West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Mar 1879, p. 3

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but " anion] h 't '-iuwmt, and h II. - hum-d that Itch... a... tardt m-ulal " to “4‘ - I invert-out . PW u... be m "Moi.“ ' f the L'uium...“ 11.9 ‘0‘. " h " that the pony“... "I, ”Mt. Hi In. - ary " u w h . that in, m “L I'. -. " nu mored" . ie,.. (I I heti Y7. in an,” l. “Ll irtntit, N‘, e an Ill.- - the n. LL: d..." it - we ' "id tho put. i'"otumeeiii I. "'eoered III wo Wm. (Inna tl 7,.rnllgh thU net Riddeis red t. tho . are "' nus. - _ the PM U. 'ml feeling“ Q. “an: it a”. h tlse kl“. M He "in... the "alum, Mb arvt dollar... . 't4 on Mr. c... with that“ b ard and“ tloot wool. ml: " tho ' NeweantU :4ou on 1-1m has sk..car. d wing in g '0‘.” m: a M ' I maimer d the " "joking " the I I large in,“ -en baskets. but . LCi black I“ "as the ring... D.. a “1th in rain did I “an :u and " hr I ‘0' our-Hui, and In, tho . in -.'n' F "trttriee.ana haw hide tho Hr?!“- Incl tnt ", and it in hon could bo a" Int-"i". l mg u I. In a 'seuhborimr lend}. ‘ It. uvl||. Po. ‘04~“.. u (“Minn I. "dig, '... M an”. N h ~nzdm In" it m [was uni I. tton. tho t an". and in the “15“.! , ail. - git-Ilium worth. bushel. “woven in [or Juan. In" null). ap by "t ad one-.5 win I... _ Us»... "I anetactur. n In" I“! wul. In” tt " haw. ml " “I nu. [lo taritt it 2N and. of PM. . much "I I'. Ir " . bert lano- Ilia“ dim- the ‘hn I.» 'o to tbo sa2.age. But, Iu.r' haul. and guut'ar.sacu,it hunt an...“ put-id “Mecca: of pinned mm m (at: La winch hind we ”MA-mun h the Home: Country may nape-J. It). upon a L: {inner and an“ 'm I~ I...“ such a u .m I. iouodu.rw1 Ls. they will have to ucclhtmi their cm & - may “tenuous cries Gr the protection of main ituluaui-ilauguurr--tuat many of those native itutittttions to which I In" "(and a: eonstitututgtlae policy of Canal: at wry unruly criticised. sud that mute of the. at land run he his of being alum-bed ; Niel that there seem. to pervade tbs mun: continuut at Adam-a Very moat unpgivingn a: to tlu, utility of nunéual 1 Att' ... mm turn- we no pawns m tin: vouutry who lntVO u gloat tidiat to take a pride in the mount position oi the culvnios than the Lilwul pnrty when In). inasmuch M anon; tum many creditable auteeeu'ents there in Mouq upon which they have a better right to cocsratalnto llleunwlves than upon the policy whu-‘n tun-v originally suggested and uuMguontly untied out in ring-rd to our neural colonies. tilvar, hear.) Ably Ind Mania“)! All Canals has been adminis- trn-d null-r tae auspices of successive bun-tarm- ot' State. it mutt he mun-rally mlmittml that slu, win originally "ttrted “pull her ettrtrer of self-government And in- duper-don” at the rinmuiun of a Liberal Administrutiou 1nd under the auspices of u [ Lihernl culinary. {than hear.) But not unly no. ny lords nnd gentlemen; those] uniewhat variegated phases of political 1 canvictiun which so happily eo.egist within our mitkt--ps 1tsutth)--wilt find in the P0 litiul. in the economical, and in the social polity at Canada their Iovoral aspiratiomr most completely realized. Established nnd nun-- tstalls/sed Churches of every tort ntyt druriptinn almgnd in Canal; “mm Iver: bovine. ail-rd; a dit. brent specimen of law and of popular “urchin. Thone who an disposed to out n doubt npnn the perennial wisdom of the "on” of Lords will find lu m-ny a Can» tittut prorinoo tho unulnguo of that simply represented by s "euum---0ughter)-tsad ugcoumn. if not a peanut. pmpriettry can he pointed towith satisfaction by all the onthmiutie tettnnt.risrltters. Even our lrinh patriots will he ublo to disarm from tho Mom, Sacra to which I undontaud they have retired. tho envied insignia " llnme ltnlo in ovary provinc'ul cspltnl of btto Do, mum-n. daughter.) But. lost tune on- umerntion of the“ communal“! - ‘ Ilmnld teempt the antin- Club to cast the I dust o' Pull Mall from off their feet And I migrate in a body to the banks of the l Damn. I think it right to warn than that f and men- mu no no any“ I.) [In-end. but I am quite cu- m: tut it u no pan of the Liberal policy b, throw cold water upuu thaw .afutioaau, ~zjn'hmunn of ksistsity wluch we so rife thrnuuhum um mluuml esupire when») '. nunnlmuy no." mm who belong to an oppuulu school "f yohuoa in speculative lllqumumm a» to the tutate, and there are many ”datum-u Among u. who lune un- u-rhh-u to fun-cut the evevvluul (mu-owe " the, m-luuul syntax). and in hing so tin-y luv. undoubtedly 3...;qu in I very useful ttad human“. huh. It in unly by namin- iue every paw-la couliuxoncy that we In Mon to duct-vet In. true lino along which no ought I.) [truce-d. but I am quite cu- The Burial Ihaturin,in rising tonepond. wee received with lend and long continued _ He "id,-Nr Lords and Gentle- mon.