000 in terms of By-lnw No. 171 gram- mg aid to said Railway Company, end that said debentures shall he settled with the seal of the municipality. tsigucd by the Reeve and 'rounu'rtsigturd by the heat, and delivered by the Reeve to the Tzuutaes ap- pointed under the "tttati-Car, ied. An ngroomcnt executed by the Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway Company, in accordance with By-an No, 171, grant- ing Mdta said company, w" laid before the council. 150“er Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr, McMillan, That the called tr for Wud No. 3, be ttutlroriged to accept. " " payment of taxes ngaiutt Lot 20, Con. 18, " 1878.- Carried, Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Niel, That " be paid to John Wilson for eoftin and box for the has widow Biaek.-- Carried. Council met at the “Revere Home" )Inrkdule on the 10th inst. All the mem. bers present. Minutes of last meeting road and npprovcd. Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Duusmoor, That tho amount of G .J.ltlyth, for printing amounting to $18.87 be paid. --Carried. _ "Your committee beg to report that they ‘ have examined said Bond and find that the conditions contained therein ere in ocean!- ance with the conditions contained in the Bylaw grunting a bonus of 025,090 to the said Railway Company. your com- mittee would therefore recommend that the Mayor and Treasurer of this munici- pality be and are hereby authorized to ex- ecute and deliver to Trustees as provided by statute, debentures in favour of the sail Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway Company for the sum of 925,000, being the amount of aid granted under said By-Luw. all of which is respectfully submitted. (Signed), Hour. B. BULL, Chairman." Moved by Mr. W. A. Anderson, second- ed by Mr. ll. MeFarhsne, That the Report of the Committee appointed to examine the Bond or Agreement served on the Mayor of this municipality by the Georgian Bay [ and Wellington Railway Company be l adopted And engrossed in the minutes. -I Carried. i Che committee appointed to examine the Bond or Agreement of the Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway Company report as follows _ Moved by Mr. It. 31.11, “mam by Mr. B. Storey, That J. H. Brown, Rich. Horn, J amen Buruet and the mow: bo and are hereby appointed n eotutuittce to "amine the Bond or Agreement setycd won the Mayor ofthe muuieipsiity by 11.3 w,lieit u- ot the Goorgiun Bay and Welling! .11 it:.il. way Company raul that said committee be instructed to report forthwith. A tteial meeting ' Cu' "ttteil WM held in “I. Council Cllnlnlwrs het manila: to take into consideration tt.teagroemettt between the (LB. & W. R. and We Town of Dunn ham. and to hand over tho Debentures. All the members present oseep1 Mr. Me, Intyre; the Mayor in.the chitin has M00012. Clerk On [when council adjourned. Saugeen Presbytery. Glenelg Council. Town "Council. IYSCXAL IEETING. .¢->. n-.. "li Mao Juatiuns Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Flowing, Thu, this council do now Hymn: to meet at mum: on the wound Vid- ueulay ia April uest.--cucrusd. Moved by Mr, Abbott, seconded by Mr. Agnew, That the Reeve mum an order to cash of the orttuedlovs for their pay up to tlttte.--Carried. Moved hy Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Fleming, That a By-luw be pasudpxe onl. ing Pathurasters from performing statute labor for non-residents or any other person or drawing from the conned any utntute labor puidiu csuh, their duty being to let any work so cum-m by public computi- tron and certify the same to thu u'otutci!, and further, that I'utlstuat,tees, be wquned to have the u I ate lube: 'n tluis. mnmtive‘ Divisions waiuriuei1 not but than the time fixud hy statute, and to return the Work undone where the mutics maid: in the tauttieitsalitr-chuxied. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Fleming, That the Reeve issue an order in favor of Wm. Dunn, er-Treasurer fur two months pay for services rendered in the year 1879, the sum being 66,66 and M cents for postage, in all ".11.--ctmalsd. Moved by Mr. Fleming, secuudcdln' Mr. Agnew. That the Ileeve i,sue nu Una-r in favour of Wm. Armstrong of t2.79 being over-paid tttxeru--Carrietf. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Abbott, Thu Hector MeQuarrie receive the sum of " heing dislnu-sonwnt for run/ruling Bond Scraper. and that the Reeve Ila issuu order for the Hume.-Curri(~(l. Mound by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Mr. Agnew, That the first assesnnmut of Wm. Armstrong, lot No. 14, Con. 18 be $11.50, lasing the t'ust assessment. and Jmnr-n Armstrong, lot No. 10, can. 18, be 6310, being the tirst 'rFsesstnent.--Carried. Mover! bv Mr. AMmtt, seconded by Mr. Fleming. That the Reeve Issue an order in favor of Thom Johnston for the mm of " for work, repairing the 12th con. the time of Inst imow-stormc--Ctrrried. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Black. That Thou. Alun, senior, be allow- to perform work under the Couueillor oi Dividnn No. 5, for the amount nfhis taxes the same to be refunded out of the moneys coming to the Invisiuu of the Treasury." Carried. Itth Uarcr, rt'. Moved by Mr. Black. lemmhd by Mr. Amuw. That Peter Whittle be mid the sum of ‘2 for mending Township Seal and that tho Reeve do issue order fur "tue.--- Curried. Moved by Mr. Agnew, wounded by Mr. Fleming, That Thor. Johnston rocrivo the sum of 08.50 for dintrihutiug Ballot Haws during snow l-locnde last municipal elee. tion, also " for cutting and remoring tim- ber off the 32nd aide-road and that the Reeve issue an order tor the name. - Car. tied. Moval by Mr. “but", uccnndt'd by Mr. Agnew, That the Amount of " be paid to Tltos. llunbury for use of Orange Hall for Division Court and Sch. Arbitration.-( ur- ried. Moved by Mr. Agnew. seconded by M-. Flemixu. That I grant of tlo be given to the Noon feuuily II they are in cumpm B- tive. want, and that tho mid amuunt be sn- lrustml m Mr. Bump”. to tualus the nee. esnu'y ptmelrtsstrsc---tUtiriei. Moved by Mr. Abbott. seconded by Mr. r'huau'ng,Tlmt the Auditor: receive the amount of " each for auditing the ac- counts of1878 and that Mr. Traynor re- ceive thesuutof S3 for the uccounh bf 187'.) no t , the clmngo of 'l‘runsurorul ips, and Mr. Buckley " for the same. - Cur- rind. Moved by Mr. ALI-nu, seconded by Mr. Bltuse,That the Auditor‘s Report be re. ceived, and that the clerk be instructed to have 100 copin-s printed immediately for distcibuuou.-6'urrivd. Moved in amendment by Mr. nhck,“RC- ended by Mr. Fleming, That in the opin- ion oftlxis Couneil it is useless to take the bond of Samuel McLean and William Me. Murdo to open the 17tlt side-road between the 15le and 1611: can», as it does not re. move tho objections mixed to the late By- Inw, the award Applying to the roads ofthe rqeetion.---Carri00, Moved by Mr. Abbott, peeonded by Mr. Agnew, Tlust this eoaned take the hood cf Samuel McLean and Wm. McMnrdo to wow the 17th side-road between the 15th and 16th comm, tho (mid bond to be, givsn for the purpose cf setting [Hide the objee. tion of the arbitration on the Bylaw which was passed in the year 1878, alter. ing the boundaries between ti. Bee, Nos. 'rl and 12-ist. I Moved by Mr. Agnew, seentnled by Mr. Black, That lots, 2 and 8, con. 6, the pro- perty of Wdlitun Rogers Assessed on the Non. Rel. Ball. ngmust David and Wm. I'ryde, and a. bond taken to perform the work this yetsr.