West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Mar 1879, p. 4

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iii) lj,; Ft .1123} " M Toms-to, Much 11. At three o'clock Hin Honor the Limit.- Gun-1m: proceednd to tho Puliunem 'Er-od-tUbin-dw-, ma in n" his Hunt to the an". The most i-poihnt of then bills m H-. _ An M to attend the limits of the town of "dictum An Act to incorponu one my and Walk- onon Railway Company. An Aet mpoeting the Wnlkmon School An Act respecting the Georgios Bay and Welling“- M'Oy tummy. An Act " incorporate the Waterloo, Wdlinm. and Gm‘ian Buy Itatlway An Ad to -0111! the het Impeding the be. of counsel wd other oftieers in the tub tniaUtmtion of justice. Ontario Multan. An Act "miting Public, Separate, and my. Schools. An M to make further provision to sroeting Rheum to the Legislative As I n'-Iy. timber drainage. An A“ to luthorizo investments in Muni. dpal Doberman: iuned in aid of stone or An Act (on; the further investment ri public money in municipd drainage deben- An Act to Inland the Assessment Art. " Act to mule further provisions rc- "noting Vohn’ List. An Act to provide for the inspection of luau-nu Comma. An Act twinning Grand Juries. An het mpecting theStntford and Huron “any Company. An Ad to incorporah the Ontario Veter. inary Annotation. An Art retTteting the Northerly and 17mm; Boundaries of Ontario. An Art tonntud the Railwny Act ol Ontario. An Act to amend the Agriculture and Arts Act. An Aet to amend the Municipal Law. An het for the administration of justice I tho northerly and westerly parts o] Ontario. An Act to make certain provisions re- opening the practice of tho Courts. An Aet fur the turther investment of public money in Municipal drainage de. humus. " tat to “tend the Act respecting the mir, Devise, and Auignee Commission. ,uu.utenantoisv.ruor was then pleas- " to deliver the following Speech C-- 'trulesets of the Lagialulivc Aunnbly .' Ali Art to incorponu the Town of Mount In "lining you from further attend-nee I'll your legislative duties [have to thank you for your widuous attention to the M Minna. Bad for the awful and. radial faults cf your labors. " et "V v - ' - - .Tho I-tter 11W of prints Bills which but necked your eousidertstion have, en. W up‘on you work of a very arduous chant". and &rssunding the closest and - painstaking attention. I m - to observe that, besides Int-ally ”dinning the award of the Arm into“ "pointed to determine the North. od, and Westerly Boundaries of the Pro. The hadnpoople who have attended to the 1soasetittia+ ut itideau Hall have con- hsud to €110 loaning of some useful im pavements from the Princess in He may cl Itnmrinsrpietureid otherdehils. Her Mil Might-s' plan of hanging picture- _ is to have two nails insteml of one. puking“ square over the picture. um) it“ “Mine "a or ribbon she used who. 8&vath but. uteeot " the W -_._e_ v Vino. of Ontario, you have also provided forthe Aaninlstratun of Justice in the much. mwry over which the juris- dietiort of my Government is now doc’-u‘ed d‘qoud-to adv-nee the best interests of their country " those who have hitherto ANd that mponsible In.) important pos" Tb mm”: which you have passed Mug " the regulation of the Reform- “or, for Women. mid establishing an In- autrial Mugs for Girls, will, I trust,undur thrDiviue Ewing, be the means of ac- eomplinhing much good, and of preserving may from A career of crime and misery. The W! aid which yuu have decided on granting for drainage purposes, and