---, Am turn it will be readily under- ntood by - one present what dii%mlt, I experience in tindine words to exprese my deep eenee of the honour which is be- ing done me by this noble entertainment, end by the generous welcome which hne‘ been extended to me by those whom I no l around no. Nor een I adequately exprml to your noble claimant: my thanka for the friendly part he he. Wu upon thin or} "Am, end he the hind Inf fluttering re. lerenee which he has mule to my part i public cereer end my recent services in . ferrule. But, my lord; and gentlemen, I whelever misgivings l mey entertnin u toI the juetiee and appropriateness of this ex- hibition of your approve] Ind favour, there! in one rupect. at all events, in which I can F regenl tlnduuonetretion of to night with 3 t tutsiv.otted satiefnetion. Making every i allowance for the kindly feeling evineed) tow-uh nay-elf. I cannot but ikel that itI would be the extreme of egotlsm if! new! in " nothing but a compliment to n were [ Andinulunl. Noun)“ lord: end gentle-Jen. , your presence here tu-night has a far more , l pregnant and important "'cuifuacee thnnl‘i that. It it a proof, and ao men it will Ire taken in Count“, of the interest of the! 'Ubeuou, of the good will hit by memo ory the moist u'utineuisUd and iut1tuynttat I I public men in England " the future I I nieetinle.. not only of Canada, but of every! ', other colony of Great Britain; and, bound I DI l urn to the people u! Cauada by ewry tie of gratitudo and turiioas, it is an un- o bpe'lkjble plrrwuxe to me to have become h in any way the oesmiun of this demonstra- tton in their hehah'. I believe that the tl colonies have nowhere better friends than ll those win-nu In“ no» mdroaeuig. (Ucar, B liar.) 1pt" c rum. Loin the very nature of In their principles.“ follows in.“ the pioneers In ' f Liberal opmion "1an innings more nn- Cl rntratlmlly tlun those who lnrloug to an . N Un the evening of the 22na nit. a han- qttet was given at the Edam Cluh,L mdon. In“. Minn] Wu. The chair wan Muriel] In, Earl (lamina. and the com- pany wu- a large and aistirvguitshett one. The ehairman perpowsd the hulth oy the qua-t of the awning in u very tuttering and elegant smell in the eottr" of which he aid that it ll" boon stand that the ruin- " Sir w- Lumbar rretrtad the acid position of many animnls ia laugh) ; it in mad. with still more truth. that Sir Walk! 300“de Sootlmrl by the offottu of his genius: and I am lmnml to my that I think thnt by the help of what might by n npuk ofthe ml tire-it had such vivi. fying ofteetr--r.ord anferin created the Dominion of the Canmlu. (Great cheering.) Not only did ho nuke the Dominion rm "i known in thin country and in Europe. huh he inn-pin-d the colonists themulvu with noble aims nnd put upintions. with a knowledge of the latent forees and ntrength of their country. and with a tatrioiUm which will not readily die oat. .D'QCET T0 LORD DCFFERIV cxtreusc, " ogodsm If I I“: but a compliment to a were In. my lord: tual gentle-nu, here lu-highl has a {at mun [DUNS I when upon this oc. kind In“. trutering re- IM and. to my past my recent urvieuin " _-___ v." u’furt t'tt on: yu Pom) may helm]: l lacuna“: n suing with :0 an rife an ve nu warn “hemp" ; IMAM W” let vountry “rend?“ witlt -: l, ; only um: n'cr I A nuLuxG C'ar..rarirr.--a terrible calamity i hawcurnd to the city of Saga-din, an the _ River Thin. in Austriu. The Rimr Val luukod in to keep it [mm doodisu the ounlitry on win tide Ilurinz high water, and the city w.