-Carried. Moved in amendment by Mr. Blaek, seconded by Mr. Fleming, Thlt the Petition of the trustees of S. Sac. tio, 12, be not granted us the olrjz-ctions raised by the ar- bitration to the By-Law furmorly fuming the section as now 0.3de for are not un- trmveul.-Carrivd. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded ly Mr. Agnew, That the taxes of widow Gillies, lot 7, can. It, widow McDounld. lot 88, con. 18, and widow Mehlaelwru of lot ft, can. 4, be exempt, and that the collector be uotitied aeeordimdy.-Carried. Moved by Mr, Abbott, soeonded by Mr. Agnew, Tlmt the Petition of the Trttsteegof S. See. No. 12 to Retired and that the Clerk give the necessary notice to Station: Nut. 7 and 12, in respect to the alteration at the houndsrim lherofat the April meet- ing of c ,uneil.--Lost. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Blaelr, That the Reeve issue an order in favor of Peter Smith for the amount of " tle same being statute labour money paid onlotfl8, can. 9, Ind performed by the aforesaid Peter sutith.--curricd. Moved by Mr. Agnew. seconded by Mr. Fleming, That the Trustees of B. See. No. 1 be allowed to borrow the sinking fund of S. See. No. I, collected in 1878. - Car. tied. l Several ptstitiomr received and rend-I’nr [dividing the Township int t Wards -- Fur ‘hssimucg to the Kayne" family - Put & tice., No. 12,10 su.staiu the presenter make a new irsaiw td inexcase the section-Ur. Rally in attendance desirous of inlorr.u., Moved by Mr. Fleming, seconded by If . Agnew, That tho clerk be requested to ascertain the terms on which invalid: no sdmissnlule to the Toronto Hospital and all information regarding the "me.--C.r. tied. Coit.neil met as per mljmxrumont M II P" ville, on Wednesday, Mare', 12th. 1379. 3.11111er of the cam” all 'present, J. J. Middktan,Enq. residing. Tho minutes pf trrcsiousueetirut, gemtral and win}. were rend Ind ecnfirauetl. tion iu_respeet to Ttuto “mainly“ fer an invalid child-Mr. J. Tmyxmrin attendance with Atulit-TYurteo of S. Sue. No. 12. in attw.iltvcee, also Trustees pf S. b'cctiott,No. Proton' Carmen; n their respective I but than ae Ad to wturu the ta1ticu raids in Pp. Clqu. . very l pw price. in canarqucnca of the high a rate of duty impaled. The Cuvcrnment felt 'i. that if they chum give to the Imivnlturul re intvrvst n gnml market for thin important article of produce. they were bound to do it, I'. and they “k the Hottiso to Insulin them in the l. "Imposition. After marlin“ the int-rour-l l, duties nu 'piritr, Mr. Tilley rt-iniinlrd the l“ Home that (me argum"nt ttsed against him In ' the Lower Provinces was that he mm in fav, r r. of cheap mm for tho. poor man. Ho n-kul the n hon. gentlemen to look at the .chedale and o see how far that allegation wu Hue. "e ex» e plained all" that brandy would he vharged 5 81.45 In: Agninst ti..m for other spirits. The proposition which the Government will ml . '. unit for the eonridrratton of the House with I; inspect to excite duties, is an inert-Me of ltr , cent: per gullnn on excise on npiritu, leavurg l '. the duty on tab-coo u at punchuoept that " on Canadian twat mule trom t‘mmlinn Inf. , the duty in reduced from lor, to 4e. per lh. A resolution will he submitted tn reduce thu '. nnlt tar from 2e. to le.. It in estimated that " the horned we“. [in gallon on spirit. will ' KIWI over and above what we will lune on th- ', malt duty, $100,000 "lditiomst excl/ac duty, F aud looking at the quution tron a mun] , point of View the Government can-Met it nine , Ind prayer, if tstiruulanta no to be med " all, l that Aer should he unit liquor. in [Helium , b spirit; Th. read a... uyoech mGrgud " :lumth awn-rm» reg-ril- .lder.tlsr- dud“, aud the iutuber littered. llc conclud- trd by “yin; ..