West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Apr 1879, p. 2

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an 5?? " lil 96 hw in Regard to Newspa- W 1t2titéttrg,t l horatbo ,teri'h?itti2!di Maggot: mm- Ct93_ " _ Bong- m or not. in]. "iiriiiia __"--- Giai, aiairirdiiritik - aa 'a"gih"iES?t,1k'iiieiyr2 “can for the Grey Review. Cut-Illa... 0‘ e. ”In,“ ills-ch, ”In”... bro-on. ‘rha-ihunwsumm an ”awnings”. 0&9.- THE REVIEW 'trf.t'.'tttetl'l', Mr.ootmuodhemmrt " 'E'iiii7iii'i'aEEf't', cud-It: 'yMirrdttrerret 'll'h'hu'tLff11tlll',Mi 'pfreeEBi"-t-t""m"tom"* --TU electric light iv, being perfected ( little by lime and ne1aptot '0: generd pun-J pot“. An an", of iridium and 11101de- onnm hats been substituted for “than, so that an 11itheutties now are. a convenient ”than! of saturating eieeteieiU,and a suit. Iblo globe or shade. Mr. Edison emulates that the no“ of this light will not bo one truth that of gas. _ tuGNohe we learn that w populnr MI the South Remington School of Cock. cry boon that during last your there when $t,10t) pupihin “nuance, paying less vary. in; hum on milling $0 twenty pounds _ wording to the mm ' The ' all. in hula! the "taHiabamrnt of such schools through)“ the Province. on tho ground that the Scion” of Cooking. or the prop" node of preparing food is very link lnnwn. and no important is this knowledge that in many instances it lie: at an foundation of personal health. doma- tie mrmrort um] busineu success. ~Froln our exchangu w. learn that a very Inigo "nigration will take place in a [air rocks from “rim pub of the prov- ince to the North West. A colony of one hundred Emilio! in about to have the neighborhood of London. Another islonv- in: my», and many young men from aileron and»: ot tho Province are about " pub their forming in the am: direction. Th. "d-iott of trade, which the pro- i malgntion of tho Ntiiond Policy has not yet "lined, u n chit! cause in bringing on this nodal of our popniniion. Irom rvrr grout good is done by the filling up of the North West Territories by an intelli- gmt and industrious cl»: of lowers. The member for South Grey has raised " voiee in Advocacy of economy in the swank“: of public strains. On Mon. ohi'ev‘ening he moved toe I return which would show the mules of Ministers and PW'CpIneillon. end ihe amount of in- demnity paid to members of the House of Commons with tho uric-e increase of the some from the you 1341 down to 1878 in. elusive. This of coum is to be understood a: a preliminary stop to a motion for cut- l ting down the exorbitant nmonut ofimlem- “it, pai) to members of tho House of commons, and perlmpeglao of the salaries "carved by the ministere of the Crown. The speech with which the Hon. gentle. men uéonpeniod his motion will be found At length in another column as reported in the Globe. We have on pmions oc- casions diseneeed in tho columns of the Bull! the (patio- ot enlarics and in- Durham, April 3, 1879. THE MEMBER FOR SOUTH GREY. densities. The cry lot "onom, is urgent and wall languid. The Ontario Govern- ment In: at I goo-l example In lessening Ibo can of [adulation by eattiag down tho duh- ot ministers Ind no indemnity At to members of the Home of A sembly. million. for there does not seem to be any l good much why such a great dispropor- tion monk! elm between “no sums paid1 by Edy of indemnity to tho members of I the» Legiahlum. And we have to com‘ gnlnlato Mr. Jackson on making so im.) portant n motion tho subject of his maiden I tween. tutd tugnartaittg his debut in the Mom In the pronounced advocate of re. I troehartestt in the public service. How- ever it must be observed that tho Member for tgoutlt Grey is an avowed supporter of tho deemment of Sir John A. Mnmlnn- "Hitt be mushughkr. Tho [on at . in in Lucknow. was u. tveog .8,“ and 09.”. Insured to shout In]! the amount. Cum of tire unknown. on Toad-y another tue apathy-d an“ - Lo- aboal 94,0 JO. 'iiii,. pimiplo is just when appliod to the ontario Legislmun, it must be equally so in “(ounce to the Parliament of the Do. tried n ala, on new, Ink. for killing I an “and Wm. Darrin, in August Int, nt Wood. The Jury brought in a fun! Thero is nothing non obvious “an um. and the wonder is thatch)". that the will)" to: South Grey can snyport n Wane!“ whose peculiar forte moms to ho. to punk - for their supra" " the patio crib. However In Mr. Jaehon Ins hogan no In”. let as hope tlaat ho will continue to to do, and, that hewillieoto it, that the principle of wonomy which in WI Applying to an cost of legislation. will ntio be Applied to the working of the National Policy. or- n. Gorémmoul which is ttt the present time “lemming to add largoly to the bur. dens of tho people, not only by increasing tho “Notarie- of lite from 30 to 70 per out. tmt also by this very legislation tar. Iii-Illa. the necessary "no“ for the cm. ployrhmt of a whole army of omcinls who will bo paid ont of the public treasury, and than, still further increase the volume of amnion. In tho npeech with which Mr. Juhon introduced his motion-which, by tho vny. from the tenor ot it would indi- cafo that the hon. gentleman in euting 1011‘ng an towards " bst love-he says am there are "too many ancill- in And and M.