your Amendments of the Drainage Arts. will gin w Mdiumml encouragement to In bringing w 5 close this last session ot you prim-1m tom. I pray that an st1oruePtovtdetus may so direct the minds of an peopl- u to cause them to send u 'heir-tttati"' in our next Legislative Anal-bl, man u patriotieallr and honestly I thank you for {he supplies which you lune voted for the service of the you. The? will be Ippliell with the most careful "mid ti, Economy canaiatcm with the public requirements. Aoket " the protection of Plant and menu. Tho mensm "Auoriztng my Govern- mut to nppoiut nu Inspectur at Fire lu. ounncc Companies, while it wilt not create my - thug. upon tho public treasury, will gin inert-nod wnfideueo to insurers. And prove bedefieial to the institutions than nhjeckd to supervision. lbnvo been happy to give my assent tn Imam: for the further improvement of the School Law, for the amendment at" the Election Laws in the light of tho most loam experience of their operation, and for simplilymg and improving the laws ”hung to Juries. and to numerous omel- The Act to enable Gun Companion to adopt tho new discoveries of science for the vial) of "tiiieial light, and the Au to {militate the incorporation of Strum Heat. ing Complies. m in accordance with the progressive demands of the timesmml may in in economic "me prove most valuable to tho public. M to incorporth the City of _. III .90.! PIOmUlD. "important branch of local improve It in aid that Mr. Jan... Black of Pm!- inch has killed sixty fire foxes during the past three years. - Educating begin the gentleman, but reading. good society. And retieetion mast huish him. Do the best you can where you are, tsud when that is done you will see an opening tor something Utter. The W should low his PI, hep his m ram, hiie his Ba, kill off the In, re. member what he Cs, take care of the vs, [my A he os, tench Ins boys nut to TI, and take his Es. Fms.--Fonil Mother 2 "hh, Harry, it 301: MI lies you’ll go to the bottomless pit, when them is iire and brimstonc." Harry: (who bu medicinal rememluaneeir): “Ma. will there be any treacle there ?" (The mother's answer is not transmitted to posterity.) h trolorril preacher in a Western town. ship gave out the following notiee last Sm.- day; th Brothers and sisters, next Sunday, the Lord willing, there will be baptising in this place. the candidates being four adult: and three adulzresses. Diogenes was a good Temperance man. When blamed for throwing a goblet of wine on the ground and wasting so much liquor, he answered : "Had I drunk it there would have been a double wage. I as well as the wine would have been lost." Awould-be teacher in Toledo recently replied“ " examination question, "Do yunthiuk the world is round or flat?" by saying, "Well some poop]. think one way, some another. "CII teach round or flat, just " the parents wish." He was a city clerk, and he was tryingl to amuse himself by questioning a little girl in a big bound. "What do they set hens for "' he asked. "To hatch chickens," she promptly replied. "What do they set milk for?" he purused. "To hutch calms," said she-and she said it in a way that caused the clerk to close the conversation. Elihu linrvitt died at Hartford, Ct., on Thursday night, aged 59. He was born in , New Cambridge, the sun of a shoemaker, ‘nml himself for many your; n. working l blacksmith. Byinduy1vyaud perseverance he educated himself, becoming a remark- able linguist. As an eloquent lecturer he only obtained celebrity, his favourite themes being temperance, the amclurration of the working classes, and the establish- ment ofa brotltevhovl of universal pence. Besides his "Sparks from the Anvil" um! "Olive Leaves," which me well known, he eontribated to the periodical literature of both England and the United States. Wreo Sum“) Go To MsstTos.