- built an the law laud outside tlu, bank. and cunninml npuuulatiuu of about 70,000 people. On \chlun‘dd'j Lat. buth hank: bumt, awl.als.a urged the twin: In I few but"; oo 0. Auto ham it u and that name than a,“ a a “and nluwu, rewind-A; 60.010 people. uranium. and the Inn- of liie n Moody esti- ::.... . ... ms'-.,. 5-, a) to; (#100. witsithe p if nut mtg: totm is to quiro. nor lwhlcni"; the miud, eatuttit.viug the will, and m'zkiu'; us wsligm tls 3e baubles which others so oaurrly c unteud for. (e.) Trial:- necessary to true!) us to bear our «use. with pious retsiguati, vn. "' n ' .. . . trenehts Hymn that it my)”: on indeed, gin“; “has, saw»; u. out mtrmption, t tmns (which Wm v, _ ,_l.-\.- "rm. - ncu' d shill. Sume one inquired of Bunyan. “Whnt int which makes people so troubled about their 'dtiietiom, t" "They are too much udd:eted," was Bunynu's reply, "to the pleusutxs of this life,nml m they unnot madma- that whit‘h makes a sopuation be tween than. The i, mt uscth the flail of e untritxua to separate the chair from the wheat." Armed with Jau magnum] limo! w viet maul " the tirst atop. But that stop mu necessary in order to the dilcuvery. (U Trials "unwary to train It", to do wind. m iucmnhml, upon um in the tuner of iiiU. Trials are 11900511 ry to draw out our energies fut tho Work " life, to verl'urm the tauctions of liG, art-1:5; not. in harmony With the events nlhl eirvrasuitauoes of lite. ‘Jn-ow t, 1--4. wrentlrd with otsly dice 'ver wucn 1n tab way. The (limculty may be wTort Ml our part for may bdrm): rub that our u wing with it. In th. an we no wm‘mnt " a x. 1mm w-- haw mu. ts And yet the command comean we form of admonition to duty, to go forward. But. how can we ' It seems impossible. Bo, no doubt, tho children of Israel thought when, pursued by a cruel enemy. they were nuddcnly confronted by the sen. By going back they ugh: escape with Sometimes. however, the dim utl'cy is no great, and of no threatsniug a kind, as to mum to completely hedge up our way. It "pens to an ia advance as formidable as a real lion, or an ilupaasabla gulf. Then Wu stop, question, are teutpt..U to turn aside, if ttot directly back. Thuy I Mun. They are practically intended to haul: in. to train Ill, and strongth in fur ) the duties of Christian lite ; to form, to I loner. nud to maintain within " "ortditions I of mind for rethsetiv. meditation, for de. , Tout contomplatiun, and holy activity. i They are designed in means ot discipline , to quicken our Gee in the path of the just, i which, as the shining light, sliineth more } Ind more unto tho perfect day; to abide in _ f Christ, who has Leon made unto us wisdom land righteousness, and 'uuttifieation, Mid tnhmytiwn ; an] to mature us for bliss f in the mansions of glory, A cross u your , portion, if a crown be you reward. i l. Trials necessary to the eultivatiottsnd preservation of virtue. at :Ilmmn ot fi; .. r ~». v‘rl ‘ny ; but he (would 1 and l hum“. hurt rim! t , tltr with! and m Various an the uses of trial: joum on earth and in our pm After Mil-Eng to his Amman-M In Arul asmdor to the Court of St. Petersburgh Ville noble Lord concluded by preposiug the beam: ct tho “Reform Hub" and hoped that the n-juvmmtod nppem‘ancn of it. Apartmuts might be atit emblem of its "landing strength and of its blossoming expectations. lmau hr woman in thin country who will i m t recognize- the 1th. of the“ hvo‘mgn who go tr.rtl, to mead the h'l. ttte liHrs t"es, the langvmgo of Great Britain in every quaint ot the glulu) to retain, no long " they may alumna to “he and to chill it. their l-irllzriglii as Englidi eitizens(etteem; and, In our noble Chairman has observed. l an long " any eulouy chooses to recognize the supremacy of the Crown and its civil and military obligations in In inlegnl por- lion of tlm Empire, no long It may safely claim its right to share in this pant glory and future fortune. of Great Britain. (Cheetah that whinh makes a separation be 'uvus. The i, .111 usclh the flail of u to separate the cm from the The use of Trials, in the Divine Life. Trials Imt‘eislry to empty “I of L "g, and lo impress upon us self. , only that can make us freu n: us the v ctory over our- ng ua free trout me bomb re of m. onubhug u. ts bur nau- w.ilc nun one timuur another), ml without amazement, on- he miud, :aLctxtyiug the will, us toslig'ut th as baubles which "our “er. do not know imagine that ”If-denial in it Lord concluded by prcposuiti'd the “Return: Hub" and hoped .