- nun who on not needed." Woman, a them labourer mu, "SG, 'UTisiG -ee In: we“. Thu fifth and Last volume of tho comm I of um has been mm on we hide or tul Home of Commons. It is volumiuom and} tmponaut, and tsontains ' we, large!1 amount of interesting m n is not possible for us, in the MIN I” " our disposal, to sin my bug‘bucd to- port of the content: ted In: volume, so {but we must content min- with giving . I birds-eye view of some of the more general. l ly interesting portion: of it. The RmrPtovinees embracediu thinnport i viz z-Ontu'io, Quebec, New Brunswick, Ind Nova South. have u linked Area of 881,534 square mil” of which Ontario eon- hins 101,136 square miles. In 1851 the total population of that: Provinces mount- Ad to ggu'2,019, which increased in 1861 to 8,090,561 and in 1871 to 8,485,76t,-tho ratio 013mm being greatest in Ontario, inning increased from 9.3 to the squue mile in 1801, to 15.9 in 1871. Roma Candies . . . 983,680 ' Presbyterian . . . . 316,543 _ Church of Engiaud . . . 803.987 ' Methodists . . . . 258,157 Imam: . . . . . 100,719 These are the number of their respective ‘yeommissioners for IMI. However m 1ts7t the numbers are as follows _ Roman Catholics . . . 1,492,033 Melllodisls . . . . M7,001 Prrmbyteritttts . . . . 545,006 Church of England . . . 494.744 Baptists . . . . . 289,342 The Roman Cllholics are the most Immer- can in Quebec, and the least no in New Brunswick. In Ontario, tho Methodists number 285 to every tnonsaud of the popu- _ lation, the Preoyteriatvs 220, the Church of England MM, tho Roman Catholics 169, l and the Baptists M. The great proportion , of the population belong to ttuso denomina- , tiom. According to the mums of 1871, ' 22,670 are returned as not professing any z religious belief, 7,315 as Quaker-8,531 " . Mormowr,and 1,886 as Pagans. Tho largest religious iUuomimrtions A: to utttiomditier, for every thousand of the population, 202 were of English origin, 810 of bututlt, 242 of Irish and 167 of Saulcli. And as to the place of birth, the population in becoming increasingly Canadian, for, while in 1851. for every momma " the population, only 579 were born in Canada, In 1871 the number rose to 727 tor every momma. In 1851 there were 99,906 occupant. of l him] in Ontario, and in 1871 172,258. In 1851 the land occupied amounted to 9,828,655 acres. and in 1871 to 16,161,766 acres. In 1851 tor every thousand acres of land improved in Ontario the field products were 3,422 bushels of wheat. 108 of barley, 3,075 of oats, 1,842 of potatoes and 886 of [ turnips. Whereas in 1871 the products I were 1,611 of wheat, 1,071 of barley, 2,506 of oats, 1,910 of potatoes, and 2,542 of tarrtipac It would thus appear that agri- eultariets generally tind it more profitable, to give less attention to the cultivation of wheat, and more to that of root cropn, and thereby of the raising of cattle. or the other products of the from we need only mention those of hum-r and :hcese. In 1861 the entire quantity of butter made in the four Provinces mnounted to 32,386,397 "m, of which Ontario contributed one half, and of cheese 3,628,033 lbs of which 2,212,580 tbs wore made in Ontario. However in 1871 the production of butter amounted to 74,- 190,584 lbs, and of cheese 4,984,848 lbs, of which Ontario supplied 37,623,643 lbs. of butter and 8,432,797 lbs. of cheese. It appears from this return that the average duration of life is shorteriu Ontario than in either of the other Provinces. At the age of 10 years Ontario stands the; highest, but the durationof life rapidly decreases com pnrntii'oly. as use advances, ID that favor persons attain the age of 86 in this Pro- vinee, than in either of tho others Oi cen- tounnrizms We do not masons BUT. The l report states that 82 persons were returned " luring reached the age of 100 yumbut of those only niue,-Airo man, and four my 'utut,--wer't found to be correctly roparted. The extreme can” of old In as "ritied by tho department, were. one male and one ( female. who had attained the great up of I 118 and IN years, respectively. Both ware I of French extraction and resided in the l Province of Quebec. tulrrxrtisement. Tum: are some cases of measles in Bentimk at prosciut. Waugh we understand they are not of A very dangerous nature. Tux surveyors oi the G.B. ' W.R. are nearly at Holatein,trous Palmerston,amt so far have been val-y successful in tinding any gradients for roadway. Au additional engineer was put on the the road last week ttsd tut once in mun-alien with the road has bean opened in Mount Forest. Emumm. - On another page will befound a very extensive advertisement from Mr. J. F. Mount, hardware merchant, Durham. The advertise» ment is n fair index of the