--h cor- respondent of the Globe, writing from Winnipeg gives the fullnwing piece of very excellent ndvicc. Everyone intending to remove there should luv it well to heart, and not accordingly. After strictly caution- ing ftuaners against removing there unless they have, at the Yery 1evst, $500 after arriving, he continues :-"My other object in writing is to empluuieally warn that class who have little or no money, and ex- Peet to get wages us soon [is they land here, that they will be most grievonsly mistaken. There are ten men for every situation in this city. Bookkeepers, sales- man. and all such 2m: particularly plenti- A lottery in the very worst form of gmnhl- ing that has ever been invented, and causes more misery and detuoralization than any other kind of chum-c diversion. The pro. pnsrr, fouudvr, lmnlu-r, or whatever he nmy be called. of a lottery, collects n certain min from the ticket holders. Out of this he devotes a portion to prizes ; so that each ticlut tuicst, by the rules of ordinary "ritluuetie, c mt more than the chance wlueh it represents is Worth. A lottery with 1,100 t:ckets oft5 each, and prizes of 95,000. would give a. pndit ot 8500 to its originators, l innn who pays " for n. ticket does not we that he pays a tenth more than his chance is worth. If he were to take all the tickets in his own name he would pay 35.500 and win 65,000. We know Very well that many persons will my in nnswor to our argument that if “nan wins a prize he has secured a profit- able return for his money ; or in other words, that the loss is eornpariuvely small and the prize, if it be won, is great. For all that. no nun: can afford to payeven one tenth more for on article than it is worth. Besides the “proportions of inch" are pre- 1 eisely In great in favor of each one of the‘ runny other ticket holders as of hinulf. It _ makes no inference how many tickets one buy-amt how often he has foiled heretofore l to win a prize. If one tosses a pennyfairly and it comes up heed; three time. runningl the ehnnces for the fourth time In still) precisely what they were at tine-that, is, exactly equal. Gamblers they: deny this, bat no maturaatieiart will. Gunm- inttatbestiattdiseaae,tutdif iteannotbe wholly extirpnted, the are: of its ravage: can be limited. When this disease takes the "peetot nlottery. it nan-ct: men wo- men and children. and the pestilence mould be stumped out on thoagh it were the Ituodau giagurr.-N. Y. Times I pact to get wages [IS soon " they land here, that they will be most grievously mistaken. There are ten men for every situation in this city. Bookkeepers, sales- men. and all such are particularly plenti- ful, and can be seen on every corner in Winnipeg with nothing to Jo, und no hope of unything of the kind, and all the time either paying high rates fur board, or running in debt to their landlords _ for it. To such I would say, Stay where you are, even if you lusve nothing to do. as the cost of living here is twice that of Ontario. The average u unemployed salesmen and bookkeepers in this city is greater in pro- portion to the number of vacancies than in any other town or city in Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS. HARDWARE ST ORE, AXES, AXES, AXE B! Lance Tooth Cross Cut Saws Cheap for Cash. SIEA'FIGS. Sli A 1‘13 tiiTtiI 'fr', . SLEIGH BELLS, BOYS SLEIGHS. l First Class Axe Worth ti, , opportunity to buy u. Cheap Horse Nails, L'laeksusith's Supplies, at bottom prices. PAINTS, GLASS, PUTTY, liliUSIIES, to, 'te. Sleigh Shoe Darluun--Tliird Tueuluy in ouch month. 