¢-.. v may be such u to roquire part for its removal; or it Him. our pnn'or can ethic! . In the frruser can we it for o _ mt/ttu,' No reu1oval r put. tr \mr strenglh mad t. In the humor we Illa]! than it hn-t been unwed no step that leads on in vii; -"Tho virtue of pros- .Tho Virtue ofadversity in mortals is tho more Again, "Prosperity in . . I ”I‘ll gm: wrap ,Om run in our so. preparation for 1 .. tub dairy,-.... Eggs.pcrduz............ Potatoes, per Imam... Tttruipa,fer bush...... 114.33er tun.. _........ Dragged Hogs. per 1001i; b'uttcr,.rollr, per lb......... Fall When, per bush ...... Spring Wheat " ...... gum, 66 ...... Shoot: skins............. Lam Mitt.............. Hides per ewt, Hay............., Whul per It Sheep skins cutsfederate C)ftioc, March 17, 1870. Flour per Ismael..............." 00 tM4 25 Ontmmll Pt hurrcl............ 4 oo m 4 50 Fall Wiwat....................... 0 90 to 0 Wi 1'rerulwell Wheat............... " 85 to " 98 Spring Wheat.................... o 80 to 0 87 Ir'"-............................. o 40 to 0 4,5 oats................................ o 25 to 0 ‘19 Potatoes per bag Butter....-.......,,.-. 153$, wir doa............... 'l'urkcys per lb. ............ Gees,, b' ............. (minus per pushel......... Hay per ton................. Cord wood, dry per cord " .. L'hMrtt......... Huh. " PM”. u Burk-y, $q Wool perh............, Flour per tll..........., Shocpukins cuter......, Dre-33ml hogs per cwt, Cabbage per door........, Potato“, per bush...“ Butter, per lb........... DUNDALK MARKETS. Dundalk, March 19, 1879. Spring Wheat, per bush ... to 7.31030 M Heel, " ...... Hides, it .....'. Shoepxkiny, eaels ...... Butter, per lb ........r.. Iurrs, per doa......... . Wood, dry. par curd Wool, per lb............. Apples, per bag........, Oath per bu: Burluy, " Penn, I' Hay, per hum... Potatoes, per bag Pork, pot 100 lbs, Flour, per l"01bs.......... “our No. 2, .. .. Corn Maul I' " ......, Shorts, .. " “run. bb bt Full Wheat, per bush....., Spring Wheat, It. cum. F - _ ._. - ___ .- an...” '-efuie his ('nuucii at its nest meeting and gin: (explanations rercpecting an order made in fave r. f A. McInter fcr M.--Cnrried. 1torcd by Mr. McIntyre. seconded by Mr. Inkslvr, that the nlxdmrsdu rem-he the run ot' is eae'u.---curruul, Mr. Sing; pre. sented the 1eprit of the validity If the m-murer's scuutritivs. Moved by Mr. Mt. Inlyrr, sceondud by Mr. Winters, that the l "Tort of thy n unnitu-e on the vulidify o the trearuuer's "airmen, up: now rem], be mluptml and rutrrosstul on the minutes,--- Cnrried. Your oummiltt-P Inwhnm were referred the mutter of [he validity ot' the trcswrar's securities. brcr to report that yuur cnmmittce um saddled with tl e securities of the treasurer, biting: the: Mme as hot yen]. All of w5.ich is respectfully-j suhuuitted. J. R. Srsu, Umirnm... Moved Ivy Mr. Winters, seconded Ivy Mr. Sup, llmt the clerk do risk fur tenders for tho printing of the tuiuutesuud attJitooir'repwt and voter! list.--umued. Council sul. juurned to meet at the clerk’s residence, south line, on the 17th of March nut. James GIBSON, clear, L111 r, _ Council met Feb. 17th, 1879, par-neat to adjournment. Member- all present. The T Reeve in the choir. Minutes of former " meeting road and oontirmed. Poundkeeperl i], --g. Cn'mby, Robert Brown, non. t.rown- " the, Junta Christoe, Benjamin smith. D. l l Maven-Id. Fenee-viewG--Wm. Hide, 1 ' ’lt. Heron, In, John Freethy, Hector Me. Mt Donald, Willi-m Kinneer, W. Armour, H. il Hudson, J. Graliem. Pulstuauerw--1ho. r. Glazier, Patrick Connor, Geo. Ireland, J, McCrne, G. Brown, Thee. Johnston, John ' Crumby, Andrew Burns, Henry Blokely, , Robert Gordon, Junie» Winters, John i. Wisdom, John Alllll’, William MoBride, A. Brownridge, Walter Bell, Duncan Met. m Uinnee, burial Moth“, William Guy, Wm. Kinuer, Donald McIntyre, Jen. Osborne, l: Cluwles Neil, George Allistun, Alex. "auq" e bell, John Duncan, Wm. Colquet, Williuin , Julian. Itch. Hnwton, Henry Boswell, Jas . Crawford, jr., George Otterwull, James T Thompson, J. 1luckinghtrtn,Wus. Dr vidsuu, . Jr., u. Ihsrber, Peter Mouteubourge, tinow. I den Tuplinu, Angus Ferguson, Edward Currie, Arch. Me'i'tu.rgart, Ed. Fletcher, l Geo. Pahster, Hugh Adair, Wm, Bristow, 'llluunas Stephens. Jns. Curran, James ltichutls, Rel (It Serviee,Dottuld McQueen, . Neil McDonald, A. 1leLeun,Jolut McLean, Gavin Muirhend, John Wheeler, Ed. 005 . neld, Wm. Gray, Jr hn Gnlbrn th, T. r Sewell, Robert Hannnn, Edmn Norman, William Armour. Moved by Mr. Sing, ' "reoudud by Mr. McIntyre, that the Reeve l . iwuo his order in favor of Duncan Adair , tra. tthit, for road work purtbrnied on no- ; count arrears charged against lot 29, con. io.