large stark Mr. Mowat keeps on hand. and notwith. atandit.g the enormous Advances male in the duties on Urdware, the stock will be sold at about tho usual prices to thou: who not-mum“ enough to unto their par “on ion: Mr. Mowat M. an early date. Tar. tango [whiten Durham and Walker. ton has been running on wheels for more than n week. but the stage to Flesherton is still on runnors, nieighing being better than wwninz. The weatUr is quite wintery. with more snow. A PUBLIC moeting in the interests of the Upper IhutBtia Bible Society will bo held in the Presbyterian Church here on Sutur- day evening next, eommoneing at halt. pul uven o‘clock. The Iter. Mr. Ross. agent of the society will address the mee'.. mg. I? Go to J. II. Egan's for cheap in. and cottons. Tm: nueummco At. last Junior Reform Assoc-mam woehng In. very good. The next meeting is expected to be an interest- ing one. TIIE CENSUS or 1811. Local and other Items. lie sure and road J. II. Iluxnn‘s Town Comrcu..-The monthly meeting of the Town Council was held in the Council Chambers yesterday (Wednes- day). Ali the members present unless arr. McIntyre. A By-Lair (70), was paaed regulating am the license fur than: mould h '100 per yur, and 'tsrahop""0i, jper you, com-undo. on Hay tint. Mrtl John Dnmmoanms sppoiutd Pound-keeps! under By-Law TO. The Finn. comnit- tee "commended payment to the clerk of tio for matters salary and 89 cents for Buns» Bnroamr.--Th. Act has been introdueed by the Miaisur of Public Works for the mambnent. of the Railway Act of 1874, u regards railway bridges over cannula and livers. St provides tut hill] ;bridgoa ham to be created over rail. ways, than shit] be seven clear fact of space between the lower beams of the bride ind the top of tho highest freight oar ; and any railway company Mlopting higher can; than those in use at “no time of building any bridgo under this Act, shall be compelled to raise the bridge at {their own cost and charges. It is also) lprovidcd. that no railway shall be allowed i, pass over any navigable river or canal lWilliam having tirst built such proper iiic'rFt,v,' under and on both sides of the track, as shall be deemed sufficient by tho Minister of Public Works, to prevent any- thing (Ailing from the railway into such river or canal upon boats or vessels navi gating it. NEW Ithrrnvtr.---The orsttgevi1lo Sun says:--hritd dvputation from the town of Oraugeville and village of Mono Mills, and the townships of Mono, Alijlln. Albion and Caledon, waited upun the President of the Hamilton and Northwestern Railway to ascertain upon what conditions the Company would construct I branch of ‘their road from Palgrave to orangeville, along the valleys of the number and Credit. Tho deputatiun was very kindly received by the President, and after a long interview _ lean-nod that if the municipalities interested in the projeet would construct the road, the company Would furnish the rolling stock and rm: the line. The cost of Core struction is estimated at 'to,000--it sum which, we think, the district interested in the work, is neither able not willing to grant, so that unless the Damian: available be supplemented by largo private subscrip~ tic N. there is very little pronwutsofsccur- ing the braneh now. Ttthrs Wnsr.cwea.s.---0n Saturday night, M the outward bound train on tist, motion of the Grand Trunk Railwny between Port Huron and Detroit was nearing Smith's Creek. the angina jumped into a ditch, fol. lowud by the two forward can. which were somewhat smashed up. Tho passongm, though soxlmwlmt shaken, were found to to uninjured; but fireman Cowan and brakes. Pan Wilson, both of Port Huron, were ifntally injured, and both Inn's since died. l Tho driver of the engine stuck to his part, and was scnldod to some extent, but not fatally. It was found that two rails had been rmnnu-d from the track, and the tools used by the miscreants who perpetrated tho deed were found near by. Tho men who drew the bolts and lifted tlm mils mast have understood (heir lmsiuess thorougltly. Tiny “Hut also have known the premises, m the tools used had boon stolvu from the cabin of one of the suction men. It is hinted that the dastardly act must have been prompteil by adesire tor revenge ngnimt the Company for some real or fancied injury to the pupa. trutors. Assu’m AND 1larrrmr,--Whtd appears to be a rather serious case of nunnlt and bu. tery occurred at the old Durham Ham] Commas short diMnntt6 below Manhattan. on Wednesday, 5th inat. From the evi- dence taken before tlw magistrates' court on Monday but. it appears that J oneph Blakeley and Wm. Whito mud n brother of tho latter, all of Artemesia, had a quarrel but no blows. The noxt day Blakeley met W. White alone and naked him If he mm :5 good It man then as ho was tho day bo, fore, to whial: While replied that he was, 1nd they met in ikrlot immediately, White, l it nppnrs, was mpturad, and prolmbly re. _ wired fresh injury during the tuuttlle. How. ever that may ha. White is now in al lynx-carious condition, one of tho small in.I ltestincu having dropped through the struc- tum and so prevented anything from pass- ing through the bowels. As it is possible the caso may yet nsgumc n. more serious nxpect, we rcfmin from making further comment at present, tMt it wulllll not be ilo. ing justice to Blnkoley to publish anything that might tend to cream a bad fooling against him in the minds of thme who way be called on to sit in jury in his case. Wnkeley WM committed on Monday Inst to stand his trial at the next assigns on tho charge above mentioned, but was ad. mittod to bail in the sum of M,200.