West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 Mar 1879, p. 4

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F4 ral 1 1 «it 4 ‘4 the debriss. The limbs and head were missing, but they.woere subsequently found in another place, This is an impressive «aafoimg agnioat ren‘t‘*g is bed. wl hours afterward the binckened and swisted trunk af a human beiog waséshed on! from the room, she placed an oilâ€"lamp on a stand neer the head of the bed. â€" It is supâ€" ‘posed she read until she fell asleop,leaving the lamp burning, subsequently upsetting it and setting fire to the bedâ€"clothes. The fire spread so rapidly that the building was in a fow minutes enveloped, rendering esâ€" eape from Miss Burdett‘s room on the upâ€" per floor impossible. Several desperate atâ€" tompts were made to rescue the poor girl, but all failed. Just before the roof fell in a piercing ory was heard, and a white figure was seen standing at the window of the room occupied by the unfortunate girl, but only for a moment, as the roof almost imâ€" mediately came down with a crash. A fow | i,ng a serial romance in which she had beâ€" come interested. There being no grs in Miss Mollic yurdel, of Haysville, Pa., last Â¥riday night. It appears that she retired earlier than usual,for the purpose of finishâ€" An impressive warning against the habit of reading in bed is afforded by the fate of For selling liquor on contract 15 C.P.R. a man hesl cen sent to prison tor six months in default of n $200 fine. "Indeed, then you should go there." "I know, but I haven‘t done s> but why shouldn‘t I kiss it by proxy * You have been there and kissed it, why should I not take the influenco of the Blarney from your lips"â€"and the smart Aleck stepped forward to proxify the young lady. But she drew back, and looking him squarely in the face, said, "I beg your pardon, my dear My. Bâ€"â€", but I sat tpon the Blarney pyoue. "C Like 2 than with a gréat sorrow, 1â€"â€"sank down in a heay, and hawm‘t said "Ireland" since, and the very word "Dlarpey" makes him delitious.â€"Cincinâ€" nati Times. 3 "Ab, in Ireland ? â€" And\ did you see the Blarney stone 2" "Yes, I was there." "Oh, I shoul so delight to see it. Ithas always been a dosire of mino to kiss that stone, but Lhava never bad an opportunâ€" and on the ; offen too on the, boards vfim&‘m If there is & small erack or crevice, the skippers commence to work info the cheere; and when cheese are what is termed loose or porous, they work into it rapidly, and if not arreated will work into the centre and through the cheose, spoiling it. They require air, and this fact is taken advantage of by the dairyman, in covering the surface of the cleese with a greased paper, plastering it down securely sm the cheese, or on the hole where thoy Some time since one ot the brightest and wittiest of Cincinnati‘s girls went abroad aud when she returned home about the first person to congratalate her upon her tafe return was Bâ€"â€", a young blood of o ty, whose dollurs exeoed his sense in the ratio of about a million to one. *Ye«," she angqwered "wery pionsant, inâ€" deed, I was all over the Continent, and through England, Seotland and Ireland." the cheese fiy. The cheese fAy is a very sraall insect, one of the smallest of the fly family. The Ay is most troublesome in hot 6;\6, of the cheese, and under any little scale, often directly on the top of the cheese "Aw, Miss YÂ¥â€"â€"," he said, "permit me te greet you, I know you have had a very pleasant trip abroad." are working. This brings them to the surface, when they nmay be removed. One of the objects of rubbing cheese smartly every day is to rub off or destroy the eggs of the fiy. The tables in warm weather should also be washed off with hot whey, or with soap and water and lye in order to remove grease, so that the fly will not lay eggs on the boards. 