--Cartied. Muted by Mr. Sing, second- - ed by Mr. McIntyre, thnt the clerk do unti- fy eLch puthnmeler of his "ppciutuunt, end-mung theicwith n du:rlaration of oftiee, and al-o thnt the clerk do until the road ( list to web rntlutitsster.--Catuied. Moved , by Mr. Ink.ster, seconded " Mr. Winters, mm. the turn at " be granted to Obadiah l Miller, indigent, and that tho Treasurer be u instructed to expend the sumo in tlutir tor at hiut.--iarried. Moved by Mr. Sing, se- - condul by Mr. Winters, that this Council do not entertain the claim made by Thus. Nowell against the township on account oi the ullegcd illegal sale ol lot No. 4.5,1st N., M ah the Ir.vtt in relation to the matter now before the council. will not wnirnnt nu) action to be taken in the math r.-~Cnrrird. l,'. .\lu\(Ll by Mr. Molntyro, seconded by Mr. m Winters. that the llevee do issue his order in favor of James Wilson for " charges Mi- on the roll for 1878 its statute labor and re- l turn-ll in error. --Caruied. Moved by Mr. McIntyre, seeondtrd by Mr. Sing, thnt the Reeve do mun,- his order in fat or t f------, tor work, but returned undone, for the Il :anunt of "--Carried. Moved by Mr. T McIntyre, summit-d by Mr. Winters, that Joseph Maxwell be up} o iith usrscssur for Or 1trii-Curried. Mund by Mr. .\l:Iutyre, tt; secuxtlul ly Mr. in inter, that Mr. Sing do of twelve tl.c hum of 83 for attending magiss ' tutu eourt re Joseph Miller, and thut the " nova do receive 81 for the suine.~~ t'urr ed. u Moved by Mr. McIntyre, seeatyicd by Mr. I Iukster, thatthe auditors iepurt now Ire" Th m-ulul and examined by this council, be now "dopted.-cruuuid. Mmod by Mr. llclntyie, wounded by Mr. lnlmtir. that J the Clerk d, nutify Mr. Mi-(in'r to "ITear Venue his ('unncil at its next HUM ting and MOUNT FORI‘ISI‘ MARKETS, TORONTO MARKETS. TORONTO, Much 19, 1870, DL'RHA M MARKETS lb....... ..... “but; per bushel Dummy, Mun-11 20, 1879. Osprey Council. s............" y ul ll, t . ......... l I y 0 l ' 0 f. rush........ 0 F 1. Chair... o 7 ilu‘ignw... o 8 shoL....... 0 2 so 85 to 0 80 to lit,', to 40 to 63 to 5 50 to 02610029 048to050 0601.0070 008?.0012 Ul5t0015 017t0020 o00to00o o40to070 460to460 600to700 o 48 to 4 " to 0 50 to 4 50 to 4 00 to 4 50 to U 40 to 0 10 to o 12 to l 50 to 0 18 to 0 75 to 00 to c'. 25 to L' 00 to l 00 to 0 60 to 0 50 to 0 85 to o Ti, to ll 80 to 0 28 to il 40 to ll il 0 30 to 6 001.0 1 50 to l 25 to 22 to 14 to 0 40 to 0 15 to o 15 to 6 to 5 to 0 40 to 0 30 to 0 15 to 4 00 to 50 to 4 75 to 3” to " 81) to " 25 to Oh, $1 00 0 95 " 25 trl 0 60 7 00 l 75 l 50 4O 0 50 ft 17 0 '30 It 94) " 30 0 50 0 oo 0 24 150 020 ooo l " 0 70 " 60 " 90 0 80 O 85 0 Jill 0 45 0 GO 5 (IO 0 GO 4 " tht 16 g.', 46 67 fit) 2.". (N) 70 14 15 Chopping I’m-e ovm DI]. Flour and Fund for Me. A. con-tarballs shod for we samnmudnuon at Tun“. FP.E1JEIL'Cdr G. KNIGHT. Panza... P. o. ui.;..(L, F... “If. ti-St in 7irat.Cinaa style. Hryving had "rote-ttr. I you: axmrienu in the Mame“, he can mum"; I athlmuuu w tw in: who any Loour uis.auitlt,' meircmknu. g , “than“ community of Glenda. Ind "GGri. yer 1‘owmhipa. that be In. matted thu above .u'uls, und id now pn-puod to do Tlei subscriber desires to inform the farmum communnv of aluminum surround. Pe,,),?,',' and fe,'tiliflti,e,i: furnished for Schools, Chum ea, sud private Dwellings. Doom, Sash and Blinds made to order. A., P. k C. WATSON, Dunno!“ P. O. Watson Bros., Carpenters and Builders. 