1'rieevilu--Monday before Durham. 1ianovcr--Mtmmty before Durham. Mount ihecst--'1'hird Wednesday in caeh Guvlplr--lit"st Wednesday in each month. ILvrrisum---hYidity before the GuvIphFuir. 1rvuyton--riaturdyy boll-re Guelph. 1uonv--Tue day before Guelph. 1hruglas--Nontlay befote Elam Fair. IIutniltsur--Cyistul Pahtee Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlin-First Thartulay in each month lhuruptou --b'irst Thursday in ouch month Listowul--l'itst Friday in ouch “ninth. t/crs,rus-'i'hursda.vfollow.ith',r Mount Forest "os,eniout--it'ittcentlt of February. April June. August, October and Deccmlm Prinuvse--Wednesday preceding th, ornngcvillv Fair. t)riuv,,wrille--The and Thursday in each nmnlh. r'lvshvnou---Monthty lmfuro ()mngm‘ille. "mulalk-- 'I'unnlny th‘ux'n ihumrwvillv. shep,urne-Wvdtusulay luufnn- ovatigcville. uarssille-- Svenlul Wcduesday in each month. Wallwrtou--The last Wculnvsday in each month. 1iikhntty-Last Wednesday of ouch DURHAM DIRECTORY TRIXI'I‘Y FRUIT”. shaman sunk-vs M. it a. 1n. tuul 7 p. m. Selim-l uh 'd p. m. RAH " f “my. It. A (mm-ch Wnrdmw. H. J. Mimhm'h nmlEl Divine Sun ice t'.VHrt' " p. m. {autumn thnol 15L: Svn'im-s crttV Suhlvnth at 11qu it. m. ammo In“. S shim“: Hahn-0} at in!) t. IIL Prtsyvriuswt'tu,'vAery Thurenlny evunimt at. ' o'elocls, nun} thk- 0th nvury Mummy cunning at 5 o'clouk. humor lluv. It. (iluuruy. connlntinuuf three Mr” of "xtvsllvnt lunduxnder cultibastiots.ou which la cracked a small cottage nun-1n (nuns stable. This pruper'v wunld make I. nice huulmwmlhn I mechunc or any one wink. in: toretirvtrout turning and ln'c In a “Huge. Will be null] tor Bill). which is only 9:55 par ("Inner acrelot. Applytotho mum-tumor by litter to NEIL MUN)! “ ... . A - Pricuville F.e. BT'it 'H ' -"u:vu:eh: E b " W 4 It D'T‘!r"'mmlc bv .J . nuv fjorknr .‘ 'tt r w)” H "ttir: Uhl'iru'fr irur-alitirm. l'rbrttcaiarsrttv1 “men” worth ,5. "W. “mum-.2 mur mar- tin e at t ti, tru.,ir..vss. A m" m Hush”; A 1 J. P141-.. . flam- VA. BAPTIST cHUttt'H. W. 0mm. lumbar. Sunday Servic ingat 11 a. 11).: Sulplmth Hrhnnl ttt l Prom-hing M. Ttr. m. Wivlt owning Monday evrurim,'.youns' lu-uplvn‘ pm)” a K. In. ; Wtuturviittsy' eva-mug, Mil-lo clus‘ T arsday trsctiitt,t.,', regulni pray-r moon ty in his Farm for Sale in Glenelg: VI‘HE Sulmmher oCcrs for Sale, Lot No :‘I.Snd Ctr-Winn. Fwd of 0. P., 'Nwnship (Elem-lg, v.otttovia'tttst ill) trcrrrt,---tusout 70 more; clear ml. Tn-nnu mm; ,,::4.. " t- r i', r halnn 'ty 1m will he div: u, For {unfit r pawn-"Inn apply Jun-Rug, Datum, “A tu 'l'hur- Thmmu play-Hugh Depart 7:20“. m., 1u'rdupntt. Arrive 4:20 (E 111.. 10:00 p. m. For timu at Intel-mu hste sfatiunsncu Time Tub!»