--t lure no doubts u this du. cuuiuu in tollewul up aud an " count» it in unmittoe, hon. member: will my. "U lat a, you expect to Andrei I. u.u t" Lut m: chu tmst a tho Shaun: “I, that upplicatluu of the new but! the "otupt at £290,900 in u- I "ttatt. Al“ Go result of ”nu; hulac'-“ in “A The Hon. gentleman then explained the duty of fifty cents n tun on and. the duties (on imported books, periodical“. our riages, furniture and wooden warm iron and iron twtnufae.turesr. as to wntchen and jewelry, he said :---Thetus arc articles l wh:ch are lumries, like silk, mu] might liairly and tno public and the "once will I may. beur the mum duty as we put on silk, but the fact is, that even 17l per cent, the dutv last year, which was comparatively small. the ',itttlueeuumt is no grant for stwtcg1ing that the Government propose to leave watches and jewellry in the non. enumeratul list at 20 per cent. In the can of wool and wrmllon good. the Ro-um-t have so nrnngml the Drowned rate M duty " to encourage the manufacture of the coarser description of woollen“ Bttd ”Milieu in the Dominion of Canada. We have at the ptemtrtt a large product of woe] glint prwcicslly out of the American market, or zert there " I In explaining the new tarilt Mr. Tilley said :--'rhe principle tho Government have nclrptml with reference to many of these articles in this : That where there nre ccrtnin chi-se- of articles of mnntdaettorers, t for instance. cartain grades of descriptions, such as under the schedule of cut-mu goods the policy of the Government in thls '. To select for a high mte of duty those that are ‘ manufactured and can be manuisetured in the country. on] to leave those that are not made in the country. or are not likely to be made in the eountrT, such as in the also of printed cotton goods, at a low rate of duty. One of the great difheulties that was pdnted out " the i::'.!!:?:';':,.!':') by every delegation that approached them was the tuu1ervulaatiot, of imported goods I l and I mny state herethnt although it will I cost some Incney and we will roquire to " you in the supplemcntnry estimates for a vote to carry it out, tho Government are determined, and will also ask Parlia- ment ttr pcwer: nd authority, such M the United States Governml-nt have, and such ts ther exercise to-dty, to fix thctttsvlvos, through their oftieeta, the value of the goods in the country from which they are t imported. (cheeer The great tlit5eu'ay tint we huve everywhere had. and it has been stated an all hands that it make! but _ little differenee what rate of duty we im. page unless we {ii-Mont tuulervahuttiou. I Now we proposa to Appoint exports, mu 1 whose special business it will be to uccr- ; tnin in the different countries whit in tho l ulna: of the goods which we import from l them, nnxl on than who; to impose tho i duty and collect It. Notwithstnuduu: that , there will lye 'xdifrteulty, and to obviate I tlmt lifrsettlty aud ranch a certain class of 1 Wm? propose n trpeeilic and ad valoretn I dutv. ' Ou mating the Home into Committee of Ways and Means, tho Hon: Mr. Tilley. Minister of Finance. said that before laying tho new Taritt before the Home be would refer to the state of the country, whieh he said was suffering from am of trade That the people initially looked forward to the Nation-.1 Policy of the Government, and tint the cause of delay in bringing it forward vs: the dimettlty of framing a new tariff, And further tint the Government l, verb under the neeeuity of providing funds to meet Chink metal-in; min-t the Dom. inion._ Mr. Title, then went into I full er. planation _of the ntimetee. It will be 1 home in mind, that the estimates submit- ted last year with reference to the expen- diture of the present your. that the estimate of income exceeded slightly the estimnte of expenditure. thelattor in round numbers bring t23,600,0M. It will be found that