3 Correct answers received from Susan Jane Cameron, Colin C. McFayden, and Hogh MeCormick, jr, Axswer to Agitanericat QuBstion :â€" 8 bushels of whent, 15 bushels of pease, 2 bushels oats. H. McCorstrcx, Bunessan. I nug.composed of fourteen letters, and if correctly put together will form the name of a prominent lady in Ontario. My first is in pane but not in glass, My second.is in paper but not in cloth, My third is in ink but not in, water, My fourth is in Aunie but not in Sally, My fifth is in cape but not in lake, My sixth is in fixe but not in six,. . My seventle is in sugarâ€"but not in tea, My eighth is in princess but not in prince, My ninth is in lilly but not in daisy, My tenth is in four but not in five, My eleventh is in minutebut not in second, My $welfth isin Lizzie but not in Mary, My thirteenth is in some but not in none, My fourteenth is in hat but not in bonnet, Scronar. TT esmat bou! i am composed of nitgedeti@e/ ind i} put Skippers are hatched from the eggs of together correctly, Lwill giyg she M of a very prominent manÂ¥t Ontario. My first is in long but not im short, My second is in broad but not in wide, My third is in bright but not in dull, My fourth is in land but not in water, . My fifth is in Lord butâ€"not in Count, My sixth is in stone but not in stick, My seventh is in river but not in lake, My cighth is in Prince but not in Dake, My ninth is in five but not in six, Durham, March 20th, 1879. Answers to Riddels. Il‘&: Al‘!o. 1. Riddle Né, *45e4" Riddle No. 3. LavRa McKesxcm It lays its puts oneâ€"foot befcro the othor < and Jacesel whiire* sougn! e Lvely zato required to atcomplish a mile with the feet. No °fi"ff o{ }hf My_i: rogui:,i,,fqr their No effort of the body is required_for . their use, 8s i8 |ékafes, _ The m%:lnpxy body is in constant motion. For instance, says he, the traveller starts, and» whileShe raises one foot to step, he contimues rapidly onward until that foot is set d oibér aised to make another ‘step. ;:;: gives hiin more morinentum, and ho Mr. Hobbs explained the mystery of the rapid movement in this manher :â€"A raan whose strido is thirty two inchos will traâ€" verse forty eight inches, or onehalf fqrther with the pedomotor. This is because the tremitics in the usual manner. Unlike !ro“r:r skates, the wheels of, theso little ’ veéhicles are unot under, buts placed onâ€" euch side of the foot, thkus giving the wearer a }good stauding as well as a solil footing. . The rear wheels aro threo inches in diâ€" Eametor, while those in front are but two {aud a half inches. â€" This gives the foot & alight incline, and when in motion has { much to do in impelling the pedestrian forward. Extending from the toe, with a ’slight curl toward the ground, is a piece of casting termed the pusher, which is simply . used in mountmg an elevation or stecp in aline. From the dontro of the heel a small brass wheel extends backward, serving as a guide as well as 2 brake, The wholo scarcely turns the seale at a pound weight. In using them no more effort is roqnirod' than in ordinary walking. The wearer stops with his regular stride and is amazed | to find himself skimming over the ground so rapidly with so little museular ofl'ort.' A New Mops oz Locostotrox.