--drr. Puitor. A School house whose length is 5 ft. to each 4 ft. of its breadth is intended for sixty pupils 12 sq. ft. of floor space for each pupil. Find the size of the 'Jchooluouse. A. Sunscnmn. P. b'..-Thtr work to accompany the tut. swat. Comm answers to Riddles No. 10 and ii, received from Robert .Wsltster, Prime ville and Doug.” McCanm. Bentincl', Riddles received alter Saturday will he I?” over until tho following week. The B.c.It.T.h.S. mac‘s once every two weeks. Quite» number take an interest in swinging the principle of total ab- stiuance. Oar young people acquit them. selves very creditably in giving readings Ind "citations. We are occasionally treated with A speech. We hope to stand by the old principle till our Dominion in freed from the sum of a Hunted liquor Part of the Amaranth, Oat., gravel road Us been opened for traver-from the divi- sion line Lehman Amaranth and Eaot Garufmn. a distance of two mile: Kong the fifth ytne of the former township. Adm-c tic-I Que-u.- No. '1. - - 'q'el.eRrl"e'.eeM8l_ st.. The Skating Rink still retains its popu- larity tttry"' present time. The pro. WV. iti; Conkoy, being veg popular with in young people, sud the ice has boea W in good con“ Quih I buisiuesa in den " itrt mills. " A¢1=n A... n. ing revival meetings " Wesley Church, Menfurd Road, abotrf 5 bites frirm Flasher- tou during seven] weeks past. TIP, were attetrad with Mu. about av [mam having joined the church. T he special ”meeting;- uo new “and. - 1v " _....,.- Mr. Benjamin Richardson. V.S., whose death We noticed last week, died {nun exhaustion brought on by gastric invennud not from pinned as previously stated. The funeral " Fleshorton was I very large om ”the deceased formerly lived in this ss. law, but latterly in the town of Simcm. Messrs. Wm. Buchan, s. Kuightmud six 'i, soven other persons left Artcmcsia . short time ago for Oregon. Mr. Buhncr, of ITvsherton, having as- curod n very superior lens. and other in. struments a shunt time ttgo, is 11°" enabled to take photographs and CHIEFS. pictures in first class style, besides being iidiiiag is very god. " pictures in first class style, Demos wnug able to fluish them oif much more artitsti. cally thau than (unncrly. By this means he is getting more work in his line of luminous mu] is always glad to receive tt mm from either (My! new friends _ David Thomson had Mt the fhsgers of the right hand out off on Thursday last at Hogght sawmill, about n mile and . [all i from FIeshertotn . The Rev. Mr. Johnaton les if The usual monthly fair will be Monday next. mm“, .._.... Mr. Wm. Taylor eornrnenee4 on the lst inst., carrying the mail betwem Flesh. tsrton and “in station. The name gentle- man also has n ”om-cyance at the station every evening to meet tho late train going north. This will be quite a convenience to parties travelling to Fleshcrtuu. __._a.-.. -------. Tut. flit at Dundnlk will lo held Tuesday nest. There are tbar Conservative candidates spoken of “likely to run for the Local election in huffcriu. It antenna the ' Prufessorof Penmanship" may have it pretty hard in this Riding on account otl that little document. signed by him at but l election. which stated that he, the Dr. would vote with tho Government it n Wantpf Confueneo motion was brought torwarJ--tho "Gria"msde him do it of course. A man here has started tt feather foundry. which proves that "factories will immedi- ately spring up" " Times for 1th last three wooks are worse than they lune been for years. , Mr. Abram Lander M.P.P. is tn ol. dress meetings all Wrong}; this Riding, commencing at Thornbury on April T, I suppose ld, will tell us some more of tho beauties of ()mngoism to correspond with his last since]: here. Sui,--" reply to Arbitraior's query in your last issue I would briefly state that the exception taken by the (knmcil to the award in the matter of Bight of Way through Mr. Piertsou's property, was on account 01th: Arbitration having granted him the original Rom] Allowance, which as every one knows. Ls vested in tho To the Editor, Crown and cannot. be gifted by the Council] or any Board of Arhiimtnrs. Annular: objcetion to the Award was that tho Coun. cil were ordered to make Road high enough so as not to interfere with a sup- posed water l" hilt-ago and the order not giving n possible or probable heiP would moral-y in the future piano the Council at tho mercy of Mr. P., who seems even at the must of the matter to be pretty-ind to deal with. I would have wining at grout.