1)LANS and fe,'tiligt,u,iae: furnished fc Schools. Chute an. and numb hymn." Pure peas Fist class Salt $1 per barrell I OST on the evening of Friday Int J henna”: "otlstr1Oturett, (alnuelg, and nur. lmm, 1: Fur Mutt. Arty pen-m "turning it to the alumni J. H. Hunturur tho Bm‘ucw omeo, Dur- ham, will he suuimhly "minded. A “and t'itidTvaj/dGadjist'ii%rirJira, given. For Terra. kc. Apply to A, mg home and 1slaeuruitls sh" ' “muted thm mun: Nnrth of Mount Formt. on do Gavel Bond. munistingut rum MN of land well incloud with buurd tome, wvil and chum-u. The humw in rough cast 18 x N. Thu uhnvn is n goon busiuou “And, well tu.eyry the Mtvntion of purchmn. E.._s.,. a_'.t, ,. .. ' Tly undernignml offers fnrsnle his dwell- m: home and Mun-k: mm. a...“ “mum: m... luwuiml to Blacksmith Shop For Sale. Emmom. Jot., 1878. S/ISP, half of Lot 25, Con. ll, Don- k, Huck, 50 acres. The lot it neurlyul cloned and true Iron) ntumpn. (mud buildings. This in mus " tIso but [arms In thus Tuwulhipn! Huutmck. Apply on premium w STEPHEN HONESS, Or to A. In LabLAN, Durham. mum March 4th. Tit I OT 2'2, Con. 11, Boniinck, 100 net-on, A will bet Iuld cheap. Apply on the promllu to “11.1.11: Hoax-as, or Durham, Much s., 1879, I;EL\U South half of Lot 28, m the 10th tVat. of "eunuch, caprislug 50 not". At not" "cher and tree ot (lumps, the rent ig good hard. wuml bin-h. There are nu building- on the re- mines. The alum! will bo uh! clump. L'llluht, pant-alum Apply on tho Kremlin“ to Max. KcDONAlm. can lord, P. O February 20, 1819. I OT M in the 8th com. N. E. T. & S. J Hula. Melstutt1on will In [cued for a. term of yrs". Fifty Luann: clan Boil. For terms apply to “abort In ucuu, Thomtou P. o., or to tho undersigned, JAMES LAMON, Attorney " Law, Dunddl. Dratdruk, Much 19th, 1879. dat Drama"), March. 4th, T9, Purdy's Mills, Glenelg. Tendon received till two o'elock p. m. on inur- dny. 5th April next PLAN! Ind IPECIFIl'ATIIINB Cu: bo sun n my omro in Durham on aud that the 26tit iultuxl. The low n or my under not Itt ceIIuilywcopud. JAM); S BROWN, Tp. Clerk, Olin-1;. 911149 of Woolf. 0n the North Bub comer of Lot lo, Con, 4, N. D. It, (Hens! Ale, P'ldfto be built of “one, the stable and shed Town Hall, Stable and Shed Tei' undersigned is authorized to receive manual tendon tor the auction of I Remind. March 13sh,IttN, HIS removed to his Old Stand on Mun sum. mu too Post otriee, when: ho will be found by his (mud: and cuutoun-r.’. MB. HECTOR McAIlTIlUR. BUTCHER, DUNDALK, DUNDALK. Out. Will be u Hutlnu’s Hotel, Shem-mo. - HOL' day and Friday, from 10 o clock a. m. to 5 p. m. CHi.yl,er,l?t.ot Ontario Vetrinary Col. ege, Drunk. VETERINARY SURGEON, Durham, Much 17th, 1879. New Garden Seeds OF ALL KINDS. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY. At JAMES BU R.NE'IT'S " 22., 18th Com, Egremant 100 acres ( Thia 14;th be will cheap Apply on an uh. . On Tenders Wanted MUCKLIII‘ID Durban on (no "Gia.-, In. Arm. MoeNrtr.reliet o! the tho late Wm. Much". Esq., Izod 67 yam. fhatt--1gt Nonnmby. on the 15th tnat., Thom" Sin,|¢ed M yum Lower-a" Not-mushy. on the mu inst., Mrs. J. Lowey aged About 43 yuan. Dummlk. Mammal 1579. I and-1k. Much. KM) 1879, Mrtarttr.atr--Bvcrrasvr--tt tho nuidcm of tho brides “that. 8th can. Emu“ by the Roe. Don-h! Ifmor, Mr. Alex. Md.“ blur], to Elin- beth, dumb“: ot Mr. Alex. Buchmm. Farm for/S31}: Wr-tguy-an nundm. on]: iirGilT.', tl will: of Mr, George Tmttu Kurd of I daughter. Farm to Rent. Arenas SAL: . On the farm of Mr. Neil Me. Ki: no', Lot l9, Con. 2l, Egremout, on the 27th Marcwaarm Siock uni Implo- met te. o. Mchmick, Auctioneer. Wild duck: have been seen in larva Lum. hers near kimsardine. Durham, March, 20, 1879, SA LT, SALT, SALT. FARM FOR SALE. 1v. 2. NIX()N, New Advertisements. [Suitable for Seed on hand. Gristing. Farm for Sale. ROBERT A. ROBERTSON Farm for Sale. Muff Lost. k'leshemn & I'vieesviua, Shaun REMOVAL. Auction Sales. A. GLENDENXING. MARRIED DEATHS A. "CLELLAN. Durham DAVID CAMERON, Hnlnwlu. 'bm38 BIRTHS. 'f:, barley will be c-ma'l y42 And all other kinds equally low " the D arham Foundry. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ta their Sons and Daughtors about to be NEW YEAR'S PRESENT - -___ - ___- E'r"" ...V W. ..r_iwe.W FrPrW .. ..u. .,, ..... I’m-nor. Next" Ihc Dirt-I- Vol-nary. whun ho will keep on hnui and tor sale naming but tlrst cl,uta mertttoutsUtitu,r of Muet, Mutton, Pork, and Funds. Shop (men from H u. tu.until Noun. The "Old Folks ht Home" can make no "rf;fd.f,fi,f' to inform the inhabitants of Durham and vicinity that he has "valid 3 1f1'lttrvliyyuir.s, _thuereyutl,vttuutpieil by. Mr. ALL kinds of Sewing Mucuines repaired; 4 also new Sowing Machin- for “In. Hair Iluning uni 6tttsvittg done every Saturday. “widen“ and workshop nun the Public Selma Dunn-m. I IIA, PI KR. Durhnme. M, 1879. nun-50. A ml] is reirpoetntu.rinrited. Roman be! an place. in the bunch? new]! ','tt',"pl'f D. lhvhluon‘n, 1atrir ocnuplc u a Drug 'ttore. , can it rogpgrcmlly Ignited. Remnp bor an plum Durham Repairing Empo- h. COCKllAttr. Durhm, {mar} Lt, 1379. Dreuxnnking carried an in connection with the store. ihmftsctioilery, Toys, Apples, Durham, Der. w., WN, Soy, T H END, Durham. near Cutler. l Yard Hotel, humus eommeneod huuinon in the almvu line would rtmpeettully when " thus of the pawn-go of we public. Fonnorly “an." shoemaker in Her Mtos.tr'b Jundrodm Eastman!» Fine Calf Bouts, sewedJrom M.60 to M.50. " " pegged,from M.75 to 05.50. The vary tteat mutant-l used; workmnnuhip superior to anything Ut the munty, having Ina-la .1110 work in the principIJ an». of Cum}; um. .11. United stat". W. CALDWELL For $22.00 ! NICE STOVE. Dundalk, Jun. 1.1811 [35"We respectfully inform all who are indabtod to us that moi: Mttoants Ire ready, and we mun 1min on payment this month. Cheaper than ever for Cash DRY GOODS, CLOTHING-, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Giving Away, Giving Away! A well-assorted Stock of Boots & Shoes received last week. A Large Stock of Crockery in Stone China Tea Sets and Toilets Bets, Butc Botttht ia the very but Markets, um! m "tting " price: trhieh cannot be undone”. At it u expected there will be In Advance shortly in MI kind. of Goods. pumhuen wiil Ind it to the" advantage to buy before tho RISE the. pine. Cottons, Tweeds, Ducks, Denims, Black Lustres, ac.,&c., MCQUARRIE, Dundalk, bu opened I on u neck of _ i J. IE. HUNTER DRY GOODS! Fresh Fish kept in Seuon Has just received aLarge and well Assorted Stock of “K ING!” Boot and Shoemaker, Durham, January, 1879, Durham, February 25, 1879. utc‘aer Shop. 1 WM, LARTER, l better or more useful TIIE GOOD OLD Flour, and Fancy Goods. Fully Trimmed, married than a HASTIE & GRANTS. "tall and examine my Stock baton purchasing ehsewhere. NEW A variety of patterns at Lowest. Prices cm“ Consisting in pan of --hT--. V ' "wtstor1tistiderriie,u-. m7;:l;.;om this. ou w ad: munuw Lad weed-(M “Vanni "te, --= vppgAyogay‘. Ptyvh' his "tttt WI! will my Age-11;». may of ”wishing 'usd Summer Yum" res-hi Iumunmmdanmnmlnm... - I-.. ---- - I __V -'V.iWr. - u - vol-u. buys and girl- vnutonl ovary- wh. " to war: tor In, Now In tho tima. Cl any otttitt Ind torm- Inc. Adm-u. Tuc- 'tt Co. Augota,uutac. w. -..~unuu. nuwmu-l WY. Port sum, Out., Aug. 'dl, Irie. Ark for Little6ehii Constitutional Can"): Remedy and Me No Other. T. J. B. Haunts. Dominiuu Agent, Brock. ville, Onurio. For S“. by all Dfttge.at only one Dollar Buy It! - _ - -___ w .~..-uv-vu I" nag-ml. "sun. I Mattel three bottles. Before I hand Mod I Lurk-r of the content- of one battle I found t'i1e'l,tg renal. sud when I had and we bunk-n sud I thinlJ-‘ull _tmeirsg it, "eltug quito aura! of that diluent. and In" not used my rsittrse until of um I Bun Mun wuss for I cum in nu heat A - d duty to “new" hom that tmsth.ome wrote. Sterlfi pruning me to Wyn“ at. (hr mun-c. h"".rrer, [ll'ulllplf me to and on as. mm. awakened. with Icaso to lull. that. d it nu my m ph'pu'." A __ .__v '-e'-9...9rBr. ... a...” ubwmu'u. In. iuwarCdrup" trout the new! ttht,',',',,',',,",",'.' Very diu- urecnble, and n. chum; isewstrtiou "ttct, prevent. In; my trom lying bam. I Wadi feel like Imam”- in. nud be wxupdled w nit ufl in the bad. My hum: tshd :4th were usurious y utnsctoet. Winn Four A?” 'ret Ito Vinny-mu in August, 1976.] no“... . “A- ..A.. -__- .._. _ . . . _ - ,1 - _ -W .. ...- mm mum 'lltiNT?hag,"i,".t, bdunv doing mi». my dutr,to in " t the happy enacts seemed to mambo good to be true." I wu 'stBieted in mg head for - before I III!- {new it to be Cum . In reading in your (mum HIV my one and!“ in m..." ...........