- EDMUND WIMG'GE. House and Three Acres of Land For 5:12. Tee S llnscriher wisdsiwg to leave this . part of the country otters for sale his prupur. ann Hull "pen every 9 o'cloek. Shared .51. :um der Rulu-rtmnu. Lilnrurinu. Night at running. Tumulu} on or Utrfop uf etwi1 munLh. Viniiing ln‘utlm'u w- Vullct, W. M. H. w. uockict'.ivcret; Night of Inuclim: eyt'ry Tulululuy at 7:50 u‘clnck, the Odd Fullums‘ Hall, viyiitua,t,rureuwouwelr'ru J.W. nmddm, h'. u. w. n. Vulm, the. $66 North, West, 03100 ttours from 8 n. IU. to Kuuzie, l’mtnuuu-r. Night of mun-ling. Tim-ml moan in gush muum. 2', (in: they work, min in Co. Porthuut,Maitr Invpnrt, tir/d A. m Arrive, 10:05 a. m on and nth-r " " " l Y. tth November "" S. mum will mu .m Mil-Aw: - Tunnx'rn mum; " l ' Ins.) South Pricovme, Aug. " TMT, Torottto,Oet, 23th. IN78, GI A GREAT BARGAIN. Darlmm. Jan. P2th, 1878, "tttttDio), GREY, AND BRUCE _ RAILWAY. MONTHLY CATTLE FANS month At Cost, CHANGE or TIMEJ DVIHIAM L'HKEH N llluilul " I‘LAGE " PRICI‘H'llJJ-I. S T HI‘HI'IN LODGE No. 1b"3 i, l-. - 1n 1Q]. Ih'part Arum “emu" Arrit v, balm“ Arn . u tt 10 n. HL,_12:15 p. PA., Jul! p. ta 10:05 a. tu., 3:10 p. tu., 9:15 p. " o1bANHF'avtLLF.. mama 7:go It. Uh., 1u':10a.tu.,rr.Np. I Arnw ttctr, th. 111., 4:13p. "1.. 3:00 p.m Depart. iic05 A. IU., 5:0.) Ir In. 1'itr'.riilYTrH I Mrit'HA.N'u'F," M. 7 p. m. Wsvlt cVetr Ming, yuum: pnnl-ll-u' rm wim-mluy awning. Bil, " u Awning, rogulni pmyvr nu anlvr. Iii-Murat: John A. Mum'o, he 'rur. omuc isrurs from 10 a. m. to t mu min S. G. 1'sr'.GUiT " frFb'U DURHAM L. o, l 1giytyihiirAT'S M tree TORONTO POST OFF R'l' THUUIhT ('lll'l M many Imfure ()mngvville. My waux'n thuttv,.r,vville. Inc "lay before ovarigvville. oil Wcducsday in each F , J. - . _ 7 ----- utteution to which its mm. int ortattet, entitles ("Hula No. 16'd Ltr.o,h'. tit: nxulnll 1tIr'Her, tur thv 2ll,r"f',il,'rrht' ot ill way Mummy " 7:.;Uu‘clu(-k_ in [ 1gi'i1",r,i,F, or injurinusly "ttccth g its program JI, “Mun: immlmm war-mun, I will u- wan-hm: with can: and full) dinettsaed. To W. it. Wynn, Kee. the utrvuuhrcturinur and "ttwluutieaf interests lunch - _ ----_- "luv-u will continue to be don’t/ml. and nothing of ai L. o, 1.. 510.331. ( inning-nun u infecting them will bu allowed to pass ' Tliitryuluy on or bufore all uuluvdvd, A. T.C.u,uu,5m:. I NEWS trout all parts of the world, up to the [ latest moment ut waLuctttion--Ptrrtiammitttv De ”! A - "-' 'A-'~"-'--_l hiltl's, Fudvrul and valnclul~Mllrketa tuut Fi- k m gun‘r "WU town g}, Oattlt mumul lit-ports M. home um] turrotut--tuut Letter! m: ctt,k. Jlouicr, if pru want u. of Hives-in] Corroqtutuleutrs truut nll paints of inter I...“ at “mph periotts of either est-will be gatliutvtl with all the cure and energy M, 1utvlsus great [my all g in time that him kept Tm: Gt.ome. tur nu lung 3 series of ' um M- ive, w 1rH,ua.Wry & l yam I," nir trout rank at Canadian juurnnls. f. I le cm Dtirle llospuwhes from the Landon Once - .0115”: (lerH wilt continue to meshed “Ki: . . ' twi cuts ot im nortuncu to Can "umpire ORE) , AND BR L' CE "O 1mg of the I',' WE]! Islet. ... . ,9. -_. Friday evening from 7 to m! tcu .30 noun. Alexun. INSTITI'TE JOS. F. MOWAT, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. 01.for80c. Farmers should all take Idvnnmge of ‘heap Axe. Balance of Stock will be cleared out at Con Price. (IF A. , Gunerui iidGiiisr, _ “"IJJAlts on he pm“ In i nun-Ling In ”A" nt ti p. In ting m. tlp.ru 3:13 p. m. 6:00 M. m. Steel, Spring Steel, war-prone“ At Cost, & A. M Arch. Me, full up to?" I) CII II;& " Carriage Works. ROBERT McFARLANE. Carriages, Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, etc., Phase in need of Such Articles would do well to Call and Inspect My Stock. Thu Slilmcribvr h Man Axum for All Kind: of mm: IMPLEMENTH, ROBERT McFAIiLAXE. I ofthv. rest Tur: Cri,t; l tion to ttus I hmuignnh ' hs-leulmn I Pry rvsuun ( tlr-uwnt "t Auk-1:11: “In: Dunn“ 1879 The Weekly Globe. 