- er length, but liming a. Mo- on atttt of the fingers of the left band Jo not feel nhlo to do so. Yours, ha. Cm“. Bentinck. Hanover, 31st March, 1879. - --- .1-.. ----.._- Charles l ones, a. retired Mornington farmer, was robbed of 8177 last week while tho family was absent fr ml We house. The Manitoba Government is going to have repairs made to the Dawson Round from Red River to the Railway Station. Mamet-01) Wednesday afternoon, March Pd, about five o'clock. any person looking from an dented position in Guelph could witness what has seldom been seen in this neighbwhzod. Awly to tho out the" a": a beautiful mingo of . body of water, ia which were islands sud I M ground ot trees. The sight was not only . strange one but 'rpmarksbly beautiful..-.. Srnma Mama-A H24" Fast-.-.-. Ttat Spring Aiunzes tor the‘polmty of Grey opened In Owen Sound Info" His Lou-Mi) Chief Justice WM. The business of the Court this session is unusually heavy. Th. civil calendar consists of the following case: s-Trespass, 2 l seduction, 2 ', shn dot, 8 ; hover. 1 ' ”commit, 8; "pl-via, I; [Nomi-buy note.|3 iettertrleader,s9; contract, a ', rape, t. The criminal alon- dar contain: eleven casem'l‘ho molt import. ant is Queen v. Arnold for murder. Mr. Aturt Eran is Crown comma. Reply to Arbitrator. Priceville. Flesherton- Duhdalk. .ov.. I 930°“ in one bum hold- ,y Church, in: Mosher. TIP, were held on on Pets 304. a, .I----rattt " “nimble 800. Number The 11an of pupils who we! 66 in cent. of marks are B"'"" Wot. McKay, MU; Em. McFurhne, 685 ;‘ Durban cnssgrtn ; Wm. Grunt, 583 l ha. Young” ', Catherine Mo)!illnu,536 ; Bic. Meredith,640 ' Sank Rombough, NO. will Div-ion. an class. W - Link With. Clifton Elvin, Iugh McKay. gaaior--Bourt Mum, Bury Andcrwn. Mary Jane Caldwell. Third Division, Sud euss--Maatrut Ne. Kenzio. Lydia Mos, Baht. Le PM. In all”, Senior - Archie Robertson, Albert Eva, Minnie "Campbell. Junior - Louisa Hurrup, Aggie Austin, Maud McKenzie. {In-rib SCHOOL annoy. No. 2, unmet: AND must. The pup”: in the above school were es. amined in the 8014065 taught daring the last quart“. on In 27th aud 28111 March. The following ”guinea tlxcmsclvoo credit. 'nhly t-- bth clan. goo mares-James ttr::) 526; ”rel Kolmsm, 516. “I: clam, gatantubq--tuegttret J. Xts4emtrtt, 41tr/ Henry Lang, 875; June Wilson, 327. 8rd class, 500 marks-Chas. Fisher, 890 ; tevi Woelee, 869; Ellen J, Owens, 288; Lydia Lang, 28t ; Ilobi. Owens, 223. _ gud class, 450 marks - Juo. hung. 278 ; W. J. Pam-non, 270; 0. Fisher, 285', F. wcaMe,"e47. lst class, 200 marks - Kohl. Kclmun, 180 ; liliz. Bohlcnder, 180. JOHN urn-cum, Teacher. scum“. menus No, o, BEN“! The pupils whose nnmes appear roll, have obtained, over tum-third: total number ot marks Ur good and regular attendance. The na arranged in order of merit. 'iii7lLL, - John Kincaid. Alex. Ide. I Gregnr, Mary Rnlford. Margaret Chitriek, 3111 class-Mnry J. Johnston, Wm. Boyd,' (ieolge u: att, James Kincaid. gnd chm --sam'n Milligan, Thus. Sherman, George Johnston, Gustav Wine, George Sherman, Wm. Luckner, and John Luckher. Tues. human), Teacher. Lin-0M PCBUC sermon. l, The following the Honor Hull for the above school for the month ending Much 81st. Tho number after each name is the number of perfect recitatious during the month. 4th class - Donald McKinnon. 194 / Sandy Cameron. 191 ', humid Morrison, ‘ 118; Mary E. Duncan. 181. 3rd clan --l Jas. Lennon, 110 l Allie Watt, 107 ', Baht. _ t,edingham, 100; Willie Ledingham, " ', Frail, Alon, 71. 2nd einss .-.- Susan Bell Cumomn. 96, Dugnhl Mcchhuie, TT ; [when Yuqng, GT l _ Sandy McClean. Mr. lst clans-*Allnn McD mguld, 51 ; Timothy Duggnn. 46 ', Mngcie May McNeil. 85. C. A, FLEMING, Teacher. mum SCHOOL saunas No. B. HOLLAND my) svunuxs. The following is the Maudiug of the pupils of the above sehool in order ofmorit in their respective dunes c-- 51h iorm--Nm. Robertson, Emily Mr Clurn, Bella lhAinson. 4th form - Thus. Bytes. Annie Robertson, Martha have]. 3rd form - Wm, Bell, John NcIntusII. John J. McIntosh. ttnel forut--Wm. “all, Jas. J',yres, Maggie J. McIntosh. Irt form --Sartdt J. Baltic, Cameron McIntosh, AunitBntlie. . ( ALnxuzinn 1w.nrsatrtar, Toiclxor. scnoor. sacrum No. 4, AkTIXESIA‘ 1 4th division, Seniors - Henrietta. arm- i strong. Richard Millsml. Juniors - Mary Jam: Barnum, George Higginlx than) Josh. Stinson. 3rd division, Seniors - Annie Jolmstou, William Ludlow, Samuel Mor- row. Juniors - Jo.seph ITiggiubotham, Wm. Hnteheiacsvsiptr Parks. 2nd divis- ion, senior-Edith Armstrong. Frederic Morton, Caroline Taylor. Junior - John Stimson, James Brown, John Lyons. lat division, b'euior--William Taylor, Thomas Taylor, J eremmh Taylor. J uuior.