â€"The newspaper carrier who serves papers to the artonduants in the Permanent Exhibition Building, Philadelphia, goos his rounds at the rate of 12 mileos an hour. He travels on machines not unlike roller skates,which are called pedomotors, rccording to the inventor, Mr. J. H. Hobb, an architeet on Walnutâ€"street, above Fifth. The day is not far distant, preodicts the Philadelphia Record, when the whole city will be on wheels, when pedestrians will be skimâ€" ming turough the streets at the rate of 10 miles an hour, without more effort than is now put forth in perambulating balf that distance. The pedomoter consists of four tough, light, wooden wheels, supplied with amsouter rint of tough India rubber, These wheels are sccured to a frame the shape of: the foot, which is strapped to the pedal exâ€" | The SWiss:ftate Comncilâ€"finsâ€"#asolved to restore capital punishment in Switzerâ€" land. us 7. Nee in one of his fields long before the other labourers were astir. Engquiring the name of this exeraplary female, ho presented her with a thaler, and whon later in the day his stewar.l appoeared, mextioned the subâ€" joct to him. The steward who did not recognize the name, asked one or two questions, and the» said, **That‘s Marie Bauer, the cleverest field thie‘ in this part lol: the.country. Your excellency may rest assured that she cotrived to bundle off a ’ handsome amount of your fine clover alorg ’with the thalor. Sho makes hay when the sun does‘nt shine." _ Tas Mirk oz r8s Cow Tmvs.â€"â€"Alexander Humboldt remerks that among the many t very wonderful natural phenomena which he had durigg his . extensive Aravéls wit nessed none impressed him.in a more reâ€" markable degree than the sight of a tree yielding an abundant supply of milk, the properties of which seemed to be the same as €te.milk of a cow. The adult Indians would go eaclt mogning with their slaves from the village or ‘Station on the slope" the mountain chain bordering on Venezuela, where Humboldt was stopping, to a forest where they grew, and, making some decp incisions into the trees, in less than two hours their vessels,, placed under these in cisions, would be full. All present would then partake of the milk," on which the slaves grew fat, and a quantity would be carried home to be given to the children and to be mixed with cassava and maize. The tree itself attains a height of from 45 to 60 feet, has long alternate leaves, and was described by Linden as Brosimum galactodendron. The milk which flows from any wound made in the trunk is white and somewhat viscid ; the flavour is very agreeable. Some time ago, on the occasion of M. Roussingault going to South America, ‘ Humboldt requested him to take every opâ€" portunity of investigating this subject. At Maracay the tree was first met with, and for more than a month its excellent qualities were daily tested in connection with coffee ‘ and chocolate; but: there was no opporâ€" ; titnity for a chemical analysis. Nor does such appear to have occurred till the other day, when, amid the many curious things exbibited by the Venezuelan Gov’gmment at the Parig Exhibition there Iimppened to be several flasks of this milk, and atter a long period M. Boussingauit has been ,enable«l to complete his analysis of this lsuLst;;ucv, which is unique in the vegetable world. In a memoir laid before the Acadâ€" emy of Franca he gives a detailed analysis, and concludes by stating that this vegetable milk most certainly approaches in its comâ€" position to the milk of the,cow ; it contain not only fatty matter, but also stgar, caseine and phosphates. But the relative proâ€" portion ef these subsfances is greatly in favour of the vegetable milk, and brings it up to the riechness of cream, the amount of butter in cream being about the same proâ€" portion as the peculiar waxy material found in the vegetable milk, a fract that will readily necount for.its great nutritive pawers. in the Austrian Tyrol. At