1879 n-liuh-ih guml min-uh. cduumiuu, 1cutpcuuur u, um. _ a "Glhapptrtssrt, 1rv'artily minim-ml that (‘amuln could huhlun 1ursiriots ltiglua" orbvtkr. or man- uotrleisr u l luau-rial yawning than that Mu, may curry; " the tovcuitsu,t s ‘lvlum‘vrn. :1 l'rm inrv ..r liw “rm-{n Funpirv.tlicort lm-u null T'utciusrHrvvillo mimic zuuluunly to 9- mm. “huluwr tetutri to the [wipe- tration ot tlw happy "x'rstiig reuttt'ott. Thruughlv lwlhwlng that thi- best policy for Cumin}: is that which nhullpruiuuh- iuv'i'cnsunl trat. tie with {mu-hm columns-s. Mill tltrrt nyxhom of mx- utiun tho In-J. which falls Iumt lighll} nu Industry tuul the Industrial climax, Tut: Hump: will unn- tiutte to adv-wine (thematically the ulmmh-n of C,ttstourtlutio, on mw Hum-than, and the mainten- nnve of a rmmnw tnrill punish”: lightly or nut at ally“ tuenecussariwsut liiv,huv. homily on unl- rl.s ot luxury. It will minimum to "P1""f the iuumsitiuuuf C'utaotu.dutiets lnuuml 'siwcitsltt to [Mullah Fureilin Countries prravtyulor"iuutgliusra "mtility in t n ir cmunwn‘hd policy; or spoviull) to exclude "ritish and [uremia manufacturer! tram the country, ur tmecuuty to lump certain bunches of imluutn in mink-nun mm alumni. he munch-ad “imam to1wvd uunulbutiom from the earnings of thv rcst of the votntuuttity. Tur: (Emmi: “ill continue to give spacial atten- tion to the din-ply liiipurmut miluvvls of F.aropetus immigration. linilwu.) and (‘iuiul itutrrovouent,tuv [M'Ytlulmia-ut mi tho! vast MinerrOTiiuber nndl-‘iuh- cry rn-unurrm "t the humiuh-n, mind the speedy Bat- tieuteut "t our Wild Lands. 1,rricultitre. an thn chief industrial interest of thu lhutriniou, n-ruiwn that roman“ and unxxnus Mtvulimi to "lriel, its me“ importance entitles it; tuulull “minim-a for tlw mlwmwment " ill prawn-vii} ur iujrtriuusl.v lulu-ti: 2 its magma-u will up wiluut with mm: and fully discussed. To thu "ttmural-turine and 1nevluutivttiitttererrts lunch yum-u will ruminua to he devoted. mul within: of Ip'","",' u alluding them Th ill bu allowed to was Lower Town, DURHAM. OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL, - good huish, and at prices as low as any cum r mtnblivhmcnt in the muuty. 'hh; (Emma Spec-ht] Railway Train will continue Lu lame Torrmto tor Hauriltoa, and Western cun- mmtitgus at that point. at hull-yum: four each 1u0rtuti',,'. T'lw lliu:str:vted llingraxrhlui of prumluvnt Pub. lic Men that. have gh cu and: gun. ml public mutin- fm'tlun willhts cumiuuu-ll during: the coming war by uhle and experienced writvrs. The sketches m anurul Haunt-r)" vicws at the, prizcipul CLINI- dinu (“Mimi and towns, aud vipws of the most tittt. ublupunliz' building.“ the Aluminium, with cunt nus lvllt-r- tress (lusl'riptiune; n' bached to each. and Kkl'trlum CI llwuurl)‘ Maury ut we): pluce,will also bu continued by ttrstirvss artists. Errlc-nia-Ih-ll 1t"2lliT.Tt Mien-f Helen. and I‘idur-lluhul A I!" will cumimw pro- Iuinvnt [natures in my number. _ _ 14 ACRES of Land m tt High State of Cultivntinn, with u large. well tiuinltc0 fume huusc. and all bulluliu-zs thcrcun, an) a young orchard. 1rrrdattttsott “am: This pn rty h, Idjnluing the -onsti: m ot the touts of KRLt and known as the Charles Linen l", tate, The Annwc-n I. 