-Willie Moore, George Taylor, Thomas Lndlow. Mess Sm“, Teacher. I scnom, memos No. 6, unmc'rnnx. The following 11 .mos appear on the Irma: Boll of the above school for March in their order at mark '. 4th eltssa-Mary Broughton. Small Dean, 1tobert Oldfield. 8rd class - Ellie Boey, Kitty Tompson. Ester Montgomery. gud John Montgomery, John Simhly. J. A. Breene. m clash - Robert Broughton, Alice L'reea, C,Conroy. The sectional by-hw tor granting a bonus of 910,000 to the Arthur Junction Railway Co. nus carried on Friday last by a ma. jority of seven. Hem y Pressman, a. tanner residing near Berlin. lust u valuable thorough-bred heifer on the 23rd inst., by th “it”! stuck billing over on it. On the 11th Much a 940,000 fires occurr- ed in “doth. B. C., a Inge ml: ttnd door my); belonging to Muirhead Q ”um being betrayed. Some time ago it was “dad that a wool. lm mill was to be started In London East, but within the last few weeks the project seem to have fallen through. The National Policy u now "rtimttUtittg am- struggling industries.” it in tandem county. Nova Booth. imported tvtsuty bar. uh of American refined sugar, which a: rivodufcwhyl autumnal! can“ M71.40, and an duty mounted to “97.87, or mom than TO per cent. This is 3 (an specimen of tin enormous duties imposed in the interest of the Montreal rehntsrr A 111th in New GMgov. Pieton Honor 3011* operation wane tgmooL. hos. D. Anderson, "mber ot marks '" of su1rjeeU tr. he have obtained marks are given. No, 5, namxcx. M. BLACK. Teacher. was: on this -thinls of die good conduct Otto , nu;- ttt uvour ox I'"'"" my... . iff 1,ML Mr. Tilley, Lem" aunotuMung tue fart “M“ W’- clung“, idriiULu_rttrf d-'be "P . adh- lcvvlus" mm by Mr. Cartwright at his a." we W. Marry when formerly Finance Wtniater, sad (00!- I“ my 1 ing that " negotiltiuu of the new! P.." order that . tr, . .A--‘_-l..l uouMiK‘d to! his 'ur vahms ( petition: WI tion or repeal ”a” all mm -- ee" Mr. Own-rho in an excellent! watch, - ..7,___ ”A. usat. ira air. an new . w - 2iiiortsvterot.,t,e M a" . Ta who. ii, Opposition. Mr. Ives spoke " iboatc to the tariff. Mr. Oliver, in I spot in clear msd We (not Mter fact to than! (not one: mm W '.-r.. w.” - Policy promised to be n mate in in- slur-kid portion of the continuity which um portion mu ill fitted to but. and In ably criticised at conlldcnblc length tio fnllncions mummy! advanced by mom bers on the Ministerial side d the Hons ‘in favour of promotion. I Mr. Tilley, helm. announcing the Jari: -v _ I _ AJI. A.. a. A M I?“ - vâ€"- ".‘V _ tiaisma by Mr. artwdg" d bb a“ when My Home. llama. Ind hul- ing that " motiltion of the mint but! was not successful, apologised " his bib uro by attributing it to tho suspension of l ‘uuc or two small west country banks in England. He then gave tt general denial _ he the charge that the tariff discriminated again“ Great Britain, but he failed to sup- port the denial by satishuatory statistics. The various criticisms of Jie tariff made in the Home and, elsewhere were dealt wt.) ad strialim, but only in a general will)“. AM“... .1 2i',7GiaiiVs, duty on. tree, prams, t. A . “III-d by Thu!” on u." ”Elfin. huh- He estimntod the revenue on menu; u- the invasion in the ttyritt to be 03.1”} ma mule hwwn to the Hall. the VM‘ modifio.tiou' of and Additions to the “I w ,rliek the Government prophJ‘ making. no emoludcd by upmsim eottfideuee am the tarift ind been ‘well received by the country, and th It it Cl,", supported by the great mass of to !eleetors. Mr. Cartwright, in imply M Mr. Tilley, l dwelt at great length on that Ison. men- ber's notion, when fiututee minister in 1878, in asking supplies for an expendi. ture of 'a,4000,000, whereas Isis estimated ' revenue was only tse2,ooo,000. Such a 1 some was the violation of every principle of common sense on the part of in Finance Minister. It Ins been charged by the pre- sent Government that or obtaining - they found Gen 015.6004!” to 918,000,- 000 of maturing debts to be provided for, but he mmtemul that Is Finance Minister he left in the Tummy on resigning 0ch 020,000,010 of money. made up by cash in Dominion Parliament. the bunks, the prondritive payment of the fisltcry award at an early day, and $2,003,- 000 gunmatecd 1mm. In considering tho duty on sugar. he argued that the waded cost on the people of Canada for the plen- sure of mtiniug their own sugar would be fully Sl.0(X‘.000 per nmmm. The Finanee Minister [ml made no attempt to remedy _ the duty of '3th couta on a barrel of flour, loss than the duty on the wheat requirin- to unite it, and thus discriminated against ‘the Canadian miners. This WM an un- ‘inuuly which no follow cnuld understand. The increased duty on spirits, imtmid of incremiug the rcveuttp, would cause the cstnblisluucut of illicit Mills tlmvuglmut the country, and the Conseqm-ut srrioms luau of revenue and increase of cxpc-udh l tare in the excise Department in " futile attempt to suppress the scout stills. int-{owing to the tariff gonor;.l|y, he said it wuuld tax the people of the country , lufuld for