Cleiberg ten houses were crushed by one of these. young womian busy with her reaping hook Duncan McRae, M.P.P., for North Victoria, died on the 12th inst., of inflamâ€" mation of the:â€"lungs, after an illness of nine days. A German paper says that a few months ago a very eminent German mairshal, who keeps erceedingly early hours, found a ches have:â€"rece your & Co aeiH hus ederccw © dn lc PB D e PR RTRRNITE will be given. Forfurther particuldirs apply MacRae, Durham, or to E. WILLIAMS on the prem PALLLNL BLC1 18 zaus & VILLAGE OF PBICEVILLE, consisting of three mores of excellent land, nnder cultivation, on which is erscted a amall cottage and a frame stable. This property wovld make a nice homestead fo: .gmhune or any one wishâ€" ing to retiro from _ ing and live in a village. Will be sold for 2300, which is only 225 per quarter acre lot. Apply to the propristor, or by lu’lur to 4. p: r i m‘q'l‘\? of the country offers TNHE Subscriber .wishing to Jeave this I‘ '.:.m of the country oflu:mudom pmpor‘. Inliainh at * ol YOMOWAT‘S House and Three Acres of Land Fg; Sale. A GREAT BARGAIN. TBESWATER Depart 7:20 a, m., 12:20 p.m. Arrive | 420 l-. m., 10;00 p. mn. For time at intormndiate stationssce Time Tables EDMUND WRAGGE. Goneral Manager, On and niter MHONDAY. ith November 187 8, trains w ill ran as followat~ TORONTO (UXION STATIONX.) Depart, 830 a. im 1243 p. m., 50 p. m Arrive, 10:05 a, May, 310 p. m, Y45 p. m, ofaygayitls. South, [Depart 72) J, th., 12:10‘8. m., 5:25 p. m. Arrive 193 8. m., 435 p. ii., 800 p. m« North, Depart, 12:05 &. m.,, 5:05 p m. Arrive, :50 a. m., 505 p. m. Woest, Depart 12:20n.m., §50p,. i. Arelve | 135 a.m., 4:50 p. n. HA R D WA REâ€"ST ORE, Glencle, Sopt . 19, 187 a weekin your own town â€" #3.Outit frd9, Novisk. Hondor ifvou tnata SÂ¥ business at which persons of elthir a sox. can make‘great pay all s he time they work, write : for pntticalars vo H.Marcrir & MCCS PCE mIT Co. Portiand, Mai Lance Tooth Cross Cut . Saws f Cheap for Cash. .. SICATES,â€" SKATEâ€" STRAPS, SLEIGH BELLS, BOYS SLEIGHS, the Odd Feliows‘ Mall, Visiting brothren welcome J.W, Boulden, N. 6. W. B, Vollet, Sec. Night of moeting, Thursday on or before ull moon in each month. â€" T. Carson. See. AXES, ~AXES, AXES! A First Class Are iorlh Oi, for 80¢. Farmers should opportunity to buy a Cheap Axe.c B‘Il"r‘& of (Stock ost Price. Night of meeting, Tuesday on or before full moon of each month, Visiting brothren welcome. A. Vollot, W. M. H. W. M klor, Socretwry. Pricevile, Aug. 16 1877 Town Hall â€"oper svory Frikay evening from 7 to 9 o‘clock. Shwres 81, munual foo 50 cont3, Alexamâ€" der Robertson, Librarian. Ofllice howrs fro:a § a. m.to 7 p. in Keonzic, Postmaster. hy TE ifiX ‘ k | possible testimony to the efficiency and fidelâ€" A P“F“‘ TERTAN.CHUROM» t | Fty to public interests with which it has been conâ€" Divino Service every Shbbath at 11 a. m. and 6:30 | d.mmf‘. As in the past, so in the future, shall the p. tm. Sebbuth School at 2:30 p. i. Prayer inceting ) oxpnest efforts of its conductors be put forth in faâ€" every Wednesday ovening at 7:30, Bible Class every Thursday evening at 7:30, . Rev, Wm. Park, pastor. Thomas Landor, Reglstrar; John A. Munro, Deâ€" putyâ€"Registrar, | Office hours from 10 a. m, to 4 pm, day after Guelph, Berlinâ€"First Tharsday in each month Bramptonâ€"Eirst Thursday in each month. Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month. Fergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Forest. Rosemontâ€"Fifteonth of February, April, June, August, October and December. Primroseâ€"Wednesday _ preceding â€" the Orangevillo Fair. # Orangovilleâ€"The 2nd Thursday in cach month. y Flosherconâ€"Mondsy before Ofangeville, Duandalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangeville. Shelburneâ€"Wednesday before Orangeville. Marsvilleâ€"Second Wednesdéay in each Sabbath services at 11 a. ta. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2 p. m. Rov. H. B. Wray, B. A., pastor Church Wardens, H. J. Middnugh and Elias Edge, xr it BAPTIST .CLURCH. TWV. @rant, ~pastor, ~ Samday ~Sorvicesâ€"proachâ€" ing at 11 a. m.; Sabbath School at 9:30 p. m.: Preaching at 7 p. m. Week evening Services Monday evening, young pooples‘ ‘u ayer mocting at 8 p. m. ; Wednesday evening, Bible c{xm!n abt4 p. in & K m. ; Wednesday evening, Biblo ciass w Thutsday evening rogulat prayer moeting Horse Nails, Blaeksmith‘s Supplies, at bottom prices. PATNTS, OLILS, VARNISHES L.3 \ _ GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, &e, &c. gurhnmâ€"’lmtil'ucgcy"in 'g'c;l‘:ou(h; Pricevilleâ€", ay. befome, I k II:movcr-â€";\lumlny’l»:foro Jurham. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in cach month. Guelphâ€"First We Inesday in each month. Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fair, Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph. 8 wbbatir Sehool ut 2003 § ibbatir Sehool ut 200p. an. . Prayor meofing ovory Thursday 5&»;.('*_“,} u'rlwl;;, mul‘gm»lc (’lhu-.‘a oi Auctcan 9 30 Apidranin Lo rrcns : tb Giciti rews :R:yâ€""hl-:m‘:;;:nmfls mt8 o‘clock. Prstor Rov R. Godfrcy. iii:fi:-f:'rh'é'}l';,-}"be{.r"’ rg Guelph.! _ ; Douglasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair,« Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstal _l‘ahme Grounds,â€" the DURHAM DIRECTORY Sleigh. Shoe Steel, Spring Steel, month. Walkertonâ€"The last. Wednesday. in month. * Mildmay â€" Last _ Wednssiay _ of Toronto, Oct § TEPHEN LODGE No. 169 L 0. 0. T. ).qgh& of mooting every Hundu.f «t 730 o‘clock, in he Odd Feliows‘ Mall. Visiting brothreon welcome. C. METHODIST CHURCH, Services every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. id 6:30 p.m 10RONTO c RAMGLWAY [3 ___ _ _ 3 ____ _ MHSBEIN their own Inenlitics, iculars and nmal:s worth @5 free. Impra~s Wut a bmainers. Addrors Bemraey . Portignd Sthige . CHAWUGE OF TIME." DURKHAM LODGF No. 306 OF Darham, Jan. 18 MOXNTHLY CATILE IAIRS month Depart Arrive epart l}\')n!i\-a Depart, Arrive, Depart Arr}ve At Cost, for Sale in (Glenelg. *#3 CYIVT SF T 4s PRESBYTERTAN ~CHUROH ATECHANICS‘ INSTITUTF DURKAM L. 0.4.. No.632 8. C DHLNITXY ©WEN sOUND, T45 a. m., 12%% p. m $:50 p.im., 9:53 p. m. 25th, 1378 , 1878 sglPD .: ro mot POSP OFPICH business votr car en GISTRY OFPICT U JOS. F.â€"MOWAT, for S.-nl‘cfi No 1 CR hip nb 1 aboutfonerutcloar 15 T( "NBIIL MCXXN fir'irc\'ilh t. 0 ANXD BRUCE LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. F. & A. M Arch. Mc t ut 8p.m gr.97, *| CC Cultivation, with a 11 finishe thal. | . with a large, woll finishe _ | house, amd all buildings thercon, and â€" At Cost, each each hy A hratâ€"cinstâ€"fnrmg, 16¢ 14, con. 2, W.05.4., township butldings, Keot n e Bogald Heips riaue‘® 1 arm . n as *Fa j & and th.cu;"‘ divhha;v‘_lm l.cs-n.l‘t.w.l..fl% acres, good build ings cleared. Tuntocrpcticiehs apply to ‘F. MicKkAs, n e ap t A firstâ€"claskâ€"farmg; 16 of Bentinck, 100 aer O eB LC OO Em SITT WBP PERIIH ©CO lot, opg\osiwd .H. Hunter®sstore house, west nflhn fraxn St, in the.said town of Durham. Evercthins Nowae, Sibles, woodahed; hard md soft Wwate;, «c. Now is the proper time to purchase pert nrmmd}h,clt,pwn of Durham. as ml;mmflév.? '-‘(‘\‘% meapreg "op _3 _3 22082 £20rc00, andâ€"a young erchard. â€" Hard and soft water.. This property is adjoiniug the corporation of the town of Durkam, and known as the Charles Limen E:tate, A wellâ€"finishod frame house and out hnndi:r and lot, opposite J. H. Hunter‘s store house, west of Gara FMUNY MWP Areate vaven ds scA d . fles getting up clubs will be supplied with spectusen W\'t'm of 5\5 papoer gratis. * emittrnces may be sent by Postâ€"office order, bill‘:k draft, registored letters, or by express, at our risk 14 iss 2\20 5 Copies and undor 10, at the rate of......