the expenditure of this your will exceed 024,000,000. He estimated the defieieuey for the current year at $2,4o0,000. _ We found that it was important to en- courage the export of our mnufacturcs to foreign countries, and we are prepared now to nay that the policy of the Government is to give to every manufacturer in the I Dominion of Canada a drawle upon the duties he may pay upon goods used in manntaetures in the Dominion expound out of it. 011nm, 18th "are!" “In I um (I! was won brought down nod the page" akin to the N" p o.itmetst of Mr. human, editor of th b Mail us I'osttuttrtrr at Tumult» the debut- Ill reference to M, brillia- wni ruumod. am! e mtinued mail the House ai' run-0d. ' ' Nth Much. The Us.” I. necuyiul w.'th the dis. mivu ctle Lctillier main», the speech. A Man's. Mackenzie Mills and Anulin lol g mid to have luau exceptiuually good nan] inpuiutof m tae ahead cd than dclvrrcd on the other side. 'Oiitiiiitriiit Parliament. '..... ”as.“ h “a; Cu we! ' u: T . . Hum w Esogasu.-- Edward Haulsu mum‘w“ Zu- mapalar “Lining; but Wad-5x. and in in good Lamb pteptaiug fur tho much. Maauo, will pruned to Xena-Mlle! in u Lnurgla. “adult. boa .4ou on Sammy in good can“. [LuLm has quite “manual mun Lin ticuusickusche, and Lin Lint-chug With. The 51.4 put. are PER-AH Iny of the readers of tho REVIEW can answer the following qua-mun however I will give it for what it n. Wurth. I had no. for which I bought 2" bmslsrls otgmin, composed of when, grasp an! on... I pdd‘dolhnpu bushel for tho wuat, Mt ttttttr per bushel for the peas null M cents per halal for tho null. ll, w all) We!“ Huddgniu did I ge t. county t I'm M No. s. David McXicol. Reeve of Xh-ntinck. Tumu- Spun‘, Durham. Correct ancient lent by L. Merscuaiv, Durham, and Lorinds Vert, Proton. the farm. These mu make no lunacy. but the nun who produce! from " land a number at butch of wheat mak- A country richer by the what. “I ie the In. we would pro' tect. But how em you w: him unlo- ym: exchule I" foreign ulnar from the l, body. He said he had can-inland nl1 in, tcmtl, llul had taker. are that they taken” all he hind slate. No - ef prutntiuu u just uulw it pfuttcta all chum Alike. Ill"- it "My one it and alike to Mejia Komuvu 'rome "tt by the Amount we are taged. Uh I" new.) But the ham gentlomm hum. thot it it not. ponihlc to give wnmim- to " lie knows that the grant In.“ of the pzpulatwu of this country in mum! at labourer- in the Edda, on the m. in our inherits. And u. ur nib-I. " in - who not. h fiche. of the county. The acrobat tsho all. poi: in no. th. producer. We hr. “IOIl-bdl of of men who could we" be sprcd from co-A mercial life in union to unme- the labour of (ers, Ind it continual for A few ye." rulmug the mattata:.whrrers “IPMClVol.IMf “my law Mcnmpliuhed the ruin of the working elm-0e: but it in infittiul.v worn when the will in nu framed that the tuereasod “nth. will Ul mm: heavily upon those who In In“ “a" to y-u'. ind who have the moat need of thoe fostering can ofthU Lesrul-. I want “II policy to he eonsUtrnt. Why. tide, tho Minn!" of Fin-nu prawn. to tart ovary- body. He nil he had ”mun; -u I.. Hon. Mr. Mackenzie following in u lengthy watch in which he aid it urn I moat hum- lilu'ng Wk to find och . mnj-mtv of the newsman“. of the people n-jnicing n the [no-wet of an immune. an! large “mg... to the (union u the country. and no llrgr * body of Intelligent In: unn- nmr manhlr-l, representing Candi. (the up And non the e."t.utr clothe: of older nations. in usunmm I policy which his mind other Count, "1.2M in {ejecting A policy which u, nwlr um I Mother Country gnu: “if glory“: ml lprnsrorom beyond 5" purulent . lull It u sunning that Inch an exhibition enuhl Ln found " the present day in In intolhgmt country. in 1 position ot Manning u I. an- the malts of mam: in I neighlmnnp country. He then went into I full review M the taritt, nlul cry-mod in weak points. He claimed that it nu no. a nvenuc tariff " VII . prxtteetaie one. He aunmeJ up by any Eng ..