awry dollar rcecired into the Troasury, and Would only scru- to utnhlish ct few factories and give cm- ploymmt to tt few thousand unpluy-i cos. Whether the Finance Miuiatee iu-i tended it or not, there was no doubt that ho had taken a long step towards causing England to seriously consider whether she should nny longer contribute to the cr. ;umsp of Canada's defence, orpeeiitlly as Canada had Jirlilrorately blocked her mar- kets to the “MM Country, notwitstaml- ing that the lnltor threw brt markets ‘opcu tdcavuula. no conclude! by 'harms "rating the action of the tlovertttttent in ( thruwing dnvu the gauntlet tn 41,000,( 300 of people in the noighlmring Republic, who, notwithstatulr.eg all that might ho laid to the contrary. were undoubtedly Canada‘s best and natural customers. Mr. Plumb made one of his long winded speeches in reply. Mr. Killom reminded Mr. Tilley that he had not explained the ptiueipal on which the system of drawbacks was to benp. plied. Mr. may mid that the details would be healed lry an Order in Council. The debate was adjourned. March 27. The Northern Railway Bill respoetiug an increase in the representation of peivato shareholders. was introduced by Mr. White. (Cnnlwcll). Mr. Mackenzie orjsrird lo the Bill on the ground that it violated an agreement upon which money has been borromrd,and would, if carried, injure the credit of the Dominion, "I- III "Pt""'"""" Ives Ipoke at some length [sunbly read the first time, On the motion of the happier I Com. mittoek) report on the working of the Superannuation Act wu appointed. The Minister of Public Works, intro. duced mmlutiom relative to the redistribu- tion of the duties of the Public Works and and Reeeiver-G'eueral's Departmeuu, The resolution: were passed in “mince of 93m Whole, and meow m 5 Bill to the “mo etteot. Tho Bill In: ml n first ti no. The Mmistor of Agriculture inteutused s romlutinu providing for taking the caucus of 1881 and the collection of vital statis- Tho resolutions were adopted and incor. poratod in 3 Bilito the an” em in. Bill was read I tUst time. The Mirvstor of Finance, in reply to u The MirustorMruantr, in reply to a 'atMtttsgtq on both sides 'if politics Ill trl-tl question by Mr. “club. arid that I. by. m Httteaird to Mr. liovr, of l'un'lnw Wont were pending between the Do. to prove Emma}. . minim: Ind Newfoundland Government: Mr. a... did a. (a w“ eompellrd w "utire, to the mm- on ,rhieh Newfozmd ‘ndmittlut Mr. uykm was clmrgrd w'h had nun. em. should he admitted to ttse asimt to " an lion. "tyet I Mr. Brmat “may! “mime mrrnhrr i The MI doUta 'rt" resttmed by "IN " Buntm mistaken in charm": 5" M. C. Cameron (Scull; Huron}, wut, m , Mien with "teadvag tLi _ can " bat l... After further “and”: the Bill was - .hFe'%rp'""" rtion of the community which n mu ill tittod to but. and be ind at conlldcnblo length the maneuta advanced by mom- it Ministerial side cf the House speech xemnrkshk " ibis argument. - but that the Nab.“ MMW' speech. dealt with (he "ou -8tttssettt* dun.- ol the Gownu' on the pun-t pt the Cousorvatiu, lcader, Pint. Mr. Tillers nttttueleetiou Speed.“ Psrmiasm, tulttms. mde In 'ame, - 1',fge2l with MI budget aunommm ~1me Minister. New a. Prim"; {nu-if clung“ were considered om by 0,", Dr. M" we!“ “I“ Hi ot- ittion - quoted, which denounced a. itr-6ittr' ‘. Atty on ship mum-ink, on l I tr ih,tm 508'le on bu. and clown” Th. spool: In both luau-ml happy luau. Cochin": CNorthmnuriiia, and awe spot. in km of the hug. m any were ascended by My. “lid-in (W): ,rhots . {Ranking you” ll- MI!“ tlov. Yseotit. In on. chi-1M the Ii.“ to speak for the politi. ot put, which received the mjurity uf an vows out in the lamina Prouieeh, he denied (but the question of I’Mmiuu VII over an issue in Hum. “mum. In heard Dr. Tmer “NI amp-in he awful); eaelsor. chance to pmtccxiuu " m in“; .7 possible trick was resorted m "I “r“ the people of Hm .1Urit.tae no“! should not be (‘ugnl‘mm of the [iii,iiii,i,',.h WIS being fmcht m tl" I'm." Provinces. Mr. King, of Nova South. uho (‘lzmnnl to but been mole a frer trvlrr in on”. queues of Mr. Tilhy's tcachmy m farm” yam. said that because thc .hrun,1cr " Finance had changed his (11m_“ " qua-don he could be nu um. w. (out? bots“.