$1 90 10 Copies and under 20, nt the rate of.........1 $0 20 Copies and over at the rato of...............1 75 Any one is atliberty to get up a club on his own responsibility. â€" Each club paper may bo sddresged sopurately, and may be for any Post Office, Parâ€" ties getting up clubs will be supplied with spectusen ud e BP2 Ed | \\' ITH the close of its present volume. | Tu® Towoxto Gronz completes the thirtyâ€" | fifth year of its publication; and its ccnduetors fecl | that they can look back with satisfaction and just | sri"v on the part it bas taken, ind the boneficial inâ€" uence it has exercisod, in all the prominent poliâ€" lt.iml movements and contests for good governâ€" ! mment, since the day of its establishment, The unâ€" equalled and unswerving sxpport it has thxmlrh- out received among all clissos of $hpâ€"Canndian | publi®, is at onee the best reward, and the highost | your of whatever tends to secure fl\st and cconoâ€" | mical government, the material prosperity of the ninsses, and the promotion throughout the land of religion, good morals, education, temperance, and soeial happiness, + â€" Meartily convineed thrt Canada could hold no positiqn higher of bettes;"Or more conducive to material progress, than that she now enjoys At the foremost sâ€"l{â€"governed Province of the British Timpire, the conductors of Ti®: GLomz will continue zoalously to sustrin whatever tends to the perpeâ€" tration of the happy existing relation, The annyal subscription to Tu: Wrrkuy (f'b“ will romuin as harotofore, onl;' TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, sent “‘*nlnuo " to all parts of Canada and the United States, payable invariably in advance. The CLUB RATES FOR 1879. WILL BE AS FOLLOW$;)â€" _ in s e UR PCUT by able rnd experienced '\n&”fi‘.j The sketches of Nataral Sconery, views of the prizcipal Canaâ€" dian citios and towns, and: view:of the most notâ€" «bje public bmildings of the Domtion, with copiâ€" ofs letterâ€"pross dn-m‘riptiuus attached to cach, and #kotches n} the early histary of each place, will also bo continued by firstâ€"class artists, Ecelesinstical lnla“':’encr. Nclence Notes, nnd Rdwentional Adairs will continue proâ€" minent fortures in each number, . o '}'i[{{'Afi;\;i-;;'l-.m(':.".-;'-;mm" uts«, of cvery variety of !\l‘hjncts, wb_i th ha_n'o- proved so valuable and lfiu\r}uéhi(ti» erowds of 'iu.:lz;.“;i'll';..:;'].v; up with incronsed vigour, T oi n e o m o im RF( cim Zable Despatehes irom the L.ondonOffice o T: Guon:: wil continne to be toccived when incidents of im&mrt.nuco to Canadi transpire in any part of the British Isles. Ti Grows Spotial Railway"Train will continue to lonve Poronto for Hamilton, and Western conâ€" noctions mt that point, at hallâ€"past four each morning. mording, The xlnwmua Biographies of prominent Pub lic Men that have given such general public ratis faction will be continued during the comittg year by ablo n‘ml experionced â€"u‘ny:?g. ‘The sketches bee PM S34G0e0% : 42200 4. i it td / Lho ah Nuws from all parts of the world, up to the Intest moment of publication Purliimentary D > bates, Fodersl aud Provincialâ€"Markets and Fiâ€" nancial I%flr‘mns at horne and nbromdâ€"and Lotters v,!'Nxmow Correspondents from all points of inter ost â€"will be gathored with a1! the eare and enorgy