|_._ w - _r--v\l"lll§. Ill-ll. . . . mm. 8m,--rt h now two - since, your “Col ! 'I'IIE mlxsefxbcr In imputed to M. 'rtitutiomuortatvh Bumedy . wu iutmduend to me. ! and lulu- t S'i,'l,'l the I am no“, “G h I have wasted "All long to me if the mum wmlld m- I the "tost ttwiv, "" M Bora (Mil-c. ' I“. main pommurut Ixfurr dam-mi. “nun”... .- -.... I m n..._._.._. T. J. B. 'urartsyy Ego Thou-Ill.- ”pk-d In Waldorf-II CHI-on. I TAILO] Hear what a. Reverend Gentleman l i, . . ' . says of the Constitutional Remedy. 1 Retu" hoee u we??? "u otter, The New" and We‘d-No Garden, 175 Pages, Six Colormt Plum; And many hundred En. gravirupc Fur .50 rent: in paper cnvora; C'..ooin any”: 'i"h1 In than“: lui'.":": . " 'tr -trg"e . on : n-uund Pages. n Culprcd Plug.) in a m” numb” and Ta') ttno End-mums- Pry.- 'rests year; Pin mpg“ foggijl). b'oo ...nen Kuhn..." .0... c... ttt A-..“ A benuuyul work of 100 Puma, thte Colnrol Flam r Platte undid!) Ill9rtrtttiottn, with_tr4ptiouorttts. best iiGriG and Veuvunblm. uan how tag-ow them. All for I [IV] CRN'L' an)". In ugllnh or Column. . was I lulu-In“ lilo-til; u.uu...- g FIRM. I C019?“ Pyte in P wry number trnd Ta') ttm, E'NWVIHKG- P71...- t1.'.'.5 u ya“ ". Pivo ('opiel for ty? b'oo “men Numbers sum. fur 1000!"... _ " - .. Mada are [ha boat in the world. bend I m ULNT Rn!!- tor a l-‘LmuL Gturut,rwmtainit Ye!. Ind Prieus, and Monty of lufurmuion. A: Repairing I Specialty. Compri. It" and Bloc". Puted Goods. Gold and Siver Watches. Ladies, and Gents' Wedding and Engagement Rings. Gald Lockets, Charms. Clodus, Keys, Pencils, Pom, le., kc. A bumltiful “no ot Clocks. A large line of Funny Goodshrectacieis,viutins, Fife, Coueurtmns, Ac. AGENTS, READ THIS. Pinkerton. Dmtennber ltr, 1878. NEW GOODS Watchmaker, URES Vick's Floral Guide. . II. HUNTER. 51‘ A n n cossy1iiFTfo-Nrf, Catarrh R e m e dy m: nun money tuber " work Mr I. than at“) thing clue. Curl“: not re mind; In“. swam. "and. a game muse byth‘e . functions, in _ - . a" .. ." Jag-m“:- - , a .shf‘s-M , fr." ,1 -V. “"' ' . ' J - . r Yum truly 1tr.ryy?A/sCiciiirc'dist MAM-ten ...‘ “w. gamkvihe. Ont, Flesherton, JAMES VICK. Roebutcr. N. Y Ic., Ott CATARRI AT "yyt.CirrtkuaC "KT. Wry It! W. F. DOLL. mum yl JOHN 303221301. TAILOR AND CLOTH!” tustuenee-ontosiu the (land. PM}. Chery for cash. M Ml..- - “0 3“ 'oaue,aud gun can" mint-earn " that - I'm Sewing Machines For Sale Light Harness, Trimmings, Whips, etc. Dubai. Pd. 1 31376. Durham, Nor. 4.1m. Cabinet Maker of all kind. done to on. on Mt mu. l.nun [nation- The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Stun. LOWER TOWN, - . Durhuanly 4, m. Cutting done to Order. THOMAS slum. Saddler, Tanner, (That Bar of Iron. Shoemaker, No, 5, Gunman Stu - -e-teN_e - .__.., . “ma on th- Traa o! 'iiGGirhi PM: Peet A IA. - C... thit in"! or Noe-nut, an)“ an our" morn an My on, lol- lorvnr- lour am And if you mutt . No.0. ' He'll In It hom I Bar. [Imam-urn. I In“. .0 PO. ' iber hop to - ' 15F 1"l',ti'g' Durham, December mm. Mt7ti. Duudulk. V for which the higheat an“ pin " be Alexander Robertson, D. DAVIDSON 'S WANTED! 1,000 Gerda of Dry Wood And now within the “vol! I‘m. a. Inc has“ I Wu; And not “no human, Ttno Ind SH, To sum loan-twain. To suit all (Rule. “a Int: _ No mute: ran tIra '1‘ In. Thin want I n I at." I He'll bind it I“): . In. A [hr of Iron In Nan-l" M Will Ihine to plane Ib- (in in it Fou rum. In walnut nude. mnt term It from I Bar. All win: In.“ hug. mm Bo like an Mums... Mar, In Kunming with lulu-Nod “In. (in. down upon ttae l u. Bat “an. than by. to m m. Irott we I a Ctr; . Yet "iit In M adv-non- Mt iuise Joh- lon-l “met the In. hunt-y 8. "N. DURHAM 51.. DURHAM And who. “a “me. In. 011th And can]: " Mu we. I. - (Iliad to It“. I HAIL And tom luna- null . In. For “Von In“. to hm In Hulda thalamu- a Par And buy-o any over will “I... He'll quit than from c lat 10,000 bushels of mm: Wye lute wore “was. Flu-n ”wonmmmunmu John low-l. like a m. Bud mu: a um and - N- M And mule things trout a Bar. A few linking. BARCLAY. CALL AND SEE TAILOR, Wood Turning, December 19th Ian. L Bouldens' DURHAM. tit gin-n" Tim" U, nan-c3. Ind other Quinn " and UNDERTAKBL _ bun-A; JOHN NOBVAL. Blacksmith. Dunn; " u 'oII, irin

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