- an... if a... oar i . "i"ta-uebut.mi- F “a; y pron-h! to mg. tk y “china-bu. twiraiqies a the Pro“ of NW Brnuw'uu “A - held, and he showed omcln in-h' um the Natiouul Pulicy would pron (:91 dmh-Lr 1, its beast imam. March 28. In tho Hons: of C vlummx & umber of petitions protesting agaiust _tu m4 duty on type and priutarg mum we" lmu‘rd. Mr. Rykert resumed the (Mane on u 1taritt, and in I speech favourable to G tum. but rcmnrknhlc for its lack of "K “ligand 'at-t ' “mm from new papers old ord new to convict the menial of the Opposition of dance of trout. with I speech forcilne and itsterestUg- forcible by mum: of its Argument. and m- (eroding beeause ho “Muhamma- muey [avidly mun-cam! by the Mn:- ister of Pawnee. a. pointed out 11m through the National l'le'V Um u-nued C otdederation haul been _ iokst, J, u awry intatmst a New 15"!»ka own“ in! Anal. Met recess he .o"rhu1 by impeachitog Mr, Til] " eouwtituetrts, and in ; Hunt. and cluquunt pan: the blow which Wan rt when. with My. Til: I, c oolouial “ulna! “an sh The debate was adjourned tbottetht imprnpi'ule. yet the on} 1w an“; bat now the man whmn 11m r'ty ‘mm 1 _ lighted to hmmur naught, by this l',.: 2‘5 In“. to smite a blow front which it Wu. ui' ”My prulmhl- the city could New”. Mr. lk-mrillo. ALP. (New Brnmwn-h. followed with a speech Invaluable I. 1.”: tariff. in which, by his absurd mum-‘1». ho rendered him-alum butt " llu- rulmxie ot the Home. Our of the moat rcuurhlalu of his mu was tut although than can any “at - vhich In did um admire. yet In um prqurd to l swallow the whole. Mr. l‘ntcnon (Brant), in n pnwrrful speech. arraigned we (im'rrumn-m on» charge of being elected by ohm-in: Lida the impousild5 and of introducing a tariff for v“ 4hftryotst0id, not trt, J. He produced ptoof alter proof in nippnrl I f L, mum-cm. and eutsrurtcrirrd thr, Tax-1!! ml! at not alone being ittjttriousto :2: in“! (“Masts oftl.e country. bat row-hm wary in its elmraeter. lie ttest n-(vrh d tn tho 'qteetth 01 “I Itghctt, John-rm} m thr, Mr. Emma. Jolut,N. 1a.. Mind MOW: Wtttt M dIl'Rul the Mn ml " for Nola) “mi and h'eetlt osrtd with having cnnnged their "pimmh 'c', t m question of protection. In a dccivpis .. ::..m- not he cleared the two gunk-mm r. i. rml to from the charge made nu a “huh; ,.::-I he retaliated by [moving that whl tir- trotlemen had merely changed tVir opinions alter g lapse of sen/ml y""" tl . It.s knit had in one (in; hem uh l,, t'. » in of politics, in tho old l'nrlimuvm oft p': "vre n. This announcement was crectrd " n. NW longed cheers, and so annoyed thr human 1: " Linmln that he boldly challvngvni Mm Woof. but be tank cowod to Isis mu “1.. :1 Mr. Pittman appalled tor pron”. tht 1pm. member for tLuttN'eutworth Mr. “yum . who m in the old Parliament of ('.m win. at the time. Thu elearstatcttteut lumlr ivy Mr. Rymal was no eotttirmatory of Mr. Pueasouu Martian that Mr. lulu-n urn foe I time speechless. Mr. Pttter,on r "Ir w. asad tlore-ttttt “w sprerltt" m“ h, hit. Brkeet, that “an! genth" mu! um‘ garUod an minim lw had med from. and only quoted purllum " lemon“- for the puma“ of mxm_\m_'u “MN muting. Len-in: this purlwn ofhia "I". “I” O; tho cum from I -eat [ll-lit d"... a tsoitaod out that . W murruged to “WIN the nttninnwu' “h m in! I“ Mention luul I Mr. Bskert “function“ cxp'nlnlwu. t' "hut, I” “Iliad that he bad atiiwiesi mam-nominal an“ R! POW-N Ill ,,... das a. m-led to Mr. no“, of Dun-11v. " W hum: . Mr. In. a no. but '1: cot-polled to ltariitiiii Mr. Itrke" WN's charged In]! been adopted. lie concluded M.- 15m" [lamination by “moaning tlutt hr . "I I ”out be t member of the Reform rm“ which has... new; a. a. ~0me was. ottheirirotituat principIn-x.wun M n victorious [Iuty thigh Ind “IliOVNI mm t8to'r by the We“. poaching Mr. Tillvy an a mum In mac-mum, and in a remmany lrnl- ml eloquent prl’ul'nlmll he punt-ed ow which when strut-k " M. John with Mr. 'l'tiluy's : mum, limit-tur- sl Rubin-v mu dimrlml fron III“ I! graphiuuy Much“ turius i, of “I I“. eomiraut at a. ugh! in the I'm-q mldn-I rho-Id law: said thet he In win. bah political patio- in u that " on pon'tient [any bi, amendm- was erics of Ju “with: and the Chum-a. Mr. M M to .1411 but in the Ninth»! a copy ('Icmiclc containing A dose tune and otlasrpeoot of It. mm had been warmed. I MINI.- MWM pew “an to real it ; but tbe 'I hitting the hanging: my Maud-ed. tofu-ed by I m the Jain-d hearing. Mr. Dunner. in I tho MIT. much to "on. attributed do“ in South liru hon. platinum Ind ingly Ilium-d to Hr: bospitable country. Ann-luv: of minnow duty on priming mm- and mud - re A tsttttsbee of Private Ih Org-and to specially adso, the mole at Prior. Am Mr. Jackal an wed fur . the “Ivy untied to the tive or Prirr (Hamill-n In au than in"... “I." 'II made, the alum author“, Intuit-b alumna ll the “it" pad to u “a... I! a. IW I an: orothcmoir, the an mailing run-cum in the an“ '4 Anya-hag.“ .14 " Inch indemnity. the an thou-unarm- nude: whirh 1 and mun-um to oo... " to ttiN inclwsive. He uh rule- " pruulmmg . hut The debate vu- "te at 12:40 mm. “In": III-nap titer6tVxo a mutual M the up... ready haw-J, and the lame "ate M than Ierryalny tlw “nu pram: of legnIAtI-m l dun-nod W, I tit-iv puma-ling", . that much alaiuty h Inc. " the um" In deal 1*“. and Inm- I "~th "I . hod hoe" Yancy. dung I it "fund a: 'the mull " M tt A tue (Ir M tr" " Ir. l‘un' t-otol b mm- Use " Mr ' Insuf- r Mr. Mills , Vol: whett Th King: "III an 4fort PM: " can " M th 'rtirnt party M In trim of J .tite can”. ". " gum“ iuae I envy 'd d inning n dosetitstis moot of Mr. Ry! ully put " a th Ask "My an wlullr t (mm y rtt s OH VI WI H ll tl In. I“ m u

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