that has kept BMR Giomm for so long & sories df yoears in the front rauk of Canadian journala,. ~| tioment of our Wald Lands, A;:nculmrx. as the chiof indistrial interest of the Dominion, reccives that constantand anxious attention to which its vast importance entitles it ; and all moasures for the mdyan '?finn Of its prn-uarlty or injuriously: affecting progress wili bo watchea with care and fully diseussed. To the manufactruring wfi mechanical interosts much space will continue to be devoted, and nothing of finportance aftecting them will be allowed to pask unbeeded. Tms Guon: will continuo to give spocial attenâ€" tion to the deeply important subjects of European (mmigration, Railway and Canal improvement, the Dovelopment of the vast MincralTimber and Fishâ€" ory resources of the Dominion, and the speedy Setâ€" tlement of our Wild Lands. ROBERT â€" McFARLANE, Dadin. s dn all oo miSnis aldine |OP and tho Industrial clyssos, ’l:’m Ghom: Will conâ€" tinue to wdvocate enorg@tically the mbolition of Custoinâ€"dutios on raw muteriols, and the maintenâ€" ance of n revenuo. tarifl pressing lluh!l? or not at all in the necessaries of lifo, but heavily on artiâ€" clos of Inyury. It will continue to oppose the imposition of Customâ€"dutics framed specially to punish l"nr(‘igi:\ Countries for actual or imaginary hostility in thcir cominercial policy; or specially to exclude British and foreign manufacturers from the country, or specially to keep cersuin brunches of industry in existence thit cannot be sustained without forsed contributions from the earnings of the rost of the communitv, \Z good finish, and at prices us low as any other establishment in the county. Throughly belicving that the best policy for Canada is that which shall promote increased trafâ€" fie with forcign countmies, and that sySter; of u48â€" fic with forcign countries, and that system; 1 i4 ation the bout which fails most lushthy on iWHvikery OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL, good finish, and at prices us low as any other Orders and remittances to be sddrossed to the GLOBE PRINTING CoMraxy, TORONTO. DUIRLILA. M Carriage â€"Works. Carriages, Buggies, Demoâ€" crat: Wagons, etc.,. Those in need of Such Articles would do well to Call and Inspect My Stock. The Subscriber is also Agent for All Kinds ef 1879 The Weekly Globe. 1879 Lower Town, DURHAM. y8 Durham. ACRES of Land in a High $ Cultivation, with a Inrgo. wall finish Lands for Sale. #V OMEA PARM IMPLEMENTS. ROBERT MeFARLANE, $ Inuskacs C C PR of Durham, as the railway dn Hreadustd enc 2 Manufreturer of all take advantage of this will be . cleared out at At Cost! Per Copy Stato of The Subcriber t pih ailoal S acadia d 1st O 00 t ALSO Note and Rook Accounts® collected â€" on reasonable terme. OFEICE ; At Kierman & Huchaon‘s Siacs t .200 AGRICULTURAL | . . IMPLEMENTS, Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlay & Stewart‘t Improved Gang Ploughs,. &¢ yalg ~>~. capmapn es m y STOVES AND TINWARE! The subscriber begs 19 inform the public that he has a large St of STOYES and TIN 18 0 7E ‘\\J:\'RE. which will be sold mk\ Cagh for Sheepskins and Hi Agent for the Superior Broadeast Seeder and Drill. Flour, Feed Fashionable Stock of Mantles and Ulsters at very low prices f Another Lot of th:.