--r in". only may that it u hul enough to hue a protective policy which will run the eifeet of degrading the working clam- m thin Chunky, M om‘iching . few nun-lump I am composed of an en letters. My first is in King but not in Queen, My “and in in river but not in Wm. My thin] is in little but not in big, My fourth is in soft but am in hard, My fifth in in you but not in me, My sixth is in boot bat not in Oar, My seventh is in math but not in wad, My vital. in the name ot I awn in the county of any. DOUGH.” Manual. Luann. I In: competed of sewn lath". My 5nd in dark but not in light. Myu-oonl is in In but not in Chem, My third in in no but not in yen. My fourth is in iny but not in night. My fifth is in " but not in none. My sixth in in lug. but not in small, My seventh " In king hut not in qua-Ix. My who}. in “no mm of I mug.- m the county of (hey. ‘7". .. '.'-r..tt w. Govomnout were whining the pledg- ' they Ind-Ida to th. Mylo. He reciored d, policy of the lug Adi-minimum, n-frrr-d to their continued defieitr, and delivered . scathing Dorie- of criticium on Mr. rm. wright, whom he chug-d with charging m the Candi-Ml - Paul halt . nun". doll." against the Advice. in black uni I hm, of one of th- bmteaieem in the Finmct In. Went. "on. Mr. Tapper referred to um , clung. which Ind than place In pubhe tin"nt; and to the fact that the preterm 1 VI. in accord with the {act-ll feeling at country, and that in bringing it Chum Govern-um were ttutilling the pie-lg- ' l, - _ w m u. uw. Buddha: It!” be "taming! l and " In“... be “dug “We Grvsto tu,, my European ”tinn- through thu "beme of uelired munry. which unuld prov. . than, I duh-ion uni I cum. Huh-nu w, poiitiml 'rstean IMI fmlncinl pohry lad been mrtir superior to that at the “and Sub. ' now it I'll getting an mar It u potable And unusual Itqncucc u. um.“ oi... n , "c.L"'""-'-e"%. “Elbe Government u. I... rt. null-cl: nub- bury a A. the ".4...“ _ hum. thet tor the mum. " my rah, we shall lure nu more uh iiruta, ' lymihlym "oirtit, Am! I l-rh' no m "".'m; out that obtuct the [my-L- mjl jum'y a"! any WW...“ rum-e- mu mm the ta. paladin"! of the I Mun-ion. ., Mr. "rttrritdn full“ ml, uni m the mm. d " ”tail, thin”! that tlo, futur,, tetilt of the [an-pond (will would ic-tvs,,,,,: tr. Attiatiou 0. the part cf the Cum a “It”, and syut its real}: would u and. {is-“Mu ta Cumin. “a cuimot that the “our. -.. k . .7 - if .--__- w“. “ -m‘ ”Mum ta Chanda. Hu claim-l that the your! g" hed it-tir, My ad ttoiitiran.v, and “m th. - it In almond the Mote Allin]. would “In to mtmir tke damage it 'rmald mt. Many would I. mu." nut of "n pooketa of the may and put um. u“... of "., Answers to Riddels. No odl pounds. a: nun Knuth)» Tuoxu Gnu. Gluuclg. k< -_- -.-... .lldlr No. 2. Mo. I. vernal-ml the mt, Mm to l delivered . Ott Mr. Cart. " "Hue g... ‘ [Ire-em kn] and“. Ila-cola. pdand v. A“! '5. 'tlr. any .ltu put.ch Me.» t..u. humane“ to a... N“ ha up.» In human...” Inw- W! "stlr In _ "" W\¢ lho N III Dunn t. umr Vrl (I N LEI and h Inn “ml ". " roam Nee" M pubhc - (hunk. But whatnot mm the justice and 'sibitiou of rm; up The Eula! I m "wired " elm-rs. u. a than " h MM which w I and: of the 'kPe fying rtrretv- t.m Dominion of the C Kimmie knows, he in: Walter tieott of his zonuu ‘l‘ Moi-l position ft it is dated. will Waiter Sen“ pre I th qua-t 0f the mud alumna.“ he laid HM ruin: of Sir t: will} would"! by 't.tt.h' “I: a Thr chair-In an Med 133.31.”?! 0n ble ow k A.“ I y In!“ Itte that Ihr " wi a pr Ihef luv" mu

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