'r-w-de'"'" ot even variety "t uulnjecta. which have pun ed so manna. and iutorvstiug to chunk: " rciuluts, will be kept up with increased vigour, Tho "tttrualmtlsmrriptirrts to Tm: “'REKLY Gum: will remuhu nu hon-MM“. unly'l‘wo t1OLLA1tti PEEK Ji: if ijiil,'j"jieg 1m" to "VirGUG? (‘mmdn and the U nice Btutcs, puyuhle invu’iubl) in advance. The CLUB RATES FOR 1879. WILL DE M 2'0LLOWf5;-. - il/Lid [if 3:271) -v"TrsAtt hy Post-rome. order. hunk than, real-mm lemurs, at by ”we”. at out risk. Orders and remittance. to be whitened to the A wrriHtntuttert fume house mu out buildin m and Int, nyposin. H. Hantrr's awn: hume, T. 1iller'ie'l'd [nun Kt. in the “in! mm: of Durban. lawythiuzv n .m‘ruu ' _ ununcl this property. I ttot, rix .1.“ h: um». pm: In. wwduhml. bud and no water, Ma Adh i. LAL' lu'upu‘ tLuo In .nx.hz~¢"u 1~:r'._ ,1 “a ' mum! tin-town of Du: mm. M "n rnilwtsy wilt "enumly be mm. to palm“; nun “ha. A Muha- tesrm,bst tl, can. 2, W.U.R., township 4 'b. "it, k. N!) news. at m-r- a Mound. and Inn mm. knuwnu Dayna IMF-unme- Pam; Trid th trl 'i, isiun "Hut L mm l.E.G.B‘.Gluuvlu mama. gum] log buddmgu. :5 mus cleared. Fur turther pinkish. apply to F. MAFJSAI‘E. - Durham. (mum (jug, mm» ”M I m Thu I'! the pawn grystus, Any one is at “but; bo 5,”: up n club on m. 011v ' ",por,iuflit, . Rodi M. th bur-W may be “dang-"I 'ptsnsusiy, and "my Dc Au" M) has once. Pu..- E ,gctlilnqzlgy 'tiv, a! ”we supplied with spectmor 5 Crtyiot and under-10, at tho r"tv "tf. in it 10 Cotrims and under no.» the raw oc......" so no (Luau: and over at t In Lu: 01.”..W1 " D m'hnun GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, Tonox'ro. elupuwut " the ' remuurm-a‘ ot the. li lent "t nut Wild' ,rriclure. an elm ihuuiuiou, revuiv ution to which Mu] all anureH I',',',",")), or injuri w "nu-hm: with "uuturacturing m Lands for Sale. 1iauufaeturer of Cut Saws OILS, VARNISIIE 5 At Cost! of the principal Cunn- views of the most nob s Dmnininu. with curt .2; "ttached to man. and y tr,t Huck pluce,will ulna Durtion Ont. " of this y8 Pet (any Flour, Feed GROCERIEs, Flour, Oatmeal. Cornmeal. Unbolted Flour, Potatoes, HADES, BACON. SALT, 806., Which I will sell at Pnces to suit the timecs for t'tuslt or Farm Product. tet Motto in Small Profits and Quick Ram-nu. - - ...,._ nt'nvuq-r Fall and Their Stock will le found to be Urge, "ahionsbie uni Well Aunt-ted. and " Bottom Prion. TLeir Stock cf BOOTS AND SHOES will also be touud Large sud well “mortal, uni at Prices to suit the Tunes. GatocEEaEs---Etemarkab1y Cheap. Lumber, Shingles & Lath, In large quantities kept constantly 1,000,000 Feet dry Pine Lumber. 500,000 " Hemlock, the Lumber, l“ Widths, qu “tics. Length: and Thickneuel. STACKS ob' SHINGLES AND LATE, VERY CHEAP. . Custom Sawing attended to during the Winter Mouths. Flour, Oatmeal, and Chopp Stuffs. Fall and Winter Fashions. E. & A. DAVIDSON, am the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST Stock of Jldi11inery, Mantles, We are also giving F.xtra Value in MANTLE cu mls', Flute: ('lntha. (‘a-hmom, l elven, l'llin and Fancy Dre-n Umnln, Gloom, Horivry, 'l‘xnmningo, it. All the Shade: in Berlin, Flrccy, and Finguring Wools. Mantle: and than made toordor. Fall& Winter Goods now Complete. Fashionable Stock of Mantles and Ulsters atverylow prices The subscriber begs to inform the public that he hate a Urge Stock of KTUVH." aml TIN ll Att E, which will be Iuhl Tweed Suits, for $8.50 per suit, AGRICULTURAL STOVES AND TINWARE ! Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlzu & Stewart's Improved Gang Ploughs,. (he OFFICE t At Kiel-nan ds nun. Particular attention paid to Eavmstroughiug. Agent for the: Superior Broadewst Sender and Drill. AIM the “Allow-y Sulk)’ Rake-, but. Snli‘y rake in the nonunion. (311 " "I' EPCbl.e Clit-" I OR cr" :\ " Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves Have much plenum in informing the Public that their Stock .he Every Lady wanting a. Mantle should see them. Durham, Nov. 28, 1878. l’l'lilllbl Durham. October lo, 1878, Durham, Feb. 26th, 1878. Durham, April 4, 1878. Suhcnber in agent for the “In of the oehlmhul MOWER manufactured by the _ TORONTO REAPER & Mo" et: U0MrANS. Nf"'u?uu aud Book Account: oollmrted on Runnable term; In I Tp per "IN, VVll WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., Another Lot of those Wonderfully Cheap Mlllinery, and Staple 8c Fancy Dry Goods, INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED by JOHN CAMERON And FANCY DRY (mulls He would particularly call the attention of the ladies to his (hinting and Flu-mung “hauled to it Shortest Sums. BURNETT’S t have on hand I " Winter Goods is now Complete. Agent tor the ule of all kindu of ifiLJlir, Cherry, Basswood * Maple MAN UFACI' u KICKS OF Announces his Stuck of on lmml J L' ST mailman. . & J. MCKECHNIE. IMPLEMEN TS, CROCKERY. well worm! Stock of MCKECHNIE, vtttN'N AS Provision Store, DURHAM. ever otictv' E. e, A. DAVIDSON. J in lll'lUiAM. oi New and Fulniumlple J A3138 BURNETT. '" We JOHN CAMERON. T. A. HARRIS. ra yl "s'"""""'"""-'---, READING MATTER. ' ' c ' The Mg. and lipid], manual; In. “Grey Review" Normmdy. Emmou. Proton. Amman. Job Department, {a new fitted up in the very In! at} V. Mu] PM ml. hams... for dos" dl Hui" lately made m ndAtion On an! can depend upon being "tisfied Mk 1‘ " And with the Gusto-t Prompt nud- nnw P838838. TYPE, Fit MOST APPROVED KIN!” Capray. “cinnamon and othur To“ Bout. Medium tor Advermem Good Family Newspaper “Gr I'd-y I t " \' in "' .‘ the Township. of Glcnolg. Bunk-a Best Style of the Art, “Gm REVIEW“ LOCAL AND FOREIGN Job Work so 00”!!! PM'Ett Pm 61.25 per All-m KS. I‘OSTAG I FRF, F. ships mah- iu-o of the m Mu. ia (unkind wit'r, In the Cell“! of Grey should about. in do tf not paid in alum- type. parties MIN"; MARKET 1'mPoimi, NV6FreTi. OF THE LATEST At'. who in! a done in the very 1ationuth. lawman“ I'leleW' l , tthrtUATr. nf Torr C Ila-h" at m. ('0“. -.oo-toi"mrio On t, . DI‘: In". Dun-nun - G KAIDL ATV '" 1 10.9mm...) PM" ".r.:iodttthol “ME” t unr'fovm. Durham I D humor- u: Chau- vrmdng it 'er. foul-u tit , u I.- ,url rvett Thu” VETERINARY int i'nmnu Hun r Icrnnn lb-.. plan I ., _ t'.ritrer . . amp. MA huh. Mid all hull of h h. of (fur. "m. «In: M an a... Admonh. - by wrimumtruvumu u in“ ulkil foruddest,t Itorter can “Ohm-18mm (no Minn-x fer 'e"" _ u "... “are “in" “in" d 'tRAY li"E"ir, d, -e. tir " In: “Yer ml ' ' Al TEtttni:--tt.oo per =6t.Net hound wit " "tlife,?,'"?':',: And 'bututorm u: L'uun-w-I any At $51.50!. oem/te NI " Irs" very 'EI " M FAIR PRICE l Luv“ good "Mig mm mull tort a! an no“ “THE B xgthing LIKE l - run Mem 010.com] l" non aGr.Goo " but le, - Juno. an and I". order. norurintt don no” and d, BUSINESS DI? m1 all Home Itp,ct Jud under. P' Paginrhe- or su lm. . J ion-Oun- .ln. per v: unm- PROF" " "M my - ugh Linn '"r" o In Tun hum-up o I“! I. - Any Person English Cnpiul Jar TV WIT Mo on“. Expat _.ny other l Josm'il r. 'touul “an - u Mun" "tlt I). )TTO mr '[u. he " tgct'hOtt'..N l I MtRt.qTTtlts. tiotiri; IE. It. MAC!“ manna. Am INVENTMEST m)! BOOTS AN MISCELLA' RATES or' At" Mt vvthhn manual“ ASH H J " Frost IL Fl MEDIC N. JAM” I)". HIE! " "In" GORDO‘ Ll lutrot. I Moil.MI " Viet ll

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