\ Wonderfully Cheap. Tweed Suits, for \$8.50 per suit, Particular attention paid to l-hvelt:qthng, Fall & Winter Goodsnow Gomplete GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Flour, N., G. & J. McKECRNIE, HAMS, BACON, SALT, &o., Which I will sell at Prices to suit the timees for Cash or Farm Produce, Small Profits and Quick Retarns. Fall and Winter Goods is now Complete: Fall and Winter Fashions. Their Stock E. & A. DAVIDSON; Ofter the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST Stock of Millinery, Mantles, We are also giving Extra Value in MANXTLE CLOTHS, Ulster Cloths, Cashmeres, \ elvets, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Gloves, Mosiery, Trunmings, &e. All the Shades in Berlin, Fleecy, and Fingering Wools. Mantles and Uleters made to Order. GROCERILESâ€"â€"â€"Remarkably Cheap. In large quantities kept sonstantly on hanid., Flour, Oatmeal, and Chopp Stuffs. 1,000,000 Feet dry Pine Lumber. 500,000 â€"" _ Hemlock, Che Lumber, all Widths, Quilities, Lengths and Thicknesses, STACKS OF SHINGLES AXD LATH, VERY CHEAP. Custom Sawing atterded to during the Winter Months. MANUFACTURERS OF Everyâ€" Lady wanting a Mantle should see Durham, Have much pleasure in informing the Public that their Stock of New and Fashionable HEAP FOR CASH OR\ ER;:AFE!: 4 & Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves.\ Durham, Feb, 26th, 1878 Durham, October 10, 1§78. Ducham, Nov. 28, 1879. r Stock will Le found to be Large, Fashionable and Well Assorted, and at Bottom Prices. ThoirStock «(â€"BOOTS AND SHOES will also be found Large and well DURH A M Lumber, Shingles & Lath, In â€"â€" BURNETT‘S _ Upper Town, April 4, 1878, INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INYITED by JOHN CAMERON is agent for the sale nf the dclsbrated MOWER m TORONTO REAPER & KOWEK OOoMPAN x * 1144 i He would particularly call the attention of the Ladies to his And FANCY DRY GOODS ever offered in DURHAM. Gristing and Choppmg attonded to at Shorteat Notice, _JOHNSFPON, Ju, m(uthnkd’d]liud-o{ f N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. assorted, and at Prices to suit the Times. Eit ns en URA E L uw Cornmeal, Unbolted Flour, tast Secder and Drill. _ Also the Gailoway Sulky Rakeâ€"the best Sulky rake in the Dominion, , and.Staple & Fancy Dry Goods;:, Hemlock, Cherry, Basswood & Maple Announces his Stock of JUST RECEIVRD **~â€"=<â€"SUOH ABbâ€"â€"â€".â€". well assorred Stock of dclsbrated MOWER manufactured by the MOWEK OuMrary., _‘ 1+ eepememeeeetie2 0000 000 + s !T'-;’Tr: * Provisionâ€" Store, 1UCURIILANM. ‘s Store, Lower Taewn E. & A. DAVIDSON. JOHX CAMEROXN. T. A, HARRIS. y NMOST APPROVED KINDS and containg.s vast ASMROLUzG of intomnew can depend upon being satisfied hy sqavir g And with the Greatost Promptitad s The Lrge and mpidly incream in whe Tewthips of Glenelg; p"o Normandy, EQemont, Proten, Artemesi Osprey, Melsathon and other Town \ _ abips make it ong of pas Havieg lately s3amie an addstion to our Dossesses great Faailitiea {or doing all Is now fitted up in the very best style, ;=. Good Family Newspaperâ€" eGirey, Review,"~ Best Style of the Job LOGAL AND FPOREIGa ts rPONTAGE FREE Price $1.25 per The office is furnished with * 88 CoOLUMX G . MATTER, should subseribe for the If: not paid in advance. In the County of Grey.,. PRESSES, type, partics wishing OoP THE LATEsTP WOR . MARKET RBr?oprys done in the very AK wheo want a lation of the AND BDITONMAL; al ww O ___ NAILS, HING Man SHINXGLES, LATH AXl BRockville Mills, __.‘lnrlx Feb. 14.1808 ~*~~pPLE. LGHTBO w"-l, be ant his Office, 1 Custom Sawing of L With the Cireuiay Sow NO ARMISTTI Inteading pur Carpe Bar Iron, War, War Has just a The Sub ham and si on hand a wam. to Noon, A Durham, Apr ‘-M moon.. M aiP ds atsons sc 2 to No fines. Expenses 1 any other C(\mp For turthor information apply to J08EPH F. Moway Or to Losns made at 6 por eont and uy privileges grante English & S Any Person Wa INYESTMEXT Com; AND SHINGLI Should borrow from Sh \gent, Durhar NOoRMAX af B s sae spgmeetsor *A NY

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